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São Paulo med. j ; 139(6): 662-674, Nov.-Dec. 2021. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1352296


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: This article systematically updates the literature on changes in visual functions during the phases of the normal menstrual cycle in women. OBJECTIVES: To update Guttridge's 1994 review of visual structures and functions associated with the menstrual cycle and broaden the search through psychophysical, neuroimaging and neurobehavioral measurements covering 1994-2020. DESIGN AND SETTING: Narrative review conducted in a neurosciences and behavior laboratory in Brazil. METHODS: The PubMed, Cochrane Clinical Answers and Google Scholar databases were searched. After screening and applying the eligibility criteria, 32 articles were examined. Through this analysis, the following information was extracted: (1) geographical distribution of the study; (2) sample size (according to age and phase of the menstrual cycle); (3) type of measurements according to psychophysical, neuroimaging and neurobehavioral instruments; (4) vision testing model; (5) visual subcategory evaluated; (6) categories of processed visual stimuli; and (7) main findings. RESULTS: The menstrual phases give rise to significant changes in visual functions, including in relation to orientation and spatial attention, visual campimetry and visual sensitivity. These relate specifically to the follicular and luteal phases. CONCLUSIONS: These findings theoretically expand the effects of menstrual cycles on visual functions found by Guttridge (1994). Despite some inconsistencies in the studies analyzed, it was found that visual processing during the follicular and luteal phases of the normal menstrual cycle of healthy women can explain physiological, cognitive, behavioral and social modulations.

Humains , Femelle , Phase folliculaire , Cycle menstruel , Brésil , Phase lutéale
Acta sci., Health sci ; 35(2): 181-186, jul. -dez. 2013. tab, figs
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-833627


The aim of this study was to investigate adaptations acute heart rate (HR) and oxygen consumption (VO2) in an experimental protocol of step training with different combinations of platform height (15.2, 20.3 and 25.4 cm) and musical rhythms (125, 135 and 145 bpm). Thirty-five women were randomly selected, (mean ± DP) aged 21.6 ± 1.8 years, body weight of 57.8 ± 8.2 kg, height of 162.6 ± 6.8 cm, body mass index of 21.8 ± 2.5 kg m -2 and fat percentage (% Fat) of 24.8 ± 4.4%, with at least six months experience in step training sessions, and a frequency of at least two days a week. Techniques of descriptive and inferential statistics were employed. A significant difference was detected for the HR and VO2 in relation to the increase in step platform height and in musical rhythm for all the combinations, except for three situations. From the obtained results, we can infer that the cardiovascular and metabolic responses increase or decrease according to the musical rhythm and/or platform height.

O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar adaptações agudas da frequência cardíaca (FC) e do consumo de oxigênio (VO2) em um protocolo experimental de 'step training' com diferentes combinações de altura de plataforma (15,2, 20,3 e 25,4 cm) e ritmos musicais (125, 135 e 145 bpm). Foram selecionadas randomicamente 35 mulheres (média ± DP) idade de 21,6 ± 1,8 anos, peso corporal de 57,8 ± 8,2 kg, estatura de 162,6 ± 6,8 cm, índice de massa corporal (IMC) de 21,8 ± 2,5 kg m-2 e percentual de gordura (% G) de 24,8 ± 4,4%, com no mínimo seis meses de experiência nas aulas de 'step training' e com frequência de pelo menos dois dias por semana. Foram aplicadas as técnicas da estatística descritiva e da estatística de inferência. Foi observada diferença significativa para FC e o VO2 em relação à ocorrência do aumento da altura do 'step' e em relação ao aumento do ritmo musical para todas as combinações, exceto entre três situações. A partir dos achados do presente estudo pode-se inferir que as respostas cardiovasculares e metabólicas aumentam ou diminuem ao se elevar ou atenuar o ritmo musical e/ou a altura da plataforma.

Éducation physique et entraînement physique , Femmes , Perte de poids , Aptitude physique
Article Dans Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-689064


Objective: The aim of this preliminary study was to assess whether traditional Japanese massage therapy confers benefits to body and mind not only in healthy women but also cancer survivors. Design: A case control study Settings/Location: Tsukuba University of Technology, Ibaraki, Japan Subjects: Five women who underwent surgery for uterine cervical or endometrial cancer (stage 1a1-2a; cancer survivors group) and five healthy women of the same generation (healthy women group) were recruited. All had chronic muscle stiffness of the neck and shoulder and wanted to receive massage therapy. Interventions: All participants received traditional Japanese massage therapy consisting of eight 40-min massage sessions over 4 weeks. Outcome Measures: Visual analogue scale (VAS) to assess the severity of the subjective symptom of muscle stiffness in the neck and shoulder; salivary cortisol, secretory immunoglobulin A (s-IgA), and chromogranin A (CgA) from saliva; state anxiety, trait anxiety, and depression. Results: Regarding immediate changes in variables by therapy, there were significant differences between the cancer survivors group and the healthy women group in VAS, s-IgA, and CgA. VAS, salivary cortisol, and state anxiety scores decreased, and s-IgA and CgA increased in both groups. After the four weeks of sessions, there were significant differences between the cancer survivors group and the healthy women group in VAS, CgA, and depression. VAS, trait anxiety, and depression scores decreased in both groups. Conclusions: These results imply that traditional Japanese massage therapy may confer physical and psychological benefits to cancer survivors as well as to healthy women. Further studies with a larger sample size are needed.

Article Dans Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-363027


<B>Objective: </B>The aim of this preliminary study was to assess whether traditional Japanese massage therapy confers benefits to body and mind not only in healthy women but also cancer survivors.<BR><B>Design: </B>A case control study<BR><B>Settings/Location:</B> Tsukuba University of Technology, Ibaraki, Japan<BR><B>Subjects: </B>Five women who underwent surgery for uterine cervical or endometrial cancer (stage 1a1-2a; cancer survivors group) and five healthy women of the same generation (healthy women group) were recruited. All had chronic muscle stiffness of the neck and shoulder and wanted to receive massage therapy.<BR><B>Interventions: </B>All participants received traditional Japanese massage therapy consisting of eight 40-min massage sessions over 4 weeks.<BR><B>Outcome Measures: </B>Visual analogue scale (VAS) to assess the severity of the subjective symptom of muscle stiffness in the neck and shoulder; salivary cortisol, secretory immunoglobulin A (s-IgA), and chromogranin A (CgA) from saliva; state anxiety, trait anxiety, and depression.<BR><B>Results: </B>Regarding immediate changes in variables by therapy, there were significant differences between the cancer survivors group and the healthy women group in VAS, s-IgA, and CgA. VAS, salivary cortisol, and state anxiety scores decreased, and s-IgA and CgA increased in both groups. After the four weeks of sessions, there were significant differences between the cancer survivors group and the healthy women group in VAS, CgA, and depression. VAS, trait anxiety, and depression scores decreased in both groups.<BR><B>Conclusions: </B>These results imply that traditional Japanese massage therapy may confer physical and psychological benefits to cancer survivors as well as to healthy women. Further studies with a larger sample size are needed.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 51(5): 917-922, Sept.-Oct. 2008. ilus, tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-495819


The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the sexual transmission of GBV-C/HGV, through RNA detection in cervicovaginal smears. Therefore the GBV-C/HGV RNA in cervicovaginal smears from apparently healthy women was investigated using routine proceedings for prophylactic screening to cervical cancer. GBV-C/HGV RNA was detected by reverse transcriptase and polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Only one woman presented co-infection with human papilloma virus (HPV). The GBV-C/HGV RNA was detected in 13/73 (17.57 percent) healthy women and it's prevalence in participating women between 28-43 years old was 53.85 percent. No association was found with GBV-C/HGV for the age of first sexual intercourse and number of pregnancies. In GBV-C/HGV RNA positive women, 69.23 percent were married. In conclusion, the present findings show that cervical and vaginal specimens could contain the GBV-C/HGV RNA.

O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a transmissão sexual de GBV-C/HBV, através da detecção do RNA viral em raspados cérvico-vaginais. Portanto, a presença do RNA GBV-C/HGV foi investigada em raspados cérvico-vaginais em mulheres aparentemente saudáveis que realizaram exames preventivos para câncer cervical. GBV-C/HGV RNA foi detectado por reação de transcriptase reversa e reação em cadeia da polimerase (RT-PCR). Apenas uma mulher apresentou a co-infecção com o papiloma vírus humano (HPV). O RNA GBV-C/HGV foi detectado em 13/73 (17,57 por cento) mulheres saudáveis e sua prevalência entre participantes da idade de 28-43 anos foi de 53,85 por cento. Não foi observada relação entre a presença do RNA GBV-C/HGV com a idade de primeira relação sexual, nem com o número de gestações. Entre as mulheres que apresentavam o RNA viral, 69,23 por cento eram casadas. O presente estudo demonstrou que secreções cérvico-vaginais podem conter o RNA viral GBV-C/HBV.

Article Dans Vietnamien | WPRIM | ID: wpr-6510


The urines of 80 healthy women were taken for qualifying DPD and creatinine. Results showed that; group 1 (aged 25-40) has got 4, 12 – 7,7 nM DPD/nM creatinine, group 2 (aged 41-49): 5,25-10,27 nM DPD/nM creatinine; group 3 (aged 50-68): 4,48-14,4 nM DPD/nM creatinine. In pre-menopausal women nM DPD/nM creatinine value was higher than in women of reproductive age. The method of combining metabolic bone marker and bone density was more efficacious than the simple bone densitometry. The rate of nM DPD/nM creatinine in particular and bone metabolic marker were very useful for diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis

Acides aminés , Femmes , Créatinine , Ostéoporose
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