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Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-931346


Objective:To investigate the status of satisfaction of postgraduates majoring in public health with the teaching material of The prevention and control of chronic non- communicable disease, so as to provide the basis for promoting the teaching and optimizing the reprint of the teaching material. Methods:An online survey was conducted among 180 public health postgraduates of Batch 2018 to Batch 2020 from China CDC who took the selective course of "prevention and control of chronic non-communicable diseases". The survey content included the overall satisfaction of the respondents with the teaching material and such four levels of satisfaction as primary indicators at the content level, thinking level, motivation level and arrangement level and 20 secondary indicators. The statistical analysis was made by SPSS 25.0.Results:The effective response rate was 90.56% (163/180), and the overall satisfaction of postgraduates with the teaching material was 88.96%. The satisfaction of "scientificity", "comprehensiveness", "internal coordination" and "hierarchy" at the content level, "systematic thinking" and "quality education" at the thinking level, "deepening the understanding and application of relevant knowledge in the field of chronic disease prevention and control" and "the content is convenient for self-study and helps guide the construction of new knowledge" at the motivation level, and "accurate words, fluent language and easy to read and understand" and "firm binding, good paper quality and clear printing" at the arrangement level of the teaching material was more than 90.00%. Only the satisfaction of "the critical thinking" at the thinking level and "stimulating learning enthusiasm" at the motivation level was less than 85.00%.Conclusion:The teaching material of The prevention and control of chronic non- communicable disease meets the learning needs of postgraduates majoring in public health, and students have high overall satisfaction evaluation on the teaching material. It is necessary to further optimize the two aspects of "the critical thinking" and "stimulating learning enthusiasm" in the revision of the teaching material.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-927361


Through reviewing acupuncture technique in various editions of the state-compiled teaching material of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, the hierarchical structure, definitions, and variations of acupuncture manipulation were collected, the theory of contemporary acupuncture manipulation as well as its application characteristics were explored. In the perspective of the hierarchical structure, acupuncture technique with filiform needle is predominated. It is implied in the description of the definition of acupuncture technique that the devices of acupuncture have been developed from single form to multivariant one and the stimulation regions have no longer limited to acupoints. The types of acupuncture manipulations have been enriched gradually during the development of teaching materials. But a part of acupuncture manipulation have been deleted from the knowledge hierarchy of acupuncture technique in textbooks. Acupuncture and Moxibustion is comprehensive and normative, which is important in the inheritance and application of the theory of acupuncture and moxibustion. However, it has to some extent restricted the diversified development of knowledge on acupuncture manipulation.

Acupuncture , Points d'acupuncture , Thérapie par acupuncture , Moxibustion , Aiguilles
Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 12(5): 943-999, dez. 2021. tab, ilus
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1367158


Objetivo: Elaborar e validar o conteúdo da cartilha sobre o tratamento quimioterápico para crianças com câncer. Métodos: Tratou-se de um estudo metodológico do tipo elaboração e validação de tecnologias, desenvolvido entre setembro de 2015 a março de 2017, desenvolvido em cinco etapas: diagnóstico situacional, levantamento bibliográfico, seleção e sumarização do conteúdo, elaboração do texto, criação das imagens e diagramação. A avaliação da cartilha foi realizada por 10 juízes especialistas com experiência na área de pediatria oncológica utilizando a Técnica Delphi. Adotou-se como nível de concordância aceitáveis para os Índices de Validação de Conteúdo dos itens, categoria e global os valor igual ou superior a 0,80. Resultados: A cartilha foi submetida a duas rodadas de avaliação. Os itens das categorias conteúdo, linguagem, ilustrações, organização, layout, relevância e aplicabilidade clínica obtiveram IVC ≥0,80, com IVC Global de 0,96. Conclusão: A cartilha foi considerada uma tecnologia didática instrucional validada, apresentando aplicabilidade clínica e relevância na área de oncologia pediátrica, após duas etapas de validação. (AU)

Objective: To develop and validate the content of the booklet on chemotherapy treatment for children with cancer. Methods: This was a methodological study of the elaboration and validation of technologies type, developed between September 2015 and March 2017, developed in five stages: situational diagnosis, literature review, selection and summarization of content, text elaboration, creation of images and layout. The evaluation of the booklet was carried out by 10 expert judges with experience in the field of pediatric oncology using the Delphi Technique. The acceptable level of agreement for the Content Validation Indices of items, category and global was adopted as values equal to or greater than 0.80. Results: The booklet underwent two rounds of evaluation. Items in the content, language, illustrations, organization, layout, relevance and clinical applicability categories had a CVI ≥0.80, with a Global CVI of 0.96. Conclusion: The booklet was considered a validated instructional didactic technology, with clinical applicability and relevance in the field of pediatric oncology, after two stages of validation. (AU)

Objetivo: Desarrollar y validar el contenido del folleto sobre el tratamiento de quimioterapia para niños con cáncer. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio metodológico de elaboración y validación de tecnologías tipo, desarrollado entre septiembre de 2015 y marzo de 2017, desarrollado en cinco etapas: diagnóstico situacional, revisión de literatura, selección y resumen de contenidos, elaboración de textos, creación de imágenes y maquetación. La evaluación del folleto fue realizada por 10 jueces expertos con experiencia en el campo de la oncología pediátrica utilizando la Técnica Delphi. El nivel aceptable de concordancia para los Índices de Validación de Contenido de ítems, categoría y global fue adoptado como valores iguales o mayores a 0,80. Resultados: El folleto se sometió a dos rondas de evaluación. Los ítems en las categorías de contenido, idioma, ilustraciones, organización, diseño, relevancia y aplicabilidad clínica tuvieron un IVC ≥0.80, con un IVC global de 0.96. Conclusión: El cuadernillo fue considerado una tecnología didáctica instruccional validada, con aplicabilidad clínica y relevancia en el campo de la oncología pediátrica, luego de dos etapas de validación. (AU)

Soins infirmiers en oncologie , Matériel d'enseignement , Enfant , Études de validation , Sécurité des patients , Antinéoplasiques
Fisioter. Pesqui. (Online) ; 28(2): 230-241, abr.-jun. 2021. tab, graf
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1339915


RESUMO A incontinência urinária feminina é uma condição multifatorial caracterizada pela perda involuntária de urina. Para seu manejo, é necessário o fortalecimento da musculatura do assoalho pélvico. Logo, a orientação por meio de material educativo disponível é uma ferramenta essencial para facilitar a transmissão do conteúdo e a adesão da população. Assim, o objetivo do trabalho foi desenvolver e validar uma cartilha educativa sobre exercícios pélvicos fundamentais para mulheres com incontinência urinária. Estudo metodológico, submetido a seis avaliadores experts na área, para a validade de conteúdo do material com o uso do Índice de Validade de Conteúdo (IVC). Posteriormente foi aplicado em 30 mulheres usuárias do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e que realizavam acompanhamento ginecológico nas unidades de saúde para validação com a população-alvo. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa local sob o parecer no 4.099.724. O IVC da cartilha educativa variou de 0,71 a 1,00. Os especialistas fizeram observações referentes à aparência e ao conteúdo do material, as quais foram acatadas para a versão final. No pré-teste, as mulheres entenderam as imagens e o texto, 83,3% julgaram a capa como chamativa e todas concordaram que a sequência, a estrutura organizacional e a construção das frases estavam adequadas. As ilustrações foram de fácil compreensão e 100% afirmaram que foram totalmente abordados os assuntos necessários; a grande maioria (96,6%) relatou motivação para leitura. A cartilha confeccionada mostrou-se adequada para orientação de mulheres com incontinência urinária, pelo seu conteúdo coerente com a realidade e com a necessidade de saúde.

RESUMEN La incontinencia urinaria femenina es una afección multifactorial caracterizada por la pérdida involuntaria de orina. Para su tratamiento, es necesario fortalecer los músculos del suelo pélvico. Para ello, la orientación mediante material educativo disponible es una herramienta fundamental para facilitar la transmisión de contenidos y la adherencia de la población al tratamiento. Ante esto, el objetivo de este trabajo fue desarrollar y validar un folleto educativo sobre ejercicios pélvicos esenciales a las mujeres con incontinencia urinaria. Este es un estudio metodológico, presentado a seis expertos en el área, para la validez de contenido del material utilizando el Índice de Validez de Contenido (IVC). Posteriormente, para validarlo se aplicó a 30 usuarias del Sistema Único de Salud (SUS) que se encontraban en seguimiento ginecológico en las unidades de salud. El estudio fue aprobado por el Comité de Ética en Investigación local bajo la opinión n.º 4.099.724. El IVC del folleto educativo osciló entre 0,71 y 1,00. Los expertos formularon observaciones sobre el aspecto y los contenidos del material, los cuales fueron aceptados para la versión final. En el pretest, las mujeres entendieron las imágenes y el texto, el 83,3% juzgaron llamativa la portada y todas coincidieron en que la secuencia, la estructura organizativa y la construcción de las frases estaban adecuadas. Las ilustraciones fueron fáciles de entender en el folleto, que abarcó el 100% de los temas esenciales; y la mayor parte (96,6%) de ellas reportaron motivación para leerlo. El folleto elaborado resultó ser adecuado para orientar a las mujeres con incontinencia urinaria, por sus contenidos acordes con la realidad y la necesidad de salud de esta población.

ABSTRACT Female urinary incontinence is a multifactorial condition characterized by involuntary urinary loss. For its control, strengthening the pelvic floor muscles is necessary. Thus, the guidance provided through available educational material is an essential tool to facilitate the dissemination of knowledge and acceptance by the population. The study aims to create and to validate an educational booklet on fundamental pelvic exercises for women with urinary incontinence. This is a methodological study that was submitted to six expert evaluators in the area, for the content validity of the material using the Content Validity Index (CVI). Afterward, for validation with the target population, the booklet was applied to 30-women users of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) and who underwent gynecological monitoring in health units. The CVI of the educational booklet ranged from 0.71 to 1.00. The evaluators made observations regarding the appearance and content of the booklet, which were accepted for the final version. In the pretest, women understood the images and the text, 83.3% of them judged the cover as attractive and all women agreed that the sequence, organizational structure, and understanding of the sentences were adequate. The illustrations were easy to understand and 100% agreed that the necessary subjects were fully addressed and the majority (96.6%) were motivated to read. The elaborated instrument proved to be effective for its use, because it meets the reality and the health need.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-826714


Through collecting the literature data of the needling technique with filiform needle in 20 acupuncture-moxibustion teaching materials in the Republic of China, the manipulation techniques with filiform needle were analyzed, such as the technique of needle insertion, the technique of reinforcing and reducing, and the management of acupuncture abnormal conditions, as well as manual techniques and analgesics methods. It is found that the era of the Republic of China was the transition period of traditional acupuncture techniques to the modern ones in acupuncture-moxibustion teaching materials, in which, the twirling technique was predominated in the technique of needle insertion. In that period, the insertion technique of tube needle had been introduced and simplified, the theory and method of the new-style technique of reinforcing and reducing were emerged and the types of acupuncture abnormal conditions recorded in the teaching materials were different from those at present. Additionally, the applicable manipulation had not been specified nationally. There were the highly influential teaching materials, i.e. , and . The acupuncture-moxibustion teaching materials in the Republic of China has been influenced by the transition of acupuncture-moxibustion education modes, the introduction of Chinese-translation version of Japanese acupuncture-moxibustion books, the academic thoughts of acupuncture masters and the manufacturing process of needle devices.

Acupuncture , Éducation , Thérapie par acupuncture , Méthodes , Moxibustion , Taïwan , Matériel d'enseignement
Rev. CEFAC ; 22(1): e6619, 2020. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1136458


ABSTRACT Purpose: to develop and validate the content and layout of an educational guide on promoting vocal health of older adults. Methods: a methodological study, conducted in two stages: 1 - Development of the guide as an educative technology; 2 - Qualification of the educative material with validation of the guide's content, layout and suitability by 13 judges (speech-language-hearing pathologists) and legitimization of the educative material by the target population, 9 older adults. The validation of the guide by the judges and older adults was based on the content validity index. Results: the aspects of objectivity, structure, presentation and relevance of the content were considered pertinent by the judges with an approximate score average of 0.92. However, some words were substituted or removed to bring more clarity to the reader, without loss to the overall message, in addition to the suggestions that were accepted for the final version. The older adults returned a positive assessment. Conclusion: the educative guide was validated regarding the aspects of content, layout and suitability for the vocal health promotion of older adults. Their knowledge of voice health is expected to promote the quality of life and benefit active and healthy aging.

RESUMO Objetivo: elaborar e validar o conteúdo e a aparência de um guia educativo sobre a promoção da saúde vocal para a pessoa idosa. Métodos: estudo do tipo metodológico, desenvolvido em duas etapas: 1- elaboração da tecnologia educativa, com a construção do guia; 2- qualificação do material educativo com a validação do conteúdo, aparência e adequabilidade do guia por meio de 13 juízes (fonoaudiólogos) e legitimação do material educativo pelo público-alvo, 9 idosos. A validação do guia por parte dos juízes e dos idosos deu-se pelo índice de validade de conteúdo. Resultados: os aspectos da objetividade, estrutura, apresentação e relevância do conteúdo foram considerados pertinentes pelos juízes com média aproximada de 0,92. Contudo, houveram substituições e retiradas de palavras, com o intuito de trazer mais clareza ao leitor, sem prejudicar a mensagem final, além das sugestões que foram acatadas para versão final. As pessoas idosas consideraram a avaliação positiva. Conclusão: o guia educativo foi validado quanto aos aspectos de conteúdo, aparência e adequabilidade para a promoção de saúde vocal do idoso. Espera-se que o conhecimento sobre a saúde da voz promova qualidade de vida e beneficie o envelhecimento ativo e saudável.

RECIIS (Online) ; 13(2): 428-438, abr.-jun. 2019.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1005723


As rápidas mudanças no contexto educacional, somadas aos grandes avanços tecnológicos, nos últimos anos, têm exigido dos atores envolvidos no processo de construção do conhecimento mudanças significativas no ato de ensinar e aprender. O objetivo deste artigo é relatar e analisar a experiência de produção de um vídeo educacional, como estratégia de formação pedagógica, desenvolvida no âmbito do Mestrado Profissional Ensino na Saúde. A construção do vídeo foi proposta como atividade da disciplina Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação Aplicada ao Ensino na Saúde. Elegeu-se, para o roteiro, a temática Reforma Psiquiátrica. Na dimensão da aplicabilidade da tecnologia educacional, optou-se por exibir o vídeo na abertura do módulo de psiquiatria de um curso de medicina. A experiência de produção e utilização do vídeo contribuiu significativamente para a formação docente de profissionais de saúde, além de propiciar maior dinamicidade e interação em sala de aula, permitindo melhor compreensão e contextualização, por parte dos alunos, da temática abordada.

The fast changes in the educational context and the great technological advances in recent years have demanded that the actors involved in the process of knowledge construction change significantly the act of teaching and learning. The objective of this article is to report and analyze the experience of recording an educational video, as a pedagogical training strategy, developed within the scope of the Mestrado Profissional Ensino na Saúde (Profissional master's degree health teaching) in Ceará, Brazil. The video was proposed as an activity of the subject of study Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação Aplicada ao Ensino na Saúde (Information and communication technologies applied to teaching in health). The Psychiatric Reform was chosen to be the theme of the script. With regard to the applicability of the educational technology, it was chosen to display the video in the opening of the module of psychiatry of a course of medicine. The experience of production and use of the video contributed significantly to the professional training in health teaching, in addition to provide greater dynamicity and interaction with the students in the classroom, allowing better understanding and contextualization of the subject by them.

Los rápidos cambios en el contexto educativo, sumados a los grandes avances tecnológicos, en los últimos años, han exigido a los actores envueltos en el proceso de construcción del conocimiento, transformaciones significativas en el acto de enseñar y aprender. Este artículo tiene el objetivo de relatar y analizar la experiencia de producción de un vídeo educativo como estrategia de formación pedagógica, desarrollada en el ámbito del Mestrado Profissional Ensino na Saúde (Postgrado profesional enseñanza en salud). La elaboración del vpídeo fue propuesta como actividad de la asignatura Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação Aplicada ao Ensino na Saúde (Tecnología de la información y comunicación aplicada a la enseñanza en la salud). Se eligió para el guión, la temática Reforma Psiquiátrica. En cuanto a la aplicabilidad de la tecnología educativa, se optó por exhibir el vídeo en la apertura del módulo de psiquiatría de un curso de medicina. La experiencia de producción y utilización del vídeo ha contribuido significativamente a la formación docente de profesionales de la salud, además de propiciar mayor dinamismo e interacción en la sala de aula, permitiendo una mejor comprensión y contextualización, por parte de los alumnos, de la temática abordada.

Humains , Supports audiovisuels , Matériel d'enseignement , Technologie de l'éducation , , Formation des Ressources en Santé Humaine , Corps enseignant , Santé , Technologie de l'information , Apprentissage
Ribeirão Preto; s.n; 2019. 99 p. ilus, tab.
Thèse Dans Portugais | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1381187


No âmbito da formação superior em enfermagem, metodologias híbridas e ativas de ensino têm sido desenvolvidas e implementadas visando a um ensino de qualidade e à preparação de profissionais enfermeiros para o mercado de trabalho. No que concerne à formação de enfermeiros para atuar em situações de parada cardiorrespiratória (PCR) em pediatria, este estudo teve como objetivos desenvolver e validar um material educativo, composto por um vídeo educativo, um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem e um cenário de simulação clínica sobre o manejo da PCR pediátrica ocasionada por insuficiência respiratória. Tratou-se de um estudo metodológico, de abordagem quantitativa, que contou com a participação de juízes experts e alunos de enfermagem de uma universidade pública do Estado de São Paulo. Para o desenvolvimento dos materiais, utilizaram-se os referenciais metodológicos de Fleming, Reynolds e Wallace (2009) para o vídeo educativo; de Filatro (2008) para o ambiente virtual de aprendizagem; e de Jeffries (2012) e Fabbri et al. (2017) para o cenário de simulação clínica. Após elaboração de um caso clínico a partir de revisão de literatura sobre a temática e baseado nas diretrizes da American Heart Association dos anos de 2015 e 2017, este foi validado por dez juízes experts de quatro regiões do país. As sugestões versaram sobre a alteração das palavras no texto para melhor compreensão do conteúdo proposto, com 80% ou mais de concordância de adequação do caso clínico na primeira rodada de avaliação. Após validado, adaptou-se o caso clínico para a confecção do vídeo educativo. As ações contidas no caso clínico foram filmadas em ambiente laboratorial de uma instituição de ensino superior pública, contou com a participação de seis atores e um manequim de alta fidelidade e resultou em um vídeo de 9 min. e 57 s. Este, por sua vez, foi validado por duas juízes e um técnico especialista em comunicação. Na finalização do material educativo, criou-se um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem (AVA) dentro da plataforma Moodle, onde se inseriram o vídeo educativo, formulário de caracterização dos participantes e materiais adicionais para a construção do conhecimento acerca da temática. O caso clínico também foi utilizado para que o cenário de simulação clínica fosse desenvolvido. Posteriormente à vivência da simulação, estudantes validaram esse cenário. Para a validação do material educativo (vídeo, simulação e AVA), utilizaram-se questionários adaptados, no formato de escala de Likert, com questões específicas para cada material. Houve avaliação positiva para todos os itens dos três materiais, com concordância igual ou superior a 80%, à exceção do item referente ao feedback imediato do AVA (64%). Assim, considerou-se adequado o processo de desenvolvimento e validação do material educativo. Este estudo proporcionou o conhecimento desse processo que resultou em ferramenta de ensino híbrida sobre o manejo da PCR pediátrica por insuficiência respiratória. A proposta de vídeo educativo, ambiente virtual de aprendizagem e simulação clínica despertou o interesse dos alunos sobre o cuidado de enfermagem à criança em PCR decorrente de IR e é um tipo de abordagem bem aceita por essa população

Within the context of higher education in Nursing, active and hybrid teaching methodologies have been developed and implemented seeking a quality education and the training of professional nurses for the labor market. Regarding the training of nurses to work on pediatric Cardiorespiratory Arrest (CRA) situations, this study aimed to develop and validate an educational material consisting of an educational video, a virtual learning environment and a clinical simulation scenario about the handling of pediatric PCR caused by respiratory failure. This was a methodological study with a quantitative approach which involved expert judges and nursing students who attended a public university in São Paulo State. For the material preparation, the methodology proposed by Fleming, Reynolds and Wallace (2009) was applied to create the educational video. Also, the methodological standards proposed by Filatro (2008), Jeffries (2012) and Fabbri et al. (2017) were used for the virtual learning environment and for the clinical simulation scenario, respectively. After elaborating a clinical case based on literature review on this theme and as per 2015 and 2017 American Heart Association's guidelines, this one was validated by ten expert judges from four Brazilian regions. They suggested to change the words in the text for better understanding the proposed content, with 80% or higher concordance adequacy of the clinical case for the first evaluation round. After validation, the clinical case was adapted to create the educational video. The actions in the clinical case were shot in a laboratory setting at a public higher education institution, counted on the participation of six actors and a high-fidelity manikin and resulted in an almost 10-minute long video. This video, on its turn, was validated by two judges and a technical expert in communication. At the completion of the educational video, a virtual learning environment (VLE) was created within the Moodle platform where the educational video, the characterization of participants and additional material to build knowledge on this theme were placed. The simulation scenario was developed based on this clinical case. After participating in the simulation, the students validated this scenario. For the educational material (video, simulation and VLE) validation, Likert-scale adapted questionnaires were delivered with specific questions to each material. All the items contained in the three materials was positively evaluated, with 80% or higher concordance, except for the item concerning the immediate feedback of VLE (64%). Therefore, the development and validation process of the educational material was considered appropriate. Through this study, it was possible to know this process that resulted on a hybrid educational material on handling pediatric PCR caused by respiratory failure. The proposal of an educational video, a virtual learning environment and a clinical simulation made students interested in providing Nursing care to children with CRA caused by RF and is an approach accepted by this population

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Soins infirmiers pédiatriques , Matériel d'enseignement , Technologie de l'éducation , , Arrêt cardiaque
Educ. revEduc. rev ; 33: e164131, 2017.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-891203


RESUMO: A Educação do Campo, hoje, é mais do que uma demanda dos movimentos sociais: ela se transformou num espaço em disputa. Essa disputa se dá, principalmente, pelo poder/controle do modelo formativo que essa educação irá ofertar. Entre essas ações estão o ProJovem Campo e seus respectivos espaços de formação, com destaque para o material didático. Como um dos instrumentos formativos mais importantes, o material didático sempre esteve em disputa, especialmente pelo controle do que será levado a cabo por meio dele, instrumento tão valioso para a formação dos sujeitos no campo. Compreendendo que Estado, capital internacional, movimentos sociais e pesquisadores da Educação do Campo disputaram conceitualmente - e, nesse sentido, ideologicamente - o sujeito que seria atendido por esse programa, acreditamos que não tenha sido um processo simples e, diante disso, temos como objetivo, neste artigo, evidenciar os discursos privilegiados nesses livros didáticos, os quais, por sua vez, acabam por negar outros.

ABSTRACT: Countryside Education nowadays is more than a demand of social movements: it turned into a space in dispute, part of the Brazilian Agrarian Question. This dispute is mainly for power/control of training model that this education will offer in various areas/rural territories it will cover after it became a National Public Policy. Among these actions are the ProJovem Countryside Program and their respective training spaces, highlighting the use of didactic material. As one of the most important formative instruments, the didactic material has always been disputed, especially by the control that will be carried out through it, so valuable instrument for the formation of guys in the countryside. Understanding that State, international capital, social movements and countryside education researchers has disputed conceptually - and, in this sense, ideologically - the guy who would be served by this program, we believe that it has not been a simple process, so that we, in this article, highlight the privileged speeches contained in these textbooks, which, for your time, they deny others.

Interacciones ; 3(3): 161-170, 01 de septiembre de 2017.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-880555


A pesar de las últimas modificaciones en reformas educativas dentro del país, los planes curriculares y constantes renovaciones de programas con la finalidad de resolver el rezago educativo que se reflejan en las estadísticas nacionales, los resultados siguen siendo desfavorables. Esto conlleva a la reflexión y análisis para generar e implementar nuevas formas y estrategias de enseñanza. El presente trabajo tiene como propósito exponer el diseño de una propuesta alternativa de planeación y la elaboración de materiales de apoyo, desarrollada de acuerdo con el segundo bloque de estudios de sexto grado de primaria, en dos aprendizajes esperados contenidos en el currículo formal de educación básica, centrado en la interacción en la enseñanza-aprendizaje y de acuerdo con diversos niveles de aptitud funcional. Posteriormente se sometió a un proceso de pilotaje y revisión por expertos para probar la pertinencia de la planeación y precisiones para su implementación. Como resultados se presentan los materiales de apoyo y la propuesta de planeación, y se discuten con las coincidencias de los autores que han trabajado propuestas de planeación desde el enfoque interconductual.

Despite the latest changes in educational reforms within the country, curriculum plans and ongoing program renewals aimed at resolving the educational gap reflected in national statistics, the results remain unfavorable. This leads to reflection and analysis to generate and implement new forms and teaching strategies. The purpose of this paper is to present the design of an alternative proposal for planning and the development of support materials, developed according to the second block of sixth grade primary education, in two expected learning contained in the formal basic education curriculum. Centered on the interaction in teaching-learning and according to different levels of functional aptitude. Subsequently it underwent a process of piloting and revision by experts to prove the pertinence of the planning and precisions for its implementation. As results, the support materials and the planning proposal are presented and discussed with the authors who have worked on planning proposals from the inter-behavioral approach.

Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 22(4)out..-dez. 2016.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-876073


Resumo:O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar quais modificações foram realizadas pelos professores de Educação Física em relação ao material didático para o ensino do sistema de classificação do esporte no 8º e 9º anos do ensino fundamental, de acordo com as suas necessidades, e se essas alterações atendem a outro grupo de professores que atuam no mesmo nível de ensino. O método utilizado foi o da pesquisa-ação, elencandose três categorias: compreensão e avaliação do sistema de classificação do esporte, compreensão e avaliação do material didático, implementação do material didático referente ao sistema de classificação do esporte. Na primeira categoria, identificou-se que os fatores positivos foram superiores às possíveis dificuldades; na segunda, foi verificado que os professores se mostraram a favor da utilização de livros pedagógicos; e, na terceira, a importância dos materiais sempre estarem sujeitos a alterações. (AU)

Resumen: El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar cuáles fueron las modificaciones realizadas por los profesores de Educación Física en lo que se refiere al material didáctico para la enseñanza del sistema de clasificación del deporte en el octavo y el noveno año de enseñanza, de acuerdo con sus necesidades, y si esos cambios atienden a otro grupo de profesores que trabajan en el mismo nivel de Educación. El método utilizado fue la investigación-acción, enumerando tres categorías: comprensión y evaluación del sistema de clasificación del deporte, comprensión y evaluación del material didáctico e implementación del material didáctico referente al sistema de clasificación del deporte. En la primera se identificó que los factores positivos fueron superiores a las posibles dificultades, en la segunda se encontró que los profesores se mostraron favorables a la utilización de libros pedagógicos y en la tercera se observó la importancia de que los materiales siempre estén sujetos a alteraciones. (AU)

Abstract: This study investigated the changes carried out by Physical Education teachers regarding materials used to teach the sport classification system in the eight and nine years of Middle School, according to their needs, and if those changes are appropriate for another group of teachers who work at the same educational level. Action research was used and three categories were built: comprehension and evaluation of the sport classification system; comprehension and evaluation of teaching materials; and implementation of educational materials related to the sports classification system. In the first category, positive factors were higher than potential difficulties; in the second category, teachers were favorable to using of textbooks; and the third category examined the importance of the materials being always open to changes. (AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Enseignement Primaire et Secondaire , Sports/classification , Matériel d'enseignement
Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal ; (24): 1526-1531, 2016.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-858997


OBJECTIVE: To discuss the present situation and future direction of the cultivation of talents in clinical pharmacy of Chinese medicine. METHODS: In terms of importance, it is helpful to solve the problems such as the increasing number of adverse reactions caused by irrational use of Chinese medicine. On the analysis of current situation, the higher education of clinical pharmacy of Chinese medicine is still in the blank stage. Also there is no training base established for training qualified clinical pharmacists of Chinese medicine, which resulted in the lack of talents in clinical pharmacy of Chinese medicine. From the cultivation direction, the much-needed talents in clinical pharmacy of Chinese medicine should be different from the existing talents of clinical Chinese medicine. The key points should be focused on the direction of clinical practice, the training mode could learn from the domestic training bases of clinical pharmacists, and with reference to the higher educational model of foreign clinical pharmacy. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Starting the cultivation of talents in clinical pharmacy of Chinese medicine to carry out clinical pharmacy work as soon as possible has an important role on solving the current problems of irrational use of Chinese medicine.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-669582


Objective To write the school-based teaching material of pathology,and apply it to the students in higher vocational colleges to evaluate the application effect.Methods Two classes of clinical medical students of Grade 201 1were divided into two groups:the experimental group(Class1,58 students) and the control group(Class2,60 students).Both of the two groups take the integration of theory and practice teaching method.The traditional teaching material was applied in the control group while the school-based teaching materials were adopted in the experimental group.Statistical analysis software SPSS 13.0 and two samples t test were used to compare the preparing effect before the class,case study effect and the final examination of the two groups.After the end of the course,students' teaching satisfaction questionnaire was conducted,and the results of the survey for the rank sum test were analyzed.Results The scores of preparing effect before class were higher in experimental group(84.4 ±6.2) than those in the control group(78.2 ±5.8),t=5.61,P=0.001; the case study effect in experimental group(78.6 ± 6.6) was higher than that of the control group(72.8 ± 5.3),t=5.27,P=0.002; there was no significant differences in the final examination between the two class [experimental group (83.5 ± 6.8),control group (81.6 ± 6.9)],t=1.51,P=0.183.The questionnaire shows,in the aspect of the difficulty of teaching material,the degree of satisfaction in the experimental group(satisfied:28,general:30,unsatisfied:0) was higher than the control group(satisfied:18,general:37,unsatisfied:5),Z=-2.43,P=0.015; in the aspect of reading interest,the degree of satisfaction in the experimental group(satisfied:32,general:25,unsatisfied:1) was higher than the control group(satisfied:22,general:35,unsatisfied:3),Z=-2.09,P=0.036; in the aspect of emphasizing on the key point,the degree of satisfaction in the experimental group(satisfied:20,general:38,unsatisfied:0) was higher than the control group(satisfied:12,general:39,unsatisfied:9),Z=-2.72,P=0.007; in the aspect of self-study effect,the degree of satisfaction in the experimental group(satisfied:20,general:38,unsatisfied:0) was higher than the control group(satisfied:16,general:39,unsatisfied:5),Z=-3.13,P=0.002; but there was no significant differences in classroomlearning effect(experimental group:satisfied,38,general,20,unsatisfied,0; control group:satisfied,36,general,23,unsatisfied,1),Z=-0.68,P=0.497.Conclusions The school-based teaching material can contribute to the students' self-learning,enhancing the students' interest of learning and knowledge-application ability.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-439722


This paper reviewed and analyzed the whole 29 years' compiling and revising histo-ry of Neurology the 5-year programming textbook for national undergraduates. The textbook has been becoming a high-quality textbook with novelty, practicability, readability and systematicness, conform-ing to the need of national education reform and reflecting the characteristics of neurology. Through the review of textbook history, we know that material construction can deepen the educational reform, improve the teaching level and discipline development, promote quality education and personnel train-ing.

São Paulo; s.n; 2013. [138] p. ilus, tab, graf.
Thèse Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-730855


Esta tese teve como objetivo apresentar o processo de construção, aplicação e avaliação de uma ferramenta para o ensino da neuroanatomia, acessível a partir de computadores pessoais, imersiva, interativa, foto-realística e que permita visão tridimensional e estereoscópica. Quarenta encéfalos frescos foram obtidos no Serviço de Verificação de Óbitos de São Paulo (SVO-SP) e submetidos às técnicas de fixação, conservação, injeção vascular, coloração de substância cinzenta, dissecação de fibras brancas, terebintina e clareamento ósseo, conforme sua finalidade, no laboratório de Técnica Cirúrgica e Cirurgia Experimental da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Imagens das áreas de interesse foram capturadas utilizando-se uma plataforma giratória manual construída para este fim. As imagens foram processadas com softwares comercialmente disponíveis (Photoshop CS5; Stereo Photo Maker;VRWorx2.6 para Windows) em formato não linear, interativo, tridimensional e estereoscópico, e armazenadas em um banco de 5.337 imagens finais. O recurso didático foi aplicado a 84 graduandos do curso de medicina, divididos em três grupos: convencional (grupo1), interativo não estereoscópico (grupo2) e interativo estereoscópico (grupo3), cujas médias na avaliação do conhecimento prévio não diferiram estatisticamente entre si (P > 0,05). A ferramenta foi avaliada através de uma prova teórica e prática. Verificou-se que os Grupos 2 e 3 apresentaram as maiores médias e diferiram estatisticamente do Grupo 1 (P < 0,05); o Grupo 2 não diferiu estatisticamente do Grupo 3 (p > 0,05), mostrando resultado do treinamento semelhante na prova teórica. Observando-se os Tamanhos do Efeito, verificou-se que esses foram de grande magnitude, indicando uma efetividade do treinamento dos alunos. Os resultados da ANOVA mostraram que existe diferença significativa (P < 0,05) entre as médias dos grupos, e por meio do teste de Tukey observou-se que existe diferença estatística entre o Grupo 1 e os demais (P < 0,05)...

This thesis aims to show the process of the construction, implementation and evaluation of a tool for teaching neuroanatomy. The tool presented is accessible from personal computers, immersive, interactive, and allows photorealistic three-dimensional and stereoscopic vision. Forty fresh brains were obtained from the São Paulo Department of Death Records (SP-DDR- Serviço de Verificação de Óbitos de São Paulo (SVO-SP)) and subjected to fixation, conservation, vascular injection, staining of gray matter, white fiber dissection, turpentine and bleaching bone techniques, as needed, at the Surgical Technique and Experimental Surgery Laboratory, University of São Paulo (Laboratório de Técnica Cirúrgica e Cirurgia Experimental da Universidade de São Paulo- USP). Images of areas of interest were captured using a manual turntable built for this purpose. The images were processed with commercially available software (Photoshop CS5; Stereo Photo Maker; VRWorx2.6 for Windows) non-linear format, interactive, three-dimensional stereoscopic and stored in a database of 5337 final images. The teaching resource was applied to 84 undergraduate medical students, divided into three groups: conventional (group 1), interactive non-stereoscopic (group 2) and interactive stereoscopic (group 3). Averages on the assessment of prior knowledge did not differ significantly (P > 0.05) among groups. The tool was evaluated through a written theory test and a lab practical. Groups 2 and 3 showed the highest averages and differed significantly from Group 1 (P < 0.05), Group 2 did not differ statistically from Group 3 (p > 0.05), revealing a result of similar training on the written theory test. Observing the Effect Sizes, it was found that those were of great magnitude, indicating student training effectiveness. ANOVA results showed significant difference (P < 0.05) between group means, and the Tukey test showed statistical difference between Group 1 and the others (P < 0.05). On the lab...

Anatomie/enseignement et éducation , Perception de la profondeur , Enseignement médical , Évaluation des acquis scolaires , Enseignement/méthodes , Imagerie tridimensionnelle , Multimédia , Neuroanatomie/enseignement et éducation , Matériel d'enseignement , Interface utilisateur , Encéphale/anatomie et histologie
Medisan ; 16(6): 978-914, jun. 2012.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-644699


Se ofrece a los estudiantes y profesores de las ciencias médicas un material de apoyo en la docencia para lograr un mejoramiento en el estudio y la compresión de las asignaturas Morfofisiología Humana I y IV, en las cuales se tratan aspectos relacionados con el metabolismo de los compuestos biológicos que contienen nitrógeno en su estructura, fundamentalmente el amoníaco, los aminoácidos, las porfirinas, los nucleótidos, las proteínas y los ácidos nucleicos; y con las enfermedades que pueden producir ictericia (ocasionada por alteraciones en el metabolismo normal de la bilirrubina, el amoníaco y otros compuestos bioquímicos).

A support tool for teaching to achieve an improvement in the study and understanding of the subjects Human Morfophysiology I and IV is prepared for students and professors of the medical sciences. It deals with aspects related to the metabolism of the biological compounds which contain nitrogen in their structures, mainly the ammonia, the amino acids, porphines, nucleotides, proteins and the nucleic acids; and with the diseases that can produce jaundice (caused by changes in the normal metabolism of bilirubin, ammonia and other biochemical compounds).

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-429645


The teaching material library of nutrition and food hygiene was established based on the concept of integrable ware.This paper discussed on the methods and the experiences.The establishing principle must be clear,knowledge points should be separated into parts accurately,courseware and other computerized teaching materials should be made into full use and convenient and efficient retrieval method must be established.In the future,teaching material library and platform construction should be improved and study of educational technology should be strengthened to improve teaching quality and adapt to modern teaching requirements.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-420411


Analysis on currently used stomatology textbooks for both graduates and postgraduates in China was performed and comparison in stomatology text or reference books between china and American was made.It was found that the types and numbers of stomatology textbooks for both graduates and postgraduates in China were very limited compared with those in American.Many textbooks needed for dental education were insufficient.Great efforts should be made to select relevant topics or titles and to prepare text or reference books accordingly in an aim to meet the needs of today's high quality dental education.

Microbiology ; (12)2008.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-685951


Gene engineering is the main course of biological engineering. It should be adapted to the demand of innovation spirit, practice ability and comprehensive quality of students. Educational reform of gene engineering conducted by constructing system of theory and practice, optimizing course teaching content, strengthening practice teaching content, using modern teaching technology, strengthening web course construction and improving teaching methods. We pay attention to impart specialty knowledge and learning methods to students. Its aim was to increase teaching effects and meet the demands of bioengineering specialty and qualified personal training in 21 century.

Rev. cienc. med. Pinar Rio ; 11(3): 159-167, jul.-sep. 2007.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-739478


Se confeccionó un medio de enseñanza por tres especialistas de Otorrinolaringología del Hospital Pediátrico Provincial Docente "Pepe Portilla" de Pinar del Río en el año 2006. Se lograron mostrar, mediante el uso de esta maqueta, las diferentes estructuras anatómicas de la orofaringe y la conducta a seguir ante el sangramiento en pacientes amigdalectomizados. Se utilizaron materiales desechables y de bajo costo para su diseño. Se obtuvo el 100 % de promoción en los estudiantes de la brigada # 88 con el aprendizaje de la anatomía orofaríngea y el dominio de las técnicas para hacer hemostasia en el sangramiento de pacientes tonsilectomizados.

Three otolaryngologists designed a teaching aid at "Pepe Portilla" Provincial Children Teaching Hospital in Pinar del Rio in 2006. It was shown by means of this model the different anatomical structures of the oro-pharynx and the behavior to be followed in presence of a bleeding in patients underwent a tonsillectomy. Disposal and low cost materials were used for the design . A promotion of 100 percent was attained in students from the Brigade 88 knowing the oropharyngeal anatomy as well as the techniques for the hemostasis in presence of bleeding in patients undergone a tonsillectomy.

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