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Acta colomb. psicol ; 24(2): 144-155, July-Dec. 2021. graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1345044


Resumen En el presente estudio se analiza el impacto de la calidad de los argumentos y la experticia de la fuente en la persuasión moral, así como el cambio de un juicio moral en función de un mensaje persuasivo. La investigación sobre el efecto de la calidad de los argumentos y la experticia de la fuente en la persuasión moral es escasa, a pesar de que las teorías del intuicionismo social, del proceso dual y de las convicciones morales sugieren algunos apuntes al respecto. En este trabajo, para estudiar el impacto de estos dos factores en la persuasión moral, se llevó a cabo un estudio experimental con un diseño factorial 2 (experticia de la fuente) x 2 (calidad del argumento), con la participación de 433 personas. Específicamente, para evaluar el juicio moral y su eventual cambio, se construyó un dilema moral que contrapone los fundamentos morales de daño-cuidado y justicia-reciprocidad en el marco del posconflicto en Colombia. Los resultados muestran que si bien la mayoría de los participantes presentaron resistencia a la persuasión, tanto la calidad del argumento como la experticia de la fuente facilitan la persuasión, pero de forma independiente. Los resultados permiten varias reflexiones sobre las teorías del proceso dual de la persuasión y las teorías del juicio moral.

Abstract This study analyses the impact of argument quality and source expertise on moral persuasion, as well as the change of a moral judgment as a function of a persuasive message. Research on the effects of argument quality and source expertise on moral persuasion is scarce, although the theories of Social Intuitionism, Dual Process and Moral Convictions suggest some hints in this regard. To study the impact of these factors on moral persuasion, an experimental study was carried out with a 2 (source expertise) x 2 (argument quality) factorial design with 433 participants. A particularly sensitive moral dilemma was designed to contrast the moral foundations of Harm-Care and Justice-Reciprocity in the context of the post-conflict in Colombia to evaluate moral judgment and potential change of judgment. The results show that although most of the participants presented resistance to persuasion, both the quality of the argument and the expertise of the source facilitated persuasion, albeit independently. Results also suggest several reflections on both dual process theories of persuasion and theories of moral judgement.

Psico USF ; 26(2): 345-356, Apr.-June 2021. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1287601


This research aimed at investigating whether watching Brazilian advertising pieces that portray a sociocultural behavioral pattern called Brazilian jeitinho would influence participant's subsequent behavior. One carried out an experiment in which 200 subjects watched and assessed three advertisement pieces. Upon recruitment, participants were informed that they would be taking part in a raffle for a gift card. The number of tickets received per participant was defined by a die-under-cup task. The more tickets they obtained, the higher the chance to receive the prize, providing an incentive to cheat. Afterwards, respondents took part in a task that defined the number of tickets that each would receive to participate in the raffle. Independent variables consisted in the manipulation of priming of jeitinho (video content: jeitinho or neutral) and privacy of the task (with or without privacy). On the other hand, the dependent variable consisted in the result obtained when participants rolled the dices that defined the number of tickets. One found a significant difference between the groups in which privacy was manipulated, indicating that the groups that performed the task aimed at measuring dishonesty with privacy actually tended to report lower values than the ones actually obtained, entailing an effect of contrast. This finding suggests that the implementation of public policies that utilize propaganda that portrays Brazilian jeitinho could reduce engagement in dishonest behavior among Brazilians. (AU)

Esta pesquisa objetivou investigar se assistir a peças publicitárias nacionais representativas de um padrão de comportamento sociocultural do Brasil, o jeitinho brasileiro, influenciaria o comportamento subsequente dos participantes. Realizou-se um experimento no qual 200 participantes assistiram e avaliariam três anúncios publicitários. Ao serem recrutados, os participantes foram informados de que estariam concorrendo a um sorteio de um vale-presente. O número de tickets do sorteio foi definido por uma tarefa que consistiu em jogar um dado dentro de um copo. Quanto mais tickets obtivessem, maior a chance de ganhar o prêmio, criando-se um incentivo para trapacear. As variáveis independentes constituíram a manipulação da pré-ativação (priming) de jeitinho (conteúdo das peças: jeitinho ou neutro) e da privacidade da tarefa (com ou sem privacidade). Já a variável dependente consistiu no resultado obtido ao jogar dados para definir o número de tickets. Encontrou-se diferença significativa entre os grupos para manipulação de privacidade, indicando que os participantes que realizaram a tarefa de mensuração de desonestidade com privacidade tenderam a reportar valores menores do que os que realmente obtiveram no sorteio, ocasionando um efeito de contraste. Esse achado sugere que a implementação de políticas públicas utilizando propagandas que retratem o jeitinho brasileiro podem reduzir o engajamento em comportamento desonesto entre os brasileiros. (AU)

Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar si ver anuncios publicitarios brasileños que retratan a un patrón de comportamiento sociocultural denominado jeitinho brasileño influiría en el comportamiento posterior de los participantes. Se realizó un experimento donde 200 individuos vieron y evaluaron tres anuncios publicitarios. Al ser reclutados, se les informó a los participantes que se realizaría un sorteo de una tarjeta de regalo. El número de boletos de cada participante fue definido mediante una tarea que consistía en lanzar un dado a una taza. Cuantos más boletos obtuvieron, mayor fue la posibilidad de recibir el premio, lo que ofreció un incentivo para hacer posibles trampas. Posteriormente, los encuestados participaron en una tarea que definió la cantidad de boletos que cada uno recibiría para participar en el sorteo del premio. Las variables independientes consistieron en la manipulación de la preactivación (priming) de jeitinho (contenido de los videos: jeitinho o neutro) y de la privacidad de la tarea (con o sin privacidad). Por otro lado, la variable dependiente consistió en el resultado obtenido cuando los participantes lanzaron los dados que definían el número de boletos. Se encontró una diferencia significativa entre los grupos en los que se manipuló la privacidad, lo que indica que en los grupos que realizaron la tarea dirigida a medir la deshonestidad con privacidad, en realidad tendían a informar valores más bajos que los que realmente obtuvieron, lo que conlleva un efecto de contraste. Este resultado sugiere que la implementación de políticas públicas utilizando propaganda que retrata al jeitinho brasileño podría reducir la participación en conductas deshonestas entre los brasileños. (AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , 332 , Caractéristiques culturelles , Normes sociales , Sens moral , Analyse de variance
Psico USF ; 25(4): 637-644, out.-dez. 2020. graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1155082


Recently, an increase in radicalism in the political sphere has ocurred. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of the intensity of Facebook use on political radicalism and activism, taking as hypothesis (H1) that the intensity of Facebook use can increase radicalism and activism rates and (H2) that this effect would be partially mediated by the degree of confidence in Facebook consumed information. To this end, 211 respondents participated by answering the Facebook Intensity Scale, Online News Consumption Confidence Scale and Activism and Radicalism Intention Scale. The results did not corroborate the mediation model (H2) but only the direct effect (H1), indicating that, regardless of user trust in the news they are accessing, the use of Facebook tends to favor higher rates of activism and radicalism. Implications of the findings are discussed. (AU)

Recentemente tem sido noticiado um incremento do radicalismo no âmbito político. O presente estudo buscou avaliar a influência da intensidade de uso do Facebook no radicalismo e ativismo político, tendo como hipótese (H1) que a intensidade do uso do Facebook pode incrementar os índices de radicalismo e ativismo e (H2) que esse efeito seria parcialmente mediado pelo grau de confiança na informação consumida no Facebook. Participaram 211 pessoas que responderam à Escala de Intensidade de Uso do Facebook, Escala de Confiança no Consumo de Notícias Online e Escala de Ativismo e Radicalismo. Os resultados não corroboraram o modelo de mediação (H2), mas apenas o efeito direto (H1), indicando que, independente do usuário confiar na notícia que está acessando, o uso do Facebook tende a favorecer maiores índices de ativismo e radicalismo. Implicações dos achados são discutidas. (AU)

Recientemente se ha comunicado un aumento del radicalismo en la esfera política. El presente estudio buscó evaluar la influencia de la intensidad del uso de Facebook en el radicalismo y activismo político, teniendo como hipótesis (H1) que la intensidad del uso de Facebook puede incrementar los índices de radicalismo y activismo y (H2) que ese efecto sería parcialmente mediado por el grado de confianza en la información consumida en Facebook. Participaron 211 personas que respondieron a la Escala de Intensidad de Uso de Facebook, Escala de Confianza en el Consumo de Noticias En Línea, Escala de Activismo y Radicalismo. Los resultados no corroboraron el modelo de mediación (H2), sino sólo el efecto directo (H1), indicando que, independientemente del usuario confiar en la noticia que está accediendo, el uso de Facebook tiende a favorecer mayores índices de activismo y radicalismo. Se discuten las implicaciones de los hallazgos. (AU)

Humains , Femelle , Adolescent , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Réseautage social , Médias sociaux , Activisme politique , Extrémisme
Psicol. soc. (Online) ; 32: e185526, 2020. graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1135947


Resumo Este artigo aborda o processo de transformação da representação social da família veiculada na Revista Família Cristã entre 1962 e 2011. Foi realizada análise lexical de 323 artigos, selecionados em 100 exemplares. A discussão foi pautada em construtos como influência social, ideologia e representações sociais. A ideologia cristã católica fundamenta o discurso da revista, mas a representação é moldada em função das mudanças sócio-históricas e da influência de diversos saberes e instituições, gerando múltiplos sentidos: a família patriarcal como responsabilidade da mulher mãe abnegada; as famílias diversificadas e estruturadas em situação de violência e miséria; a família educadora que deve submeter-se à ciência; a família cristã que deve seguir normas e práticas da igreja e, finalmente, a família em crise por afastar-se dos valores religiosos. A revista vai modificando seu discurso sobre a família com vistas à manutenção de seu poder de influência e propagação de valores católicos.

Resumen Este artículo analiza el proceso de transformación de la representación social de la familia difundida en la revista Familia Cristiana entre 1962 y 2011. Se realizó el análisis léxico de 323 artículos, seleccionados en 100 ediciones. El debate se basó en la influencia social, la ideología y las representaciones sociales. La ideología cristiana católica cimenta el discurso de la revista, pero la representación se forma a la luz de los cambios sociohistóricos y la influencia de los diversos saberes e instituciones: la familia patriarcal como responsabilidad de la madre abnegada; las familias diversificadas y estructuradas en situaciones de violencia y miseria; la familia educadora que debe someterse a la ciencia; la familia cristiana que debe seguir las reglas y prácticas de la Iglesia, y la familia en crisis por apartarse de los valores religiosos. La revista va modificando su discurso sobre la familia con la intención de mantener su poder de influencia y propagación de valores católicos.

Abstract This article discusses the transformation process of the social representation of family related to Família Cristã magazine between 1962 and 2011. A lexical analysis was performed on 323 articles, which were selected among 100 editions. This study is based on the constructs of social influence, ideology, and social representation. Catholic Christian ideology underlies this magazine's discourse, however, the family representation is shaped by socio-historical changes as well as influenced by different kinds of knowledge and institutions. Thereby, different meanings are produced: the patriarchal family as a selfless woman's responsibility; the families that are diverse and maintained through violence and misery; the educating family that must be subordinated to science; the Christian family that must follow the Church's rules and practices; and finally, the family in crisis due to their diverted path from religious values. Over time, the magazine has changed its discourse about family in order to maintain its power of influence and transmission of Catholic values.

Sociétés/histoire , Pouvoir psychologique , Famille , Catholicisme/psychologie , Représentation sociale , Personnel religieux
Interacciones ; 5(3): 6, 01 de septiembre de 2019.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1049660


Introducción: La socialización en un entorno violento puede favorecer la aceptación y el aprendizaje de las conductas violentas. El objetivo del estudio es analizar la asociación entre la violencia de género en el entorno y la perpetración y victimización de violencia en el noviazgo. Método: La muestra está compuesta por 443 estudiantes de diferentes universidades de Colombia, con una edad media de 20.64 años (SD = 3.91). Los niveles de agresión se midieron mediante la versión modificada de la Conflicts Tactics Scale (M-CTS). Resultados: La perpetración y la victimización de agresiones en el noviazgo son mayores entre las personas en cuyo entorno ha tenido lugar algún caso de violencia de género. Conclusión: La exposición a la violencia de género puede influir en la normalización de la violencia y en su aparición en las relaciones de noviazgo. Es necesario tomar en cuenta esta asociación e incluirla en los programas de prevención y sensibilización.

Background: Socializing processes taking place in a violent environment may cause a subsequent acquisition and acceptance of violent behaviors. The main aim of this research is to analyses the association between gender-based violence in the near context and the perpetration and victimization of dating violence. Method: The study sample consists of 443 students from different Colombian universities, and their mean age is 20.64 years old (SD = 3.91). The levels of aggression were measured by the modified version of the Conflict Tactics Scale (M-CTS). Results: The situations of gender-based violence in the near context are associated to perpetration and victimization of dating violence. Conclusion: The exposure to gender-based violence may influence the normalization of violence and its emergence in dating relationships. It might be necessary to take into account this association, in order to include it in prevention and awareness plans.

Psico (Porto Alegre) ; 50(4): 31905, 2019.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1049045


Este estudo teve o objetivo de testar o poder preditivo dos cinco grandes fatores de personalidade, da influência interpessoal e de variáveis sociodemográficas sobre a compra por impulso. Participaram do estudo 1.296 brasileiros, média de idade de 35,8 anos (DP = 12,8), escolaridade mínima de Ensino Médio incompleto. Os resultados mostraram relações da compra por impulso com variáveis sociodemográficas, hábitos de consumo e personalidade. O modelo de regressão explicou 23% da variância da compra por impulso, sendo os maiores poderes preditivos o da influência interpessoal normativa e o do fator de personalidade neuroticismo, ambos preditores positivos; seguidos do hábito de fazer lista de compra e do fator conscienciosidade, como negativos. Os resultados confirmam o poder preditivo de fatores de personalidade, hábitos de consumo e variáveis sociodemográficas sobre o comportamento de compra por impulso.

The aim of this study was to test the predictive power of the Big Five personality factors, social influence and sociodemographic variables on impulse buying. To achieve such goals, the buying impulsiveness scale and reduced markers of the big five was applied, along other instruments. They participated in the study 1,296 Brazilians with an average age of 35.8 years (DP = 12.8) and minimum schooling of incomplete secondary education. The regression model tested explained 23% of the impulse buying variance, with the greatest predictive powers being the normative interpersonal influence and the neuroticism personality factor, both positive predictors; followed by the habit of making purchase list and the conscientiousness factor, as negative predictors. The results confirm the predictive power of personality factors, consumption habits and sociodemographic variables on impulse buying behavior.

Este estudio tiene por objetivo evaluar el poder predictivo de los cinco grandes factores de personalidad, de la influencia interpersonal y de variables sociodemográficas sobre la compra por impulso. Se aplicó un cuestionario sociodemográfico e escalas que evalúan los constructos: compra por impulso, susceptibilidad a la influencia social y cinco grandes factores de personalidad. Participaron 1.296 brasileños con promedio de edad de 35,8 años (DP = 12,8) y nivel de instrucción media incompleta como mínimo. El modelo de regresión explicó 23% de la varianza de la compra por impulso, siendo los mayores poderes predictivos: influencia interpersonal normativa y el factor de personalidad neuroticismo, ambos predictores positivos; seguidos del hábito de hacer lista de compras y el factor responsabilidad, como negativos. Los resultados confirman el poder predictivo de factores de personalidad, hábitos de consumo y variables sociodemográficas sobre el comportamiento de compra por impulso.

Comportement du consommateur
Journal of Medical Postgraduates ; (12): 957-961, 2018.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-818097


Objective Young and middle-aged people have become the fastest growing group of diabetes, but the compliance of regular exercise is poor. It is urgent to formulate effective intervention strategies or measures to promote the change of their behavior. The article is Objective ly based on the attitude-social influence-self efficacy model, to investigate the stages distribution and influencing factors of regular exercise behavior in young and middle-aged patients with type 2 diabetes.Methods A convenience sampling was used to select 430 young and middle-aged type 2 diabetic patients from the department of endocrinology in two Nanjing 3A grade hospitals. A cross-sectional survey was conducted with a general questionnaire, a regular exercise behavioral stage questionnaire, a diabetes behavioral attitude and social impact scale, and a diabetes self-efficacy scale.Results The proportion of regular exercise behavior in young and middle-aged patients with type 2 diabetes is as follows. There were 14.9% patients at the precontemplation, 25.8% at the contemplation,15.8% at the preparation, 12.3% at the action, 31.2% at the maintenance. Logistic regression analysis showed that on-the-job (OR=1.77), accepting health education (OR=0.49), HbA1c level (OR=0.78), attitude (OR=5.32), subjective norm (OR=2.43), social support (OR=1.87) and self-efficacy (OR=1.28) are main factors to affect the stages of physical activity (P<0.05) .Conclusion Most of the young and middle-aged patients with type 2 diabetes are in the pre-action stages of regular exercise behavior, which needs to be improved, and many factors can affect the stages of regular exercise behavior. Clinical medical staff should provide individualized interventions for these patients with reference to the characteristics of different behavioral stages of patients.

Psicol. soc. (Online) ; 30: e173402, 2018. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-955891


RESUMO Apresentamos um ensaio teórico sobre a associação entre as formas de influência social: obediência, identificação e internalização, e o desenvolvimento moral desde a criança até o adulto, passando pelos níveis: Pré-convencional, Convencional e Pós-Convencional - consecutivos em função do desenvolvimento do pensamento, postulando a existência do Pensamento de Grupo (groupthink) entre o pensamento egocêntrico próprio do nível Pré-Convencional da infância e o sociocêntrico próprio do nível Pós-Convencional, possível para o adulto. O groupthink se estabelece no nível Convencional e se perpetua no adulto devido aos processos de dominação, não só no âmbito organizacional, mas também em todos os grupos sociais, a começar pela família. O objetivo foi analisar as consequências de tal predomínio na representatividade política nacional, por meio da análise das "Bancadas" da Câmara dos Deputados, e as possibilidades de sua superação por meio da ação de minorias ativas no Congresso Nacional.

RESUMEN Se presenta un ensayo teórico sobre la asociación entre las formas de influencia social: el cumplimiento, la identificación y la internalización y el desarrollo moral de niño a adulto, a través de los niveles: Pre-convencional, Convencional y Post-convencional - consecutivos con el desarrollo del pensamiento, postulando la existencia del pensamiento de tipo pensamiento de grupo (groupthink) entre el pensamiento egocéntrico proprio del nivel Pre-convencional de la infancia y el pensamiento sociocéntrico propio de lo nivel Post-convencional, posible al adulto. El groupthink se establece en el nivel convencional y se perpetúa en adultos debido a los procesos de dominación, no sólo a nivel de organizaciones, sino también en todos los grupos sociales, empezando por la familia. El objetivo fue analizar las consecuencias de tal predominio en la representatividad política nacional, por medio del análisis de las "Bancadas" de la Cámara de Diputados, y las posibilidades de superarlo a través de la acción de las minorías activas no Congreso Nacional.

ABSTRACT We present a theoretical essay on the association between the forms of social influence: compliance, identification and internalization - and moral development from child to adult, through the levels: Pre-conventional, Conventional and Postconventional - consecutive with the development of thought, postulating the existence of Groupthink between the egocentric thinking - proper of the Pre-conventional level in the infancy, and sociocentric thinking, proper of the Postconventional level, possible to the adult. The Groupthink is established in the Conventional level and is perpetuated in the adults due to processes of domination, not only into the organizations but also in all social groups, beginning within the family. The objective was to analyze the consequences of this predominance in the national political representativeness, through the analysis of the "Bancadas" of the Chamber of Deputies, and the possibilities of overcoming them through the action of active minorities in Congress.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Politique , Cognition , Développement moral , Influence du groupe , Brésil , Démocratie , Processus de groupe
Chinese Journal of Zoonoses ; (12): 800-804, 2017.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-657444


We investigated the epidemiological characteristics and temporal-spatial clustering of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB),and analyzed its social influence factors in immigration city.Descriptive epidemiological analysis was conducted on PTB cases data extracted from the National Disease Reporting System of Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention between 2013 and 2015.Kulldorff scan statistics was applied to community based and town-based incidence data by SaTScan 9.1.1.The results were visualized by ArcMap10.2.A total of 12 109 PTB cases were reported in Ningbo with a decreasing trend in incidence rate and an increasing trend in proportion of floating population from 2013 to 2015.The male to female ratio was 2.07 ∶ 1 (8 162/3 947).All age groups were affected by PTB,but the incidence in 15-34 years age group and 65+ years age group were higher.Patients aged between 15 and 54 years accounted for 73.95 % of all cases.Most cases were farmers,housekeepers or unemployed,migrants and workers.There were six temporal-spatial clusters,of which the most likely clusters were in downtown and its surrounding areas,and the second likely clusters were in industrial parks.Compared with non cluster areas,proportion of floating population (t =2.88,P=0.01) especially immigrants from other provinces (t=7.46,P =0.00),and population density (t=3.37,P=0.00) in cluster areas were higher,while per capita green area was lower (t =-2.39,P 0.03).The downtown and its surrounding areas,industrial parks could be the future PTB combating regions.High population density and immigrants are associated with PTB clustering.

Chinese Journal of Zoonoses ; (12): 800-804, 2017.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-659522


We investigated the epidemiological characteristics and temporal-spatial clustering of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB),and analyzed its social influence factors in immigration city.Descriptive epidemiological analysis was conducted on PTB cases data extracted from the National Disease Reporting System of Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention between 2013 and 2015.Kulldorff scan statistics was applied to community based and town-based incidence data by SaTScan 9.1.1.The results were visualized by ArcMap10.2.A total of 12 109 PTB cases were reported in Ningbo with a decreasing trend in incidence rate and an increasing trend in proportion of floating population from 2013 to 2015.The male to female ratio was 2.07 ∶ 1 (8 162/3 947).All age groups were affected by PTB,but the incidence in 15-34 years age group and 65+ years age group were higher.Patients aged between 15 and 54 years accounted for 73.95 % of all cases.Most cases were farmers,housekeepers or unemployed,migrants and workers.There were six temporal-spatial clusters,of which the most likely clusters were in downtown and its surrounding areas,and the second likely clusters were in industrial parks.Compared with non cluster areas,proportion of floating population (t =2.88,P=0.01) especially immigrants from other provinces (t=7.46,P =0.00),and population density (t=3.37,P=0.00) in cluster areas were higher,while per capita green area was lower (t =-2.39,P 0.03).The downtown and its surrounding areas,industrial parks could be the future PTB combating regions.High population density and immigrants are associated with PTB clustering.

Journal of Medical Informatics ; (12): 13-17,47, 2017.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-606649


Addressing the problems that the unitization rate of medical and health App are generally low,based on the empirical approach,the paper demonstrates the positive influence of social factors on the utilization rate of mobile health App,and deeply analyzes the action mechanism and linkage effect of social factors such as social relation network,social support and subjective norms,so as to nationally design the socialized development strategies for mobile health App,thus providing the decision-making basis for the sustainable development and user cultivation of m-Health.

Psico USF ; 20(1): 87-96, Jan-Apr/2015. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-744518


Este estudo investigou como informações falsas fornecidas a testemunhas oculares podem afetar a fidedignidade de seus relatos. Os participantes foram divididos em duas condições experimentais. Todos assistiram ao vídeo de um crime e responderam a um questionário sobre informações nele descritas. Em uma condição, os participantes preencheram o questionário individualmente e, em seguida, discutiram suas respostas com um confederado, que fornecia informações falsas ao participante. Após discutirem tais informações, os participantes eram requisitados a fazer um novo relato. Em outra condição, os participantes realizaram todo o procedimento individualmente, sem receberem informações falsas. O número de erros na presença do confederado foi maior quando comparado com a condição sem o confederado. São discutidos possíveis fatores que envolvem a distorção da memória por meio de conformidade, assim como implicações práticas dos resultados encontrados...

The current study investigated how misinformation presented to eyewitnesses can affect the reliability of their reports. An experiment was conducted with 54 participants, divided in two conditions. All participants watched a video of a crime scene, and then answered a questionnaire about the content of the video. In one condition participants filled the questionnaire individually and then discussed their answers with a confederate, instructed to provide misinformation to participants. After the discussion participants were required to provide a new report. In another condition participants made the whole procedure individually, without receiving any misinformation. Mistakes in the presence of the confederate were higher when compared to the condition with no confederate. Potential factors underlying the distortion of memories through conformity, as well as practical implications of the results are discussed...

Este estudio investigó cómo información falsa proporcionada a testigos oculares puede afectar la veracidad de los testimonios. Los participantes fueron divididos en dos condiciones experimentales, y todos asistieron el video de un delito y luego respondieron a un cuestionario sobre la información contenida en el mismo. En un grupo los participantes completaron el cuestionario de forma individual y luego discutieron sus respuestas con un asociado que les proporcionaba informaciones falsas. Después de discutir esas informaciones se les solicitaba hacer un nuevo testimonio. En el otro grupo los participantes realizaron todo el procedimiento individualmente, sin recibir información falsa. El número de errores fue mayor en la presencia del asociado. Se discuten los posibles factores implicados en la distorsión de la memoria mediante la conformidad, así como las implicaciones prácticas de los resultados...

Humains , Femelle , Jugement , Rappel mnésique , Reproductibilité des résultats , Suggestion
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-625173


We conducted a multi-institutional case study to identify the issues associated with the adoption of information and communication technology (ICT) in five private care hospitals in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. We conducted interviews with 37 respondents primarily comprising IT professionals. We found that there were three determinants of behavioural intentions in this case study: organisation objectives, facilitating conditions and social influence where there are no effects of performance expectancy or effort expectancy. In all five cases, none of the moderators (age, gender, experience and voluntariness) in the original united theory of acceptance and use of technology model were considered critically important by IT professionals. In the present paper, all qualitative elements such as themes, patterns and overarching in the data were analysed to reach a conclusion. In addition, the various perspectives of using ICT are discussed.

Informatique médicale
Rev. latinoam. psicol ; Rev. latinoam. psicol;46(2): 111-116, mayo-ago. 2014. ilus, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-735143


En este trabajo se analiza la eficacia de las tácticas de influencia social basadas en principios psicológicos (compromiso/coherencia) y culturales (identitario, conspicuo, estatutario) para el favorecimiento de la intención de conducta proambiental. Se realizó un estudio experimental mediante un diseño factorial 2 × 5 donde las variables fueron el tipo de táctica de influencia discursiva manipulada en cada grupo experimental y el género. La variable dependiente midió la intención de conducta proambiental relacionada con la reducción del desperdicio, gasto desmedido o innecesario de agua, gas y electricidad en el hogar. Se comprobó la eficacia de las tácticas para el favorecimiento de la intención de comportamiento proambiental y se encontraron diferencias significativas entre hombres y mujeres en los mensajes basados en los principios de coherencia y consumo conspicuo.

This paper analyzes the effectiveness of social influence tactics based on both psychological (commitment/consistency), and cultural principles (identitarian, conspicuous, statutory), for favoring the intention of pro-environmental behavior. An experimental study was conducted using a 2x5 factorial design, where the variables were the type of influence tactics manipulated by discourse in each experimental group and gender. The dependent variable measured the intention of pro-environmental behavior related to reducing waste, wasteful or unnecessary expense of water, gas and electricity at home. The effectiveness of the tactics for favoring the intention of pro-environmental behavior is verified, and significant differences are found between males and females in messages based on principles of coherence and conspicuous consumption.

Fractal rev. psicol ; 26(1): 179-198, jan.-abr. 2014. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: lil-709734


Estudamos o modo de negociar a pressão provocada por personagens considerados mais ou menos poderosos/reconhecidos na sociedade perante a identificação étnica do participante. Tratamos os fenômenos segundo as teorias de influência social ou retóricas de ação social. Trabalhamos com situações simuladas de pressão para recriar experiências possíveis de interação. Participaram 207 estudantes de ensino médio de escolas públicas estaduais, identificados como negros, brancos e morenos. Os resultados indicaram retóricas/ações como recusas, aceitação e não decisão às pressões. As retóricas/ações antecipadas foram de cordialidade, interesse próprio, hostilidade, interesse do outro. Os brancos tenderam a aceitar mais a pressão de personagens poderosos e os negros, em menor proporção, a recusar. Quanto aos personagens minoritários, houve aceitação da pressão nos grupos, indicando menor controvérsia. Discutimos os resultados nos marcos da dinâmica de relações entre grupos na sociedade.(AU)

We studied the way pressure inflicted by more or less powerful/recognized people in society is negotiated by ethnically identified participants. We considered these phenomena drawing on social influence theories or social action rhetoric. We worked with simulated pressure situations in order to recreate possible experiences of interaction. 207 public high school students identified with Black, White and Mixed people took part in this research. The results showed rhetoric/action of rejection, acceptation and non decision to pressures. The rhetoric/action anticipated were those of cordiality, own interest, hostility and other's interest. Whites tended to accept more the pressure of powerful people; and Blacks, to a lesser extent, to reject it. Regarding minority people, we found that all groups accepted their pressure, pointing out there is less controversy. We discussed the results within the frame of intergroup relations in the dynamics in society.(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Environnement social , Ethnies , Négociation , Relations interpersonnelles
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-453845


Stigma is demeaning,insulting social psychology mark.In A dream of red mansions,there are a lot of description about stigma and its psychological effects.Stigma effect not only influences many people's daily life,but also determines the fate of the key figures.The stigma effects also has obvious interference on the patients' psychology during the medical treatment.Moreover,stigma also influences the effects of clinical treatment.Therefore,hospitals should create an equal,united,tolerant medical environment and atmosphere of doctor-patient communication,and promote the government and the public health system to take corresponding policy measures to improve the living conditions of persons of stigma.

Estud. psicol. (Natal) ; 18(1): 33-36, jan.-mar. 2013.
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-675798


In this paper we analysed the variety of contemporary social psychological approaches in Brazil as part of a network and of a complex common scientific system. They mutually influence each other in different ways, according to intricate patterns of approach and avoidance, of confirming agreements in various ways and, of course, also accentuating disagreements. The paper suggests that such intervention could further a mutual discussion on the role that social psychologists could play or not in the process of societal change that characterizes the Brazilian society, and on how they eventually should or should not intervene in this change. In order to dynamize even more the social psychology community in Brazil, the idea of Summer Schools could be recommended.

Neste artigo analisamos a variedade das abordagens contemporâneas da psicologia social no Brasil como parte de uma rede e de um complexo sistema científico comum. Eles se influenciam mutuamente de diferentes maneiras, de acordo com intrincados padrões de aproximação e esquiva, confirmando acordos de vários tipos e, é claro, também acentuando as divergências. O artigo sugere que tal simpósio poderia promover uma discussão sobre o papel dos psicólogos sociais no processo de mudança social que caracteriza a sociedade brasileira e, eventualmente, como eles poderiam intervir nesta mudança. A fim de dinamizar ainda mais a comunidade da Psicologia Social no Brasil, a idéia de Escolas de Verão poderia ser recomendada.

Brésil , Conflit psychologique , Psychologie sociale
Psicol. reflex. crit ; 26(1): 113-121, 2013. ilus, tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-671513


Neste estudo abordamos o comportamento alimentar de pessoas ambivalentes em contextos sociais. Apesar das evidências de que a qualidade dos alimentos pode desempenhar um papel importante, a literatura apenas tem vindo a considerar quem são os outros com quem se partilha a refeição. Os participantes comeram gomos de maçã ou batatas fritas, numa de três condições experimentais: sozinhos, em co-ação com amigos ou em co-ação com desconhecidos. Os resultados apoiam as hipóteses mostrando que os participantes mais ambivalentes são mais sensíveis aos efeitos do contexto. Entre estes, comer com amigos apenas levou apenas a um aumento no consumo batatas fritas; na presença de desconhecidos apenas aumentaram o consumo de maçã. Os resultados são articulados com teoria motivacional da facilitação social.

In this study we addressed the eating behavior of ambivalent people in different social contexts. Despite the evidence that food quality may play an important role, the literature just considers who the ones we share meals with are. Participants ate apple slices or potato chips, in one of the three experimental conditions: alone, in co-action with friends, or in co-action with strangers. The results confirm the hypothesis by showing that the more ambivalent participants are, the more sensitive to the context effects they become. Eating with friends only increased the consumption of unhealthy food (potato chips), and eating with strangers just increased healthy food consumption (apple). The outcomes are articulated with the theory of social facilitation.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Jeune adulte , Comportement alimentaire/psychologie , Facilitation sociale , Universités , Étudiants
Salud ment ; Salud ment;33(4): 325-332, jul.-ago. 2010. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-632786


Introduction Body image is a concept which involves the feelings, attitudes and perceptions people have about their own body, and is influenced by the adoption of social standards. Body image studies are used in the field of eating disorders research in order to analyze the degree of body dissatisfaction. However, most of the scales proposed to assess body image have been developed in Anglo-Saxon and European countries. Therefore, research on this topic in other socio-cultural contexts requires the standardization and validation of culturally adapted instruments. The aim of the present study was to determine and discuss the reliability and validity of a Mexican scale which measures body image. Additionally, comparisons regarding body dissatisfaction, internalization of the aesthetic ideal of thinness, social influence, age and Body Mass Index (BMI) were made between groups of female college students with and without disordered eating. Materials and methods The sample of this study comprised 508 female college students from the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, selected by means of a probabilistic stratification procedure taking into account the proportion of female students enrolled in each academic area of the university. Their average age was 20.1 years; their mean weight was 57.2 kg with an average height of 1.58 m, whereas the average BMI was 22.8. Based on the theoretical assumptions, three indicators were defined to structure the Body Image Scale: body dissatisfaction, social influence and the internalization of the aesthetic ideal of thinness, measured by a five-point Likert-type scale ranging from never (1) to always (5). A pilot study was carried out in a population of 100 college women; as a result, some adjustments were made in the instructions and in the order of the items. Additionally, a content validation was conducted through the judgments of four professional experts in the clinical mental health area. The scale contains thirty-three items; six of them refer to criticism and family pressure to maintain a slim silhouette and twelve address body dissatisfaction. The remaining fifteen items were taken from the Attitudes Towards Body Figure Questionnaire developed by Unikel, Gomez Peresmitré and Juarez. Results After using Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin's (KMO) and Bartlett's tests for establishing the factor structure of the instrument and obtaining a value of 0.94 (p<0.001), the composition of the final version of the scale consisted of twenty-six items grouped into three factors: Factor I: Body dissatisfaction, containing 10 items, with a mean of 3.1 (s.d. = 0.8), accounting for 17.9% of the variance and with a value of Cronbach's Alpha of .84. Factor II: Internalization of the aesthetic ideal of thinness, including 10 items with a mean of 3.5 (s.d.=0.9) which explained 15.2% of the variance and with a value of Cronbach's Alpha of .89. Factor III: Social influence consisted of 6 items with a mean of 3.8 (s.d.=0.8), and accounted for 9.9% of the variance and with a value of Cronbach's Alpha of .82. A discriminant analysis was performed in order to determine if there were any differences according to body image and disordered eating and to establish the predictive validity of the scale. The results indicated that 13 of the 26 items correctly classified the body image scale in 98.2% of the original grouped cases and 97.4% of the cases grouped by cross-validation. A comparative analysis using Student's t-test was conducted among students who had high and low scores in BCCAR (Brief Questionnaire to measure Risky Eating Behaviors), yielding significant differences in their scores on all three factors of the scale. This indicates that women with disordered eating show significantly higher degrees of body dissatisfaction, internalization of the aesthetic ideal of thinness and social influence than women without disorder. Discussion The results of the study showed that the Body Image Scale has acceptable levels of validity and reliability, making it an adequate instrument for differentiating between women with and without disordered eating. The results reveal that high levels of body dissatisfaction were expressed in the majority of the sample, which is consistent with a previous study performed by Baile, Raich and Garrido in Spain, where 80% of the teenage girls expressed dissatisfaction with their body image. Lamerias et al. also found that 85% of the Spanish female college students were dissatisfied with their weight. A considerable degree of internalization of the aesthetic thin body ideal was observed in the sample, as a significant percentage of the participants with body dissatisfaction referred that body weight is important for getting nice clothes and that they are willing to do anything for a slimmer body shape. Also, physical appearance and body weight are deemed necessary for feeling fine. As the difference in body image in terms of eating behaviors risk is concerned, women presenting more risk obtained higher mean scores on the body dissatisfaction, internalization of the aesthetic thin body ideal and social influence factors, which could be a consequence of their perception of disapproval and body disgust. Troisi et al. also reported having found significant negative correlations between body image satisfaction and the presence of eating disorders. The findings of the comparison between body image dissatisfaction in terms of BMI showed that women with low weight are the least satisfied, followed by the ones who present obesity. This suggests that individuals with extreme thinness tend to have greater body image dissatisfaction, whereas Mirza, Davis and Yanovsi found that persons who are overweight or obese are the most dissatisfied. Regarding the internalization of the aesthetic thin body ideal and BMI, the highest scores were obtained in underweight women, followed by the obese ones. This is consistent with what Unikel et al. refer, mentioning that a thin body is socially perceived as more attractive, and also eating less is considered to be more feminine. It is concluded that, according to the results of the study, the proposed scale constitutes an adequate instrument for measuring body image in Mexican samples. Taking some items from already validated instruments proved to be useful for integrating all dimensions of the construct. However, it is considered necessary to obtain data on concurrent validity, sensitivity and specificity values in other samples and to determine cut-off points, in order to confirm its usefulness for research on body image.

Introducción La imagen corporal es la representación mental del cuerpo que cada individuo construye en términos de sentimiento y actitudes hacia el propio cuerpo. El propósito de este estudio es: desarrollar, validar y encontrar el grado de confiabilidad de una escala para medir la imagen corporal en dos grupos de mujeres estudiantes de nivel universitario, uno con conductas alimentarias de riesgo (CAR) y otro sin ellas, así como establecer comparaciones respecto a la edad y al índice de masa corporal (IMC). Material y método El trabajo se realizó en una muestra probabilística estratificada de 508 mujeres que estudian en la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Para realizar la integración del constructo de imagen corporal se definieron tres indicadores: insatisfacción corporal, influencia social e interiorización del ideal estético de delgadez. Primero se piloteó la escala de imagen corporal compuesta por 40 reactivos aplicándose a una muestra de tipo intencional en 100 mujeres universitarias de nivel superior. Una vez modificada la escala se llevó a cabo una validación de contenido a través del método de expertos. Asimismo, para medir las conductas alimentarias de riesgo se utilizó el Cuestionario Breve para medir Conductas Alimentarias de Riesgo (CBCAR) de Unikel, Bojórquez y Carreño. Para el procesamiento de los datos se llevaron a cabo análisis de consistencia interna (Alfa de Cronbach) y análisis factorial de componentes principales con rotación varimax. Para la comparación de medias se utilizó la t de Student y para la exploración de la diferencia entre las variables de imagen corporal, una prueba de análisis de varianza (Anova de una vía) y la prueba a posteriori de Scheffé para la diferenciación entre imagen corporal, edad e IMC. Resultados La composición de la versión final de la prueba fue de 26 reactivos, integrados en tres factores: El factor I se denominó insatisfacción corporal, consta de 10 reactivos con una media de 3.1 (d.e.=0.8), un total de la varianza explicada de 17.9% y un Alfa de Cronbach de 0.84. El factor II se denominó interiorización del ideal estético de delgadez, se formó por 10 reactivos, con una media de 3.5 (d.e.=0.9), varianza explicada de 15.2% y un Alfa de Cronbach de 0.89. El factor III se denominó influencia social, se formó de seis reactivos, con una media de 3.8 (d.e =0.8), varianza explicada de 9.9% y un alfa de Cronbach de 0.82. Para observar el nivel de confiabilidad total del instrumento se realizó un análisis de consistencia interna de los 26 reactivos restantes con el cual se obtuvo un valor alfa de Cronbach de 0.94. Se llevó a cabo un análisis de comparación con la prueba t de Student la cual indicó que las mujeres con CAR mostraron mayor insatisfacción corporal, interiorización del ideal estético de la delgadez e influencia social. No se presentaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas respecto a la comparación por edad, mientras que resultaron significativas las comparaciones entre el IMC y los factores de insatisfacción corporal e interiorización del ideal estético de delgadez. Discusión La evidencia indica que la escala de medición de imagen corporal cuenta con valores de validez y confiabilidad adecuados. De la misma manera se observó una validez predictiva aceptable que permitió clasificar correctamente una elevada proporción de los casos (97.4%). Estos resultados pusieron de manifiesto que la insatisfacción corporal es un factor presente en la mayoría de la muestra estudiada. Respecto a la diferencia de medias de la imagen corporal entre mujeres que presentan CAR y las que no, se encontró que en las primeras las puntuaciones fueron mayores. En cuanto a la insatisfacción corporal y el IMC, se observó que los grupos con mayor grado de insatisfacción fueron los de las mujeres con bajo peso seguidos de las mujeres con obesidad.

Psicol. rev. (Belo Horizonte) ; 15(3): 200-215, dez. 2009.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-603489


O comprometimento organizacional é um construto complexo e polissêmico, não existindo ainda um consenso sobre a definição que mais bem o caracterize. Muitas vezes confundido com outros construtos, como satisfação, identificação e envolvimento, são raros os estudos que buscam investigar as influências sociológicas, antropológicas e psicológicas do comprometimento organizacional. Sendo assim, o presente trabalho teve por escopo apresentar algumas teorias de trocas sociais (exchange theory), compartilhamento de símbolos e relacionamento entre processos cognitivos e sociais, que podem propiciar um melhor entendimento dos vínculos que um indivíduo estabelece com sua organização. O estudo aprofundado de teorias sociais que precedem a concepção do comprometimento como um objeto de estudo do campo do comportamento organizacional é essencial para favorecer a clareza conceitual do fenômeno e indispensável para futuros estudos de validade discriminante frente a outros tipos de vínculo social.

Organizational commitment is a complex and polysemic construct, and there is no consensus about which definition best describes it. As it is often mistaken for other constructs such as job satisfaction, identification and involvement, few studies have investigated the sociological, anthropological and psychological influences of organizational commitment. Thus, the aim of this paper is to present some social exchange theories, as well as symbol sharing and the relationship between cognitive and social processes, which can provide a better understanding of the individual-organization bonds. A detailed study of some social theories that precede the conception of commitment as an object of study in the field of organizational behavior is substantial to the conceptual clarity of the phenomenon, and indispensable for future studies in discriminant validity as compared to other types of social bonds.

El compromiso organizacional es un constructo complejo y polisémico, y no hay todavía un consenso sobre la definición que mejor lo describe. A menudo se confunde con otros elementos como la satisfacción, la identificación y participación, son pocos los estudios que analizan las influencias sociológicas, antropológicas y psicológicas del compromiso organizacional. Por lo tanto, el alcance de este trabajo fue presentar algunas teorías de intercambio social, el compartir de símbolos y relaciones entre procesos cognitivos y sociales, que pueden proporcionar una mejor comprensión de los vínculos que una persona establece con su organización. El estudio detallado de las teorías sociales que preceden a la concepción de compromiso como un objeto de estudio del campo de comportamiento organizacional es esencial para promover la claridad conceptual del fenómeno e indispensable para los futuros estudios de validez discriminante en comparación con otros tipos de vínculos sociales.

Humains , Politique organisationnelle , Psychologie