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Arq. bras. cardiol ; Arq. bras. cardiol;120(7): e20220501, 2023. tab, graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447318


Resumo Os últimos meses de 2019 foram marcados pelo surgimento de uma nova pandemia, denominada "COVID-19". Desde então, essa infecção e suas complicações têm sido a prioridade de profissionais de saúde, com muitos sintomas atribuídos às suas apresentações precoces e tardias. Até o momento, outras doenças, mesmo em situações fatais, têm sido negligenciadas ou diagnosticadas incorretamente devido à atribuição dos sintomas do paciente à presença da infecção por COVID-19. Apresentamos aqui um caso de angiossarcoma cardíaco, em um menino que, cerca de 2 meses antes, havia sido infectado com COVID-19. Dado o histórico de infecção, a abordagem inicial foi o manejo da miopericardite pós-COVID-19. No entanto, o quadro do paciente piorou, exigindo reavaliação por multimodalidades com maior precisão. Por fim, o paciente foi diagnosticado com um tumor cardíaco. Este artigo procura enfatizar a importância da atenção a outras doenças e condições fatais na era COVID-19, com ênfase em evitar diagnósticos incorretos de outras doenças.

Abstract The final months of 2019 saw the emergence of a new pandemic termed "COVID-19". Since then, this infection and its complications have been the priority of healthcare providers, with many symptoms attributed to its early and late presentations. Thus far, other diseases, even fatal situations, have been overlooked or misdiagnosed due to the attribution of patient symptoms to the presence of COVID-19 infection. We herein present a case of cardiac angiosarcoma in a young boy who had previously become infected with COVID-19 about two months earlier. Given the history of infection, the initial approach was post-COVID-19 myopericarditis management. However, the patient's condition worsened, necessitating reevaluation via multimodalities with higher precision. Ultimately, the patient was diagnosed with a cardiac tumor. This article seeks to underscore the significance of taking heed of other diseases and fatal conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic with an emphasis on avoiding misdiagnosing other diseases.

Einstein (São Paulo, Online) ; 20: eRC5584, 2022. graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360405


ABSTRACT A 2-year-old female patient, admitted in the emergency room, presented diarrhea for 5 days and bloody stools in the last 24 hours. Physical examination revealed no significant findings. Ultrasound was initially performed, showing an elongated, well delimited and solid mass occupying since right hypocondrium until left iliac fossa, displacing adjacent structures. In sequence, magnetic resonance imaging was performed for confirmation of findings suggestive of omentum lipoma. After 1 week, the surgical resection was performed by videolaparoscopic acess. During 2-year follow-up, there was no sign of recurrence.

Humains , Femelle , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Enfant , Omentum/chirurgie , Omentum/imagerie diagnostique , Lipome/chirurgie , Lipome/imagerie diagnostique , Imagerie par résonance magnétique , Échographie
urol. colomb. (Bogotá. En línea) ; 31(2): 56-62, 2022. graf, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1412076


Objectives Ionizing radiation imaging is commonly used for diagnosis and follow up in children with vesicoureteral reflux (VUR). We aim to measure the effective dose (mSv) in patients with VUR. Methods We reviewed our electronic database of patients under 8-years-old with VUR. Primary endpoint was to calculate the effective radiation dose (ED). Absolute frequencies and percentages were reported for global qualitative variables. This study conducted a logistic regression model to calculate the odds ratio for radiation exposure. Analysis was performed using STATA version 14.0 (StataCorp LLC, College Station, TX, EEUU). Results A total of 140 patients were found, 97 were assessed for eligibility. We included 59 patients in the final analysis. Mean age was 20 ± 17.9 months, 66% were females. Most cases of VUR were bilateral (44%) and high grade (93.4%). The lowest number of studies per patient was two, with a minimum radiation of 5.7 mSv. The highest radiation was estimated at 20.7 mSv corresponding to a total of five studies. Logistic regression showed that highest grades of VUR and age of first UTI episode were associated with higher ED (OR, 1.7; 95% CI, 0.87-3.31), (OR 1.02; 95% CI 0.97-1.07) respectively. A mean ED for children with VUR was estimated of 5.5 ± 3 mSv/year. Conclusion In our study, the children with VUR were exposed to 5.5 mSv/year without counting the natural background radiation, which is alarming, and we believe should raise awareness worldwide in how we are unnecessarily diagnosing indolent VUR cases and following patients.

Objetivos La imagenología por radiación ionizante es una herramienta usada frecuentemente para el diagnóstico y seguimiento de pacientes con reflujo vesicoureteral (RVU). El objetivo del presente trabajo es calcular la dosis estimada en milisieverts (mSv) de pacientes con RVU. Métodos Se realizó una revisión retrospectiva de todos los pacientes menores de 8 años con RVU. El objetivo principal fue calcular la dosis de radiación efectiva recibida por los pacientes con base en los estudios imagenológicos realizados hasta el momento de la revisión de la base de datos. Las frecuencias y porcentajes fueron reportados para las variables cualitativas. Se realizó una regresión logística para calcular la asociación de factores de riesgo con la exposición a radiación. El análisis estadístico fue realizado con el programa STATA versión 14.0 (StataCorp LLC, College Station, TX, EEUU). Resultados Se identificaron 140 patientes, de los cuales 97 fueron evaluados para coprobar su elegibilidad. En total, 59 pacientes fueron incluidos para el análisis final. La edad promedio de los pacientes fue de 20 ± 1,.9 meses, y 66% eran mujeres. La mayoría de casos fueron bilaterales (44%) y de alto grado (93,4%). El menor número de estudios realizados por paciente fue 2, con una dosis mínima de radiación acumulada de 5,7 mSv. La máxima radiación acumulada fue de 20,7 mSv, correspondiente a un total de 5 estudios. La regresión logística demostró que altos grados de reflujo y la edad a la cual tuvieron la primera infección se asociaban con mayores dosis de radiación efectiva (razón de probabilidades [RP]: 1.7; intervalo de confianza del 95% [IC95%]: 0,87­3,31), (RP: 1,02; IC95%: 0,97­1,07), respectivamente. Estimamos una dosis efectiva de radiación de 5,5 ± 3 mSv/año en nuestra población. Conclusión Nuestro estudio demuestra que pacientes con reflujo son expuestos a un promedio de 5,5 mSv/año sin contar la radiación de base a la que se exponen todos los humanos anualmente, lo cual resulta alarmante. Esto debe generar introspección al momento de evaluar pacientes con reflujo y evitar efectos a largo y mediano plazos.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Nourrisson , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Rayonnement naturel , Reflux vésico-urétéral , Rayonnement , Dose de rayonnement , Exposition aux rayonnements
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 15(1): 82-87, mar. 2021. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385732


El proceso estiloides es una delgada prominencia ósea cónica localizada en la superficie inferior del hueso temporal. Su longitud normal es de 20 a 25 mm, siendo mayor en los hombres. En ocasiones se produce su elongación o deformación con calcificación del ligamento estilohioideo, acompañado de diversos signos y síntomas lo que da origen al llamado síndrome de Eagle. La presencia de dolor inespecífico oro-cérvico-facial y la palpación de los procesos estiloides en la fosa tonsilar proporcionan un diagnóstico presuntivo que deberá ser confirmado con estudios por imágenes como la telerradiografía lateral de cráneo y la ortopantomografía. Se presenta un caso de síndrome de Eagle en un paciente de sexo masculino referido al Servicio de Diagnóstico por Imágenes de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. La tomografía computada constituye el estudio por imágenes de excelencia ante la presunción de este síndrome ya que los diferentes cortes tomográficos y la reconstrucción 3D nos permiten observar los procesos estiloides elongados de manera precisa e inequívoca. Este diagnóstico es de gran relevancia ya que dependiendo de la severidad de la sintomatología el tratamiento puede ser quirúrgico para evitar las graves y s everas complicaciones que a veces suele ocasionar.

Styloid process is defined as a thin conical bony prominence located on the undersurface of the temporal bone. Its normal length is 20 to 25 mm. Sometimes styloid process is elongated with ossification of stylohyoid ligament and when it is accompanied by a set of signs and symptoms it gives rise to the so called Eagle´s syndrome. Nonspecific pain in the oral cervicofacial area and styloid process palpation in the tonsillar fossa provide a presumptive diagnosis that should be confirmed by imaging studies such as lateral skull teleradiography and orthopantomography that confirm the elongation of styloid processes. An Eagle syndrome case of a male patient referred to the Department of Radiology at the National University of Córdoba School of Dentistry is reported. The computed tomography is the most accurate imaging modality for Eagle´s syndrome identification because through multiplanar reformatted images and three dimensional images allows to observe the elongated styloid processes in a precise and unequivocal way. This diagnosis is relevant since depending on the severity of the symptoms, surgical treatment may avoid serious and severe complications.

Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Ossification hétérotopique/complications , Ossification hétérotopique/imagerie diagnostique , Odontologie/méthodes , Radiographie panoramique , Ossification hétérotopique/physiopathologie , Ossification hétérotopique/anatomopathologie , Imagerie tridimensionnelle , Tomodensitométrie à faisceau conique
Neumol. pediátr. (En línea) ; 15(2): 330-338, mayo 2020. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1099679


The CoVID-19 pandemic has impacted in a lesser extent and intensity to patients younger than 15 years. The role of different imaging studies of lung involvement has been extensively addressed, from the first cases of severe pneumonia and respiratory distress syndrome in adults. There are fewer reports of the comparative usefulness of conventional radiology, ultrasound, and computed axial tomography in children. Of those, ground glass opacities, crazy paving pattern and surrounding halo consolidation are the most characteristic. Even though none of them allows diagnostic confirmation, their correct interpretation helps in decision flows. Computed axial tomography is more accurate for defining the type and extent of lung parenchymal involvement. The role of the ultrasound in early stages in the emergency department is clearer in adults than in children, in whom there is a good correlation with chest tomography. This article addresses the different radiological patterns, their pathophysiological representation and differential diagnoses, in order to alert pediatricians of their interpretation, as well as the potential role of imaging diagnoses most frequently used in children with low acute respiratory infection.

La pandemia CoVID-19 ha impactado en una proporción e intensidad menor a los pacientes menores de 15 años. El rol de los diferentes estudios por imágenes del compromiso pulmonar ha sido extensamente abordado, desde los primeros casos de neumonías graves y síndrome de distrés respiratorio en adultos. En niños existen menos reportes de la utilidad de la radiología convencional, ecografía y tomografía axial computarizada. Sin embargo, los patrones más característicos observados en adultos se repiten en los niños. De ellos, el vidrio esmerilado, el patrón en empedrado y la consolidación con halo circundante son los más característicos. Aun cuando ninguno de ellos permite confirmación diagnóstica, su correcta interpretación ayuda en los flujos de decisiones. La tomografía axial computarizada es más certera para la definición de tipo y extensión del compromiso parenquimatoso pulmonar. El rol en los estadios tempranos en el servicio de urgencia de la ecografía es más claro en adultos que en niños, donde existe buena correlación con la tomografía de tórax. Este artículo aborda los diferentes patrones radiológicos, su representación fisiopatológica y diagnósticos diferenciales, con el objeto de apoyar a los pediatras en su interpretación, como también reconocer el rol de las técnicas de imágenes diagnósticas más frecuentemente utilizadas en niños con infección respiratoria aguda baja.

Humains , Mâle , Nouveau-né , Enfant , Pneumopathie virale/imagerie diagnostique , Infections à coronavirus/imagerie diagnostique , Betacoronavirus , Radiographie thoracique , Tomodensitométrie , Échographie , Pandémies
Rev. colomb. cir ; 35(1): 75-83, 2020. fig, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1095476


Introducción. El trauma de tórax tiene alta incidencia y el neumotórax es el hallazgo más frecuente. La literatura es escasa sobre qué hacer con los pacientes asintomáticos y con neumotórax por trauma de tórax penetrante. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar cuáles son los hallazgos de la radiografía de control de los pacientes con trauma de tórax penetrante que no son llevados inicialmente a cirugía, y su utilidad para determinar la necesidad de un tratamiento adicional. Métodos. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de cohorte, incluyendo pacientes mayores de 15 años que ingresaron por trauma de tórax penetrante entre enero de 2015 y diciembre de 2017 y que no requirieron manejo quirúrgico inicial. Se analizaron los resultados de la radiografía de tórax, el tiempo de su toma y la conducta decidida según los hallazgos en los pacientes dejados inicialmente bajo observación. Resultados. Se incluyeron 1.554 pacientes, cuya edad promedio fue de 30 años, 92,5 % del sexo masculino y 97% con herida por arma cortopunzante. Se dejaron 361 pacientes bajo observación con radiografía de control, de los cuales 186 (51,5 %) no presentaban alteraciones en su radiografía inicial, 142 tenían neumotórax menor del 30 % y 33 tenían neumotórax mayor del 30 %, hemoneumotórax o hemotórax. Se requirió toracostomía cerrada como conducta final en 78 casos, esternotomía o toracotomía en 2 casos y 281 se dieron de alta. Conclusión. En pacientes asintomáticos con neumotórax pequeño o moderado y sin otras lesiones significativas, podrían ser innecesarios los largos tiempos de observación, las radiografías y la toracostomía cerrada

Introduction: Chest trauma has a high incidence, and pneumothorax is the most frequent finding. The literature is limited about what to do with asymptomatic patients with pneumothorax due to penetrating chest trauma. The objective of this study was to evaluate the findings of control follow-up chest x-ray in patients with penetrating chest trauma who are not initially taken to surgery and its usefulness in determining the need for additional management.Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted, including patients older than 15 years who were admitted for penetrating chest trauma between January 2015 and December 2017 and who did not require initial surgical management. The results of the chest x-ray, the timing of it and the management according to the findings in the patients initially left under observation were analyzed.Results: 1,554 patients were included; whose average age was 30 years, 92.5% were males and 97% sustained a gunshot wound; 361 patients were left under observation with control x-ray, of which 186 (51,5%) had no findings on their initial radiograph, 142 had pneumothorax less than 30% and 33 had pneumothorax greater than 30%, hemoneumotorax or hemothorax. Closed thoracostomy was required as final management in 78 cases, sternotomy or thoracotomy in 2 cases and discharge in 281.Conclusion: In asymptomatic patients with small or moderate pneumothorax and without other significant injuries, longer observation times, x-rays and closed thoracostomy may be unnecessary

Humains , Blessures du thorax , Pneumothorax , Imagerie diagnostique , Radiographie thoracique
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-7496


In patients with cholangiocarcinoma, surgical resection with curative intent is the only way to achieve cure. Since surgical resection of cholangiocarcinomas is technically demanding, determination of resectability and accurate preoperative staging are crucial. For these purposes, high quality imaging including multidetector computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging with magnetic resonance cholangiopancreaticography, is mandatory. This article will present recent advances in imaging techniques for cholangiocarginomas, potential pitfalls in imaging evaluation, and a checklist for preoperative radiologic assessment of resectability in these patients with an emphasis on perihilar cholangiocarinoma.

Humains , Liste de contrôle , Cholangiocarcinome , Imagerie diagnostique , Imagerie par résonance magnétique , Tomodensitométrie multidétecteurs , Stadification tumorale
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-207635


PURPOSE: The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of varying resolutions of cone-beam computed tomography images on the accuracy of linear measurements of edentulous areas in human cadaver heads. Intact cadaver heads were used to simulate a clinical situation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fiduciary markers were placed in the edentulous areas of 4 intact embalmed cadaver heads. The heads were scanned with two different CBCT units using a large field of view (13 cm×16 cm) and small field of view (5 cm×8 cm) at varying voxel sizes (0.3 mm, 0.2 mm, and 0.16 mm). The ground truth was established with digital caliper measurements. The imaging measurements were then compared with caliper measurements to determine accuracy. RESULTS: The Wilcoxon signed rank test revealed no statistically significant difference between the medians of the physical measurements obtained with calipers and the medians of the CBCT measurements. A comparison of accuracy among the different imaging protocols revealed no significant differences as determined by the Friedman test. The intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.961, indicating excellent reproducibility. Inter-observer variability was determined graphically with a Bland-Altman plot and by calculating the intraclass correlation coefficient. The Bland-Altman plot indicated very good reproducibility for smaller measurements but larger discrepancies with larger measurements. CONCLUSION: The CBCT-based linear measurements in the edentulous sites using different voxel sizes and FOVs are accurate compared with the direct caliper measurements of these sites. Higher resolution CBCT images with smaller voxel size did not result in greater accuracy of the linear measurements.

Humains , Cadavre , Tomodensitométrie à faisceau conique , Implants dentaires , Imagerie diagnostique , Tête , Biais de l'observateur
Ciênc. cuid. saúde ; 13(1): 6, 20140508.
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1120777


Este estudo tem por objetivo apresentar uma reflexão sobre gestão da qualidade em Centro de Diagnóstico por Imagem na perspectiva do gerenciamento pela Enfermeira, com vistas à segurança do paciente. A tríade processos, pessoas e resultados - critérios de excelência - é abordada à luz de concepções desenvolvidas pela Fundação Nacional da Qualidade, referentes às características, padrões e consequências técnico-científicas e administrativas da gestão da qualidade. Potenciais danos, assim como benefícios que visam à promoção dasegurança do paciente no serviço de diagnóstico por imagem são discutidos. Revisitando sua prática profissional no setor de diagnóstico por imagem e em busca de novos conhecimentos, a Enfermeira é capaz de inovar seu modelo de gestão. Para tanto, deve fundamentar-se em uma administração contemporânea, considerando novas abordagens gerenciais e programas de qualidade. Nesse sentido, aperfeiçoará seu processo de trabalho, com repercussão na cultura organizacional, e, consequentemente, na segurança do paciente, contribuindo para um serviço de diagnóstico por imagem isento de possíveis erros, que expressa qualidade da assistência à saúde

This essay aims to present a reflection about quality management in image diagnosis center, from the perspective of nursing management, in order to improve the patient safety. The processes, people and results triad ­ excellence criteria ­ is approached from the concepts established by National Quality Foundation, regarding the characteristics, patterns and consequences of scientific-technical and administrative quality management. Potential damage and benefits that aim to promote patient safety in radiology services are pointed out. Revisiting their practice and seeking new knowledge, the nurses can innovate their management model. To do so, must be based on a modern administration, regarding new management approaches and quality programs. In this way, they will better their working process, with impact on organizational culture and consequently on patient safety, contributing to a diagnostic imaging service free of possible errors, which expresses the quality of health care

Braz. j. pharm. sci ; 48(1): 1-16, Jan.-Mar. 2012. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-622884


Micelles composed of amphiphilic copolymers linked to a radioactive element are used in nuclear medicine predominantly as a diagnostic application. A relevant advantage of polymeric micelles in aqueous solution is their resulting particle size, which can vary from 10 to 100 nm in diameter. In this review, polymeric micelles labeled with radioisotopes including technetium (99mTc) and indium (111In), and their clinical applications for several diagnostic techniques, such as single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), gamma-scintigraphy, and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), were discussed. Also, micelle use primarily for the diagnosis of lymphatic ducts and sentinel lymph nodes received special attention. Notably, the employment of these diagnostic techniques can be considered a significant tool for functionally exploring body systems as well as investigating molecular pathways involved in the disease process. The use of molecular modeling methodologies and computer-aided drug design strategies can also yield valuable information for the rational design and development of novel radiopharmaceuticals.

Micelas poliméricas compostas de copolímeros ligadas a um elemento radioativo são utilizadas em Medicina Nuclear com aplicação predominantemente diagnóstica. A vantagem relevante da utilização de micelas poliméricas em solução aquosa é o tamanho de suas partículas, as quais podem variar de 10 a 100 nm de diâmetro. Neste trabalho de revisão são apresentadas micelas poliméricas marcadas com radioisotopos, como tecnécio-99m (99mTc) e índio-111 (111In), assim como suas aplicações clínicas em técnicas de diagnóstico como Tomografia por emissão de Fóton Único (Single photon Emission Computed Tomography - SPECT), cintilografia, e Ressonância Magnética Nuclear (RMN). Neste contexto, sua aplicação em diagnóstico de sistema linfático e linfonodo sentinela recebe atenção especial. O emprego de técnicas de diagnóstico pode ser considerado uma ferramenta importante para a exploração de sistemas no organismo humano assim como para a investigação de caminhos moleculares envolvidos nos processos de diversas doenças. O uso de metodologias de modelagem molecular e estratégias de desenvolvimento de fármacos assistidas computacionalmente também pode fornecer informações valiosas para o planejamento e o desenvolvimento racional de novos radiofármacos.

Radiopharmaceutiques/analyse , Micelles , Radio-isotopes/analyse , Imagerie diagnostique/classification , Techniques de diagnostic radioisotopique/classification
Pesqui. vet. bras ; Pesqui. vet. bras;31(4): 362-366, abr. 2011. ilus, tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-584053


A ruptura do ligamento cruzado cranial é uma das causas mais comuns de claudicação do membro pélvico de cães. A radiografia e a ultrassonografia são métodos de diagnóstico frequentemente utilizados na rotina clínica de pequenos animais, porém a tomografia computadorizada é uma modalidade de imagem ainda pouco estudada para avaliar a articulação do joelho de cães. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a contribuição do contraste negativo na artrografia tomográfica do joelho normal de cães, para visibilizar as estruturas intra-articulares e padronizar o uso desse contraste na articulação. Foram utilizados 24 membros pélvicos de cães de raças variadas, selecionados pela ausência de histórico de doença articular prévia do joelho e por apresentarem exames radiográficos, ultrassonográficos e macroscópicos normais. O experimento foi delineado em dois grupos, sendo o grupo I constituído de animais com peso até 20 kg e grupo II acima de 20 kg. Foram feitos cortes tomográficos com o membro flexionado e estendido. A quantidade média de ar empregada para a distensão da cápsula articular foi de 49 ml para o Grupo I e de 81 ml para o Grupo II. Utilizou-se um tubo de látex na porção distal à articulação do joelho para reduzir o escape de ar pelo tendão extensor digital profundo, que possui comunicação intra-articular. Foi possível visibilizar pela imagem tomográfica, em todas as articulações, as seguintes estruturas: ligamento cruzado cranial e caudal, meniscos medial e lateral, ligamento patelar, ligamentos colaterais e cápsula articular. Desta forma, o contraste negativo se mostrou uma alternativa eficaz para auxiliar a identificação das estruturas anatômicas do joelho na artrografia tomográfica.

The cranial cruciate ligament rupture is one of the most common causes of canine hind limb lameness. The radiographic and ultrasonographic are methods of diagnosis frequently used in small animal clinics, but there are few studies of computed tomography to exam the stifle joint in dogs. The aim of this study was to evaluate the contribution of negative contrast in computed tomography arthrography of the normal stifle of dogs for the visualization of intra-joint structures, and to standardize the use of contrast in this joint. Twenty-four hind limbs from dogs of several breeds were used. They were selected based on history of absence of previous stifle joint disease and normal radiographic, ultrasonographic and macroscopic exams. The experiment was designed in two groups: Group I animals weighing up to 20 kg, and Group II animals weighing above 20 kg. Tomographic sections were done with the limb flexed and extended. The amount of air used for the joint capsule distension was approximately 49 ml for group I and 81 ml for group II. A latex tube was used on the distal portion of the stifle to reduce air escaping through the long digital extensor tendon, which has intra-joint communication. In all joints, the tomographic image allowed the visualization of the following structures: cranial and caudal cruciate ligament, medial and lateral menisci, patellar ligament, medial and lateral collateral ligament and joint capsule. Thus, the negative contrast (air) showed to be an effective alternative in the evaluation of the stifle anatomical structures by using tomography arthrography.

Animaux , Pneumographie/méthodes , Pneumographie/médecine vétérinaire
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-390158


Objective To study the clinical,imaging and pathological features of hepatic angiomyolipoma,and to investigate methods in improving the preoperative diagnosis rate.Methods The imaging features and treatment experience of 73 patients with hepatic angiomyolipoma who had been admitted to the Eastern Hepatobiliary Surgery Hospital from 2000 to 2007 were retrospectively analyzed.All patients were classified according to the imaging features and corresponding treatments were applied.Results Of all patients,7 were diagnosed preoperatively.The diagnostic rate of B ultrasound,computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging were 0,13%(7/56)and 6% (2/33),respectively.According to the results of imaging examination,6 patients were with the type of hemangioma,17 with the type of lipoma,4 with the type of leiomyoma and 46 with mixed type.One patient was treated by radiofrequeney ablation and 72 by surgical resection.Twenty-four patients were presented with pulmonary infection,pleural effusion,ascites or slight hepatic dysfunction.Postoperative immunohistochemical assay demonstrated that HMB45 had the highest positive expression rate,then followed by smooth muscle actin,vimentin,proliferating cell nuclear antigen,CD34,polyclonal carcinoembryonic antigen,CD18,CD19 and p53.One patient died of postoperative tumor recurrence.Conclusions Hepatic angiomyolipoma is easy to be misdiagnosed,while imaging classification is helpful in the diagnosis.Surgical resection is beneficial to patients with hepatic angiomyolipoma.

Rev. dent. press ortodon. ortopedi. facial ; 14(5): 38e1-38e9, set.-out. 2009. ilus, graf, tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-529683


OBJETIVO: avaliar a neoformação óssea da sutura palatina mediana em diferentes fases do procedimento de expansão rápida da maxila por meio de imagem digitalizada e comparar a densidade radiográfica das diferentes áreas selecionadas ao longo dessa sutura nos períodos estabelecidos. MÉTODOS: a amostra foi constituída por 23 indivíduos, na faixa etária de 9 a 12 anos, que foram submetidos à expansão rápida da maxila de acordo com um protocolo que consistiu, inicialmente, em uma volta completa no parafuso, seguida por » de volta pela manhã e » de volta à noite, durante duas semanas. Foram obtidas 69 radiografias oclusais em diferentes momentos do procedimento, as quais passaram pelo processo de digitalização via scanner e, posteriormente, foram submetidas ao programa Digora for Windows 5.6, para a realização das leituras de densidade radiográfica. RESULTADOS: em todas as fases do procedimento, os valores obtidos dos níveis de cinza foram, em média, diferentes entre si, comprovando uma recuperação óssea parcial da sutura palatina mediana. CONCLUSÕES: os resultados revelaram que são necessários mais de três meses para a completa recuperação sutural após a expansão rápida da maxila e que o método utilizado para a leitura das densidades mostrou-se fiel, devido à sua capacidade de exibir detalhes. Portanto, conclui-se que o expansor deve ser removido somente após a total recuperação óssea sutural, a fim de evitar as recidivas.

AIM: To evaluate the new bone formation of the midpalatal suture in different phases of the rapid maxillary expansion procedure by means of the scanned image and to compare the radiographic density of the different selected areas along this suture in predetermined periods. METHODS: The sample consisted of 23 individuals, aged from 9 to 12 years who underwent rapid maxillary expansion in accordance with a protocol which consisted initially of a full turn on the screw, followed by » turn by morning and » turn at night for two weeks. Were obtained 69 occlusal radiographs at different phases of the procedure, which passed through the scanning process via scanner and then were subjected to the software Digora for Windows 5.6, to perform the readings of radiographic density. RESULTS: In all phases of the procedure, the values of gray levels were, on average, different from each other, showing partial bone healing of the midpalatal suture. CONCLUSIONS: The results revealed that are necessary more than three months for complete sutural recovery after the rapid maxillary expansion and that the method used to read the densities proved to be trustworthy, because of its ability to display details. Therefore, it can be concluded that the expander should be removed only after full sutural bone recovery in order to avoid relapses.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Enfant , Ostéogenèse , Technique d'expansion palatine , Palais , Matériaux de suture , Imagerie diagnostique