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Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-988710


@#Introduction: Alar ligament is a paired craniocervical junction ligaments which stabilizes the atlantooccipital and atlantoaxial joints. The main purpose of the study was to compare the normal anatomy of alar ligament on MRI between male and female. The prevalence of alar ligament visualized on MRI and its characteristics were also studied apart from determining the association between the heights of respondents with alar ligament signal intensity and dimensions. Methods: Fifty healthy volunteers were studied using 3.0T MR scanner (Siemens Magnetom Spectra) by 2-mm proton density, T2 and fat-suppression sequences. Alar ligament visualization, dimensions and variability of the ligament courses, shapes and signal intensity characteristics were determined. Results: The orientation of the ligament was laterally ascending in most of the subjects (60%), predominantly oval in shaped (54%) and 67% showed inhomogenous signal. Females are 70% less likely to exhibit alar ligament signal inhomogeneity than males. There were positive correlation between height and the craniocaudal diameter of the alar ligament as well as the anteroposterior diameter, which were statistically significant (r = 0.25, n = 100, p = 0.01 and r = 0.201, n = 100, p = 0.045 respectively). Conclusion: Tremendous variability of alar ligament shows that clinical and multimodality correlation needs to be exercised, especially in evaluating alar ligament MR signal in male. Taller individuals otherwise tend to have longer and thicker ligaments. Future studies with larger samples of alar ligaments including trauma cases are also recommended to supplant a new classification system of alar ligament injury.

Estilos clín ; 28(1)2023.
Article de Portugais, Français | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1435345


Esta reflexão antropológica baseia-se em pesquisas realizadas com jovens de 13 a 25 anos de idade, que permanecem isolados no seu quarto. Sua imobilidade, que não se justifica por nenhuma deficiência física ou psicológica, questiona o lugar do corpo no momento da passagem para a vida adulta. Estes jovens expressam uma ausência de apetite do outro, que vai de mãos dadas com a abstinência sexual forçada pelo seu isolamento. A hipótese é que eles experimentam uma relação com seu corpo, sua identidade sexual -e sua sexualidade -assim como com a alimentação, comparável às adolescentes que sofrem de anorexia nervosa, mas ao contrário. Estes comportamentos questionam as relações de gênero e a distribuição de papéis dentro da família. Com base em entrevistas e observações, tanto em casa como nos centros de cuidados, este artigo mostra que estes corpos adolescentes, tornados invisíveis por confinamento ou magreza extrema, são paradoxalmente uma expressão ostensiva de despossessão de si. Um novo apetite é possível quando surge o desejo de diferenciação e permite-se novos encontros

Esta reflexión antropológica se basa en una investigación realizada con jóvenes, de 13 a 25 añosde edad, que están enclaustrados en su habitación. Su inmovilidad, que no se justifica por ningúna discapacidad física o psicológica, cuestiona el lugar del cuerpo en el momento del paso a la edad adulta. Estos jóvenes manifiestan una ausencia de apetito por los demás que va unida a la abstinencia sexual a la que les obliga su aislamiento. La hipótesis es que experimentan una relación con su cuerpo, su identidad sexual -y su sexualidad-así como con la comida, comparable a la de las adolescentes que sufren anorexia nerviosa, pero a la inversa. Estos comportamientos cuestionan las relaciones de género y el reparto de roles en la familia. Basándose en entrevistas y observaciones, tanto en el hogar como en los centros de atención, este artículo muestra que estos cuerpos adolescentes, invisibilizados por el confinamiento o la extrema delgadez, son paradójicamente una ostentosa expresión del desposeimieto de si. Un nuevo apetito es posible cuando surge el deseo de diferenciación y se permite nuevos encuentros

This anthropological reflection is based on research carried out with young boys, aged 13 to 25, who are cloistered in their room. Their immobility, which cannot be explained by any kind of physical or psychological disability, raises questions about the body's place at the time they are passing into adulthood. These young people express an absence of appetite for others that goes hand in hand with the sexual abstinence that their withdrawal forces them to have. The hypothesis is that they experience a relationship with their body, their sexual identity -and their sexuality -as well as with food, comparable to young girls suffering from anorexia nervosa but in reverse. These behaviours question gender relations and the distribution of roles within the family. Based on interviews and observations, both at home and in care facilities, this article shows that these adolescent bodies, made invisible by confinement or extreme thinness, are paradoxically an ostentatious expression of self-dispossession. A new appetite is possible when the desire for differentiation emerges and allows new encounters

Cette réflexion anthropologique s'appuie sur une recherche menée auprès de jeunes garçons, de 13 à 25 ans, cloîtrés dans leur chambre. Leur immobilité, que ne justifie aucun handicap physique ou psychique, interroge la place du corps au moment du passage à l'âge adulte. Ces jeunes expriment une absence d'appétit de l'autre qui va de pair avec l'abstinence sexuelle que leur retrait oblige. L'hypothèse émiseest qu'ils vivent un rapport au corps, à leur identité sexuelle -et à leur sexualité-ainsi qu'à l'alimentation, comparable aux jeunes filles souffrant d'anorexie mentale mais de manière inversée. Ces conduites interrogent les rapports de genre et la distribution des rôles au sein de la famille. À partir d'entretiens et d'observations, à domicile et dans des structures de soin, cet article montre que ces corps adolescents invisibilisés par l'enfermement ou l'extrême maigreur sont paradoxalement une expression ostentatoire d'une dépossession de soi. Un appétit nouveau est possible lorsque le désir de différenciation émerge et permet de nouvelles rencontres

Humains , Mâle , Adolescent , Adulte , Isolement social/psychologie , Anorexie mentale/psychologie , Sexualité , Sexisme , Identité de genre , Image du corps/psychologie , Caractéristiques familiales , Adolescent , Relations familiales
Psicol. teor. pesqui ; Psicol. (Univ. Brasília, Online);32(3): e323210, 2016. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-829382


Abstract This study analyzed stereotypes on intimate partner violence (IPV) of heterosexual and same-sex couples. The participants, 232 Mexican college students, evaluated physical and psychological IPV exerted by men and women with different sexual orientations. The data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon test. The results indicate that men evaluated women and gay men as having a similar IPV, while men´s perceptions of IPV for these groups were higher than those of women. Women viewed heterosexual men as the most violent and evaluated the other groups with different degrees of IPV. Physical violence is regarded as natural in men, both gay and heterosexual. To conclude, the results suggest that IPV stereotypes are affected by the sex of the evaluators and by their sexual orientation. It is relevant to expand the scope of prevention programs.

Resumo Esta pesquisa avalia estereótipos sobre violência entre parceiros íntimos (VPI) relacionados a casais heterossexuais e homossexuais. Os/as participantes, 232 estudantes universitários mexicanos, avaliaram a VPI física e psicológica exercida por homens e mulheres com diferentes orientações sexuais. Os dados foram analisados com o teste de Wilcoxon. Os resultados indicam que homens avaliaram mulheres e homens gays como apresentando níveis similares de VPI, sendo a percepção masculina sobre VPI nesses grupos superior à feminina. Mulheres percebem homens heterossexuais como mais violentos e atribuem graus diferentes de VPI para os demais grupos. A violência física é vista como natural em homens, homossexuais ou heterossexuais. Para concluir, é possível sugerir que estereótipos de VPI são influenciados pelo sexo do avaliador e por sua orientação sexual. É relevante ampliar o alcance de programas preventivos.

Psicol. teor. pesqui ; Psicol. (Univ. Brasília, Online);32(3): e32323, 2016. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-955917


RESUMO A violência entre namorados adolescentes vem ganhando visibilidade no âmbito científico, configurando-se como problema de saúde pública. Este estudo quanti-qualitativo investiga como questões de gênero permeiam a violência física perpetrada no namoro entre adolescentes. Realizou-se inquérito epidemiológico com 3.205 adolescentes (idades de 15 a 19 anos), estudantes do 2º ano do Ensino Médio de escolas públicas e privadas de 10 capitais brasileiras. Entrevistas grupais e individuais foram também realizadas com 519 participantes. Humilhações e agressões entre namorados foram consideradas graves, entretanto, infidelidade e ciúme destacaram-se como disruptores de conflitos e brigas, refletindo normas de gênero tradicionais legitimadoras da violência. Destaca-se a necessidade de ações voltadas à desconstrução de estereótipos de gênero e à problematização da banalização da violência entre adolescentes.

ABSTRACT Adolescent dating violence has been gaining visibility in the scientific realm over the past three decades, being considered as a public health issue. This quantitative and qualitative study investigates gender influences in physical dating violence among Brazilian adolescents. A survey was conducted with 3,205 adolescents (15-19 years old) from 2nd year of high school of public and private schools in 10 Brazilian cities. Group and individual interviews were also conducted with 519 participants. Although humiliations e aggression between lovers were considered serious by most teenagers, infidelity and jealousy stood out as disruptors of conflicts and fights, reflecting traditional gender norms that legitimize violence. Programs aimed at deconstructing gender stereotypes and questioning the banalization of violence among adolescents are needed.

Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;73(3): 527-531, ago. 2013. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-689858


The common three-toed sloth is a widespread species, but the location and the observation of its individuals are greatly hindered by its biological features. Their camouflaged pelage, its slow and quiet movements, and the strictly arboreal habits resulted in the publication of sparse, fragmented and not patterned information on the common sloth behaviour. Thus, herein we propose an updated standardized behavioural categories' framework to the study of the species. Furthermore we describe two never reported interaction behaviours: a probable mating / courtship ritual between male and female; and apparent recognition behaviour between two males. Finally we highlight the contribution of small-duration field works in this elusive species ethological study.

A preguiça-de-três-dedos comum é uma espécie amplamente distribuída. No entanto, a biologia da espécie dificulta a sua deteção e observação na natureza. A camuflagem da sua pelagem, seus movimentos lentos e silenciosos e seus hábitos estritamente arbóreos resultaram na publicação de dados comportamentais esparsos, fragmentados e não padronizados. Assim, no presente trabalho propomos uma tabela atualizada e padronizada de comportamentos de preguiça-comum. Além disso, descrevemos dois novos comportamentos de interação para a espécie: um provável evento de corte ou acasalamento entre macho e fêmea e um aparente comportamento de reconhecimento entre dois machos. Finalmente, discutimos a contribuição de trabalhos de campo de curta-duração no estudo etológico desta espécie tão elusiva.

Animaux , Femelle , Mâle , Comportement animal/physiologie , Paresseux (animal)/physiologie , Brésil , Écosystème , Reproduction , Paresseux (animal)/classification , Arbres
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-6623


INTRODUCTION: Demographic factors, such as age and sex, are associated with the likelihood of exposure to Aedes aegypti, the vector for dengue. However, dengue data disaggregated by both sex and age are not routinely reported or analyzed by national surveillance systems. This study analysed the reported number of incident dengue cases by age and sex for six countries in Asia. METHODS: Data for the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, the Philippines, Singapore and Sri Lanka were obtained from DengueNet; the number of male and female dengue cases was available for four age groups ( 15 years) over a cumulative period of six to 10 years. Data for Cambodia (2010) and Malaysia (1997–2008) were obtained from their respective ministries of health. Results: An excess of males was found among reported dengue cases > 15 years of age. This pattern was observed consistently over several years across six culturally and economically diverse countries. DISCUSSION: These data indicated the importance of reporting data stratified by both sex and age since collapsing the data over all ages would have masked some of the male-female differences. In order to target preventive measures appropriately, assessment of gender by age is important for dengue because biological or gender-related factors can change over the human lifespan and gender-related factors may differ across countries.

Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-606067


O presente trabalho aborda o tema da imagem masculina sob o aspecto da comunicação interpessoal em duas obras de autoajuda para casais: Por que os homens fazem sexo e as mulheres fazem amor? de Pease e Pease, e Homens são de marte, mulheres são de Vênus, de Gray. Partindo de pressupostos da psicologia social e de contribuições teóricas de ciências afins, e utilizando como instrumento metodológico o MEDs (Método de Explicitação do Discurso Subjacente), são contempladas questões referentes ao livro de autoajuda com relação aos papéis masculinos. As duas obras reverberam predominantemente uma imagem masculina já encontrada na sociedade, disponibilizando para o homem um leque de condutas que, provavelmente, o levará aos mesmos conflitos já vivenciados por ele. Os resultados desta pesquisa visam trazer subsídios para um melhor entendimento sobre a condição sociocultural do homem na atualidade.

This work deals with the male image in the light of interpersonal communication, in two self-help books for couples: Why men don't listen and women can't read maps? by Pease and Pease, and Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, by Gray. Taking into account social psychology approaches and some other related sciences, and in the methodology of UDUM - Underlying Discourse Unveiling Method, this work addresses the role of man under the view of self-help books. The discourse of these self-help books confirms the male image that can be seen in society and they provide tips that likely lead man to the same relationship issues. The results of this research highlight some possibilities of reaching a better understanding about the social cultural condition of the new man.

El presente trabajo aborda el tema de la imagen masculina sobre el aspecto de la comunicación interpersonal en dos obras de auto-ayuda para parejas: ¿Por que los hombres quieren sexo y las mujeres necesitan amor? de Pease e Pease, y Los hombres son de Marte, las mujeres son de Venus, de Gray. Partiendo de presupuestos de la psicología social y de contribuciones teóricas de ciencias afines, e utilizando como instrumento metodológico el MEDs (Método de Explicitación del Discurso Subyacente), son contempladas cuestiones referentes al libro de auto-ayuda con relación a los papeles masculinos. Las dos obras reverberan predominantemente una imagen masculina ya encontrada en la sociedad, disponibilizando para el hombre opciones de conductas que, probablemente, lo llevará a los mismos conflictos ya vivenciados por él. Los resultados de este trabajo intentan traer subsidios para un mejor entendimiento de la condición sociocultural del hombre en la actualidad.

Identité de genre , Masculinité , Psychologie sociale
Indian J Physiol Pharmacol ; 2010 Apr-June; 54(2): 179-182
Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-145974


Male gender and fasting sugar level at pre diabetic range are two of the recognized risk factors associated with coronary artery disease. Recently it was found that although males are at increased incidence of myocardial infarction (MI), the severity of disease is same for both genders among pre-diabetic myocardial infarction cases. In this study, we have retrospectively analyzed various biochemical and physiological parameters and cardiac markers of patients admitted for the first instance of myocardial infarction. We found an evidence of impairment in blood pressure homeostasis in female patients which could be one of the factors responsible for the equal degree of severity in myocardial infarction among females compared to males, despite lower incidence of MI in them.

Indian J Physiol Pharmacol ; 2009 Oct-Dec; 53(4): 334-340
Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-145943


Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the important risk factors for cardiac diseases. Type 2 DM is the commonest form of diabetes, which is characterized by insulin resistance. Insulin resistance can be preceded by long term abnormality in glucose homeostasis which is called pre-diabetes. Recently, pre-diabetes has been suggested to have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Considering that India has been declared as a diabetic capital of the world it deemed pertinent to assess the exact load of pre diabetics and non diabetics landing in myocardial infarction. We analyzed retrospectively the data of all patients admitted for the first time for acute myocardial infarction (MI) and evaluated the load of non diabetics, pre diabetics and diabetics among them. We found difference in the severity of diseases and degree of biochemical alterations among the three groups suggesting that abnormal glucose homeostasis has no role on the severity of MI. No previous studies have investigated the difference in male and female MI patients with respect to their glucose metabolism and its impact on the severity of the disease. Our study reveals that males even with normal glucose level are at increased risk to develop MI. Males on the other hand have increased risk for MI when compared to females with normal glucose homeostasis.

Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-959365


The percentage of those positive for otitis media in Grades I and IV in Bay, Laguna, as gathered from available records, appears to be higher in the upland barrios. It is also significantly higher among Grade I pupils than Grade IV, and of the former, greater among males than among females. Most cases belong to low-income families with a mean per capita annual income significantly lower than that for the general population of Bay. As in the general population of school children, there is a high incidence of malnutrition among the cases. Of the 76 cases follwed up, the majority appear to have unilateral ear drum perforation, conductive hearing impairment, purulent aural discharge, and cervical lymphadenopathy. Most of the cases had the disease before entering school. Those who had aural discharge at the time of follow-up were mostly being treated with H2O2 and a large percentage received no treatment because, in most cases, they were too poor to buy medications. (Summary)