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Invest. educ. enferm ; 42(1): 53-68, 20240408. tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1554605


Objective. To analyze the effectiveness of an educational intervention among nursing professionals and caregivers to prevent urinary tract infections in institutionalized elderly people. Methods. this is a quasi-experimental study carried out with 20 people (7 nurses and 13 formal caregivers). A questionnaire was applied during the pre-intervention stage, then professional training was carried out and finally, the questionnaire was reapplied 6 months after the intervention. The prevalence profile and factors associated with urinary infections in 116 elderly people was evaluated before and after the educational interventions. Statistical analysis was performed using association and correlation tests, logistic regression model comparison and prevalence rates. Results. The average number of correct answers by the nursing professionals Invest Educ Enferm. 2024; 42(1): e05Educational interventions to prevent urinary infections in institutionalized elderly people. Quasi-experimental Studyand caregivers after the educational intervention increased from the pre to the post-test by 52% regarding signs of urinary infection, 32% regarding its symptoms, 72.5% regarding its treatment, 40% regarding personal/behavioral and morbidity-related risk factors, 59% regarding conditional factors and 43.8% regarding its preventive measures. The team of caregivers showed a greater gain in knowledge compared to the nursing team in almost every question (p<0.05). The length of time working in elderly care showed no positive correlation with any variable (R<1; p>0.05). The prevalence of urinary tract infection in the pre-intervention period was 33.62%, and 20% in the post-intervention period. Conclusion.The educational intervention was effective in preventing urinary tract infections in the elderly. The increased knowledge acquired by nurses and caregivers was associated with a reduction in the infection rate and an improvement in the most prevalent modifiable factors for the development of this type of pathology

Objetivo. Analizar la eficacia de una intervención educativa con profesionales de enfermería y cuidadores para prevenir las infecciones urinarias en ancianos institucionalizados. Métodos. Estudio cuasi-experimental realizado con 20 personas (7 enfermeros y 13 cuidadores formales). Se aplicó un cuestionario antes de la intervención, se llevó a cabo la capacitación de los enfermeros y se volvió a aplicar el cuestionario 6 meses después de la intervención. Se evaluó el perfil de prevalencia de las infecciones urinarias y los factores asociados de 116 ancianos antes y después de las intervenciones educativas. En el análisis estadístico se utilizaron pruebas de asociación y correlación, comparación de modelos de regresión logística y tasas de prevalencia. Resultados. El promedio de respuestas correctas del equipo de enfermería y de los cuidadores tras la intervención educativa aumentó del pre al post-test en un 52% con los signos de infección urinaria, un 32% con los síntomas, un 72.5% con el tratamiento, y un 40% con los factores de riesgo personales/conductuales y los relacionados con la morbilidad, un 59% con los factores condicionales y un 43.8% con las medidas preventivas. El equipo de cuidadores mostró una mayor aprehensión de conocimientos en relación al equipo de enfermería en casi todas las preguntas (p<0.05). El tiempo dedicado al cuidado de ancianos no mostró correlación positiva con ninguna variable (R<1; p>0.05). La prevalencia de infección urinaria en el período pre-intervención fue del 33.62% y en el post-intervención del 20%. Conclusión. La intervención educativa fue eficaz en la prevención de las infecciones urinarias en ancianos. El aumento de conocimientos adquiridos por los enfermeros y por los cuidadores se relacionó con la reducción de la tasa de infecciones y el mejoramiento de los factores modificables más prevalentes para desarrollar este tipo de patología.

Objetivo. Analisar a efetividade de intervenção educativa com profissionais de enfermagem e cuidadores para prevenção de infecções do trato urinário de idosos institucionalizados. Métodos. Estudo quase experimental realizado com 20 pessoas (7 enfermeiros e 13 cuidadores formais). Aplicou-se questionário na pré-intervenção, realizou-se capacitação dos profissionais e reaplicação do questionário 6 meses pós-intervenção. O perfil de prevalência de infecções urinárias e fatores associados de 116 idosos foi avaliado antes e após as intervenções educativas. Na análise estatística utilizou-se testes de associação e de correlação, comparação de modelos de regressão logística e de taxas de prevalência. Resultados. A média de acertos da equipe de enfermagem e de cuidadores, após intervenção educativa, aumentou do pré para o pós-teste em 52% com relação aos sinais de infecção urinária, 32% a sintomas, 72.5% tratamento, e 40% sobre fatores de risco pessoais/comportamentais e relacionados a morbidade, 59% a fatores condicionais e 43,8% sobre medidas preventivas. A equipe de cuidadores apresentou maior ganho de conhecimento em relação à equipe de enfermagem em quase todas as questões (p<0.05). O tempo de cuidado com idoso não apresentou correlação positiva com nenhuma variável (R<1; p>0.05). A prevalência de infecção do trato urinário no período pré-intervenção foi de 33.62% e pós intervenção 20%. Conclusão. A intervenção educativa foi efetiva na prevenção às infecções do trato urinário dos idosos. O aumento do conhecimento adquirido por enfermeiros e cuidadores foi associado à redução da taxa de infecções e à melhoria dos fatores modificáveis mais prevalentes para o desenvolvimento desse tipo de patologia.

Humains , Sujet âgé , Éducation pour la santé , Maisons de retraite médicalisées
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552672


Trata-se de um relato de pesquisa, com referencial na teoria psicanalítica, que teve como objetivo investigar a relevância da escuta às mulheres gestantes em uma instituição de saúde pública. Com base nos relatos destas mulheres, feitos por meio de entrevistas individuais, discorremos sobre o lugar da maternidade e as consequentes transformações em suas vidas. Os significantes emergidos nesses encontros foram articulados com os conceitos de inibição, repetição e angústia, além da transmissibilidade na maternidade e suas aproximações com a noção de trauma. A partir disso, percebemos a importância de serem realizadas discussões no campo psicanalítico a respeito de temas como aborto, luto perinatal e violência obstétrica. Concluímos que o espaço de acolhimento à gestante possibilita a elaboração das angústias vividas com a maternidade, ao tempo que nos aponta a necessidade premente de um espaço de escuta às gestantes que trazem temáticas relativas à atenção à saúde da mulher (AU).

It concerns a research report, with reference on psychoanalysis, that has had the main goal of investigating the relevance of listening to pregnant women in a public health institution. Based onthe pregnant women's reports, given through individual interviews, we discussed the place of maternity and the consequent changes in those women's lives. The signifiers brought to light on those meetings were articulated with the concepts of inhibition, repetition,and anguish, apart from the transmissibility in maternity and its bonds to the notion of trauma. With that as a starting point, we perceive the importance of making discussions in the psychoanalytic field about themes such as abortion, perinatal grief,and obstetric violence. We concluded that the place of sheltering for pregnant women ensures the possibility of elaboration of the lived anguish with maternity, whilepoints us towards the compelling need of a listening space to pregnant women that raises themes related to the attention to women's health (AU).

Este es un relato de investigación, con referencia en la teoría psicoanalítica, que tuvo como objetivo investigar la relevancia de la escucha a las mujeres gestantes en una institución de salud pública. Basándonos en los relatos de estas mujeres, obtenidos por medio de entrevistas individuales, redactamos sobre el lugar de la maternidad y las consiguientes transformaciones en sus vidas. Los significantes emergidos en estos encuentros fueron articulados con los conceptos de inhibición, repetición y angustia, así como la transmisibilidad en la maternidad y sus aproximaciones a la noción de trauma. A partir de eso, notamos la importancia de llevar a cabo discusiones en el campo psicoanalítico con respecto a temas como el aborto, el duelo perinatal y la violencia obstétrica. Concluimos que el espacio de acogida a la mujer embarazada posibilita la elaboración de las angustias vividas con la maternidad, al tiempo que nos señala la necesidad apremiante de un espacio de escucha para las mujeres gestantes que traen temas relacionados a la atención a la salud de la mujer (AU)

Humains , Femelle , Grossesse , Interprétation psychanalytique
Nursing (Ed. bras., Impr.) ; 27(308): 10095-10105, fev.2024. tab.
Article Dans Anglais, Portugais | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1537204


Identificar os cuidados de enfermagem necessários para o banho de aspersão seguro para idosos no quotidiano de uma instituição de longa permanência. Método: Revisão Integrativa da literatura, recorte entre 2001 e 2022. Os dados dos estudos incluídos resultaram em uma síntese descritiva, fundamentada na Teoria das Necessidades Humanas Básicas. Resultados: Obteve-se 13 estudos sobre cuidados no banho com e sem auxílio, envolvendo o equilíbrio psicobiológico, psicossocial e psicoespiritual, remoção de barreiras ambientais, adaptação domiciliar, maneiras de abordagem, musicoterapia e cuidados com a integridade da pele, oportunizando segurança e qualidade nas ações prestadas. Conclusões: Os cuidados precisam estar integrados às necessidades humanas básicas, respeitando as peculiaridades do processo de envelhecimento e as fragilidades dos idosos mais vulneráveis. A qualificação dos profissionais de enfermagem/cuidadores formais visa a padronização da execução do procedimento e a redução de ocorrência de desvios de procedimento.(AU)

To identify the nursing care necessary for safe spray baths for elderly people in daily life in a long-term care institution. Method: Integrative literature review, cut between 2001 and 2022. Data from the included studies resulted in a descriptive synthesis, based on the Theory of Basic Human Needs. Results: 13 studies were obtained on bath care with and without assistance, involving psychobiological, psychosocial and psychospiritual balance, removal of environmental barriers, home adaptation, approaches, music therapy and care for the integrity of the skin, providing safety and quality in the actions provided. Conclusions: Care needs to be integrated with basic human needs, respecting the peculiarities of the aging process and the weaknesses of the most vulnerable elderly people. The qualification of nursing professionals/formal caregivers aims to standardize the execution of the procedure and reduce the occurrence of procedural deviations.(AU)

Identificar los cuidados de enfermería necesarios para baños de aspersión seguros para personas mayores en la vida diaria en una institución de cuidados a largo plazo. Método: Revisión integrativa de la literatura, cortada entre 2001 y 2022. Los datos de los estudios incluidos resultaron en una síntesis descriptiva, basada en la Teoría de las Necesidades Humanas Básicas. Resultados: Se obtuvieron 13 estudios sobre cuidados del baño con y sin asistencia, involucrando equilibrio psicobiológico, psicosocial y psicoespiritual, remoción de barreras ambientales, adaptación domiciliaria, abordajes, musicoterapia y cuidado de la integridad de la piel, brindando seguridad y calidad en las acciones. proporcionó. Conclusiones: Los cuidados deben integrarse con las necesidades humanas básicas, respetando las peculiaridades del proceso de envejecimiento y las debilidades de las personas mayores más vulnerables. La calificación de los profesionales de enfermería/cuidadores formales tiene como objetivo estandarizar la ejecución del procedimiento y reducir la ocurrencia de desviaciones procesales.(AU)

Humains , Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Bains , Sécurité des patients , Maisons de retraite médicalisées , Soins infirmiers
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016925


ObjectiveTo investigate the current situation of health communication carried out by medical institutions in Shanghai through new media platforms such as WeChat, Weibo, Toutiao, Douyin, Kuaishou, Bilibili and WeChat Videos, and to propose targeted measures. MethodsBased on the systematic collection of new media accounts of medical institutions in Shanghai, and through the combination of keyword screening and manual audit, health communication data of medical institutions on new media platforms were determined. ResultsData from 1 117 new media accounts of 162 medical institutions in Shanghai were collected, including 610 WeChat official accounts, 105 WeChat video accounts, 89 Weibo accounts, 18 Bilibili accounts, 198 Douyin accounts, 37 Toutiao accounts, and 60 Kuaishou accounts, totaling 111 853 posts. After keyword sorting and manual screening, a total of 66 761 health science posts were collected, with WeChat Official Accounts, Douyin, and Weibo having the top three highest number of posts. Video-based new media such as Douyin, WeChat Videos, Kuaishou, and Bilibili had a better communication impact than text and image-based new media like WeChat Official Accounts, Weibo, and Toutiao. Among them, Douyin and Toutiao were the best platforms for video and text-image-based new media, respectively. ConclusionMedical institutions in Shanghai recognize the importance of new media in health communication and have made full use of various media platforms to carry out health communication,having a certain impact on health education. In the future, medical institutions should choose appropriate platforms based on target audiences and content characteristics, fully leverage the advantages of various platforms, explore innovative communication strategies, promote the dissemination of health knowledge, and enhance the health literacy of the public.

Modern Hospital ; (6): 219-221, 2024.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022242


Objective To investigate the internal and external factors of scientific and technological innovations in pro-vincial maternal and child health care institutions and propose effective strategies for facilitating the innovations.Methods The PEST-SWOT model was used to analyze the internal strengths and weaknesses,external opportunities,and threats of the scientific and technological innovations in a provincial maternal and child health care institution from the perspectives of political,econom-ic,social,and technical environment.Results The institution has advantages and opportunities in policy support,scientific re-search management and investment,and disciplinary characteristics.However,it faces some threats and has disadvantages in tal-ent team,information-oriented level,and industrial competition.Conclusion The development of scientific and technological in-novation in provincial maternal and child health care institutions is affected by internal and external factors.It is necessary to firmly seize opportunities and comprehensively promote scientific and technological innovations from the aspects of medical treat-ment,teaching and research collaboration,discipline layout,talent team,and information-oriented construction.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027991


Objective:To construct an evaluation indicator system for the efficiency of nursing human resources in integrated medical and elderly care institutions using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and subsequently evaluate its effectiveness.Methods:This cross-sectional survey utilized literature review and investigative methods to initially establish a library of evaluation indicators for nursing human resource efficiency. The Delphi method was employed in two rounds of consultations with 17 experts from various fields, including nursing management, elderly care institution management, integrated medical and elderly care institution management, health economics management, and public health. The reliability of the indicator system was assessed based on factors such as expert enthusiasm, authority, concentration of opinions, and coordination. Adjustments, modifications, and improvements were made to the indicators based on expert opinions to establish the final indicator system. From August to December 2022, the DEA model was applied to evaluate the efficiency of 12 integrated medical and elderly care institutions in Haikou city based on this indicator system.Results:The constructed evaluation indicator system comprised 68 items divided into three levels: 9 primary indicators, 19 secondary indicators, and 40 tertiary indicators. The positive coefficients of the two rounds of expert consultations were 100% and 94.1%, with authority coefficients of 0.88 and 0.92, Kendall harmony coefficients of 0.471 and 0.348, and mean coefficients of variation of 0.16 and 0.12 ( P<0.001). DEA evaluation results for the 12 integrated medical and elderly care institutions showed that 5 were DEA effective institutions with comprehensive efficiency (OE), technical efficiency (TE), and scale efficiency (SE) values all equal to 1.000, while 7 were non-DEA effective institutions, including 4 with SE <1.000 but TE=1.000 and 3 with both SE and TE<1.000. Conclusions:The constructed evaluation indicator system demonstrates high enthusiasm, authority coefficients, and coordination in expert consultations, indicating high acceptability and comprehensive content with distinct levels and strong specialty characteristics. The DEA model′s evaluation results objectively and effectively reflect the efficiency of nursing human resources in integrated medical and elderly care institutions, demonstrating practical utility.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031120


【Objective】 To understand factors associated with children′s attendance at nursery care institutions (NCIs) and the basic characteristics of the NCIs children were enrolled in, so as to provide scientific evidence for policymakers. 【Methods】 During November 2020 and January 2021, parents who visited the Department of Child Health Care in six selected maternal and children′s hospitals, as well as nearby NCIs in Zhejiang were invited to finish an online questionnaire. Information such as children′s sociodemographic characteristics, parents′ knowledge, attitude and practice regarding nursery and feeding, etc. were collected. A total of 1 756 questionnaires were collected. 【Results】 Compared to children who were not in NCIs, children enrolled in NCIs were older (94.4% of children ≥24 months vs. 30.1%, χ2=835.27), more likely to be from the local area (87.2% vs. 81.4%,χ2=12.25), more likely to have parents with a college degree (mother: 83.6% vs. 74.2%, χ2=35.29; father: 79.9% vs. 70.0%, χ2=27.01), had a higher prevalence of family annual income >200 000 CNY (49.5% vs. 28.2%, χ2=110.49), and were less likely to have their grandparents available to take care of them (16.7% vs. 26.8%, χ2=31.4) The difference all have great significant.(P<0.05). In a multivariate Logistic regression model, the older the child, the more likely they were to attend an NCI (for children aged 6 - 23 months, OR=6.70; for children aged 24 - 35 months, OR=134.03; and for children aged 36 - 42 months, OR=699.33; P<0.05). Family annual income was positively associated with children′s attendance at NCIs (for those earning 100 000 - 200 000 CNY/year, OR=1.63; for those earning 200 000 - 500 000 CNY/year, OR=2.96; and for those earning >500 000 CNY/year, OR=4.62, P<0.05). Conversely, the higher the level of grandparent involvement in daily care, the lower the attendance at NCIs (for children cared for by both parents and grandparents, OR=0.57; for those primarily cared for by grandparents, OR=0.26, P<0.05). For children who used to stay at NCIs, 82.8% stayed at institutions that only recruited children aged 0 - 3 years, 97.4% spent their whole day in NCIs, and 71.4% spent less than 3 000 CNY per month for NCI services. Additionally, over 95% of parents were satisfied with the food and care services in NCIs, as well as their children′s physical development in NCIs. However, 32.1% of NCIs were reported by parents as having no room for breastfeeding. 【Conclusions】 Children′s age, grandparent involvement in routine care, and family annual income are the main factors associated with children′s attendance at NCIs. There is a greater need for more affordable and community-based NCIs, particularly for children under 2 years old. Additionally, more attention should be paid to the quality surveillance, assessment and management of NCIs.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1032314


ObjectiveTo investigate the trends and significant determinants of delayed HIV diagnosis (DHD) among newly reported HIV/AIDS cases in Xuhui District, Shanghai between 2018 and 2022. MethodsIn the newly reported HIV/AIDS cases, patients died within one year without accident, HIV/AIDS cases with CD4 cell count <200 cells·μL-1, and AIDS cases with a CD4 cell count between 200 to 499 cells·μL-1 were defined as delayed diagnosis. Univariate and multivariate logistic analysis were employed to explore the influencing factors of DHD. ResultsAmong the 862 newly reported HIV/AIDS cases, The DHD rate was 39.79% without statistically significant difference by year(χ2=4.508, P=0.342). Patients with CD4 cell count <200 cells·μL-1 contributed the largest proportion of DHD. During 2018‒2022, the DHD rate declined among HIV/AIDS patients who were younger than 35 years old or 45‒65 years old, never married, original diagnosis from tertiary specialized hospitals. Patients who were 65 years or older, married or divorced, with heterosexual transmitted HIV/AIDS, and original diagnosis from other types of testing and tertiary metropolitan hospital, had sustainably higher DHD rates. The number of HIV screening and diagnosed from voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) decreased during the COVID-19 epidemic, while the DHD rate increased sharply. Multivariate logistic regression analysis suggested the DHD rates were higher among older age, other types of testing(OR=3.805, 95%CI: 2.260‒6.406)and pre-operative testing(OR=2.411, 95%CI: 1.424‒4.081). Patients who received CD4 test in 15 days had a higher DHD rate compared to the cases received CD4 test exceeding 90 days (OR=0.336, 95%CI: 0.216‒0.522). ConclusionThere is no significant decrease of delayed HIV diagnosis rate in Xuhui District in recent years, and the number of HIV tests has decreased in 2022. Monitoring of newly reported HIV/AIDS should be conducted continuously. Expansion of HIV antibody screening should be conducted in non-infectious departments and inpatient departments in healthcare institutions, particularly metropolitan hospitals. Assistance should be provided to clinicians and elderly patients for improving their ability to recognize and perceive the risk of HIV/AIDS, in order to enhance early diagnosis and subsequent treatment.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1032327


ObjectiveTo understand the usage of antibiotics in outpatients in a county of Zhejiang Province from 2015 to 2020, so as to provide a basis for further standardizing the clinical application of antibiotics in this region. MethodsOutpatient records and prescription records of 146 public medical institutions from 2015 to 2020 were extracted from the electronic medical record data sharing platform system of medical institutions in a county of Zhejiang Province. The utilization rates and the number of types of antibiotics used in outpatient patients were described. According to the drug anatomy, therapeutic and chemical classification system (ATC), clinical application classification and dosage form, the use status of different types of antibiotics was observed. The annual percentage change (APC) was used to analyze the time trend of antibiotic use. Among the antibiotic prescriptions in each year, the proportions of prescriptions aimed for different use reasons and patients were compared to analyze the changes in the structures of antibiotic prescriptions. ResultsDuring 2015‒2020, a total of 2 861 438 prescriptions were issued in146 primary public medical institutions in this county, including 314 642 prescriptions for antibiotics, and the overall utilization rate of antibiotics was 11%. The utilization rate of antibiotics showed a decreased trend across the years (from 14.23% in 2015 to 7.59% in 2020,APC=-11.51%, 95%CI=-0.01%‒-21.7%, t=-12.05, P<0.001) and an obvious seasonal variation character (higher in winter and spring, lower in summer and autumn). Cefoxitin sodium for injection was the most used antibiotic in 2015, and cefuroxime was the most used antibiotic from 2015 to 2020, respectively. The utilization rates of cephalosporins (APC=-11.06%, 95%CI=0‒-20.89%, t=-22.233, P<0.001), quinolones (APC=-9.74%, 95%CI=0‒-18.53%, t=-7.652, P=0.002), macrolides (APC=-17.52%, 95%CI=0‒-17.52%, t=-3.626, P=0.022) and lincoamides (APC=-49.01%, 95%CI=0‒-74%, t=-3.35, P=0.029) showed a decreasing trend across the years. There were differences in the distribution of drug use reasons (χ2=9 458.427, P<0.001), as well as the age (χ2=5 421.709, P<0.001) and sex (χ2=245.322, P<0.001) of patients. During the observation period, 50.69% of antibiotic prescriptions were used to treat respiratory diseases, with the highest proportion of 57.67% in 2015 and the lowest proportion of 34.93% in 2020. 58.37% of patients were aged 50‒70 years, with a decreasing proportion of patients under 50 years (17.83% in 2015, 6.64% in 2020) and an increasing proportion of patients over 70 years (24.1% in 2015, 38.41% in 2020). ConclusionThe utilization rate of antibiotics used in outpatients from primary public medical institutions in a county of Zhejiang Province shows a decreasing trend across the years, but higher than that of secondary and above hospitals in China, and also higher than that of primary medical institutions in economically-developed areas. The management and monitoring of the clinical use of antibiotics in the county should be actively strengthened.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023468


Purpose/Significance To conduct the real world research on the application and impact of artificial intelligence(AI)technology in medical institutions,and to assist in intelligent governance decision-making in the field of medicine and health.Method/Process Taking Peking University Third Hospital as the research scene,the AI medical social experiment is carried out through literature meta-analysis,knowledge graph construction and mixed methodology research.Result/Conclusion Scholars at home and abroad are cautious and optimistic about the application of AI technology in the field of health.The research,development and application of AI technology in domestic public hospitals are very active,but small-scale field studies suggest that AI technology may lead to problems such as misleading decision-making and weakening of human subjectivity while improving the efficiency of diagnosis and treatment.In-telligent governance in the field of health,represented by AI technology,requires a long period and a wide range of sociological observa-tions.It is recommended to build a research base for medical AI technology R&D and supervision based on public hospitals,and continue to pay attention to issues such as human subjectivity,medical ethics and scientific and technological ethics in AI social governance.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024123


Objective To investigate the implementation of surveillance,prevention and control measures for healthcare-associated infection(HAI)in maternal and child healthcare(MCH)institutions,and provide policy evi-dence for optimizing HAI prevention and control in MCH institutions.Methods Stratified sampling was conducted among the MCH institutions at provincial,municipal and county levels in 8 provinces/autonomous regions.A uni-fied questionnaire was designed and the online survey was conducted through"Questionnaire Star".Results The data from 123 MCH institutions were included in the analysis.90.24%of the MCH institutions carried out compre-hensive surveillance on HAI.The ratios of MCH institutions which implemented targeted surveillance on HAI in neonatal intensive care unit(NICU),surgical site infection,multidrug-resistant organisms(MDROs)and HAI in intensive care units(non-NICU excluded)were 89.66%,85.96%,80.77%,and 74.19%,respectively.51.22%MCH institutions adopted information surveillance system on HAI cases.94.31%MCH institutions carried out surveillance on hand hygiene compliance.Over 90%MCH institutions carried out surveillance on environment hy-giene in high-risk departments.71.54%MCH institutions conducted centralized cleaning,disinfection,sterilization and supply for reusable medical instruments in the central sterile supply department(CSSD).Over 90%MCH insti-tutions established three-level pre-examination triage systems.86.18%set up transitional wards.MCH institutions generally adopted a management model with established effective communication,full appointment visits,and sepa-rate visits for special medical groups,such as registered pregnant women,high-risk newborns,healthcare groups,and long-term rehabilitation patients.However,the ratio of institutions conducting on-line follow-up visits was less than 50%.Conclusion MCH institutions have generally carried out comprehensive and targeted surveillance on HAI.Information surveillance need to be facilitated.Hand hygiene and environmental hygiene surveillance has been popularized to a certain extent at all levels of MCH institutions.The cleaning,disinfection,sterilization,and supply processes of reusable medical devices in a few MCH institutions are not standardized.Special medical populations get effective management.On-line healthcare is to be further promoted.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 499-506, 2024.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036460


Medical institutions are not only the research and development end, but also the application end of innovative achievements, which makes the transformation of medical scientific and technological achievements different from the others in colleges and universities. It also faces new problems and challenges in ethical governance. Meanwhile, the ethics of promoting the transformation of medical scientific and technological achievements also needs to be paid attention to and maintained. Improving people’s health level and quality of life are the ultimate ethical goals of process supervision. The objectives, systems, and behaviors of ethical evaluation need to have their own emphasis to avoid repeated evaluation, improve evaluation efficiency, and ensure the ethics of evaluation work itself. This paper discusses the specific classification and common forms of ethical challenges in the supervision of the transformation process of achievements in medical institutions. It is suggested to focus on ethical values to improve the legal system, clarify the relationship between the public welfare and transformation profitability of medical institutions, and explore new positions of the transformation advantages in medical institutions.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038440


ObjectiveTo carry out an epidemiological analysis on an outbreak of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection at a welfare institution to provide a theoretical basis for the corresponding prevention and control measures. MethodsUsing the method of field epidemiological investigation, special field treatment was carried out in September 2022. Serum samples from cases and close contacts in the same ward area were collected for detection of nine respiratory tract infection pathogens (Mycoplasma pneumoniae, chlamydia, influenza, human metapneumosis, respiratory syncytial, human boca, parainfluenza type 1‒4 virus, and Middle East respiratory syndrome, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus) by immunofluorescence immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibody test. ResultsA total of 14 Mycoplasma pneumoniae cases were identified, all of whom were residents of the welfare institution. The first case occurred on September 4, while the last case was reported on September 13. The incidence rate of the fifth ward area where the first case reported was 12.82% (10/78), and it was 3.57% (3/84) in the third ward area and 1.20% (1/83) in the first ward area. There was a significant difference in incidence rates between ward areas (χ2=8.90, P<0.05), but no significant difference was observed in age distribution and length of hospitalization. Thirty-three samples were collected for detection of nine kinds of IgM antibodies against respiratory pathogens. The results showed that the Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgM antibody was weakly positive in the 14 cases. ConclusionBased on the epidemiological history, clinical symptoms and laboratory tests, it was concluded that it was an outbreak of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection within the welfare institution. Welfare institutions should continue to control the occurrence and outbreak of infection through effective routine hygiene, ventilation, and disinfection so as to ensure the health and safety of their clients.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005269


ObjectiveThis study aims to understand the recognition of practitioners in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) hospitals on hospital-based health technology assessment (HB-HTA), assessment needs, challenges, and suggestions, so as to provide references for the future work. MethodThe convenient sampling method was adopted to survey the relevant practitioners in TCM hospitals. The questionnaire included 39 questions in 4 dimensions and was distributed through the online platform Weijuanxing. ResultA total of 244 questionnaires were recovered, and the obtained data were analyzed in SPSS. The results showed that 137 practitioners were very familiar with HB-HTA and there was no significant difference in the recognition of practitioners in different occupations (F=0.251; P=0.778). The practitioners in Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan had lower recognition than those in other regions. In terms of the assessment needs, 127 practitioners believed that it was very necessary to carry out HB-HTA in TCM hospitals in the future. Chinese patent medicines/Chinese herbal medicine decoction pieces (5.91) and TCM appropriate technology (5.57) had higher assessment priority scores. The assessment needs were high for the effectiveness (235 practitioners) and safety (224 practitioners) of health technology. The lack of specialized organization and standardized evaluation process system and the shortage of talents were considered to be the major challenges for the future development in this field. ConclusionThe stakeholders carrying out the health technology assessment in TCM hospitals had certain awareness of HB-HTA. Most practitioners believed that it was necessary to carry out HB-HTA in TCM hospitals in the future, while the work might face challenges such as the lack of organizations and system and the shortage of talents, which requires policy support.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012774


Objective To investigate the number, distribution, and types of radiation of non-medical radiation institutions in Hebei Province, China, and to explore the current radiation protection in the employing units and occupational health management of radiation workers in 2022. Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted in the non-medical institutions engaged in nuclear technology application in Hebei Province, and different types of employing units were selected to monitor the radioactivity level in the workplace. Results A total of 681 non-medical institutions engaged in radiation technology application completed the survey, covering all cities with subordinate districts in the province, including 1605 radioactive devices, 2960 active devices, 45 non-uranium metal mines, and 14 non-sealed workplaces. A total of 8617 radiation workers were surveyed, with a personal dose monitoring rate of 70.9%, a radiation protection training rate of 61.1%, and an occupational health examination rate for radiation workers of 59.3%. A total of 614 radiation protection monitoring instruments were provided, with a personal protective equipment allocation rate of 51.1% and a personal dose alarm device allocation rate of 51.8%. The radiation occupational hazardous factor testing was completed for 54 workplaces, and the results were all qualified. Conclusion There are still significant deficiencies in personal dose monitoring in the radiation work units in non-medical institutions and occupational health examination in the radiation work units in our province. The health administrative departments should strengthen health supervision and law enforcement, enhance radiation protection and skill training for employers, and more effectively control the impact of radiation hazards on personnel health.

Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535597


Resumo Objetivo Compreender a repercussão do isolamento social durante a pandemia da covid-19 na saúde mental de idosos institucionalizados, sob a óptica dos idosos institucionalizados. Método Estudo exploratório-descritivo com abordagem qualitativa, em duas ILPI's do município de Divinópolis, MG, Brasil, por meio de um questionário de identificação e, para análise dos dados qualitativos, um roteiro semiestruturado com questões norteadoras sobre a autopercepção do isolamento social durante a pandemia. Utilizou-se análise de conteúdo, à luz da teoria de Dorothea Orem. Resultados Participaram 13 idosos e foram levantadas as seguintes categorias temáticas: Sentimentos dos idosos institucionalizados frente ao isolamento social da pandemia; Ações dos residentes para preservar a saúde mental e física durante o período do isolamento social da pandemia; O isolamento social e a inatividade física como parte da vida dos idosos institucionalizados; A covid-19 encarada como algo trivial. Conclusão O isolamento social causado pela pandemia repercutiu negativamente na saúde mental dos idosos institucionalizados e trouxe à tona o fato do isolamento social já fazer parte do cotidiano desses idosos.

Abstract Objective To understand the impact of social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of institutionalized older adults, from the perspective of these residents. Method An exploratory-descriptive study with a qualitative approach was conducted in two LTCFs in the city of Divinópolis, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. A questionnaire was applied for identification, whereas for qualitative data analysis, a semi-structurednscript with guiding questions about self-perceptions of social isolation during the pandemic was employed. Content analysis was used, drawing on Dorothea Orem's theory. Results Thirteen older adults participated and the following thematic categories were identified: Feelings of the residents about social isolation amid the pandemic; Actions by residents to preserve mental and physical health during pandemic social isolation; Social isolation and physical inactivity as part of the lives of residents; COVID-19 viewed as trivial. Conclusion Social isolation caused by the pandemic had a negative impact on the mental health of the institutionalized older adults and revealed the fact that social isolation was already part of their daily lives.

Isolement social
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 44: e259633, 2024. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1564982


Resumo: A Psicologia Organizacional e do Trabalho (POT) é permeada por uma série de julgamentos negativos e estigmas, principalmente acerca de seu papel intermediador de relações de exploração sofridas pelo trabalhador. Investigar as percepções que graduandos têm sobre a área pode trazer acesso ao que há de central entre as diversas formas de pensar o tema. Este trabalho buscou analisar as percepções de 100 graduandos de duas instituições de ensino superior (IES) do Centro-Oeste Paulista, uma pública e outra privada, acerca da importância da atuação do psicólogo em POT e o interesse desses discentes em atuarem futuramente na área, estabelecendo uma comparação entre os resultados com base nas IES e entre primeiro e quinto ano da graduação. Os graduandos responderam a dois questionários estruturados com perguntas abertas e fechadas. Os resultados apontaram uma maior valorização da área de POT na IES privada e no quinto ano. A maioria dos discentes do primeiro ano de graduação apresentou pouco conhecimento sobre a POT. Os estudantes da IES privada apresentaram maior interesse em atuar na área do que os discentes da IES pública. Quando perguntados se houve uma mudança de opinião após a realização das disciplinas, 49 alunos do quinto ano responderam positivamente e apenas um respondeu negativamente. As respostas dissertativas se dividiram entre visões positivas, neutras e negativas sobre a POT. Os resultados permitiram avaliação das percepções da POT entre os graduandos, bem como das transformações ocorridas pelo impacto das experiências acadêmicas vivenciadas.

Abstract: Organizational and Work Psychology (OWP) is permeated by a series of negative judgments and stigmas, mainly about its role as an intermediary of relations exploiting workers. Investigating the perceptions undergraduates have about it can bring access to what is central among the different ways of thinking about the subject. This study sought to analyze the perceptions of 100 undergraduates from two higher education institutions (HEIs), one public and private in Midwestern São Paulo about the importance of psychologists' role in OWP and their interest in working in the area in the future, comparing the results per HEI and between the first and fifth year of graduation. Graduates answered two structured questionnaires with open and closed questions. Results pointed to a greater appreciation of OWP in the private HEI and in the fifth year. Most first-year undergraduate students had little knowledge about OWP. Students from the private HEI took greater interest in working in the area than students from the public HEI. When asked if taking the courses changed their opinions, 49 students responded positively and only one negatively. Participants' responses were divided into positive, neutra,l and negative views about OWP. Results evaluated the perceptions on OWP in undergraduates the changes due to the impact of academic experiences.

Resumen: La Psicología Organizacional y Laboral (POT) está permeada por una serie de juicios negativos y estigmas, principalmente sobre su papel como intermediaria de las relaciones de explotación laboral. Investigar las percepciones que los estudiantes tienen sobre este campo puede brindar acceso a lo que es central entre las diferentes formas de pensar sobre el tema. Este estudio buscó analizar las percepciones de 100 graduandos de dos instituciones de educación superior (IES), una pública y otra privada, del medio oeste de São Paulo, acerca de la importancia del rol del psicólogo en POT y del interés por actuar en el área, estableciendo una comparación entre los resultados por tipo de IES y período del curso (el primer y quinto año de grado). Los graduandos respondieron a dos cuestionarios estructurados con preguntas abiertas y cerradas. Los resultados apuntan a una mayor valoración de POT en las IES privadas y en el quinto año. La mayoría de los estudiantes de primer año tenían poco conocimiento sobre POT. Los estudiantes de la IES privada estaban más interesados en trabajar en el área que los estudiantes de la IES pública. Cuando se les preguntó si hubo un cambio de opinión luego de cursar las asignaturas, 49 estudiantes del quinto año respondieron positivamente y solo uno respondió negativamente. Las respuestas del ensayo se dividieron en puntos de vista positivos, neutrales y negativos sobre POT. Los resultados permitieron evaluar las percepciones de POT entre los graduandos, así como evaluar los cambios ocurridos por el impacto de las experiencias académicas.

Vínculo ; 20(1): 16-24, 20230000.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510081


Tem-se como objetivo investigar a necessidade da escuta subjetiva das gestantes em instituição de atenção à saúde da mulher, localizada em Minas Gerais, a partir da perspectiva psicanalítica. Ao se ater aos discursos que regem a instituição, este encontro possibilita a elaboração de novos saberes sob a ótica da hipótese do inconsciente. Após uma experiência institucional, identificou-se os impactos da perda de documentos, evidenciando uma lacuna em sua história. Compreende-se que os preceitos da micro-história enodados com a psicanálise aplicada podem nortear esta investigação, fazendo emergir memórias marginalizadas. Constata-se que o espaço da gestante na instituição se restringe ao acompanhamento obstétrico. Por fim, efetuou-se, a partir de elementos da psicanálise, a constatação da carência de uma escuta na instituição.

The objective is to investigate the need for subjective listening of pregnant women in an institution of women's health care, located in Minas Gerais, from the psychoanalytic perspective. By sticking to the discourses that govern the institution, this meeting enables the elaboration of new knowledge from the perspective of the hypothesis of the unconscious. After an institutional experience, the impacts of the loss of institutional documents were identified, evidencing a gap in its history. It is understood that the precepts of micro-history knotted with applied psychoanalysis can guide this investigation, bringing out marginalized memories It appears that the pregnant woman's space in the institution is restricted to obstetric follow-up. Finally, based on elements of psychoanalysis, the verification of the lack of listening in the institution was carried out.

Se tiene como objetivo investigar la necesidad de escucha subjetiva de las gestantes en institución de atención a la salud de la mujer, ubicada en Minas Gerais, a partir de la perspectiva psicoanalítica. Al atenerse a los discursos que rigen la institución este encuentro posibilita la elaboración de nuevos saberes bajo la óptica de la hipótesis del inconsciente. Después de una experiencia institucional, se identificó los impactos de la pérdida de documentos, evidenciando un déficit en su historia. Se comprende que los preceptos de la microhistoria enlazados con el psicoanálisis aplicada pueden nortear esta investigación, haciendo

Humains , Femelle , Grossesse , Pratiques éducatives parentales , Féminité
Rev. enferm. vanguard. (En línea) ; 11(1): 3-12, ene.-jun. 2023. tab,
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: biblio-1437312


El estudio tuvo como Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad del mousse de sangrecita en los niveles de hemoglobina en los niños de dos instituciones Educativas iniciales. Materiales y métodos: Estudio Experimental con diseño cuasi experimental de corte longitudinal, la población de estudio estuvo conformada por 80 niños los cuales todos participaron (consentimiento de los padres), 52 niños fueron de la IEI de Ica y 28 de la IEI de Comatrana, para la muestra se realizó un muestreo no probabilístico mediante el descarte de anemia utilizando el analizador de hemoglobina (hemoQ), microcubetas, lancetas y demás implementos, de ellos 9 niños tuvieron una hemoglobina <=11gr/dl quienes ingresaron al programa de mousse de sangrecita. Se elaboró una ficha de control. Resultados: Después de 7 semanas de consumir el mousse de sangrecita los 9 niños que ingresaron al programa de las dos IEI, se evidencio un incremento en sus niveles de hemoglobina superior al primer control. Conclusiones: El consumo de mousse de sangrecita es efectiva en el tratamiento de la anemia en niños de la IEI incrementando el nivel de hemoglobina. (AU)

The Objective of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of blood mousse on hemoglobin levels in children from two initial educational institutions. Materials and Methods: Study experimental Quasi-experimental desing of longitudinal cut, the study population was made up of 80 children who all participated (parental consent), 52 children were from the IEI of Ica and 28 from the IEI of Comatrana, for the sample a non-probability sampling was carried out by discarding anemia using the hemoglobin analyzer (hemoQ), microcuvettes, lancets andother implements, of them 9 children had a hemoglobin < = 11gr / dl who would enter the blood mousse program. A control sheet was drawn up. Results: After 7 weeks of consuming the blood mousse of the 9 children who entered the program of the two IEI, there was evidence of an increase in their hemoglobin levels higher than the first control. Conclusions: The consumption of blood mousse is effective in the treatment of anemia in children with IEI by increasing the level of hemoglobin. (AU)

Mâle , Femelle , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Hémoglobines , Enfant , Anémie , Études longitudinales
Cogitare Enferm. (Online) ; 28: e91312, Mar. 2023. tab, graf
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1520751


RESUMO Objetivo: Desvelar as vivências de cuidadores de idosos que residem em instituições de longa permanência, durante o confinamento no contexto da pandemia de Covid-19. Método: Método: pesquisa qualitativa, descritiva, através de estudo de caso intrínseco. Amostra intencionada por critério e conveniência de seis cuidadores, Região de Los Ríos, Chile, entrevista semiestruturada foi realizada no ano de 2021. Análise através de comparação constante e redução progressiva. A validade foi garantida pelo cumprimento de critérios de rigor, triangulação por especialistas. Resultados: 489 unidades de significado deram origem a quatro grupos temáticos: Significado de ter vivido a experiência, fatores facilitadores, fatores dificultadores e recomendações. Emergiram dois domínios: Contribuição dos cuidadores para o reforço do seu papel durante a pandemia e Contribuição para o reforço da gestão. Conclusões: permite reconhecer e validar o vínculo afetivo, o empenho e a vocação dos prestadores de cuidados, aspectos fundamentais a reforçar através do aconselhamento e da formação para garantir a qualidade dos cuidados.

ABSTRACT Objective: Uncover the experiences of caregivers of elderly people living in long-term care institutions, during confinement in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Method: Qualitative, descriptive research, through an intrinsic case study. Intentional sample by criteria and convenience of six caregivers, Los Ríos Region, Chile; a semi-structured interview was carried out in 2021. Analysis applying the constant comparative method and progressive focusing approach. Validity was ensured by compliance with the criteria of rigor and researcher triangulation. Results: 489 units of meaning gave rise to four thematic groups: Meaning of having lived the experience, facilitating factors, hindering factors and recommendations. Two domains emerged: Contribution of caregivers to strengthening their role during the pandemic and Contribution to strengthening management. Conclusions: it allows recognizing and validating the emotional bond, commitment and vocation of care providers, key aspects to be reinforced through counseling and training to guarantee the quality of care.

RESUMEN Objetivo: develar las vivencias de cuidadores de personas mayores que residen en instituciones de larga permanencia, durante el confinamiento en contexto de pandemia por Covid-19. Método: investigación cualitativa, descriptiva, mediante estudio intrínseco de casos. Muestra intencionada por criterios y conveniencia de seis cuidadoras, Región de Los Ríos, Chile, se realizó entrevista semiestructurada, en el año 2021. Análisis a través de comparación constante y reducción progresiva. Se cauteló validez cumpliendo criterios de rigor, triangulación por expertos. Resultados: 489 unidades de significado originaron cuatro núcleos temáticos: Significado de haber vivido la experiencia, factores facilitadores del trabajo, factores que lo dificultan y recomendaciones. Emergieron dos dominios: Aportes de las cuidadoras para fortalecer su rol durante la pandemia y Contribución para fortalecer la gestión. Conclusiones: permite reconocer y validar el vínculo afectivo, compromiso y vocación de las cuidadoras, aspectos fundamentales a fortalecer mediante consejería y capacitación para asegurar la calidad de los cuidados.

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