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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225531


Thyroid disease and hyperparathyroidism (HPT) are among the most common endocrine disorders. Thyroid hormones play an important role in bone and calcium metabolism. The rate of HPT is greater in patients with thyroid disease than in the general medical population. Simultaneous occurrence of hyperthyroidism and hyperparathyroidism in the same patient is a rare combination. The clinical manifestations of hyperthyroidism may overshadow the more subtle and varied symptoms and signs of primary hyperparathyroidism. It poses difficult diagnostic and therapeutic problems. Both diseases, however, may have a profound influence on calcium metabolism. The resulting disturbances in thyrotoxicosis may simulate hyperparathyroidism. Contrariwise, the diagnosis of an associated parathyroid adenoma may be missed, or unnecessarily delayed because hypercalcemia is known to occur in hyperthyroidism. The coexistence of thyroiditis and thyroid nodules with parathyroid disorders is also known. Graves� disease (GD) and primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) are two common endocrine disorders. However the co- occurrence of hyperthyroidism and primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) is rare. However, the link between the two disorders remains unclarified. Hypercalcemia in Graves' hyperthyroidism should warrant a thorough investigation for concomitant primary hyperparathyroidism. Concomitant thyroid nodular disease and hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) disease has been also documented. PHPT is also reported in patients with thyroid malignancy. We hereby report a rare case of a patient who presented with coexistence of Hyperparathyroidism and Multinodular Goiter with Hashimotos Thyroiditis and Hyperthyroidism.

Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 82(1): 65-69, mar. 2022. ilus, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389832


Resumen El tiroides ectópico es una alteración congénita infrecuente que presenta una prevalencia entre 1/100.000-1/300.000. En el 90% de los casos se encuentra en la línea media cervical, siendo los casos de tiroides ectópico cervical lateral muy infrecuentes. Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 44 años que consultó por presentar una tumoración submandibular izquierda de más de seis meses de evolución. Las pruebas de imagen (ecografía, tomografía computarizada y gammagrafía) sugirieron un bocio ectópico multinodular; la punción aspiración con aguja fina (PAAF) informó de tejido tiroideo sin atipias (Bethesda II) y el estudio sanguíneo de hormonas tiroideas fue normal, orientando finalmente el caso como un bocio multinodular ectópico submandibular eutiroideo. Ante la ausencia de síntomas y signos sugerentes de malignidad, en conjunto con una PAAF con características de benignidad, se decidió realizar seguimiento. En el momento que presentó clínica por efecto masa se decidió realizar la exéresis de la lesión, que confirmó el diagnóstico de bocio multinodular ectópico. Los casos descritos en la literatura de bocio multinodular ectópico submandibular como único tejido tiroideo funcionante son excepcionales. El tiroides ectópico se debe considerar en el diagnóstico diferencial de una masa submandibular. Aunque actualmente no existe un consenso en relación con el manejo de dicha patología, el crecimiento de la masa puede contribuir a la decisión de una exéresis completa del tiroides ectópico, aun tratándose del único tejido tiroideo funcionante.

Abstract Ectopic thyroid is an uncommon congenital disorder with a prevalence between 1/100,000-1/300,000. In 90% of cases, it is placed in cervical midline, being the cases of lateral cervical ectopic thyroid very infrequent. We present the case of a 44-year-old female patient who had a left submandibular mass during more than six months. Imaging tests (ultrasound, computed tomography and scintigraphy) suggested a multinodular ectopic goiter; fine needle aspiration (FNA) reported thyroid tissue without atypia (Bethesda II) and the thyroid hormone blood tests were normal, finally orienting the case as a euthyroid submandibular ectopic multinodular goiter. In the absence of symptoms and signs suggestive of malignancy, together with an FNA with benign characteristics, it was decided to follow up. When the patient presented clinical symptoms due to mass effect, it was decided to perform excision of the lesion, which confirmed the diagnosis of ectopic multinodular goiter. There are very few cases described in the literature of submandibular ectopic multinodular goiter as the only functioning thyroid tissue. Ectopic thyroid should be considered in the differential diagnosis of a submandibular mass. Although there is currently no consensus on the management of this pathology, the growth of the mass may contribute to the decision of a complete excision of the ectopic thyroid, even if it is the only functioning thyroid tissue.

Humains , Femelle , Adulte , Choristome/imagerie diagnostique , Goitre nodulaire/imagerie diagnostique , Thyroïdectomie/méthodes , Tomodensitométrie/méthodes , Choristome/chirurgie , Goitre nodulaire/chirurgie
Rev. cuba. endocrinol ; 32(2): e277, 2021. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1347402


Introducción: La aplicación de actividades fijas en el tratamiento del hipertiroidismo con I131 (yoduro de sodio, conocido también como radioyodo), es el método más usado en nuestro país, a pesar de la individualidad morfo-funcional que caracteriza esta afección. Sin embargo, no existe aún, un consenso internacional sobre la dosis más conveniente para cada caso, y por ende, los resultados no siempre son los deseados. Objetivo: Evaluar la aplicabilidad de varios métodos de cálculo de dosis paciente-específica para el tratamiento de hipertiroidismo con yoduro de sodio. Métodos: Se realizó un análisis de los resultados de varios métodos de cálculo de dosis recomendados internacionalmente a partir de la actividad fija prescrita en 10 pacientes, con el empleo de tecnologías y herramientas ya desarrolladas y disponibles en el país. Se evaluó la variabilidad inter-especialista y su impacto en la dosis planificada para el tratamiento. Resultados: El uso de la información incompleta de la biodistribución y farmacocinética del paciente produjo diferencias entre -42 por ciento y 37 por ciento de las dosis para el mismo paciente. El resultado de la comparación del método de cálculo recomendado por la Sociedad Europea de Medicina Nuclear, manejando la masa por gammagrafía-2D / 3D y por ultrasonido, arrojó diferencias no significativas entre sí. La variabilidad inter-especialista de las actividades prescrita mostró diferencias significativas, que arrojan sobre el mismo paciente, discrepancias entre 44Gy y 243Gy de las dosis terapéuticas a recibir, situación que puede comprometer el éxito del tratamiento y producir efectos secundarios no deseados. Conclusiones: Las técnicas dosimétricas paciente-específicas se pueden implementar satisfactoriamente en nuestro país. Las diferencias numéricas encontradas, especialmente la variabilidad inter-especialista, demuestran la no estandarización terapéutica, lo que apoya el uso de la farmacocinética paciente-específica pre terapéutica y la masa por gammagrafía-3D para planificar el tratamiento siempre que sean posible(AU)

Introduction: Despite of its typical morpho-functional individuality, fixed activities remain as the most used method in Cuba for hyperthyroidism treatment with I (sodium iodide, also known as radioiodine). However, there is not yet an international consensus on the most convenient doses for each case, so, the results are not always the desired ones. Objective: To evaluate the applicability of various patient-specific dose calculation methods for the treatment of hyperthyroidism with sodium iodide. Methods: It was carried out an analysis in 10 patients of the results of some methods for dose calculation from the prescribed fixed activity recommended internationally, with the use of technologies and tools already developed and available in the country. The inter-specialist variability and its impact in the planned dose for the treatment were assessed. Results: The use of uncompleted biodistribution and pharmacokinetics information of the patient showed differences between -42 percent and 37 percent in the doses for the same patient. The outcome of the comparison of the calculation method recommended by the European Society of Nuclear Medicine managing the mass by 3D/2D gammagraphy and ultrasound, presented no significant discrepancies among them. The inter-specialist variability of prescribed activity was statistically significant, and it can produce in the same patient differences between 44Gy and 243Gy of the therapeutic doses, which could affect the treatment success and lead to unnecessary side effects. Conclusions: The patient´s personalized calculation methods can be satisfactorily applied in Cuba. The numeric differences found, especially inter-specialist variability, show the lack of therapeutic standardization, which supports the use of pre-therapeutic patient-specific pharmacokinetics and the mass by 3D-gammagraphy to plan the treatment when possible(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Iodure de sodium/usage thérapeutique , Pharmacocinétique , Hypothyroïdie/thérapie , Médecine nucléaire/méthodes , Normes de référence
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-213244


Background: Multinodular goiter (MNG) occurs due to repeated hyperstimulation of thyroid gland due to iodine deficiency, goitrogens, antithyroid drugs and genetic defects. MNG can have different complications which include treacheal compression, retrosternal extension, malignancy and secondary thyrotoxicosis. The aim of the work was to study the clinical features and histopathology of MN in patients admitted for thyroidectomy in surgical wards of a tertiary care hospital in north Kerala.Methods: A prospective hospital based observational study in the patients in surgical wards of a tertiary care hospital in north Kerala from April 2011 to March 2012. The clinical data of patients who are subjected to thyroidectomy for MNG (clinical and fine needle aspiration cytology diagnosis) were included in this study. Patients undergoing completion thyroidectomy for recurrence or malignancy were excluded from this study.Results: MNG is more common in females. Female to male ratio 24:1 Majority are in the age group of 30-50 years (64%) with a mean age of 41 years. 38% (38 cases) had pressure symptoms in the form of dysphagia or dyspnea. Secondary thyrotoxicosis seen in 17% (17 cases). Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is not an error-proof investigation in MNG. 14 % of our patients had malignancy inspite of being reported as benign in FNAC. Among the malignancies papillary carcinoma thyroid was found to be most common accounting for 12% of cases (12/100) followed by follicular carcinoma.Conclusions: FNAC is not an error proof investigation in MNG. Incidental thyroid cancer in MNG is about 14 % with papillary carcinoma thyroid being the commonest.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-213104


Background: Recurrent laryngeal nerve injury, hypothyroidism and hypocalcaemia have long been recognized as the three main sequalae of thyroidectomy. Persistent hypocalcaemia may cause intracranial lesions and cardiac arrhythmias. As the definitive diagnosis of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis was not always possible with clinical and cytological parameters when antibody testing was not done, surgery was planned with the diagnosis of multinodular goitre. This study was conducted to find out the incidence of post-operative hypocalcaemia following total thyroidectomy by skilled surgeons in patients with multinodular goitre and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.Methods: This was a cross-sectional study to compare the incidence of hypocalcaemia in patients with biopsy-proven Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and multinodular goitre. After obtaining approval from the institutional review board and ethics committee, data was collected serially, from the surgical records of 123 patients who underwent total thyroidectomy in this tertiary care centre, during the past two years.Results: The incidence of post-operative hypocalcaemia (71.1%) in patients undergoing total thyroidectomy with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis was significantly higher than in patients with multinodular goitre (56.4%). Of the 45 patients who had a biopsy report of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, 8 (17.8 %) developed permanent hypocalcaemia while only 8 (10.3%) of the 78 patients with histopathological diagnosis of multinodular goitre developed persistent hypocalcaemia needing supplementation following total thyroidectomy in this rural tertiary care hospital.Conclusions: The significant risk of post-operative hypocalcaemia should be kept in mind before opting for total thyroidectomy for benign lesions of the thyroid and pre-operative antibody studies must be done to diagnose Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-213002


Background:Diseases of the thyroid gland can be due to inflammatory and neoplastic causes. Many diagnostic tests like ultrasound, thyroid nuclear scan and fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) are available for their evaluation. Histopathologically, they can be adenomas, colloid nodules, cysts, infectious nodules, lymphocytic or granulomatous nodules, congenital abnormalities or hyperplasia, or various types of malignancy. It is therefore crucial to have a clear diagnostic approach to ensure patients are managed appropriately and are not over or under-treated. Present study was done to evaluate FNAC and ultrasonography (USG) as a diagnostic method in thyroid swellings and to plan surgery accordingly.Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted among 60 adult patients undergoing thyroid surgery at Victoria and Bowring and Lady Curzon Hospital. They were investigated with FNAC and USG of thyroid, and were subjected to surgery and subsequent histopathological examination. The histopathological examination reports were correlated with the findings of FNAC and USG in order to evaluate their findings by statistical methods.Results:The sensitivity and specificity of FNAC was 87.5% and 98% respectively. All malignant lesions on FNAC were confirmed by histopathology indicating its excellence. Therefore FNAC helps in planning the correct management and avoids second surgery. And the sensitivity and specificity of USG was 75% and 86% respectively. Therefore combination of both FNAC and ultrasonography will improve the diagnostic accuracy to higher level and helps in better management. Conclusions:FNAC has high sensitivity and specificity, so it is closest to ideal test. However, a combination of both FNAC and ultrasound will give desirable results and so that we can avoid mismanagement.

Rev. chil. endocrinol. diabetes ; 13(3): 110-117, 2020. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1117582


OBJETIVO: El yodo radiactivo (131I) es una opción terapeútica segura y eficaz cuando se utiliza solo o con la estimulación previa de TSH recombinante humana (rhTSH) en el tratamiento del bocio multinodular (BMN). En espera de ensayos clínicos que determinen la dosis óptima, demuestren seguridad y confirmen la eficacia, diferentes protocolos se utilizan para aplicar la dosis de 131I. Analizamos la respuesta al tratamiento con una dosis calculada por protocolo mixto (dosis fijas y cálculo por porcentaje de captación) en pacientes con BMN toxico y no toxico en nuestro hospital, en el periodo 2010-2013. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio prospectivo en pacientes con BMN no quirúrgico (BMNNQ) que requerían reducción del volumen glandular y/o tratamiento del hipertiroidismo. Se evaluaron 134 pacientes, 14 cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión (13mujeres) de edad media 71.08 años. Un grupo con BMN toxico, otro grupo con BMN no toxico, un tercer grupo con BMN no toxico estimulado con 0,1 mg de rhTSH previo a la dosis. Se evaluó, función tiroidea, captación tiroidea de 99ᵐTc, volumen tiroideo y síntomas compresivos. Se siguió a los pacientes durante 12 meses. RESULTADOS: Se aplicaron dosis entre 15 y 30 mCi de 131I. Remitió el hipertiroidismo en 6 de 7 pacientes. Hubo una reducción del volumen glandular (p<0.01).Los pacientes con estímulo de 0,1 mg rhTSH, aumentaron el porcentaje de captación de 99ᵐTc a las 24 h en un 32.43±10.61 permitiendo aplicar menor dosis de 131I. La tasa de aparición de hipotiroidismo fue de 7.41 por cada 100 pacientes.mes, mayor en pacientes con BMN toxico tratados con dosis bajas (p-=0.03). Hubo una mejoría subjetiva de la clínica compresiva en todos los pacientes. No hubo eventos adversos. CONCLUSIONES: Una dosis de 131I calculada por protocolo mixto es efectiva y segura para la reducción del volumen glandular y control del hipertiroidismo asociado. La estimulación con rhTSH logra el mismo efecto con una menor dosis administrada.

OBJECTIVE: Radioactive iodine (131I) is a safe and effective therapeutic option when used alone or with prior stimulation of recombinant human Thyrotropin (rhTSH) in the treatment of multinodular goiter (MNG). In absence of clinical trials that determine the optimal dose, demonstrate safety and confirm efficacy, different protocols are used to apply the dose of 131I. We analyze the response to treatment with a dose calculated by mixed protocol (fixed doses and calculation by percentage of uptake) in patients with toxic and non-toxic MNG in our hospital, in the period 2010-2013. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Prospective study in patients with non-surgical MNG that required glandular volume reduction and / or treatment of hyperthyroidism. 134 patients were evaluated, 14 met the inclusion criteria (13 women) of average age 71.08 years. One group with toxic MNG, another group with non-toxic MNG and a third with non-toxic multinodular goiter stimulated with 0.1 mg of rhTSH prior to the dose. Patients were followed for 12 months. Upon following, we assessed Thyroid function, 99ᵐTc thyroid uptake, thyroid volume and compressive symptoms. RESULTS: Doses between 15 and 30 mCi of 131I were applied. We observed hyperthyroidism remission in 6 of 7 patients. There was a reduction in glandular volume (p <0.01) considering all patients. Patients with a stimulus of 0.1 mg rhTSH, increased the percentage of uptake of 99ᵐTc at 24 h by 32.43 ± 10.61, allowing a lower dose of 131I to be applied. The rate of onset of hypothyroidism was 7.41 per 100 patients-month, and was higher in patients with toxic MNG treated with low doses (p = 0.03). There was a subjective improvement of the compression clinic in all patients. No adverse events were observed. CONCLUSIONS: A dose of 131I calculated by a mixed protocol is effective and safe for achieving glandular volume reduction and associated hyperthyroidism control. Stimulation with rhTSH produces the same effect with a lower administered dose.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Sujet âgé , Thyrotropine alfa/usage thérapeutique , Goitre nodulaire/radiothérapie , Radio-isotopes de l'iode/usage thérapeutique , Facteurs temps , Induction de rémission , Études prospectives , Résultat thérapeutique , Association thérapeutique , Pertechnétate (99mTc) de sodium , Goitre nodulaire/imagerie diagnostique
Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2019 Dec; 67(12): 2086-2091
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-197683


A 51-year-old Asian Indian male with right oculodermal melanocytosis presented with a blurred visual acuity of 20/40. Upon fundus examination, he was discovered to have two independent pigmented choroidal melanomas in the temporal juxtapapillary region and inferiorly, in the region of trace clinical sectoral choroidal melanocytosis. The patient underwent enucleation, and on histopathology the two tumors were found to be in the area of choroidal melanocytosis, in continuity with each other. Multifocal choroidal melanoma is an exceedingly rare diagnosis. Ocular melanocytosis is a known predisposing factor for both unifocal and multifocal melanomas. Lifelong monitoring for uveal melanomas must be done in all patients with ocular melanocytosis.

Rev. cuba. cir ; 58(4): e674, oct.-dic. 2019. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1126395


RESUMEN La crisis tirotóxica es una complicación de la tirotoxicosis mal tratada y se asocia con una elevada mortalidad. Requiere tratamiento médico urgente en unidades de cuidados intensivos. Mujer de 42 años, con antecedentes personales de hipertensión arterial y nódulo tiroideo hiperfuncionante desde hace 18 años, con abandono del tratamiento médico hace dos años, que acude a urgencias con disnea paroxística nocturna, taquicardia, hipertensión arterial, gran bocio y anasarca. Ingresa en la unidad de cuidados intensivos con diagnóstico de crisis tirotóxica e inicia el tratamiento médico con medidas de soporte precisas, la que incluye intubación orotraqueal. Debido a la dificultad de manejo clínico y respiratorio de la paciente, se decide realizar tratamiento quirúrgico urgente. Se practica una tiroidectomía total de bocio multinodular parcialmente intratorácico y una traqueostomía preventiva. El resultado de anatomía patológica fue: bocio multinodular tóxico. La paciente fue dada de alta con función tiroidea normal, cierre de traqueostomía y buena fonación, tras mes y medio de hospitalización. A pesar de que un tratamiento médico conservador es el adecuado de la tirotoxicosis, los síntomas y signos sistémicos de la crisis tirotóxica y sus manifestaciones órgano-específicas, asociados a una persistente dificultad respiratoria por síntomas compresivos derivados del gran bocio, se consideró que la tiroidectomía urgente en este caso estaba indicada, dato que se corroboró ante la buena evolución posoperatoria. El tratamiento de la tirotoxicosis es fundamentalmente clínico, sin embargo, la cirugía puede ser útil ante la dificultad en el manejo clínico(AU)

Abstract The thyrotoxic crisis is a complication of poorly treated thyrotoxicosis and is associated with high mortality. This condition requires urgent medical treatment in intensive care units. A 42-year-old woman, with a personal history of high blood pressure, hyperfunctioning thyroid nodule for 18 years, and abandonment of medical treatment since two years ago, presented to the emergency department with paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, tachycardia, high blood pressure, large goiter, and anasarca. She was admitted into the intensive care unit with a diagnosis of thyrotoxic crisis and started to receive medical treatment under precise support measures, including orotracheal intubation. Due to the patient's difficult clinical and respiratory management, it was decided to perform urgent surgical treatment. She was performed a total thyroidectomy of partial intrathoracic multinodular goiter and a preventive tracheostomy. The result of pathological anatomy was toxic multinodular goiter. The patient was discharged with normal thyroid function, tracheostomy closure, and good phonation, after a month and a half of hospitalization. Despite the fact that conservative medical treatment is the adequate one for thyrotoxicosis, the systemic symptoms and signs of the thyrotoxic crisis, and its organ-specific manifestations, associated with persistent respiratory distress due to compression symptoms derived from large goiter, urgent thyroidectomy needed to be indicated in this case, a fact corroborated after good postoperative evolution. The treatment of thyrotoxicosis is fundamentally clinical; however, surgery can be useful given the difficulty in clinical management(AU)

Humains , Femelle , Adulte , Thyroïdectomie/méthodes , Thyréotoxicose/complications , Crise thyréotoxique/diagnostic , Unités de soins intensifs , Trachéostomie/méthodes
Rev. cuba. endocrinol ; 30(3): e122, sept.-dic. 2019. graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1126445


RESUMEN Paciente masculino de 53 años con antecedentes de alergia, trabajador artesanal que realiza serigrafías, con alta exposición a productos químicos que, al someterse a altas temperaturas desprenden gran cantidad de vapor. Acude a consulta refiriendo que desde aproximadamente 2 meses antes presenta decaimiento con calambres musculares, palpitaciones, enrojecimiento de la cara y, aumento de tamaño de la glándula tiroides. Se diagnostica un bocio multinodular tóxico, por cifras hormonales elevadas. Se realiza ultrasonido de tiroides que informa bocio multinodular, una biopsia por aspiración con aguja fina, con atipia de significado incierto, y lesión folicular del tiroides. Se separa de su centro de trabajo y se logra revertir la sintomatología a los 15 días del tratamiento. Frecuentemente aparecen enfermedades asociadas a intoxicaciones por químicos y medicamentos, donde la presencia de hipertiroidismo no es habitual. Se requiere una anamnesis exhaustiva y exámenes complementarios específicos para un diagnóstico y tratamiento adecuados(AU)

ABSTRACT 53 years old male patient with a history of allergy; he works as a craft worker (producing serigraphs) very exposed to chemicals, which when subjected to high temperatures emit large amount of steam. The patient attends to the consultation referring that from approximately 2 months before he has been presenting weakness with muscle cramps, palpitations, flushing of the face and, increase in the size of the thyroid glands. It is diagnosed by the high hormonal figures a toxic multinodular goiter. Thyroid ultrasound is performed that shows multinodular goiter; it is also conducted a biopsy by fine-needle aspiration resulting in atypia of uncertain significance, and follicular lesion of the thyroid. The patient was separated from his workplace and there were reversed the symptoms after 15 days of treatment. Frequently appear diseases associated to poisonings caused by chemicals and medicines, where the presence of hyperthyroidism is not usual. It requires a comprehensive anamnesis and complementary tests that are specific for a proper diagnosis and treatment(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Thyréotoxicose/anatomopathologie , Intoxication au monoxyde de carbone/étiologie , Cytoponction/méthodes , Goitre nodulaire/imagerie diagnostique
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-203279


FNAC is widely accepted as the most accurate, sensitive,specific and cost affective diagnostic procedure in theassessment of thyroid nodules and helps to select people preoperative for surgery. The purpose of this study was toevaluate the accuracy of FNAC for diagnosis of malignancy inlong standing multinodular goiter and histopathological corelation. I evaluated the cytological and histological results of105 patients, who were underwent pre-operative FNAC andsubsequent surgery followed by post-operative histopathology.The cytological diagnosis was classified as- benign, suspiciousand malignant. The definitive cytological study showed benignlesion 92, suspicious 2 and malignant 11 among 105 patients.Post-operative histopathology study showed malignant lesion 9and 96 were benign, among the malignant lesion- 4 werefollicular variant of p. carcinoma and 4 were direct papillarycarcinoma. Benign lesions were distributed as 94 multinodulargoiter and 2 follicular adenoma. In FNAC- eleven patients werefound to be malignant but on post-operative histopathologyexamination confirmed 8 of them as malignant and 3 of themwere benign, 2 follicular adenoma and 1 multinodular goiter. 94patients were found to be benign in FNAC but post-operativehistopathology examination confirmed 93 as multinodular goiterand 1 papillary carcinoma. So total number of malignancyfound in post-operative histology is (8+1)= 9. Rest of them 96were benign. So there is discrepancy between 2 cases. So mystudy revealed a cytological and histological discrepancy in 2patient out of 105 patients due to either diagnostic or samplingerror.

Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 13(1): 82-88, mar. 2019. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-990069


RESUMEN: Los oncocitos son células originadas probablemente por transformación metaplásica del epitelio ductal o acinar de parótida y submandibular. Su proliferación puede originar condiciones patológicas que incluyen hiperplasias oncocíticas adenomatosas multinodulares (HOAM), oncocitomas y carcinomas oncocíticos. Los tumores oncocíticos constituyen el 1 % de todos los tumores salivales y entre el 82 y 90 % se desarrollan en la parótida; el resto se divide entre la glándula submandibular y las glándulas salivales menores. Las hiperplasias oncocíticas multinodulares son extremadamente raras. En el presente trabajo se analizaron 5 casos de oncocitomas de parótida y dos casos de HOAM, uno de parótida y otro de submandibular y se describieron las características estructurales e inmunohistoquímicas de los oncocitos. Cortes seriados de las biopsias incluidas en parafina se colorearon con Hematoxilina - Eosina, Hematoxilina/ácido fosfotúngstico (PTA/H), PAS y se marcaron con AC antimitocondrial, CK 5/6, CK 20 y EMA. Los tumores mostraron un crecimiento nodular encapsulado por tejido conectivo denso. En los cortes histológicos se identificaron oncocitos eosinófilos (oscuros) y granulaciones violáceas con PTA/H. En dos casos de parótida y el caso de HOAM de submandibular presentaron además oncocitos claros PAS positivos. La inmunomarcación fue positiva en todas las células siendo la marcación para mitocondrias periférica en los oncocitos claros. Las células eosinofílicas PTA/H positivas y con fuerte marcación con AC antimitocondrial, CKs y EMA confirman el diagnóstico de patología oncocítica. En tres casos coexisten oncocitos claros y oscuros. Las células claras son oncocitos que acumulan glucógeno en su citoplasma desplazando a las mitocondrias hacia la periferia. En el diagnóstico diferencial de este tumor debemos considerar los tumores salivales con células claras, el carcinoma renal metastásico, el tumor de Whartin, la variante de células claras del carcinoma epitelial/mioepitelial y el carcinoma mucoepidermoide con metaplasia oncocítica.

ABSTRACT: Oncocytes are cells probably originated by metaplastic transformation of the ductal or acinar epithelium of parotid and submandibular. Its proliferation can cause pathological conditions that include multinodular adenomatous oncocytic hiperplasia (HOAM), oncocytomas and oncocytic carcinomas. Oncocytic tumors make up 1 % of all salivary tumors and between 82 and 90 % develop in the parotid; the rest of the tumors are divided between the submandibular gland and the minor salivary glands. Multinodular oncocytic hyperplasias are extremely rare. In the present work we analyzed five cases of parotid oncocytomas and two cases of HOAM, one of parotid and the other of submandibular; structural and immunohistochemical characteristics of the oncocytes were described. Biopsies were included in paraffin, serial cuts were stained with H&E, Hematoxylin / phosphotungstic acid (PTA / H), PAS and were marked with antimitochondrial AC, CK 5/6, CKs 20 and EMA. The tumors showed a nodular growth encapsulated by dense connective tissue. The histological cuts showed dark eosinophilic oncocytes and violaceous granulations with PTA / H. In two cases of parotid and the case of submandibular HOAM, PAS positive clear oncocytes were also present. The immunostaining was positive in all the cells, being the labeling for peripheral mitochondria in the clear oncocytes. Eosinophilic cells PTA / H positive with strongly marked with antimitochondrial AC, CKs and EMA confirm the diagnosis of oncocytic pathology. In three cases, light and dark oncocytes coexist. Clear cells are oncocytes that accumulate glycogen in their cytoplasm, displacing the mitochondria to the periphery. In the differential diagnosis we should consider salivary tumors with clear cells, metastatic renal carcinoma, Whartin's tumor, the clear cell variant of epithelial / myoepithelial carcinoma and mucoepidermoid carcinoma with oncocytic metaplasia.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Tumeurs des glandes salivaires/anatomopathologie , Adénome oxyphile/anatomopathologie , Tumeurs de la glande sous-maxillaire/anatomopathologie , Immunohistochimie , Cellules oxyphiles/anatomopathologie , Diagnostic différentiel
Pesqui. vet. bras ; Pesqui. vet. bras;38(11): 2056-2064, Nov. 2018. tab, ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-976400


Respiratory diseases cause significant veterinary costs, reduce performance and require withdrawal of horses. Yet, studies of the causes of pneumonia in horses are scant. This study aimed to describe the pathological and microbiological features of lung lesions in slaughtered horses in southern Brazil. In this study, 84 samples of lungs were examined, and a conclusive diagnosis was obtained in 74 cases. These were composed of bronchopneumonia in 50 cases, followed by granulomatous eosinophilic pneumonia (9/74), recurrent airway obstruction (7/74), lung fibrosis (4/74), lung hemorrhage (3/74) and pulmonary pythiosis (1/74). Bronchopneumonia had grossly firm focally extensive yellow to dark-red areas, which consisted microscopically of multifocal to coalescing infiltrate of degenerate neutrophils. Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus was identified in 21 of the 50 cases. Granulomatous eosinophilic pneumonia had multifocal pinpoint firm-hard yellow areas, which microscopically were composed of granulomas with a mineralized center surrounded by collagen fibers and severe infiltrate of eosinophils. Recurrent airway obstruction had mild multifocal pinpoint firm white areas that consisted microscopically of large amounts of mucus inside bronchi and bronchiole. Lung fibrosis had two patterns: focally extensive areas of consolidation and firm nodular areas. Microscopically, the first pattern had interstitial to peribronchial fibrosis, while the second had, in addition to the interstitial fibrosis, a severe pneumocyte hyperplasia and an alveolar infiltrate of neutrophils and macrophages with rare intranuclear inclusion bodies (equine herpesvirus 5, EHV-5). Pulmonary pythiosis presented a focal firm nodular area, with multiple kunkers observed in the cut surface, which corresponded microscopically to areas of necrosis surrounded by a mixed inflammatory infiltrate. At the periphery of the necrotic areas, multiple negatively stained hyphae were observed, which were evidenced through Grocott's stain and immunohistochemistry anti-Pythium insidiosum.(AU)

Doenças respiratórias causam em equinos custos significativos com tratamento veterinário, redução de performance e descarte de animais. No entanto, estudos que abordem as causas de pneumonia em equinos são escassos. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever os aspectos patológicos e microbiológicos de lesões pulmonares em equinos abatidos em matadouro-frigorífico no Sul do Brasil. Neste estudo, 84 amostras de pulmões foram examinadas, e o diagnóstico conclusivo das condições foi obtido em 74 casos. Esses foram compostos por broncopneumonia em 50 casos, seguido por pneumonia granulomatosa eosinofílica (9/74), obstrução aérea recorrente (7/74), fibrose pulmonar (4/74), hemorragia pulmonar (3/74) e pitiose pulmonar (1/74). A broncopneumonia era caracterizada macroscopicamente por áreas focalmente extensas firmes de coloração amarelada a vermelho-escuras, as quais consistiam microscopicamente em infiltrado multifocal a coalescente de neutrófilos degenerados. Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus foi identificado em 21 dos 50 casos. A pneumonia eosinofílica granulomatosa era caracterizada por áreas multifocais puntiformes firmes a duras e amareladas, que microscopicamente eram compostas por granulomas com área central mineralizada circundados por fibras de colágeno e infiltrado acentuado de eosinófilos. A obstrução aérea recorrente era caracterizada por discretas áreas puntiformes firmes e brancacentas que consistiam microscopicamente em grande quantidade de muco no interior de brônquios e bronquíolos. A fibrose pulmonar exibia dois padrões: áreas de consolidação focalmente extensas e áreas nodulares firmes. Microscopicamente, o primeiro padrão exibia fibrose intersticial a peribronquial, enquanto no segundo padrão havia, além da fibrose intersticial, intensa hiperplasia de pneumócitos e infiltrado alveolar de neutrófilos e macrófagos com raros corpúsculos de inclusão intranucleares (herpesvírus equino 5, EHV-5). A pitiose pulmonar exibia uma área nodular firme focal com múltiplos kunkers ao corte, os quais correspondiam microscopicamente a áreas de necrose circundadas por infiltrado inflamatório misto. À periferia das áreas necróticas, múltiplas imagens negativas de hifas eram observadas, as quais foram evidenciadas através da coloração de Grocott e imuno-histoquímica anti-Pythium insidiosum.(AU)

Animaux , Pneumopathie infectieuse/médecine vétérinaire , Fibrose pulmonaire/médecine vétérinaire , Infections à streptocoques/médecine vétérinaire , Streptococcus equi , Lésion pulmonaire/médecine vétérinaire , Pythiose , Maladies des chevaux/microbiologie , Maladies des chevaux/anatomopathologie , Maladies des chevaux/épidémiologie
Arch. endocrinol. metab. (Online) ; 62(2): 139-148, Mar.-Apr. 2018. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-887644


ABSTRACT Objective Incidental thyroid cancers (ITCs) are often microcarcinomas; among them, the most frequent histotype is the papillary one. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the rate of papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) in patients thyroidectomized for benign multinodular goiter. Subject and methods We retrospectively evaluated the histological incidence of PTC in 207 consecutive patients who, in a 1-year period, underwent thyroidectomy for benign multinodular goiter. All patients came from an iodine-deficient area (Orleans, France) with three nuclear power stations located in the neighboring areas of the county town. Results Overall, 25 thyroids (12.1%) harbored 37 PTC, of which 31 were microcarcinomas. In these 25 PTC patients, mean age was 55 ± 10 years (range 30-75), female:male ratio 20:5 (4:1). In 10 patients (40% of 25 and 4.8% of 207), PTCs were bilateral, and in 7 (2 with microPTCs) the thyroid capsule was infiltrated. These 7 patients underwent central and lateral cervical lymph node dissections, which revealed lymph node metastases in one and two cases, respectively. Radioiodine treatment was performed in 7 cases. Neither mortality nor transient and permanent nerve injuries were observed. Four (16%) transient hypocalcaemias occurred as early complications. At last follow-up visit (mean length of follow-up 17.2 ± 3.4 months), all patients were doing well and free of any clinical local recurrence or distant metastases. Conclusion With a 12% risk that multinodular goiter harbors preoperatively unsuspected PTCs, which can have already infiltrated the capsule and that can be accompanied by PTC foci contralaterally, an adequate surgical approach has to be considered.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Thyroïdectomie/statistiques et données numériques , Tumeurs de la thyroïde/épidémiologie , Carcinome papillaire/épidémiologie , Goitre nodulaire/chirurgie , Tumeurs de la thyroïde/diagnostic , Carcinome papillaire/diagnostic , Incidence , Études rétrospectives , Facteurs de risque , Appréciation des risques , Résultats fortuits , Période préopératoire , France/épidémiologie
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-187127


Fine needle aspiration of thyroid lesions forms the first diagnostic tool in the preoperative evaluation of thyroid lesions. Thyroid diseases are important as these are curable with medical as well as surgical treatment. Enlargement of thyroid called as goiter is the most common manifestation of thyroid diseases. FNAC forms an important role to determine the nature of thyroid lesion whether benign or malignant. It is simple, safe, accurate and cost effective method. This was a prospective and descriptive study done for the period of 2 years from January 2016 to December 2017 in the Department of Pathology at our tertiary care hospital. A total of 100 patients with thyroid lesions came for FNAC, out of which 50 cases were received for histopathological correlation. There were 39 cases of benign thyroid lesions out of which multinodular goiter were the commonest. Papillary carcinoma was the most common malignant lesion amongst 11 cases. Benign lesions presented in younger age group (20-40 years) whereas malignant lesions had bimodal presentation (20-40 years and 40-60 years). Hereby I have analyzed different types of thyroid lesions in different age groups based on cytological evaluation followed by its histopathological confirmation.

Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-713874


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy and prognostic factors associated with transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE) combined with microwave ablation (MWA) versus TACE alone for a large solitary or multinodular hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs). MATERIALS AND METHODS: This retrospective study involved 258 patients with a large solitary or multinodular HCCs (not more than 10 tumors) who underwent TACE + MWA (n = 92) or TACE alone (n = 166) between July 2011 and April 2015. Local tumor control, survival outcomes, and complications were compared between the two groups. Prognostic factors for time to progression (TTP) and overall survival (OS) were evaluated by univariate and multivariate analyses. RESULTS: The median duration of follow-up was 21.2 months (range, 4–45 months). The median TTP and OS were 12.5 months and 26.6 months, respectively, for the TACE + MWA group and 6.7 months and 17.1 months, respectively, for the TACE group (p < 0.001). The 1-, 2-, and 3-year OS rates were 85.9, 59.8, and 32.6%, respectively, for the TACE + MWA group and 59.0, 40.4, and 11.4%, respectively, for the TACE group (p < 0.001). The corresponding recurrence rates were 47.8, 78.3, and 94.6% for the TACE + MWA group, respectively, and 74.7, 96.4, and 97.6%, respectively, for the TACE group (p < 0.001). Logistic regression analyses showed that the treatment method, tumor size, and tumor number were significant prognostic factors for TTP and OS. CONCLUSION: TACE + MWA appears to have more advantages compared to TACE in prolonging OS, with a satisfactory TTP, for inpatients with solitary large or multinodular HCCs. Treatment method, tumor size, and tumor number are significant prognostic factors for TTP and OS. Further randomized, multi-center, prospective trials are required to confirm the findings of this study.

Humains , Carcinome hépatocellulaire , Études de suivi , Patients hospitalisés , Modèles logistiques , Méthodes , Micro-ondes , Analyse multifactorielle , Études prospectives , Récidive , Études rétrospectives
Pesqui. vet. bras ; Pesqui. vet. bras;37(11): 1247-1252, Nov. 2017. graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-895358


Equine multinodular pulmonary fibrosis (EMPF) diagnosed at the Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico of Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Pelotas (LRD/UFPel), is described. Differential aspects of other pulmonary diseases in horses with pneumonia and interstitial fibrosis were discussed. The disease occurred in a 15-year-old equine that presented with clinical signs of respiratory distress, intermittent fever, anorexia, and dyspnea. Macroscopically, there was enlargement of the lungs with whitish, pale, firm and well-delimited nodules, approximately 7-10 cm in diameter, distributed throughout the parenchyma. Histologically, the lung nodules had alveolar spaces with walls covered by cuboidal epithelium containing macrophages, neutrophils, lymphocytes, hyperplasia of type II pneumocytes and, eventually, multinucleated giant cells. The interstitium was markedly thickened by mature fibrous connective tissue and collagen. There were intranuclear inclusion bodies in the macrophages. The PCR technique for detecting the EHV-5 DNA was positive. In a retrospective study of pneumonia cases in horses with interstitial fibrosis diagnosed in the LRD/UFPel, two animals had macroscopic and histological lesions similar to those with EMPF, but they were negative for EHV-5 in PCR. Four cases diagnosed with pneumonia and interstitial tissue fibrosis had a histological pattern that was different from that observed in the EMPF animal, thus eliminating the possibility of EMPF. It is concluded that EMPF is a sporadic disease that should be considered in cases of respiratory disease in horses. Reports of such cases are important to alert technicians about the occurrence of rare diseases in Brazil. It is also necessary to establish the true role of EHV-5 in the pathogenesis of EMPF. Cases of pulmonary fibrosis such as EMPF, in which the virus is not present, should be studied to establish whether it could be an idiopathic form of the disease.(AU)

Descreve-se a fibrose multinodular pulmonar equina (EMPF) diagnosticado no Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico da Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Pelotas. Foram discutidos a patologia da doença e os aspectos diferenciais de outras enfermidades pulmonares de equinos que cursam com pneumonia e fibrose intersticial. A doença ocorreu em um equino sem raça definida de 15 anos de idade que apresentou sinais clínicos de dificuldade respiratória febre intermitente, anorexia e dispneia, com evolução de aproximadamente 10 dias. Macroscopicamente havia aumento de volume dos pulmões e nódulos esbranquiçados, pálidos, firmes e bem delimitados, de aproximadamente 7-10 cm de diâmetro, distribuídos pelo parênquima. Histologicamente, o tecido pulmonar apresentava nódulos caracterizados pela presença de espaços alveolares, com paredes revestidas por epitélio cuboidal achatado, contendo macrófagos e neutrófilos e havia, também, linfócitos e hiperplasia de pneumócitos tipo II e eventualmente células gigantes multinuacleadas. O interstício estava acentuadamente espessado por tecido conjuntivo fibroso maduro e por colágeno. Havia corpúsculos de inclusão intranucleares em macrófagos. A técnica de PCR para detecção do DNA de herpes vírus equino-5 (EHV-5) resultou positiva. Em um estudo retrospectivo de casos de pneumonia com fibrose intersticial diagnosticados no LRD entre 2000 e 2015, dois equinos apresentaram lesões macroscópicas e histológicas similares às de EMPF, porém resultaram negativos na PCR para detecção de EHV-5. Quatro casos de pneumonia com fibrose do tecido intersticial apresentaram padrão histológico diverso da EMPF descartando-se a possibilidade de tratar-se da doença. Conclui-se que EMPF é uma enfermidade esporádica, no entanto deve ser levada em consideração em casos de doença respiratória em equinos. A descrição dos casos diagnosticados é importante para alertar técnicos sobre a ocorrência da mesma no Brasil. É necessário estabelecer o real papel do EHV-5 na patogenia da doença. Casos de fibrose pulmonar semelhantes à EMPF em que não esteja presente o vírus, devem ser estudados a fim de ficar estabelecido se poderia ser uma forma idiopática da mesma doença.(AU)

Animaux , Fibrose pulmonaire/anatomopathologie , Fibrose pulmonaire/médecine vétérinaire , Maladies des chevaux , Études rétrospectives , Diagnostic différentiel
Med. interna Méx ; 33(5): 705-707, sep.-oct. 2017. graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-894313


Resumen Se comunica el caso de una paciente de 71 años de edad con antecedente tabáquico, ingresada por padecer infecciones recurrentes. Tenía aumento de volumen del hemicuello izquierdo con nódulo de 4 cm de diámetro de 15 años de evolución hasta llegar a dimensiones de 20 x 15 cm. Se resecó de manera completa, excepto por su infiltración a la tráquea que quedó como remanente. El diagnóstico histopatológico fue: carcinoma papilar de tiroides infiltrante a la tráquea. En relación con este caso, se recomienda no dejar a libre evolución porque la incidencia del carcinoma papilar de tiroides asociado con bocio multinodular es similar a la encontrada en nódulos fríos solitarios, por lo que se recomienda actuar de manera temprana con cirugía.

Abstract This paper reports the case of a 71-year-old female with a history of tobacco addiction who presented with recurrent infections. She had an increase of volume of left neck with nodule of 4 cm of diameter of 15 years of evolution until arriving at dimensions of 20 x 15 cm. It was completely dry except for its infiltration into the trachea that remained as a remnant. The histopathological diagnosis was: papillary carcinoma of the thyroid infiltrating to trachea. Regarding this case, it is recommended not to leave free evolution, since the incidence of papillary thyroid carcinoma associated with multinodular goiter is similar to that found in solitary cold nodules, which is why it is recommended to act early with surgery.

China Medical Equipment ; (12): 53-55,56, 2017.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-606384


Objective:To discuss the appropriate thyroid operation for the treatment of bilateral multinodular goiter.Methods: 328 bilateral multinodular goiter patients undergoing surgery in the department of general surgery of Capital Medical University Beijing Tongren Hospital from June 2012 to June 2016. were retrospectively analyzed. Of these patients, 85 underwent hemithyroidectomy combined with contralateral nodule resection or subtotal resection and 243 underwent bilateral subtotal thyroidectomy. The rate of postoperative complications and recurrence between hemithyroidectomy combined with contralateral nodule resection or subtotal resection and bilateral subtotal thyroidectomy were compared.Results: The follow-up time was 1 month to 48 months after operations. In hemithyroidectomy combined with contralateral nodule resection or subtotal resection group 1 patient developed recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy, 2 patients had transient hypoparathyroidism and 1 patient had hematoma in the operative cavity. In bilateral subtotal thyroidectomy group, 2 patients developed recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy and 2 patients had subcutaneous hematoma. The rate of recurrent disease was 2.35%(2 patients) in hemithyroidectomy combined with contralateral nodule resection or subtotal resection group and 7%(17 patients) in bilateral subtotal thyroidectomy group. There was no patient in both groups needed reoperation.Conclusions:Hemithyroidectomy combined with contralateral nodule resection or subtotal resection had similar complication rate compared with bilateral subtotal thyroidectomy, but it had a significantly lower risk of recurrence than bilateral subtotal thyroidectomy, Furthermore, the rest one lobe could be resected for many times which would not cause severe complications. Hemithyroidectomy combined with contralateral nodule resection or subtotal resection is worthed to be recommended.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-610858


Objective To explore the expression of the Pendrin gene (SLC26A4) and protein in multinodular goiter.Methods Thyroid tissues were obtained from 40 multinodular goiter patients undergoing surgery while the control group were obtained from 40 nomal thyroid tissues.RT-PCR was used to test SLC26A4 gene while western blot and immunohistochemistry were used to test Pendrin protein expression and distribution.Results SLC26A4 mRNA expression in multinodular goiter tissue was significantly increased in comparison with normal nodular tissues (t=2.663,P=0.011).Pendrin protein expression in multinodular goiter group was higher than that in normal tissue (t=2.286,P=0.026).The immunohistochemistry results showed that the Pendrin protein in multinodular goiter was mainly located in cytoplasm.There was positive expression in 24 patients (60%) in multinodular goiter group,while it was in 14 patients (35%) in the normal control group.The difference was significant (X2=5.013,P=0.025).Pendrin protein mainly expressed in cytoplasm in multinodular goiter tissue while it was mainly in cytomembrane in the normal control group.Conclusion SLC26A4 mRNA and its coding protein Pendrin expression are increased in multinodular goiter group,and mainly located in cytoplasm,indicating that iodide transporter function may be damaged when multinodular goiter occurs.