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Singapore medical journal ; : 155-162, 2023.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-969674


Addressing weight stigma is essential to obesity management as it causes inequalities in healthcare and impacts the outcomes of health. This narrative review summarises systematic review findings about the presence of weight bias in healthcare professionals, and interventions to reduce weight bias or stigma in these professionals. Two databases (PubMed and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature [CINAHL]) were searched. Seven eligible reviews were identified from 872 search results. Four reviews identified the presence of weight bias, and three investigated trials to reduce weight bias or stigma in healthcare professionals. The findings may help further research and the treatment, health and well-being of individuals with overweight or obesity in Singapore. Weight bias was prevalent among qualified and student healthcare professionals globally, and there is a lack of clear guidance for effective interventions to reduce it, particularly in Asia. Future research is essential to identify the issues and inform initiatives to reduce weight bias and stigma among healthcare professionals in Singapore.

Humains , Préjudice à l'égard du poids , Singapour , Asie , Bases de données factuelles , Établissements de santé
Pensar Prát. (Online) ; 2317/04/2020. Tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1141574


Este estudo objetivou investigar a atitude implícita e explícita de 15 treinadores nas escolas de futsal da cidade de Londrina-PR em re- lação à obesidade. Foi utilizado o Teste de Associação Implícita para ava- liar o preconceito implícito e o Questionário Crandall para o preconceito explícito em relação à obesidade de crianças praticantes de futsal da ci- dade. Os resultados apontaram uma maior Antipatia ao obeso por parte dos treinadores eutróficos. Ainda, os treinadores mais jovens apresen - taram atitudes explícitas mais negativas em relação à obesidade, asso- ciando-a à "burrice" ou "preguiça". Destaca-se que as atitudes implícitas negativas devem ser reduzidas, pois têm potencial de causar graves pro- blemas às crianças e que os treinadores têm papel fundamental nesse processo, visto que as atitudes negativas podem afastar as crianças da prática esportiva.

This study aimed to investigate the implicit and explicit attitude towards obesity in 15 coaches in the futsal schools of the city of Londrina-PR. The "Implicit Association Test" was used to evaluate the implicit prejudice and the "Crandall" Questionnaire for the explicit prejudice in relation to obesity in futsal children of the city of Londrina. The results showed a greater Antipathy to the obese for the eutrophic trainers. In addition, the younger trainers presented more negative explicit attitudes towards obesity, associating obesity with "stupidity" or "laziness". It is noteworthy that the implicit negative attitudes should be reduced, because they have the potential to bring serious problems to children and that the coaches have a fundamental role in this process, since negative attitudes can lead children away from sports practice.

El objetivo de este estudio era investigar la actitud implícita y explícita hacia la obesidad en 15 entrenadores de las escuelas de futsal de la ciudad de Londrina-PR. Se utilizó el "Test de asociación implícita" para evaluar el prejuicio implícito y el cuestionario "Crandall" para el prejuicio explícito en relación con la obesidad en niños de futsal de la ciudad de Londrina. Los resultados mostraron una mayor antipatía hacia los obesos para los entrenadores eutróficos. Además, los entrenadores más jóvenes presentaron actitudes explícitas más negativas hacia la obesidad, asociando la obesidad con "estupidez" o "pereza". Cabe destacar que las actitudes negativas implícitas deben reducirse, ya que tienen el potencial de causar graves problemas a los niños y que los entrenadores tienen un papel fundamental en este proceso, ya que las actitudes negativas pueden alejar a los niños de la práctica deportiva.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Enfant , Prejugé , Sports , Obésité , Attitude
Estud. psicol. (Natal) ; 24(3): 292-304, Jul.-Sept. 2019. graf, tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1098241


Este trabajo ofrece una revisión crítica de estudios que utilizan modelos de actitudes implícitas en el área de la Psicología Ambiental. Se analizaron 25 estudios publicados entre 2004 y 2017, los cuales abordan temas relacionados a: (a) conductas pro-ambientales, (b) preferencias por ambientes naturales vs. construidos, (c) conexión con la naturaleza, y (d) cambios en actitudes implícitas. Globalmente, los resultados ilustran las potencialidades de los enfoques de actitudes implícitas en los estudios de Psicología Ambiental. Las actitudes implícitas muestran relaciones de nulas a moderadas con las conductas pro-ambientales. Se observan correlaciones bajas entre actitudes implícitas y explícitas, aunque la relación varía según el dominio. Por otro lado, las medidas de actitudes implícitas tienden a mostrarse incorrelacionadas entre sí. Algunos estudios indican que es posible cambiar las actitudes implícitas. Se identifican limitaciones y posibles líneas futuras de investigación.

Este trabalho oferece uma revisão crítica de estudos que utilizam modelos de atitudes implícitas na área da Psicologia Ambiental. Foram analisados 25 estudos publicados entre 2004 e 2017 que abordam temas relacionados a: (a) comportamentos pró-ambientais, (b) preferências por ambientes naturais versus construídos, (c) conexão com a natureza, e (d) mudanças em atitudes implícitas. De modo geral, os resultados ilustram as potencialidades dos enfoques de atitudes implícitas nos estudos da Psicologia Ambiental. Atitudes implícitas mostram correlações nulas a moderadas com comportamentos pro-ambientais. Baixas correlações são observadas entre atitudes implícitas e explícitas, embora a relação varie por domínio. Por outro lado, não há correlações entre diferentes medidas implícitas. Alguns estudos indicam que é possível produzir mudanças em um nível implícito. Limitações e futuras pesquisas são indicadas.

This paper provides a review of recent research using implicit attitudes models in Environmental Psychology. Twenty-five studies published between 2004 and 2017 were analyzed. They cover the following topics: (a) pro-environmental behaviors, (b) preferences for natural vs built environments, (c) connection with nature, and (d) changes in implicit attitudes. Overall, the results illustrate the potential of implicit attitudes models and methods in the area of Environmental Psychology. Moderate to null correlations between implicit attitudes and pro-environmental behaviors are observed. Low correlations are reported between implicit and explicit attitudes, although the relationship varies as a function of the object. No correlations between different implicit measures are found. Some studies demonstrate that it is possible to change implicit attitudes. Strengths and limitations of current research are discussed.

Comportement , Environnement , Psychologie de l'environnement , Cadre bâti , Attitude
Liberabit ; 24(2): 295-307, jul.-dic. 2018. ilus, tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012647


The effect of contextual information about the national ingroup on explicit and implicit attitudes towards a novel brand was studied on a sample of university students from the Lima Metropolitan area (n = 59). The results show that the negative information about the ingroup exerts more influence on explicit attitudes towards a novel brand than the positive information. This effect is understood as a habituation of Peruvians towards the positive contextual information about their group, and an ingroup bias that acts when their national identity is threatened by the negative input. This bias guides them towards explicitly favoring a product they consider related to their social identity. On the other hand, the lack of visible results on the implicit attitudes is explained by the order effect of the Implicit Attitudes Test (IAT). These findings are relevant for advertising and marketing industries in Peru, which constantly develop campaigns that extol Peru and the Peruvian identity.

El efecto de la información contextual sobre el endogrupo nacional en las actitudes explícitas e implícitas hacia una marca novedosa fue estudiado en una muestra de estudiantes de la ciudad de Lima (n = 59). Los resultados muestran que la información negativa sobre el endogrupo ejerce mayor influencia que la información positiva en las actitudes explícitas hacia una marca novedosa. Este efecto es entendido como una habituación de los peruanos hacia la información contextual positiva acerca del endogrupo, y a un sesgo endogrupal que actúa cuando la identidad nacional se ve amenazada por información negativa. Este sesgo guía a los participantes a favorecer explícitamente aquel producto que consideran está relacionado con su identidad social. Por otra parte, la falta de resultados visibles en las actitudes implícitas es explicada por el efecto del orden del Test de Actitudes Implícitas (IAT). Estos hallazgos son relevantes para las industrias de marketing y publicidad en el Perú, las cuales constantemente desarrollan campañas que exaltan el Perú y la identidad peruana.

Rev. CES psicol ; 10(2): 66-85, jul.-dic. 2017. graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-896568


Resumen El objetivo del estudio fue validar un procedimiento estandarizado de medición de actitudes implícitas frente al suicidio en estudiantes universitarios. Como criterios de validación concurrente para el Procedimiento de Evaluación Relacional Implícita (IRAP, abreviatura en inglés de Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure) hacia el suicidio (IRAP-HS), se utilizó el Inventario de Ideas Suicidas Positivas y Negativas (PANSI, abreviatura en inglés de Positive and Negative Suicidal Ideation) y la Escala de Desesperanza de Beck, aplicados a una muestra de 102 estudiantes de una universidad del Departamento de Nariño. Si bien los resultados encontrados en este trabajo carecen de la contundencia necesaria para plantearse la aplicabilidad clínica del IRAP-HS en el corto plazo, el comportamiento de las puntuaciones DIRAP (obtenidas mediante un proceso que busca contrarrestar los efectos de la variabilidad de los participantes relacionada con factores como la edad, la habilidad motriz y la inteligencia) en los diferentes grupos de comparación, definitivamente no permite descartar que la latencia de respuesta a los ensayos esté siendo afectada por el grado de coherencia entre la red verbal de los participantes y las relaciones especificadas en los arreglos contingenciales del procedimiento. Finalmente, se analizan algunas implicaciones de los resultados para la aplicabilidad del IRAP en la práctica clínica.

Abstract The purpose of the present study was to validate a standardized procedure for measuring attitudes towards suicide in university students. As the concurrent validation criteria for the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP) to suicide (IRAP-HS), the Positive and Negative Suicidal Ideas Inventory (PANSI) and the Beck Hopelessness Scale were administered to a sample of 102 students of the University of Nariño. Although the results found lack of a strong response to consider the clinical applicability of the IRAP-HS in the short term, the behavior of the DIRAP scores (obtained through a process that seeks to counteract the effects of participant variability related to factors such as age, motor skills and intelligence) in the different comparison groups does not definitively allow dismissing that the response latency to the trials is being affected by the degree of consistency between the verbal network of the participants and the relationships specified in the contingency arrangements of the procedure. Finally, some implications of the results for the applicability of IRAP-HS in clinical practice are analyzed.

Pensam. psicol ; 15(1): 33-49, ene.-jun. 2017. ilus, tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-895180


Objectives. This study aimed to test whether gender stereotypes remain automatically activated following cues related to gender, despite years of promoting equality, and how it could correspond with explicit measures. Method. Seventy undergraduates performed a sequential priming task, in which the gender categories were presented subliminally. Culturally specific gender stereotypes were used as targets. In addition, other significant variables related to gender (self-assignment of stereotypes, identity and ideology) were assessed explicitly. Results. At first, the results showed a non-priming effect, indicating no implicit gender stereotyping. However, a more detailed observation of the data revealed that participants could be differentiated according to the effects that appeared: the congruency and the reverse priming effects. Conclusion. While gender stereotypes were automatically activated in Group 1 (positive socres), implicit stereotype inhibition seemed to take place in Group 2 (negative scores). Egalitarian goal activation is assumed to explain the reverse effect. The activation of different contents from the same primes emphatically suggests that more effort is needed to develop strong egalitarian commitments. Results also support the potential dynamic of gender stereotypes, even at an implicit level.

Objetivos. Evaluar si los estereotipos de género continúan activándose automáticamente tras presentar claves relacionadas con el género, y cómo esta activación se correspondería con medidas explícitas. Método. Setenta estudiantes universitarios realizaron una tarea de priming secuencial en la que se presentaron subliminalmente los primes mujer y hombre (categorías de género). Los targets fueron estereotipos de género culturalmente significativos. Además, otras variables relacionadas con el género (autoasignación de estereotipos, identidad e ideología) se evaluaron explícitamente. Resultados. En un principio, los resultados no mostraron ningún efecto de priming, señalando la ausencia de estereotipia de género implícita. Sin embargo, una inspección más detallada de los datos reveló que los participantes podían diferenciarse según los diferentes efectos que habían aparecido: congruencia e inverso. Conclusión. Mientras que en el Grupo 1 (puntajes positivos) los estereotipos de género se activaron automáticamente, en el Grupo 2 (puntajes negativos) se produjo una inhibición implícita de estereotipos. La activación de una meta igualitaria podría explicar el efecto inverso. La activación de contenidos diferentes derivada de los mismos primes enfatiza la necesidad de realizar más esfuerzos para desarrollar compromisos igualitarios firmes. Los resultados también apoyan la potencial dinámica de los estereotipos de género, incluso a nivel implícito.

Escopo. Avaliar se os estereótipos de género continuam se ativando automaticamente depois de presentar claves relacionadas com o género, e como esta ativação pode se corresponder com medidas explícitas. Metodologia. Setenta estudantes realizaram uma tarefa de priming sequencial na que se apresentaram subliminarmente os primes mulher e homem (categorias de género). Os objetivos foram estereótipos de gênero culturalmente significativos. Além, outras variáveis relacionadas com o género (auto-alocação de estereótipos, identidade e ideologia) foram avaliadas explicitamente. Resultados. Num principio, os resultados não mostraram efeito nenhum de priming, assinalando a ausência de estereotipia de gênero implícita. No entanto, uma inspeção mais detalhada dos dados revelou que os participantes podiam ser diferenciados segundo os efeitos diferentes que tinham aparecido: congruência e inverso. Conclusão. Enquanto que no grupo 1 (contagens positivas) os estereótipos de gênero foram ativados automaticamente, no Grupo 2 (contagens negativas) foi produzida uma inibição implícita de estereótipos. A ativação de uma meta igualitária pode explicar o efeito inverso. A ativação de conteúdos diferentes derivada dos mesmos primes enfatiza a necessidade de fazer mais esforços para desenvolver compromissos igualitários firmes. Os resultados também apoiam a potencial dinâmica dos estereótipos de gênero, mesmo no nível implícito.

Humains , Adolescent , Stéréotype des Genres , Identité de genre , Étudiants , Équité de genre
Pensam. psicol ; 14(2): 49-62, jul.-dic. 2016. ilus
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-797397


Objetivo. Analizar las actitudes implícitas de estudiantes universitarios con respecto al perdón hacia exmiembros de grupos guerrilleros y grupos paramilitares en el marco del conflicto armado colombiano. Método. En Bogotá, 30 estudiantes universitarios respondieron a la prueba de asociación implícita (IAT), la cual mide actitudes implícitas, al utilizar las latencias de respuesta para medir la fuerza de la asociación entre diversos conceptos, y un cuestionario explícito relacionado con el perdón. Este análisis se hizo a la luz de la teoría de marcos relacionales, derivada del contextualismo funcional. Resultados. Las respuestas de los estudiantes permitieron observar una mayor asociación entre los conceptos de perdón y guerrilla, indicando que podría haber una mayor disposición a perdonar a exmiembros de este grupo armado en el contexto actual que vive el país. Conclusión. Esta investigación abre la posibilidad de explorar el tema del perdón en el posconflicto, incluyendo variables como la posición política, la edad y la experiencia frente a la guerra, desde una perspectiva conductual contemporánea.

Objective. In this study, the implicit attitudes of University students were analyzed with regard to forgivingness towards ex members of the guerilla and paramilitary groups in the Colombian armed conflict. Method. Thirty University students in Bogotá were measured with the IAT (Implicit Association Test) by using the response latency to measure the strength of the association between different concepts and an explicit questionnaire related to forgiveness. The analysis was made from functional contextualism and Relational Frame Theory. Results. There was found that participants presented a stronger association between the concepts of forgiveness and Guerilla, suggesting they would be more willing to forgive an ex member of this armed group. Conclusion. This investigation opens the possibility of further exploration on the subject of forgiveness in a post conflict scenario, including variables such as political position, age, and war experiences from a contemporary perspective.

Escopo. Neste estudo foram analisadas as atitudes implícitas de estudantes universitários sobre o paredão para ex membros de grupos guerrilheiros e paramilitares no marco do conflito armado colombiano. Metodologia. 30 estudantes universitários, na cidade de Bogotá, responderam à prova de associação implícita IAT, a qual mede atitudes implícitas, ao utilizar as latências de respostas para medir a força da associação entre diferentes conceitos e um questionário explícito relacionado com o paredão. Nesta análise, foi feita sob a Teoria de Marcos Relacionais, derivada do contextualismo funcional. Resultados. As respostas dos estudantes permitiram observar uma maior associação entre os conceitos de perdão e guerrilha, indicando que poderia ter uma maior disposição a perdoar a ex membros de este grupo armado no contexto atual que vive o país. Conclusão. A pesquisa abre a possibilidade de explorar o tema do perdão no post-conflito incluindo variáveis como a posição política, a idade e a experiência frente à guerra desde uma perspectiva comportamental contemporânea.

Humains , Conflits armés , Pardon
Univ. psychol ; 14(2): 487-498, abr.-jun. 2015. tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-774996


Las preferencias raciales expresadas explícitamente pueden carecer de información que sea completa en su contenido, ya sea porque las personas prefieren no expresar sus actitudes per se o tal vez porque no estén al tanto de ellas. El Implicit Association Test (IAT), desarrollado por Greenwald, Banaji y Nosek, evalúa las preferencias implícitas de las personas a través de una plataforma de internet. Demuestra que cuando una persona expresa una preferencia en particular, es posible que no conciba que esa actitud tenga un componente inconsciente y que pueda modificarla. Se obtuvieron 235 sujetos que respondieron a la prueba de preferencia implícita de raza (negra y blanca), a través del portal de internet del IAT Los resultados indican que hay una preferencia explícita hacia personas blancas sobre las personas de color, y que la preferencia implícita es de mayor intensidad que la explícita, en el mismo sentido.

Racial preferences that are expressed explicitly may lack information and be lacking in character, either because people prefer not to express their attitudes wholly, or because they are not completely aware of them. The Implicit Association Test (IAT), developed by Greenwald, Banaji and Nosek, evaluates the implicit preference of people through an internet platform. It demonstrates that when a person shows a preference in particular, it is possible that said attitude has a component that may not be conscious that could be modified. Sample was comprised of 235 subjects that, through the IAT internet website, completed the race implicit preference task (black and white). Results indicate that there is an explicit preference towards white people over black people, and that implicit preference is of stronger intensity than explicit preference, in the same sense.

Psychologie , Racisme
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-450461


Objective To investigate the characteristics of the occurrence of bully/victim incidents among children and to explore children's implicit attitudes towards the phenomenon of being bullied.These children were grouped into 4 types,which were the bully children,the victim children,the bully/victim children and the non-involved children,respectively.Methods The stratified cluster sampling method was used to extract 1 100 pupils from 3 primary schools in Henan area.The 1 100 children were investigated with bully/victim questionnaire (pupil version).Among them,78 children who were involved in bullying(including 30 bully children,18 victim children and 30 bully/victim children) and 29 non-involved children were selected and investigated with implicit association test(IAT).Results 1.Among all the 1 029 effective participants,74 were the bully children,121 were the victim children and 101 were the bully/victim children.The total number of those were in bullying amounted to 296,which meant that about 28.8% (296/1 029 cases) children were involved in the issue of bullying.2.In general,the subjects showed significant differences between compatible task reaction time (1 324.083 ± 458.373) ms and incompatible task reaction time (1 463.963 ± 501.254) ms in IAT (t =3.063,P < 0.01).3.Among the 4 types of children,bully/victim children showed significant differences between compatible task reaction time(1 237.838 ±449.731) ms and incompatible task reaction time (1 428.754 ± 539.634) ms in IAT (t =2.301,P < 0.05).Non-involved children also showed significant differences between compatible task reaction time (1 512.389 ± 557.354) ms and incompatible task reaction time (1 777.404 ± 441.373) ms in IAT(t =3.129,P < 0.01).4.Bully children didn't show obvious differences between compatible task reaction time (1 304.007 ± 400.530) ms and incompatible task reaction time (1 287.236-± 405.017)ms in IAT (t =0.308,P > 0.05).Victim children didn't show obvious differences between compatible task reaction time (1 178.900 ± 280.539) ms and incompatible task reaction time (1 292.635 ± 467.531) ms in IAT (t =0.821,P > 0.05).Conclusions Children's implicit attitudes towards being bullied are negative,considering it as not good.Non-involved children and bully/victim children show more negative implicit attitudes towards being bullied.

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