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RECIIS (Online) ; 18(2)abr.-jun. 2024.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1562532


Os cuidados paliativos compreendem a melhora da qualidade de vida e o alívio dos sintomas de pacientes que enfrentam doenças que ameaçam a continuidade da vida e de seus familiares. Para tal, é necessário habilidade comunicativa, a fim de uma boa condução ao transmitir uma má notícia. Buscou-se compreender como se configura a produção científica nacional e internacional que aborda a comunicação de más notícias em cuidados paliativos. A pesquisa de revisão, de análise bibliométrica, analisou 25 artigos dos últimos cinco anos (entre 2016 e 2020) disponíveis na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS/Bireme). Os resultados revelaram publicações de 134 autores em 16 periódicos de diferentes países. Parte dos estudos foi realizadacom profissionais de saúde em hospitais e apresentam abordagem quantitativa. A comunicação de más notícias ainda se mostra um desafio para profissionais, pacientes e familiares.

The palliative care comprises improving the quality of life and relieving the symptoms of patients facing illnesses that threaten the continuity of life and their families. For this, communicative ability is necessary, in order to conduct well when transmitting bad news. We sought to understand how the national and international scientific production on communication of bad news in palliative care is configured. The literature review research, based on bibliometrics, analysed 25 articles from the last five years (between 2016 and 2020) available in the Virtual Health Library (BVS/Bireme). The results revealed publications by 134 authors in 16 journals from different countries. Some of the studies were carried out with health professionals in hospitals and have a quantitative approach. Communicating bad news is still a challenge for professionals, patients and their families.

Los cuidados paliativos comprenden mejorar la calidad de vida y aliviar los síntomas de los pacientes que enfrentan enfermedades que amenazan la continuidad de vida y sus familias. Para ello es necesaria la habilidad comunicativa, a fin de poder transmitir adecuadamente las malas noticias. Buscamos comprender cómo se configura la producción científica nacional e internacional que aborda la comunicación de malas noticias en cuidados paliativos. La investigación de revisión de literatura, basada en el análisis bibliométrico, analizó 25 artículos de los últimos cinco años (entre 2016 y 2020) disponibles en la Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (BVS/Bireme). Los resultados revelaron publicaciones de 134 autores en 16 revistas de diferentes países. Parte de los estudios se realizaron con profesionales de la salud en hospitales y tienen un enfoque cuantitativo. La comunicación de malas noticias sigue siendo un desafío para profesionales, pacientes y sus familiares.

Soins palliatifs , Bibliométrie , Services de santé polyvalents , Communication sur la santé , Qualité de vie , Personnel de santé , Communication , Bibliothèques numériques , Indicateurs de Publications Scientifiques , Compétences sociales
Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 74(2): 83-96, jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1561532


Introducción: Existe escaso conocimiento sobre la asociación entre marcadores cardiometabólicos en preescolares con características nutricionales y sociodemográficos familiares. Objetivo: Determinar la asociación entre marcadores cardiometabólicos de preescolares y sus padres con las características nutricionales y sociodemográficas familiares. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio de corte transversal, de asociación y correlación entre variables Padre-Hijo/a de carácter multicéntrico, en el cual participaron 140 sujetos (70 preescolares y su respectivo padre o madre). Las variables fueron estado nutricional, composición corporal, fuerza prensil y presión arterial de padres/madres y sus hijos/as preescolares y variables sociodemográficas de las familias. Resultados: Existió diferencia significativa al 5% respecto de la obesidad de los padres con la de los hijos/as, se presentó correlación positiva (0,397) entre las variables "porcentaje de grasa" padres e hijos/as. En relación al "nivel de escolaridad de la madre" hubo diferencia significativa con el "porcentaje de grasa" de los hijos/as (p<0,011). Existió similarmente diferencia significativa (p=0,033) entre la variable "tener hermanos" respecto a la variable "porcentaje de grasa" de los hijos/as. Finalmente se presentó asociación entre "usa Tablet" (dispositivo audiovisual) y "presión arterial" de los hijos/as (p=0,030). La variable "usa Tablet" se asoció significativamente con la "fuerza prensil" de los hijos/as (p=0,044). Conclusiones: Padres obesos con alto porcentaje de grasa tienen hijos/as preescolares con bajo perfil cardiometabólico; las variables nivel educacional inferior de la madre y tener hermanos se asociaron a un mayor porcentaje de grasa en los hijos/as, conjuntamente el uso de Tablet en preescolares mostró mayores niveles de presión arterial y menor fuerza prensil(AU)

Introduction: Little is known about the association between cardiometabolic markers in preschoolers with family nutritional and socio- demographic characteristics. Objective: To determine the association between cardiometabolic markers in preschoolers and their parents with family nutritional and sociodemographic characteristics. Materials and methods: cross-sectional study of association and correlation between parent-child variables, multicenter, 140 subjects participated (70 preschoolers and their respective parents). The variables were nutritional status, body composition, prehensile strength and blood pressure of parents and their preschool children and sociodemographic variables of the families. Results: There was a significant difference at 5% between parents' obesity and children's obesity, with a positive correlation (0.397) between the variable "percentage of fat" parents/children. In relation to the "mother's level of schooling" there was a significant difference with the "percentage of fat" of the children (p<0.011). Similarly, there was a significant difference (p=0.033) between the variable "Having siblings" with respect to the variable "percentage of fat" of the children. Finally, there was an association between "Tablet use" (audiovisual device) and "blood pressure" of the children (p=0.030). The variable "Tablet use" was significantly associated with the "prehensile strength" of the children (p=0.044). Conclusions: Obese parents with a high percentage of fat have preschool children with a low cardiometabolic profile; the variables lower educational level of the mother and having siblings were associated with a higher percentage of fatness in children; together, the use of Tablet in preschoolers showed higher levels of blood pressure and lower prehensile strength(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Maladies cardiovasculaires , Diabète , Obésité pédiatrique , Hypertension artérielle , Facteurs socioéconomiques , État nutritionnel , Consommation alimentaire , Nutrition de l'Adolescent , Comportement alimentaire
Enferm. actual Costa Rica (Online) ; (46): 58440, Jan.-Jun. 2024. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS, BDENF, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1550243


Resumo Introdução: A Cultura de Segurança do Paciente é considerada um importante componente estrutural dos serviços, que favorece a implantação de práticas seguras e a diminuição da ocorrência de eventos adversos. Objetivo: Identificar os fatores associados à cultura de segurança do paciente nas unidades de terapia intensiva adulto em hospitais de grande porte da região Sudeste do Brasil. Método: Estudo transversal do tipo survey e multicêntrico. Participaram 168 profissionais de saúde de quatro unidades (A, B, C e D) de terapia intensiva adulto. Foi utilizado o questionário "Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture". Considerou-se como variável dependente o nível de cultura de segurança do paciente e variáveis independentes aspectos sociodemográficos e laborais. Foram usadas estatísticas descritivas e para a análise dos fatores associados foi elaborado um modelo de regressão logística múltipla. Resultados: Identificou-se associação entre tipo de hospital com onze dimensões da cultura de segurança, quanto à função a categoria profissional médico, técnico de enfermagem e enfermeiro foram relacionadas com três dimensões; o gênero com duas dimensões e tempo de atuação no setor com uma dimensão. Conclusão: Evidenciou-se que o tipo de hospital, categoria profissional, tempo de atuação no setor e gênero foram associados às dimensões de cultura de segurança do paciente.

Resumen Introducción: La cultura de seguridad del paciente se considera un componente estructural importante de los servicios, que favorece la aplicación de prácticas seguras y la reducción de la aparición de acontecimientos adversos. Objetivo: Identificar los factores asociados a la cultura de seguridad del paciente en unidades de terapia intensiva adulto en hospitales de la región Sudeste del Brasil. Metodología: Estudio transversal de tipo encuesta y multicéntrico. Participaron 168 profesionales de salud de cuatro unidades (A, B, C y D) de terapia intensiva adulto. Se utilizó el cuestionario "Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture". Se consideró como variable dependiente el nivel de cultura de seguridad del paciente y variables independientes los aspectos sociodemográficos y laborales. Fueron usadas estadísticas descriptivas y, para analizar los factores asociados, fue elaborado un modelo de regresión logística múltiple. Resultados: Se identificó asociación entre tipo de hospital con once dimensiones de cultura de seguridad del paciente. En relación a la función, personal médico, técnicos de enfermería y personal de enfermería fueron asociados con tres dimensiones, el género con dos dimensiones y tiempo de actuación con una dimensión en el modelo de regresión. Conclusión: Se evidenció que el tipo de hospital, función, tiempo de actuación en el sector y género fueron asociados a las dimensiones de la cultura de seguridad del paciente.

Abstract Introduction: Patient safety culture is considered an important structural component of the services, which promotes the implementation of safe practices and the reduction of adverse events. Objective: To identify the factors associated with patient safety culture in adult intensive care units in large hospitals in Belo Horizonte. Method: Cross-sectional survey and multicenter study. A total of 168 health professionals from four units (A, B, C and D) of adult intensive care participated. The questionnaire "Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture" was used. The patient's level of safety culture was considered as a dependent variable, and sociodemographic and labor aspects were the independent variables. Descriptive statistics were used and a multiple logistic regression model was developed to analyze the associated factors. Results: An association was identified between the type of hospital and eleven dimensions of the safety culture. In terms of function, the doctors, nursing technicians, and nurse were related to three dimensions; gender with two dimensions, and time working in the sector with one dimension. Conclusion: It was evidenced that the type of hospital, function, time working in the sector, and gender were associated with the dimensions of patient safety culture.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Sécurité des patients , Unités de soins intensifs , Brésil , Indicateurs qualité santé/normes
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(6): e04112023, Jun. 2024. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557519


Resumo O artigo apresenta uma análise do desempenho da APS no estado de São Paulo na última década, em contexto de crise econômica e retração dos investimentos em saúde. Utilizaram-se indicadores de desempenho, determinantes em saúde e sistema de saúde, em série temporal (2010 a 2019), a partir de matriz conceitual adaptada. Foram calculadas variações percentuais anuais (VPA) de cada indicador em modelo log-linear. Os indicadores de desempenho apresentaram, no geral, evolução favorável; no entanto, ocorreu piora em indicadores relacionados à qualidade do cuidado (sífilis congênita, partos cesáreos e rastreamento de câncer de colo uterino). Verificou-se, ainda, um potencial aumento das demandas ao SUS (envelhecimento da população e redução da cobertura da saúde suplementar) e aumento das despesas em saúde em contexto de redução do PIB per capita.

Abstract This article presents the results of an analysis of the performance of primary health care in São Paulo state over the last decade against a backdrop of financial crisis and health funding cuts. We conducted a time series analysis (2010-2019) of performance indicators across the following dimensions based on an adapted conceptual framework: health service performance, health system, and determinants of health. Annual percentage change was calculated for each indicator using a log-linear model. Performance across the indicators was generally positive; however, there was a decline in performance across indicators of quality of care (congenital syphilis, cesarean section rate and cervical cancer screening). The findings also show a potential rise in demand for public services (due to population aging and a reduction in the percentage of the population with private health insurance) and increase in health expenditure against a backdrop of falling GDP per capita.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 19(1)abr. 2024.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550608


La investigación propuesta, en el área de selección de talentos en el alto rendimiento, específicamente en la modalidad de poomsae, en su evento free style, representa un estudio estratégico, pues se encontraron limitaciones en el proceso de selección en dicha modalidad deportiva. Por lo que este trabajo presentó como objetivo evaluar los indicadores técnicos para la selección de atletas con respecto a la modalidad de poomsae en su evento free style. Esta selección se realiza acorde con las exigencias reglamentarias competitivas actuales, aplicadas por la Federación Mundial de este deporte. Se utilizaron métodos de nivel teórico inductivo-deductivo, analítico-sintético, así como histórico y del nivel empírico, la revisión documental y la medición. Se midieron los ángulos de los indicadores propuestos, a través del software biomecánico Kinovea. La técnica estadística utilizada fue el procesador estadístico SPSS 20. Se definieron y evaluaron de forma práctica los indicadores flexibilidad (splits central, lateral izquierdo, lateral derecho) con una media de 10.25 puntos; técnicas de pateo (pateos básicos, mantención, pateos con giro en el aire) con resultados de media de 2.5; 1,9 y 1.87 puntos; saltos acrobáticos (saltos en horcajadas, saltos en splits izquierdo, saltos en splits derecho) y los elementos acrobáticos con resultados de media de 8.69 y 2.21 puntos, para el proceso de selección de las escuelas de iniciación deportiva escolar en la modalidad de poomsae en su evento free style.

A pesquisa proposta, na área de seleção de talentos no alto rendimento, especificamente na modalidade poomsae, em sua prova de estilo livre, representa um estudo estratégico, uma vez que foram encontradas limitações no processo de seleção na referida modalidade esportiva. Portanto, este trabalho apresentou o objetivo de avaliar os indicadores técnicos para seleção de atletas no que diz respeito à modalidade poomsae em sua prova de estilo livre. Esta seleção é feita de acordo com os requisitos regulamentares competitivos em vigor, aplicados pela Federação Mundial desta modalidade. Foram utilizados métodos de nível teórico indutivo-dedutivo, analítico-sintético, bem como de nível histórico e empírico, revisão documental e mensuração. Os ângulos dos indicadores propostos foram medidos através do software biomecânico Kinovea. A técnica estatística utilizada foi o processador estatístico SPSS 20. Os indicadores de flexibilidade (abertura central, lateral esquerda, lateral direita) foram definidos e avaliados de forma prática com média de 10,25 pontos; técnicas de chutes (chutes básicos, segurar, chutes com giro no ar) com resultados médios de 2,5; 1,9 e 1,87 pontos; saltos acrobáticos (saltos de passada, saltos divididos à esquerda, saltos divididos à direita) e elementos acrobáticos com resultados médios de 8,69 e 2,21 pontos, para o processo seletivo das escolas de iniciação esportiva escolar na modalidade poomsae em sua prova de estilo livre.

The proposed research, in the area of talent selection in high performance, specifically in the poomsae modality in its free style event, represents a strategic study, since limitations were found in the selection process in said sporting modality. Therefore, this work presented the objective of evaluating the technical indicators for the selection of athletes with respect to the poomsae modality in its free style event. This selection is made in accordance with the current competitive regulatory requirements, applied by the World Federation of this sport. Theoretical level methods like inductive-deductive, analytical-synthetic and historical were used and from the empirical level, documentary review and measurement, and the angles of the proposed indicators were measured through the Kinovea biomechanical software. The statistical technique used was the SPSS 20 statistical processor. There were defined and evaluated in a practical way the indicators of flexibility (central, left lateral, right lateral splits ) with an average of 10.25 points; kicking techniques (basic kicks, holding, kicks with spin in the air) with average results of 2.5; 1.9 and 1.87 points; acrobatic jumps (stride jumps, left split jumps , right split jumps ) and acrobatic elements with average results of 8.69 and 2.21 points, for the selection process of school sports initiation schools in the poomsae modality in their free style event .

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 19(1)abr. 2024.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550621


Conocer las manifestaciones del comportamiento del luchador en la etapa inicial de ejecución del entrenamiento deportivo permite caracterizar, proyectar y controlar el proceso, con una dirección científica. Por ello la presente investigación plantea como objetivo proponer indicadores para el diagnóstico pedagógico personalizado del luchador, en la etapa de perfeccionamiento básico y lograr la efectividad en la formación integral de su personalidad. Ante la situación presentada se realizaron observaciones al comportamiento de los luchadores en el ambiente familiar, escolar, social y deportivo; además de encuestas y entrevistas que permitieron caracterizar el proceso investigado y pronosticar los posibles resultados, para luego desarrollar una eficiente intervención formativa. Las conclusiones derivadas del estudio y análisis de los resultados evidenciaron que los indicadores de diagnóstico pedagógico personalizado del luchador, en la etapa de perfeccionamiento básico contribuyeron con efectividad, en la formación integral de su personalidad.

Conhecer as manifestações do comportamento do lutador na etapa inicial do treinamento esportivo permite caracterizar, projetar e controlar o processo, com uma direção científica. Por essa razão, o objetivo desta pesquisa é propor indicadores para o diagnóstico pedagógico personalizado do lutador, na etapa de aperfeiçoamento básico, e alcançar a eficácia na formação integral de sua personalidade. Diante da situação apresentada, foram feitas observações do comportamento dos lutadores no ambiente familiar, escolar, social e esportivo; além de pesquisas e entrevistas que permitiram caracterizar o processo investigado e prever os possíveis resultados, para então desenvolver uma intervenção formativa eficiente. As conclusões derivadas do estudo e da análise dos resultados mostraram que os indicadores do diagnóstico pedagógico personalizado do lutador, na etapa de aperfeiçoamento básico, contribuíram efetivamente para a formação integral de sua personalidade.

Knowing the manifestations of the wrestler's behavior in the initial stage of sports training execution allows to characterize, project and control the process, with a scientific direction. Therefore, the objective of this research is to propose indicators for the personalized pedagogical diagnosis of the wrestlers, in the basic improvement stage and to achieve effectiveness in the comprehensive formation of his personality. Given the situation presented, observations were made of the behavior of the wrestlers in the family, school, social and sports environment; in addition to surveys and interviews that allowed to characterize the investigated process and predict possible results, to then develop an efficient training intervention. The conclusions derived from the study and analysis of the results showed that the personalized pedagogical diagnosis indicators of the wrestler, in the basic improvement stage, contributed effectively to the comprehensive formation of his personality.

Vive (El Alto) ; 7(19): 102-120, abr. 2024.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560612


El objetivo de la investigación fue analizar el impacto de la pandemia del COVID-19 en la administración de los servicios de salud y en la atención al paciente, caso de la región Puno, reflejados en los indicadores del sistema de gestión de calidad en cuanto al manejo de recursos desde los distintos puntos o pilares elementales dentro de la administración de salud. Materiales y métodos. se amparó bajo una investigación documental observacional con diseño de análisis descriptivo. La muestra proviene de un análisis que se llevó a cabo en 31 indicadores de actividad (IA) pertenecientes a 7 áreas del Servicio. En su mayoría, estos indicadores experimentaron un aumento tanto en marzo (20%) como en abril (25%). Conclusiones: indican que se observó un incremento en los ensayos clínicos relacionados con el tratamiento del SAR-Cov-2, los cuales abarcaron las unidades de cuidados intensivos (UCI) y las salas de urgencias (SU). Esto incluyó la dispensación de dosis individuales y el inicio y preparación de las salas de urgencias.

The objective of the research was to analyze the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the administration of health services and patient care, in the case of the Puno region, as reflected in the indicators of the quality management system in terms of resource management from the different points or elemental pillars within the health administration. Materials and methods. was based on an observational documentary research with a descriptive analysis design. The sample comes from an analysis carried out on 31 activity indicators (AI) belonging to 7 areas of the Service. Most of these indicators experienced an increase in both March (20%) and April (25%). Conclusions indicate that an increase was observed in clinical trials related to SAR-Cov-2 treatment, which spanned intensive care units (ICU) and emergency rooms (ED). This included single-dose dispensing and ED initiation and preparation.

O objetivo da investigação foi analisar o impacto da pandemia da COVID-19 na administração dos serviços de saúde e na assistência aos doentes na região de Puno, tal como se reflecte nos indicadores do sistema de gestão da qualidade em termos de gestão de recursos a partir dos diferentes pontos ou pilares básicos da administração da saúde. Materiais e métodos. baseou-se numa investigação documental observacional com um desenho de análise descritiva. A amostra provém de uma análise efectuada sobre 31 indicadores de atividade (IA) pertencentes a 7 áreas do Serviço. A maioria destes indicadores registou um aumento tanto em março (20%) como em abril (25%). Conclusões. indicam que houve um aumento dos ensaios clínicos relacionados com o tratamento do SAR-Cov-2, que abrangeu as unidades de cuidados intensivos (UCI) e os serviços de urgência (SU). Isto incluiu a distribuição de doses únicas e a iniciação e preparação de EDs.

Management par la qualité
Humanidad. med ; 24(1)abr. 2024.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557984


El escenario de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación han transformado los modos de evaluar la publicación científica. Variedad instrumentos e indicadores impactan en los procesos de evaluación. El objetivo de este trabajo es ofrecer una valoración de los procedimientos utilizados en base al uso del conocimiento. Se evidencia a necesidad de avanzar en cuanto a indicadores que combinen métricas cuantitativas con las cualitativas que reflejen los procesos de apropiación del conocimiento y el impacto social; denominadas métricas responsables, además de velar por la calidad de la gestión, y de políticas institucionales mesuradas que guían la valoración y evaluación de la actividad científica.

The scenario of new information and communication technologies has transformed the ways of evaluating scientific publication. Variety of instruments and indicators impact the evaluation processes. The objective of this work is to offer an assessment of the procedures used based on the use of knowledge. There is a need to advance in terms of indicators that combine quantitative metrics with qualitative ones that reflect the processes of knowledge appropriation and social impact; called responsible metrics, in addition to ensuring the quality of management, and measured institutional policies that guide the assessment and evaluation of scientific activity.

Medisan ; 28(1)feb. 2024.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558492


Introducción: Los indicadores demográficos básicos constituyen una operación estadística, conformada por una colección de indicadores que permiten analizar la incidencia de los fenómenos demográficos básicos en una sociedad. Objetivo: Diseñar un indicador, a partir del índice de masculinidad, para la evaluación del envejecimiento poblacional a través de una escala jerárquica. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio ecológico, que incluyó a cualquier población con información existente desde la edad 0 hasta un grupo abierto final de 75 y más años, subdivididos por grupos quinquenales y sexo. La muestra fue seleccionada por muestreo simple aleatorio. Entre las medidas descriptivas figuraron la media aritmética, la mediana, la desviación típica y los percentiles; asimismo, fueron aplicadas la prueba de bondad de ajuste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov, la curva de la característica operativa del receptor, el índice de Youden, el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson, el coeficiente kappa como medida de concordancia y la prueba de la Χ2 de independencia. Resultados: Existió una concordancia buena o elevada con el índice de Sundbarg y una alta correlación con todos los indicadores de envejecimiento, excepto con el índice de dependencia. Conclusiones: La razón de masculinidad ponderada proporciona una excelente medición del grado de envejecimiento de una población, siempre que el intervalo de edad final sea de 75 años y más.

Introduction: Basic demographic indicators constitute a statistical operation, conformed by a collection of indicators that allow analyzing the incidence of the basic demographic phenomena in a society. Objective: To design an indicator, taking the masculinity index as a starting point, for the evaluation of population ageing through a hierarchical scale. Methods: An ecological study was carried out that included any population with existent information, from the age 0 to a final open group of 75 years and over, subdivided by five-year groups and sex. The sample was selected by random simple sampling. The mean arithmetic, medium arithmetic, typical deviation and percentiles were among the descriptive measures; also, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for goodness of fit, the receiver operating characteristic curve, Youden index, Pearson correlation coefficient, kappa coefficient as a measure of concordance and chi-square test of independence were applied. Results: A good or high concordance existed with the Sundbarg index and a high correlation with all the aging indicators, except the dependence index. Conclusion: The pondered masculinity ratio provides an excellent measuring of the aging degree in a population, whenever the final age interval is 75 years and over.

Braz. J. Oncol ; 20: e-20240446, 20240101.
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555004


OBJECTIVES: We propose a preventive and therapeutic assessment program for mucositis in patients with cancer based on a comprehensive review of scientific evidence. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This methodological study, designed as a non-systematic review, entails a thorough review of the scientific evidence on the management of mucositis in patients with cancer. The PICO method was used, allowing for a structured approach to explore and synthesize relevant evidence. RESULTS: Effective mucositis management requires regular assessments, dental exams, preventive strategies, and consideration of modifiable risk factors. Pharmacological therapies may be considered for severe cases, while oral antimicrobials, prophylactic antiviral and antifungal therapy can prevent infections. Topical anesthetics o?er pain relief but require careful administration. A gradual management plan, from gentle rinses to analgesics, is recommended. CONCLUSION: The suggested program may improve the identification, prevention, and management of this complication to achieve optimal management outcomes.

OBJETIVOS: Propomos um programa de avaliação preventiva e terapêutica de mucosite em pacientes com câncer com base em uma revisão abrangente de evidências científicas. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Este estudo metodológico, concebido como uma revisão não sistemática, envolve uma revisão aprofundada da evidência científica sobre o manejo de mucosite em pacientes com câncer. Foi utilizado o método PICO, permitindo uma abordagem estruturada para explorar e sintetizar evidências relevantes. RESULTADOS: O manejo eficaz da mucosite requer avaliações regulares, exames odontológicos, estratégias preventivas e consideração de fatores de risco modificáveis. As terapias farmacológicas podem ser consideradas para casos graves, enquanto os antimicrobianos orais e a terapia antiviral e antifúngica profilática podem prevenir infecções. Os anestésicos tópicos oferecem alívio da dor, mas requerem administração cuidadosa. Recomenda-se uma administração gradual, desde enxágues suaves até analgésicos. CONCLUSÃO: O programa sugerido pode melhorar a identificação, prevenção e manejo desta complicação para alcançar resultados de conduta ideais.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Inflammation muqueuse , Tumeurs , Stomatologie , Antinéoplasiques
Horiz. med. (Impresa) ; 24(1): e2441, ene.-mar. 2024. tab, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557937


RESUMEN Objetivo: Caracterizar los artículos publicados en la revista científica Finlay durante el periodo 2011-2022. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, bibliométrico sobre los artículos publicados en la revista científica Finlay. El universo estuvo conformado por 525 artículos. No se aplicó técnicas de muestreo. Las variables analizadas fueron cantidad de artículos, año de publicación, cantidad y procedencia de los autores, tipo, temática central de los artículos, tipo de estudios, cantidad de referencias y referencias con cinco años de antigüedad, cantidad de citas por artículos y recibidas por la revista por años. Se aplicó la estadística descriptiva e indicadores bibliométricos. Resultados: Destacó el año 2021, con 60 investigaciones (11,38 %). Predominaron los artículos con tres autores (155; 29,52 %); sobresalió Cienfuegos, con 1074 autores (59,40 %), y prevalecieron los artículos originales (AO) (243; 46,28 %). El mayor índice de Price (IP) (0,80) lo presentaron las imágenes en la medicina (IM). Dentro de los AO, sobresalieron las investigaciones con metodología de enfoque observacional-descriptivo (225 artículos publicados, equivalente a un 92,59 % respecto al total de AO). Destacaron investigaciones relacionadas con enfermedades cardiovasculares (116; 22,09 %). Se recibieron 4870 citas, con predominio del año 2017, con un número de citas corregidas (NCC) de 38,3; mientras que, en el año 2020, hubo 3,27 de factor de impacto (FI). Conclusiones: La revista Finlay constituye un órgano científico para la difusión de resultados investigativos con amplios logros y experiencias en la gestión editorial. Su crecimiento ha sido exponencial en cuanto a la cantidad de artículos publicados, con predominio en el año 2021. En sus números se recogen investigaciones que muestran la colaboración entre autores tanto nacionales como extranjeros, y en donde se resalta los resultados de los investigadores del territorio. Al respecto, las temáticas son referentes a problemas de salud que se recogen en los programas de salud prioritarios para el sector, fundamentados en investigaciones originales en mayor medida, y aparejado a un crecimiento de las citas recibidas en especial en el 2017.

ABSTRACT Objective: To characterize the articles published in the Finlay journal during the period between 2011 and 2022. Materials and methods: An observational, descriptive, bibliometric study was carried out on the articles published in the Finlay journal. The universe consisted of 525 articles. Sampling techniques were not used. The analyzed variables were number of articles, year of publication, number of authors, origin of the authors, type of article, main theme of the articles, type of study, number of references, number of 5-year-old references, number of citations per article and number of citations received by the journal per year. A descriptive statistics and bibliometrics were used. Results: The year 2021 stood out with 60 research works (11.38 %). Articles with three authors prevailed (155; 29.52 %), Cienfuegos stood out with 1,074 authors (59.40 %) and original articles (OA) predominated (243; 46.28 %). Images in medicine (IM) had the highest Price's Index (0.80). Among the OA, research works with an observational-descriptive approach prevailed (225 published articles, which accounted for 92.59 % out of the total number of OA). Research related to cardiovascular diseases predominated (116; 22.09 %). A total of 4,870 citations were received, most of them from 2017, with a number of corrected citations (NCC) of 38.3. Meanwhile, the year 2020 had an impact factor (IF) of 3.27. Conclusions: The Finlay journal is a scientific body for the dissemination of research results with extensive achievements and experiences in editorial management. Its growth has been exponential in terms of the number of articles published, prevailing the year 2021. Its issues include research works that show the collaboration between national and foreign authors, highlighting the results of the Cienfuegos province's researchers. In this regard, the topics focus on health problems that are included in the sector's priority health programs, based on original research to a greater extent and coupled with a higher number of citations received especially in 2017.

Acta Medica Philippina ; : 15-24, 2024.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006399


Background@#In 2008, the Department of Health (DOH) issued Administrative Order 2008-0023 that called for an “effective and efficient monitoring system that will link all patient safety initiatives”. However, there are still no explicit and harmonized targets to measure effectiveness and to provide benchmarks that assess whether previous efforts were helpful. @*Objective@#The study aimed to describe the status of patient safety performance measures and indicators on the international patient safety goals (IPSGs) in select hospitals in the Philippines. @*Methods@#Descriptive, cross-sectional design was used to investigate currently used performance measures and indicators. Data collection included administration of a Hospital Patient Safety Indicators Questionnaire (HPSIQ) that summarized the currently used patient safety measures and indicators in the sampled Level 2 and level 3 hospitals and triangulation by review of documents such as hospital databases, protocols on reporting, and manuals for information gathering regarding patient safety. Performance measures were categorized using the Donabedian framework. Core indicators were identified through review of standards that cut across the six IPSGs and evaluation of overarching processes and concepts in patient safety. @*Results@#Forty-one level 2 and 3 hospitals participated in the study. Most performance indicators were process measures (52%), while structure (31%) and outcome measures (17%) accounted for the rest. There is an obvious lack of structural requirements for patient safety in the hospitals included in this study. Less than half the hospitals surveyed implement risk assessment and management consistently. Reporting of events, near- misses, and patient safety data are widely varied among hospitals. Data utilization for quality improvement is not fully established in many of the hospitals. Patient engagement is not integrated in service delivery and performance measurement but is crucial in promoting patient safety. @*Conclusion@#Mechanisms to improve hospitals’ capacity to monitor, anticipate, and reduce risk of patient harm during the provision of healthcare should be provided. Having a unified set of definitions and protocols for measurement will facilitate reliable monitoring and improvement. Leadership and governance, both internal (e.g., hospital administrators) and external (e.g., DOH) that recognize a data-driven approach to policymaking and improvement of service delivery are crucial in promoting patient safety

Sécurité des patients , Évaluation des résultats et des processus en soins de santé
Chongqing Medicine ; (36): 89-92,97, 2024.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017444


Objective To explore the impact of nurse-led multidisciplinary collaborative nutrition inter-vention on the nutritional indicators in the patients with stroke.Methods A total of 100 patients with stroke admitted in this hospital from January to December 2020 were selected as the study subjects and divided into the observation group and control group by the propensity score matching,50 cases in each group.The control group was given the traditional nutrition intervention,and the observation group was given the nurse-led mul-tidisciplinary cooperative nutrition intervention.The blood,nutritional and biochemical indicators,physique monitoring indicators and nutritional risk indicators were compared between the two groups.Results The levels of total protein(TP),albumin(ALB),hemoglobin(Hb),prealbumin(PAB),body mass index(BMI),upper arm muscle circumference(AMC)and triceps skin fold thickness(TSF)on 21 d after admission in both groups were increased compared with those on 2,15 d after admission,and which on 15 d after admission were higher than those on 2 d after admission(P<0.05),moreover the above indicators levels on 15,21 d after ad-mission in the observation group were higher than those in the control group,and the differences were statisti-cally significant(P<0.05).Body mass index(BMI),upper arm circumference(AMC)and triceps skinfold thickness(TSF)in both groups on 21 d of admission were higher than those on 2,15 d of admission(P<0.05).The nutritional risk screening 2002(NRS2002)score on 21 d after admission in the two groups were decreased compared with those on 2,15 d after admission,while which on 15 d after admission was decreased compared with that on 2 d after admission,moreover the NRS2002 score on 15,21 d after admission in the ob-servation group were lower than those in the control group,and the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion Giving the nurse-led multidisciplinary cooperative nutrition intervention could im-prove the blood nutritional and biochemical indicators and physique monitoring indicators,and reduce the nu-tritional risk of the patients with stroke.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017828


Objective To explore the development and validation of a prediction model for severe communi-ty-acquired pneumonia in adults based on peripheral blood inflammatory indicators.Methods Venous blood samples of 204 community-acquired pneumonia in adults patients admitted to 7 hospitals in Chongqing area from April 2021 to August 2022 were collected to detect C-reactive protein(CRP),peripheral white blood cell count(WBC),neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio(NLR),cytokines,lymphocyte subgroups and neutrophil CD64 index.All of patients were divided into a training group and a validation group according to the time of admis-sion.Univariate and multivariate Logistic regression were used to analyze the data of the training group,the characteristic factors of severe progression for pneumonia were selected to construct the nomogram model,and the data of the validation group was used to verify the model.The receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve,calibration curve and decision curve analysis(DCA)were used to evaluate the prediction ability of the model for severe community-acquired pneumonia in adults.Results Logistic regression analysis showed that age,CRP,WBC,interleukin(IL)-4/interferon gamma ratio and IL-6/IL-10 ratio were independent risk factors for severe community-acquired pneumonia in adults.The area under the ROC curve of the nomogram model in the training group and the validation group was 0.893 and 0.880,respectively.The calibration curve and DCA results shown that the model had a good prediction effect for severe community-acquired pneumonia in adults.Conclusion The inflammatory indicators included in this model are simple and easy to obtain clinically.This model with good differentiation and accuracy,it can be used as a practical tool to predict severe community-ac-quired pneumonia in adults,and has certain clinical application value.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018285


To improve the evaluation indicators of medical quality in TCM hospitals; To realize objective, fair, and accurate evaluation of the quality of TCM. Based on relevant literature on medical quality in traditional Chinese medicine hospitals research and thematic group discussions, 21 evaluation indicators for TCM characteristics were formed. A questionnaire survey was conducted among 40 experts, and 37 were effectively collected, with a positive coefficient of 92.50%. After two rounds of expert consultation, the evaluation indicators were determined to be: the intensity of outpatient use of TCM decoction pieces (utilization rate of TCM decoction pieces, prescription number of TCM decoction pieces, dosage of TCM decoction pieces, and service price of TCM decoction pieces), the intensity of the use of TCM technology (proportion of TCM technology, number of TCM projects, cost of TCM technology, and course of treatment). Case studies were conducted on relevant data from 10 departments using the operational decision support system (BI) platform of Yueyang Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital affiliated with Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine to verify the rationality of indicators. The 10 departments were analyzed and evaluated, and the results obtained were basically consistent with the actual medical quality situation of the hospital. The indicators used in this study can reflect the actual medical quality situation, and have a certain degree of scientificity, feasibility, and applicability, providing reference for improving the medical quality evaluation indicators of TCM hospitals.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019054


Objective To investigate the effects of treatment with nicorandil after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention(PCI)in patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome(ACS)on inflammation-related markers,and to assess its effects on vascular endothelial function.Methods Sixty-six ACS patients who underwent PCI in the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University from August 2022 to January 2023 were used as the study sample,and were divided into the control group and the experimental group according to the method of completely randomized design,with 33 cases in each group.The control group was treated with conventional therapy,and the experimental group was treated with nicorandil.Inflammatory indexes,homocysteine(Hcy)and adverse reactions in serum were compared between the two groups.Results After nicorandil treatment,the levels of postoperative inflammation-related factors in the control group were higher than that in the experimental group,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05);The levels of Hcy after nicorandil treatment were lower than that in the control group,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05);and the rate of adverse reactions in the experimental group was higher than that in the control group,and there was no statistical difference(P>0.05).Conclusion Nicorandil application in elderly ACS patients after PCI has a definite efficacy,can optimize the vascular-related inflammatory indexes,reduce homocysteine levels to improve coronary vascular endothelial function,and is suitable for further promotion.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019550


Objective·To establish a multifactorial discriminative model for predicting the degree of infiltration in patients with non-small cell lung adenocarcinoma based on clinically accessible laboratory indicators,such as tumor markers,coagulation function indicators,routine blood count indicators,and biochemical indicators.Methods·A retrospective study was conducted on 202 patients with lung adenocarcinoma admitted to Shanghai Chest Hospital in 2022.Multifactorial Logistic regression analysis was applied to screen independent factors that influenced the predictive infiltration degree of lung adenocarcinoma and to establish a regression model.In addition,machine learning was used to construct a discriminative model,and the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve(AUC)was used to evaluate the discriminative ability of the model to discriminate the degree of infiltration in lung adenocarcinoma patients.Results·A total of 202 patients with lung adenocarcinoma were included in the study,and divided into pre-invasive lesion group(n=59)and invasive lesion group(n=143).Multifactorial Logistic regression analysis revealed that urea,percentage of basophilic granulocytes,and albumin were independent factors for predicting the degree of infiltration of lung adenocarcinoma(all P<0.05).The predictive model expression was P = eX/(1 + eX),where X =(0.534×urea)+(1.527×percentage of basophilic granulocytes)-(1.916×albumin)+ 6.373.Machine learning results showed that the model performed best when urea,fibrinogen,albumin,percentage of basophilic granulocytes,prealbumin and carcino embryonic antigen(CEA)were included.After comparing the performance of 8 machine learning algorithms(based on ridge regression,least absolute shrinkage and selection operator,neural network,random forest,k-nearest neighbors,support vector machine,decision tree,and adaptive boosting algorithms)using the DeLong test,the ridge regression algorithm with the highest AUC was selected.The AUC of the predictive model was calculated to be 0.744(95%CI 0.656-0.832),with a sensitivity of 70.8%and a specificity of 70.2%.Conclusion·A comprehensive differentiation model constructed by urea,fibrinogen,albumin,percentage of basophilic granulocytes,prealbumin and CEA can effectively predict the infiltration degree of the enrolled lung adenocarcinoma patients,holding the potential to provide more precise guidance for the clinical grading and adjunctive treatment of lung adenocarcinoma.

Journal of Practical Radiology ; (12): 590-594,601, 2024.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020261


Objective To explore the value of dynamic nomogram constructed by multi spiral computed tomography(MSCT)features combined with inflammatory indicators in predicting the status of microvascular invasion(MVI)of hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)before surgery.Methods The clinical and imaging data of 137 patients with postoperative pathologically confirmed HCC were analyzed retrospectively.According to the status of the MVI,they were divided into positive group(44 cases)and negative group(93 cases).Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to screen independent risk factors for predicting the MVI status of HCC patients,and a joint prediction model was constructed,which was displayed in the form of a dynamic nomogram.The receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve,calibration curve and Hosmer-Lemeshow test were used to evaluate the diagnostic efficiency,calibration and goodness of fit of the model,Akaike information criterion(AIC)and Bayesian information criterion(BIC)were used for comparison between the models,and a 5-fold cross-validation and decision curve analysis(DCA)were also used to evaluate the stability and clinical applicability of the model.Results Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that necrosis and delayed-phase enhancement(DEd),and alkaline phosphatase to lymphocyte ratio(ALR)were independent risk factors for predicting MVI status in HCC patients.The area under the curve(AUC)of the dynamic nomogram was 0.721,with the sensitivity of 0.705 and the specificity of 0.656.The AIC and BIC values were 152.372 and 158.212,respectively.The calibration curve and the Hosmer-Lemeshow test showed that the model had a high degree of calibration and goodness of fit(χ2=2.372,P=0.967),the average AUC of the 5-fold cross-validation was 0.787,and the DCA showed that the nomogram model had a good clinical applicability.Conclusion The dynamic nomogram model constructed by MSCT features combined with inflammatory indicators is feasible to predict the MVI status of HCC patients before surgery,and the dynamic nomogram can directly generate the prediction results of different individuals.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020505


The current situation of the construction and application of orthopaedic subspecialty nursing quality standards at home and abroad is reviewed, and the overview of orthopaedic subspecialty nursing quality standards, theoretical foundations, the content of the standard construction, the form and results of the application, and the shortcomings and outlooks are elaborated and illustrated, with a view to providing theoretical references for the further improvement and application of China′s orthopaedic subspecialty nursing quality standard system, and providing scientific suggestions and reflections for the promotion of the high-quality development of orthopaedic subspecialty nursing.

Journal of Shenyang Medical College ; (6): 188-192,199, 2024.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020614


Diabetic kidney disease(DKD)is one of the most serious microvascular complications of diabetes and a common cause of end-stage renal disease.Early kidney injury lacks typical clinical symptoms and its onset is insidiously.The common clinical indicators of kidney injury are urine microalbumin,glomerular filtration rate,etc.Due to their lack of sensitivity and specificity,it is easy to cause missed diagnosis,misdiagnosis,and delay the disease.Therefore,it is of great significance to find more convenient,stable,and less invasive detection indicators for the early diagnosis of DKD.This paper reviews the research progress of biological indicators related to glomerular and tubular injury,oxidative stress,inflammatory response,microRNA and proteomics,which provides a certain reference value for the early diagnosis of clinical DKD.

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