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Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 89(3): 203-207, jun. 2024. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569775


El embarazo, especialmente el tercer trimestre, incrementa notablemente el riesgo de rotura de los aneurismas esplénicos. Cuando esto ocurre, se desencadena un cuadro clínico grave manifestado principalmente como un dolor abdominal agudo acompañado de inestabilidad hemodinámica. A pesar de la gran morbimortalidad tanto materna como fetal que esto conlleva, no existe hoy en día consenso sobre su manejo óptimo. Se presenta el caso de una secundigesta a la que se diagnostica de manera incidental un aneurisma en la arteria esplénica durante el segundo trimestre de gestación. Tras confirmarse dicho diagnóstico mediante resonancia magnética, se decide realizar una esplenectomía programada vía laparotómica en semana 24+2. La evolución maternofetal posterior fue favorable hasta la semana 40 en la que se produjo un parto eutócico. Los aneurismas esplénicos deben tratarse en todas las gestantes, independientemente de su tamaño o sintomatología, pues el beneficio supera los riesgos que supone una cirugía programada.

Pregnancy, especially the third trimester, significantly increases the risk of splenic aneurysm rupture. When this occurs, it results in a severe clinical presentation primarily characterized by acute abdominal pain accompanied by hemodynamic instability. Despite the substantial maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality associated with this condition, there is currently no consensus on its optimal management. We present the case of a second-time pregnant woman who incidentally received a diagnosis of a splenic artery aneurysm during the second trimester of gestation. After confirming this diagnosis through magnetic resonance imaging, it was decided to perform a scheduled laparotomic splenectomy at 24+2 weeks of gestation. Subsequent maternal and fetal evolution was favorable until the 40th week when a eutocic delivery occurred. Splenic aneurysms should be treated in all pregnant women, regardless of their size or symptomatology, as the benefits outweigh the risks associated with elective surgery.

Humains , Femelle , Grossesse , Adulte , Artère splénique/chirurgie , Artère splénique/imagerie diagnostique , Anévrysme/chirurgie , Complications de la grossesse/diagnostic
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408194


Introducción: A pesar del gran avance técnico que representan las fístulas arterio-venosas internas para la hemodiálisis, estas no están exentas de complicaciones que comprometen su durabilidad. Entre ellas se encuentran los aneurismas venosos yuxta-anastomóticos. Objetivo: Presentar el tratamiento quirúrgico utilizado para reparar los aneurismas venosos yuxta-anastomóticos. Presentación del caso: Paciente de 54 años, de género femenino y color de piel negra. Presentó antecedentes de padecer insuficiencia renal crónica de 12 años de evolución, con transplante renal fallido, la cual tuvo un aneurisma venoso yuxta-anastomótico, localizado en una fístula arterio-venosa húmero-cefálica en miembro superior izquierdo, que fue confirmado por eco-doppler. Se emplearon como tratamiento quirúrgico la aneurismectomía y el injerto por sustitución con prótesis vascular expandible de poli-tetrafluoretileno. Finalmente, se preservó la fístula arterio-venosa, así como su permeabilidad. Conclusiones: La evolución fue satisfactoria en cuanto a su durabilidad y utilización como vía de acceso para la hemodiálisis(AU)

Introduction: Despite the great technical advance represented by internal arterio-venous fistulas for hemodialysis, these are not exempt from complications that compromise their durability. Among them are juxtaanastomotic venous aneurysms. Objective: Present the surgical treatment used to repair juxtaanastomotic venous aneurysms. Case presentation: 54-year-old patient, female and black skin color. She presented a history of chronic renal failure of 12 years of evolution, with failed kidney transplant, which had a juxtaanastomotic venous aneurysm, located in a humerus-cephalic arterio-venous fistula in the left upper limb, which was confirmed by Doppler echo. Aneurysmectomy and replacement grafting with expandable polytetrafluorethylene vascular prostheses were used as surgical treatment. Finally, the arterio-venous fistula was preserved, as well as its permeability. Conclusions: The evolution was satisfactory in terms of durability and use as an access route for hemodialysis(AU)

Humains , Femelle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Fistule artérioveineuse/complications , Dialyse rénale , Anévrysme/chirurgie
Rev. méd. hered ; 33(1): 51-55, ene.-mar. 2022. graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: biblio-1409875


RESUMEN Los aneurismas de la arteria comunicante anterior son complejos y requieren de tratamiento endovascular o microquirúrgico según sus características. El uso de enfoques mínimamente invasivos en microcirugía continúa evolucionando. Presentamos el caso de un paciente de 34 años con un aneurisma cerebral no roto de AcoA de cuello ancho, con escala de Glasgow de 15 puntos. Se realizó un abordaje supraorbitario lateral más "clipaje" total del aneurisma usando angio fluoresceína intraoperatoria. Se logró el objetivo con seguridad y eficacia; al mismo tiempo se optimizó el tiempo quirúrgico y hospitalario, maximizando la comodidad del paciente, estética y reanudación a sus actividades tempranas. (AU)

SUMMARY Anterior communicating artery aneurisms (ACAA) are complex and require endovascular or microsurgery approaches. The use of minimally invasive microsurgery techniques is evolving. We present the case of a 34-yearold patient with a broad neck, non-broken, ACAA with a Glasgow coma scale of 15 points. A lateral supra-orbitary approach with total clipping of the ACAA using intra-operatory fluorescein angiography was performed. The objective was accomplished successfully and safe, optimizing both intra-operative and hospitalization times, thus,maximizing patient comfort, esthetic and prompt return to normal duties. (AU)

Humains , Mâle , Adulte , Fluorescéine , Anévrysme/chirurgie , Anévrysme/thérapie , Microchirurgie
J. vasc. bras ; 21: e20220013, 2022. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1386123


Resumo A doença de Behçet (DB) é caracterizada por ser uma doença rara, crônica, recidivante, inflamatória e multissistêmica. Quanto ao diagnóstico, não existe nenhum teste universalmente descrito; logo, ele é feito de maneira clínica, por meio da presença da sua tríade clássica de sinais: úlceras orais, úlceras genitais e uveíte (inflamação do trato uveal do olho). O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a importância do tratamento endovascular na doença de Behçet, sendo que a revisão de literatura para obter essa resposta foi realizada a partir de 30 artigos publicados entre 2002 e 2021. A DB acomete tanto o sistema venoso quanto o arterial. A ruptura de aneurismas é a principal causa de morte e necessita de tratamento, podendo ser clínico, cirúrgico aberto ou por via endovascular. A cirurgia endovascular vem ganhando espaço no tratamento cirúrgico nos casos de aneurismas arteriais, inclusive nos relacionados com DB, apesar de a terapia de escolha ainda ser controversa.

Abstract Behçet's Disease (BD) is a rare, chronic, relapsing, inflammatory, and multisystemic disease. There is no universally described test for confirming diagnosis, so it is made clinically, on the basis of its classic triad of signs: oral ulcers, genital ulcers, and uveitis (inflammation of the uveal tract of the eye). The aim of this study is to evaluate the importance of endovascular treatment in Behçet's disease. The literature review conducted to achieve this objective covered 30 articles published between 2002 and 2021. Behçet's Disease affects both the venous and arterial systems. Rupture of aneurysms is the main cause of death and thus requires treatment, which can be clinical, open surgical, or endovascular. Endovascular surgery has been gaining ground for surgical treatment of arterial aneurysms, including those related to BD, although the therapy of choice is still controversial.

Maladie de Behçet/chirurgie , Procédures endovasculaires , Anévrysme/chirurgie , Maladie de Behçet/complications , Maladies rares
Rev. cuba. med ; 60(4)dic. 2021.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408940


El aneurisma de la aorta abdominal es una enfermedad asintomática, frecuente en los adultos mayores del sexo masculino. Su aparición está asociada a enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles como la hipertensión arterial, la enfermedad arterial periférica, la diabetes mellitus, entre otras. A nivel comunitario constituye un problema de salud el diagnóstico tardío de la entidad en pacientes con factores de riesgo, por lo que se decide realizar el artículo de revisión con el objetivo de actualizar los aspectos de diagnóstico clínico, imagenológico, terapéutico y la conducta a seguir ante un paciente con sospecha de aneurisma de la aorta. Se realizó una revisión exhaustiva del tema en bases de datos como SciELO, MEDISAN, Revistas de Angiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular. Para lograr mejores resultados en el diagnóstico precoz y la atención a los pacientes con aneurisma de la aorta abdominal, es necesario mantener la actualización del tema, el uso del método clínico y el trabajo en conjunto de la atención primaria con el nivel secundario(AU)

Abdominal aortic aneurysm is an asymptomatic disease, common in older males. Its appearance is associated with chronic non-communicable diseases such as arterial hypertension, peripheral arterial disease, diabetes mellitus, among others. At the community level, the late diagnosis of the entity in patients with risk factors constitutes a health problem, so it was decided to carry out the review article with the aim of updating the clinical, imaging and therapeutic aspects of diagnosis and the behavior to be followed in a patient with suspected aortic aneurysm. We conducted an exhaustive review of the subject in databases such as SciELO, Medisan, Magazines of Angiology and Cardiovascular Surgery. To achieve better results in the early diagnosis and care of patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm, it is necessary to keep up-to-date on the subject, the use of the clinical method, and the joint work of primary care with the secondary level(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Tomodensitométrie/méthodes , Anévrysme de l'aorte abdominale/épidémiologie , Anévrysme/chirurgie
Rev. inf. cient ; 100(1): 1-6, ene.-feb. 2021. graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1156709


RESUMEN Los aneurismas venosos, en especial de la extremidad superior, son malformaciones vasculares de baja frecuencia. Se presentó el manejo de dos pacientes del sexo femenino atendidas en el Servicio de Angiología y Cirugía Vascular del Hospital General Docente "Dr. Agostinho Neto" de la provincia Guantánamo, Cuba, a las que se les diagnosticaron aneurismas en diferentes segmentos del sistema venoso superficial de la extremidad superior, los que se resecaron quirúrgicamente y se les confirmó el diagnóstico mediante biopsia.

ABSTRACT Venous aneurysms, especially the ones located in the upper limbs, are vascular malformations with low incidence in the population. Two cases of venous aneurisms on female patients showed up at the Angiology and Vascular Surgery services at the General Teaching Hospital ¨Dr. Agostinho Neto¨ in Guantanamo, Cuba. Aneurism diagnosis was confirmed through biopsy. They were located in different segments of the superficial venous system of the upper limbs, and were surgically resected.

RESUMO Os aneurismas venosos, principalmente de membro superior, são malformações vasculares de baixa frequência. Foi apresentada a gestão de duas pacientes do sexo feminino atendidas no Serviço de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular do Hospital General Docente "Dr. Agostinho Neto" da província de Guantánamo, Cuba, que foram diagnosticados com aneurismas em diferentes segmentos do sistema venoso superficial do membro superior, os quais foram ressecados cirurgicamente e o diagnóstico foi confirmado por biópsia.

Humains , Femelle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Membre supérieur/traumatismes , Anévrysme/chirurgie , Anévrysme/diagnostic
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-878711


Peripheral artery aneurysms,with low incidence and complex anatomic structure,often involve important branches.This paper introduces a new surgical technique-sleeve shaping on the basis of two cases.The basic data,including characteristics,imaging,operation and follow-up data of the cases,were collected.The data were then combined with the previous literature for explaining in detail that this technique can be used as a supplementary method of reconstruction following resection or endovascular repair.

Humains , Anévrysme/chirurgie , Artères , Résultat thérapeutique
J. vasc. bras ; 20: e20200123, 2021. graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1287086


Resumo Relatamos o caso de um paciente masculino, 77 anos, portador de hipertensão arterial, sem outras comorbidades ou fatores de risco para coronariopatia. Apresentava-se assintomático e, durante exame de ultrassonografia abdominal de rotina, foi diagnosticada uma massa vascular hepática de, aproximadamente, 5 cm de diâmetro. Foi solicitada angiotomografia computadorizada abdominal, que evidenciou aneurisma de artéria hepática de até 5,2 cm de calibre máximo, 7,2 cm de extensão no maior eixo longitudinal e calibre máximo da luz verdadeira de 3,0 cm. Optou-se por realização de correção endovascular do aneurisma com implante de três endopróteses vasculares revestidas Lifestream 7x58 mm, 8x58 mm e 8x37 mm sequenciais, com sucesso, conseguindo-se direcionamento do fluxo pelas próteses, levando à exclusão do aneurisma. O paciente evoluiu assintomático, mesmo 2 anos após o implante, sem intercorrências clínicas. Controle com dúplex arterial, realizados 6 e 12 meses após o procedimento, evidenciaram bom fluxo pelas endopróteses, sem "leak" para o saco aneurismático.

Abstract We report a case of an asymptomatic, 77-year-old, male patient with arterial hypertension and no other comorbidities or risk factors for coronary disease. During a routine abdominal ultrasound examination, he was diagnosed with a hepatic vascular mass with an approximate diameter of 5 cm. Abdominal computed angiotomography was requested, showing an aneurysm of the hepatic artery, with maximum diameter of up to 5.2 cm, longest longitudinal axis of 7.2 cm, and a maximum true lumen caliber of 3.0 cm. We opted for endovascular aneurysm repair with implantation of three sequential Lifestream covered vascular stents (7x58mm, 8x58mm, and 8x37mm), successfully diverting the flow through the stents and excluding the aneurysm. The patient remains asymptomatic and free from clinical complications 2 years after the procedure. Control examinations with arterial duplex ultrasound 6 and 12 months after the procedure showed good flow through the stents with no leakage into the aneurysmal sac.

Humains , Mâle , Sujet âgé , Procédures endovasculaires , Artère hépatique/chirurgie , Anévrysme/chirurgie , Angiographie , Endoprothèses , Artère hépatique/imagerie diagnostique , Anévrysme/imagerie diagnostique
J. vasc. bras ; 20: e20200220, 2021. graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279387


Resumo Os aneurismas verdadeiros de artéria femoral profunda são extremamente raros, representando cerca de 0,5% do total dos aneurismas periféricos. Neste relato, descrevemos um paciente de 79 anos de idade, sexo masculino, com histórico de abordagem cirúrgica prévia convencional devido a aneurisma de aorta abdominal, que deu entrada no Serviço de Cirurgia Vascular do Hospital das Clínicas com quadro de claudicação intermitente de membros inferiores. Foi realizado eco-Doppler colorido arterial do membro inferior direito, que revelou doença arterial periférica femoro-poplítea e infrapatelar. A angiotomografia computadorizada identificou oclusão aortoilíaca e do enxerto bifurcado desde o segmento infrarrenal da aorta, além de aneurisma de artéria femoral profunda de 3,7 x 3,5 cm de diâmetro com 7 cm de extensão. Procedeu-se com a ressecção do aneurisma e revascularização da artéria femoral profunda por interposição de prótese de Dacron® e reimplante de artéria femoral superficial na prótese. Portanto, nos casos de aneurisma de artéria femoral profunda concomitante a doença arterial periférica, deve-se atentar para revascularização e perfusão adequada do membro inferior.

Abstract True deep femoral artery aneurysms are extremely rare, accounting for about 0.5% of all peripheral aneurysms. In this report, we describe a 79-year-old male patient with a history of prior abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery via a conventional approach who was admitted to the vascular surgery service at the Hospital das Clínicas with intermittent claudication of the lower limbs. Arterial color-Doppler ultrasonography of the right lower limb was performed, revealing peripheral arterial disease of the femoral--popliteal and infrapatellar segments. Computed tomography angiography identified aortoiliac and bifurcated graft occlusion from the infrarenal segment of the aorta, in addition to a deep femoral artery aneurysm with diameters of 3.7 cm x 3.5 cm and length of 7 cm. Resection of the aneurysm was followed by revascularization of the deep femoral artery by interposition of a Dacron® graft and reimplantation of the superficial femoral artery into the graft. In cases of deep femoral artery aneurysms with concomitant peripheral arterial disease, it is important to ensure revascularization and adequate perfusion of the lower limb.

Humains , Mâle , Sujet âgé , Procédures de chirurgie vasculaire , Maladie artérielle périphérique/chirurgie , Anévrysme/chirurgie , Échocardiographie-doppler couleur , Membre inférieur , Artère fémorale , Maladie artérielle périphérique/imagerie diagnostique , Angiographie par tomodensitométrie , Claudication intermittente , Anévrysme/imagerie diagnostique
J. vasc. bras ; 20: e20200141, 2021. graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279375


Resumo O aneurisma da artéria renal é uma condição rara, que vem sendo cada vez mais diagnosticada devido ao uso mais amplo da angiotomografia. Descrevemos um caso de aneurisma da artéria renal tipo II complexo em uma paciente com hipertensão arterial sistêmica e doença renal crônica não dialítica. O tratamento estabelecido foi o reparo endovascular através da combinação da técnica de remodelamento com stents em T e molas, para a preservação dos ramos arteriais renais. Foram obtidos resultados arteriográficos satisfatórios e boa evolução clínica.

Abstract Renal artery aneurysm is a rare condition that is being diagnosed with increasing frequency because of wider use of angiotomography. We describe a case of complex type II renal artery aneurysm in a patient with systemic arterial hypertension and non-dialysis chronic kidney disease. The treatment performed was endovascular repair using the remodeling technique with T-stenting and coils to preserve the renal arterial branches, obtaining satisfactory arteriographic results and good clinical outcomes.

Humains , Femelle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Artère rénale , Procédures endovasculaires , Anévrysme/chirurgie , Endoprothèses , Insuffisance rénale chronique/complications , Hypertension artérielle
J. vasc. bras ; 20: e20210012, 2021. graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279373


Abstract A 45-year-old woman with known hypothyroidism and no other comorbidities was incidentally found to have multiple right renal artery aneurysms. The largest aneurysm measured 5 x 4.5 cm and arose from an inferior segmental branch while two smaller aneurysms arose from an upper segmental branch of the right renal artery. We performed an ex-vivo repair with reverse saphenous vein graft under cold preservation followed by orthotopic kidney auto-transplantation. Her postoperative course was unremarkable and at 1-year follow-up her right kidney is preserved. In this article, we report successful treatment of complex multiple right renal artery aneurysms and describe the surgical technique used for successful repair.

Resumo Uma mulher de 45 anos com hipotireoidismo conhecido e sem outras comorbidades teve achado incidental de múltiplos aneurismas da artéria renal direita. O maior aneurisma media 5 x 4,5 cm e tinha origem no ramo segmentar inferior, juntamente com dois pequenos aneurismas originários do ramo segmentar superior da artéria renal direita. Realizamos o reparo ex vivo com enxerto reverso de veia safena, sob preservação a frio, seguido de autotransplante renal ortotópico. O pós-operatório ocorreu sem intercorrências, e a paciente teve o rim direito preservado no seguimento de 1 ano. Neste artigo, relatamos o tratamento bem-sucedido de múltiplos aneurismas complexos da artéria renal direita e descrevemos a técnica cirúrgica utilizada para o reparo bem-sucedido.

Humains , Femelle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Artère rénale , Transplantation autologue , Anévrysme/chirurgie , Veine saphène , Procédures de chirurgie vasculaire , Hypothyroïdie , Rein
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 72(4): 350-354, ago. 2020. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1138722


Resumen Objetivo: Reportar el caso de un aneurisma gigante de la arteria esplénica de 9,5 cm de diámetro, en una mujer de 75 años de edad, que consultó por síndrome vertiginoso, con hallazgo incidental al examen físico de masa abdominal pulsátil, confirmado mediante angiotomografía de abdomen y pelvis. Materiales y Método: Registro clínico de una paciente sometida a reparación quirúrgica abierta de una aneurisma gigante de la arteria esplénica. Resultados: Mediante laparotomía, abordaje anterior, se efectúa la ligadura del aneurisma con resección parcial del saco aneurismático más esplenectomía, evolucionando sin complicación a 12 meses de seguimiento. Discusión: Se define como aneurisma de la arteria esplénica a toda dilatación mayor a 1 cm de diámetro, presenta indicación quirúrgica cuando mide más de 2 cm y se denomina gigante a partir de los 5 cm. Conclusión: Los aneurismas de la arteria esplénica son una condición infrecuente, habitualmente asintomática, pero potencialmente mortal especialmente en embarazadas; en la literatura solo existen 78 casos reportados de aneurismas gigantes de la arteria esplénica, se recomienda la resolución quirúrgica expedita.

Aim: To report the case of a giant splenic artery aneurysm of 9.5 cm diameter, in a 75 years old woman, who consulted for vertiginous syndrome, with incidental finding to the physical examination of pulsatile abdominal mass, confirmed by angiotomography of abdomen and pelvis. Materials and Method: Clinical record of a patient undergoing open surgical repair of a giant splenic aneurysm. Results: By laparotomy, anterior approach, the ligation of the aneurysm is performed with partial resection of the aneurysm sac plus splenectomy, evolving without complication at 12 months of follow-up. Discussion: The splenic artery aneurysm, is defined at any dilatation greater than 1 cm in diameter, it is surgically indicated when they measure more than 2 cm and called giant from 5 cm. Conclusion: Splenic artery aneurysm is a uncommon condition, usually asymptomatic, but potentially fatal especially in pregnant women, in the literature there are only 78 reported cases of giant splenic artery aneurysms, expedited surgical resolution is recommended.

Humains , Femelle , Sujet âgé , Artère splénique/chirurgie , Anévrysme/chirurgie , Artère splénique/imagerie diagnostique , Angiographie par tomodensitométrie , Anévrysme/imagerie diagnostique
J. vasc. bras ; 19: e20200004, 2020. graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1135118


Resumo Aneurismas de artérias viscerais e renais são raros (0,01 a 2%) e seu risco de ruptura varia entre os diferentes tipos e de acordo com sua anatomia e contexto do paciente (comorbidades, gravidez e histórico de transplante hepático). A mortalidade decorrente da ruptura desses aneurismas é em torno de 25%. Novas técnicas e materiais derivados da neurointervenção parecem alternativas promissoras para o tratamento desses aneurismas. Neste contexto, relatamos um caso de paciente submetida a tratamento endovascular no mesmo procedimento de aneurisma de artéria esplênica e de artéria renal com a utilização de stent Solitaire® (Medtronic, Minneapolis, EUA) e molas de liberação controlada Ruby® (Penumbra, Alameda, EUA). A paciente apresentou boa evolução com ambos aneurismas tratados de forma adequada. Em conclusão, o tratamento endovascular de aneurismas de artéria esplênica e renal no mesmo tempo operatório é exequível e demonstrou segurança e efetividade no caso relatado.

Abstract Visceral and renal artery aneurysms are rare (0.01 to 2%) and their risk of rupture varies between different types and depending on their anatomy and patient context (comorbidities, pregnancy, and liver transplant history). Mortality due to rupture of these aneurysms is around 25%. New techniques and materials derived from neurointervention seem to be promising options for treatment of these aneurysms. In this context, we report the case of a patient undergoing endovascular treatment of both splenic artery and renal artery aneurysms during the same procedure, using Solitaire stents and controlled release coils in both repairs. The patient recovered well with both aneurysms adequately treated. In conclusion, endovascular treatment of splenic and renal artery aneurysms during the same operation is feasible and has proved safe and effective in the case reported.

Humains , Femelle , Adulte , Artère rénale , Artère splénique , Procédures endovasculaires/méthodes , Anévrysme/chirurgie , Endoprothèses , Embolisation thérapeutique , Procédures endovasculaires/instrumentation
J. vasc. bras ; 19: e20190123, 2020. graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1135125


Abstract We report a case of an asymptomatic gastroduodenal artery aneurysm diagnosed in a 39 year-old woman. An abdominal ultrasound study showed an aneurysmal dilatation of the gastroduodenal artery with 2 x 2 cm diameter. To confirm this finding, she then underwent a computed tomography scan of the abdomen and pelvis that showed a saccular aneurysm of the gastroduodenal artery. A dual endovascular approach was used to exclude the aneurysm by stent-assisted coil embolization. Complete exclusion of the aneurysm sac was confirmed on final angiography. She was discharged from the hospital on postoperative day 1.

Resumo Relatamos um caso de aneurisma de artéria gastroduodenal assintomático diagnosticado em uma mulher de 39 anos. Uma ultrassonografia abdominal mostrou uma dilatação aneurismática associada à artéria gastroduodenal com 2 x 2 cm de diâmetro. Para confirmar esse achado, foi realizada uma tomografia computadorizada do abdome e da pelve, que revelou um aneurisma sacular da artéria gastroduodenal. Uma abordagem endovascular dupla foi utilizada para exclusão do aneurisma mediante embolização com molas assistida por stent. A exclusão completa do saco aneurismático foi confirmada na angiografia final. A paciente recebeu alta hospitalar no primeiro dia de pós-operatório.

Humains , Femelle , Adulte , Procédures endovasculaires/instrumentation , Anévrysme/chirurgie , Endoprothèses , Artère gastrique/chirurgie , Artère gastrique/anatomopathologie , Anévrysme/imagerie diagnostique
Rev. cuba. angiol. cir. vasc ; 20(1): e383, ene.-jun. 2019. graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-991045


Los aneurismas de la arteria poplítea son los más frecuentes de todos los que afectan a las arterias periféricas y corresponde a un aumento del diámetro de esta arteria mayor de 1,5 cm. El diagnóstico fue de aneurisma de la arteria poplítea de ambos miembros inferiores, con mayor diámetro en la izquierda. Lo poco frecuente en este caso son las dimensiones que alcanzó la arteria poplítea izquierda. El paciente presentaba dolor en la fosa poplítea izquierda e imposibilidad de extensión de la pierna. Se detectó disminución importante de los índices de presiones dístales de ambos miembros inferiores y en la angiotomografía realizada al paciente se apreciaron dilataciones aneurismáticas trombosadas en ambas regiones poplíteas. Se realizó la aneurismectomía con sustitución protésica desde la arteria femoral superficial al tronco tibio-peroneo en el miembro inferior izquierdo. El paciente egresó con evolución satisfactoria(AU)

The popliteal artery´s aneurysms are the most frequent of all those that affect outlying arteries and it corresponds to an increase bigger than 1,5 cms of the diameter of this artery. A not very frequent case is presented due to the dimensions that the popliteal left artery reached. The case presented a diagnosis of aneurysm of the popliteal artery in both inferior limbs, with bigger diameter in the left which is infrequent. The patient presented pain in the left popliteal area and impossibility of extending the leg. Important decrease of the distal pressures indexes of both inferior limbs was detected, and in the performed angiotomography there was evidence of thrombosed aneurisms in both popliteal regions. The patient was attended in the operating room and an aneurismectomy with prosthesis substitution of femoral superficial artery to tibial- peroneal arterial trunk in left lower limb was carried out. The patient was discharged with satisfactory evolution(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Veine poplitée/chirurgie , Angiographie par tomodensitométrie/méthodes , Anévrysme/chirurgie
J. vasc. bras ; 18: e20180091, 2019. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-990120


The treatment options for aberrant right subclavian artery vary depending on the presence of Kommerell's diverticulum. Because there is a tendency not to report mortalities of these rare cases in the literature, it is hard to reach a conclusion on treatments from the limited data on post-interventional results in these patients. We report our experience with a 67-year old patient with an aberrant right subclavian aneurysm with Kommerell's diverticulum, diagnosed by chance

As opções de tratamento para artéria subclávia direita aberrante variam dependendo da presença de divertículo de Kommerell. Como há uma tendência a não relatar mortalidade nos raros casos descritos na literatura, é difícil chegar a uma conclusão sobre tratamentos tendo em vista os dados limitados sobre resultados pós-intervenção nesses pacientes. Relatamos aqui nossa experiência com um paciente de 67 anos de idade com aneurisma de artéria subclávia aberrante direita com divertículo de Kommerell diagnosticado ao acaso

Humains , Mâle , Sujet âgé , Artère subclavière , Diverticule , Anévrysme/chirurgie , Malformations , Spectroscopie par résonance magnétique/méthodes , Radiographie thoracique/méthodes , Tomographie/méthodes
Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 75(6): 373-376, nov.-dic. 2018. graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011485


Resumen: Introducción: El aneurisma de la arteria testicular es poco frecuente; el término se describe como la dilatación de cualquier vaso sanguíneo en el cuerpo. Caso clínico: Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 15 años con un aneurisma de la arteria testicular izquierda sin ningún antecedente de importancia familiar ni personal, quien se presentó a consulta por aumento de volumen en la región inguinal de larga evolución, acompañado de dolor esporádico y sin más síntomas. Se diagnosticó hernia inguinal y se procedió a cirugía. El diagnóstico se realizó de manera posoperatoria por medio de estudio histopatológico. En este caso, se destaca la presentación de un aneurisma verdadero de la arteria testicular y el resultado después del tratamiento quirúrgico definitivo. Conclusiones: La etiología del aneurisma y del pseudoaneurisma reportada en la literatura se describe posterior a un traumatismo testicular, y en pocos casos de origen congénito. Las manifestaciones clínicas pueden ser dolor y una masa inguinal, y muchas de las veces pueden confundirse con hernias inguinales o ser una patología agregada, por lo que el abordaje de los pacientes con patología inguinal o testicular debe ser protocolizado e incluir el aneurisma dentro de los diagnósticos diferenciales.

Abstract: Background: Aneurysm of the testicular artery is a rare entity; the term is described as the dilation of any blood vessel in the body. Case report: An 18-year-old patient with a left testicular artery aneurysm, with no family or personal history of medical importance, presented for consultation due to a volume increase of long evolution in the inguinal region, accompanied by sporadic pain with no other symptoms. The testicular artery aneurysm was not detectable preoperatively by ultrasound, which only reported data compatible with left inguinal hernia and varicocele. The diagnosis was made postoperatively by a histopathological study. This case highlights the presentation of a true aneurysm of the testicular artery and the result after definitive surgical treatment. Conclusions: The etiology of the aneurysm and pseudoaneurysm reported in the literature is described after a testicular trauma and, a few cases of congenital origin. The clinical manifestations are pain and an inguinal mass, which can be frequently confused with inguinal hernias or an aggregated pathology. Therefore, the approach of patients with inguinal or testicular pathology should be protocolized and include aneurysm within the differential diagnoses.

Adolescent , Humains , Mâle , Testicule/vascularisation , Hernie inguinale/chirurgie , Anévrysme/chirurgie , Artères , Hernie inguinale/diagnostic , Anévrysme/diagnostic
J. vasc. bras ; 17(4): 328-332, out.-dez. 2018. ilus
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-969168


Os aneurismas de artéria mesentérica superior são raros, representando menos de 0,5% de todos os aneurismas intra-abdominais. São causados principalmente por aterosclerose e por êmbolos sépticos decorrentes de endocardite bacteriana. Apesar de incomuns, são considerados graves, devido a possíveis complicações como ruptura com hemorragia e isquemia intestinal. Com consequências potencialmente devastadoras, o diagnóstico e o tratamento em tempo hábil são essenciais para se otimizarem os resultados. Ainda sem um consenso bem definido, os tratamentos propostos envolvem cirurgia convencional, terapia endovascular e conduta expectante com exames periódicos. Este trabalho relata o caso de um homem de 58 anos, assintomático, com achado incidental e incomum de dois aneurismas de artéria mesentérica superior. Perante uma anatomia desfavorável à abordagem endovascular, foi realizado o tratamento cirúrgico aberto, utilizando-se prótese de dácron na reconstrução arterial, com sucesso

Superior mesenteric artery aneurysms are rare, accounting for less than 0.5% of all intra-abdominal aneurysms. They are mainly caused by atherosclerosis and septic emboli resulting from bacterial endocarditis. Although uncommon, these aneurysms are considered dangerous because of possible complications such as rupture with hemorrhage and intestinal ischemia. Since the consequences can be very serious, early diagnosis and treatment are essential to improve outcomes. Although there is no well-defined consensus, recommended treatments include open surgery, endovascular therapy, and watchful waiting with periodic examinations. In this article we report the case of an asymptomatic 58-year-old man with an incidental and unusual finding of two superior mesenteric artery aneurysms. Since anatomy was not favorable for an endovascular approach, open surgery was performed, using a dacron graft to successfully repair the artery

Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Artère mésentérique supérieure/imagerie diagnostique , Procédures endovasculaires/méthodes , Anévrysme/chirurgie , Prothèses et implants , Choc hémorragique , Imagerie diagnostique/méthodes , Échographie/méthodes
J. vasc. bras ; 17(2): 152-155, abr.jun.2018.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-910804


O aneurisma verdadeiro da artéria dorsal do pé é um achado médico raro, e suas principais causas e manifestações clinicas são pouco conhecidas. Paciente do sexo feminino, 49 anos de idade, apresentou-se com uma massa pulsátil no dorso do pé direito. O exame clínico e a imagem ultrassonográfica confirmaram o diagnóstico de um aneurisma. O aneurisma foi ressecado após dissecação, exposição e isolamento dos cotos proximal e distal da artéria dorsal do pé. A ligadura simples e a ressecção do aneurisma vêm se mostrando um tratamento seguro quando o arco plantar se mantém pérvio.

A true aneurysm of the dorsal artery of the foot is a rare medical finding and its principal causes and clinical manifestations are not well known. A 49-year-old female patient presented with a pulsatile mass on the dorsal part of her right foot. Clinical and ultrasound examinations confirmed a diagnosis of aneurysm. The aneurysm was resected after dissection, exposure and isolation of the proximal and distal stumps of the dorsalis pedis artery. Simple ligature and resection of the aneurysm is proving to be a safe treatment option in patients with a patent plantar arch.

Humains , Femelle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Anévrysme/imagerie diagnostique , Anévrysme/chirurgie , Artères tibiales/chirurgie , Procédures de chirurgie vasculaire/rééducation et réadaptation , Dissection/méthodes
Rev. cuba. angiol. cir. vasc ; 18(2): 0-0, jul.-dic. 2017. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-844819


Los aneurismas de arteria carótida interna son una entidad infrecuente pero de gran importancia por sus potenciales complicaciones, como embolización, ruptura, compresión estructuras adyacentes y otras. Su también rara asociación con bucle o lazo de 360º de la arteria carótida interna a dicho nivel, aumenta el riesgo de accidentes cerebrovasculares, y por tanto necesario su tratamiento específico. Se presenta el caso clínico de una paciente de 71 años con bucle sintomático y aneurisma sacular de arteria carótida interna sometidos a tratamiento quirúrgico. Se realizó disección y resección del aneurisma y del bucle carotideo con anastomosis término-terminal de la arteria carótida interna. No hubo complicaciones. Fue dada de alta con antiagregación oral y a los tres años de evolución se mantiene asintomática(AU)

The internal carotid artery aneurysms are an infrequent condition of great importance because of their potential complications such as embolization, rupture, and compression of adjacent structures and others. The rare association of aneurysms with the 360º loop of the internal carotid artery at that level increases the risk of strokes and therefore, their specific treatment is required. This is a 71 years-old female patient who presented with symptomatic loop and secular aneurysm in the internal carotid artery, which had been operated on. Dissection and resection of the carotid aneurysm and loop was made using termino-terminal anastomosis of the internal carotid artery. There were no complications. She was discharged from hospital with an oral anti-aggregate treatment and after three years, she remains asymptomatic(AU)

Humains , Artère carotide interne/chirurgie , Anévrysme/chirurgie , Anévrysme/complications