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Int. j. morphol ; 28(1): 19-25, Mar. 2010. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-579277


Morphological, histological and histochemical characterizations of the venom apparatus of the centapede, S. valida have been investigated. The venom apparatus of Scolopendra valida consists of a pair of maxillipedes and venom glands situated anteriorly in the prosoma on either side of the first segment of the body. Each venom gland is continuous with a hollow tubular claw possessing a sharp tip and subterminal pore located on the outer curvature. The glandular epithelium is folded and consists of a mass of secretory epithelium, covered by a sheath of striated muscles. The secretory epithelium consists of high columnar venom-producing cells having dense cytoplasmic venom granules. The glandular canal lacks musculature and is lined with chitinous internal layer and simple cuboidal epithelium. The histochemical results indicate that the venom-producing cells of both glands elaborate glycosaminoglycan, acid mucosubstances, certain amino acids and proteins, but are devoid of glycogen. The structure and secretions of centipede venom glands are discussed within the context of the present results.

Fueron investigadas las características morfológicas, histológicas e histoquímicas del aparato venenoso del ciempiés, S. valida. El aparato venenoso de Scolopendra valida consta de un par de maxilopodos y glándulas de veneno situadas anteriormente en el prosoma, a cada lado del primer segmento del cuerpo. Cada glándula de veneno se continúa en una garra con una cavidad tubular que posee una punta afilada y un poro subterminal situado sobre la curvatura externa. El epitelio glandular es plegado y se compone de una masa de epitelio secretor, cubierto por una vaina de los músculos estriados. El epitelio secretor consiste en células columnares altas productoras de veneno con gránulos citoplasmáticos de veneno densos. El conducto glandular carece de musculatura y está revestido por capa interna quitinosa y epitelio cuboidal simple. Los resultados histoquímicos indican que las células productoras de veneno de ambas glándulas elaboran glucosaminoglucanos mucosustancias ácidas, ciertos aminoácidos y proteínas, pero carecen de glucógeno. La estructura y las secreciones de las glándulas de veneno del ciempiés son examinadas en el contexto de los presentes resultados.

Animaux , Arthropodes/anatomie et histologie , Arthropodes/métabolisme , Venins d'arthropode/métabolisme , Venins d'arthropode/composition chimique , Arthropodes/ultrastructure , Histocytochimie , Arabie saoudite
Braz. j. morphol. sci ; 21(2): 65-71, Apr.-Jun. 2004. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-406357


The midgut epithelium of the milipede Rhinocricus padbergi has been reported to be stratified or pseudostratified, and there is evidence that this region of the intestine is lined by a single layer of absorptive epithelial cells interspersed with smaller regenerative cells. In this work, transmission electron microscopy was used to study the structure and organization of the midgut of R. padbergi. The midgut was lined by a pseudostratified epithelium in which all of the cells were in contact with the basement membrane but did not necessarily reach the apical surface. The epithelium contained three cells types, namely, absorptive cells with apical microvilli that gave the midgut epithelium a "brush border" appearance, secretory cells that were interspersed with the absorptive cells and probably served to lubricate the epithelial surface, and regenerative cells located in the basal region of the epithelium. This organization of the gut cells in R. padbergi was similar to that of other arthropodes.

Animaux , Arthropodes/anatomie et histologie , Arthropodes/ultrastructure , Intestins , Arthropodes/cytologie , Épithélium
Braz. j. morphol. sci ; 21(2): 73-79, Apr.-Jun. 2004. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-406358


The antennae of millipedes (Diplopoda) have an important role in detecting various types of enviromental stimuli. The structural organization of the antennae is closely related to the degree of sensorial perception. The antennae generally consist of eight segments, the most distal (apical) of which characteristically contains four cone-shaped sensilla. In this paper, we describe the external morphology of the antennae of the diplod Rhinocricus padbergi. Antennae from anesthetized mael and female millipedes were fixed in Karnovsky solution and processed for scanning electron microscopy. Intraspecific variation was observed in the number of apical cones (13-18) in segment VIII. This number of cones differed from that usually found (4) in other millipedes species. Segments I, II and III lacked sensilla while the remaining segments had different types of sensilla, including trichoidea, chaetica and basiconica. The presence of the latter types of sensilla suggests that R. padbergiantennae have chemoreceptor, mechanoreceptor and thermal/ hygrosensitive functions, respectively.

Animaux , Femelle , Oniscus Asellus , Arthropodes/ultrastructure
Biocell ; Biocell;24(1): 1-12, Apr. 2000.
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-335918


The fat body of the diplopod Rhinocricus padbergi is located in two preferential areas of its body: a) immediately below the tegument, denominated parietal, and b) filling the body cavity, close to the viscera, mainly the ovaries and alimentary canal, denominated perivisceral. Ultrastructurally, its cells, the adipocytes, presented varied morphology and contained organelles indicating that they are cells that mainly produce and store lipids and proteins. The presence of cells similar to the oenocytes found in insects was observed for the first time in diplopods, associated to the fat body of R. padbergi. Our observations suggest that this tissue probably maintains activity cycles, since the presence of cells undergoing apoptosis was detected.

Animaux , Arthropodes/ultrastructure , Corps gras , Arthropodes/cytologie
Boca Raton; CRC Press; 2 ed; 1996. 374 p. ilus, map, 26cm.
Monographie de Anglais | LILACS, HANSEN, HANSENIASE, SESSP-ILSLACERVO, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1083975