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Int. j. morphol ; 42(3): 607-613, jun. 2024. ilus, tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564594


SUMMARY: Binge drinking in adolescents has a negative effect on the developing skeleton and the attainment of peak bone mass. Our study aimed to examine the effect of binge drinking on the growth and functional integrity of the adolescent Sprague Dawley rat mandible and to determine if a dosage of 1.5 g/kg is sufficient to produce a binge-model of consumption. A total of eight 7-week-old adolescent (male) Sprague Dawley rats were randomly placed into 4 groups with two rats each: 1-week alcohol-exposed rats, 1-week pair- fed control rats, 4-week alcohol-exposed rats and 4-week pair-fed control rats. The alcohol exposed groups were administered a single daily dose via oral gavage of 1.5 g/kg of 20 % alcohol 3 days a week (alternate days) for 7 or 28 days. The pair-fed control groups were administered a caloric equivalent dose of maltose dextrin via oral gavage on the same days as the alcohol-exposed rats. The one-week alcohol exposed, and control rats were terminated on day 7 and the four-week alcohol exposed and control rats on day 28. The mandibles were dissected out and osteometric measurements determined using a digital vernier caliper. Bones were scanned using a 3D-microCT scanner (Nikon XTH 255L). Biomechanical tests were done using a Shimadzu universal testing machine. Differences observed were regarding mandibular osteometry, which showed a reduced height in the central portion of the alveolar bone (Al'-Me), and an increase in the height of the condylar head (Cd-Ag) in the 1-week alcohol-exposed rats when compared to the 1-week pair-fed control rats. No other differences were noted. Lack of significant changes seen between the alcohol and pair-fed control groups in both acute binge and chronic binge exposed rats is likely due to the low dose of alcohol administered to the rats in the study thus a higher dose is proposed.

El consumo excesivo de alcohol en adolescentes tiene un efecto negativo en el desarrollo del esqueleto y en la consecución de la masa ósea máxima. Nuestro estudio tuvo como objetivo examinar el efecto del consumo excesivo de alcohol sobre el crecimiento y la integridad funcional de la mandíbula de la rata adolescente Sprague Dawley y determinar si una dosis de 1,5 g/kg es suficiente para producir un modelo de consumo compulsivo. Un total de ocho ratas Sprague Dawley adolescentes (machos) de 7 semanas de edad se colocaron aleatoriamente en 4 grupos con dos ratas cada uno: ratas expuestas al alcohol durante 1 semana, ratas de control alimentadas en parejas durante 1 semana, ratas expuestas al alcohol durante 4 semanas, y ratas de control alimentadas en parejas durante 4 semanas. A los grupos expuestos al alcohol se les administró una dosis única diaria mediante sonda oral de 1,5 g/kg de alcohol al 20 % 3 días a la semana (días alternos) durante 7 o 28 días. A los grupos de control alimentados por parejas se les administró una dosis calórica equivalente de maltosa dextrina mediante sonda oral los mismos días que a las ratas expuestas al alcohol. Las ratas expuestas al alcohol durante una semana, las ratas de control al día 7, las ratas expuestas al alcohol durante cuatro semanas y las ratas de control al día 28. Se diseccionaron las mandíbulas y se determinaron las mediciones osteométricas utilizando un calibre vernier digital. Los huesos se escanearon utilizando un escáner 3D-microCT (Nikon XTH 255L). Las pruebas biomecánicas se realizaron utilizando una máquina de pruebas universal Shimadzu. Las diferencias observadas se relacionaron con la osteometría mandibular, que mostró una altura reducida en la porción central del hueso alveolar (Al'-Me) y un aumento en la altura de la cabeza condilar (Cd-Ag) en las ratas expuestas al alcohol durante una semana, en comparación con las ratas control alimentadas en parejas durante una semana. No se observaron otras diferencias. La falta de diferencias significativas entre los grupos de alcohol y de control alimentados en parejas expuestas a ebriedad aguda y ebriedad crónica, probablemente se deba a la baja dosis de alcohol administrada a las ratas en el estudio, por lo que se propone una dosis más alta.

Animaux , Mâle , Rats , Éthanol/administration et posologie , Hyperalcoolisation rapide , Mandibule/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Résistance à la traction , Rat Sprague-Dawley , Alcoolémie , Mandibule/anatomie et histologie
Int. j. morphol ; 42(2): 452-457, abr. 2024. ilus, tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558140


SUMMARY: Excessive alcohol consumption adversely affects bone metabolism, thus resulting in reduced bone length, density, and strength. Moreover, these deficits in bone density and strength are likely to increase the risk of fragility fractures and the early onset of osteoporosis. While excessive alcohol consumption is an established risk factor for osteoporotic fractures, there remains a dearth of information in literature about bone effects of binge alcohol consumption in adolescents. Therefore, our study aimed to examine the effects of acute binge alcohol consumption on the adolescent bone micro-architecture and tensile strength. Twelve male Sprague Dawley rats aged 7 weeks were randomly placed in 2 groups: alcohol (n =6), receiving alcohol (3g/kg) and pair-fed control (n = 6), receiving an isocaloric equivalent of maltose dextrin via oral gavage for 3 days in one week (on alternative days). The femora were dissected and scanned using a Micro-Focus X-ray Computed Tomography (3D-µCT). Following reconstruction, trabecular morphometry was assessed in both the proximal and distal epiphysis, using a Volume Graphics Studio® software. A three-point bending test was employed to examine the effect of alcohol on the tensile strength of the bone. Results showed trabeculae parameters to be affected in the distal epiphysis of the femur, while in the proximal epiphysis it remained unaffected. Tensile strength parameters were also not affected by the consumption of alcohol. These findings may suggest that acute binge alcohol consumption has detrimental effects on the bone micro-architecture specific to the distal epiphysis.

El consumo excesivo de alcohol afecta negativamente al metabolismo óseo, lo que resulta en una reducción de la longitud, densidad y resistencia de los huesos. Además, es probable que estos déficits en la densidad y la fuerza ósea aumenten el riesgo de fracturas por fragilidad y la aparición temprana de osteoporosis. Si bien el consumo excesivo de alcohol es un factor de riesgo establecido para las fracturas osteoporóticas, existe escasa información en la literatura sobre los efectos óseos del consumo excesivo de alcohol en adolescentes. Por lo tanto, nuestro estudio tuvo como objetivo examinar los efectos del consumo excesivo de alcohol en la microarquitectura ósea y la resistencia a la tracción e n ratas adolescentes. Doce ratas macho Sprague Dawley de 7 semanas de edad se colocaron aleatoriamente en 2 grupos: alcohol (n = 6), que recibieron alcohol (3 g/kg) y control (n = 6), que recibieron un equivalente isocalórico de maltosa dextrina mediante sonda oral, durante 3 días en una semana (en días alternos). Los fémures se diseccionaron y escanearon mediante una tomografía computarizada de rayos X con microenfoque (3D-mCT). Después de la reconstrucción, se evaluó la morfometría trabecular tanto en la epífisis proximal como en la distal, utilizando un software Volume Graphics Studio®. Se empleó una prueba de flexión de tres puntos para examinar el efecto del alcohol sobre la resistencia a la tracción del hueso. Los resultados mostraron que los parámetros de las trabéculas se vieron afectados en la epífisis distal del fémur, mientras que en la epífisis proximal no se observaron afectados. Los parámetros de resistencia a la tracción tampoco se vieron afectados por el consumo de alcohol. Estos hallazgos pueden sugerir que el consumo excesivo de alcohol tiene efectos perjudiciales sobre la microarquitectura ósea específica de la epífisis distal del hueso.

Animaux , Rats , Consommation d'alcool/effets indésirables , Éthanol/toxicité , Fémur/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Os spongieux/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Rat Sprague-Dawley , Éthanol/sang , Alcoolémie
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 23(2): 119-125, maio-ago. 2019.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-996714


O consumo de bebidas alcoólicas na gravidez consiste em um importante problema de saúde pública, visto que, pode causar prejuízos na organogênese de diversos órgãos, incluindo o estômago, entretanto, poucos estudos avaliam o efeito da exposição pré-natal ao álcool nesse órgão. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar histologicamente o estômago da prole de ratas submetidas ao consumo crônico de álcool durante a prenhez. Utilizou-se 10 ratas prenhes divididas nos grupos: Controle - ratas que receberam água destilada durante todo período gestacional e Álcool ­ ratas que receberam álcool etílico absoluto (3g/kg/dia) durante todo período gestacional. Logo após o nascimento, 12 neonatos (6 machos e 6 fêmeas) de cada grupo foram anestesiados e os estômagos coletados. Posteriormente, os órgãos foram fixados e processados seguindo a técnica histológica de rotina. Foram feitas análises histomorfométricas das camadas mucosa, muscular e da parede total do estômago. Observou-se que as proles macho e fêmea expostas ao etanol apresentaram diminuição da área de epitélio, contudo, os machos também mostraram redução significativa do número de células epiteliais. Demonstrou-se ainda redução na espessura das camadas mucosa, muscular e da parede total do estômago da prole fêmea do grupo Álcool. No entanto, a camada muscular apresentou aumento significativo em sua espessura no grupo de neonatos machos expostos ao etanol. Assim, concluímos que a exposição pré-natal ao álcool provoca efeitos nocivos sobre o estômago dos neonatos, contudo, estudos futuros são necessários para melhor elucidar os mecanismos envolvidos na patogênese e possíveis consequências para os animais na fase adulta.

Consumption of alcoholic beverages during pregnancy is a significant public health issue since it can damage the organogenesis of several organs, including the stomach; however, few studies evaluate the effect of prenatal exposure to alcohol in this organ. The objective of this study was to analyze the histology of the stomach of offspring of rats submitted to chronic alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Ten pregnant rats were divided into two groups: Control - rats receiving distilled water throughout the gestation period, and Alcohol - rats receiving absolute ethyl alcohol (3g/kg/day) throughout the gestation period. After birth, 12 newborn rats (6 males and 6 females) from each group were anesthetized and their stomachs were collected. Subsequently, the organs were fixed and processed following the routine histological technique. The mucosa, muscle and total stomach were submitted to histomorphometric analyses. It was observed that the male and female offspring exposed to ethanol had a decrease in the epithelium area. However, males also showed a significant reduction in the number of epithelial cells. There was also a reduction in the layer's thickness mucosa, muscle and total stomach wall of the female offspring from the alcohol group. Additionally, the muscular layer presented a significant increase in its thickness in the group of male neonates exposed to ethanol. It can be concluded that prenatal exposure to alcohol causes harmful effects on neonates' stomachs; however, future studies are necessary to better elucidate the mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis and possible consequences for the animals in adulthood.

Animaux , Femelle , Grossesse , Souris , Estomac , Consommation d'alcool , Gestation animale , Techniques histologiques , Rat Wistar/microbiologie , Eau Distillée , Organogenèse , Éthanol , Cellules épithéliales , Épithélium , Alcoolémie , Acétaldéhyde/analyse , Muqueuse , Muscles lisses/embryologie
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-740671


Recently, fatal nicotine intoxications with electronic cigarette liquid have increased in Korea, but various kinds of cigarettes and smoking cessation aids may also cause fatal poisoning. We report cases of fatal nicotine intoxications involving causes other than the use of liquid nicotine. A 29-year-old woman (case 1) found dead in a hotel room with about 70 patches (21 mg dose) of nicotine on her body. Blood nicotine levels were 7.68 mg/L (heart) and 3.25 mg/L (femoral). A toxic level of zolpidem was also detected. A 28-year-old Uzbekistan man (case 2) was found dead in his uncle's room with his face covered with chewing tobacco. Blood nicotine levels were 7.3 mg/L (heart) and 4.6 mg/L (femoral). Blood alcohol level was 0.139%. A 55-year-old man (case 3) bit his tongue. As he was taken to the hospital, his wife put tobacco powders in his mouth for hemostasis, and he died of cardiac arrest. Blood nicotine levels were 2.01 mg/L (heart) and 0.96 mg/L (femoral). Nicotine-related deaths can be caused by various types of administration including transdermal and transmucosal routes, and relatively small doses may cause death, so meticulous investigation should be taken when such deaths are suspected.

Adulte , Femelle , Humains , Adulte d'âge moyen , Alcoolémie , Dispositifs électroniques d'administration de nicotine , Arrêt cardiaque , Hémostase , Corée , Bouche , Nicotine , Intoxication , Poudres , Arrêter de fumer , Conjoints , Nicotiana , Produits du tabac , Dispositifs de sevrage tabagique , Tabac sans fumée , Langue , Ouzbékistan
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-740683


In Korea, small octopus (Octopus minor) and webfoot octopus (Octopus ocellatus) are food items and fatal laryngeal choking due to ingestion of live octopus is not uncommon. We recently encountered two autopsy cases of accidental choking on small octopus and webfoot octopus. Case 1 involved a 58-year-old fisherman who ingested two live webfoot octopuses in his fishing boat and collapsed. He was immediately taken to the hospital but died. During autopsy, one of the webfoot octopuses was found between his pharynx and esophagus; it was obstructing the epiglottis and upper esophagus. His blood alcohol concentration was 0.140%. Case 2 involved a 55-year-old man who ingested an intact body part of a small octopus and was found dead in his house. He had a history of cerebral infarction and angina pectoris. During autopsy, an intact body part of the small octopus was found to be lodged in the laryngeal inlet.

Humains , Adulte d'âge moyen , Obstruction des voies aériennes , Angine de poitrine , Autopsie , Baies (géographie) , Alcoolémie , Infarctus cérébral , Consommation alimentaire , Épiglotte , Oesophage , Corée , Larynx , Octopodiformes , Pharynx , Navires
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-53389


PURPOSE: This study analyzed the prognostic factors affecting admission in acute alcohol-intoxicated traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients visiting the emergency room. METHODS: A multicenter, retrospective observational study was conducted on 821 acute alcohol-intoxicated adult trauma patients, who visited 10 university hospital emergency centers from April to November 2016. The primary outcome was hospital admission. The secondary outcome was in-hospital mortality. RESULTS: One hundred sixty-eight patients diagnosed with acute alcohol-intoxicated TBI were analyzed. The increase in blood alcohol concentration was associated significantly with a mild decrease in admission (adjusted odds ratio, 0.993; 95% confidence interval, 0.989 to 0.998; p=0.01). Moderate to severe TBI patients showed a significant increase in admission compared to mild TBI patients (adjusted odds ratio, 12.449; 95% confidence interval, 3.316 to 46.743; p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: This study showed that the admission was inversely correlated with the blood alcohol concentration and is correlated directly with the increase in the severity in TBI. Therefore, emergency physicians may be required to identify the severity of TBI rapidly and accurately in acute alcohol-intoxicated trauma patients visiting the emergency room.

Adulte , Humains , Consommation d'alcool , Alcoolémie , Lésions encéphaliques , Urgences , Service hospitalier d'urgences , Mortalité hospitalière , Étude d'observation , Odds ratio , Admission du patient , Pronostic , Études rétrospectives
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-196854


Drunk driving is a serious social problem. We estimated the blood alcohol concentration of a defendant on the request of local prosecutor's office in Korea. Based on the defendant's history, and a previously constructed pharmacokinetic model for alcohol, we estimated the possible alcohol concentration over time during his driving using a Bayesian method implemented in NONMEM®. To ensure generalizability and to take the parameter uncertainty of the alcohol pharmacokinetic models into account, a non-parametric bootstrap with 1,000 replicates was applied to the Bayesian estimations. The current analysis enabled the prediction of the defendant's possible blood alcohol concentrations over time with a 95% prediction interval. The results showed a high probability that the alcohol concentration was ≥ 0.05% during driving. The current estimation of the alcohol concentration during driving by the Bayesian method could be used as scientific evidence during court trials.

Théorème de Bayes , Alcoolémie , Conduite avec facultés affaiblies , Sciences légales , Corée , Pharmacologie clinique , Problèmes sociaux , Incertitude
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-214131


PURPOSE: We studied the effects of alcohol administration on the corpus cavernosum (CC) using an animal model. MATERIALS AND METHODS: CC sections and the aortic ring of rabbits were used in an organ bath study. After acute alcohol administration, changes in blood alcohol concentration and electrical stimulation induced intracavernosal pressure/mean arterial pressure (ICP/MAP) percentage were compared in rats. Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) and cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) levels in the CC were measured using immunoassays. After chronic alcohol administration, ICP/MAP percentage, cAMP and cGMP were compared in rats. Histological changes were examined using the Masson trichrome stain and the Sircol collagen assay. Endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) expression was examined using immunohistochemistry and Western blotting. RESULTS: Alcohol relaxed the CC in a dose-dependent manner, and the relaxation response was suppressed when pretreated with propranolol, indomethacin, glibenclamide, and 4-aminopyridine. In rats with acute alcohol exposure, the cAMP level in the CC was significantly greater than was observed in the control group (p<0.05). In rats with chronic alcohol exposure, however, changes in cAMP and cGMP levels were insignificant, and the CC showed markedly smaller areas of smooth muscle, greater amounts of dense collagen (p<0.05). Immunohistochemical analysis of eNOS showed a less intense response, and western blotting showed that eNOS expression was significantly lower in this group (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Acute alcohol administration activated the cAMP pathway with positive effects on erectile function. In contrast, chronic alcohol administration changed the ultrastructures of the CC and suppressed eNOS expression, thereby leading to erectile dysfunction.

Animaux , Mâle , Lapins , Rats , 4-Amino-pyridine , AMP , Pression artérielle , Bains , Alcoolémie , Technique de Western , Collagène , AMP cyclique , Stimulation électrique , Dysfonctionnement érectile , Glibenclamide , Guanosine monophosphate , Dosage immunologique , Immunohistochimie , Indométacine , Modèles animaux , Muscles lisses , Nitric oxide synthase type III , Érection du pénis , Propranolol , Relaxation
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