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Rev. salud pública Parag ; 14(2)ago. 2024.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570047


Introducción: El estigma relacionado con la identidad sexual, especialmente entre HSH, sigue siendo un desafío importante en muchas culturas, este estigma puede aparecer de varias maneras, desde una discriminación explícita hasta estereotipos más discretos, y puede afectar negativamente la salud mental y emocional de quienes lo sufren. Objetivo: Analizar el estigma de identidad sexual y apoyo social entre los hombres que tienen sexo con otros hombres en Central y Asunción, Paraguay durante el 2024. Metodología: Estudio cualitativo, fenomenológico de tipo descriptivo y explicativo. Las categorías de análisis consideradas en este estudio fueron: a) Estigma y apoyo social en la comunidad en general, b) Divulgación de identidad sexual a la comunidad en general, c) Divulgación de identidad sexual a familiares y amigos y d) Estigma y apoyo social en la comunidad de LGBT. Resultados: Participaron del estudio, nueve HSH, donde los testimonios revelan el profundo anhelo de vivir con autenticidad y libertad. Los HSH en Paraguay desean poder ser ellos mismos sin temor a ser juzgados o rechazados, anhelan relaciones abiertas y honestas, y aspiran a una comunidad donde puedan compartir experiencias y apoyarse mutuamente Conclusión: Los HSH enfrentan obstáculos en su crecimiento y unión como comunidad. La ausencia de una comunidad fuerte y unida dificulta el apoyo mutuo y el desarrollo personal, además de la competencia y la falta de colaboración entre organizaciones e individuos crean un ambiente dividido, donde cada uno busca sus propios beneficios en lugar de trabajar juntos por el bien de todos.

Introduction: Stigma related to sexual identity, especially among MSM, remains a major challenge in many cultures, this stigma can appear in various ways, from explicit discrimination to more discreet stereotypes, and can negatively affect the mental and emotional health of those who suffer from it. Objective: Analyze the stigma of sexual identity and social support among men who have sex with other men in Central and Asunción, Paraguay during 2024. Methodology: Qualitative, Phenomenological Study of a descriptive and explanatory type. The analysis categories considered in this study were: a) Stigma and social support in the community in general, b) Disclosure of sexual identity to the community in general, c) Disclosure of sexual identity to family and friends and d) Stigma and social support in the LGBT community. Results: Nine MSM participated in the study, where the testimonies reveal the deep desire to live with authenticity and freedom. MSM in Paraguay want to be able to be themselves without fear of being judged or rejected, they long for open and honest relationships, and they aspire to a community where they can share experiences and support each other. Conclusion: MSM face obstacles in their growth and unity as a community. The absence of a strong and united community makes mutual support and personal development difficult, in addition to competition and lack of collaboration between organizations and individuals creating a divided environment, where everyone seeks their own benefits instead of working together for the good. of everyone.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(6): e02102023, Jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557536


Resumo O artigo analisa as práticas de cuidado e o processo de revelação do diagnóstico a crianças e adolescentes vivendo com HIV/Aids. Foi realizado um estudo de caso em um ambulatório localizado em um hospital público do Rio de Janeiro (RJ), através de observação participante, entrevistas semiestruturadas com profissionais de saúde e consulta a documentos produzidos pelos profissionais. A análise, baseada na sociologia de Simmel e Goffman, aponta a revelação do diagnóstico como uma marca que acompanha todo o cuidado estabelecido com os usuários e dá luz a questões como o segredo, o estigma e as possíveis compreensões acerca da condição de saúde estabelecidas. Com isso, as relações institucionalizadas contribuem para um progressivo contato com a condição de portador de um estigma e fazem existir fases de uma carreira de doente protegido pela informação.

Abstract This article analyzes practices of care and the HIV diagnosis disclosure process to children and adolescents living with HIV/AIDS. A case study was conducted in an outpatient clinic located in a public hospital in Rio de Janeiro through participant observation, semi-structured interviews with health professionals, and the consultation of documents produced by the professionals. The analysis, based on the sociology of Simmel and Goffman, points to the revelation of the diagnosis as a hallmark that accompanies all the care established with users and sheds light on issues such as secrecy, stigma and the possible understandings about the health condition established. As a result, institutionalized relationships contribute to a progressive contact with the condition of bearing a stigma and enable phases of a patient's life protected by information to exist.

Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558087


Objective: Characterize HIV/AIDS Social stigma towards people with HIV/AIDS in a sample of dentistry students from Concepción. Materials and methods: Cultural adaptation and pre-test were developed for the Stigma and HIV/AIDS Scale in dental students. Researchers collected the data from the instrument, demographic (sex/age), and academic information (course/training in HIV/AIDS, knowing a person with HIV/AIDS, provision of dental services to people living with HIV/AIDS [PLHIV]). To characterize the sample, univariate and bivariate descriptive statistics were performed with absolute and relative frequencies; the reliability of the scale was assessed with Cronbach's alpha; the relationship between the quantitative and ordinal variables was analyzed with the Spearman correlation coefficient. Results: The final sample comprised 138 dental students, whereas most of them reported not having training in HIV/AIDS nor providing dental services to PLHIV. Stigma and HIV/AIDS Scale showed good reliability. Two items expressing that PLHIV must disclose their condition to health professionals so they can take precautions have the highest values. A weak inverse correlation was found between Stigma and the variables age and course. Conclusions: Dental school students from Universidad of Concepción have a low social stigma towards people with HIV/AIDS. Items regarding professional practice showed higher stigma levels.

Invest. educ. enferm ; 42(1): 69-92, 20240408. tab, ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1554621


Objective. To determinate the educational interventions for reducing the stigma caused by HIV worldwide. Methods. This scoping review study analyzed all papers published from early 2000 to the end of 2022 by searching all the scientific databases, Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, Cochrane, Embase and CINHAL. The quality assessment of the papers was done using the ROBIS tool checklist. Results. 31papers were admitted to the scoping review process. Stigma reduction intervention was founded on three parts: Society, health and therapeutic services providers, and the patients who had HIV and their families. The interventions included education on the reduction of fear, and shame, observation of protective standards, conducting tests and treatment at the above levels, as well as the support provided by the society, policymakers, religious leaders and families of patients in economic, psychological and cultural terms, together with the establishment of social centres and organization of campaigns. Conclusion. The stigma associated with HIV is a significant obstacle before treatment, life expectancy and living quality of patients. Therefore, the stigma associated with this disease can be reduced, and the living quality of patients can be raised using approaches such as education of healthcare service providers and afflicted people, as well as economic, social, cultural, and psychological support.

Objetivo. Determinar las intervenciones educativas para reducir el estigma causado por el VIH en todo el mundo. Métodos. Revisión de alcance en el que se analizaron los artículos publicados desde 2000 a 2022 recuperados en las bases de datos científicas Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, Cochrane, Embase y CINHAL. La evaluación de la calidad de los artículos se realizó mediante la lista de comprobación de la herramienta ROBIS. Resultados. Se admitieron 31 artículos. Las intervenciones para la reducción del estigma se basaron principalmente en tres componentes: La sociedad, los proveedores de los servicios de salud, y los pacientes con VIH y sus familias. Las intervenciones incluyeron la educación sobre la reducción del miedo y la vergüenza, la observación de las normas de protección, la realización de pruebas y el tratamiento en los niveles de atención, así como el apoyo prestado por la sociedad, los responsables políticos, los líderes religiosos y las familias de los pacientes en términos económicos, psicológicos y culturales, junto con la creación de centros sociales y la organización de campañas. Conclusión. El estigma asociado al VIH es un obstáculo importante ante el tratamiento, la esperanza y la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Por lo tanto, es posible reducir el estigma asociado a esta enfermedad y elevar la calidad de vida de los pacientes mediante enfoques como la educación de los proveedores de servicios sanitarios y de las personas afectadas; así como el apoyo económico, social, cultural y sicológico.

Objetivo. Analisar as intervenções educacionais implementadas para reduzir o estigma relacionado ao HIV. Métodos. A revisão de escopo analisou artigos publicados de 2000 a 2022 recuperados dos bancos de dados científicos Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, Cochrane, Embase e CINHAL. A avaliação da qualidade dos artigos foi realizada usando a lista de verificação da ferramenta ROBIS. Resultados.31 artigos foram admitidos. As intervenções para redução do estigma baseavam-se principalmente em três componentes: Sociedade, prestadores de serviços de saúde e pacientes com HIV e suas famílias. As intervenções incluíram educação sobre a redução do medo e da vergonha, adesão a normas de proteção, testagem e tratamento nos níveis de atendimento, bem como apoio fornecido pela sociedade, formuladores de políticas, líderes religiosos e familiares dos pacientes em termos econômicos, psicológicos e culturais, juntamente com a criação de centros sociais e a organização de campanhas. Conclusão. O estigma associado ao HIV é um grande obstáculo ao tratamento, à esperança e à qualidade de vida dos pacientes. Portanto, é importante reduzir o estigma associado a esta doença e aumentar a qualidade de vida dos pacientes através de abordagens como a educação dos prestadores de cuidados de saúde e das pessoas afetadas; bem como apoio económico, social, cultural e psicológico.

Humains , Éducation pour la santé , VIH (Virus de l'Immunodéficience Humaine) , Stigmate social , Revue systématique
Rev. chil. nutr ; 51(2)abr. 2024.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559706


Antecedentes: El aumento de la obesidad ha llevado a una mayor estigmatización, con impactos en la salud psicológica y social de las víctimas. La estigmatización por peso puede expresarse en las creencias respecto al control de la obesidad. Escasos estudios han explorado el rol de la victimización por peso corporal y las creencias hacia otras personas con obesidad. Objetivo: Analizar la asociación entre la victimización por peso corporal y características de estudiantes universitarios, en relación con las creencias hacia personas con obesidad. Métodos: Estudio transversal con 281 estudiantes de Santiago, Chile. Los participantes completaron un cuestionario online con la escala Beliefs about Obese Persons Scale (BAOP), preguntas sobre discriminación por su peso corporal, y características personales. La escala BAOP fue validada mediante entrevistas cognitivas (N=8) y análisis de consistencia interna (α-Cronbach=0,814). Los resultados se analizaron con las pruebas U Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis y Chi-cuadrado. Resultados: La mayoría de los estudiantes creían que la obesidad es controlable por las personas que la padecen, pero aquellos que reportaron victimización por peso en lugares como el hogar y la universidad presentaron menores creencias sobre la controlabilidad de la obesidad (p<0,05). No se reportaron diferencias en las creencias hacia personas con obesidad según características personales, exceptuando entre los hombres de distinta cohorte de estudios. Conclusión: Este estudio indica que las víctimas de estigmatización de peso tienden a presentar menores creencias respecto a la controlabilidad de la obesidad. Futuras intervenciones debiesen incorporar estrategias para reducir los sesgos de peso entre estudiantes universitarios en formación.

Background: The rise in obesity prevalence has led to increased weight stigmatization, impacting the psychological and social health of those affected. Weight stigma can manifest in beliefs regarding individuals' control over their obesity. Few studies have explored the role of weight-based victimization and beliefs towards individuals with obesity. Objective: To analyze the association between weight-based victimization and university students' characteristics, with beliefs toward individuals with obesity. Methods: Cross-sectional study involving 281 students in Santiago, Chile. Participants completed an online questionnaire including the Beliefs about Obese Persons Scale (BAOP), questions about weight-based discrimination, and personal characteristics. The BAOP scale was validated through cognitive interviews (N=8) and internal consistency analysis (α-Cronbach=0,814). Results were analyzed using U Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, and Chi-square tests. Results: Most students believed that obesity is controllable by those affected, but those who reported weight-based victimization in places such as home and university exhibited lower beliefs about the controllability of obesity (p<0,05). No differences in beliefs towards individuals with obesity were reported based on personal characteristics, except among male students in different study cohorts. Conclusion: This study identifies that victims of weight bias tend to exhibit lower beliefs regarding the controllability of obesity. Future interventions should incorporate strategies to reduce weight biases among university students in training.

RECIIS (Online) ; 18(1)jan.-mar. 2024.
Article de Portugais | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1553550


O presente estudo parte de reflexões acerca da sobrevivência ao câncer e da experiência estigmatizante vivenciada por pessoas diagnosticadas com câncer de laringe no Hospital Nacional do Câncer/Instituto Nacional do Câncer, submetidas à cirurgia de Laringectomia Total e participantes do Grupo de Laringec-tomizados Totais. O objetivo foi compreender as mediações de saberes e de informações produzidas pelos participantes do grupo na interface com os profissionais de saúde, considerando a sua dupla condição de estigma: o câncer e a deficiência. Parte-se de uma abordagem socioantropológica de caráter qualitativo e ex-ploratório que empregou os métodos de entrevista narrativa com cinco participantes. A análise foi realizada pelo método hermenêutico-dialético. Nos resultados destacam-se a busca pelo reconhecimento individual e social e a valorização da experiência frente aos saberes oficiais e o quanto as mediações extrapolam o espaço institucional. A mediação de saberes faz emergirem elementos significativos para o enfrentamento de uma cultura informacional dominante.

This study is based on reflections on surviving cancer and the stigmatizing experience of people diagnosed with laryngeal cancer at the Hospital Nacional do Câncer/Instituto Nacional do Câncer, who underwent Total Laryngectomy surgery and participated in the Total Laryngectomy Group. The goal was to understand the mediations of knowledge and information produced by the group participants, in the interface with health professionals, considering their double condition of stigma: cancer and disability. It is based on a socio-anthropological approach, of qualitative and exploratory nature that employed the narrative interview method with five participants. The analysis was carried out through the hermeneutic-dialectic method. The results highlight the search for individual and social recognition and the appreciation of experience in relation to official knowledge, and how the mediations go beyond the institutional space. The mediation of knowledge brings out significant elements to confront a dominant informational culture.

El presente estudio se basa en las reflexiones sobre la supervivencia al cáncer y la experiencia estigmatiza-dora de personas diagnosticadas de cáncer de laringe en el Hospital Nacional do Câncer/Instituto Nacional do Câncer, que se sometieron a una Laringectomía Total y participaron en el Grupo de Laringectomía Total. Objetivo: comprender las mediaciones de conocimiento e información producidas por los participantes del grupo, en la interfaz con los profesionales de salud, considerando su doble estigma: cáncer y discapacidad. Se basa en un abordaje socioantropológico, cualitativo y exploratorio, que utilizó métodos de entrevista narrativa con cinco participantes. El análisis ocurrió a través del método hermenéutico-dialéctico. Los resultados destacan la búsqueda de reconocimiento individual y social y la valorización de la experiencia en relación con el conocimiento oficial y la medida en que las mediaciones van más allá del espacio insti-tucional. La mediación del conocimiento pone de manifiesto elementos significativos sobre una cultura informacional dominante.

Trachéostomie , Tumeurs du larynx , Communication sur la santé , Analyse de médiation , Politique de santé , Laryngectomie , Politique publique , Facteurs socioéconomiques , Ostomie , Survivants du cancer , Oncologie médicale
DST j. bras. doenças sex. transm ; 36: e24361409, 15 fev. 2024. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570783


Introduction: Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) pose a significant public health challenge in contemporary society, exacerbated by evolving sexual behaviors and societal shifts. Despite advancements in medical science, the prevalence of STIs continues to rise, necessitating a multifaceted approach to combat this epidemic. This opinion article examines the prospect of addressing the surge in STIs through a comprehensive strategy that encompasses educational reforms, destigmatization efforts, enhanced resource accessibility, and technological innovations. Objective: The primary objective of this article is to underscore the urgency of implementing a comprehensive approach to combat the escalating rates of STIs. By elucidating the limitations of existing educational frameworks and societal attitudes towards STIs, this article seeks to advocate for transformative measures that bridge the educational gap and foster a more informed and empowered populace capable of preventing and managing STIs effectively. Methods: This opinion piece is based on existing literature on STIs, educational strategies, and public health interventions to formulate a comprehensive approach to addressing the STI epidemic. Drawing upon empirical evidence and expert opinions, the article identifies key areas for intervention and proposes actionable recommendations for stakeholders, including policymakers, educators, healthcare providers, and community leaders. Results: The analysis underscores the pressing need for a paradigm shift in STI education and prevention efforts. Current educational modalities often fail to resonate with modern sexual behaviors and perpetuate the stigma surrounding STIs, impeding effective prevention and treatment initiatives. By adopting a comprehensive approach that integrates accurate information, destigmatization campaigns, enhanced access to resources, and innovative technologies, significant strides can be made in curbing the spread of STIs and promoting sexual health and well-being. Conclusion: In conclusion, combating the surge in STIs demands a concerted effort to bridge the educational gap and address the root causes of the epidemic. By embracing a comprehensive approach that acknowledges the complexities of modern sexuality, destigmatizes STIs, and empowers individuals with knowledge and resources, we can pave the way toward a healthier and more sexually literate society. Policymakers, healthcare professionals, educators, and community stakeholders must collaborate to enact meaningful change and mitigate the profound impact of STIs on public health and well-being. (AU)

Introdução: As infecções sexualmente transmissíveis (IST) representam um desafio significativo de saúde pública na sociedade contemporânea, exacerbado pela evolução dos comportamentos sexuais e pelas mudanças sociais. Apesar dos avanços na ciência médica, a prevalência de IST continua a aumentar, havendo necessidade de uma abordagem multifacetada para combater esta epidemia. Este artigo de opinião examina a perspectiva de abordar o aumento das IST por meio de uma estratégia abrangente, que engloba reformas educativas, esforços de desestigmatização, maior acessibilidade aos recursos e inovações tecnológicas. Objetivo: O objetivo principal deste artigo é sublinhar a urgência de implementar uma abordagem abrangente para combater as taxas crescentes de IST. Ao elucidar as limitações dos quadros educativos existentes e das atitudes da sociedade em relação às IST, este artigo procura defender medidas transformadoras que colmatem a lacuna educacional e promovam uma população mais informada e capacitada, capaz de prevenir e gerir eficazmente as IST. Métodos: Este artigo de opinião baseia-se na literatura existente sobre IST, estratégias educativas e intervenções de saúde pública para formular uma abordagem abrangente para enfrentar a epidemia de IST. Com base em evidências empíricas e opiniões de especialistas, o artigo identifica áreas-chave de intervenção e propõe recomendações práticas para as partes interessadas, incluindo decisores políticos, educadores, prestadores de cuidados de saúde e líderes comunitários. Resultados: A análise sublinha a necessidade premente de uma mudança de paradigma na educação e nos esforços de prevenção das IST. As atuais modalidades educativas, muitas vezes, não conseguem repercutir nos comportamentos sexuais modernos e perpetuam o estigma em torno das IST, impedindo iniciativas eficazes de prevenção e tratamento. Ao adotar uma abordagem abrangente que integre informações precisas, campanhas de desestigmatização, maior acesso aos recursos e tecnologias inovadoras, podem ser feitos avanços significativos na contenção da propagação das IST e na promoção da saúde sexual e do bem-estar. Conclusão:Em conclusão, o combate ao aumento das IST exige um esforço concertado para colmatar o fosso educativo e abordar as causas profundas da epidemia. Ao adotarmos uma abordagem abrangente que reconheça as complexidades da sexualidade moderna, desestigmatize as IST e capacite os indivíduos com conhecimentos e recursos, podemos preparar o caminho para uma sociedade mais saudável e com maior literacia sexual. Os decisores políticos, os profissionais de saúde, os educadores e as partes interessadas da comunidade devem colaborar para implementar mudanças significativas e mitigar o impacto profundo das IST na saúde pública e no bem-estar. (AU)

Humains , Éducation sexuelle , Stigmate social , Maladies sexuellement transmissibles , Éducation de la Population
Salud ment ; 47(1): 35-43, Jan.-Feb. 2024. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560493


Abstract Introduction Reproductive autonomy enables a person to freely decide their life plan, including sexual and reproductive health. However, its exercise can be constrained by health determinants and other structural conditions. Knowing the background of women who undergo a Legal Interruption of Pregnancy (LIP) helps identify patterns of inequality and their impact on the exercise of reproductive autonomy. Objective To analyze the profile of women who legally terminate a pregnancy in Mexico City. Method Latent class analysis, with the participation of 274 women who terminated a first trimester pregnancy at a public facility. Results Model of two latent classes: adult (68.34%) and young women (31.65%). Stigma was the predictor variable for class; the higher the score, the lower the probability of belonging to the adult group (p = .019). Adult women were characterized by having lower educational attainment, engaging in unpaid activities, having at least one child, and having had previous abortions, having experienced intimate partner violence in the past twelve months and reporting that their partners did not agree with the interruption of their pregnancy. Young women were students, partnered and reported that their partners had agreed with them to request an abortion. Discussion and conclusion Despite the legal changes effected, stigma is still present in the abortion demand and access, particularly for women with certain characteristics. It would be useful to include interventions to reduce stigma in counseling, using an approach based on previous experience.

Resumen Introducción El ejercicio de la autonomía reproductiva permite tomar decisiones libres sobre el plan de vida incluyendo la salud sexual y reproductiva. Las determinantes de la salud y otros condicionantes estructurales pueden obstaculizar su ejercicio. Conocer los antecedentes de las mujeres que realizan una Interrupción Legal del Embarazo contribuye a determinar patrones de desigualdad y su impacto sobre el ejercicio de la autonomía reproductiva. Objetivo Analizar el perfil de mujeres que interrumpen legalmente un embarazo en la Ciudad de México. Método Análisis de clases latentes, participaron 274 mujeres que interrumpieron un embarazo de primer trimestre en un servicio público. Resultados Modelo de dos clases latentes: adultas (68.34%) y jóvenes (31.65%). El estigma fue la variable predictora de la clase; a mayor puntaje menor probabilidad de pertenecer al grupo de adultas (p = .019). Para las adultas se caracterizaron por tener menor escolaridad, actividades no remuneradas, tener al menos un hijo y abortos previos, experimentaron violencia de pareja en los últimos doce meses y reportaron que su pareja no estuvo de acuerdo con la interrupción. Las jóvenes eran estudiantes, tenían pareja y reportaron que habían acordado con ella solicitar el aborto. Discusión y conclusión A pesar de los cambios legales, el estigma está presente en la demanda y el acceso a los servicios de aborto y resulta particularmente relevante en mujeres con ciertas características. Sería oportuno incluir en la consejería intervenciones para disminuirlo buscando un enfoque centrado en las experiencias previas.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016982


Objective To explore the mediating effect of health-promoting lifestyle on the relationship between health literacy and stigma among middle-aged and elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Methods A stratified random sampling method was used to select 415 patients with T2DM from three general hospitals in Weifang to conduct a questionnaire survey using the Disease Stigma Assessment Scale for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DSAS-2), the Health Literacy Scale, and the Type 2 Diabetes Health Promotion Scale (T2DHPS). Results Sickness stigma was negatively correlated with health literacy (r=-0.547, P<0.01) and negatively correlated with health promotion (r=-0.505, P<0.01), while health promotion was positively correlated with health literacy (r=0.398, P<0.01). Health-promoting lifestyle mediated the association between health literacy and stigma (β=0.0383, P<0.01), with the mediating effect accounting for 16.00% of the total effect. Conclusion Health literacy can influence the stigma of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus through health promotion lifestyle, suggesting that the stigma of patients with diabetes can be improved through health promotion lifestyle intervention.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020474


Objective:To explore the influencing factors of stigma and to construct a nomogram model for stigma perceptionin enterostomy patients. The basis for prevention of stigmatization in enterostomy patients.Methods:This was a prospective survey. By convenient sampling, 300 with enterostomy patients from the stoma clinic of the Sixth Medical Center of PLA General Hospital from March 2022 to July 2023 were investigated. Univariate analysis and logistic regression were explored the risk factors of stigma.R 4.2.2 software was constructed a nomogram to achieve the visualization display. Using receiver operating characteristic curve, Hosmer-Leme show test and calibration curves tested model predictive performance.Results:Totally 284 valid questionnaires were ultimately collected, including 161 males and 123 females. There were 21 cases aged 20-40, 117 cases aged 41-60, and 146 cases aged 60 and above. The incidence of stigma among 284 patients was 69.37% (197/284). Predictive model was constructed and validated based on six risk factors: fecal status ( OR=0.63, 95% CI 0.42-0.95), level of accept from spouse ( OR=0.56, 95% CI 0.34-0.94), body image change ( OR=0.51, 95% CI 0.28-0.91), effectiveness of WeChat platform ( OR=0.31, 95% CI 0.13-0.78), support from friends ( OR=0.34, 95% CI 0.14-0.82), confidence diet ( OR=0.37, 95% CI 0.19-0.71). The area under the ROC curve of the modeling group was 0.837, with a sensitivity of 0.923 and a specificity of 0.649. The area under the ROC curve of the validation group was 0.841, with a sensitivity of 0.846 and a specificity of 0.740. Conclusions:This study had a good prediction effect in constructing a model. The model can provide reference for medical staff to quickly identify the risk of stigma and in a timely manner take preventive management measuresin enterostomy patients.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 654-662, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012957


Discrimination against patients with mental disorders and the resulting stigma will not only affect patients’ medical treatment, but also bring about community isolation and lack of resources. Mental health problems have become a major public health problem and a prominent social problem. From the perspective of bioethics, the existence of public mental disorders stigma violates the principles of justice and respect. This paper quantitatively described the status quo of public mental disorders stigma in China, and explored its influencing factors through factor analysis and binary logistic regression analysis. The public stigma of mental disorders score was (54.64±11.048). Factor analysis extracted 4 common factors, namely isolation, pain, contact, and empathy, with a cumulative explained variance of 68.948%. The results showed that age and contact history were the main factors affecting the public stigma of mental disorders. It is recommended to reduce discrimination by enhancing understanding and improving empathy. Specifically, it is to implement the personal liability for discrimination through ethical regulation and legal construction, and strengthen the concept of a community of shared future for mankind by creating a tolerant social atmosphere, so as to achieve an appropriate balance between public safety and individual rights and interests.

Ibom Medical Journal ; 17(2): 264-274, 2024. figures, tables
Article de Anglais | AIM | ID: biblio-1554925


Background: Mental health challenges particularly depression is common among people living with HIV/AIDS and has been largely neglected. This is of great concern because depression is associated with high morbidity among its sufferers. An assessment of depression among PLWHAand its predictors will enhance their quality of life and improve their health outcomes. Aim:To determine the prevalence and determinants of depression among patients attending the adult HIV clinic in University of Uyo Teaching Hospital, Uyo, Nigeria. Method: This was a cross-sectional descriptive study conducted at the adult HIV outpatient clinic of University of Uyo Teaching Hospital Uyo. A total of three hundred and fifty-one eligible respondents were recruited over three months. Their levels of perceived social support, depression, HIV stigma and substance abuse were assessed using the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ 9), Internalized AIDS-related Stigma Scale and CAGE questionnaire respectively. Results:The mean age of the respondents was 39.8 ± 10.7 years. Two hundred and sixty six (75.8%) of the respondents were females, while eighty-five (24.2%) were males. The overall prevalence of depression was 10%. Majority of respondents had disclosed their status and were experiencing HIV stigmatization representing 84.6% and 95.4% respectively. Most of the respondents (65.8%) had low 2perceived social support. Depression was found to be statistically associated with unskilled workers (χ= 2213.08, p = 0.008), unmarried respondents (χ= 8.45, p = 0.03), low perceived social support (χ= 7.76, p = 220.02), shorter duration of ART use (χ= 8.41, p = 0.04), adverse life events (χ= 4.05, p = 0.04) and 2increasing levels of HIV stigma (χ= 7.66, p = 0.02) among the study participants. Conclusion: The findings of this study showed that the prevalence of depression in PLWHA was high. Therefore, the screening and prompt treatment of depression in HIV positive persons should be inculcated into their management plan. Furthermore, policies should be made to minimize discrimination and stigmatization of PLWHA in the communities and healthcare systems. Finally, the relevant stakeholders should work in unison to improve the social welfare conditions of HIV infected persons.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Soutien social , Infections à VIH , Santé mentale , Dépression , Hôpitaux d'enseignement , Prévalence , Études transversales , Stigmate social
Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 37: eAPE02361, 2024.
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1519814


Resumo Objetivo Compreender a percepção do acesso e da qualidade da alimentação para a população em situação de rua. Métodos Estudo descritivo qualitativo, realizado em um Centro de Referência da População de Rua na região centro-sul de Belo Horizonte (MG). Utilizou-se roteiro semiestruturado para a realização das entrevistas de 18 participantes. A coleta de dados ocorreu entre dezembro de 2020 e janeiro de 2021. A análise temática do material, proposta por Bardin, possibilitou a elaboração de três categorias empíricas. Resultados O público entrevistado era masculino, com idade média de 43 anos e tempo médio de situação de rua de 44,6 meses. O acesso à alimentação foi proveniente das doações de alimentos, refeições em instituições governamentais e aquisições ao dispor de renda. Foram relatadas dificuldades quanto à quantidade e qualidade dos alimentos, à aquisição das refeições nos fins de semana, aos sentimentos de medo e angústia perante a fome, à falta do alimento e pelo estigma social, agravados pela COVID-19. Conclusão Diante do cenário de iniquidades sociais, o direito ao acesso à alimentação não é garantido, sendo necessária a implementação de políticas públicas de proteção social que garantam os direitos básicos.

Resumen Objetivo Comprender la percepción del acceso y de la calidad de la alimentación según personas en situación de calle. Métodos Estudio descriptivo cualitativo, realizado en un Centro de Referencia de Personas de la Calle en la región centro-sur de Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais). Se utilizó un guion semiestructurado para realizar entrevistas a 18 participantes. La recopilación de datos se realizó entre diciembre de 2020 y enero de 2021. El análisis temático del material, propuesto por Bardin, permitió la elaboración de tres categorías empíricas. Resultados El público entrevistado era masculino, de 43 años de edad promedio y tiempo promedio de situación de calle de 44,6 meses. El acceso a la alimentación fue proveniente de donaciones de alimentos, comidas en instituciones gubernamentales y adquisiciones al disponer de ingresos. Las personas relataron dificultades con relación a la cantidad y calidad de los alimentos, a la adquisición de comida los fines de semana, a los sentimientos de miedo y angustia ante el hambre, a la falta de alimentos y al estigma social, agravados por el COVID-19. Conclusión Ante el escenario de iniquidades sociales, el derecho al acceso a la alimentación no está garantizado, por lo cual es necesario implementar políticas públicas de protección social que garanticen los derechos básicos.

Abstract Objective To understand the perception of access to food and food quality for the street population. Methods This qualitative descriptive study was performed in a Reference Center for the Homeless Population in the south-central region of Belo Horizonte (MG). A semi-structured script was used to conduct interviews with 18 participants. Data collection occurred between December 2020 and January 2021. The thematic analysis of the material, as proposed by Bardin, made it possible to elaborate three empirical categories. Results The public interviewed was male, with a mean age of 43 years, and a mean time on the streets of 44.6 months. Access to food came from donations, meals at government institutions, and acquisition when income was available. Difficulties were reported regarding the quantity and quality of food, acquisition of meals on weekends, feelings of fear and anguish in the face of hunger, lack of food, and social stigma, which were aggravated by COVID-19. Conclusion As in this scenario of social inequalities the access to food is not guaranteed, implementing public policies of social protection is necessary to guarantee basic rights.

Demetra (Rio J.) ; 19: 73615, 2024. tab, ilus
Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532683


Introdução:O estigma relacionado ao peso corporal, presente entre profissionais e estudantes da área da saúde, prejudica a saúde e o cuidado de pessoas com sobrepeso e obesidade, e deve ser combatido. Objetivo:Este artigo visa relatar os resultados obtidos por meio da aplicação de um curso educativo sobre estigma relacionado ao peso corporal e o cuidado em saúde. Métodos:A aplicação ocorreu com 11 profissionais de saúde e teve desenho misto. No componente quantitativo, foi realizada análise estatística dos resultados iniciais e finais obtidos por meio da Escala de Atitudes Antiobesidade (AFAT), com realização de teste t pareado (nível de significância de p ≤ 0,05). No componente qualitativo, foi realizada análise de conteúdo temática de uma atividade final dissertativa sobre ideias que ficaram marcadas a partir do curso. Feedbacksestruturados a respeito da qualidade do material foram preenchidos. Resultados:As análises estatísticas não identificaram alterações entre os valores iniciais e finais da AFAT (p >0,05), com escore geral médio inicial de 0,418 e final de 0,419. Cinco temas emergiram da análise de conteúdo, os quais demonstram aprendizagem quanto à multifatorialidade da obesidade; reconhecimento de implicações interseccionais; compreensão dos impactos do estigma no cuidado em saúde; estímulo ao pensamento crítico; e considerações sobre o curso, no geral, bem avaliado de forma consistente. Conclusão:O instrumento quantitativo não indicou mudança; contudo, as análises qualitativas demonstram que o curso promoveu compreensão ampliada sobre os temas discutidos, bem como a reflexão e a autocrítica das/os profissionais.

Introduction:Weight stigma, present among health professionals and students, harms the health and healthcare of people with overweight and obesity and must be combated. Objective:This article aims to report the results obtained through a test application of an educational course on weight stigma and healthcare. Methods:The test was carried out with 11 healthcare professionals and had a mixed design. In the quantitative component, statistical analysis was carried out on the initial and final results obtained using theAntifat Attitudes Scale (AFAT), with a paired t test (significance level of p ≤ 0.05). In the qualitative component, a thematic content analysis was carried out with data produced in a final dissertation activity about ideas that were highlighted from thecourse. Structured feedback regarding the quality of the material was completed. Results:Statistical analyzes did not identify changes between initial and final AFAT values (p >0.05), with an initial overall average score of 0.418 and final of 0.419. Five themes emerged from the content analysis, which demonstrate learning regarding the multifactorial nature of obesity; recognition of intersectional implications; understanding of impacts of stigma on health care; stimulation of critical thinking; and considerations about the course, overall, consistently well evaluated. Conclusion: The quantitative instrument did not indicate change, however, qualitative analysis indicated that the course promoted expanded understanding of the topics discussed, as well as reflection and self-criticism by professionals.

Humains , Attitude du personnel soignant , Personnel de santé/enseignement et éducation , Formation continue , Surpoids , Stigmate social , Obésité , Brésil
Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 37: eAPE00573, 2024. graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1563628


Resumo Objetivo Analisar o estigma evidenciado nas percepções de médicas e enfermeiras sobre o pré-natal de homens transexuais. Métodos Estudo qualitativo desenvolvido com nove profissionais de saúde (seis enfermeiras e três médicas) atuantes em Unidades de Saúde da Família em um município na Bahia. Foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade, submetidas à Análise Temática Reflexiva e interpretação baseada na teoria do estigma e do conceito de cisheteronormatividade. Resultados Foram derivados dois temas que explicitaram o estabelecimento de rótulos e estereótipos ao corpo, mente e identidade de gênero do homem trans grávido: (des)preparo profissional e distanciamento das demandas e perspectivas cisheteronormativas para o cuidado pré-natal de homens trans. Elementos do estigma evidenciados: afastamento, rótulos, estereótipo, descrédito e discriminação. Tais elementos (percepções estigmatizantes) se manifestaram dentro da lógica da normalidade e equiparação cisgênero das necessidades de saúde dos homens trans no contexto pré-natal. Conclusão Há estigma na percepção de médicas e enfermeiras sobre o pré-natal de homens trans. A estigmatização pode impactar negativamente a qualidade do pré-natal e da saúde e segurança de homens trans no ciclo gravídico puerperal, antecipando pensamentos, atitudes e práticas que contribuem para a deteriorar a identidade transmasculina na gestação.

Resumen Objetivo Analizar el estigma constatado en las percepciones de médicas y enfermeras sobre el control prenatal de hombres transexuales. Métodos Estudio cualitativo llevado a cabo con nueve profesionales de la salud (seis enfermeras y tres médicas) que trabajan en Unidades de Salud de la familia en un municipio del estado de Bahia. Se realizaron entrevistas en profundidad, que fueron sometidas al análisis temático reflexivo e interpretación con base en la teoría del estigma y del concepto de cisheteronormatividad. Resultados Se derivaron dos temas que explicitaron el establecimiento de rótulos y estereotipos del cuerpo, mente e identidad de género de hombres trans embarazados: (falta de) preparación profesional y distanciamiento de las demandas y perspectivas cisheteronormativas para el cuidado prenatal de hombres trans. Se constataron los siguientes elementos del estigma: distanciamiento, rótulos, estereotipos, descrédito y discriminación. Tales elementos (las percepciones estigmatizantes) se manifestaron dentro de la lógica de la normalidad y equivalencia cisgénero de las necesidades de salud de los hombres trans en el contexto del control prenatal. Conclusión Existe un estigma en la percepción de médicas y enfermeras sobre el control prenatal de hombres trans. La estigmatización puede impactar negativamente en la calidad del control prenatal y de la salud y seguridad de hombres trans durante el embarazo y el puerperio, y puede anticipar pensamientos, actitudes y prácticas que contribuyen al deterioro de la identidad transmasculina en el embarazo.

Abstract Objective To analyze the stigma evidenced in doctors' and nurses' perception regarding prenatal care for transgender men. Methods A qualitative study developed with nine health professionals (six nurses and three doctors) working in Family Health Units in a municipality in Bahia. In-depth interviews were carried out, subjected to reflective thematic analysis and interpretation based on the theory of social stigma and the concept of cisheteronormativity. Results Two topics were derived that explained the establishment of labels and stereotypes on the body, mind and gender identity of pregnant trans men: professional (un)preparedness and distancing from cisheteronormative demands and perspectives for prenatal care for trans men. Elements of stigma observed were distance, labels, stereotype, discredit and discrimination. Such elements (stigmatizing perceptions) manifested themselves within the logic of normality and cisgender equality of trans men's health needs in the prenatal context. Conclusion There is stigma in doctors' and nurses' perception regarding prenatal care for trans men. Stigmatization can negatively impact the quality of prenatal care and trans men's health and safety in the pregnancy and puerperal cycle, anticipating thoughts, attitudes and practices that contribute to the deterioration of transmasculine identity during pregnancy.

Physis (Rio J.) ; 34: e34023, 2024. tab, graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564905


Resumo O estigma da obesidade, também popularmente chamado de gordofobia, é uma realidade atual e sua superação é um desafio complexo. As concepções negativas acerca do excesso de peso também se encontram presentes entre profissionais de saúde, prejudicando a assistência prestada e trazendo danos ainda maiores na saúde de pacientes com obesidade. O objetivo do artigo é apresentar o processo de desenvolvimento de uma intervenção para redução do estigma da obesidade voltada para profissionais de saúde, que utilizou como referencial teórico o protocolo Mapeamento de Intervenções. Descreveu-se como foi realizada a avaliação de necessidades e detalharam-se as etapas referentes ao desenho e à produção da intervenção, tendo como produto final um protocolo de intervenção para redução do estigma da obesidade em profissionais de saúde pronto para ser implementado. O protocolo tem carga horária total de 20h, organizado em dez módulos, cada um com a descrição do formato e duração, objetivo, conteúdo, estratégias pedagógicas, materiais, referências e resultados esperados. O produto final representa uma contribuição para a área de saúde, que tem a intervenção elaborada minuciosamente sobre um arcabouço teórico, passível de ser aplicada e reaplicada em diferentes contextos.

Abstract The stigma of obesity, also popularly called fatphobia, is a current reality and overcoming it is a complex challenge. Negative conceptions about being overweight are also present among health professionals, compromising the care provided and causing even greater damage to the health of obese patients. The article aims to present the process of developing an intervention to reduce the stigma of obesity aimed at health professionals, which used the Intervention Mapping protocol as a theoretical framework. It was described how the needs assessment was carried out and the steps relating to the design and production of the intervention were detailed, with the final product being an intervention protocol to reduce the stigma of obesity in healthcare professionals ready to be implemented. The protocol has a total workload of 20 hours, organized into ten modules, each with a description of the format and duration, objective, content, pedagogical strategies, materials, references and expected results. The final product represents a contribution to the health area, with the intervention being meticulously elaborated on a theoretical framework, capable of being applied and reapplied in different contexts.

Saúde Soc ; 33(1): e220842pt, 2024.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536853


Resumo O ativismo gordo tem como objetivo unir e mobilizar pessoas gordas, a fim de romper com a inviabilização de seus corpos e denunciar a gordofobia. Há algum tempo, o ativismo vem impulsionando a expressão "gordofobia médica" para denunciar a opressão vivenciada dentro dos serviços de saúde. Este artigo tem como objetivo compreender o termo, a partir da percepção de pessoas gordas. É uma pesquisa qualitativa, com dados coletados por meio de um questionário virtual direcionado a pessoas gordas ou ex-gordas, que alcançou 515 respondentes de todas as regiões do Brasil. Os dados foram analisados utilizando a análise temática, com a criação de seis categorias. Entre os principais resultados, pode-se compreender que a gordofobia médica envolve: despreparo, desrespeito e autoritarismo; reprodução de estereótipos, repulsa e preconceito, desumanização da pessoa gorda, diagnóstico superficial e generalizante, desprezo da queixa, foco no peso e negligência, e precarização do acesso e dos cuidados em saúde. Conclui-se que o estudo auxilia na compreensão do termo gordofobia médica, o que facilita o seu reconhecimento e prevenção na área da saúde.

Abstract Fat activism aims to unite and mobilize fat people to break with the impracticability of these bodies and denounce fatphobia. For some time now, activism has been pushing the expression "medical fatphobia" to denounce the oppression experienced by fat people within health services. This article aims to understand the term, from the perspective of fat people. This is a qualitative research, with data were collected via a virtual questionnaire aimed at fat or formerly fat people, which reached 515 respondents from all regions of Brazil. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis, with the creation of six categories. Among the main results, it can be understood that medical fatphobia involves: unpreparedness, disrespect and authoritarianism; reproduction of stereotypes, disgust and prejudice; dehumanization of the fat person; superficial and generalizing diagnosis; dismissal of the complaint, focus on weight and negligence; and precarious access to the health care. In conclusion, the work helps in understanding the term medical fatphobia, which facilitates its recognition and prevention in the health field.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Stéréotypes , Soins Médicaux , Préjudice à l'égard du poids , Obésité
Salud colect ; 20: e4826, 2024. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570064


RESUMEN El tránsito por el sinhogarismo está asociado a procesos de fuerte estigmatización que, en muchas ocasiones, tienen su reflejo en el trato que reciben por parte de las y los profesionales y del propio sistema de atención en salud. Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar las experiencias que tuvieron en el sistema sanitario las y los participantes de un programa para personas sin hogar en Barcelona llamado Primer la Llar, y cómo el estigma que sufren estas personas llega a condicionar los procesos de atención. Dicho programa sigue el modelo Housing First, una intervención social que propone la entrada a una vivienda sin condiciones previas a personas con largas trayectorias de vida en la calle, que sufren trastornos mentales graves y/o adicciones. A partir de entrevistas individuales con 20 participantes, realizadas entre 2016 y 2020, se observa que, en determinados casos, el ingreso en el programa, la disponibilidad de una vivienda, el soporte de profesionales y el desarrollo de estrategias propias tuvieron efectos positivos en la mejora de su salud, aunque continúan percibiendo actitudes discriminatorias en algunos espacios médicos. Se plantea la necesidad de que la transformación respecto a la estigmatización sea entendida en un sentido amplio, en las personas, en las instituciones y en la sociedad.

ABSTRACT The experience of homelessness is associated with strong stigmatization processes, which are often reflected in the treatment received from professionals and the healthcare system itself. This article aims to analyze the experiences of participants in a program for homeless individuals in Barcelona called Primer la Llar within the healthcare system, and how the stigma they suffer affects the care processes. This program follows the Housing First model, a social intervention that proposes providing housing without preconditions to individuals with long histories of street living, who suffer from severe mental disorders and/or addictions. Based on individual interviews with 20 participants conducted between 2016 and 2020, it is observed that in certain cases, entering the program, having housing availability, support from professionals, and the development of their own strategies had positive effects on improving their health, although they continue to perceive discriminatory attitudes in some medical settings. It is suggested that the transformation regarding stigmatization be understood broadly, affecting individuals, institutions, and society as a whole.

Rev. chil. nutr ; 50(6)dic. 2023.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550787


Tener peso alto es una característica que ha sido devaluada y denigrada socialmente, convirtiendo a las personas de cuerpos grandes en víctimas de estereotipos, prejuicios y discriminación, lo que se ha denominado estigmatización por el peso, fenómeno que ocurre especialmente en mujeres. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir las experiencias de estigma de peso de mujeres con obesidad que viven en el sur de Chile. Participaron seis mujeres entre 20 y 57 años a través de entrevistas semi-estructuradas realizadas de manera remota. Mediante Análisis Fenomenológico Interpretativo se identificaron cuatro supratemas y diversos subtemas, los supratemas son: 1. La obesidad como parte de la persona. 2. Las experiencias de sentirse discriminada. 3. Todo gira en función del peso. 4. Lo que la sociedad piensa de la obesidad, los que en su conjunto permiten caracterizar la experiencia de vivir con obesidad y sufrir el estigma asociado al peso en distintos ámbitos de sus vidas, incluso en contextos sanitarios. Las consecuencias de esta experiencia son diversas y negativas, destacando el impacto que tiene en su autoestima y las constantes emociones negativas que derivan de las situaciones de discriminación. Estos resultados ponen de manifiesto la importancia de avanzar hacia la diversidad y aceptación corporal, lo que supone un desafío a la sociedad en general y en particular a los proveedores de salud, ya que se requiere de intervenciones libres de prejuicios y orientadas a la salud y el bienestar de las personas.

Carrying a high weight is a characteristic that has been devalued and socially denigrated, turning people with large bodies into victims of stereotypes, prejudice, or discrimination, which has been called weight stigmatisation, a phenomenon that occurs especially in women. The aim of this study was to describe the weight stigma experiences of women with obesity who live in southern Chile. Six women between 20 and 57 years of age participated in semi-structured interviews conducted remotely. Through Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis four supra-themes and several sub-themes were identified, the supra-themes are: 1. Obesity as part of the person. 2. Experiences of feeling discriminated. 3. Everything is about weight. 4. what society thinks of obesity, which together allow characterising the experience of living with obesity and suffering the weight stigma in different areas of their lives, including in health contexts. The consequences of this experience are diverse and negative, highlighting the impact it has on their self-esteem and the constant negative emotions that derive from discrimination situations. These results highlight the importance of moving toward body diversity and acceptance, which is a challenge for society in general and health care providers in particular, as it requires interventions free from prejudice and orientated to the health and well-being of individuals.

Ter. psicol ; 41(3)dic. 2023.
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551081


Antecedents: Individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia are not just dealing with their diagnoses. They are facing stigma due to their pathology. International research has proposed that individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia suffer more stigma than other types of mental issues. However, in Chile, a valid scale is not available to measure stigma against individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia. Objectives: To fill this gap, this research is aimed to develop and validate a scale to measure stigma against individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia. Methods: Two stages were completed to achieve the research objective. First, a pool of items was developed based on the three critical components of stigma, cognitive, affective and behavioral. Three independent judges were asked to assess the content aspects of the content validity of the items. Second, following an instrumental and longitudinal design with non-probabilistic with a quota sampling by gender (N = 607) the validity and reliability of the final scale was assessed. Results: A one-dimensional scale composed of 22 items showed good statistical boundaries. The observed factor loadings suggest that the items adequately represent the dimension (λ>, 6), and the reliability estimates are optimal (α>, 8; ω>, 8). Results suggest that the scale can be used the respondents' gender irrespectively.

Antecedentes: Las personas diagnosticadas con esquizofrenia no solo enfrentan su diagnóstico. Ellos también tienen que enfrentar el estigma producto de su patología. Investigaciones internacionales han propuesto que las personas diagnosticas con esquizofrenia sufren más de estigma que otras patologías mentales. Sin embargo, en Chile no existe una escala validada para medir el estigma hacia personas diagnosticadas con esquizofrenia. Objetivos: Para cubrir esta necesidad en la literatura, esta investigación tiene como objetivo desarrollar y validar un instrumento para medir el estigma hacia personas diagnosticadas con esquizofrenia. Métodos: Dos etapas fueron completadas para lograr el objetivo de investigación. En primer lugar, se desarrolló un set de ítems basados en los "tres componentes centrales del estigma: creencia, emoción y conducta". Se les solicitó a tres jueces independientes evaluar estas preguntas de acuerdo con su contenido y validez. En segundo lugar, siguiendo un diseño instrumental y longitudinal con muestreo no probabilístico por cuotas por género (N = 607) se evaluó la validez y confiabilidad de la escala final. Resultados: Una escala unidimensional compuesta por 22 ítems mostró buenos límites estadísticos. Las saturaciones de factores observadas sugieren que los ítems representan adecuadamente la dimensión (λ>, 6), y las estimaciones de confiabilidad son óptimas (α>, 8; ω>, 8). Los resultados sugieren que la escala se puede utilizar independientemente del género de los encuestados