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Rev. inf. cient ; 101(2)abr. 2022.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409536


RESUMEN Introducción: La cirugía es tan antigua como la historia de la humanidad, se remonta a los tiempos más lejanos cuando el hombre hace su aparición en el teatro de la historia, a raíz de la individualidad física, psíquica y social. Objetivo: Abordar aspectos importantes de la historia de la Cirugía General desde la antigüedad hasta la actualidad y su desarrollo en Cuba. Método: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en la base de datos de la National Library of Medicine, PubMed, Google Académico, Web of Science, ClinicalKey, Elsevier, ResearchGate y páginas web de distintas especialidades que recomendaron artículos de interés en relación al tópico para la reconstrucción del surgimiento de la cirugía desde la antigüedad hasta la actualidad. Resultados: Se recopilaron apuntes cronológicos divididos en: La cirugía en la antigüedad, América precolombina, La Edad Media y el Renacimiento, Desarrollo de la cirugía general en Cuba (breve recorrido 1354 hasta la actualidad). Consideraciones finales: El desarrollo de la cirugía comienza desde la antigüedad como necesidad, la especialización de los cirujanos generales en Cuba comienza a partir del siglo XVIII, cuando se separa de la cátedra de Anatomía para hacer la disciplina quirúrgica, lo cual ha tenido un progreso mantenido a lo largo de la historia, cuya magnitud es consecuente con el grado de desarrollo de la sociedad y de las limitaciones externas e internas, lo que se considera como un hito en el desarrollo de esta especialidad hasta la actualidad, con avances científicos, técnicos y anestésicos quirúrgicos de lo cual Cuba hoy exhibe a nivel mundial.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Surgery is as old as the history of humanity. It goes back to the most distant times when man made his appearance, as a result of physical, mental and social individuality. Objective: To approach important aspects of the history of General Surgery from ancient times to the present and its development in Cuba. Method: A bibliographic review was carried out in the database of the National Library of Medicine, PubMed, Google Scholar, Web of Science, ClinicalKey, Elsevier, ResearchGate and web pages of different specialties that recommended articles of interest in relation to the topic for research, to reconstruct the emergence of surgery from antiquity to the present day. Results: Chronological notes were compiled, divided into the next categories: Surgery in antiquity, pre-Columbian Americas, The Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Development of general surgery in Cuba (brief journey from 1354 to the present). Final considerations: The development of surgery begins from antiquity as a necessity; the specialization of general surgeons in Cuba begins in the eighteenth century, when it is separated from the Anatomy chair to perform as the surgical discipline, which has had a sustained progress throughout history. Its magnitude is consistent with the degree of development of society and society´s external and internal limitations. The development of this specialty in Cuba is considered a milestone, exhibiting high standards of scientific, technical and surgical-anesthetic advances today.

RESUMO Introdução: A cirurgia é tão antiga quanto a história da humanidade, remonta aos tempos mais distantes em que o homem faz sua aparição no teatro da história, fruto da individualidade física, mental e social. Objetivo: Tratar aspectos importantes da história da Cirurgia Geral desde a antiguidade até o presente e seu desenvolvimento em Cuba. Método: Foi realizada revisão bibliográfica na base de dados da National Library of Medicine, PubMed, Google Scholar, Web of Science, ClinicalKey, Elsevier, ResearchGate e páginas da web de diferentes especialidades que recomendavam artigos de interesse em relação ao tema para pesquisa reconstrução do surgimento da cirurgia desde a antiguidade até o presente. Resultados: Foram compiladas notas cronológicas divididas em: Cirurgia na antiguidade, América pré-colombiana, Idade Média e Renascimento, Desenvolvimento da cirurgia geral em Cuba (breve viagem de 1354 até o presente). Considerações finais: O desenvolvimento da cirurgia começa desde a antiguidade como uma necessidade, a especialização dos cirurgiões gerais em Cuba começa no século XVIII, quando se separa da cadeira de Anatomia para fazer a disciplina cirúrgica, que teve um progresso mantido ao longo da história , cuja magnitude é compatível com o grau de desenvolvimento da sociedade e limitações externas e internas, que é considerado um marco no desenvolvimento desta especialidade até hoje, com anestésicos científicos, técnicos e cirúrgicos que Cuba hoje exibe em todo o mundo.

Kampo Medicine ; : 1-7, 2022.
Article de Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986284


The purpose of this study is to clarify factors related to the effect of daikenchuto on constipation during pregnancy. The subjects were 21 patients who had constipation during pregnancy and received 15 g/day of daikenchuto. Based on the constipation score that was created independently, the score values before administration, 2 weeks and 4 weeks after administration were retrospectively investigated. Furthermore, from the outcome of the oral status at 4 weeks, we divided the patients into 2 groups (12 in the improvement group and 11 in the non-improvement group), and attempted to extract factors that were considered to be related to efficacy. The total constipation score decreased significantly before and after administration of daikenchuto, and the concomitant symptoms of constipation scores were low, especially such as abdominal distension and abdominal pain. A comparison of the backgrounds of the improved group and the non-improved group revealed that the proportion of the patients with a history of surgery (laparotomy or laparoscopic surgery) was significantly higher in the improvement group. In addition, there were no particular problems with the pregnancy and delivery course of the 23 patients. Daikenchuto was considered to be highly effective against constipation during pregnancy, especially in pregnant women with a history of surgery.

Rev. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Quito) ; 43(1): 134-144, dic.2018.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1005176


Contexto: la cirugía ha sufrido variaciones históricas y se ha expandido a través del tiempo de forma progresiva y constante. Objetivo: describir la enseñanza de la cirugía a través de la historia en Ecuador. Discusión: la realización de modelos anatómicos para procedimientos quirúrgicos proporciona una importante experiencia al cirujano en formación y una mejora su desempeño al perfeccionarse su técnica quirúrgica con el beneficio de acortar la curva de aprendizaje. La posibilidad de certificación de todas las especialidades quirúrgicas y la educación médica continua, es una tarea pendiente para nuestro país. El progreso de la Cirugía General, haciendo uso de los avances tecnológicos, ha permitido el perfeccionamiento de la especialidad y ha motivado al resto de especialidades quirúrgicas afines a adoptar estas nuevas tecnologías e incursionar en las súper especialidades. La elaboración de este artículo constituye un primer esfuerzo, para con mayor investigación y testimonios ir completando este fascinante recorrido histórico de la especialidad, del cual somos testigos presenciales en las tres últimas décadas. Conclusión: la enseñanza tradicional de cirugía abierta ha requerido adaptarse al vertiginoso advenimiento de la cirugía mínimamente invasiva, desde finales de la década de 1980 hasta 1991, donde aparece en Ecuador. (AU)

Context: surgery has undergone historical variations and has expanded over time in a progressive and constant manner. Objective: to describe the teaching of surgery through history in Ecuador. Discussion: the realization of anatomical models for surgical procedures provides an important experience to the surgeon in training and improves its performance by perfecting its surgical technique with the benefit of shortening the learning curve. The possibility of certification of all surgical specialties and continuing medical education is a pending task for our country. The progress of General Surgery, making use of technological advances, has allowed the improvement of the specialty and has motivated the rest of surgical specialties related to adopt these new technologies and venture into the super specialties. The preparation of this article constitutes a first effort, with more research and testimonies, to complete this fascinating historical tour of the specialty, of which we are eyewitnesses in the last three decades. Conclusion: the traditional teaching of open surgery has required adapting to the vertiginous advent of minimally invasive surgery, from the late 1980s to 1991, where it appears in Ecuador. (AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Histoire ancienne , Chirurgie générale , Procédures de chirurgie opératoire , Chirurgie bariatrique , Enseignement , Développement Technologique , Modèles anatomiques
Cir. gen ; 34(3): 206-212, jul.-sept. 2012. ilus, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-706871


Objetivo: Narrar la vida y obra de René Favaloro. Diseño: Ensayo histórico. Sede: Departamento de Investigación, Escuela de Medicina. Resultado: René Favaloro nació en la ciudad de La Plata, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, el 14 de julio de 1923. De orígenes humildes pero esfuerzo persistente, con pasión y honestidad, logró ingresar a la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, a la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, en donde se graduó en el año 1949. Pasados algunos años viajó a Estados Unidos, en donde su actividad estaría girando en torno a la cirugía de revascularización miocárdica. Él desarrolló una técnica que revolucionaria su época y que sigue vigente hasta el día de hoy. Dedicó su vida al servicio y enseñanza de la medicina. Fue un gran ser humano, preocupado por el prójimo, dejando como legado la hoy llamada Fundación Favaloro. Muere trágicamente el 29 de julio del año 2000, dejando un ejemplo de dar siempre lo mejor de sí mismo y de un esfuerzo por servir. En esta obra mostramos aspectos importantes de su vida, sus contribuciones médicas y su trágico desenlace.

Objective: To narrate the life and endeavor of René Favaloro. Design: Historical assay. Setting: Research Department, School of Medicine. Result: René Favaloro was born in the city of La Plata, province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, on July 14, 1923. Of humble origins, but through persistent effort, passion and honesty, he was able to enter Universidad de La Plata, to the School of Medical Sciences, where he graduated in 1949. After a couple of years, he traveled to the United States of America, where his activity would be addressed to myocardial revascularization surgery; he developed a technique that revolutionized his times and is still used nowadays, he dedicated his life to the service and teaching of medicine, he was a great human being, caring for the next, and left as legacy the Favaloro Foundation. He died tragically on July 29, 2000, leaving an example of always giving his best and being of service. In this writing, we describe some important aspects of his life, his medical contributions, and his tragic end.

Cir. gen ; 33(2): 121-126, abr.-jun. 2011. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-706846


Objetivo: Narrar la vida y obra de John Benjamín Murphy. Diseño: Ensayo histórico (16 referencias). Sede: Departamento de Investigación, Escuela de Medicina. Resultado: John Benjamin Murphy nació en Apletton, Wisconsin el 21 de diciembre de 1857. Egresó del Rush Medical College en 1876. Tras ejercer algunos años, en 1882 decide continuar su preparación en Europa siendo discípulo de Theodore Billroth. Regresa a su país como profesor en su Alma Mater, al tiempo que comenzó sus prácticas quirúrgicas e investigación clínica ante la Chicago Medical Society. Su investigación a lo largo de esos años lo llevó, en 1895, a convertirse en Jefe de Cirujanos en el Hospital Mercy en Chicago. A lo largo de su desempeño profesional, trabajó en distintas áreas de la medicina; se le reconocen valiosas aportaciones en cirugía vascular, tuberculosis pulmonar, neurocirugía y principalmente en semiología digestiva, donde define el signo de Murphy revolucionando el tratamiento para pacientes con colecistitis. Murphy publicó sus primeros trabajos en los primeros números de lo que hoy son Clínicas Quirúrgicas de Norteamérica. En el hospital Mercy, innovó en la enseñanza de la medicina a través de sus ''wet clinics''. Sin duda, un hombre muy propositivo para su época, que marcó la diferencia en la práctica quirúrgica, respetado y a la vez muy criticado por sus colegas. Falleció el día 11 de agosto de 1916, marcando los inicios de la práctica médica moderna.

Objective: To narrate the life and work of John Benjamin Murphy. Design: Historical Assay (16 references). Setting: Research Department, School of Medicine, Universidad Cristobal Colón, Veracruz, Mexico. Result: John Benjamin Murphy was born in Apletton, WI, USA, on the 21st of December 1857. He graduated from Rush Medical College in 1876. After practicing medicine for some years, in 1882, he decided to continue his preparation in Europe and became a pupil of Theodore Billroth. He returned to his country as a professor at his Alma Mater, and at the same time he started his surgical practices and clinical research at the Chicago Medical Society. His research along these years, led him, in 1895, to become the surgeon-in-chief at the Mercy hospital in Chicago. Along his professional career he worked in different areas of medicine, and he is known for valuable work done in vascular surgery, pulmonary tuberculosis, neurosurgery, and mainly in digestive semiology, where he defined the Murphy sign, changing completely the treatment of patients with cholecystitis. Murphy published his first works in what is known today as The Surgical Clinics of Northamerica. At the Mercy hospital, he innovated the teaching of medicine through his ''wet clinics''. Without any doubt, he was a very purposeful man for his time, who made a difference in the surgical practice, he was respected and, at the same time, criticized by his colleagues. He died on August 11, 1916, hallmarking the start of modern medical practice.

Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-39434


We studied the disease status by question-naire in seoul of the pupils in two primary schools on May, 1991 and carried out statistical analysis of their results. The following results were observed: 1) Total number of answered pupil was 2330; 1103 were male and 1227 were female and the ratio of male to female was 1:1.1. Average age was 9.27 years. 2) Number of the pupil with any present described was 499(21.4%) Majority was as follows: (1) Respiratory system diseases; 358(71.1%) (2) Skin & Subcutaneous tissue diseases; 36(7.2%) (3) Circulatory system diseases; 14 (2.8%) (4) Infectious diseases; 11 (2.2%) (5) Trauma; 7 (1.4%) 3) Number of the pupil with any disease on treatment was 225 (9.7%). Majority was as follows: (1) Respiratory system diseases; 108 among 358 (2) Skin & Subcutaneous diseases; 22 among 36 (3) Infectious diseases; 11 among 11 (4) Trauma; 3 among 7 (5) Mental disorders; 1 among 6 4) Number of the pupils with the past history of diseases described was 561 (24.1%). Majority was as follows: (1) Respiratory system diseases; 217 (38.7%) (2) Infectious diseases; 105 (18.7%) (3)Trauma; 74 (13.2%) (4) Nervous system & Sense organ diseases; 39 (7.0%) (5) Digestive system diseases; 27 (4.8%) 5) Number of the pupils with the past hospitalization history was 190 (8.2%). Majority was as follows: (1) Respiratory system diseases; 48 (25.3%) (2) Trauma; 41 (21.6%) (3) Infectious diseases; 18 (9.5%) (4) Genitourinary system diseases; 9 (4.7%) (5) Digestive system diseases; 6 (3.2%) 6) Number of the pupils with the past history fo sugery was 362 (15.5%). The types of surgery of the causative diseases requiring surgery were as follows: (1) Circumcision; 98 (4.2%) (2) Trauma; 73 (3.1%) (3) Tonsillectomy & Adenectomy; 46 (2.0%) (4) Inguinal herniectomy; 25 (1.1%) (5) Appendictomy; 10 (0.4%) (6) Intussusception; 10 (0.4%) 7) Number of the pupils with hearing disturbance was 498 (21.4%), with present illness of otitis media 19 (0.82%) and with the past history of otitis media 15 (0.64). 8) Number of the pupils with visual disturbance was 498 (21.4%), with myopia 233 (10%), with hyperopia 49 (2.1%), with strabismus 16 (0.7%), color blindness 7 (0.3%). 9) Number of the pupils hoping to consult with the physicians were 446 (19.1%). The contents of their consultation were as follows: (1) Dental problems; 81 (18.0%) (2) Extremity pain; 56 (13.0%)(3) Abdominal pain; 52 (12.0%) (4) Skin disease; 34 (7.6%) (5) Headache; 30 (6.7%) 10) Number of the pupil sttended to school inspite of disease was 846 (36.3%). The caustive diseases were as follows: (1) Upper respiratory infection; 217 (25,7%) (2) Abdominal pain; 27 (3.2%) (3) Fever; 24 (2.8%) (4) Trauma; 8 (0.9%) (5) Infection (Measles, Mumps, Chicken pox et.); 6 (0.7%) .

Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Douleur abdominale , Varicelle , Circoncision masculine , Troubles de la vision des couleurs , Maladies transmissibles , Maladies de l'appareil digestif , Membres , Fièvre , Céphalée , Ouïe , Espoir , Hospitalisation , Hypermétropie , Intussusception , Troubles mentaux , Oreillons , Myopie , Système nerveux , Otite moyenne , Pupille , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Appareil respiratoire , Organes des sens , Séoul , Peau , Maladies de la peau , Strabisme , Tissu sous-cutané , Amygdalectomie , Appareil urogénital