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Medicina (B.Aires) ; Medicina (B.Aires);84(supl.1): 65-71, mayo 2024. graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558486


Resumen Introducción : La población de niños que comienzan con lentitud el desarrollo del lenguaje varía amplia mente, tanto en su perfil inicial como en la respuesta a la intervención. En este sentido, existe un grupo de niños, denominados hablantes tardíos, que continúan mostrando dificultades persistentes en el lenguaje. Al gunos de estos niños muestran signos compatibles con la dispraxia verbal, y que se ponen de manifiesto a lo largo de la intervención. Método : En este trabajo presentamos la diferente respuesta a la intervención de dos perfiles de hablante tardío. Concretamente, se aplicó el programa Target Word©, del centro Hanen, que conjuga la técnica de la estimulación focalizada con la orientación a padres so bre estrategias que promueven el desarrollo del lenguaje. Resultados : Gran parte de la sintomatología mostrada en uno de los dos casos, que experimentó un progreso pobre, coincide con las descripciones retrospectivas de niños posteriormente diagnosticados con dispraxia y pueden considerarse indicadores tempranos del trastor no: ininteligibilidad, inventario consonántico reducido o dificultades en la repetición de palabras. Discusión : La diferente respuesta a la intervención contribuye a la toma de decisiones diagnósticas y a la aplicación temprana de estrategias específicas para la mejora de las habilidades de aprendizaje del habla me diante la incorporación de los principios del aprendizaje motor. Los escasos estudios de intervención en casos de sospecha de dispraxia verbal en la infancia temprana ofrecen resultados prometedores en diversos indicadores de evaluación del habla, y proporcionan a los profesio nales una información valiosa en la que fundamentar la intervención en esta población.

Abstract Introduction : The population of children with slow emergence of language development varies widely, both in their initial profile and in their response to interven tion. In this sense, there is a group of late talkers who continue to show persistent language difficulties, in some cases exhibiting signs compatible with verbal dyspraxia. Method : In this paper we present the different response to intervention of two profiles of late talk ers. Specifically, the Target Word© program (Hanen Centre) was implemented, which is addressed to late-talking children and their families. It combines the technique of focused stimulation with guidance to parents on strategies that stimulate global language development. Results : Much of the symptomatology shown in one case of poor progress coincides with retrospective de scriptions of children subsequently diagnosed with dyspraxia and can be considered early indicators of the disorder: unintelligibility, reduced consonant inventory or difficulties in word repetition. Discussion : The different response to intervention contributes to diagnostic decision making and the early implementation of specific strategies directed to improve speech learning skills by incorporating motor learning principles. The few studies of intervention in suspected verbal dyspraxia in early childhood offer promising re sults on a variety of speech assessment indicators, and provide practitioners with valuable information with which to support the intervention in this population.

Rev. Psicol., Divers. Saúde ; 13(1)abr. 2024. tab, tab
Article de Espagnol , Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551272


OBJETIVO: O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar e comparar a habilidade do comportamento verbal em crianças com distintos níveis de suporte do TEA. MÉTODO: Foram avaliadas onze crianças diagnosticadas com autismo e com faixa etária entre 2 e 7 anos e que apresentassem diversidade entre si quanto ao nível de suporte TEA. Para a averiguação do repertório de comunicação, eles foram avaliados a partir de um instrumento elaborado por uma equipe de profissionais especializados, investigando o comportamento não verbal, ecoico, mando, tato e intraverbal em três tentativas. RESULTADOS: Apesar do número reduzido de participantes, os resultados indicaram que pacientes no nível 3 de suporte apresentam maior comprometimento na comunicação comparado aos demais. O estudo destacou a importância do rastreio de habilidades comportamentais para um planejamento com maior eficácia para a intervenção e concomitantemente evolução clínica, respeitando assim as particularidades e singularidades de cada pessoa no espectro. CONCLUSÃO: Concluiu-se assim, a importância da análise de comportamentos e a investigação detalhada para cada paciente, a fim de que as intervenções sejam focadas em suas reais necessidades.

OBJECTIVE: The present work aimed to evaluate and compare the verbal behavior ability in children with different levels of ASD support. METHOD: Eleven children diagnosed with autism and aged between 2 and 7 years old and who presented diversity among themselves in terms of the level of ASD support were evaluated. To investigate their communication repertoire, they were evaluated using an instrument developed by a team of specialized professionals, investigating non-verbal, echoic, command, tact and intraverbal behavior in three attempts. RESULTS: Despite the small number of participants, the results indicated that patients at level 3 of support have greater impairment in communication compared to the others. The study highlighted the importance of screening behavioral skills for more effective planning for intervention and concomitant clinical evolution, thus respecting the particularities and singularities of each person on the spectrum. CONCLUSION: This concludes the importance of behavioral analysis and detailed investigation for each patient, so that interventions are focused on their real needs.

OBJETIVO: El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar y comparar la capacidad de conducta verbal en niños con diferentes niveles de apoyo al TEA. MÉTODO: Se evaluaron once niños diagnosticados con autismo, con edades entre 2 y 7 años y que presentaban diversidad entre sí en cuanto al nivel de apoyo al TEA. Para investigar su repertorio comunicativo, fueron evaluados mediante un instrumento desarrollado por un equipo de profesionales especializados, investigando el comportamiento no verbal, ecoico, de mando, tacto e intraverbal en tres intentos. RESULTADOS: A pesar del pequeño número de participantes, los resultados indicaron que los pacientes en el nivel 3 de apoyo tienen un mayor deterioro en la comunicación en comparación con los demás. El estudio destacó la importancia del cribado de habilidades conductuales para una planificación más eficaz de la intervención y la evolución clínica concomitante, respetando así las particularidades y singularidades de cada persona del espectro. CONCLUSIÓN: Se concluye la importancia del análisis conductual y la investigación detallada de cada paciente, para que las intervenciones estén enfocadas a sus necesidades reales.

Trouble autistique , Comportement verbal , Médecine comportementale
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024549


Objective:To explore the diagnostic value of auditory verbal learning test-Huashan version(AVLT-H)of memo-ry impairment in patients with subjective cognitive decline(SCD)and mild cognitive impairment(MCI). Method:According to the inclusion criteria,the recruited elderly were screened and divided into three groups:normal cognition(NC),SCD and MCI group.The neuropsychological tests including mini-mental state exami-nation(MMSE),Montreal cognitive assessment-Beijing version(MOCA-BJ)and AVLT-H were completed af-ter inclusion.The scores of MMSE,MoCA-B,AVLT-N2,N3,N4,N5,N6 and N7 were recorded and analyzed. Result:There were significant differences in the scores of MMSE,MoCA and AVLT-H among the three groups(P<0.0167).The adjusted Bonferroni test was used to detect significant differences in post-hoc comparison.There were significant difference in MMSE and MoCA scores between SCD and NC(P<0.001)and between MCI and NC(P<0.001).However,no significant difference between MCI and SCD was found.There were sig-nificant difference in N1 score between MCI and NC(P=0.013)and between MCI and SCD(P=0.001),but there was no significant difference between SCD and NC.There were significant difference in AVLT-N2,N3,N4,N5,N6 and N7 scores between MCI and NC(P<0.001)and between MCI and SCD(P<0.001),but there was no significant difference between SCD and NC.The area under the curve of MMSE,MoCA and AVLT-H scores were examined using NC group and SCD group as state variables,respectively.For differentiat-ing MCI and SCD,eAVLT-H scores had a larger area under the curve with higher sensitivity and specificity,N1 and N7 had the highest sensitivity.For distinguishing MCI from NC,AVLT-H and MoCA scores had a larger area under the curve with higher sensitivity and specificity,N4,N6 and N7 had the highest sensitivity. Conclusion:AVLT-H,combined with MMSE and MoCA,can improve the defining diagnostic sensitivity of MCI and SCD from normal cognition.It is recommended to routinely use AVLT-H in a routine assessment for MCI and SCD patients.

CoDAS ; 36(4): e20230268, 2024. tab, graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557629


RESUMO Objetivo Verificar o repertório lexical de crianças falantes do português brasileiro aos 24 e 30 meses e a associação entre a quantidade de palavras faladas e as variáveis: nível socioeconômico, escolaridade dos pais, presença de irmãos no convívio familiar, frequentar ou não escola e uso exacerbado de tablets e celulares pelas crianças. Método 30 pais de crianças com 24 meses, residentes no estado de São Paulo participaram do estudo. Por meio de plataformas de videoconferência eles foram submetidos à anamnese fonoaudiológica, entrevista com o serviço social e preencheram o "Inventário MacArthur de Desenvolvimento Comunicativo - Primeiras Palavras e Gestos", quando seus filhos tinham 24 e 30 meses. Foi aplicada estatística indutiva inferencial, quantitativa e qualitativa. Resultados A mediana das palavras emitidas foi de 283 aos 24 meses e 401 aos 30 meses, indicando aumento em torno de 118 palavras após seis meses. A criança estar frequentando ambiente escolar apresentou relação significativa com o aumento do vocabulário. Conclusão O estudo reforça o crescimento do vocabulário conforme o avanço da idade e corrobora o fato de as crianças com 24 meses já possuírem um repertório maior que 50 palavras. Aqueles que frequentam escola diariamente produzem pelo menos 70 palavras a mais dos que não frequentam.

ABSTRACT Purpose To check the lexical repertoire of Brazilian Portuguese-speaking children at 24 and 30 months of age and the association between the number of words spoken and the following variables: socioeconomic status, parents' education, presence of siblings in the family, whether or not they attend school, and excessive use of tablets and cell phones. Methods 30 parents of children aged 24 months living in the state of São Paulo participated in the study. Using videoconferencing platforms, they underwent a speech-language pathology anamnesis, an interview with social services, and then they completed the "MacArthur Communicative Development Inventory - First Words and Gestures" as soon as their children were 24 and 30 months old. Quantitative and qualitative inferential inductive statistics were applied. Results the median number of words produced was 283 at 24 months and 401 at 30 months, indicating an increase of around 118 words after six months. The child attending a school environment had a significant relationship with increased vocabulary. Conclusion The study reinforces the fact that vocabulary grows with age and corroborates the fact that children aged 24 months already have a repertoire greater than 50 words. Those who attend school every day produce at least 70 more words than those who do not.

Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559122


ABSTRACT The Verbal Autopsy (VA) is a questionnaire about the circumstances surrounding a death. It was widely used in Brazil to assist in postmortem diagnoses and investigate excess mortality during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. This study aimed to determine the accuracy of investigating acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) using VA. This is a cross-sectional study with prospective data collected from January 2020 to August 2021 at the Death Verification Service of Sao Luis city, Brazil. VA was performed for suspected COVID-19 deaths, and one day of the week was randomly chosen to collect samples from patients without suspected COVID-19. Two swabs were collected after death and subjected to reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for SARS-CoV-2 detection. Of the 250 cases included, the VA questionnaire identified COVID-19-related ARDS in 67.2% (52.98% were positive for COVID-19). The sensitivity of the VA questionnaire was 0.53 (0.45-0.61), the specificity was 0.75 (0.64-0.84), the positive predictive value was 0.81 (0.72-0.88), and the negative predictive value was 0.44 (0.36-0.53). The VA had a lower-than-expected accuracy for detecting COVID-19 deaths; however, because it is an easily accessible and cost-effective tool, it can be combined with more accurate methods to improve its performance.

Texto & contexto enferm ; 33: e20230207, 2024. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1560574


ABSTRACT Objective: to describe nursing technicians' proxemic behaviors during transfusions in hospitalized clients. Method: a qualitative, descriptive and exploratory study based on non-participant observation, recorded in an instrument prepared from the Theory of Proxemic Behavior. The participants were 18 nursing technicians from a reference hospital for Hematology and Hemotherapy in the Brazilian Southeast Region, from April to December 2022. Data analysis prioritized thematic content. Results: the following stood out: eye contact; instrumental touch; normal tone of voice; and intimate and personal distances. These indicate welcoming, attention and technical vigilance when carrying out the transfusions. Conclusion: there is a need to raise nursing technicians' awareness regarding proxemic behaviors when welcoming clients. That is: expanding listening, bonding and effective interpersonal coexistence, and favoring the reach of comprehensive health care in Hematology and Hemotherapy.

RESUMEN Objetivo: describir los comportamientos proxémicos de técnicos de Enfermería durante transfusiones en clientes internados. Método: estudio cualitativo, descriptivo y exploratorio, basado en la observación no participante y registrado en un instrumento elaborado a partir de la Teoría del Comportamiento Proxémico. Los participantes fueron 18 técnicos de Enfermería de un hospital que es referencia en Hematología y Hemoterapia de la Región Sudeste de Brasil, entre abril y diciembre de 2022. En el análisis de los datos se priorizó el contenido temático. Resultados: se destacó lo siguiente: contacto visual; toque instrumental; tono de voz normal; y distancias íntima y personal; los cuales indican buen recibimiento, atención y vigilancia técnica al realizar las transfusiones. Conclusión: es necesario generar conciencia en los técnicos de Enfermería con respecto a los comportamientos proxémicos al recibir a los clientes. Eso implica: prestar más atención al escuchar y ampliar los vínculos y la convivencia interpersonal efectiva, además de favorecer el alcance de las medidas de atención en integrales en Hematología y Hemoterapia.

RESUMO Objetivo: descrever os comportamentos proxêmicos de técnicos de enfermagem durante o ato transfusional em clientes hospitalizados. Método: estudo qualitativo, descritivo e exploratório, pautado em observação não participante, registrado em instrumento elaborado a partir da teoria do comportamento proxêmico. Participaram 18 técnicos de enfermagem de um hospital referência em hematologia e hemoterapia da Região Sudeste do Brasil, de abril a dezembro de 2022. A análise de dados priorizou o conteúdo temático. Resultados: destacaram-se o contato visual; o toque instrumental; o tom de voz normal e as distâncias íntima e pessoal. Estes, indicativos de acolhimento, atenção e vigilância técnica à realização do ato transfusional. Conclusão: há necessidade de despertar a consciência dos técnicos de enfermagem em relação aos comportamentos proxêmicos durante o acolhimento aos clientes. Isto é: ampliar a escuta, o vínculo, a efetiva convivência interpessoal e favorecer o alcance dos cuidados em saúde integral na hematologia e hemoterapia.

Audiol., Commun. res ; 29: e2889, 2024. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557153


RESUMO Objetivo avaliar a capacidade de estudantes de medicina para reconhecer emoções pela voz e expressão facial, por meio de avaliações de percepção emocional da entonação vocal e das expressões faciais. Métodos estudo com delineamento transversal observacional. Para avaliação do reconhecimento de emoções pelas expressões faciais, utilizou-se um teste composto por 20 vídeos de microexpressões faciais e, para avaliação do reconhecimento emocional pela voz, utilizou-se o Protocolo de Reconhecimento de Emoções Prosódicas Básicas, baseado no banco de dados de Burkhardt. Para análise estatística, foram utilizados os testes de Friedman, Shapiro-Wilk, teste t de Student ou Mann-Whitney e o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson ou Spearman. Resultados o estudo foi composto por 38 alunos, com média de idade de 20,8 (±2,5). O reconhecimento de emoções pela voz foi significativamente superior, comparado com os resultados do teste de reconhecimento de emoções pelas expressões faciais. Houve correlação positiva entre a idade e a habilidade de reconhecer emoções pelas expressões faciais. O gênero masculino apresentou taxa significativa de acertos, superior ao gênero feminino na habilidade de reconhecer emoções pela expressão facial. As emoções com maior média de acertos pela expressão facial foram surpresa, alegria e desprezo, enquanto, por meio da voz, as emoções foram raiva, medo e tristeza. Conclusão a capacidade de reconhecimento de emoções por estudantes de medicina foi maior na avaliação de percepção emocional por meio da voz.

ABSTRACT Purpose To evaluate the ability of medical students to recognize emotions through voice and facial expression through assessments of emotional perception of vocal intonation and functional expressions. Methods Observational cross-sectional study. To evaluate the recognition of emotions by facial expressions, a test composed of 20 videos of facial microexpressions was used, and to evaluate the emotional recognition by voice, the protocol of prosodic impressions of basic emotions, based on the Burkhardt database, was used. For statistical analysis, the Friedman, Shapiro-Wilk, Student t, Mann-Whitney and Pearson or Spearman correlation coefficient tests were used. Results The study consisted of 38 students, with an average age of 20.8 (±2.5). The recognition of emotions through the voice was significantly superior to the one through facial expressions. There was a positive correlation between age and the ability to recognize emotions through facial expressions. Males had a significantly higher hit rate than females in the ability to recognize emotions through facial expression. The emotions with the highest average success rates through facial expression were surprise, joy and contempt, while, through the voice, the emotions were anger, fear and sadness. Conclusion The ability to recognize emotions by medical students was greater when assessing emotional perception through the voice.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Étudiant médecine , Expression faciale , Reconnaissance de la voix , Études transversales
Psicol. USP ; 35: e210086, 2024.
Article de Portugais | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1558731


Resumo O reconhecimento se apresenta como via pela qual o psiquismo poderá se desenvolver e complexificar a partir de seu encontro com o outro e as afetações que este irá suscitar. Da mesma forma, o reconhecimento se apresenta enquanto movimento de afirmação de si por um elemento do meio externo com o qual o indivíduo se relaciona. Nesse contexto, vemo-nos diante de modalidades de interação da personalidade por meio de vias não-verbais, o que confere grande relevância ao corpo em nosso estudo, apresentando-se enquanto palco que torna possível a expressão e reconhecimento de determinados conteúdos psíquicos que de outra forma não poderiam ser postos em cena nas relações.

Abstract Recognition is presented as a way the psyche can develop and complexify from its encounter with the other and the affects this will arouse. Likewise, recognition is presented as a movement of affirming oneself by an element of the external environment the individual relates to. In this context, we are faced with modalities of personality interaction via non-verbal means, giving the body great relevance in our study, which presents itself as a stage that makes it possible to express and recognize certain psychic contents that could not otherwise be brought into play in relationships.

Resumen El reconocimiento se presenta como una vía por la cual la psique puede desarrollarse y complejizarse a partir de su encuentro con el otro y los afectos que este generará. Asimismo, el reconocimiento manifiesta como un movimiento de afirmación por parte de un elemento del entorno externo con el que se relaciona el individuo. En este contexto, nos encontramos ante modalidades de interacción de la personalidad a través de vías no verbales, lo que otorga gran importancia al cuerpo en nuestro estudio, presentándose como una etapa que posibilita la expresión y reconocimiento de ciertos contenidos psíquicos que de otra manera no podrían ser puestos en juego en las relaciones.

Résumé La reconnaissance est présentée comme un moyen par lequel le psychisme peut se développer et se complexifier en fonction de sa rencontre avec l'autre et des affectations que cela va susciter. De même, la reconnaissance est présentée comme un mouvement d'affirmation de soi par un élément de l'environnement extérieur avec lequel l'individu est en relation. Dans ce contexte, nous sommes confrontés à des modalités d'interaction de la personnalité par des voies non verbales, ce qui donne une grande importance au corps dans notre étude, se présentant comme une étape qui rend possible l'expression et la reconnaissance de certains contenus psychiques qui, autrement, ne pourrait pas être joué dans les relations.

Développement de la personnalité , 35416 , Communication non verbale/psychologie , Attachement à l'objet , Individualité , Relations mère-enfant
Psicol. (Univ. Brasília, Online) ; 40: e40204, 2024. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1569417


Abstract Studies using teaching techniques derived from Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) principles have shown promising results, based on empirical evidence, in teaching speaker and listener behavior to individuals diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Our objective was to compare the effects of two teaching procedures on the acquisition of intraverbal-tact and listener relations involving spatial relations concerning body parts in six boys with autism. In "intraverbal-tact-to-listener", questions in the presence of non-verbal stimulus were taught and then tested for emergence of listener responding. In "listener-to-intraverbal-tact", listener responses were initially taught and the emergence of intraverbal-tact responses were tested. An alternate treatment design with an embedded nonconcurrent multiple baseline design across participants was used. The results suggest that the intraverbal-tact-to-listener protocol was more effective. Such data concerning to body parts spatial relations replicate findings for other repertoires.

Resumo Estudos utilizando técnicas de ensino derivadas dos princípios da Análise do Comportamento Aplicada (ABA) têm mostrado resultados promissores, baseados em evidências empíricas, no ensino de comportamento de falante e de ouvinte para indivíduos com diagnóstico de Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo (TEA). Nosso objetivo foi comparar os efeitos de dois procedimentos de ensino na aquisição de tato-intraverbal e de relações de ouvinte envolvendo relações espaciais para partes do corpo em seis meninos com TEA. No "tato-intraverbal-para-ouvinte", perguntas na presença de estímulos não verbais foram ensinadas e então testadas para o surgimento de respostas de ouvinte. No "ouvinte-para-tato-intraverbal", as respostas de ouvinte foram inicialmente ensinadas e a emergência de respostas de tato-intraverbais foram testadas. Foi usado um delineamento de tratamento alternado acoplado a um delineamento de linha de base múltipla não simultânea entre os participantes. Os resultados sugerem que o protocolo "tato-intraverbal-para-ouvinte" foi mais eficaz. Esses dados relativos às relações espaciais das partes do corpo replicam achados para outros repertórios.

Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.) ; Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.);45(6): 482-490, Nov.-Dec. 2023. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533996


Objective: To develop a classification framework based on random forest (RF) modeling to outline the declarative memory profile of patients with panic disorder (PD) compared to a healthy control sample. Methods: We developed RF models to classify the declarative memory profile of PD patients in comparison to a healthy control sample using the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT). For this study, a total of 299 patients with PD living in the city of Rio de Janeiro (70.9% females, age 39.9 ± 7.3 years old) were recruited through clinician referrals or self/family referrals. Results: Our RF models successfully predicted declarative memory profiles in patients with PD based on RAVLT scores (lowest area under the curve [AUC] of 0.979, for classification; highest root mean squared percentage [RMSPE] of 17.2%, for regression) using relatively bias-free clinical data, such as sex, age, and body mass index (BMI). Conclusions: Our findings also suggested that BMI, used as a proxy for diet and exercises habits, plays an important role in declarative memory. Our framework can be extended and used as a prospective tool to classify and examine associations between clinical features and declarative memory in PD patients.

Actual. psicol. (Impr.) ; 37(135): 45-54, jul.-dic. 2023. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1556778


Resumen Objetivo. En este trabajo, se pretende conocer la relación entre la edad, la memoria de trabajo verbal y visoespacial, y la reserva cognitiva en adultos mayores de 40 años. Método. Se trabajó con una muestra conformada por 50 personas de 40 años en adelante, de ambos sexos y sin patologías asociadas. Para la recolección de datos, se administraron las subpruebas de INECO frontal screening, que corresponden al índice de memoria de trabajo (IMT), y el Cuestionario de Reserva Cognitiva (CRC). Resultados. En esta muestra, se pudo determinar que, mientras mayor capacidad de reserva cognitiva posea una persona, mayor será su capacidad de memoria de trabajo, en especial, de tipo visoespacial.

Abstract Objective. In this work, it was intended to show the relationship between age, verbal and visuospatial working memory, and cognitive reserve in people over 40 years old. Method. The sample was composed of 50 people from 40 years old onwards, of both genders and without associated pathologies. For data collection, the INECO frontal screening subtests and the Cognitive Reserve Questionnaire (CRC) were administered. Results. In this sample, it was possible to determine that the greater the cognitive reserve capacity a person has, the greater their working memory capacity will be, specially the visuospatial type.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Vieillissement , Réserve cognitive/physiologie , Tests d'apprentissage et de mémoire , Mémoire/physiologie
Distúrb. comun ; 35(3): 56381, 25/10/2023.
Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525588


Introdução: A pragmática é definida como o uso social da linguagem e a fonologia diz respeito à organização fonêmica e silábica. No Transtorno Fonológico são observadas alterações nessa organização, sendo possível também afetar a pragmática. Objetivo: Compreender e demonstrar se há alterações pragmáticas em crianças com Transtorno Fonológico. Metodologia: A busca por estudos foi realizada utilizando as bases de dados eletrônicas: Embase, Google Scholar, Portal Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS) - (LILACS), PubMed, SciELO, Scopus, Web of Science, e Base de Dados de Teses e Dissertações. Foram utilizados os descritores: "child", "speech sound disorder", "language tests", "verbal behavior", "social communication disorder" e "observational studies as topic" e seus sinônimos. Os artigos selecionados atendiam aos seguintes critérios: amostra composta por crianças de 4 a 10 anos com Transtorno Fonológico e dentro do desenvolvimento padrão, apresentar avaliações da pragmática dessas crianças, e delineamento observacional. A análise dos artigos foi feita pela leitura na íntegra e os dados foram extraídos para a avaliação da qualidade metodológica e dos achados. Resultados: Foram encontrados seis artigos, sendo quatro nacionais e dois internacionais. Discussão: Cinco estudos demonstraram haver alterações pragmáticas em crianças com Transtorno Fonológico, enquanto um concluiu que não havia relação. Considerações finais: A presente revisão sistemática revelou que estudos evidenciam alterações pragmáticas em crianças com Transtorno Fonológico, especialmente acerca da inteligibilidade de fala e de como isso afeta as iniciativas de comunicação. Todavia, devido ao baixo número de estudos, são necessárias futuras pesquisas na temática para dados com evidências mais robustas. (AU)

Introduction: Pragmatics is defined as the social use of language while phonology looks to phonemic and syllabic organization. In the phonological disorder, problems are observed in this organization being possible to affect the pragmatics too. Objective: To understand and demonstrate if there are pragmatic alterations in children with Phonological Disorder. Methodology: The search for studies was carried out using electronic databases: Embase, Google Scholar, BVS - (LILACS), PubMed, SciELO, Scopus, Web of Science and The Theses and Dissertations Database. The descriptors used were: "child", "speech sound disorder", "language tests", "verbal behavior", "social communication disorder" and "observational studies as topic" and their synonyms. The selected articles met the following criteria: sample composed of children aged 4 to 10 with phonological disorder and within standard development, evaluations of the pragmatics of these children, and observational design. The articles were analyzed by reading them in their entirety and the data were extracted to evaluate the methodological quality and the findings. Results: Six articles were found, four national and two international. Discussion: Five studies showed that there were pragmatic alterations in children with phonological disorder and one concluded that there was no relationship. Final considerations: The present systematic review revealed that the studies show pragmatic alterations in children with phonological disorder, especially regarding the intelligibility of their speech and how this may affect communication initiatives. However, due to the low number of studies, there seems to be a need for future research relating the two subjects for such evidence to be more robust. (AU)

Introducción: La pragmática se define como el uso social del lenguaje y la fonología como la organización fonémica y silábica. En el Trastorno Fonológico, hay cambios en esta organización, y es posible afectar la pragmática. Objetivo: Comprender y demostrar si existen cambios pragmáticos en niños con Trastorno Fonológico. Metodología: Búsqueda de estudios realizados en bases de datos electrónicas: Embase, Google Scholar, Portal Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (BVS) - (LILACS), PubMed, SciELO, Scopus, Web of Science y Banco de Tesis y Disertaciones. Fueron utilizados los siguientes descriptores: "niño", "trastorno de los sonidos del habla", "pruebas de lenguaje", "conducta verbal", "trastorno de la comunicación social" y "estudios observacionales como tema" y sus sinónimos. Los artículos seleccionados cumplieron con los siguientes criterios: muestra compuesta por niños de 4 a 10 años con Trastorno Fonológico y dentro del desarrollo estándar, valoraciones de la pragmática de estos niños y diseño observacional. Los artículos fueron analizados mediante lectura comprensiva y se extrajeron datos para evaluar la calidad metodológica de los hallazgos. Resultados: Se encontraron seis artículos, cuatro nacionales y dos internacionales. Discusión: Cinco estudios mostraron cambios pragmáticos en niños con Trastorno Fonológico y uno concluyó que no había relación. Consideraciones finales: Esta revisión sistemática reveló que los estudios muestran alteraciones pragmáticas en niños con Trastorno Fonológico, especialmente en cuanto a la inteligibilidad de su habla y cómo esto puede afectar las iniciativas de comunicación. Sin embargo, debido al bajo número de estudios, se necesita más investigación sobre el tema para que la evidencia sea más sólida. (AU)

Humains , Enfant , Trouble de la communication sociale , Trouble phonologique , Comportement verbal , Langage de l'enfant , Specific Language Disorder
Rev. crim ; 65(3): 149-159, 20230910.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551264


La recogida de muestras indubitadas al momento de elaborar un cuerpo de escritura a una persona, es un proceso de suma importancia en la pericia caligráfica. Existen parámetros por los que se rigen los peritos calígrafos al confeccionar dicho cuerpo de escritura, que se centran de forma general en la posición del escribiente, la velocidad escritural, la espontaneidad, cantidad de muestras, entre otros. Sin embargo, el escribiente puede intentar alterarlo o manipularlo de diferentes formas, normalmente intentando dificultar la labor pericial. Así, existen diversos elementos que indican a un experto en grafística que se está intentando modificar la escritura o firma durante este proceso desde el punto de vista técnico. En este sentido, el objetivo de este estudio es resaltar la importancia de recopilar un cuerpo de escritura con todas las garantías para que pueda tratarse como un documento incuestionable, además de destacar la relevancia de que el perito tenga la capacidad de confirmar la sinceridad del escribiente, tanto mediante el análisis de su escritura (grafología) como a través del análisis de su comunicación no verbal en el momento de escribirlo. Se ha utilizado una metodología cualitativa, usando la técnica de información documental, mediante la recopilación de información para su estudio y análisis, así como de monografías, manuales de estudio y artículos científicos.

The collection of indubitable samples when a corpus of handwriting is taken from a person is an extremely important process in handwriting expertise. There are parameters by which handwriting experts are governed when making such a writing corpus, which generally focus on the position of the scribe, writing speed, spontaneity, number of samples, among others. However, the scribe may try to alter or manipulate it in different ways, usually in an attempt to hinder the expert's work. Thus, there are several elements that indicate to a handwriting expert that an attempt is being made to modify the handwriting or signature during this process from a technical point of view. In this sense, the aim of this study is to highlight the importance of compiling a handwriting corpus with all the guarantees that it can be treated as an unquestionable document, as well as highlighting the importance of the expert having the ability to confirm the scribe's sincerity, both through the analysis of their handwriting (graphology) and through the analysis of their non-verbal communication at the time of writing. A qualitative methodology has been used, using the documentary information technique, by means of the collection of information for study and analysis, as well as monographs, study manuals and scientific articles.

A coleta de provas indubitáveis quando um corpo de caligrafia é retirado de uma pessoa é um processo extremamente importante na perícia de caligrafia. Existem parâmetros pelos quais os peritos em caligrafia são regidos ao fazer esse corpo de escrita, que geralmente se concentram na posição do escriba, na velocidade da escrita, na espontaneidade, no número de amostras, entre outros. No entanto, o escrevente pode tentar alterá-lo ou manipulá-lo de diversas formas, geralmente na tentativa de dificultar o trabalho do perito. Assim, existem vários elementos que indicam ao perito em caligrafia que, do ponto de vista técnico, está havendo uma tentativa de modificar a caligrafia ou a assinatura durante esse processo. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste estudo é destacar a importância de se compilar um corpo de caligrafia com todas as garantias de que possa ser tratado como um documento inquestionável, bem como destacar a importância de o perito ter a capacidade de confirmar a sinceridade do escrevente, tanto por meio da análise de sua caligrafia (grafologia) quanto por meio da análise de sua comunicação não verbal no momento da escrita. Foi utilizada uma metodologia qualitativa, com a técnica de informação documental, por meio da coleta de informações para estudo e análise, bem como de monografias, manuais de estudo e artigos científicos.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2023 Feb; 71(2): 569-574
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224847


Purpose: To compare the effect of audiovisual and verbal instructions on patient performance while performing automated Humphrey visual field testing. Methods: This was a prospective study. A total 120 patients divided into groups of 40 each were recruited from the glaucoma outpatient department (OPD). All patients were aged 35–75 years with no previous experience of performing HFA. Patients with hearing impairment, any other cognitive impairment, and best?corrected visual acuity (BCVA) ?6/36 on Snellen’s visual acuity were excluded. The first two groups were given strict (conservative) and lenient (liberal) verbal instructions. The instructions were adapted from those listed in the manufacturer’s instruction. and the third group was shown a standard video depicting in detail how perimetry was to be performed. A questionnaire was given to each patient before and after the test to assess the patient’s performance. Results: Patients diagnosed with glaucoma during testing in each group were 29 (72.50%), 30 (75.0%), and 33 (82.5%) in the video instructed, strictly verbal, and leniently verbal groups, respectively. The overall mean deviation (MD) in the right eye (RE) was of ? 3.38 (?4.9 to 1.9) and in the left eye (LE) was ? 3.96 (?6.4 to ? 1.9). Reliable field was slightly higher for the video instructed group (47.5%) and lowest for the strictly verbal group (22.5%) (P = 0.033). A higher number of patients were very motivated in the video instructed group (27%) (P = 0.041). Post?test questionnaires showed that 40% of patients felt they have performed the test with 100% accuracy in video group with less guessing. A higher number of patients in the video instructed group (85%) felt instruction was helpful in performing the test (P = 0.001). Conclusion: The video groups were more motivated and had better confidence to perform the test with less anxiety and stress and with probably better understanding of the procedure due to visual effects enhancing their understanding.

Salud ment ; Salud ment;46(1): 27-33, Jan.-Feb. 2023. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1432214


Abstract Introduction Verbal abuse is one of the domestic violence that is still underestimated because it has no direct physical effect; it has a tremendous impact on young adults' mental health. Objective This study wanted to confirm the negative effect of verbal abuse on mental health. In addition, parental education is also predicted to play a role in young adults' mental health. Method This study uses a quantitative approach with a total sample of 160 respondents, consisting of 47 males and 113 females. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires through social media, with the criteria of respondents being in the range of 18-22 years old and being cared for by their parents in childhood. Results The results showed a significant negative effect of parental verbal abuse in childhood on mental health in young adults. In addition, a father's education also has a positive effect on young adults' mental health, whereas a mother's education does not play a role in mental health. Discussion and conclusion Verbal abuse from parents as a youngster will impact one's mental health as a young adult. Future research is expected to look at who commits verbal abuse in more detail and increase the sample size to evaluate the effect of maternal education.

Resumen Introducción El abuso verbal es una de las violencias domésticas que aún se subestima porque no tiene ningún efecto físico directo; de hecho, tiene un impacto tremendo en la salud mental de los adultos jóvenes. Objetivo Este estudio quería confirmar el efecto negativo del abuso verbal en la salud mental. Además, también se prevé que la educación de los padres desempeñe un papel en la salud mental de los adultos jóvenes. Método Este estudio utiliza un enfoque cuantitativo con una muestra total de 160 encuestados que consta de 47 hombres y 113 mujeres. La recolección de datos se llevó a cabo mediante la distribución de cuestionarios a través de las redes sociales, con el criterio de que los encuestados se encontraran en el rango de 18 a 22 años y fueran cuidados por sus padres en la infancia. Resultados Los resultados mostraron un efecto negativo y significativo del abuso verbal de los padres en la infancia sobre la salud mental en el adulto joven. Además, la educación del padre también tiene un efecto positivo en la salud mental de los adultos jóvenes, mientras que la educación de la madre no influye en la salud mental. Discusión y conclusión El abuso verbal de los padres cuando era joven tendrá un impacto en la salud mental de uno en el adulto joven. Se espera que la investigación futura observe quién comete abuso verbal con más detalle y aumente el tamaño de la muestra para evaluar el efecto de la educación materna.

Av. psicol. latinoam ; 41(1): [1-14], ene.-abr. 2023.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512784


El objetivo del presente trabajo consistió en estudiar el rol de la atención selectiva, el componente retentivo y ejecutivo de información de la memoria de trabajo, y la aptitud verbal en la producción de inferencias explicativas en la comprensión de textos expositivos. Con este propósito, 171 estudiantes universitarios completaron pruebas de memoria de trabajo, atención selectiva, aptitud verbal y cuestionarios de inferencias explicativas luego de leer textos expositivos. Los resultados de las ecuaciones estructurales muestran que la producción de inferencias se explica de manera directa por la aptitud verbal y el componente ejecutivo de la memoria de trabajo. El análisis también detectó una relación de interacción de mediación entre las capacidades de producir inferencias explicativas, de atención selectiva y de almacenamiento de información verbal en memoria de trabajo. Estos componentes mostraron un efecto indirecto sobre la capacidad de inferir vía el componente ejecutivo de la memoria de trabajo. Lo anterior sugiere que la capacidad de inferir explicaciones en la comprensión está fuertemente relacionada con la aptitud verbal y la capacidad de procesar información en la memoria de trabajo, mientras que el componente retentivo y de atención selectiva muestran un impacto mediado por la memoria de trabajo.

This research aimed to study the role of selective attention, the retention and executive components of working memory, and verbal aptitude in producing explanatory inferences in the comprehension of expository texts. For this purpose, 171 undergraduates completed tests of working memory, selective attention, verbal aptitude, and explanatory inference questionnaires after reading expository texts. The results of the structural equation modeling indicated that the production of explanatory inferences is determined directly by verbal aptitude and the executive component of verbal working memory. The analysis also detected a mediation interaction effect between the abilities to produce explanatory inferences, selective attention span, and the ability to store verbal information in working memory. These components indirectly affected the ability to infer via the executive component of working memory. This suggest that the ability to make explanatory inferences in the comprehension of expository texts is strongly related to verbal aptitude and the capacity to process information in working memory, while the ability to manage selective attention and retain verbal information in shortterm memory have an impact on the ability to generate inferences mediated by working memory

O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o papel da atenção seletiva, do componente retentivo e executivo da memória de trabalho e da aptidão verbal na produção de inferências explicativas na compreensão de textos expositivos. Para tanto, 171 estudantes universitários responderam a testes de memória de trabalho, atenção seletiva, aptidão verbal e questionários de inferência explicativa após a leitura de textos expositivos. Os resultados das equações estruturais mostram que a produção de inferências é diretamente explicada pela aptidão verbal e pelo componente executivo da memória de trabalho. A análise também detectou uma relação de interação mediadora entre a capacidade de produzir inferências explicativas, o tempo de atenção seletiva e a capacidade de armazenar informações verbais na memória de trabalho. Esses componentes mostraram um efeito indireto na capacidade de inferir por meio do componente executivo da memória de trabalho. Isso sugere que a capacidade de inferir explicações na compreensão está fortemente relacionada à aptidão verbal e à capacidade de processar informações na memória de trabalho, enquanto o componente de atenção seletiva e seletiva apresenta impacto, mas mediado pela memória de trabalho.

Sichuan Mental Health ; (6): 235-241, 2023.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986746


BackgroundFunctional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is a new generation of imaging tool that can be used to assist the diagnosis of psychiatric disorders. However, whether the patterns of prefrontal cortex activation observed by fNIRS are specific for different psychiatric disorders remains to be explored. ObjectiveTo investigate the characteristics of prefrontal cortex activation in patients with depression, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia in verbal fluency task (VFT) using fNIRS. MethodsFrom September to December 2021, 39 patients with schizophrenia, 205 patients with depressive disorder, 212 patients with anxiety disorder and 77 patients with bipolar disorder meeting the diagnostic criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5) were recruited in the outpatient and inpatient department of West China Hospital, Sichuan University. fNIRS was used to monitor the prefrontal cortex hemodynamic changes of patients under VFT, and the clinical symptoms of patients were assessed by Symptom Checklist 90 (SCL-90) and Hypomania Checklist-32 items(HCL-32). Differences in mean oxyhemoglobin (HbO2) concentration and the initial slope from 2 to 7 second during VFT were compared among patients with different diseases, and the correlation between mean HbO2 concentration/initial slope and clinical symptoms was analyzed by partial correlation analysis. ResultsThe concentration of HbO2 in channel 4 (Z=2.828, P=0.028) and channel 6 (Z=2.912, P=0.022) in patients with depression were significantly higher than those in patients with schizophrenia. Patients with anxiety had significantly higher changes in mean HbO2 concentration in channel 4 (Z=3.154, P=0.010), channel 5 (Z=3.021, P=0.015), channel 6 (Z=2.980, P=0.017) and of all channels (Z=2.881, P=0.024) than those of schizophrenia patients. There was a statistically significant difference in the initial slope of channel 3 between patients with depressive disorder and those with bipolar disorder (Z=2.691, P=0.039). Among patients with bipolar disorder, the anger-hostility scores of SCL-90 were negatively correlated with the mean HbO2 concentration changes in channel 4 (r=-0.505, P=0.004), channel 6 (r=-0.390, P=0.004), channel 15 (r=-0.546, P=0.002), channel 16 (r=-0.550, P=0.002) and the mean HbO2 concentration changes of all channels (r=-0.491, P=0.006). ConclusionPatients with schizophrenia had lower activation in frontopolar and orbitofrontal region than patients with depression and anxiety disorder, and the initial slope of the right frontopolar, inferior frontal and orbitofrontal region in patients with depression is higher than patients with bipolar disorder. In addition, patients with bipolar disorder had less activation in the frontopolar and orbitofrontal lobe, the insular cover of Broca's area and the upper outer frontal cortex, and were more irritable and hostile. [Funded by 1·3·5 Project for Disciplines of Excellence-Clinical Research Incubation Project, West China Hospital, Sichuan University (number, ZYJC21083)]

Sichuan Mental Health ; (6): 422-427, 2023.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-998148


BackgroundHome-based intervention occupies a prominent place in the treatment of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in children, whereas previous studies on the effect of home-based early intensive behavioral intervention on verbal ability of children with ASD are somewhat inadequate. ObjectiveTo study the effects of intensive family behavioral of intervention based on Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program (VB-MAPP) on the language ability of children with ASD, so as to provide references for the development of family intervention strategies for children with ASD. MethodsChildren aged 2 to 3 years old who attended the Children's Rehabilitation Department of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Shantou University Medical College from September 2020 to December 2021 and met the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5) diagnostic criteria for ASD were selected as the study objects. A non-randomized concurrent control trial was conducted to compare a study group (n=24) receiving home-based early intensive behavioral intervention using VB-MAPP with a control group (n=14) receiving training from other special institutions or early childhood education institutions. The intervention lasted for 6 months in both groups. Before and after the intervention, the VB-MAPP milestone assessment was performed in the two groups, and the VB-MAPP milestone score, mand, trac and listener responds were selected as the study indicators. Then the intervention effect was compared between two groups, and the multiple linear regression was performed to screen the related influencing factors. ResultsAfter intervention, the total milestone assessment score, mand, tact and listener responds scores of study group were higher than those of control group, with statistical difference (Z=-4.339~-2.195, P<0.05 or 0.01). Multiple linear regression analysis denoted that the average weekly hours of home-based intervention in the first three months had certain effect on listener responds (β=1.029, P<0.05). ConclusionApplication of home-based early intensive behavior intervention using VB-MAPP may contribute to the improvement of verbal abilities such as mand, tact and listener responds in children with ASD. [Funded by 2020 Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Innovation Strategy Special Fund (number, 20200601)]

Dement. neuropsychol ; 17: e20230041, 2023. graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520807


ABSTRACT Locked-in syndrome is a neurological condition characterized by tetraplegia, mutism, preservation of vertical eye movement, superior eyelid movement, and intact consciousness, making it impossible for the patient to communicate properly. We herein describe a case to analyze the practice of developing a method of communication for a patient with locked-in syndrome. Two communication boards were created, adapted to the Portuguese language, as well as a shortcut to inquire about the physical and emotional patient's well-being. We had difficulty with the initial communication board, due to the patient's low education level, so we adapted a new one to the patient's social context, including a shortcut to inquire about physical and emotional well-being. The communication board had a positive impact on treatment development and the patient's life.

RESUMO A síndrome do encarceramento é uma condição neurológica caracterizada por tetraplegia, mutismo, preservação do movimento vertical dos olhos, movimento palpebral superior e consciência intacta, impossibilitando a comunicação adequada do paciente. Descrevemos um caso para analisar a prática de criação de um método de comunicação em um paciente com síndrome do encarceramento. Foram criadas duas pranchas de comunicação, adaptadas à língua portuguesa, e um atalho para indagar sobre o bem-estar físico e emocional do paciente. Tivemos dificuldade com a prancha de comunicação inicial em razão da baixa escolaridade do paciente, então criamos uma nova prancha de comunicação adaptada ao seu contexto social. A nova prancha tinha um atalho para indagar sobre o bem-estar físico e emocional do paciente. A prancha de comunicação teve impacto positivo no desenvolvimento do tratamento e na vida do paciente.

Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(8): 4670-4684, 2023.
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1444672


Introdução: O tubo endotraqueal bloqueia as pregas vocais quando o paciente está em ventilação, impossibilitando a fala. Muitos pacientes relatam que lutam para se fazer entender. Pacientes em unidades de terapia intensiva geralmente estão mais conscientes e alertas quando estão em ventilação mecânica do que em anos anteriores devido aos muitos benefícios potenciais de estarem sob menos sedação. Objetivo: avaliar o conhecimento prévio sobre interação e comunicação entre profissionais de saúde e pacientes conscientes e alertas sob ventilação mecânica em unidades de terapia intensiva. Método: Trata-se de uma revisão de literatura seguindo as etapas de uma revisão integrativa. Estudos publicados entre 2017 e 2022 foram identificados em ferramentas e bases de dados: Scielo, Lilacs, Ibecs, Medline e PubMed. A primeira pesquisa retornou 1273 referências únicas. Os critérios de inclusão consistiram em estudos empíricos ou relacionados às interações entre profissionais de saúde e pacientes maiores de 18 anos em ventilação mecânica, escritos em inglês, espanhol ou português. A amostra foi composta por 8 artigos. Os descritores utilizados foram: experiências com comunicação, ventilação mecânica, trocas de comunicação, unidade de terapia intensiva, enfermagem, equipe multidisciplinar. Resultados: Uma variedade de meios de comunicação que parecem ter algum efeito sobre os pacientes devem ser disponibilizados nas unidades de terapia intensiva. Conclusão: Abordagens mais multidisciplinares em estudos futuros podem aprimorar o conhecimento na área. A educação em saúde do pessoal da unidade de terapia intensiva no uso de tais auxílios deve ser um campo prioritário, assim como a implementação de diversos meios de comunicação.

Introduction: The endotracheal tube blocks the vocal folds when the patient is ventilated, making speech impossible. Many patients report that they struggle to make themselves understood. Patients in intensive care units are generally more aware and alert when they are on mechanical ventilation than in previous years because of the many potential benefits of being under less sedation. Objective: To evaluate prior knowledge about interaction and communication between health professionals and conscious patients and alerts under mechanical ventilation in intensive care units. Method: This is a literature review following the steps of an integrative review. Studies published between 2017 and 2022 have been identified in tools and databases: Scielo, Lilacs, Ibecs, Medline and PubMed. The first survey returned 1273 unique references. The inclusion criteria consisted of empirical studies or studies related to interactions between health professionals and patients over 18 years of age on mechanical ventilation, written in English, Spanish or Portuguese. The sample consisted of 8 articles. The descriptors used were: communication experiments, mechanical ventilation, communication exchanges, intensive care unit, nursing, multidisciplinary team. Results: A variety of communication media that appear to have some effect on patients should be made available in intensive care units. Conclusion: More multidisciplinary approaches in future studies can improve knowledge in the area. The health education of the staff of the intensive care unit in the use of such aids should be a priority field, as well as the implementation of various means of communication.

Introducción: el tubo endotraqueal bloquea las uñas de la voz cuando el paciente está en ventilación, haciendo imposible el habla. Muchos pacientes informan que luchan por hacerse entender. Los pacientes en unidades de cuidados intensivos son generalmente más conscientes y alerta cuando están en ventilación mecánica que en años anteriores debido a los muchos beneficios potenciales de estar bajo menos sedación. Objetivo: evaluar el conocimiento previo de la interacción y comunicación entre profesionales de la salud y pacientes conscientes y alertas bajo ventilación mecánica en unidades de cuidados intensivos. Método: Esta es una revisión de la literatura que sigue las etapas de una revisión integradora. Los estudios publicados entre 2017 y 2022 se identificaron en herramientas y bases de datos: Scielo, Lilacs, Ibecs, Medline y PubMed. La primera encuesta arrojó 1273 referencias únicas. Los criterios de inclusión consistieron en estudios empíricos o estudios relacionados con las interacciones entre profesionales de la salud y pacientes mayores de 18 años en ventilación mecánica, escritos en inglés, español o portugués. La muestra consistió en 8 artículos. Los descriptores utilizados fueron: experimentos con comunicación, ventilación mecánica, intercambios de comunicación, unidad de terapia intensiva, enfermería, equipo multidisciplinario. Resultados: En las unidades de cuidados intensivos debe estar disponible una variedad de medios que parecen tener algún efecto en los pacientes. Conclusión: La adopción de enfoques más multidisciplinarios en estudios futuros puede mejorar los conocimientos en la materia. La educación sanitaria del personal de la unidad de cuidados intensivos en el uso de esa ayuda debería ser una esfera prioritaria, al igual que la aplicación de diversos medios de comunicación.