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Cad. psicol. soc. trab ; 21(1): 1-15, jan.-jun. 2018. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1055651


O trabalho comum é entendido como algo repetitivo, maçante, muitas vezes perigoso, penoso, sujo e fisicamente esgotante. Diante dessas características, ele passa despercebido pela sociedade frente à invisibilidade pública e ao desprestígio social que lhe é atrelado. Para tanto, este estudo busca analisar os sentidos do trabalho para aqueles que exercem esses trabalhos. Por meio de uma pesquisa qualitativa, foram realizadas 32 entrevistas com trabalhadores que exercem trabalhos comuns na região Norte do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. As entrevistas foram realizadas com base em um roteiro semiestruturado, gravadas, transcritas e analisadas por meio da técnica de análise de conteúdo, com o auxílio do software Max-Qda. O trabalho apresentou-se como central na vida dos pesquisados, estando relacionado à sobrevivência, inserção social e ao prazer em realizar as atividades que lhes são atribuídas. Para tanto, independentemente da função que ocupam e do nível de instrução que possuem, o trabalho que exercem tem uma finalidade e um valor para sociedade.

Common work is understood as repetitive, dull, often dangerous, painful, dirty, and physically grueling. In face of these characteristics, the common work goes unnoticed by the society in front of the public invisibility and the social discredit that is attached to it. Therefore, this study seeks to analyze the meaning of work for professionals who carry out common work. Through a qualitative research, 32 interviews were carried out with workers who performed common work in the northern region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Interviews were conducted based on a semi-structured script, recorded, transcribed and analyzed using the analysis technique with the help of Max-Qda software. The work presented as central in the life of the researched ones, being related to the survival, social insertion and pleasure in carrying out the activities that are attributed to them. For doing so, regardless of the function they occupy and the level of education they have, the work they carry out has a purpose and a value for society.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Travail , Relations de Travail , Groupes professionnels , Facteurs sociaux
Educ. revEduc. rev ; 34: e180431, 2018.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-891290


RESUMO: Apresentando cinco temas centrais no debate sobre a relação educação-trabalho no Brasil, este artigo dá relevo ao fundamento sobre o qual eles estão assentados. Tais temas - a teoria do capital humano; a escola como reprodução; a dualidade estrutural da educação; a perspectiva marxista sobre o papel do trabalho na escola; e a crise do trabalho - ganham evidência a partir da década de 1970 fundados numa nova possibilidade que emerge no discurso educacional: o mundo do trabalho pode, ou deve, impor demandas à escola nacional, alterando sua organização e suas práticas. A tese defendida circunscreve o objeto partilhado por este campo e diz que a possibilidade mencionada é precisamente aquilo a que se dá o nome de educação para o trabalho.

ABSTRACT: Presenting five central themes in the debate about the education-work relationship in Brazil, this paper highlights the foundation over which they are seated. These themes - the human capital theory; school as reproduction; education's structural duality; the work crisis - gain evidence in the 1970s, founded by a new possibility that emerges from educational discourse: the work world can, or must, impose demands to national school, altering its organization and practices. The thesis defended here circumscribes the object shared by this field and states that the mentioned possibility is precisely what is called education for work.

Interaçao psicol ; 21(1): 55-65, jan.-abr. 2017. tab
Article Dans Portugais | INDEXPSI, LILACS | ID: biblio-1021251


The importance of interpersonal work relationships has brought new demands for the professional development of college students, specifically, in relation to the teaching and development of interpersonal skills coupled with academic and technical skills. This study evaluated a social skills training program with students from Exact Sciences careers. Participants were 35 undergraduates, 23 males and 12 females, distributed in three different groups of consecutive interventions. The students were evaluated with Social Skills Inventory (IHS) before, in a intermediate session, immediately after and three months after the intervention program. The analysis in group and individually showed significant acquisitions in social skills and their maintenance, especially in the total score and F1 - Self-affirmation when coping with risk and F4 - Exposure of self with strangers and in new situations subscales of social skills. These results indicated the efficiency and effectiveness of an interpersonal professional development program for undergraduates in transition to labor market and suggest new research questions

The importance of interpersonal work relationships has brought new demands for the professional development of college students, specifically, in relation to the teaching and development of interpersonal skills coupled with academic and technical skills. This study evaluated a social skills training program with students from Exact Sciences careers. Participants were 35 undergraduates, 23 males and 12 females, distributed in three different groups of consecutive interventions. The students were evaluated with Social Skills Inventory (IHS) before, in a intermediate session, immediately after and three months after the intervention program. The analysis in group and individually showed significant acquisitions in social skills and their maintenance, especially in the total score and F1 - Self-affirmation when coping with risk and F4 - Exposure of self with strangers and in new situations subscales of social skills. These results indicated the efficiency and effectiveness of an interpersonal professional development program for undergraduates in transition to labor market and suggest new research questions

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Comportement social , Étudiants/psychologie
Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2017. 103 p. ilus, tab.
Thèse Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-983644


Considerando a centralidade do trabalho na vida dos sujeitos e o papel do trabalho como determinante da saúde, realizou-se um estudo qualitativo com profissionais de saúde da enfermaria de Pediatria do Instituto Nacional de Traumatologia e Ortopedia, que conta com equipe multidisciplinar. Este estudo analisou as reuniões semanais, denominadas na pesquisa conversas sobre a atividade, que tiveram a intenção de potencializar a interação da equipe, partindo da complexidade da relação entre saúde e trabalho assumindo como categoria fundamental o processo de trabalho. Inspirou-se na concepção de saúde defendida por Canguilhem, que afirma a capacidade dos sujeitos de se reinventarem diante das infidelidades do meio. Baseou-se em conceitos trazidos pelo campo da Saúde do Trabalhador, criado sob a influência do Modelo Operário Italiano, que marca a luta dos trabalhadores por melhores condições de trabalho e saúde. Trouxe a discussão sobre interdisciplinaridade e a importância da equipe no trabalho em saúde para que se reflita no cuidado integral. O objetivo geral foi analisar o agir dos profissionais de saúde, com enfoque na relação saúde trabalho: conhecer a concepção dos profissionais de saúde sobre a relação saúde e trabalho;identificar os desafios do trabalho em equipe e sua influência no ato de cuidar; analisar o potencial das reuniões interdisciplinares na construção de coletivos de trabalho e no aumento do poder de agir dos profissionais. O percurso metodológico se inicia com a revisão bibliográfica acerca da interdisciplinaridade, parte para a sistematização dos dados produzidos nas conversas sobre a atividade e se complementa com a realização de entrevistas com profissionais da equipe...

Considering the centrality of work in the subjects' lives and the role of work as adeterminant of health, a qualitative study was carried out with health professionals ofthe pediatric ward of the National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, which hasa multidisciplinary team. This study analyzed the weekly meetings, called in theresearch conversations about the activity, that had the intention to potentiate theinteraction of the team, starting from the complexity of the relation between health andwork, assuming as a fundamental category the work process. It was inspired by theconception of health advocated by Canguilhem, which affirms the ability of subjects toreinvent themselves in the face of the infidelities of the environment. It was based onconcepts brought by the Occupational Health field, created under the influence of theItalian Worker Model, which marks the struggle of workers for better working andhealth conditions. It brought the discussion about interdisciplinarity and the importanceof the team in the health work so that it is reflected in the integral care. The generalobjective was to analyze the actions of health professionals, with a focus on the healthworkrelation: to know the conception of the health professionals about the relationhealth and work; Identify the challenges of teamwork and their influence on caring; Toanalyze the potential of interdisciplinary meetings in the construction of work groupsand in the increase of the professionals' power of action. The methodological coursebegins with a bibliographical review about interdisciplinarity, then makes thesystematization of the data produced in the conversations about the activity and iscomplemented by interviews with professionals of the team...

Humains , Processus de maladie-santé , Équipe soignante , Personnel de santé , Santé au travail
Estud. psicol. (Campinas) ; 27(1): 49-56, jan.-mar. 2010. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-548672


Neste artigo analisa-se o olhar dos filhos sobre a família contemporânea. Objetiva-se compreender como a criança representa e vivencia sua família, e como percebe a articulação entre trabalho, família e seu mundo pessoal. Solicitadas a elaborar uma redação com o tema "Minha família", 52 crianças participaram de uma pesquisa exploratória. A análise de conteúdo das redações revelou seis categorias de significados atribuídos à família: conflitos, trabalho, lazer, valores, união familiar e desapego. Entre as soluções encontradas pelas crianças para fazer face aos fatores estressantes vinculados à vida familiar, destacaram-se o olhar favorável sobre o trabalho dos pais e a tendência infantil de aproveitar os pontos positivos da convivência familiar e enfatizar os fatores de suporte, mantendo sua família na função de continente para suas ansiedades. Fundamentado no imaginário infantil, o estudo contribui para uma melhor compreensão da dinâmica familiar e da estruturação do sujeito na atualidade.

The purpose of this paper is to analyze children's views concerning the contemporary family. The goal is to understand how children represent their families and how they perceive the links between work, family and their own personal worlds. Required to write an essay on the subject "My family", 52 children participated in this exploratory research. An analysis of the content of the essays revealed six categories of meanings ascribed to the family: conflict, work, leisure, values, family union and detachment. In order to cope with stressful family life, children provided several solutions. Greater emphasis was accorded to three of these solutions: a favorable view of their parents' work, the tendency to take advantage of the positive aspects of family companionship and emphasizing the supportive features. Thus, children kept their families functioning as a vessel for their anxieties. Based on the child's imaginary, this study contributes to a better understanding of family dynamics and the structuring of the subject in the present day.

Humains , Enfant , Relations familiales , Imagination , Travail
Estud. psicol. (Campinas) ; 25(2): 211-221, abr.-jun. 2008. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-486481


Aumentou a demanda por trabalhadores noturnos, ao mesmo tempo em que o papel masculino familiar se ampliou. Neste estudo, objetivou-se comparar as condições de trabalho, o bem-estar pessoal e o envolvimento familiar entre pais dos turnos diurno (n=36) e noturno (n=22), que preencheram um questionário composto por diferentes escalas. Comparados aos trabalhadores do turno diurno, os do noturno relataram ter maior apoio dos colegas de trabalho e dos supervisores, maior satisfação quanto aos benefícios e salário, menor freqüência de interrupções durante o expediente de trabalho, mas menor satisfação quanto ao turno em que trabalhavam e menos tempo com os filhos. Os dois grupos de trabalhadores apresentaram pontuação média no nível de Stress e na satisfação quanto ao envolvimento familiar. Apesar de condições de trabalho mais favoráveis, os pais do noturno estavam insatisfeitos com seu turno, aparentemente em função da falta de tempo com familiares.

The demand for night shift workers is increasing at the same time as the role of the father within the family has expanded. The objective of this study was to compare workplace conditions, personal well-being and family involvement between fathers working on the day shift (n=36) and on night shift (n=22). Workers completed a questionnaire that used various scales to evaluate these issues. Compared to the day shift workers, the night shift workers indicated that they received greater support from work colleagues and supervisors, felt more satisfied with their benefits and salary and had a lower frequency of interruptions during the workday, but felt less satisfied about the shift they worked and about spending less time with their children. With regard to family involvement, both groups experienced moderate to high levels of stress and only a moderate level of satisfaction. Despite the more favorable working conditions, fathers on the night shift were less satisfied with their work hours, seemingly due to the lack of time spent with family members.

Humains , Mâle , Enfant , Satisfaction professionnelle , Conditions de Travail
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