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Acta otorrinolaringol. cir. cuello (En línea) ; 49(1): 53-56, 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1152170


Introducción: el absceso epidural posterolateral y la compresión radicular es una rara complicación del absceso retrofaríngeo (ARF). Se realizó el reporte de un caso con esta complicación extremadamente rara. Método: reporte de caso y revisión de la literatura (estudios radiológicos, historia y hallazgos clínicos). Se firmó consentimiento del paciente para la publicación. Resultados: paciente de 33 años remitido a nivel terciario de atención con un cuadro clínico de cervicalgia, odinofagia y fiebre. La tomografía axial computarizada (TAC) y la resonancia magnética nuclear (RMN) mostraron una colección retrofaríngea con compromiso epidural en el espacio medular cervical; en el examen físico se encontró odinofagia, cervicalgia, fiebre y pérdida de la fuerza muscular en el miembro superior derecho. El paciente fue llevado a manejo quirúrgico por otorrinolaringología y ortopedia para el drenaje de la colección; además, se le administró antibioticoterapia con cefepime y clindamicina por 21 días con buenos resultados; se consideró que el origen del absceso era idiopático. Conclusiones: el absceso epidural y la compresión radicular secundarias a un ARF es una rara y potencialmente mortal complicación de esta patología, con secuelas importantes en el paciente que la padece, que requiere un manejo médico-quirúrgico. En nuestro caso el manejo fue interdisciplinario, ya que integró otorrinolaringología, ortopedia, infectología y fisioterapia, lo que resultó en una evolución satisfactoria del paciente.

Introduction: posterolateral epidural abscess and radicular compression is a rare complication of retropharyngeal abscess (RFA), a case report with this extremely rare complication was made. Method: case report and review of the literature (radiological studies, clinical history, clinical findings) patient's consent was signed for the publication. Results: a 33-year-old patient referred at the tertiary care level with a clinical picture of cervicalgia, odynophagia and fever; CT and MRI showed retropharyngeal collection with epidural involvement in the cord cervical space, physical examination, odynophagia, cervicalgia, fever and loss of muscle strength in the right upper limb. Led to surgical management by ENT and orthopedics column for drainage of the collection; antibiotic therapy with cefepime, clindamycin for 21 days with good results; It was considered of idiopathic origin. Conclusions: epidural abscess and root compression secondary to an RFA is a rare and potentially fatal complication of this pathology with important sequelae in the patient, which requires medical-surgical management, in our case the management was integrated interdisciplinary otolaryngology, orthopedics, infectology, physiotherapy , with satisfactory evolution in the patient.

Humains , Mâle , Adulte , Moelle spinale , Infections à staphylocoques/complications , Abcès rétropharyngé/complications , Abcès épidural/étiologie , Syndromes de compression nerveuse/étiologie , Infections à staphylocoques/thérapie , Infections à staphylocoques/imagerie diagnostique , Staphylococcus aureus/isolement et purification , Abcès rétropharyngé/thérapie , Abcès rétropharyngé/imagerie diagnostique , Abcès épidural/thérapie , Abcès épidural/imagerie diagnostique , Syndromes de compression nerveuse/thérapie , Syndromes de compression nerveuse/imagerie diagnostique
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 118(2): e166-e169, abr. 2020. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1100425


La mastoiditis aguda es una infección de las celdillas mastoideas, generalmente, secundaria a la progresión de una otitis media aguda. Las bacterias aisladas con más frecuencia en las mastoiditis son Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes y Staphylococcus aureus. La infección mastoidea puede extenderse por contigüidad, afectar a estructuras vecinas y dar lugar a complicaciones intra- o extracraneales. Las más frecuentes son las intracraneales, entre las que se incluyen la meningitis, el absceso cerebeloso o del lóbulo temporal, el absceso epi- o subdural y la trombosis de senos venosos.Se presenta el caso de una niña de 4 años que desarrolló dos complicaciones intracraneales (absceso epidural y trombosis de senos venosos transverso y sigmoideo) a partir de una mastoiditis aguda producida por Streptococus pyogenes

Acute mastoiditis is an infection that affects the mastoid air-cell system, usually due to the progression of an acute otitis media. The bacteria most frequently isolated in acute mastoiditis are Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes and Staphylococcus aureus. The mastoid infection can extend affecting contiguous structures and producing intra or extracranial complications. The most frequent ones are intracranial complications, including meningitis, temporal lobe or cerebellar abscess, epidural or subdural abscess and venous sinus thrombosis.We present the case of a 4-year-old girl who developed two intracranial complications (intracranial epidural abscess and transverse and sigmoid sinus thrombosis) initiated in an acute mastoiditis produced by Streptococcus pyogenes.

Humains , Femelle , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Thromboses des sinus intracrâniens/imagerie diagnostique , Streptococcus pyogenes , Abcès épidural/imagerie diagnostique , Mastoïdite/complications , Mastoïdite/traitement médicamenteux , Mastoïdite/imagerie diagnostique
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 75(2): 147-149, Mar.-Apr. 2016. graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-779968


RESUMO A rinossinusite aguda é uma das afecções mais prevalentes das vias aéreas superiores. Fatores anatômicos presentes em crianças e jovens propiciam o aparecimento de complicações orbitárias. Embora mais raras, as complicações intracranianas das rinossinusites perfazem um grau alto de letalidade, são mais comuns em pacientes acima de sete anos, e devem ser tratadas por uma equipe multidisciplinar.

ABSTRACT Acute rhinosinusitis is one of the most prevalent diseases of the upper airways. Anatomical factors present in children and young people allow for the onset of orbital complications. Although rare, intracranial complications of sinusitis account for a high degree of lethality, are more common in patients over the age of seven, and should be treated by a multidisciplinary team.

Humains , Femelle , Enfant , Maladies de l'orbite/étiologie , Maladies de l'orbite/imagerie diagnostique , Sinusite/complications , Abcès épidural/étiologie , Abcès épidural/imagerie diagnostique , Maladies de l'orbite/chirurgie , Périoste/anatomopathologie , Sinusite/imagerie diagnostique , Tomodensitométrie , Drainage/méthodes , Maladie aigüe , Abcès épidural/chirurgie , Abcès/chirurgie , Abcès/étiologie , Abcès/imagerie diagnostique
Egyptian Rheumatologist [The]. 2013; 35 (1): 15-20
de Anglais | IMEMR | ID: emr-150791


Brucellar spinal epidural abscesses [SEA] are rare and very few series of them have been reported. We aimed to evaluate the clinical characteristics, laboratory, radiological findings and outcome of this entity. Of 146 patients with brucellosis, 19[13%] patients were diagnosed to have SEA during a period of 21 years [1990-2010]. Diagnosis made on clinical presentation, laboratory findings, radiographic evidence and the brucellar etiology was considered when seroagglutination tests were positive at a titer of 1/160 or higher, and/or Brucella spp. were isolated in the blood. The mean age of patients was 51 +/- 16 years [14 males, 5 females; age range, 22-74 years]. The median diagnostic delay was 2 months. Back or neck pain [100% of patients], fever [100%], and sweating [68.6%] were the most common symptoms. Cultures of blood specimens from 4 patients [21%] were positive for Brucella melitensis. Three patients [15.8%] had motor weakness or paralysis. Magnetic resonance imaging was performed in all cases. The lumbar vertebra was the most frequently involved region with the rate of 84.2%, followed by thoracal [15.8%], cervical [5.3%], lumbosacral [5.3%], and thoraco-lumbar [5.3%] segments. A combination of rifampin and doxycycline was the most widely used therapy regimen [9 cases, 47.3%]. The duration of antimicrobial therapy of brucellosis [median, 7 months; range, 4-13 months] varied according to the clinical response. There were no deaths or severe sequelae in this study Brucellar SEA should be considered in patients who have back pain and neurologic disorders as well as systemic symptoms and findings in or from endemic areas

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Abcès épidural/épidémiologie , Abcès épidural/diagnostic , Abcès épidural/imagerie diagnostique , Résultat thérapeutique