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Semina cienc. biol. saude ; 45(2): 199-210, jul./dez. 2024. tab; ilus
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554831


Objetivo: investigar a percepção do peso corporal e as dificuldades encontradas pelas pessoas com deficiência visual na aquisição, na preparação e no consumo dos alimentos. Metodologia: estudo observacional transversal, com adultos e idosos com deficiência visual em Pelotas/RS, realizado no período de abril a maio de 2023. Foi utilizado um questionário composto de 42 itens. Os dados coletados foram analisados por análise descritiva e analítica, e apresentados como média ± desvio padrão ou percentual. Resultados: a amostra contou com 20 pessoas, predominantemente do sexo feminino e idosas. Em relação ao consumo alimentar, 50% dos participantes consomem feijão, 75% frutas e hortaliças, 50% bebidas adoçadas, biscoitos recheados e doces. Referente à percepção do peso corporal, percebeu-se que a maior parte do grupo sente que está acima do peso adequado e se sentem "insatisfeitos(as)". Sobre as dificuldades encontradas, 85% dos participantes relataram dificuldade extrema para identificar a validade dos alimentos, 70% para comprar alimentos frescos e perecíveis e 40% para usar a faca para cortar e descascar os alimentos. Conclusão: verificou-se que a maior parte do grupo sente que está acima do peso adequado e estão "insatisfeitos(as)" em relação ao peso corporal. Além disso, dependem de outra pessoa para escolher os alimentos a serem comprados, saber o prazo de validade, preparar alimentos que precisam ser porcionados, servir refeições no prato, cortar carnes, descascar vegetais e frutas, utilizar faca, entre outros. Esta dependência pode influenciar diretamente no seu consumo alimentar quando essas pessoas se encontram sozinhas, optando por consumir alimentos industrializados de fácil preparo ou prontos.

Objective: to investigate the perception of body weight and the difficulties encountered by people with visual impairments in acquiring, preparing and consuming food. Methodology: cross-sectional observational study, with adults and elderly people with visual impairment in Pelotas/RS, carried out from April to May 2023. A questionnaire composed of 42 items was used. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive and analytical analysis, and presented as mean ± standard deviation or percentage. Results: the sample included 20 people, predominantly female and elderly. Regarding food consumption, 50% of participants consume beans, 75% fruits and vegetables, 50% sweetened drinks, stuffed cookies and sweets. Regarding the perception of body weight, it was noticed that the majority of the group feels that they are overweight and feel "dissatisfied". Regarding the difficulties encountered, 85% of participants reported extreme difficulty in identifying the expiration date of food, 70% in purchasing fresh and perishable foods and 40% in using a knife to cut and peel food. Conclusion: it was found that the majority of the group feels that they are overweight and are "dissatisfied" with their body weight. Furthermore, they depend on someone else to choose the food to be purchased, know the expiration date, prepare food that needs to be portioned, serve meals on the plate, cut meat, peel vegetables and fruits, use a knife, among others. This dependence can directly influence their food consumption when these people are alone, choosing to consume easily prepared or ready-made processed foods.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234247


Co-trimoxazole is a sulfonamide fixed dose combination antibiotic which is effective and widely use in treatment and prevention of opportunistic infections in people living with HIV/AIDS, but can be potentially associated with adverse drug reactions including drug hypersensitivity reactions such as Steven Johnson syndrome. PLWHA individuals have up to a 1000-fold increased risk of drug hypersensitivity reaction compared to the general population, which is associated with drug exposure, immune dysregulation, and concurrent infections. Here we present a case report of a 59-year-old man with HIV who experienced Stevens-Johnson Syndrome after taking co-trimoxazole for 18 days. Therefore, we would like to remind you to be more careful when giving cotrimoxazole to PLWHA because it can take time for a hypersensitivity reaction to occur, also in a few cases, it can occur immediately.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-233995


Background: This study aimed to assess the impact of low dose factor prophylaxis on haemophilia patients with respect to annual bleeding rates and severity of bleeding events. Methods: This is an analytical study. All patients of HAEMOPHILIA A AND B who are registered with CPRH haemophilia treatment centre from January 2022 to December 2022 were included and were followed up every month from January 2022. The study population was divided into two groups: those receiving regular low dose factor prophylaxis and those receiving episodic factor treatment. Both the group participants were matched for severity of factor deficiency and age. The collected data was compared with respect to the annual bleeding rate as well as severity of bleeding episodes in the two defined groups. Results: There were 100 study patients, and 16 of them are receiving regular low dose factor prophylaxis. The average bleeding episodes were found to be more in patients receiving episodic factor doses (ABR in moderate haemophilia= 3.511+/-0.81, ABR in severe haemophilia=5.38+/-4, 53) as compared to those receiving prophylactic factor doses (ABR in moderate haemophilia = 0.16+/-0.32, ABR in severe haemophilia=0.3+/-0.29). The incidence of severe bleeds (those requiring hospitalisation) was higher in patients receiving episodic factor therapy (15) as compared to those receiving regular low dose factor prophylaxis (1). Conclusions: Haemophilia patients receiving episodic factor doses have higher Annual Bleeding Rate as compared to patients receiving regular low dose factor prophylaxis. Also, patients receiving prophylaxis face less severe forms of bleeding episodes as compared to other group of patients.

Acta bioeth ; 30(1)jun. 2024.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556630


Las injusticias epistémicas son aquellas formas de trato injusto que se relacionan con la producción, trasmisión o utilización del conocimiento por parte de los sujetos. El encuadre ético-epistémico y socio-epistémico proporcionado por estas injusticias se vincula con temas que atraviesan las principales tradiciones filosóficas como el pragmatismo, la fenomenología y la teoría crítica. Estas injusticias se interrelacionan, además, con movimientos sociales e intelectuales como el feminismo, la teoría crítica de la raza, los estudios críticos de la discapacidad y las epistemologías decolonizadoras. Sin embargo, existe un cuestionamiento a que las personas con discapacidad no han sido suficientemente abordadas. El presente artículo se posiciona en los debates actuales sobre las injusticias epistémicas y la discapacidad, y tiene como propósito aportar el concepto de "injusticias epistémicas normalizadas". Partiendo de la constatación de las formas en que se reconocen opresivamente los sujetos con discapacidad, como alejados de la "norma", establece que existen injusticias epistémicas asociadas con esta identificación. Propone que las injusticias epistémicas normalizadas ocurren en la intersección de dos ámbitos: un sistema hermenéutico capacitista y una agencia epistémica restringida en la que se producen al menos tres tipos de configuraciones: no agencia, agencias epistémicas disminuidas y agencias epistémicas en resistencia. Pensar las injusticias epistémicas considerando el peso de la "normalidad" en la constitución como sujetos de las personas con discapacidad permite reconocer una situación crítica de exclusión epistémica para algunas personas, mientras que otras resisten y luchan por ser comprendidas en los recursos hermenéuticos colectivos.

Epistemic injustices refer to those forms of unfair treatment that are related to the production, transmission, or use of knowledge by the subjects. The ethical-epistemic and socio-epistemic framework provided by these injustices is linked to themes that cross the main philosophical traditions such as pragmatism, phenomenology, and critical theory. These injustices are further intertwined with social and intellectual movements such as feminism, critical race theory, critical disability studies, and decolonizing epistemologies. However, there is a question that people with disabilities have not been sufficiently addressed. This article is positioned in the current debates on epistemic injustices and disability, and its purpose is to contribute the concept of "normalized epistemic injustices". Starting from the verification of the ways in which subjects with disabilities are oppressively recognized, as far from the "norm", it establishes that there are epistemic injustices associated with this identification. It proposes that normalized epistemic injustices occur at the intersection of two realms: a capacitist hermeneutic system and a constrained epistemic agency where at least three types of configurations are produced: non-agency; diminished epistemic agencies and epistemic agencies in resistance. Thinking about epistemic injustices considering the weight of "normality" in the constitution as subjects of people with disabilities allows us to recognize a critical situation of epistemic exclusion for some people, while others resist and fight to be understood in collective hermeneutical resources.

As injustiças epistêmicas referem-se àquelas formas de tratamento injusto que estão relacionadas à produção, transmissão ou uso do conhecimento pelos sujeitos. O enquadramento ético-epistêmico e socioepistêmico proporcionado por essas injustiças está vinculado a temas que atravessam as principais tradições filosóficas como o pragmatismo, a fenomenologia e a teoria crítica. Essas injustiças estão ainda mais entrelaçadas com movimentos sociais e intelectuais como o feminismo, a teoria crítica da raça, os estudos críticos da deficiência e as epistemologias descolonizadoras. No entanto, há uma questão de que as pessoas com deficiência não foram suficientemente abordadas. Este artigo se posiciona nos debates atuais sobre injustiças epistêmicas e deficiência, e seu objetivo é contribuir com o conceito de "injustiças epistêmicas normalizadas". A partir da verificação das formas como os sujeitos com deficiência são opressivamente reconhecidos, como distantes da "norma", constata-se que existem injustiças epistêmicas associadas a essa identificação. Propõe que injustiças epistêmicas normalizadas ocorrem na interseção de dois domínios: um sistema hermenêutico capacitista e uma agência epistêmica restrita onde pelo menos três tipos de configurações são produzidas: não-agência; agências epistêmicas diminuídas e agências epistêmicas em resistência. Pensar as injustiças epistêmicas considerando o peso da "normalidade" na constituição como sujeitos das pessoas com deficiência permite reconhecer uma situação crítica de exclusão epistêmica para algumas pessoas, enquanto outras resistem e lutam para serem compreendidas em recursos hermenêuticos coletivos.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);29(6): e00732023, Jun. 2024. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557512


Resumo O objetivo do trabalho consiste em avaliar o desempenho de serviços de atenção primária à saúde (APS) do estado de São Paulo para prevenção, detecção e assistência à deficiência. Realizou-se uma pesquisa avaliativa em 2.739 serviços de saúde em 514 municípios com 128 indicadores da qualidade organizacional do instrumento QualiAB referentes à dimensão avaliativa "Atenção à deficiência em serviços de atenção primária à saúde". Foram utilizadas medidas de desempenho e associações entre os escores de cada domínio e variáveis independentes sobre planejamento, avaliação em saúde e rede de apoio, por meio de regressão linear múltipla. O percentual de desempenho para a dimensão foi de 61,6%, para o domínio estrutura (insumos e recursos humanos), 73,6%, para qualificação da atenção ao pré-natal, 68,7%, qualificação da atenção à saúde da criança, 56,1%, prevenção de incapacidades relacionadas a condições crônicas, 55,8%, e atenção à pessoa com deficiência e ao cuidador, 53,9%. Houve associação significativa com variáveis relacionadas ao tipo de serviço e de participação em avaliações de serviços. Os serviços de APS ainda realizam ações incipientes para prevenção, vigilância e diagnóstico das deficiências, assim como para a atenção integral a pessoas com deficiência.

Abstract The objective of this study was to assess the performance of primary health care (PHC) services for disability prevention, detection and assistance in the state of São Paulo. The study included 2739 health services, from 514 municipalities. 128 organizational quality indicators of the QualiAB instrument referring to the evaluative dimension "Attention to disability in primary health care services". The association of health care performance score of each domain with independent variables, health assessment, and support network were tested using of multiple linear regression. The performance percentage was 61.6% for all domains, 73.6% for structure (inputs and human resources), 68.7% for qualification of prenatal care, 56.1% for qualification of child health care, 55.8% for prevention of disabilities related to chronic conditions, and 53.9% for attention to people with disabilities and caregivers. There was a significant association with variables related to the type of service and participation in service evaluations. PHC services still perform incipient actions for the prevention, surveillance and diagnosis of disabilities as well as for comprehensive care for people with disabilities.

Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535338


In recent years, there have been international references to the vocal approach for the specific group of transgender individuals, although the Latin American literature is still very timid on this matter. The purpose of this article is to identify the current norms, statistics, and vocal approach towards transgender individuals in Chile and Argentina, considering the experience of two speech and language pathologists with more than twenty years of experience on voice therapy. Reflections were made on the transgender reality in these countries, the limitations in the implementation of the depathologization of the transgender group were outlined, some current and unreliable statistics were presented, some innovative actions in the public system were highlighted, and the lack of knowledge about the benefits of vocal work for transgender men and women was discussed. The identified aspects could benefit from multicenter research that strengthens speech therapy actions with this group, contributing to depathologization and positive approach.

Desde los últimos años es posible encontrar referencias internacionales sobre el abordaje vocal al grupo específico de las personas transgénero, aunque la literatura latinoamericana sigue muy tímida en este asunto. La propuesta de este artículo es identificar las normas vigentes, estadísticas y abordaje vocal hacia las personas transgénero en Chile y Argentina, considerando la experiencia de dos fonoaudiólogas con más de veinte años de experiencia en terapia vocal. Se hicieron reflexiones sobre la realidad transgénero en los países citados, se delinearon las limitaciones en la puesta en práctica de la despatologización del grupo transgénero, se expusieron algunas estadísticas -vigentes y poco confiables-, se plasmaron algunas acciones novedosas en el sistema público y el desconocimiento sobre los beneficios del trabajo vocal en hombres y mujeres transgénero. Los aspectos detectados podrían beneficiarse de investigaciones multicéntricas que fortalezcan acciones fonoaudiológicas con este grupo, contribuyendo a la despatologización y el abordaje positivo.

Odontol. sanmarquina (Impr.) ; 27(2): e26221, abr.-jun. 2024.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566550


Objetivo. Evaluar la eficacia del programa de salud bucal para los cuidadores de las personas con discapacidad. Métodos: Estudio cuasi experimental de intervención directa, longitudinal, con control antes y después, con un muestreo no probabilístico. Se diseñó, aplicó y evaluó un programa educativo de salud bucal a los cuidadores de personas con discapacidad, mediante una encuesta diseñada al efecto, antes y después de su implementación, en 111 cuidadores, así como la evaluación del Índice de Higiene Bucal de sus familiares con discapacidad, en el periodo de octubre a diciembre de 2020. La información fue procesada utilizando las herramientas de Excel y el programa SPSS versión 25. Los datos numéricos fueron resumidos en tablas descriptivas y los datos categóricos en tablas de frecuencia. Resultados: Antes de la intervención 9,9 % de las personas con discapacidad asistían cada seis meses al dentista, lo cual se incrementó a 76,5 %. Antes del programa 102 personas solo usaban cepillos y pasta dentales para la limpieza bucal, después 109 continuaron usando los mismos productos, sin embargo, se incrementó en un 6 % el uso del hilo dental. El Índice de Higiene bucal se mantuvo como regular, aunque disminuyó de 2.30 a 1.68. Conclusiones: La aplicación del programa cambió positivamente la situación de la salud bucal de los discapacitados ya que los cuidadores demostraron la adquisición de los nuevos conocimientos para una adecuada higiene de la cavidad bucal, la constancia en la aplicación del proceso y la necesidad de asistir a la atención odontológica por hábito y no por necesidad puntual.

Objective: Determine the level of knowledge of caregivers of people with disabilities about oral health before and after applying a program of educational workshops on the subject. Methods: It was a quasi-experimental study of direct intervention, longitudinal, with control before and after, with non-probabilistic sampling. An educational oral health program for caregivers of people with disabilities was developed, applied, and evaluated through a survey before and after its implementation, in 111 caregivers, as well as the evaluation of the Oral Hygiene Index of their relatives with disabilities, in the period from October to December 2020. Results: Before the intervention, 9.9% of people with disabilities attended the dentist every six months, which increased to 76.5%. Before the program, 102 people only used toothbrushes and toothpaste for oral cleaning, after 109 continued using the same products, however, the use of dental floss increased by 7 people. The Oral Hygiene Index remained regular, although it decreased from 2.30 to 1.68. Conclusion: The application of the oral health program had a favorable impact on caregivers, improving the knowledge regarding oral hygiene of their relatives with disabilities, improving the Oral Hygiene Index.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-228092


Geriatric giants account for the five most prevalent morbidities that cause immense decline in functional capacity and decreased quality of life. Immobility, instability leading to falls and fractures, incontinence, impaired cognition (dementia) and iatrogenesis affect majority of the ageing elderly leading to dependency, caregiving and associated burden among caregivers. Concept of non-pharmacological interventions in dementia care: interventions that involve non-pharmacological (non-medicinal) measures, have proven benefits to the people living with dementia (PLWD). music therapy, nature therapy that involves nature walks and living amidst natural spaces, have shown to have immense biophilia effects on the various organ systems in the human body. Immense health benefits have been documented among PLWD: dawn phenomenon is a clinical phenomenon where the PLWD experiences agitation, aggression and loud speech in the evenings associated with dementia. Out of all the seven studies published, there were significant improvements in mood, reduction in aggressive behavior, improving anxiety symptoms, reducing caregiver burnout and improving overall quality of life of the people living with dementia and their caregivers. With promising results among various interventional studies across the world, NPI is an important intervention with minimal to nil side effects with long term benefits on frequent administration.

Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 15: 1-8, maio. 2024. ilus, tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1572973


Objetivo: verificar as evidências científicas de tecnologias em saúde sobre o Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana/Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Humana para mulheres trans. Métodos: revisão integrativa de literatura, conduzida pela estratégia PICo, com buscas, em janeiro de 2023, nas bases de dados: PubMed, CINAHL, SCOPUS, Web of Science, Embase, PsycINFO e BDENF. Todo levantamento bibliográfico foi organizado pelo gerenciador Zotero® com auxílio do software Rayyan®. Para avaliação da qualidade metodológica utilizouse o Critical Appraisal Skills Programme. Considerou-se, também, a classificação de tecnologias em saúde. Resultados: seis estudos compuseram a amostra final, evidenciando o predomínio de tecnologias leve-dura no desenvolvimento de ferramentas sobre HIV/Aids para mulheres trans, com dois estudos podendo ser considerados como leve, remetendo esses achados à importância de tecnologias com enfoque em conhecimento e relacionamento. Conclusão: as evidências apresentadas denotam a significância das tecnologias educacionais no cuidar em saúde às mulheres trans, sobretudo ante à temática do HIV/Aids. Proporcionar um ambiente acolhedor contribui para mudanças comportamentais que acarretam padrões de vida saudáveis nas mulheres trans. (AU)

Objective: verify the scientific evidence of health technologies on the Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Human Immunodeficiency Syndrome for transgender women. Methods: integrative literature review, conducted by the PICo strategy, with searches, in January 2023, in the following databases: PubMed, CINAHL, SCOPUS, Web of Science, Embase, PsycINFO and BDENF. All bibliographic survey was organized by Zotero® manager with the help of Rayyan® software. To assess the methodological quality, the Critical Appraisal Skills Program was used. It was also considered the classification of health technologies. Results: six studies made up the final sample, evidencing the predominance of light-hard technologies in the development of tools on HIV/AIDS for trans women, with two studies being considered as light, referring these findings to the importance of technologies focused on knowledge and relationship. Conclusion: the evidence presented denote the significance of educational technologies in health care for trans women, especially in view of the theme of HIV/AIDS. Providing a welcoming environment contributes to behavioral changes that lead to healthy living standards in trans women. (AU)

Objetivo: verificar la evidencia científica de tecnologías en salud sobre el Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana/Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Humana para mujeres transgénero. Métodos: revisión integrativa de la literatura, realizada por la estrategia PICo, con búsquedas, en enero de 2023, en las siguientes bases de datos: PubMed, CINAHL, SCOPUS, Web of Science, Embase, PsycINFO y BDENF. Todo el levantamiento bibliográfico fue organizado por el administrador de Zotero® con la ayuda del software Rayyan®. Para evaluar la calidad metodológica se utilizó el Critical Appraisal Skills Program. También se consideró la clasificación de las tecnologías sanitarias. Resultados: seis estudios conformaron la muestra final, evidenciando el predominio de tecnologías ligeras-duras en el desarrollo de herramientas sobre VIH/SIDA para mujeres trans, siendo dos estudios considerados como ligeros, refiriendo estos hallazgos a la importancia de las tecnologías enfocadas en el conocimiento y la relación. Conclusión: las evidencias presentadas denotan la importancia de las tecnologías educativas en la atención a la salud de las mujeres trans, especialmente frente al tema del VIH/SIDA. Brindar un ambiente acogedor contribuye a cambios de comportamiento que conducen a estándares de vida saludables en mujeres trans. (AU)

Éducation pour la santé , VIH (Virus de l'Immunodéficience Humaine) , Technologie de l'éducation , Personnes transgenres , Promotion de la santé
Article de Espagnol , Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565968


OBJETIVO: Este trabalho apresenta aspectos de uma observação participante em um Hospital Universitário do nível terciário da rede SUS localizado em Vitória, capital da região sudeste do Brasil, durante o primeiro semestre de 2023. Logo, o relato a seguir pretende provocar e incitar a discussão sobre os desafios enfrentados pela psicologia em contexto hospitalar, dentre eles o racismo estrutural impregnado nos corpos e nos gestos que se atualizam naquele estabelecimento. MÉTODO: Trata-se de um relato de experiência, de caráter qualitativo, vivido através do acompanhamento da dinâmica hospitalar da clínica cirúrgica e da clínica médica do referido Hospital. O percurso metodológico foi realizado por meio da análise institucional de linhagem francesa, calcada em discussões de orientações do estágio, onde os diários de campo, observações e participações no campo eram semanalmente discutidas. RESULTADOS: Destaca a produção e reafirmação do racismo estrutural no país, que se expressa tanto no trato com pacientes quanto com funcionários e estudantes. A escuta da equipe profissional do hospital é marcada, muitas vezes, por práticas assistencialistas e por processos de exclusão preconceituosos, fazendo-nos indagar: "A psicologia hospitalar tem cor?" CONCLUSÃO: O objetivo da pesquisa foi cumprido e, além disso, relatar essa experiência suscitou ao campo diversas questões como: de que forma colocar em funcionamento uma gestão hospitalar que propicie uma política de compartilhamento de atenção ao paciente entre os equipamentos da atenção?

OBJECTIVE: This work presents aspects of participant observation in a University Hospital at the tertiary level of the SUS network located in Vitória, capital of the southeast region of Brazil, during the first half of 2023. Therefore, the following report intends to provoke and incite discussion about the challenges faced by psychology in a hospital context, among them the structural racism permeated in the bodies and gestures that are updated in that establishment. METHOD: This is an experience report, of a qualitative nature, experienced through monitoring the hospital dynamics of the surgical clinic and the medical clinic of the aforementioned Hospital. The methodological path was carried out through institutional data analysis, based on discussions of internship guidelines, where field diaries, observations and participation in the internship were discussed weekly. RESULTS: Highlights the production and reaffirmation of structural racism in the country, which is expressed both in dealings with patients, employees and students. Listening to the hospital's professional team is often marked by welfare practices and prejudiced exclusion processes, making us ask: "Does hospital psychology have color?" CONCLUSION: The objective of the research was fulfilled and, in addition, reporting this experience raised several questions in the field, such as: how to put into operation hospital management that provides a policy of sharing patients between care equipment?

OBJETIVO: Este trabajo presenta aspectos de la observación participante en un Hospital Universitario del nivel terciario de la red SUS ubicado en Vitória, capital de la región sureste de Brasil durante el primer semestre de 2023. Por lo tanto, el siguiente informe pretende provocar e incitar a la discusión sobre los desafíos que enfrenta la psicología en el contexto hospitalario, entre ellos el racismo estructural permeado en los cuerpos y gestos que se actualizan en ese establecimiento. MÉTODO: Se trata de un relato de experiencia, de carácter cualitativo, vivida a través del seguimiento de la dinámica hospitalaria de la clínica quirúrgica y de la clínica médica del mencionado Hospital. El recorrido metodológico se realizó a través del análisis de datos institucionales, a partir de discusiones sobre lineamientos de pasantía, donde semanalmente se discutieron diarios de campo, observaciones y participación en la pasantía. RESULTADOS: Destaca la producción y reafirmación del racismo estructural en el país, que se expresa tanto en el trato con pacientes, empleados y estudiantes. La escucha del equipo profesional del hospital muchas veces está marcada por prácticas asistencialistas y procesos de exclusión prejuiciosos, lo que nos lleva a preguntarnos: "¿Tiene color la psicología hospitalaria?". CONCLUSIÓN: El objetivo de la investigación fue cumplido y, además, relatar esta experiencia generó varias preguntas en el campo, tales como: ¿cómo poner en funcionamiento una gestión hospitalaria que prevea una política de reparto de pacientes entre equipos de atención?

Racisme systémique , Psychologie médicale , 38410
Int. j. morphol ; 42(2): 437-445, abr. 2024. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558133


SUMMARY: Frailty affects the functional autonomy (FA) of older adults and could manifest itself in muscle imbalances in the limbs, resulting in a disparity in size and strength between them. In Chile, information on the relationship between muscle strength (MS) levels and FA asymmetries in older women is limited. This study related the levels of MS, anthropometric parameters, and asymmetries of the lower and upper limbs, with the FA of a group of older Chilean women. The study included 39 women who participated, and their FA was evaluated using the GDLAM index (IG). Based on the score obtained in the IG, they were classified by percentiles as Group 1 with favorable FA (P ≤ 50) and Group 2 with low FA (P > 50). Anthropometric parameters were BMI, fat percentage, bone mass, circumferences (arm, thigh, calf), diameters (humerus, femur) and upper/lower limb strength was evaluated to determine asymmetries. The differences between the covariates of both groups were evaluated using the student's t test and the Mann-Whitney test for independent samples. G1 presented less asymmetry (p > 0.05) in the lower limbs and greater calf circumference than G2 (p < 0.05). G1 presented greater bilateral strength (dominant and non-dominant limb) compared to G2 (p < 0.05). The covariates of age, anthropometry, MS, and lower/upper limb asymmetries influence FA in older women.

La fragilidad afecta la autonomía funcional (AF) de las personas mayores y podría manifestarse en desequilibrios musculares en los miembros, dando lugar a una disparidad de tamaño y fuerza entre ellos. En Chile, la información que relaciona los niveles de fuerza muscular (FM) y las asimetrías con la AF en mujeres mayores es limitada. Este estudio relacionó los niveles de FM, parámetros antropométricos y asimetrías de los miembros inferiores y superiores, con la AF de un grupo de mujeres mayores chilenas. Participaron 39 mujeres, cuya AF se evaluó mediante el índice GDLAM (IG). En función de la puntuación obtenida en el IG, se clasificaron por percentiles en Grupo 1 con AF favorable (P ≤ 50) y Grupo 2 con AF baja (P > 50). Los parámetros antropométricos fueron IMC, porcentaje de grasa, masa ósea, circunferencias (brazo, muslo, pantorrilla), diámetros (húmero, fémur) y se evaluó la fuerza de los miembros superiores/ inferiores para determinar asimetrías. Las diferencias entre las covariables de ambos grupos se evaluaron mediante la prueba t de student y la prueba de Mann-Whitney para muestras independientes. G1 presentó menor asimetría (p > 0,05) en los miembros inferiores y mayor perímetro de pantorrilla que G2 (p < 0,05). G1 presentó mayor fuerza bilateral (miembro dominante y no dominante) en comparación con G2 (p < 0,05). Las covariables de antropometría, FM y asimetrías de extremidades inferiores/superiores influyen en la AF en mujeres mayores.

Humains , Femelle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Activités de la vie quotidienne , Anthropométrie , Force musculaire , Chili , Études transversales , Force de la main , Autonomie personnelle
Geriatr Gerontol Aging ; 18: e0000086, Apr. 2024. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566311


Objective: This study aimed to describe the clinical and psychiatric characteristics of older outpatients with bipolar disorder (BD), including psychiatric history (age of onset of symptoms, length of time with the illness, and number of psychiatric hospitalizations), mood state, and cognitive function. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study where clinical and demographic data were obtained by a psychiatric interview with each patient and family members as well as by a review of medical records. The sample consisted of 20 individuals aged 60 years or older with a diagnosis of BD type I according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition. Descriptive data analysis was performed, with categorical variables expressed as absolute and relative frequencies. Results: No patient had manic or depressive symptoms at the time of the evaluation; 15 (75.0%) had an early onset while 5 (25.0%) had a late onset of the disease. Nine patients (45.0%) showed no cognitive decline whereas 11 (55.0%) showed mild cognitive impairment. Conclusions: This study presents an understudied group of patients with BD. Considering the personal impact and burden on the health system related to this psychiatric condition, it is recommended that further studies be conducted in this area to better evaluate this growing population. (AU)

Humains , Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Trouble bipolaire , Services de santé pour personnes âgées , Science cognitive
Geriatr Gerontol Aging ; 18: e0000075, Apr. 2024. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566815


The aim of this review was to verify the effects of aerobic exercise combined with blood flow restriction on older adult functionality. Systematic searches were performed in PubMed, Web of Science, and Embase between July and December 2023. Randomized studies with participants aged ≥ 60 years who were evaluated before and after the experimental protocols were included. We registered this systematic review at the International Prospective Register (PROSPERO CRD42022347205). The search strategy identified 2698 studies, four of which were included in the review, with 80 participants. The results suggested that aerobic exercise combined with blood flow restriction increased performance on specific functional tests. However, these results should be interpreted with caution due to the low-to-moderate study quality, as well as the low number of participants and studies. In conclusion, aerobic exercise and blood flow restriction may increase functional capacity in older adults. Further studies are needed to confirm such findings. (AU)

Humains , Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Entrainement d'endurance , Thérapie de restriction du débit sanguin , Sujet âgé
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-227703


Background: Sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) are fundamental human rights enshrined in national, regional, and international laws and agreements. This study aimed to determine the accessibility of SRHR services among young people living with HIV/AIDS in Kenya. Methods: The study was a cross-sectional study involving a sample of 224 adolescents and young people from Kenya. The study used both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection and analysis. Before the study commenced, approvals were acquired from the Kenyatta University ethics and review committee, the National Commission for Science, Technology, and Innovation, County Governments, and selected county and sub-county health facilities in Kenya. Results: About 68.2% of adolescents and young people (AYP) living with HIV/AIDS accessed SRH services with a significant difference in proportion between study counties (Nairobi city and Homabay counties) in Kenya (?2=20.553; df=2; p<0.0001). Nevertheless, 33% of them reported that there were challenges that affected access to SRHR services and the unavailability of some services. Therefore, there is a need to ensure enough and constant supply of commodities and supplies for comprehensive care services. Conclusions: The study showed a statistically significant difference in the proportion of AYP living with HIV/AIDS who accessed SRH services in the study counties of Nairobi city and Homabay.

Gac. méd. Méx ; Gac. méd. Méx;160(1): 57-66, ene.-feb. 2024. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557804


Resumen Antecedentes: La malnutrición es un problema mundial que afecta a niños escolares, capaz de incrementar el riesgo de enfermedades en la edad adulta. Adultos yaquis han presentado graves problemas de salud, por lo que los escolares podrían encontrarse en una situación similar. Objetivo: Evaluar el estado nutricional, el perfil lipídico y los factores asociados en una muestra de escolares yaquis. Material y métodos: Se estudiaron 109 escolares habitantes de los pueblos originarios, en quienes se realizaron mediciones antropométricas, se extrajo una muestra de sangre venosa en condición de ayuno y se aplicaron cuestionarios. Resultados: La prevalencia de sobrepeso/obesidad fue de 38.5 %, sin que se registraran casos de desnutrición crónica; 38.6 % de los escolares presentó dislipidemia. El consumo de fibra resultó ser un factor protector contra sobrepeso/obesidad y el consumo de grasa constituyó un factor de riesgo. La puntuación de actividad física resultó ser un factor protector contra dislipidemia y los factores de riesgo fueron puntuaciones Z del índice de masa corporal/edad, circunferencia de cintura, historia familiar de dislipidemias, nivel educativo y empleo permanente. Conclusiones: Los escolares yaquis padecen por igual alta proporción de sobrepeso/obesidad y dislipidemia. Los factores asociados pueden resultar útiles para el diseño de intervenciones contextualizadas para esta población.

Abstract Background: Malnutrition is a global problem that affects schoolchildren and can increase the risk of diseases in adulthood. Adult members of the Yaqui Indigenous group have been shown to have serious health problems, and Yaqui schoolchildren could therefore find themselves in a similar situation. Objective: To evaluate the nutritional status, lipid profile and associated factors in a sample of Yaqui schoolchildren. Material and methods: A total of 109 Yaqui schoolchildren who lived in their localities of origin were recruited. Anthropometric measurements were carried out, a venous blood sample was extracted in fasting conditions, and several questionnaires were applied. Results: The prevalence of overweight/obesity was 38.5%, with no cases of chronic malnutrition being recorded; 38.6% of the children had dyslipidemia. Fiber consumption was a protective factor against overweight/obesity, while fat intake was a risk factor. The physical activity score was found to be a protective factor against dyslipidemia, and the risk factors were BMI-for-age Z-scores, waist circumference, family history of dyslipidemia, educational level, and permanent employment. Conclusions: Yaqui schoolchildren equally suffer from a high proportion of overweight/obesity and dyslipidemia. The associated factors may be useful for the design of contextualized interventions for this population.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003447


@#The high incidence and untreated rate of root caries, a common and frequently occurring oral disease with challenging treatment in elderly individuals, is the main cause of tooth loss among elderly people, as rapid development results in pulpitis and periapical periodontitis or residual crown and root, which has been regarded as one of the common chronic oral diseases seriously affecting the quality of life of elderly people. Thus, early intervention and prevention are important. Traditional dental materials for preventing root caries have been widely used in clinical practice; however, they have the disadvantages of tooth coloring, remineralization and low sterilization efficiency. A series of new dental materials for preventing root caries have gradually become a research hotspot recently, which have the advantages of promoting the mineralization of deep dental tissue, prolonging the action time and enhancing adhesion. Future caries prevention materials should be designed according to the characteristics of root surface caries and the application population and should be developed toward simplicity, high efficiency and low toxicity. This review describes current research regarding anti-caries prevention material application, serving as a theoretical underpinning for the research of root caries prevention materials, which is important for both promotion in the effective prevention of root caries and improvement in the status of oral health and the quality of life among old people.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016929


ObjectiveTo investigate the prevalence and influencing factors of overweight, obesity and central obesity among elderly residents in Xuhui District, and to analyze the epidemiological status of central obesity in elderly people with different body mass indexes. MethodsThe third round of health status and health service utilization monitoring data in Xuhui District was used. The information collected from questionnaire survey and physical examination were analyzed. SPSS 20.0 software was used for χ2 test, trend χ2 test and multinominal logistic regression analysis. Results5 096 survey subjects were included. The prevalence of overweight, general obesity, and central obesity in the residents aged 60 and above in Xuhui District were 34.3%, 6.5%, and 29.2%, respectively. There was gender difference in the rates of overweight, obesity, and central obesity among the residents. The overweight and central obesity rates in males were higher than those in females, while the obesity rate was lower than that in females (P<0.05). Multinominal logistic regression analysis showed that in comparison with the normal weight non-central obesity group drinking only at party (OR=1.729, 95%CI: 1.184‒2.525), and hypertension (OR=1.637, 95%CI: 1.305‒2.053), were highly associated with normal weight with central obesity. Aged 60‒ years (OR=1.589, 95%CI: 1.190‒2.120), aged 70‒ years (OR=1.763, 95%CI: 1.327‒2.342), male (OR=1.379, 95%CI: 1.134‒1.676), hypertension (OR=2.231, 95%CI: 1.878‒2.649), former smokers (OR=1.437, 95%CI: 1.027‒2.011), drinking at party only (OR=1.491, 95%CI: 1.107‒2.006), and drinking ≥3 times per week (OR=1.611, 95%CI: 1.116‒2.325), were highly associated with overweight combined with central obesity. Aged 60‒ years (OR=3.817, 95%CI: 2.251‒6.474), aged 70‒ years (OR=3.084, 95%CI: 1.838‒5.175), hypertension (OR=3.683, 95%CI: 2.753‒4.929), diabetes (OR=2.085, 95%CI: 1.511‒2.878), former smokers (OR=1.835, 95%CI: 1.043‒3.226), were highly associated with compound obesity. Central obesity was found in the elderly residents with different BMI categories, and the rate of central obesity increased with the increase of BMI grade. ConclusionThe prevalence of overweight, obesity and central obesity among the elderly aged 60 years and above in Xuhui District is not optimistic. Attention should be paid to the elderly under 80 years old who are with hypertension and/or diabetes, alcohol consumption, low educational level and not doing physical exercise. Especially for the central obesity population with normal BMI, measures should be taken to prevent and intervene the occurrence of obesity and related diseases.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016980


Objective To explore the mediating role of cognitive function in the association between literacy level and depressive symptoms in middle-aged and elderly people in China. Methods  Using the fourth national follow-up data of the China Health and Elderly Care Tracking Survey 2018, 8 124 middle-aged and elderly people aged 45 years and above were included as the study subjects. The PROCESS 4.0 program was used to test the mediating effect of cognitive function between literacy level and depressive symptoms, and the Bootstrap method was used for the mediator variable validation. Results The detection rate of depressive symptoms among middle-aged and elderly people in China was 38.10%. After controlling for gender, place of residence, marital status, smoking, alcohol consumption, and exercise, literacy level was a negative predictor of depressive symptoms in middle-aged and elderly people (β =-0.480, t =-11.248, P<0.001). Cognitive function accounted for 58.75% of the amount of mediating effect between literacy level and depressive symptoms. Conclusion  Literacy level and cognitive function are associated with depressive symptoms in middle-aged and elderly people. Literacy level can influence depressive symptoms directly or indirectly through the mediation of cognitive dysfunction.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017009


Objective To explore the probability and associated factors of pulmonary fibrosis in 350 cases of elderly pneumonia. Methods Elderly patients who received diagnosis and treatment at Changzhi Medical College Affiliated Peace Hospital from January 2018 to December 2022 were selected, and 350 patients who met the criteria were included in the study. Analyze its clinical data, incidence of pulmonary fibrosis, and analyze the relationship between the two. Results The average age of 350 patients was (63.51 ± 5.74) years old; 219 cases were common type , 72 cases were severe type, and 59 cases were critically ill. At admission, the CT signs were: ground glass in 66 cases (18.86%) , paving stone in 37 cases (10.57%), consolidation in 73 cases (20.86%), nodules in 93 cases (26.57%) , fried egg sign in 20 cases (5.71%) , and mosaic sign in 61 cases (17.43%). At discharge, the lesion signs were as follows: 61 cases (17.43%) had no lesions, 207 cases (59.14%) maintained the original lesion signs, and 82 cases (23.43%) evolved into other signs. 76 cases of pulmonary fibrosis were discharged, with an incidence rate of 21.71%. There were significant differences in the incidence of pulmonary fibrosis among patients with different ages, lesion evolution during treatment, lesion signs at discharge, and clinical stages (all P<0.001). Pulmonary fibrosis is positively correlated with age (P=0.047), lesion signs at discharge (P=0.032), and clinical classification (P=0.010). The incidence of lesions presenting as paving stones (P=0.014) and fibrosis in critically ill patients (P=0.013) at discharge is higher. Age increase (P=0.047) , wide range of lesions at admission (P=0.042), evolution of lesions into other signs at discharge (P=0.016), and clinical classification as severe (P=0.008) or critically ill (P=0.021) are independent risk factors for the development of pulmonary fibrosis in elderly pneumonia patients. Conclusion The incidence of pulmonary fibrosis in elderly patients exceeds 20%. Increasing age, wide range of lesions upon admission, evolution of lesions into other signs upon discharge, and clinical classification as severe or critically ill are independent risk factors for the occurrence of pulmonary fibrosis in elderly pneumonia patients.

Chongqing Medicine ; (36): 270-275, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017476


Objective To retrieve,evaluate and summarize the relevant evidences of oral health manage-ment in the community elderly people to provide reference for community medical staffs.Methods The evi-dences on oral health management of the comunity elderly people were systematically retrieved from various guide websites and Chinese and English databases.The retrieval limit was from the database establishment to September 2021.The research group conducted the evaluation and extracted the evidences according to the rel-evant literature evaluation criteria.Results A total of 17 literatures were included,including 5 guidelines,4 expert consensuses and 8 systematic reviews.A total of 28 pieces of evidences were summarized from the five aspects of assessment and examination,daily life management,management of special oral problems,denture management,and education and training.Conclusion Community medical staffs should fully consider the clin-ical situation,department resources and patient wishes,and conduct the evidence application to increase the o-ral health level of the community elderly people.