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Article Dans Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-164279


Ni (II) and Cu (II) complexes were synthesized with L1(Pyridine-2-carboxaldehydethiosemicarbazones) and L2 (Pyridine-2-carboxaldehydesemicarbazones). These complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, molar conductance measurements, magnetic susceptibility measurements, mass, IR, electronic and EPR spectral studies. The molar conductance measurements on the complexes in DMSO correspond to non electrolytes nature with L1. The molar conductance measurements with L2 lie in the range 210-226 Ω-1cm2mol-1 indicating the complexes were 1:2 electrolyte thus the complexes may be formulated as [M(L)2]X2 where M= Ni (II) and Cu (II) complexes. On the basis of spectral studies an octahedral geometry has been assigned for Ni (II) complexes. A tetragonal geometry suggested for Cu (II) complexes.

Rev. colomb. quím. (Bogotá) ; 42(2): 282-301, May-Aug. 2013. ilus, tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-731758


El interés principal de esta investigación, es contribuir al desarrollo y comprensión de la química supramolecular y de las arquitecturas moleculares, construidas mediante el autoensamblaje de entidades complementarias. Por lo cual se realizó, la síntesis y caracterización (UV, FT-IR, Raman, análisis elemental, RMN ¹H, 31P, 19F, COSY ¹H-¹H) de un cuadrado supramolecular de níquel (II) [7]. Este proceso se realizó, a partir de la síntesis del complejo inicial: [Ni(dppe)Cl2] [3], el cual fue sintetizado entre el cloruro de níquel [1] y difenilfosfino etano (dppe) [2]. Luego se realizó la síntesis del complejo de interés: [Ni(dppe)(TOF)2 ] [5], entre el complejo [3] y el trifluorometanosulfonato de plata (Ag-TOF) [4]. Finalmente el proceso de autoensamblaje se realizó entre el complejo [5] y el ligando orgánico 4,4'-bipiridina [6], los cuales actúan como vértice y arista respectivamente, en la estructura del cuadrado. De acuerdo a los diferentes análisis realizados, se encontró que el autoensamblaje generó una única especie supramolecular, siendo la especie cuadrada, la estructura termodinámica más probable.

The main interest of this research is to contribute to the development and understanding of supramolecular chemistry and molecular architectures, which are constructed by the self-assembly of supramolecular entities. Therefore, the synthesis and characterization (IR, UV, ¹H NMR, 31P, 19F, ¹H-¹H COSY) of a nickel (II) supramolecular square [7] was performed through the synthesis between nickel chloride [1]and diphenylphosphinoethane (dppe) [2] to form the precursor complex [Ni(dppe)Cl2] [3]. This was followed by the synthesis of the complex of interest, [Ni(dppe)(TOF)2] [5], using the precursor and silver trifluoromethanesulfonate (Ag-TOF). Finally, the self-assembly was performed between the complex [1,2-bis (diphenylphosphinoethane) bistriflatonickel(II)] [Ni(dppe)(OSO2CF3)2] [5] and the organic ligand 4,4'-bipyridine [6], which act as vertex and edge, respectively. According to various analyses, it was found that the self-assembly generated only one supramolecular species; a square is the most probable thermodynamic structure.

O interesse principal de esta investigação foi contribuir ao desenvolvimento e entendimento da química supra-molecular e as arquiteturas moleculares, construídas mediante a automontagem de entidades complementarias. Assim, se realizou, a sínteses e caracterização (UV, FT-IR, Raman, análises elementar, RMN ¹H, 31P, 19F, COSY ¹H-¹H) de um quadrado supra-molecular de níquel (II) [7]. Este processo se realizou, a partir da sínteses do complexo inicial: [Ni(dppe)Cl2] [3], o cual foi sintetizado entre o cloreto de níquel [1] e difenilfosfino etano (dppe) [2]. De seguida, foi realizada a sínteses do complexo de interesse: [Ni(dppe)(TOF)2] [5], entre o complexo [3]e o trifluorometanosulfonato de prata (Ag-TOF) [4]. Finalmente, o processo de automontagem, foi realizado entre o complexo [5] e o ligando orgânico 4,4'-bipiridina [6], os quais atuam como vértice y arista na estrutura do quadrado, respectivamente. De acordo aos diferentes análises realizados, se encontrou que a automontagem originou uma única espécie supra-molecular, sendo a espécie quadrada, a estrutura termodinâmica mais provável.

Article Dans Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-163783


Cu (II) and Ni (II) complexes of general composition [ML2]X2 (M = Cu(II), Ni(II); X = Cl-, NO3 -) were synthesized by the condensation of metal salts with semicarbazone / thiosemicarbazone derived from pdimethylaminobanzaldehyde. The metal complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, molar conductance, magnetic susceptibility measurements, IR and atomic absorption spectral studies. On the basis of electronic and infrared spectral studies, the metal complexes were found to have tetrahedral geometry. The Schiff bases and their metal complexes were tested for their antibacterial and antioxidant activities.

Indian J Physiol Pharmacol ; 2012 Apr-Jun; 56(2): 137-146
Article Dans Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-146103


Heavy metals are stable environmental contaminants, causing various alterations in target tissues. Garlic has some beneficial effect in preventing heavy metal induced various alteration. The objective was to investigate the possible protective role of fresh aqueous homogenate of garlic on hematology, erythrocyte antioxidant defense system in male albino rats treated with NiSO4 and K2Cr2O7. Rats were divided into six groups. Group I was untreated control. Group II was given aqueous homogenate of garlic (orally). Group III was administered with nickel sulfate (i.p). Group IV was given NiSO4 and garlic simultaneously. Group V was administered with K2Cr2O7 (i.p). Group VI were treated simultaneously with K2Cr2O7 and garlic. RBC, WBC, platelet count, PCV%, hemoglobin concentration decreased significantly and clotting time increased significantly after nickel treatment. After chromium treatment all the values decreased except clotting time. Increased malondialdehyde and glutathione level after nickel and chromium treatment was observed. Also erythrocyte superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and catalase activities significantly increased after nickel and chromium treatment. Simultaneous garlic supplementation exhibited protective role to combat nickel toxicity, whereas no such beneficial effects were observed for chromium (VI). Garlic may partially prevent nickel and chromium induced alteration but such ameliorated effects as an antioxidant is only restricted on nickel induced alteration.

Rev. colomb. quím. (Bogotá) ; 40(3): 349-364, dic. 2011. ilus, tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-639947


Este trabajo analiza el efecto de la modificación de la química superficial de un carbón activado granular, CAG, por oxidación con ácido nítrico, CAG-N, y peróxido de hidrogeno, CAG-P en la adsorción de iones níquel desde solución acuosa. Las muestras obtenidas se caracterizaron a través de diferentes técnicas; la química superficial se evaluó por determinaciones de acidez y basicidad total, punto de carga cero y espectroscopia IR, que muestran el efecto del agente oxidante. Los parámetros texturales, como área superficial BET y volúmenes de poro, se evaluaron mediante adsorción de gases. Los valores de área superficial BET de los sólidos se encuentran entre 816 y 876 m²g-1, adicionalmente se determinaron entalpías de inmersión de los carbones activados en agua y benceno. Finalmente, los resultados experimentales de la adsorción desde solución se ajustaron a los modelos de Langmuir, Freundlich, Redlich-Peterson y Toth, y se encontró el mejor ajuste para este último. Los valores de la capacidad de adsorción determinadas por el modelo de Langmuir están entre 29,68 y 50,97 mg g-1, lo que indica que la capacidad de adsorción depende, en gran medida, de la química superficial del sólido.

In this work is studied the effect in the surface chemistry modification of a granular activated carbon, CAG, by oxidation with nitric acid, CAG-N, and hydrogen peroxide, CAG-P, in the nickel ions adsorption from aqueous solution. The samples were characterized by different techniques, surface chemistry was evaluated by acidity and basicity total determinations, point of zero charge and IR spectroscopy that show the effect of oxidant agent. The textural parameters such as BET surface area and pore volumes were evaluated by gas adsorption. The BET surface area values of the solids are between 816 and 876 m²g-1; additionally were determined immersion enthalpies in water and benzene. Finally, the experimental results of the adsorption from solution were adjusted to the Langmuir's, Freundlich's, Redlich-Peterson's and Toth's models, and were found the best adjustment for the latter. The capacity adsorption determined by Langmuir's model is between 29.68 50.97 mg g-1, which indicates that the adsorption capacity depends to a great extent on the solid surface chemistry.

Neste trabalho se estudou o efeito na da modificação da química superficial de um carvão ativado granular, CAG, por oxidação com ácido nítrico, CAG-N, e peróxido de hidrogênio, CAG-P na adsorção de íons níquel desde solução aquosa. As mostras obtidas foram caracterizadas por diferentes técnicas; a química superficial foi avaliada por determinações de acidez e basicidade total, ponto de ônuszero e espectroscopia IR, que mostram o efeito do agente oxidante. Os parâmetrostexturais, como área superficial BET e volumes de poro se avaliaram mediante adsorção de gases. Os valores de área superficial BET dos sólidos se encontram entre 816 e 876 m²g-1, adicionalmente se determinaram entalpias de imersão dos carvõesativados em água e benzeno. Finalmente, os resultados experimentais da adsorção desde soluçãoforam ajustados aos modelos de Langmuir, Freundlich, Redlich-Peterson e Toth, e se encontrou o melhor ajuste para esse último. Os valores da capacidade de adsorção determinados pelo modelo de Langmuir estão entre 29,68 e 50,97 mg g-1, o que indica que a capacidade de adsorção depende em grande parte da química superficial do sólido.

Rev. colomb. quím. (Bogotá) ; 37(3): 317-324, dic. 2008. ilus, tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-636638


Los líquidos iónicos son excelentes medios para reacciones catalíticas, debido a que pueden ser utilizados para optimizar o reciclar los catalizadores homogéneos. En este trabajo se describe el uso de varios líquidos iónicos de bajo punto de fusión (-30 – -34 °C), basados en derivados de la piridina, para utilizarlos en la hidroaminación de olefinas activadas, catalizada por complejos de Ni(II). El catalizador [Ni(Pigiphos)(NCCH3)](ClO4)2 presenta buena actividad cuando el medio de reacción es un líquido iónico (TON hasta 172) y el sistema catalizador/líquido iónico se puede reciclar por lo menos dos veces.

Ionic liquids are excelent solvents for catalytic reactions because they can optimize and/or recycle the homogeneous catalysts. In this work we describe the use of ionic liquids with low melting point (-30 – -34 °C) –based on pyridine derivatives– in the hydroamination reaction of activated olefins catalyzed by Ni(II) complexes. The catalyst [Ni(Pigiphos) (NCCH3)](ClO4)2 allows good activity in ionic liquids (TON up to 172) and the catalyst/ ionic liquid system can be recycled at least 2 times.

Os líquidos iónicos são exelentes meios para reacçãos catalíticas, devido a que podem ser utilizados para otimizar y/ou reciclar os catalisadores homogêneos. Neste trabalho descrive-se a aplicação de varios líquidos iónicos de baixo ponto de fusão (-30 – -34 °C) –baseados em derivados de piridina– para ser utilizados na hidroaminação de olefinas activadas, catalisada por complexos de Ni(II). O catalisador [Ni(Pigiphos)(NCCH3)](ClO4)2 apresenta boa actividade quando em meio de reacção e um lìquido iónico (TON hasta 172) e o sistema catalizador/líquido iónico se pode reciclar pelo menos 2 vezes.

Mycobiology ; : 25-29, 2007.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-730120


A newly synthesized Nickel (II) tyrosine complex was screened as potential antimicrobial agent against a number of medically important bacteria (Bacillus subtilis, Streptococcus beta-haemolytica, Escherichia coli, Shigella dysenterae) and fungi (Aspergillus fumigatus, Candida albicans, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Penicillium sp.) strains. were used for antifungal activity. The antimicrobial activity was evaluated using the Agar Disc method. Moreover, the minimum inhibitory concentration of the complexes was determined against the same pathogenic bacteria and the values were found between 4~64 microg ml(-1). Brine shrimp bioassay was carried out for cytotoxicity measurements of the complexes. The LC50 values were calculated after probit transformation of the resulting mortality data and found to be 6 microg ml(-1).

Agar-agar , Artemia , Aspergillus flavus , Aspergillus niger , Bactéries , Dosage biologique , Candida albicans , Escherichia coli , Champignons , Dépistage de masse , Tests de sensibilité microbienne , Mortalité , Nickel , Penicillium , Shigella , Streptococcus , Tyrosine
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-179357


Nickel compounds are carcinogenic to human and are potent inducers of kidney and lung tumors in experimental animals. In this study, the effects of nickel(II) acetate on apoptosis, cell cycle and bcl2 expression in normal rat kidney (NRK- 52E) cells were investigated. Nickel(II) induced apoptosis in NRK-52E cells as demonstrated by DNA laddering. Apparent DNA laddering was observed in cells treated with 480 microM for 48 hr. In the flow cytometric analysis using propidium iodide fluorescence, an increase of cell proportion in G2/M phase was shown in cells exposed to at least 320 microM of nickel(II) acetate, from 7.7% for 0 microM of nickel(II) to 16.5% for 480 microM of nickel(II) acetate. Induction of apoptotic cell death by nickel(II) was accompanied by reduction of bcl2 protein expression, while the level of p53 protein was not changed. Taken together, our data indicate that nickel(II)-induced apoptosis in NRK-52E cells is accompanied by G2/M cell cycle arrest, regardless of p53 function, and that bcl2-mediated signaling pathway may be involved in positive regulation of nickel(II)-induced apoptotic cell death in NRK-52E cells.

Rats , Acétates/toxicité , Animaux , Apoptose/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Cycle cellulaire/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Cellules cultivées , Expression des gènes/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Rein/cytologie , Composés organométalliques/toxicité , Protéine p53 suppresseur de tumeur/génétique , Protéines proto-oncogènes c-bcl-2/génétique
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