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J. Phys. Educ. (Maringá) ; 31: e3104, 2020.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1098325


RESUMO Objetiva compreender a configuração e os impactos do Programa de Educação Tutorial Educação Física do/no Cefd/Ufes, entre os anos de 1994 a 2018. Buscamos entender qua(is) proposta(s) formativa(s) se constituíram em diferentes momentos no programa. Como fontes, faz uso do acervo de materiais localizados no arquivo do PET EF e no Cefd/Ufes, das produções do grupo, dos documentos externos de regulamentação e legislação do programa. Percebemos que o grupo realizou atividades que englobaram ensino, pesquisa e extensão e sofreu diversas mudanças, passando de Programa Especial de Treinamento à Programa de Educação Tutorial. Além disso, o PET EF se desenvolveu em meio às lutas de representação e resistiu taticamente em frente às estratégias impostas.

ABSTRACT Devoted to understanding the configuration and impacts of the Cefd/Ufes Physical Education Tutorial Education Program between 1994 and 2018. We sought to understand what formative proposal (s) were constituted at different times in the program. As sources, it makes use of the collection of materials located in the PET EF archive and Cefd / Ufes, the group's productions, the external regulatory documents and the program's legislation. We realized that the group carried out activities that included teaching, research and extension and underwent several changes, going from Special Training Program to the Tutorial Education Program. PET EF developed in the midst of the representation struggles and resisted tactically in front of the imposed strategies.

Histoire du 20ème siècle , Éducation physique et entraînement physique , Évaluation de programme , Mentorat , Recherche/enseignement et éducation , Enseignement , Universités , Stratégies de Santé , Universités
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 21(3): 163-168, set-dez. 2017.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-879604


Este estudo trata-se do relato de experiência cujo objetivo é explanar o potencial educativo permeado pelo Método Altadir de Planejamento Popular no processo de planejamento anual das ações do grupo Enfermagem do Programa de Educação Tutorial. O grupo é constituído por doze alunos de Enfermagem, bolsistas do Programa: quatro da segunda série do curso; três da terceira série; cinco da quarta série; e uma tutora. O processo de planejamento das ações anuais do grupo aconteceu entre os meses de novembro de 2016 e janeiro de 2017, integrando a apresentação do método e a aplicação de suas etapas. Como resultado, obteve-se a experiência inovadora de o grupo utilizar um método participativo para planejar suas ações, visto que isso possibilitou a discussão coletiva, a corresponsabilização dos envolvidos para as situações-problemas concretas e a aprendizagem problematizada do planejamento. O método de planejamento utilizado foi considerado pertinente e exequível ao grupo e a experiência relatada infere sua possibilidade em ser adotado como forma de planejamento em realidades descentralizadas aliada à aprendizagem dialógica.

This study is an experience report with the purpose of explaining the educational potential of the Altadir Population Planning Method (MAPP) in the annual planning process of the Nursing Group in the Tutorial Education Program of the State University of Maringá for 2017. The group is made up of twelve nursing students, program fellows ­ four in the second year of the course; three in the third year; five in the fourth year; and a professor. The planning process took place between November 2016 and January 2017, integrating the MAPP presentation and the implementation of its stages. An innovative experience resulted from the experience, with the group using a participative method to plan its actions. Such method allowed for collective discussion and the commitment of those involved, besides showing that the method can also be applied in diverse planning situations and reproduced in the daily academic and professional routines. In view of the above, it can be concluded that it was possible to identify MAPP as something applicable to the PET, and the reported experience infers that it is a possible strategy to be adopted as an effective form of planning, being also able to make teaching, research and extension inseparable.

Planification Participative , Soins , Éducation
Motrivivência (Florianópolis) ; 28(49): 207-220, dez. 2016.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-827335


O presente estudo apresenta atividades realizadas pelo grupo PET-Biomecânica com escolares do ensino Fundamental I e II, no ano de 2015, na cidade de Petrolina-PE. Este grupo está vinculado ao curso de Educação Física da Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco (UNIVASF). Seu objetivo é a prevenção de déficits posturais e a adoção da postura corporal correta. 101 crianças, entre 8 e 11 anos de idade participaram das atividades. Os procedimentos metodológicos incluíram ciclos de palestras, avaliações físicas, a pesagem de mochilas, e o desenvolvimento de um programa semanal de exercícios físicos, 50 minutos, com foco na propriocepção, equilíbrio estático e dinâmico e o fortalecimento dos músculos da região do core. Ao final, os hábitos posturais dos escolares foram transformados, assim como os petianos aprofundaram seus conhecimentos acadêmicos e contribuíram à resolução de demandas sociais locais.

This study presents activities carried out by PET-Biomechanics group of school education Elementary I and II, in 2015 in the city of Petrolina. This group is linked to the course of Physical Education of the Federal University of São Francisco Valley (UNIVASF). It aims to prevent postural deficits and the adoption of correct body posture. 101 children between 8 and 11 years old participated in the activities. The methodological procedures included cycles of lectures, physical assessments, weighing backpacks, and the development of a weekly exercise program, 50 minutes, focusing on proprioception, static and dynamic balance and strengthening the core muscles region. At the end, the postural habits of the students were transformed, as well as petianos deepened their academic knowledge and contributed to the resolution of local social demands.

Este estudio presenta actividades llevadas a cabo por el grupo de PET-Biomecánica de la educación de la escuela primaria I y II, en el año 2015 en la ciudad de Petrolina. Este grupo está vinculado con el curso de Educación Física de la Universidad Federal de San Francisco del Valle (UNIVASF). Su objetivo es evitar que los déficits posturales y la adopción de la postura corporal correcta. 101 niños entre 8 y 11 años participaron en las actividades. Los procedimientos metodológicos incluyen ciclos de conferencias, evaluaciones físicas, mochilas que pesan, y el desarrollo de un programa de ejercicio semanal, 50 minutos, centrándose en la propiocepción, el equilibrio estático y dinámico y el fortalecimiento de la región músculos de la base. Al final, los hábitos posturales de los estudiantes fueron transformados, así como petianos profundizaron sus conocimientos académicos y contribuyeron a la resolución de las demandas sociales locales.

Humains , Enfant , Éducation physique et entraînement physique/méthodes , Posture , Aptitude physique , Équilibre postural , Enseignants
Textos contextos (Porto Alegre) ; 14(2): 303-313, 2015.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-913273


O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar o funcionamento e algumas das atividades desenvolvidas pelo PET Economia/UFES, ao longo de sua existência, que contribuíram e contribuem para o desenvolvimento de uma Educação Tutorial crítica e cidadã no seio de nosso grupo. Para tanto, apresentaremos, inicialmente, um pouco da construção histórica do grupo para em um segundo momento descrever algumas de nossas atividades que constituem o eixo ensino, pesquisa e extensão.

The objective of this paper is to present the functioning and some of the activities that are undertaken by the PET Economia/UFES throughout its existence, these activities have contributed and still contribute to the development of a tutorial education critical and citizenship within our group. Therefore, we will initially present a bit of the historical formation of the group and, in a second moment, we wil describe some of our activities that constitute the axis of teaching, research and extension.

Éducation , Économie/tendances , Politique publique
Rev. baiana enferm ; 22/23(1/3)2009.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS, BDENF | ID: lil-764927


O Programa de Educação Tutorial (PET) destina-se ao aprimoramento da formação dos alunos de diversos cursos degraduação das Instituições de Ensino Superior do país, por meio da promoção de atividades relacionadas ao ensino,pesquisa e extensão. Com base em uma metodologia qualitativa, o presente estudo foi elaborado com o objetivo decaracterizar os ex-integrantes do PET, bolsistas e voluntários quanto ao sexo, idade, cor, tempo de permanência noPrograma, nível de formação atual, classe social e renda; analisar a experiência vivenciada por ex-integrantes doPET-Enfermagem e os fatores que interferem no desenvolvimento de suas atividades. Para tanto, utilizou-se comoinstrumento de coleta de dados, entrevista semiestruturada. Os dados coletados foram analisados pela técnica deanálise de conteúdo. Ao final do estudo, percebeu-se que o PET, na Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade Federalda Bahia (EEUFBA), caracteriza-se como uma estratégia de aprendizado eficaz para os alunos deste grupo. Suametodologia de trabalho favorece amadurecimento profissional e pessoal, influencia o aprimoramento técnico--científico, na escolha da área de atuação em enfermagem, bem como possibilita a construção de atividades emconjunto com grupos de outras áreas. O PET foi apontado pelos alunos como de fundamental importância para odesenvolvimento da vida acadêmica, enquanto a experiência de orientar o grupo foi avaliada pelos tutores comopositiva, pois promove troca de informações, crescimento e enriquecimento profissional. Concluiu-se que o PET, naEEUFBA, tem se firmado como um instrumento pedagógico importante, pois sua metodologia de trabalho favoreceo amadurecimento profissional e pessoal, levando ao cumprimento de seu papel no que diz respeito à formaçãoampla, ao preparo de profissionais mais comprometidos com a realidade, e com o aprimoramento dosconhecimentos técnico-científicos imprescindíveis à Enfermagem.

The Tutorial Education Program (PET) is directed toward improving the education of students from variousundergraduate programs in Higher Education Institutions in the country, through the promotion of teaching, research,and extracurricular activities. Based on a qualitative methodology, the study was elaborated with the objectives ofcharacterizing the ex-participants of the PET program, scholarship students, and volunteers in terms of sex, age, ethnicity,time in the program, level of education, social class, and income; and analyze the experience of the ex-participants of thePET-Nursing program and the factors that interfere with the development of their activities. Semi-structured interviewswere used for data gathering. The data gathered was analyzed using content analysis. The results of the study illustratedthat the PET program, in the Nursing School of the Federal University of Bahia (EEUFBA), is characterized as an efficientlearning strategy for the students of this group. Its methodology favors professional and personal development; influencestechnical-scientific improvement in the nursing school area; and provides for the construction of collective activities withgroups of other areas. Students classify the PET program as fundamental for the development of academic life. Tutorsevaluated the experience of advising the group as positive, for it promotes the exchange of information, and professionaland personal growth and empowerment. The conclusion illustrates that the PET program in EEUFBA has established itselfas an important pedagogic instrument. Its work methodology favors professional and personal development, achievingthe objective of its role as comprehensive education, preparing professionals more committed to reality, and improvingtechnical-scientific information, which is indispensable for Nursing.

El Programa de Educación Tutorial (PET) se destina al perfeccionamiento de la formación de los alumnos de los diversoscursos de graduación de las Instituciones de Enseñanza Superior del país, por medio de la promoción de actividadesrelacionadas a la enseñanza, investigación y extensión. Con base en una metodología cualitativa, el presente estudio fueelaborado con el objetivo de caracterizar a los ex-integrantes del PET, becarios y voluntarios, cuanto al sexo, edad, color,tiempo de permanencia en el Programa, nivel de formación actual, clase social y renta; analizar la experiencia vividapor ex-integrantes del PET-Enfermería y los factores que interfieren en el desarrollo de sus actividades. Para tanto, seutilizó como instrumento de colecta de datos, la entrevista semiestructurada. Los datos colectados fueron analizados através de la técnica de análisis de contenido. Al final del estudio, fue observado que el PET en la EEUFBA se caracterizacomo una estrategia de aprendizaje eficaz para los alumnos de este grupo. Su metodología de trabajo favorece lamadurez profesional y personal; influye en el perfeccionamiento técnico-científico, en la elección del área de actuacióndentro de la enfermería; bien como, hace posible la construcción de actividades en conjunto con grupos de otras áreas.El PET fue apuntado por los alumnos como siendo de fundamental importancia el desarrollo de la vida académica,mientras que la experiencia de orientar el grupo fue evaluada por los tutores como positiva, pues promueve el intercambiode informaciones, crecimiento y enriquecimiento profesional. Se concluye que el PET, en la EEUFBA, se ha firmado comoinstrumento pedagógico importante, pues su metodologia de trabajo favorece la madurez profesional y personal, llevandoal cumplimiento de su papel en lo que respecta a la formación amplia, al preparo de profesionales más comprometidos conla realidad, y con el aprimoramiento de los conocimientos técnicocientíficos imprescindibles a la Enfermería.

Humains , Élève infirmier , Enseignement infirmier , Formation des Ressources en Santé Humaine , Mentorat
Medical Education ; : 23-28, 2007.
Article Dans Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-369985


The importance of cooperation among the staffs of various medical specialties has been recognized.However, medical students have little chance to study with students of other specialties.We planned and held an interdisciplinary freshman seminar based on problem-based group learning for health science students.<BR>1) All freshmen entering the Shinshu University School of Medicine were divided into 20 groups and participated in a group-learning program.<BR>2) Students watched video material focusing on medical communication and were asked to investigate and discuss this issue in greater detail to deepen their understanding.<BR>3) Questionnaires filled out by students after the course revealed that most students were satisfied with the program because they could deepen their partnership with students of other specialties but were unsatisfied with the program's tight schedule and the inefficiency of discussions.<BR>4) Many instructors felt that the number of students in each group (12 or 13) was too large for effective group discussion.<BR>5) This program helped students understand the importance of communication in medicine but did not encourage students to study for themselves.

Medical Education ; : 203-212, 2004.
Article Dans Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-369879


Our medical ethics course emphasizes problem-based-learning (PBL) via group discussion of clinical cases. The significanceof instructors' assessments of PBL in ethics education was studied with different assessment tools during thelast 2 years. In the first year, students' behavior and level of functioning in group discussion were assessed on a group basiswith an 8-item instrument. In the second year, students' level of functioning and flexibility in response to differentopinions in group discussion were assessed on an individual basis with a 2-item instrument. Instsments ofstudent's performance in group discussion were positively but weakly correlated with scores of their reports derivedfrom group discussions. Instructors could consistently assess student performance in PBL in terms of behavior and levelof functioning in group discussions. Furthermore, instructors rated flexibility in response to other opinions as an importantfactor in group dynamics, including interaction between students and instructors. These results suggest that instructors'assessments can be used to help evaluate students in a medical ethics course. Instructors' assessments of studentflexibility during PBL can be particularly useful in this regard.

Medical Education ; : 261-269, 2003.
Article Dans Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-369844


A medical-ethics course was anonymously evaluated by first-year students over 2 years. The course emphasizes problem-based learning through group discussion of clinical cases and lectures on ethical issues. A tutorial system was added to the course in the second year. Students' evaluations indicated that most students had positive attitudes about the course and that both group discussion and lectures were helpful for achieving the general instructional objectives and specific behavioral objectives of the course. A comparison of the 2 years showed that a majority of evaluated items received higher evaluations from second-year students than from first-year students. We attribute the difference to the livelier discussion with the introduction of the tutorial system and the smaller discussion groups. These results indicate that students consider medical-ethics education to be useful.

Medical Education ; : 21-30, 2002.
Article Dans Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-369785


To develop problem-solving skills and to motivate learning, The Jikei University School of Medicine started a tutorial educational program for fourth-year preclinical students in April 1999. Student doctors' patient-care models focused on discovery learning and acquiring strategies for general medicine through problem-solving skills. After information was first provided by prepractice handouts, one or two tutorial sessions were performed each week. Minimum requirements for each step were established, and instructors provided printed materials, display materials, and detailed oral information to facilitate discovery learning. This program is based on problem-finding and problem-solving through selfdirected learning and feedback systems for tutorial sessions. Examinations used multiple stations to reconfirm program aims and to reinforce problem-solving skills. On a questionnaire survey, 85% of fifth-year students taking part in practical clinical education thought that the tutorial education was needed to acquire problem-solving skills necessary for fifth-year clinical training.

Medical Education ; : 457-464, 2000.
Article Dans Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-369745


Tokyo Women's Medical University introduced tutorial education in 1990 for 1st-through 4th-year students. To examine the effectiveness of this system in a basic-medicine course, questionnaires were given to all 2nd-year students. Many students felt that they had become accustomed to performing self-learning tasks through collecting information themselves and discussing their findings in a group; in particular, they found that tutorial education markedly improved their communication skills. A few students thought that this method helped them develop the ability of logical/critical thinking and analytic skills from multiple viewpoints. These findings suggest that an assessment system should be established by which students themselves could recognize the extent to which they have developed their abilities, which was the aim of tutorial education.

Medical Education ; : 107-112, 1998.
Article Dans Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-369596


Tutors must understand their role in advance so that tutorial education can be conducted smoothly and effectively. These abilities and attitudes require training. At our school, tutors serve as faculty for basic courses and clinical courses. We assessed their training conditions and future tasks. Of the 1, 077 faculty members who received tutor training between 1988 and 1997, 935 are current faculty members who have completed in-service training (basic course, 115; clinical course, 820). Before 1989, training was on campus, but since 1990 it has been conducted at Shirakawa Seminar House with a 2-day program. The number of working tutors per year is 192, with a basic course to clinical course ratio of 3: 7. About half of the faculty members in the basic course have had four or more experiences as tutors, whereas most clinical course faculty members have had only one experience. Thus, many tutors have had no experience. In a questionnaire survey after undergoing the training program, most participants felt that they were able to understand the theory of tutorial education and the actual role of the tutor and that they were able to concentrate on off-campus training that was removed from their everyday work. To provide added impetus to tutorial education, we suggest that in the future, in addition to the understanding and mutual cooperation of those involved, it will be necessary to provide an advanced program to train tutors who have appropriate abilities and attitudes.

Medical Education ; : 107-113, 1997.
Article Dans Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-369558


A new educational program for the medical doctor was introduced at Tokyo Women's Medical College in 1990 with a 4-year tutorial education model as its core. To develop the program for educational training more efficiently, current facilities were reviewed on a large scale, and various types of equipment and supplementary materials were made available. We are now investigating utilization and problems of the current program. Supplies and materials of tutorial rooms and mirror rooms have been used effectively. The library has become increasingly useful as a place for independent study and research. However, audiovisual materials have not yet been made fully available. We suggest that further improvements to the system and fostering an environment of open access to information are necessary to increase the accessibility of the support system for tutorial education.

Détails de la recherche