Traumatic events are stressful episodes that exceed an individual's coping resources and have been related to physical and mental health problems, particularly posttraumatic stress disorder. This study aims to compare the prison population and the general population in terms of trauma and psychopathological symptoms derived from exposure to traumatic events in the context of Ecuador. It is a descriptive-comparative and cross-sectional study. The study sample consisted of 99 incarcerated individuals and 84 persons from the general population of Ambato-Ecuador. The results indicate that persons from the prison population have experienced multiple traumas and re-victimization to a greater extent and present a higher percentage of PTSD and psychopathological symptoms than the general population. In that sense, it is a population that requires more significant intervention to reduce symptoms and prevent violent behavior.
Los eventos traumáticos son hechos estresantes que exceden los recursos de afrontamiento de un individuo y han sido relacionados con problemas de salud física y mental, particularmente con el trastorno de estrés postraumàtico. El objetivo de este estudio es comparar las experiencias traumáticas y los síntomas psicopatológicos entre la población penitenciaria y la población general. Es un estudio descriptivo-comparativo de corte transversal. La muestra del estudio estuvo conformada por 99 individuos encarcelados y 84 individuos de la población general de Ambato (Ecuador). Los resultados indican que los participantes de la población penitenciaria han experimentado en mayor medida múltiples traumas y revictimización; presentan un mayor número de síntomas psicopatológicos y un porcentaje más elevado de TEPT que la población general. Las diferencias que se presentan entre la población penitenciaria y la población general pueden deberse a que las personas encarceladas son más vulnerables a estar expuestas a eventos potencialmente traumáticos por su propia situación social. La población penitenciaria requiere una mayor intervención para reducir los síntomas psicopatológicos provocados por el trauma.
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo verificar a relação entre eventos traumáticos (ET) na infância e a ocorrência de comportamentos autolesivos em adolescentes. Os instrumentos utilizados foram o Questionário sobre Traumas na Infância (QUESI) e o Inventário de Autolesão Deliberada - reduzido (IAD-r). Participaram 494 estudantes do ensino médio de ambos os sexos e idade entre 15 e 18 anos (M = 16,4). Destes, 58,5% afirmaram ter sofrido abuso emocional de forma recorrente e 19,0% e 59,5% assumiram já ter sofrido abuso sexual e físico, respectivamente. Quanto à prática de autolesão, 65,0% revelaram já ter se engajado em comportamentos autolesivos. De acordo com a análise de Regressão Logística Binomial, todos os tipos de ET exibiram associação significativa com a prática de comportamentos autolesivos. A análise de moderação a respeito da interação entre a ocorrência de ET infantis e a prática de autolesão revelou ausência de moderação pelo sexo e pela idade. Porém, quanto ao abuso físico, o efeito de moderação da idade apresentou significância estatística limítrofe e indicou que os adolescentes mais novos, de 15 e 16 anos, que sofreram este tipo de abuso na infância, foram mais susceptíveis à prática autolesiva. Portanto, as altas taxas de ET e de autolesão encontradas nesta pesquisa revelam a gravidade do problema. Espera-se que esta investigação possa contribuir para a elaboração de intervenções para prevenção e controle dos fatores de risco que acometem a população infanto-juvenil.(AU)
This research aimed to verify the relationship between traumatic events (TE) in childhood and the occurrence of self-injurious behavior in adolescents. The instruments used were the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (QUESI) and the Deliberate Self-Injury Inventory - reduced (IAD-r). The sample was composed of 494 high school students of both genders and aged between 15 and 18 years old (M = 16.4). Of those, 58.5% declared to have suffered recurring emotional abuse and 19.0% declared to have suffered sexual abuse and 59.5% physical abuse. Regarding the practice of self-harm, 65.0% reported having already engaged in self-injurious behaviors. According to the Binomial Logistic Regression analysis, all types of TE were associated with the practice of self-injurious behaviors. The moderation analysis between the occurrence of childhood TE and self-injury showed no moderation by sex or age. However, regarding physical abuse, the moderating effect of age showed borderline statistical significance and indicated that younger adolescents, 15 and 16 years old, who suffered this type of abuse in childhood, were more susceptible to self-injurious behavior. Therefore, the high rates of TE and self-injury found in this research reveal the seriousness of the problem. It is hoped for this investigation to contribute to the development of interventions to prevent and control risk factors that affect children and adolescents.(AU)
Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo verificar la relación entre eventos traumáticos (ET) en la infancia y la ocurrencia de conductas autolesivas en adolescentes. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron el Cuestionario de Trauma Infantil (QUESI) y el Inventario de Autolesiones Deliberadas -reducido (IAD-r). Participaron 494 estudiantes de la secundaria, de ambos sexos y con edades entre 15 y 18 años (M = 16,4). De estos, el 58,5% afirmaron haber sufrido maltrato emocional de forma recurrente, el 19,0% dijeron haber sufrido maltrato sexual y el 59,5%, maltrato físico. En cuanto a la práctica de la autolesión, el 65,0% informaron haber realizado conductas autolesivas. El análisis de Regresión Logística Binomial mostró que todos los tipos de ET tuvieron una asociación significativa con la práctica de conductas autolesivas. El análisis de la moderación respecto a la interacción entre la ocurrencia de ET infantil y la práctica de la autolesión reveló una ausencia de moderación por sexo o edad. En cuanto al maltrato físico, el efecto moderador de la edad mostró una significación estadística marginal e indicó que los adolescentes más jóvenes, de 15 y 16 años, que sufrieron este tipo de maltrato en la infancia, son más susceptibles a la práctica de autolesiones. Por lo tanto, las altas tasas de ET y autolesiones encontradas en esta investigación revelan la gravedad del problema. Se espera que esta investigación contribuya con el desarrollo de intervenciones para la prevención y control de los factores de riesgo que afectan a niños y adolescentes.(AU)
Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Psychologie , Enfant , Santé , Adolescent , Comportement auto-agressif , Expériences défavorables de l'enfance , Douleur , Développement de la personnalité , Troubles phobiques , Prostitution , Viol , Automutilation , Infractions sexuelles , Honte , Troubles de la veille et du sommeil , Comportement social , Justice sociale , Problèmes sociaux , Suicide , Plaies pénétrantes , Travail des enfants , Alimentation d'Urgence , Trouble bipolaire , Neurosciences , Enfant abandonné , Défense des droits de l'enfant , Hygiène , Droits civiques , Vêtements , Violence domestique , Adulte , Trouble dysthymique , Troubles de l'humeur , Troubles liés à une substance , Crime , Dangers , Vulnérabilité Aux Catastrophes , Rétroaction psychologique , Mort , Mécanismes de défense , Troubles de stress traumatique , Agressivité , Dépression , Croissance et développement , Éducation , Niveau d'instruction , Usagers de drogues , Intelligence émotionnelle , Brimades , Idéation suicidaire , Sens de la cohérence , Ajustement émotionnel , Sang-froid , Traumatisme psychologique , Sévices , Survie (démographie) , Croissance post-traumatique , Embarras , Régulation émotionnelle , Détresse psychologique , Violence émotionnelle , Insécurité alimentaire , Excoriation Disorder , Psychological Growth , Coping Skills , Culpabilité , Logement , 7244 , Faute professionnelle , Mémoire , MotivationRÉSUMÉ
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to examine effects of traumatic experiences in childhood, on depressive symptoms of college students, and to determine how depression depended on positive psychological resources.METHODS: A total of 430 students were recruited, from two universities in Jeju area. All participants completed self-report questionnaires, that included demographic variables, Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) Scale, Patient Health Questionnaire-9, and Positive Resources Test (POREST).RESULTS: Prevalence of depression was 47.9%, and a total of 133 (30.9%) college students reported traumatic experiences in childhood. Students with depressive symptoms, were likely to report more traumatic experiences in childhood, and less positive psychological resources. Results from regression analyses indicated that, while controlling for a range of demographic variables, positive psychological resources moderated the association, between traumatic experiences in childhood and depression.CONCLUSION: Based on results, professionals must consider positive psychological and social resources, for treatment to reduce depressive symptoms in patients with history of childhood adversity.
Humains , Dépression , PrévalenceRÉSUMÉ
A travers cet article, l'auteur explique que les effets de la violence sur l'enfant ne s'observent bien souvent, que dans l'après coup et notamment à l'adolescence. L'adolescence constitue une opportunité qui permet que se reprennent et se traitent les nombreux traumatismes qui ont marqué la psyché de l'enfant. Grâce au processus de répétition-création, l'adolescent remet en scène les traces d'anciens vécus traumatiques non assimilés pour essayer de les traiter. Pour démontrer ce postulat, l'auteur s'appuie sur une situation clinique, extraite de deux ans de prise en charge psychothérapique. Cet exemple permet ainsi, de rendre compte de ce phénomène de reprise, de mise en scène et des effets du travail psychique après coup.
In this article the author argues that the effects of violence against children are often noticed only years later, especially during adolescence. Adolescence is an opportunity that allows to regain and treat the many injuries that have affected the psyche of the child. By means of the process of repetition-creation, the teenager can act out traces of old traumatic experiences which were not assimilated and try to treat them. To demonstrate this assumption, the author uses a clinical situation, extracted from two years of psychotherapeutic treatement. This example makes it possible to account for the phenomenon of recovery, acting out and the effects of psychotherapeutic treatment years afterwards the traumatic experience.
Neste artigo a autora argumenta que os efeitos da violência contras as crianças são, muitas vezes, percebidos apenas anos mais tarde, especialmente durante a adolescência. Nesta fase é possível recuperar e tratar os efeitos provocados pela violência na psique da criança. Por meio do processo de criação-repetição o adolescente pode agir sobre os vestígios de antigas experiências traumáticas que não foram assimilados e tentar tratá-los. Para demonstrar esta hipótese a autora utiliza uma situação clínica, extraída de dois anos de tratamento psicoterapêutico. Este exemplo torna possível explicar o fenômeno de recuperação agindo e os efeitos do tratamento psicoterápico anos depois da experiência traumática.
Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Enfant , Adolescent , Violence sexuelle chez l'enfant/psychologie , Stress psychologiqueRÉSUMÉ
This study was undertaken to provide basis for the “Psychological Response and Coping Mechanism of Sexually Abuse Teenagers: A Basis for Psychiatric Nursing Care” which discover the different responses and coping mechanism of sexually abused teenagers. Respondents (50) were from the government institutions supervised by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) namely residents of Marillac Hills at Town Center North Gate Avenue, Filinvest, Corporate City, Alabang, Munting Lupa City. Age of the respondents from 11-17 years old was included as the subject of the study.The study used a descriptive correlation research. The instrument used was a personal information sheet which includes their demographic variables, relationship to the Perpetrator, and reason for abused. Statistical measurements used are measures of Central Tendencies and Kruskall Wallis Two Way Anova by Ranks. This determines the respondents of the sample as to different area of functioning and coping mechanism. Also establish differences and correlation between two age groups (11-14 and 15-17 years old) based on the mentioned mechanism.In conclusion, the age group ratio was 3:1 (for 11-14 and 15-17 years old) distributed nationally from four regions of the country. Occupations of the parents were of blue-collar nature (driver, laborer, house maid) belong to the low socio-economic income of the society. Respondent educational attainment falls only up to the primary level of education. Majority of the respondents were abused by their father while other of their family relatives indicating that occurred within the household where the perpetrator tended to have close family relation with the victim. Result show there is no significant difference among the selected sexually abused teenagers when grouped as to birth of origin, father nature of work and five categories of coping mechanism.Based on the findings of the study, special programs for sexually abused teenagers should be conducted by the agency concerned and assisted by the NGO’s (the government centers). Their rights under the existing laws, victims of sexually abused women should be observed and respected. The center/ agency in charge of sexually abused teenagers provide assistance for them to continue their education, constant counseling, ensure reintegration in their family and community. That the agencies in-charge of keeping peace and order should enforce strictly rules in order to avoid/or minimize sexual abused. Further study maybe conducted in other agencies.