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Semina cienc. biol. saude ; 45(2): 35-44, jul./dez. 2024. tab; ilus
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554878


O aplicativo móvel CalcVAN foi desenvolvido para auxiliar os profissionais de saúde para otimizar as doses de vancomicina em pacientes hospitalizados. Porém, é imprescindível avaliar a sua usabilidade antes de disponibilizá-lo para prática clínica. Assim, o objetivo do estudo é avaliar a usabilidade do aplicativo móvel na perspectiva dos profissionais de saúde. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, de avaliação heurística da usabilidade de um aplicativo móvel. Foram convidados profissionais da área de saúde com expertise no tema de gerenciamento de antimicrobianos e vancomicina. O instrumento validado Smartphone Usability questionnaiRE (SURE) foi utilizado para mensuração da usabilidade por meio de um questionário on-line. Vinte e um especialistas participaram do estudo, com média de idade de 32,6 anos, sendo a maioria de mulheres (n = 14, 66,7%), profissionais farmacêuticos (n = 13, 61,9%), com pós-graduação lato sensu (n = 10, 47,6%), que trabalhavam em hospitais públicos ou privados (n = 15, 71,4%) e com média de experiência em 9,7 anos. Com base na interpretação dos resultados obtidos pelo instrumento SURE, a média de usabilidade geral do CalcVAN foi de 83 pontos, com escore menor de 78 e maior de 90 pontos. O teste de usabilidade foi enquadrado nos dois últimos níveis, 70 e 80, onde os profissionais de saúde passaram a concordar fortemente e totalmente, indicando que o aplicativo móvel apresenta uma usabilidade satisfatória. O CalcVAN atingiu uma usabilidade satisfatória e atende as necessidades e exigências dos profissionais de saúde, mostrando--se eficiente para realizar as funções propostas.

The CalcVAN app was developed to assist healthcare professionals in optimizing vancomycin doses for hospitalized patients. However, the usability test before making it available for clinical practice is essential. Therefore, the study aims to evaluate the usability of the app from the perspective of health professionals. A descriptive study, a heuristic evaluation of the usability of a mobile application was conducted. Healthcare professionals with expertise in antimicrobial management and vancomycin were invited to participate. The validated Smartphone Usability questionnaiRE (SURE) was used to measure usability through an online questionnaire. Twenty-one experts participated in the study, with a mean age of 32.6 years, mostly of them women (n = 14, 66.7%), pharmacists (n = 13, 61.9%), with postgraduate education (n = 10, 47.6%), working in private or public hospitals (n = 15, 71.4%), and a mean experience of 9.7 years. Overall usability score for CalcVAN was 83 points, ranging from a minimum of 78 to a maximum of 90 points. The usability test registered within the last two levels, 70 and 80, with users expressing strongly and fully agreed, indicating that the app demonstrates satisfactory usability. CalcVAN achieved satisfactory usability, fulfilling the needs and requirements of health professionals, proving to be efficient in performing the intended functions.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte
CienciaUAT ; 18(2): 43-57, ene.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569020


Resumen: La intención de comportamiento se ha estudiado desde la teoría de la acción razonada para predecir el comportamiento de los individuos. El objetivo de esta investigación fue desarrollar y validar una escala para medir la intención de uso del comercio móvil, a partir de las variables de la teoría unificada de aceptación y uso de tecnología como impulsores, y las variables riesgo percibido y tradición como inhibidores. El instrumento fue aplicado en línea a 211 consumidores del estado de Baja California, México. Se utilizó el análisis compuesto confirmatorio para verificar la fiabilidad del instrumento, así como la validez convergente, discriminante, nomológica y predictiva. Se obtuvo un instrumento válido y confiable para medir la influencia de las variables expectativa de rendimiento, influencia social, motivación hedónica, riesgo percibido, condiciones facilitadoras y tradición en la intención de uso del comercio móvil. La escala desarrollada satisface los criterios exigibles a un modelo de medición reflectivo.

Abstract: Behavioral intention has been studied from the theory of reasoned action to predict the behavior of individuals. The objective of this research was to develop and validate a scale to measure the intention to use m-commerce, based on the variables of unified theory of acceptance and use of technology as drivers, and the variables of perceived risk and tradition as inhibitors. The instrument was applied on-line to 211 consumers in the state of Baja California, Mexico. Confirmatory composite analysis was used to verify the reliability of the instrument, as well as convergent, discriminant, nomological and predictive validity. A valid and reliable instrument was obtained to measure the influence of the following variables: performance expectancy, social influence, hedonic motivation, perceived risk, facilitating conditions and tradition on the intention to use m-commerce. The developed scale meets the criteria required for a reflective measurement model.

Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 15: 1-7, maio. 2024. ilus, tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1553744


Objetivo: Desenvolver um aplicativo móvel de auxílio à captação de materiais recicláveis. Métodos: Estudo metodológico, de desenvolvimento tecnológica centrado no usuário, realizado entre março e dezembro de 2020, a partir de cinco fases sequenciais: reconhecimento do contexto; idealização; prototipação; teste de usabilidade, complementado por um processo de validação e implementação. Participaram dessa produção tecnológica pesquisadores, desenvolvedores e integrantes de uma Associação de Materiais Recicláveis de Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. Resultados: As três fases iniciais resultaram num protótipo de aplicativo móvel. Na fase do teste de usabilidade verificouse, por meio de simulação intuitiva do protótipo, que o aplicativo é de manejo acessível, rápido e prático, podendo ser acessado por qualquer cidadão que dispõem de celular. Constatou-se, no processo de validação, que o dispositivo possui os requisitos necessários para o adequado funcionamento e interlocução entre doadores e associações receptoras de materiais recicláveis. Está disponível online após obter registro no Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial. Conclusão: Revela-se que o desenvolvimento centrado no usuário é uma estratégia que amplia a difusão de conhecimento, possibilita a inclusão social e favorece o empoderamento. Como tecnologia social, o dispositivo móvel é capaz de potencializar melhores condições de trabalho e renda às associações de reciclagem. (AU)

Objective: To develop a mobile application to help the collection of recyclable materials. Methods: This is a methodological study, of user-oriented technological production, carried out between March and December 2020, from five phases: context recognition; idealization; prototyping; usability testing, complemented by a process of validation and implementation. Researchers, developers, and members of a Recyclable Materials Association in Santa Maria, RS, Brazil, participated in the collaborative production. Results: The three initial phases resulted in a prototype mobile application. In the usability test phase it was verified, through intuitive simulation of the prototype, that the application is accessible, fast and practical, and can be accessed by any citizen with a cell phone. It was verified, in the validation process, that the device has the necessary requirements for the proper functioning and dialogue between donors and associations that receive recyclable materials. It is available online after being registered with the National Institute of Industrial Property. Conclusion: It is revealed that user-centered development is a strategy that expands the dissemination of knowledge, enables social inclusion, and favors empowerment. As a social technology, the mobile device is capable of potentiating better work and income conditions for recycling associations. (AU)

Objetivo: Desarrollar una aplicación móvil para ayudar a capturar materiales reciclables. Métodos: Consiste en un estudio metodológico de producción tecnológica orientada hacia el usuario, ocurrido entre marzo y diciembre de 2020, basado en cinco fases: reconocimiento del contexto; idealización; creación de prototipos; prueba de usabilidad, complementada un proceso de validación e implementación. Participaron en la producción colaborativa investigadores, desarrolladores y miembros de una Asociación de Materiales Reciclables de Santa María, RS, Brasil. Resultados: Las tres fases iniciales resultaron en un prototipo de aplicación móvil. En la fase de prueba de usabilidad, se verificó, por medio de una simulación intuitiva del prototipo, que la aplicación es de uso accesible, rápida y práctica, y puede ser accedida por cualquier ciudadano que disponga de un teléfono celular. Se constató, en el proceso de validación, que el dispositivo cuenta con los requisitos necesarios para el correcto funcionamiento y diálogo entre donantes y asociaciones receptoras de materiales reciclables. Está disponible en línea tras obtener el registro en el Instituto Nacional de Propiedad Industrial. Conclusión: Resulta que el desarrollo centrado en el usuario es una estrategia que amplía la difusión del conocimiento, posibilita la inclusión social y favorece el empoderamiento. Como tecnología social, el dispositivo móvil es capaz de mejorar las condiciones laborales y los ingresos de las asociaciones de reciclaje. (AU)

Applications mobiles , Santé publique , Soins , Recyclage , Technologie culturellement adaptée
Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 15: 1-5, maio. 2024. ilus, tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1571174


Objetivo: Evidenciar as etapas do desenvolvimento de um aplicativo móvel para enfermeiros intensivistas sobre drogas cardioativas. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo de desenvolvimento experimental de um aplicativo, realizado no período de setembro de 2019 a março de 2020. Para tal, foi constituído por duas etapas, a saber: metodológica, composta pela seleção e construção do conteúdo por dois pesquisadores, com posterior validação do conteúdo do aplicativo por 16 especialistas das áreas de enfermagem e farmácia; e tecnológica, realizada por um docente e quatro graduandos da área de computação, por meio da Plataforma Google Flutter, resultando no protótipo Cardio Help. Resultados: O aplicativo foi elaborado com 62 telas, sendo 02 (duas) telas principais (identificação do aplicativo; e apresentação dos cardioativos e o ícone de informações); 10(dez) telas secundárias (nome do cardiotônico e menu específico por cardiotônico (classificação/efeitos; uso terapêutico; eventos adversos; detalhes; interações medicamentosas e cuidados). Conclusão: Foram evidenciadas as etapas de desenvolvimento do aplicativo móvel sobre drogas cardioativas para enfermeiros intensivistas, que se apresenta como uma proposta promissora para a tomada de decisão e sobretudo com a finalidade de promover a segurança do paciente. (AU)

Objective: Show the stages of development of a mobile application for intensive care nurses about cardioactive drugs. Methods: This is an experimental development study of an application, carried out from September 2019 to March 2020. For this purpose, it consisted of two stages, namely: methodological, consisting of the selection and construction of the content by two researchers, with subsequent validation of the application's content by 16 specialists from the fields of nursing and pharmacy; and technological, carried out by a professor and four undergraduate students in the field of computing, through the Google Flutter Platform, resulting in the Cardio Help prototype. Results: The application was developed with 62 screens, being 02 (two) main screens (application identification; and presentation of cardioactive drugs and the information icon); 10 (ten) secondary screens (name of the cardiotonic and specific menu by cardiotonic (classification/effects; therapeutic use; adverse events; details; drug interactions and care). Conclusion: The stages of development of the mobile application on cardioactive drugs for nurses were highlighted intensivists, which presents itself as a promising proposal for decision-making and, above all, with the purpose of promoting patient safety. (AU)

Objetivo: Demostrar las etapas de desarrollo de una aplicación móvil para enfermeras de cuidados intensivos sobre fármacos cardioactivos. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio de desarrollo experimental de una aplicación, realizado entre septiembre de 2019 y marzo de 2020. Para ello, consta de dos etapas, a saber: metodológica, consistente en la selección y construcción de contenido por dos investigadores, con posterior validación del contenido de la aplicación por 16 especialistas de los campos de enfermería y farmacia; y tecnológico, realizado por un profesor y cuatro estudiantes de pregrado en el área de informática, a través de la plataforma Google Flutter, dando como resultado el prototipo Cardio Help. Resultados: La aplicación se desarrolló con 62 pantallas, siendo 02 (dos) pantallas principales (identificación de la aplicación; presentación de fármacos cardioactivos y el icono de información); 10 (diez) pantallas secundarias (nombre del cardiotónico y menú específico por cardiotónico (clasificación / efectos; uso terapéutico; eventos adversos; detalles; interacciones farmacológicas y cuidados). Conclusión: Las etapas de desarrollo de la aplicación móvil sobre fármacos cardioactivos para enfermeiras. Se destacaron los intensivistas, que se presenta como una propuesta prometedora para la toma de decisiones y, sobre todo, con el propósito de promover la seguridad del paciente. (AU)

Applications mobiles , Agents cardiovasculaires , Soins , Sécurité des patients
Arch. cardiol. Méx ; Arch. cardiol. Méx;94(1): 86-94, ene.-mar. 2024. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556897


Resumen Antecedentes: Las consultas virtuales aumentaron exponencialmente, pero presentan como limitación la imposibilidad de valorar los signos vitales (SV), siendo especialmente útiles en los pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca (IC) para titular medicación que modifica pronóstico. Este problema podría potencialmente solucionarse mediante una herramienta que pueda medir la presión arterial (PA) y frecuencia cardiaca (FC) de manera precisa, accesible y remota. Los teléfonos móviles equipados con tecnología de imágenes ópticas transdérmicas podrían cumplir con estos requisitos. Objetivo: Evaluar la precisión de una app basada en imagen óptica transdérmica para estimar SV en relación con la valoración clínica en pacientes con IC. Métodos: Estudio de cohorte prospectivo, se incluyeron pacientes evaluados en una unidad ambulatoria de IC de febrero a abril del 2022. Se valoró simultáneamente la PA y FC mediante la app y el examen clínico (PA con un esfigmomanómetro automatizado y FC por palpación braquial). Se realizaron tres mediciones por app y clínica en cada paciente, por dos médicos independientes, encontrándose ciegos a los resultados. Resultados: Se incluyeron 30 pacientes, con 540 mediciones de TA y de FC. Edad media de 66 (± 13) años, el 53.3% de sexo masculino. La fracción de eyección del ventrículo izquierdo media fue de 37 ± 15, con hospitalizaciones previas por IC el 63.3%, en CF II-III el 63.4%. La diferencia media entre la medición de la app y su medición de referencia clínica fue de 3.6 ± 0.5 mmHg para PA sistólica (PAS), 0.9 ± -0.2 mmHg para PA diastólica (PAD) y 0.2 ± 0.4 lpm para FC. Cuando se promedian las diferencias medias emparejadas para cada paciente, la media entre los 30 pacientes es de 2 ± 6 mmHg para PAS, -0.14 ± 4.6 mmHg para PAD y 0.23 ± 4 lpm para FC. Conclusión: La estimación de PA y FC por una app con tecnología de imagen óptica transdérmica fue comparable a la medición no invasiva en pacientes con IC, y cumple los criterios de precisión de la medición de PA en este estudio preliminar. La utilización de esta nueva tecnología de imagen óptica transdérmica brinda datos prometedores, que deberán ser corroborados en cohortes de mayor tamaño.

Abstract Background: Virtual consultations have increased exponentially, but a limitation is the inability to assess vital signs (VS). This is particularly useful in patients with heart failure (HF) for titrating prognosis-modifying medication. This issue could potentially be addressed by a tool capable of measuring blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) accurately, remotely, and conveniently. Mobile phones equipped with transdermal optical imaging technology could meet these requirements. Objective: To evaluate the accuracy of a transdermal optical imaging-based app for estimating VS compared to clinical assessment in patients with HF. Methods: A prospective cohort study included patients evaluated in an HF outpatient unit between February and April 2022. BP and HR were simultaneously assessed using the app and clinical examination (BP with an automated sphygmomanometer and HR by brachial palpation). Three measurements were taken by both the app and clinic for each patient, by two independent blinded physicians. Results: Thirty patients were included, with 540 measurements of BP and HR. The mean age was 66 (± 13) years, 53.3% were male. The mean left ventricular ejection fraction was 37 ± 15, with 63.3% having previous hospitalizations for HF, and 63.4% in NYHA class II-III. The mean difference between the app measurement and its clinical reference measurement was 3.6 ± 0.5 mmHg for systolic BP (SBP), 0.9 ± -0.2 mmHg for diastolic BP (DBP), and 0.2 ± 0.4 bpm for HR. When averaging the paired mean differences for each patient, the mean across the 30 patients was 2 ± 6 mmHg for SBP, -0.14 ± 4.6 mmHg for DBP, and 0.23 ± 4 bpm for HR. Conclusion: The estimation of BP and HR by an app with transdermal optical imaging technology was comparable to non-invasive measurement in patients with HF and met the precision criteria for BP measurement in this preliminary study. The use of this new transdermal optical imaging technology provides promising data, which should be corroborated in larger cohorts.

Rev. ABENO (Online) ; 24(1): 2203, 20 fev. 2024. ilus, tab
Article de Portugais | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1552302


O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a usabilidade e a utilidade do aplicativo (app) Dental Trauma, disponível gratuitamente e em português nas lojas App Store e Play Store. Participaram do estudo estudantes de Odontologia e Cirurgiões-dentistas (CDs) (n =20). Utilizou-se o teste de Escala de Usabilidade do Sistema (System Usability Scale-SUS) para análise da usabilidade e o teste de Aceitação de Tecnologia (Technology Acceptance Model-TAM) adaptado ao contexto da pesquisa para a análise da utilidade. Foi aplicado o teste de Mann-Whitney para comparar o escore SUS entre estudantes e CDs e o teste de Spearman para correlacionar as questões da utilidade. A pontuação SUS no percentil 50 foi de 83,75. Valores acima de 68 são classificados como aceitáveis. O teste de Mann-Whitney não evidenciou diferença significativa na pontuação SUS ao analisar separadamente CDs e estudantes de Odontologia (p = 0,442). O app foi amplamente avaliado como útil (95% a 100%), sendo observadas correlações robustas, positivas e significas entre as respostas para cada questão. O app não contempla traumatismos em dentes decíduos, sendo uma oportunidade de atualização ou desenvolvimento de outros apps. O app Dental Trauma atendeu aos requisitos de usabilidade e utilidade, alcançando resultados classificados como "excelente". Os usuáriosreconheceram se tratar de uma tecnologia útil que pode auxiliar o profissional no diagnóstico e conduta e na compreensão dos conceitos relacionados ao traumatismo dentário (AU).

El objetivo de este estudio fue aplicar pruebas de usabilidad y utilidad a la aplicación (app) Dental Trauma, disponible de forma gratuita en portugués en App Store y Play Store. Participaron en el estudio estudiantes de odontología y Odontólogos(n = 20). Se utilizó la Escala de Usabilidad del Sistema (System Usability Scale-SUS) para el análisis de usabilidad y el Modelo de Aceptación de Tecnología (TAM), adaptado al contexto de la investigación, para el análisis de utilidad. Se aplicó la prueba de Mann-Whitney para comparar los puntajes SUS entre estudiantes y dentistas, y la prueba de Spearman para correlacionar preguntas de utilidad. El puntaje SUS en el percentil 50 fue de 83,75. Los puntajes por encima de 68 se clasifican como aceptables. La prueba de Mann-Whitney no mostró una diferencia significativa en el puntaje SUS al analizar por separado a los Odontólogosy estudiantes de odontología (p = 0,442). La aplicación fue ampliamente evaluada como útil (95% a 100%), observándose correlaciones robustas, positivas y significativas entre las respuestas a cada pregunta. Sin embargo, no aborda traumas en dientes deciduos, lo que representa una oportunidad para actualizar o desarrollar otras aplicaciones. La app Dental Trauma cumplió con los requisitos de usabilidad y utilidad, logrando resultados calificados como "excelentes". Los usuarios reconocieron que se trata de una tecnología útil que puede ayudar a los profesionales en el diagnóstico y manejo y en la comprensión de conceptos relacionados con el traumatismo dental (AU).

This study aimed to apply usability and utility tests to the Dental Trauma application (app), available for free in Portuguese on the App Store and Play Store. Students and dentists participated in the study (n = 20). The System Usability Scale (SUS) test was used for usability analysis, and the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) test, adapted to the dental trauma context, was used for utility analysis. The Mann-Whitney test was applied to compare SUS scores between students and dentists, and the Spearman test was used to correlate utility questions. The SUS score at the 50th percentile was 83.75. Scores above 68 are classified as acceptable. The Mann-Whitney test did not show a significant difference in the SUS score when analyzing dentists and dental students separately (p = 0.442). The app was widely evaluated as useful (95% to 100%), with robust, positive, and significant correlations observed between responses to each question. However, it does not cover traumas in deciduous teeth, presenting an opportunity for updating or developing other apps. The Dental Trauma app fulfilled both usability and usefulness criteria, garnering an "excellent" rating in its outcomes. Users acknowledged its utility as a valuable technological tool aiding professionals in diagnosis, management, and comprehension of dental trauma-related concepts (AU).

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Étudiant dentisterie , Traumatismes dentaires/diagnostic , Dentistes , Applications mobiles , Études transversales/méthodes , Statistique non paramétrique
Online braz. j. nurs. (Online) ; Online braz. j. nurs. (Online);23: e20246671, 02 jan 2024. ilus
Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1527198


OBJETIVO: Investigar os aplicativos móveis que foram desenvolvidos com a finalidade de orientar os profissionais, os pacientes e seus acompanhantes quanto às ações de segurança do paciente no contexto de hospitalização. MÉTODO: Prospecção tecnológica realizada nas lojas virtuais App Store e Google Play e na ferramenta de busca da Google, cujo critério de inclusão foi aplicativos voltados para segurança do paciente no contexto hospitalar sem limitação de recorte temporal. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos e analisados no estudo 25 aplicativos. A maioria dos aplicativos eram móveis, desenvolvido em inglês, com ênfase para os profissionais de saúde. Ademais, tiveram como limitação, fragilidades relacionadas ao design e características lúdicas. CONCLUSÃO: O estudo pode contribuir para desenvolvimento de novos aplicativos para educação sobre a segurança do paciente, promovendo o aumento do engajamento nas ações de prevenção de erros.

OBJECTIVE: To examine mobile applications developed to guide healthcare professionals, patients, and their caregivers regarding patient safety interventions in the context of hospitalization. METHODS: A technological prospection was conducted in the virtual stores App Store and Google Play and through the Google search tool. Inclusion criteria included applications focused on patient safety in the context of hospitalization without temporal limitations. RESULTS: 25 applications were included in the study and analyzed. The Most applications were mobile, developed in English, and focused on healthcare professionals. In addition, they had limitations and weaknesses related to design and playful features. CONCLUSIONS: The study may contribute to developing of new patient safety education applications that promote increased engagement in error prevention interventions.

Sécurité des patients , Applications mobiles , Hospitalisation , Éducation du patient comme sujet , Télémédecine
Online braz. j. nurs. (Online) ; Online braz. j. nurs. (Online);23: e20246676, 02 jan 2024. ilus
Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1538198


OBJETIVO: Descrever os aplicativos voltados para a segurança do paciente idoso cirúrgico nos períodos pré e pós-operatório. MÉTODO: Prospecção tecnológica com abordagem qualitativa realizada nas lojas virtuais Apple Store, Google Play e aplicativo web. Como estratégia de busca utilizou-se os termos: 'autocuidado idoso', 'pré-operatório', 'pós-operatório', 'segurança do paciente', 'segurança do paciente idoso'. RESULTADOS: Foram identificados 12 aplicativos na loja virtual Apple Store, 17 na Google Play e um web app, os quais estavam voltados a gamificação de profissionais da saúde e da população; aplicativos educacionais aos profissionais de saúde e usuários do sistema de saúde; aplicativos relacionados como ferramenta de trabalho para os profissionais de saúde; aplicativos como ferramenta de autocuidado para usuários do sistema de saúde; e, aplicativos voltados para pós-operatório de usuários do sistema de saúde. CONCLUSÃO: Não foram encontradas tecnologias voltadas para o autocuidado e segurança do paciente idoso nos períodos pré e pós-operatório

OBJECTIVE: To describe applications focused on the safety of elderly surgical patients in the pre- and postoperative periods. METHOD: Technology prospecting with a qualitative approach in the Apple Store, Google Play virtual stores, and web application. As a search strategy, the following terms were used: 'elderly self-care', 'preoperative', 'postoperative', 'patient safety', 'elderly patient safety'. RESULTS: 12 applications were identified in the Apple Store, 17 in Google Play, and a web app, which focused on the gamification of health and population professionals; educational applications to health professionals and health system users; related applications as a work tool for health professionals; applications as a self-care tool for health system users; and, post-operative applications for health system users. CONCLUSION: Technologies aimed at self-care and the safety of elderly patients were not found in the pre- and postoperative periods.

Sujet âgé , Période postopératoire , Santé des Anciens , Période préopératoire , Sécurité des patients , Applications mobiles , Études prospectives
Chinese Mental Health Journal ; (12): 271-276, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025523


Objective:To investigate the effect of mobile phone dependence on suppression control under the conditions of emotional loss and cognitive loss in college students.Methods:A total of 553 college students were recruited,and 108 in the mobile phone dependence group and 194 in the non-dependent group were screened with the Mobile Phone Addiction Tendency Scale(MPATS).Ninety-nine of them were selected to participate in experi-ment 1,and the effect of emotional loss on the inhibitory control,and 101 students were selected to participate in ex-periment 2 to investigate the effect of cognitive loss on the inhibitory control.The GO/NOGO paradigm was used to compare the correct rate and response of different mobile phones dependent on college students under different emo-tional and cognitive depletion conditions.Results:In experiment 1,the main effect of emotional loss was statistically significant[F(1,55)=6.16,178.91;Ps<0.05],the inhibition control accuracy rates were lower and reaction tim-es were shorter in the high emotional loss group than in the low emotional loss group.In experiment 2,the main effect of the group was statistically significant[F(1,57)=17.90,19.06;Ps<0.001],the accuracy rates of inhibi-tion control were lower and the inhibition control reaction times were longer in the mobile phone-dependent group than in the non-dependent group.The interaction between groups and cognitive loss types was statistically significant[F(1,57)=7.95,P<0.01],and the inhibition control accuracy rates of the mobile phone-dependent group were lower under high cognitive loss.Conclusion:Emotional loss and cognitive loss could reduce the inhibition and con-trol ability of individuals,and the mobile phone dependence group is more likely to be affected in the case of cogni-tive loss.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025670


Objective To explore the predictive effect of family functioning on mobile phone dependency and clarify the mediating role of peer relationships and self-esteem.Methods A stratified cluster random sampling method was used to collect data related to family functioning,self-esteem,and mobile phone dependency of 1 326 middle school students.SPSS 25.0 software was used to describe the data statistically and compare the differences among the demographic characteristics.Mplus 8.3 software was used to test the mediating effect of self-esteem on family functioning and mobile phone dependency of middle school students and the moderating effect of peer relation-ships.Results Family functioning negatively predicted the mobile phone dependency of middle school students(β=-0.291;95%CI:-0.361--0.224;P<0.001),self-esteem mediated the relationship between family functioning and mobile phone dependency(β=-0.066;95%CI:-0.096--0.044;P<0.001),and peer relationship moderated the mediating role of self-esteem between family func-tioning and mobile phone dependency(β= 0.117;95%CI:0.046-0.188;P= 0.001).Conclusion Family functioning directly affected mobile phone dependency and impacted mobile phone dependency through self-esteem.The mediating effect of self-esteem increases as peer relationships improve.

Chinese Hospital Management ; (12): 72-77,82, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026593


Objective To explore the construction of comprehensive evaluation model of hospital mobile portal from the perspective of user maintenance.Methods The index system was constructed based on CRM-BSC(customer relationship management-the balanced score card)theory.A comprehensive evaluation model of hospital mobile portal was constructed by introducing cloud model.Finally,three hospital official Apps were selected for empirical research to verify the validity of the model.Results Although the construction status of the hospital's official App is good,it varies greatly in different evaluation dimensions.In the"user value"and"user perceived value"dimension performs well,but in the"user knowledge"and"user interaction"dimension performs poorly,need to be further optimized and improved.Conclusion The comprehensive evaluation model can provide comprehensive evaluation standards and tools for mobile portals,and the research results can provide decision support for medical institutions to improve the services of mobile portals.

Chinese Journal of Nursing ; (12): 142-148, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027824


Objective To explore the effect of a mobile health intervention model based on self-determination theory on subthreshold depression in breast cancer patients.Methods By convenience sampling method,74 patients with breast cancer subthreshold depression who received chemotherapy in the breast department of a tertiary hospital in Guangxi from July 2021 to August 2022 were selected as the research subjects.According to the order of admission time,the patients admitted from February 2022 to August 2022 were taken as an experimental group,and the patients admitted from July 2021 to January 2022 were taken as a control group,with 37 cases in each group.On the basis of routine nursing,the experimental group implemented a mobile health intervention model based on self-determination theory.The control group received routine nursing,with every 21 days for 1 cycle and a total of 4 cycles of intervention.Before and after the intervention,the Centre for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale(CES-D),Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression(HAMD-17),Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction Scale(BPNS)and Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Breast(FACT-B)were used to evaluate the intervention effect.Results 34 patients in the experimental group and 36 patients in the control group completed the study.After intervention,the CES-D score and HAMD-17 score of the 2 groups were lower than those before intervention(P<0.05);the CES-D score and HAMD-17 score of the experimental group were lower than those of the control group,and the difference was statistically significant(t=7.748,P<0.001;t=8.150,P<0.001).The BPNS scores of the 2 groups were higher than those before the intervention,and the BPNS score of the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group(t=-6.534,P<0.001).The scores of FACT-B in the 2 groups were higher than those before the intervention,and the scores of FACT-B in the experimental group were significantly higher than those in the control group(t=-4.579,P<0.001).Conclusion The mobile health intervention model based on self-determination theory can improve the subthreshold depression,self-determination and quality of life of breast cancer patients.

Sichuan Mental Health ; (6): 156-161, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030563


BackgroundAnxiety exists as a prevalent psychological problem among college students nowadays, which brings negative influence on their normal life. Mobile phone addiction and loneliness both have an impact on college students' anxiety. However, the acting path of loneliness between mobile phone addiction and anxiety requires further exploration. ObjectiveTo analyze the relationships among mobile phone addiction, loneliness and anxiety in college students, and to explore the acting path of loneliness between mobile phone addiction and anxiety. MethodsOn December 21, 2023, 1 400 college students from a university in Henan Province were selected, in accordance with the simple random sampling method, for investigation of this study. Questionnaire survey was conducted by using several scales including Mobile Phone Addiction Tendency Scale (MPATS), Self-rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) and University of California Los Angeles-Loneliness Scale (UCLA-LS). Pearson correlation analysis was used to examine the correlation between the scores of each scale above, and SPSS macro program Process 3.3 was used to test the mediation effect. ResultsA total of 1 239 valid questionnaires were collected, with an effective recovery rate of 88.50%. The MPATS score of college students was positively correlated with both SAS and UCLA-LS scores (r=0.474, 0.387, P<0.01), and UCLA-LS score was positively correlated with SAS score (r=0.541, P<0.01). The indirect effect of loneliness between mobile phone addiction and anxiety was 0.160 (95% CI: 0.118~0.173), accounting for 33.97% of the total effect. ConclusionMobile phone addiction can positively predict anxiety among college students, and loneliness may act as the mediation path between mobile phone addiction and anxiety among college students.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017033


Objective To clarify the effects of 5G mobile phone radiofrequency radiation exposure on male mouse fertility and to preliminarily explore the underlying mechanisms. Methods Healthy male C57BL/6 mice aged 7-8 weeks were randomly assigned to Sham group, 3.5 GHz radiofrequency radiation group, and 4.9 GHz radiofrequency radiation group, with 16 mice in each group. The mice were exposed to 3.5 GHz or 4.9 GHz mobile phone radiofrequency radiation for 42 consecutive days (1 h per day). The sperm quality was evaluated using sperm count, deformity rate, and motility. H&E staining was performed to assess testicular tissue structure by observing the morphology of spermatogenic cells at various development stages, the diameter of seminiferous tubules, and the thickness of seminiferous epithelium. The sperm mitochondrial function was assessed using sperm mitochondrial membrane potential and testicular ATP content. The fertility of mice was evaluated through fertility rate, litter size, and survival rate of offspring. The underlying mechanisms were explored by detecting the methylation of LRGUK gene and its mRNA and protein levels. Results Compared with the Sham group, there were no significant changes in sperm count in the 3.5 GHz and 4.9 GHz groups; however, the sperm abnormality rate significantly increased (P < 0.05) and sperm motility significantly decreased (P < 0.05). The structure of testicular tissue, the function of sperm mitochondria, and fertility of mice showed no significant changes as compared with the Sham group. The methylation level of LRGUK gene in the testes significantly increased, while the mRNA and protein expression levels significantly decreased. Conclusion Exposure to 3.5 GHz and 4.9 GHz mobile phone radiofrequency radiation for 42 consecutive days can lead to an increase in sperm deformity rate and a decrease in sperm motility in mice, but has no significant effect on fertility, which may be related to an increase in methylation level of the LRGUK gene in the testes.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020504


Objective:To delve into the understanding and experience of empty nesters regarding internet plus medical services, identifying factors that may influence their willingness to adopt such services. The goal is to promote the effective application among empty nesters.Methods:From March to May 2023, a qualitative descriptive research method was employed. The 13 subjects were selected from the Southwest Hospital of AMU, Geleshan Community Health Service Center, Shandong Road Community Health Service Station and Yuzhou Road Community Health Service Center, all of them were empty nesters who were hospitalized and examined. The study was grounded in the technology acceptance model and utilized content analysis to thoroughly examine the interview data.Results:Among the 13 empty nesters, 6 males and 7 females, aged 60 to 85 years old. A total of 4 themes were extracted: perceived usefulness, perceived eased of use, willingness to adopt, and need to use.Conclusions:Empty nesters have the demand and willingness to use internet plus medical services, but they are limited by technical difficulties and perceived risks, so it is suggested that relevant institutions should make targeted adjustments.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020621


Objective:To explore the effect of mobile medical intelligent software combined with OBE-CBCL dual-track teaching method in standardized training of orthopaedic residents.Methods:The orthopedic residents who received resident standardized training in our hospital from Jan 2022 to Sep 2022 were selected as the study subjects.The orthopedic residents who received regular teaching method from Jan 2022 to Mar 2022 were group A,orthopedic residents who received mobile medical intelligent software + regular teaching method from Apr 2022 to Jun 2022 were group B,and the orthopedic residents who received mobile medical intelligent software + OBE-CBCL dual-track teaching method from Jul 2022 to Sep 2022 were group C.All three groups participated in the relevant professional theoretical knowledge assessment,Mini-CEX,and satisfaction survey at the time of discharge.Results:The scores of professional theoretical knowledge assessment in groups B and C were higher than that in groups A,and it was higher in group C than that in group B(P<0.05).The scores of each item of Mini-CEX in groups B and C were higher than those in group A(P<0.05).Except for clinical judgment ability,the scores of the other items of Mini-CEX in group C was higher than those in group B(P<0.05).In the satisfaction survey,the scores of deepening knowledge mastery in groups B and C were higher than that in group A,and that in group C was higher than that in group B(P<0.05).The scores of improving clinical thinking and stimulating learning interest in groups B and C were higher than those in group A(P<0.05),and the scores of improving team assistance and overall satisfaction in group C were higher than those in groups A and B(P<0.05).Conclusion:Mobile medical intelligent software combined with OBE-CBCL dual-track teaching can significantly improve teaching effect of orthopaedic resident standardized training.

Sichuan Mental Health ; (6): 243-248, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039256


BackgroundMobile phone addiction has attracted widespread attention in society, and psychological abuse and neglect is an important factor in predicting mobile phone addiction, whereas limited research has been done to evaluate its impact on mobile phone addiction. ObjectiveTo explore the correlation of psychological abuse and neglect with mobile phone addiction, and to test the pathway of self-esteem and interpersonal alienation, so as to provide references for preventing and curbing mobile phone addiction in junior high school students. MethodsIn May 2022, a cluster sampling was utilized to select 800 students in two middle schools in a county of Hainan Province, and all students were assessed using Child Psychological Abuse and Neglect Scale (CPANS), Mobile Phone Addiction Index (MPAI), Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (SES) and Interpersonal Alienation Scale of Adolescent StudentsAlienation Scale. Pearson correlation analysis was adopted to determine the correlation among the above-mentioned scales, and Process Macro 3.5 for SPSS was used to test the mediation effect. ResultsCPANS score was negatively correlated with SES score (r=-0.278, P<0.01), and positively correlated with Interpersonal Alienation Scale score and MPAI score (r=0.471, 0.372, P<0.01). SES score was negatively correlated with Interpersonal Alienation Scale score and MPAI score (r=-0.438, -0.196, P<0.01). Interpersonal Alienation Scale score was positively correlated with MPAI score (r=0.392, P<0.01). Interpersonal alienation (indirect effect value was 0.104) played a mediation role in the relationship between psychological abuse and neglect and mobile phone addiction. Self-esteem and interpersonal alienation exhibited a chained mediation effect on the relationship between psychological abuse and neglect and mobile phone addiction (indirect effect value was 0.026), accounting for 6.99% of the total effect. ConclusionPsychological abuse and neglect can not only directly predict mobile phone addiction, but also can indirectly affect mobile phone addiction through separate mediation of interpersonal alienation or chained mediation of self-esteem and interpersonal alienation. [Funded by High-level Talent Project of Hainan Natural Science Foundation (number, 721RC511)]

Sichuan Mental Health ; (6): 70-76, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012560


BackgroundNegative effects of mobile phone addiction on undergraduate students have led to several health problems including depression, anxiety, attention deficit disorder, cognitive impairment and sleep disturbance. The undergraduate nursing students serve as an important reserve force of the clinical nursing work, and their poor psychological health would have a non-ignorable impact on the quality of the nursing work and the nurse-patient relationship in the future. ObjectiveTo investigate the relation between neuroticism and tendency of mobile phone addiction among undergraduate nursing students, and to examine the pathways through which perceived stress and self-control play a role in the relation by constructing a chain-mediated model. MethodsFrom February to March 2023, a total of 900 undergraduate nursing students across 10 universities in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province were selected through convenient sampling method. Several scales were adopted to assess undergraduate nursing students respectively, including the neuroticism subscale of Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised Short Scale for Chines (EPQ-RSC), Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), Self-Control Scale (SCS) and Mobile Phone Addiction Tendency Scale (MPATS). The assessment were conducted on multiple aspects of these students including neurotic personality, subjective stress, self-control and mobile phone addiction tendency. Model 6 in the SPSS Macro Process 4.1 was used to examine the mediating effect of perceived stress and self-control between neuroticism and mobile phone addiction tendency among undergraduate nursing students. Results① Among the 900 students, 314 cases (34.89%) were found to be addicted to mobile phones. ② The score of neuroticism subscale in EPQ-RSC of nursing undergraduates was positively correlated with the total scores of PSS and MPATS (r=0.400, 0.287, P<0.01), and negatively correlated with score of SCS (r=-0.364, P<0.01). The total score of MPATS was positively correlated with the total score of PSS (r=0.362, P<0.01), and negatively correlated with the total score of SCS (r=-0.468, P<0.01). The total score of SCS was negatively correlated with the total score of PSS (r=-0.515, P<0.01). ③ Perceived stress and self-control performed partial mediation between neuroticism personality and mobile phone addiction tendency (with indirect effect values of 0.056 and 0.065, respectively, accounting for 19.72% and 22.89% of the total effect). Perceived stress and self-control played a chain mediating role between neuroticism personality and mobile phone addiction tendency (with an indirect effect value of 0.064, accounting for 22.54% of the total effect). ConclusionNeuroticism personality, perceived stress and self-control are confirmed to play important roles in mobile phone addiction tendency among undergraduate nursing students. Neuroticism personality not only directly affects the tendency of mobile phone addiction, but also affects their mobile phone addiction tendency through the chain mediating effect of perceived stress and self-control.[Funded by The 2020 Annual Project of the 13th Five-Year Plan of Education Science in Shaanxi Province (number, SGH20Y1386)]

Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012676


@#Introduction: Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) is still a major cause of mortality and morbidity globally. One of the factors that cause a prehospital delay is the delay in early detection and inaccuracy of early treatment of ACS. The Internet of Things, which is supported by the high use of smartphones with the DETAK application, can be an opportunity to facilitate ACS education programs so that ACS can be detected early. Method: This study has used a quantitative research design with a quasi-experimental approach which pretest and posttest, in which both the experimental and control groups participate. The inclusion criteria of this study were age >45 years; obesity; smoker; Respondents with a history of: hypertension/diabetes mellitus/hyperlipidemia/hypercholesterolemia/CVD/families with cardiovascular disease. 252 respondents who met the inclusion criteria were randomly divided into control (n=126) and intervention groups (n=126). The intervention group was given education through the DETAK application and the control group was given leaflet about ACS. Results: The results of the study showed that there was an increased in early treatment ability was only found in the intervention group (p<.001). Mean differences of the ability of early detection (p<.001) and early treatment (p=.019)between intervention and control groups were both significance. Conclusion: There is potential for DETAK applications to improve the early detection and treatment capabilities of ACS.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021838


BACKGROUND:In clinical application,the therapeutic effect of transcranial magnetic stimulation depends on the ability to accurately target the areas of the brain that need to be stimulated.In recent years,with the development of neuronavigation systems,mobile augmented reality technology,and the new methods of processing magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)data,the accuracy of stimulus target localization and the optimization of target selection are expected to improve further. OBJECTIVE:To review the principle of MRI-based image navigation and its application in transcranial magnetic stimulation and summarize the roles of different modal MRI data analyses in guiding the selection of target areas for transcranial magnetic stimulation. METHODS:An online computer search for relevant literature was performed in PubMed,CNKI database and WanFang database,with the keywords"transcranial magnetic stimulation,coil positioning,neuronavigation,augmented reality,magnetic resonance,theory."Finally,63 documents were included for review. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:Among the traditional methods of positioning transcranial magnetic stimulation coils,the"5 cm rule"and the international electroencephalogram 10-20 positioning method are the most commonly used.These methods have the advantages of simplicity and economy,but they rely too much on the operator's experience and there were technical differences between operators.The neuronavigation system,which is based on stereotactic technology,is the guiding method for positioning transcranial magnetic stimulation coils with the highest visual degree and accuracy.It achieves visual positioning through MRI data acquisition,3D brain reconstruction,head model registration and stereogeometric positioning.It has high application value in clinical treatment and scientific research,but it cannot be promoted in medical institutions due to its high cost.For various medical institutions,mobile augmented reality is a cost-effective and efficient alternative to the neuronavigation system,which achieves visual positioning of brain tissue under the scalp through MRI data acquisition,2D/3D image construction,virtual image and real brain image superposition.It has the advantages of directly visualization and low cost,and is expected to be popularized and applied in primary medical units.Although the superiority of clinical efficacy of visual coil positioning over the electroencephalogram 10-20 localization strategy has not yet been fully demonstrated,with the progress of brain MRI data analysis,visual positioning is expected to further optimize the target selection strategy of transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy and to improve the response rate and individuation degree of transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment.This is a promising and challenging research direction in the future.