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Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; 57(3): 263-272, set. 2023. graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533346


Resumen Las alergias alimentarias representan un problema de salud pública. La declaración de alérgenos en el rótulo implicó un avance fundamental para la gestión del riesgo, ya que evitar el alimento desencadenante mediante el rotulado adecuado constituye actualmente una medida insustituible de cuidado para la población susceptible. Se realizó una valoración del impacto de la legislación nacional en referencia a la declaración de alérgenos alimentarios entre 2017 y 2022. Se utilizaron los motores de búsqueda interna de la Administración Nacional de Medicamentos, Alimentos y Tecnología Médica (ANMAT) para los retiros de productos alimenticios del mercado y se contrastó como herramienta de medición indirecta para la valoración del impacto de la implementación del Artículo 235 séptimo del Código Alimentario Nacional (CAA). Se analizaron 43 productos (galletitas, fideos, chocolates, alimentos a base de vegetales). El 53,5% (23 sobre un total de 43) presentaba declaración de alérgenos. El 70% de los mismos (16 sobre un total de 23) fueron categorizados "con inconsistencias" y el 14% (6 productos de 43) utilizaba etiquetado precautorio. El paradigma reactivo del control de alimentos sobresalió por sobre el de las auditorías, los programas de monitoreo y, en suma, sobre los programas de prevención, ya que el sistema se activó fundamentalmente por la vía reactiva de las denuncias. Esto representó un 72% de los productos categorizados.

Abstract Food allergies represent a public health problem. The declaration of allergens on the label implied a fundamental advance for risk management, since avoiding the triggering food through proper labelling is currently an irreplaceable measure of care for the susceptible population. An assessment of the impact of the national legislation was carried out in reference to the declaration of food allergens between 2017 and 2022. The ANMAT internal search engines were used for the withdrawals of food products from the market and contrastlised as an indirect measurement tool for the impact assessment of the implementation of Section 235 seventh of the Argentine Food Code (CAA, for its acronym in Spanish). Forty-three products (biscuits, noodles, chocolates, vegetable-based foods) were analysed. The allergen declaration was present in 53.5% (23 out of a total of 43). Some inconsistencies were present in 70% of them (16 out of a total of 23) and 14% (6 products out of 43) used precautionary labelling. The reactive paradigm of food control stood out above that of audits, monitoring programmes and, in short, prevention programmes, since the system was activated fundamentally through the reactive route of complaints. This represented 72% of the categorised products.

Resumo As alergias alimentares representam um problema de saúde pública. A declaração de alérgenos no rótulo envolveu um avanço fundamental para a gestão do risco, visto que evitar os alimentos que desencadeiam as alergias, por meio de uma rotulagem adequada, é atualmente uma medida insubstituível de cuidado para a população suscetível. Foi realizada uma avaliação do impacto da legislação nacional referida à declaração de alérgenos alimentares entre 2017 e 2022. Os motores de busca interna da ANMAT (Administração Nacional de Medicamentos, Alimentos e Tecnologia Médica) foram utilizados para as retiradas de produtos alimentares do mercado e contrastados como uma ferramenta indireta de medição para a avaliação do impacto da aplicação do artigo 235 sétimo, do CAA (Código Alimentar Nacional). Foram analisados 43 produtos (biscoitos, macarrão, chocolates, alimentos à base de vegetais). 53,5% (23 de um total de 43) apresentavam declaração de alérgenos, 70% deles (16 de um total de 23) foram categorizados "com inconsistências" e 14% (6 produtos de 43) utilizavam rotulagem de precaução. Destacou-se o paradigma "reativo" do controle de alimentos por sobre o controle das auditorias, dos programas de monitoramento e, em resumo, dos programas de prevenção, visto que o sistema foi ativado fundamentalmente pela via reativa das reclamações. Isso representou 72% dos produtos categorizados.

Indian Pediatr ; 2023 Jul; 60(7): 549-552
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225439


Objective: We examined the ‘nutrients of concern’ in pre-packaged food products that are commonly advertised, as per WHO standards and Nova Classification. Methods: This was a qualitative study, using a convenience sampling method, to identify advertisements of prepackaged food products. We also analyzed their content from information on the packets, and their compliance with applicable Indian laws. Results: We found that all the advertisements of the food products in this study did not provide important information about the amount of nutrients of concern i.e., total fat, sodium, and total sugars. These advertisements mostly targeted children, made health claims, and used endorsements of celebrities. All the food products were also found to be ultra-processed in nature and high in one or more nutrients of concern. Conclusion: Most of the advertisements are misleading, needing effective monitoring. Health warnings on the front-of- pack label and restrictions on marketing of such food products may go a long way in reducing non-communicable diseases.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221381


The groundwork for extracting a significant amount of biomedical information from unstructured texts into structured formats is the difficult research area of biological entity recognition from medical documents. The existing work implemented the named entity recognition for diseases using the sequence labelling framework. The performance of this strategy, however, is not always adequate, and it frequently cannot fully exploit the semantic information in the dataset. The Syndrome Diseases Named Entity problem is presented in this work as a sequence labelling with multi-context learning. By using well-designed text/queries, this formulation may incorporate more previous information and to decode it using decoding techniques such conditional random fields (CRF). We performed experiments on three biomedical datasets, and the outcomes show how effective our methodology is on the BC5CDR-Disease, JNLPBA and NCBI-Disease, compared with other techniques our methodology performs with accuracy levels of 96.70%,98.65 and 96.72% respectively.

Article de Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006931


Objective: Health information, including the labelling, must be presented in a manner that is easily understandable to consumers. In recent years, the European Union and the United States have introduced standards for providing health information in a way that is easy for consumers to understand. The Clear Communication Index (CCI) published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is a useful tool for this purpose. Unfortunately, there is no such tool in Japan. Therefore, focusing on the package labelling of foods with functional claims (FFCs) sold in Japan, we constructed a Functional Clear Communication Index (F-CCI) and evaluated the FFCs.Methods: The F-CCI was developed by six people, including university staff with pharmacist qualifications and public health experts, by referring to the CDC CCI. The evaluation of FFCs using the F-CCI was performed using the Delphi method, which is one of the formal consensus-building methods in the field of health and medical information. The evaluation was conducted by three qualified pharmacists on five FFC products, and the degree of internal agreement among the evaluators was calculated using Fleiss’ κ.Results: The F-CCI consisted of 18 items that assessed the FFC characteristics. After assessing the labelling of FFCs using the F-CCI, the scores of all the materials ranged between 70 and 80% on the F-CCI, and none achieved 90%, which was considered the acceptable standard (overall κ value_ 0.865). Moreover, it was clear that the ‘readability’ and ‘understandability’ of the labelling were inadequate.Conclusion: The F-CCI developed in this study for the objective evaluation of the labelling of FFC products will act as a tool that will subsequently lead to the proper understanding and use of FFCs by consumers. Further efforts are needed to build and disseminate such tools and user-friendly ways of providing relevant information.

Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 39(4): 480-488, oct. 2022. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: biblio-1424350


La venta de productos ultraprocesados y el sobrepeso y la obesidad han aumentado en América Latina en los últimos años. En el Perú, se aprobó la Ley N° 30021 en busca de reducir el sobrepeso y la obesidad en niños y adolescentes, sin embargo, el desarrollo de esta Ley se caracterizó por tener continuas modificaciones en los diversos documentos elaborados. El propósito de este artículo es identificar cambios esenciales en los documentos elaborados por el Gobierno y el Congreso en el marco de la Ley N° 30021, específicamente en los temas de regulación de la publicidad de alimentos y bebidas no alcohólicas, advertencias publicitarias y parámetros técnicos de nutrientes críticos. Los cambios identificados en los diferentes documentos muestran el dinamismo en el desarrollo de esta política donde la falta de evidencia científica oportuna, la oposición de la industria alimentaria y la falta de consenso político fueron los principales motivos.

The sale of ultra-processed products has increased in Latin America in recent years, as well as the prevalence of overweight and obesity. In Peru, Law No. 30021 passed in an attempt to reduce overweight and obesity in children and adolescents; however, the development of this law was characterized by constant modifications to the documents prepared in this regard. This article aims to identify essential modifications in the documents elaborated by the Government and the Congress within the timeframe of Law No. 30021, particularly those regarding the regulation of food and non-alcoholic beverage advertising, advertising warnings and technical parameters of critical nutrients. The lack of timely scientific evidence, the opposition by the food industry and the lack of political consensus were the main reasons for the detected modifications, which shows the dynamism during the development of this policy.

Contrôle de la Publicité des Produits , Publicité sur l'Alimentation , Étiquetage des aliments , Législation sur les aliments , Pérou , Politique , Aliments et boissons , Commerce des Produits , Politique (principe)
Indian J Prev Soc Med ; 2022 Sept; 53(3): 193-198
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224013


Background: Public health initiatives focused on improving food at the community level to reduce the risk of nutritionrelated disorders have gained pace in light of the enormous illness burden associated with chronic diseases connected to nutrition. Delivering straightforward, pertinent, and understandable information regarding the nutritional value of food is the goal of Front of Package Labelling (FoPLs), which are intended to assist consumers in choosing healthier foods at the point of purchase. Methodology: It was a cross-sectional study carried out online through a series of webinars using an online survey platform and a feedback-designed questionnaire to ascertain webinar participants' knowledge of front of package labeling. Results: Among the participants, only 75.4% correctly identified the characteristics of packaged foods that increase the risk of obesity. Also, it was found that 84.7% of the participants knew that food labels had to display complete nutritional information. About 93.6 percent of the individuals were aware of public health initiatives that raise awareness of FOPL. Only 38.9% of the individuals were aware that certain food products were free from labelling, in comparison. Conclusion: Front of package labelling (FOPL) regulation goals must be adopted in order to enable consumers to simply, quickly, and accurately identify items containing extra sugars, trans-fats, oils, and sodium. This will help the Government of India comply with WHO recommendations on unhealthy foods.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218694


Human health mostly depends on quality food habits. In the rural area of Bangladesh, the people are in ill health due to the consumption of impure food which affects normal daily life. The study investigates rural, educated people thinking about purchasing quality foods and package food labelling. A field study was conducted at Hatibandha and Kaliganj Upazila of the Lalmonirhat district of Bangladesh with a structured questionnaire. The study shows that the people of rural areas are highly aware of their attitudes about food quality. Those with a comparatively high educational background are more conscious of maintaining food quality.The Study results also find that the rural people have very little knowledge and understanding of government rules and regulations regarding food quality and labelling.

J. Health Sci. Inst ; 40(2): 91-95, apr-jun 2022. Tabela e Gráficos
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526825


Objetivo -­ Avaliar as informações nutricionais dos rótulos dos pães integrais comercializados em hipermercados, atacadistas e super- mercados do município de Taubaté/SP. Métodos ­ O método de procedimento empregado foi uma pesquisa de observação de forma a se obter dados relacionados a informações nutricionais dos rótulos dos pães integrais quanto a quantidade de fibras e sódio em porção de 50g e a denominação "integral" no rótulo, bem como o percentual de ingredientes integrais, diante das RDCs nº 54; nº 90, nº 259 e nº 360. Resultados ­ Foram encontrados 36 rótulos de 7 marcas diferentes de pães integrais. Todos os pães continham a farinha de trigo integral como o primeiro ingrediente na lista de composição, 50% apresentavam na composição além da farinha de trigo integral a farinha enriquecida ou fortificada com ferro e ácido fólico. Quanto ao percentual de farinhas e grãos de cereais integrais, observou-se inconfor- midade à RDC nº 90 em 58,3%, quanto ao sódio, observou-se que 86% das amostras possuem valores acima da atribuição "baixo teor" de sódio representando quantidade maiores que 80mg de sódio por porção. Conclusão ­ Das 36 versões de pães integrais, 5 se enquadram em todos os requisitos. 100% dos pães avaliados estão adequados quanto à obrigatoriedade de declarar as informações das quantidades do valor energético dos nutrientes, avaliados. Ressalva-se a importância de fiscalização e de novas legislações que determinem valores pradronizados de sódio e % de ingredientes à base de farinhas integrais para que fique claro ao consumidor no momento da escolha

Objective ­ To evaluate the nutritional information on the labels of wholegrain breads sold in hypermarkets, wholesalers and super- markets in the city of Taubaté/SP. Methods ­ The method of procedure was an observational survey in order to obtain data related to nutritional information on the labels of wholegrain breads regarding the amount of fiber and sodium in a 50g serving and the name "whole" on the label, as well as the percentage of whole ingredients, in view of RDCs nº 54; Nº 90, Nº 259 and Nº 360. Results ­ 36 labels of 7 different brands of whole-grain bread were found. All breads had whole wheat flour as the first ingredient in the composition list, 50% had flour enriched or fortified with iron and folic acid in the composition, in addition to whole wheat flour. As for the per- centage of whole grain flours and grains, non-compliance with RDC Nº 90 was observed in 58.3%, as for sodium, it was observed that 86% of the samples have values above the assignment "low content" of sodium representing quantity greater than 80mg of sodium per serving. Conclusion ­ Of the 36 versions of wholegrain breads, 5 meet all requirements. 100% of the evaluated breads are adequate in terms of the obligation to declare information on the amounts of energy value of the evaluated nutrients. We emphasize the impor- tance of inspection and new legislation that determine standardized values of sodium and % of ingredients based on wholemeal flours so that it is clear to the consumer at the time of choice

J. Health Sci. Inst ; 40(2): 5, apr-jun 2022. Tabelas e Gráfico
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525922


Objetivo ­ Analisar comparativamente os rótulos de pães sem glúten, tradicionais e integrais, de diferentes marcas, comercializados na cidade de Taubaté-SP. Métodos ­ A análise foi obtida a partir de uma lista de verificação "Check List" baseada na Lei 10.674/2003 e nas Resoluções: Nº 259, Nº 359 Nº 360 e Nº 54. As informações coletadas foram estruturadas em uma tabela utilizando como referência os valores por 100g do alimento. Resultados ­ Em relação a rotulagem a maior parte das embalagens avaliadas dos pães revelaram irregularidades com as legislações. Quanto à composição nutricional das amostras, totalizando 30 amostras analisadas, sendo 10 de pães integrais, 10 tradicionais e 10 sem glúten, não apresentaram diferenças significativas em valor calórico total, porém os que apresentaram valores menores em kcal, gorduras e aditivos foram os pães integrais. Conclusão ­ Foi observado que os pães sem glúten, tradicionais e integrais são similares no que se refere à densidade energética, sódio e aditivos. Os pães integrais apresentaram menores quantidades em relação a esses. As fibras apresentaram em maior quantidade nos pães integrais, diferentes dos pães sem glúten e os tradicionais. Em relação as gorduras, foi observado que os pães sem glúten e tradicionais apresentaram maiores teores em relação aos pães integrais. Nota-se a necessidade de maior fiscalização a respeito da rotulagem de alimentos, para que o consumidor não se sinta prejudicado e que tenha conhecimento daquilo que escolhe para consumir, além da importância do conhecimento da leitura dos rótulos

Objective ­ To comparatively analyze the labels of gluten-free bread, traditional and wholemeal, of different brands, sold in the city of Taubate-SP. Methods ­ The analysis was obtained from a checklist "Check List" based on Law 10.674/2003 and on Resolutions: Nº 259, Nº 359, Nº 360 and Nº 54. The information collected was structured in a table using the references as reference. values per 100g of food. Results ­ Regarding labeling, most of the bread packages evaluated revealed irregularities with the legislation. As for the nutritional composition of the samples, totaling 30 analyzed samples, 10 of whole-grain breads, 10 traditional and 10 gluten-free, there were no significant differences in total caloric value, but the ones with lower values in kcal, fat and additives were whole-grain breads. Conclusion ­ It was observed that gluten free, traditional and wholegrain breads are similar in terms of energy density, sodium and additives. Whole-wheat breads had smaller amounts compared to these. Fibers were present in greater quantity in wholegrain breads, different from gluten-free and traditional breads. Regarding fats, it was observed that gluten-free and traditional breads had higher levels compared to whole-wheat breads. There is a need for greater inspection of food labeling, so that the consumer does not feel harmed and that he is aware of what he chooses to consume, in addition to the importance of knowing how to read the labels

Rev. chil. nutr ; 49(1)feb. 2022.
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388584


ABSTRACT The present work aimed to assess Uruguayan consumers support of the inclusion of nutritional warnings on four types of retail food establishments and to obtain consumer insights on how the warnings could be implemented in such establishments. For this purpose, an online survey was conducted with a non-probabilistic sample of 547 participants recruited via an advertisement on social media. Participants were requested to indicate their degree of agreement with the implementation of nutritional warnings in bakeries, delicatessens, fast-food restaurants and while ordering food online, and to provide ideas on how to include this information for each establishment. Results suggested that the inclusion of nutritional warnings in retail food establishments was positively perceived by participants. Participants highlighted that warnings should be highly visible to customers while making purchase decisions, so they become a relevant cue for making food choices. In particular, the retail display case and menu boards were identified as key locations for warnings in bakeries, delicatessen, and fast food restaurants, respectively. These results contribute valuable insights on how to implement the extension of nutritional warnings to unpackaged foods or foods made and packaged at the point of purchase.

RESUMEN El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar la percepción de los consumidores uruguayos en relación a la implementación de advertencias nutricionales en cuatro puntos de venta de comida y generar ideas sobre cómo podría implementarse esta medida. Se realizó un estudio online con una muestra no probabilística de 547 participantes, reclutados utilizando publicidad en redes sociales. Los participantes indicaron su grado de acuerdo con la implementación de advertencias nutricionales en panaderías, rotiserías, lugares de venta de comida rápida y sitios de pedidos online, y proporcionaron ideas sobre cómo incluir esta inforamción en cada punto de venta. Los resultados sugieren que la población tiene una perecpeción positiva sobre la inclusión de advertencias nutricionales en puntos de venta de comida. Los participantes destacaron la importancia de incluir esta información en un lugar visible al momento de elegir los productos, de forma que pueda ser tenida en cuenta al tomar las decisiones. En particular, las vitrinas y la cartelería/pizarras fueron identificados como lugares estatégicos para la inclusión de advertencias nutricionales en panaderías/rotiserías y puntos de venta de comida rápida, respectivamente. Los resultados proporcionan valiosa información para extender la inclusión de advertencias nutricionales a puntos de venta de comida.