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Fisioter. Pesqui. (Online) ; 27(1): 10-15, jan.-mar. 2020. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090413


RESUMO Para a manutenção do equilíbrio, o organismo utiliza os sistemas visuais, vestibulares e proprioceptivos, que enviam informações para o sistema nervoso central acerca das condições do corpo com o objetivo de estabilizá-lo. Este estudo avaliou o efeito das palmilhas proprioceptivas sobre o equilíbrio postural estático e as dores musculoesqueléticas após dois meses de uso, por meio de uma pesquisa analítica longitudinal com 15 militares saudáveis do sexo masculino com média de idade de 34±7,5 anos. Eles foram submetidos à avaliação do equilíbrio por meio da plataforma Medicapteurs® e pelo protocolo CNT. Não houve diferença estatística para os desvios do corpo e velocidade do centro de pressão. A pressão plantar teve mudança estatisticamente significante para o pé esquerdo e o pé direito correspondendo a p=0,0001 e p=0,0007, respectivamente. Houve redução das médias de dores nos joelhos, pés e calcanhares e diminuição significativa da dor lombar, com p=0,0180. O equilíbrio estático não foi alterado significativamente com o uso das palmilhas proprioceptivas pelos militares, contudo elas proporcionaram melhor redistribuição das pressões plantares e parecem atenuar as dores musculoesqueléticas das extremidades inferiores. Por isso as palmilhas podem ser consideradas para esse grupo uma terapêutica de prevenção contra lesões relacionadas à sua atividade laboral.

RESUMEN Para mantener el equilibrio el cuerpo utiliza los sistemas visuales, vestibulares y propioceptivos, que envían información al sistema nervioso central sobre las condiciones del cuerpo para estabilizarlo. Este estudio evaluó el efecto de las plantillas propioceptivas sobre el equilibrio postural estático y los dolores musculoesqueléticas después de dos meses de uso, a través de una investigación analítica longitudinal con 15 soldados sanos con una edad media de 34±7.5 años. Ellos fueron sometidos a evaluación de equilibrio a través de la plataforma Medicapteurs® y por el protocolo CNT. No hubo diferencia estadística para las desviaciones del cuerpo y para la velocidad del centro de presión. La presión plantar tuvo un cambio estadísticamente significativo para el pie izquierdo y el pie derecho correspondiente a p=0.0001 y p=0.0007, respectivamente. Hubo una reducción en las promedio de los dolores en las rodillas, pies y talones y una disminución significativa en el dolor lumbar, con p=0.0180. El equilibrio estático no se modificó significativamente con el uso de plantillas propioceptivas por los militares, sin embargo, proporcionaron una mejor redistribución de las presiones plantares y parecen ablandar los dolores musculoesqueléticas en las extremidades inferiores. Por lo tanto las plantillas pueden considerarse para ese grupo como una terapia de prevención contra lesiones relacionadas con su actividad laboral.

ABSTRACT To maintain the balance, the body uses visual, vestibular and proprioceptive systems, which send information to the central nervous system about the body's conditions in order to stabilize it. This study evaluated the effect of proprioceptive insoles on static postural balance and musculoskeletal pains after two months of use, through a longitudinal analytical study with 15 healthy male soldiers with a mean age of 34±7.5 years. They were subjected to balance evaluation through the Medicapteurs® platform and by CNT protocol. There was no statistical difference for the deviations of the body and speed of the center of pressure. Plantar pressure had a statistically significant change for the left and the right feet, corresponding to p=0.0001 and p=0.0007, respectively. There was a reduction in the mean values of the pains in the knees, feet and heels and a significant decrease in lumbar spine pain, with p=0.0180. The static balance was not significantly altered with the use of proprioceptive insoles by the militaries; however, these insoles provided a better redistribution of plantar pressures and seem to attenuate the musculoskeletal pains of the lower extremities. Therefore, insoles can be considered as a prevention therapy against injuries for this group related to their work activity.

Humains , Mâle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Orthèses/effets indésirables , Équilibre postural/physiologie , Douleur musculosquelettique/étiologie , Chaussures , Attelles/effets indésirables , Méthodes Analytiques , Études longitudinales , Lombalgie/étiologie , Maladies du pied/étiologie , Personnel militaire
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 82(6): 654-661, Oct.-Dec. 2016. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-828249


Abstract Introduction: The main reason for nasal tampon placement after septoplasty is to prevent postoperative hemorrhage, while the secondary purpose is internal stabilization after operations involving the cartilaginous-bony skeleton of the nose. Silicone intranasal splints are as successful as other materials in controlling postoperative hemorrhages of septal origin. The possibility of leaving the splints intranasally for extended periods helps stabilize the septum in the midline. However, there is nothing in the literature about how long these splints can be retained inside the nasal cavity without increasing the risk of infection, postoperative complications, and patient discomfort. Objective: The current study aimed to evaluate the association between the duration of intranasal splinting and bacterial colonization, postoperative complications, and patient discomfort. Methods: Patients who had undergone septoplasty were divided into three groups according to the day of removal of the silicone splints. The splints were removed on the fifth, seventh, and tenth postoperative days. The removed splints were microbiologically cultured. Early and late complications were assessed, including local and systemic infections, tissue necrosis, granuloma formation, mucosal crusting, synechia, and septal perforation. Postoperative patient discomfort was evaluated by scoring the levels of pain and nasal obstruction. Results: No significant difference was found in the rate of bacterial colonization among the different groups. Decreased mucosal crusting and synechia were detected with longer usage intervals of intranasal silicone splints. Postoperative pain and nasal obstruction were also diminished by the third postoperative day. Conclusions: Silicone splints were well tolerated by the patients and any negative effects on postoperative patient comfort were limited. In fact, prolonged splint usage intervals reduced late complications. Long-term silicone nasal splint usage is a reliable, effective, and comfortable method in patients with excessive mucosal damage and in whom long-term stabilization of the bony and cartilaginous septum is essential.

Resumo Introdução: A principal razão para a colocação de tampões nasais em septoplastias é a prevenção de hemorragia pós-operatória, enquanto o objetivo secundário é a estabilização interna após cirurgias que envolvam o esqueleto cartilaginoso do nariz. Os splints intranasais de silicone são tão eficazes como outros materiais para o controle de hemorragias do septo no pós-operatório. A possibilidade de manter os splints intranasais por longos períodos ajuda a estabilizar o septo na linha média. No entanto, não há nada na literatura sobre quanto tempo esses splints podem ser mantidos na cavidade nasal sem aumentar o risco de infecção, complicações no pós-operatório e causar desconforto ao paciente. Objetivos: O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a associação entre o tempo de tamponamento com splints intranasais e colonização bacteriana, complicações no pós-operatório e desconforto do paciente. Método: Os pacientes submetidos a septoplastia foram divididos em três grupos, de acordo com o dia da remoção dos splints de silicone. Os splints foram removidos no 5°, 7° e 10° dias de pós-operatório, e a seguir, cultivados microbiologicamente. Complicações precoces e tardias foram avaliadas, incluindo infecções locais e sistêmicas, necrose do tecido, formação de granulomas, crostas na mucosa, sinéquias e perfuração do septo. O desconforto do paciente no pós-operatório foi avaliado com o uso de pontuação dos níveis de dor e de obstrução nasal. Resultados: Nenhuma diferença significante foi encontrada na taxa de colonização bacteriana entre os diferentes grupos. Diminuições da formação de crostas na mucosa e de sinéquias foram detectadas com tempos mais longos de uso de splints de silicone. A dor e a obstrução nasal também diminuíram no terceiro dia de pós-operatório. Conclusões: O uso de splints de silicone foi bem tolerado pelos pacientes, e seus efeitos negativos sobre o conforto do paciente no pós-operatório foram limitados. De fato, o tempo prolongado de uso teve um efeito redutor sobre as complicações tardias. O uso prolongado de splint nasal de silicone é um método confiável, eficaz e pouco desconfortável em pacientes com lesão excessiva da mucosa e naqueles cuja estabilização óssea e cartilaginosa do septo a longo prazo é essencial.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Adulte d'âge moyen , Jeune adulte , Rhinoplastie/méthodes , Attelles/microbiologie , Obstruction nasale/chirurgie , Septum nasal/chirurgie , Douleur postopératoire , Rhinoplastie/effets indésirables , Attelles/effets indésirables , Attelles/statistiques et données numériques , Tampons chirurgicaux/effets indésirables , Tampons chirurgicaux/statistiques et données numériques , Facteurs temps , Études prospectives , Hémorragie postopératoire/prévention et contrôle
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 81(2): 184-189, Mar-Apr/2015. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-745804


INTRODUCTION: There is no consensus on duration of the nasal splint after nasal septum surgeries. The pressure of nasal splint on the mucosa may cause tissue necrosis and nasal septum perforation. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the histopathological changes of the nasal mucosa caused by nasal splints in a rabbit model. METHODS: No splint was used in group A. Bilateral silicone nasal splints were placed for five, ten, and 15 days in groups B, C, and D, respectively. Biopsy of the nasal mucosa was performed after removal of splint. Histopathologic evaluations were performed. The severity and depth of the inflammation were scored. RESULTS: Group A had a normal histological appearance. Comparison of the results of groups B, C, and D with group A demonstrated statistically significant differences with regards to the severity of histopathological findings. There was no statistically significant difference between groups B and C. There were statistically significant differences between the groups B and D, and also between groups C and D. CONCLUSIONS: Longer duration of nasal splint had a higher risk for septal perforation. Therefore, removal of the splint as soon as possible may be helpful for preventing potential perforations. .

INTRODUÇÃO: Não existe consenso acerca do tempo de permanência de splints nasais no pós-operatório de cirurgias no septo. A pressão causada pelos mesmos na mucosa nasal pode causar necrose e perfurações septais. OBJETIVOS: Investigar mudanças histopatológicas da mucosa nasal causadas por splints nasais em coelhos. MÉTODO: Nenhum splint foi utilizado no grupo A. Splints de silicone foram utilizados por 5, 10 e 15 dias nos grupos B, C e D, respectivamente. Biópsia da mucosa nasal foi realizada após a remoção dos mesmos. Avaliações histopatológicas foram realizadas, e a gravidade e a profundidade do processo inflamatório foram medidas. RESULTADOS: Grupo A apresentou uma aparência histológica normal. Comparações de resultados entre os grupos B, C e D com o grupo A demonstraram diferenças estatísticas relevantes na gravidade histopatológica. Não houve diferenças estatísticas relevantes entre os grupos B e D, assim como entre os grupos C e D. CONCLUSÃO: De acordo com os resultados, quanto maior a duração no uso de splints nasais maior o risco de perfuração septal. Portanto, a remoção de splints nasais deve ser realizada assim que possível, prevenindo potenciais perfurações. .

Animaux , Lapins , Muqueuse nasale/anatomopathologie , Septum nasal/chirurgie , Procédures chirurgicales du nez/effets indésirables , Attelles/effets indésirables , Tampons chirurgicaux/effets indésirables , Perforation de la cloison nasale , Muqueuse nasale/traumatismes
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-68305


BACKGROUND: Buddy taping is a well known and useful method for treating sprains, dislocations, and other injuries of the fingers or toes. However, the authors have often seen complications associated with buddy taping such as necrosis of the skin, infections, loss of fixation, and limited joint motion. To our knowledge, there are no studies regarding the complications of buddy taping. The purpose of this study was to report the current consensus on treating finger and toe injuries and complications of buddy taping by using a specifically designed questionnaire. METHODS: A questionnaire was designed for this study, which was regarding whether the subjects were prescribed buddy taping to treat finger and toe injuries, reasons for not using it, in what step of injury treatment it was use, indications, complications, kinds of tape for fixation, and special methods for preventing skin injury. Fifty-five surgeons agreed to participate in the study and the survey was performed in a direct interview manner at the annual meetings of the Korean Pediatric Orthopedic Association and Korean Society for Surgery of the Hand, in 2012. RESULTS: Forty-eight surgeons (87%) used buddy taping to treat finger and toe injuries, especially proximal interphalangeal (PIP) injuries of the hand, finger fractures, toe fractures, metacarpophalangeal injuries of the hand, and PIP injuries of the foot. Sixty-five percent of the surgeons experienced low compliance. Forty-five percent of the surgeons observed skin injuries on the adhesive area of the tape, and skin injuries between the injured finger and healthy finger were observed by 45% of the surgeons. CONCLUSIONS: This study sheds light on the current consensus and complications of buddy taping among physicians. Low compliance and skin injury should be considered when the clinician treats finger and toe injuries by using buddy taping.

Adulte , Humains , Adulte d'âge moyen , Traumatismes du doigt/thérapie , Traumatismes du pied/thérapie , Ostéosynthèse/effets indésirables , Médecins/statistiques et données numériques , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Attelles/effets indésirables , Ruban chirurgical , Orteils/traumatismes
ASNJ-Alexandria Scientific Nursing Journal. 2009; 8 (1): 135-156
de Anglais | IMEMR | ID: emr-101755


Burn injuries represent one of the most serious public problems facing both developing and industrialized nations today. Long term scaring, disfigurement and dysfunction; which require specialized extensive and long term care to assume optimal recovery and rehabilitation. Therefore, the need for rehabilitation becomes even more crucial; so, burn patients need highly specialized multidisciplinary team co-operation to act effectively and efficiently. Thus, the present study aims to determine the effectiveness of splinting on the occurrence of lower limb burn contractures. This study was carried out in the Burn unit at the Alexandria Main University Hospital. Subjects of this study included thirty patients admitted to the burn unit with recent moderate burns, Two tools were used in this study. Data were collected over a period of twelve months [from June 2005 to May 2006], The main results revealed that the lower limbs splints which had been used in the study included; total leg splint, posterior knee splint, and foot drop splint had met all properties with 100%, which include [conformability, durability, rigidity, moisture permeability, finish, padding, and rivets]. Lower limb splints were fitted to the patient through three weeks. Results showed that pain discomfort, and edema had been decreased Muscle strength of the lower limbs was increased during the performance of range of motion exercises, and patients were able to perform activities of daily living without assistance as splinting decreased the occurrence of contracture deformities of the lower limbs. It can be concluded from the present study that patients affected by burns on lower limbs must be splinted and joints should be positioned in their anatomical positions. The lower limbs and feet have an important role as they support the whole body weight

Humains , Femelle , Membre inférieur , Attelles/effets indésirables , Contracture
Medical Journal of Cairo University [The]. 2003; 71 (4 Supp. 2): 117-20
de Anglais | IMEMR | ID: emr-63763


To present our experience of rhinoplasty without nasal or packing. Prospective case series. Thirty cases presenting to Aston Hospital, Al Khobar, K.S.A. during the period of May 2000 to January 2003 were subjected to rhinoplasty due to either traumatic "13" or congenital "17" causes. Rhinotherapy was performed using small instruments to reduce trauma to nasal tissues and to eliminate nasal packing and external immobilization. No significant complications occurred n our series. Of the 30 cases only 3 cases required merocil packing for one day only. One case required secondary proteomics because of late bony displacement, which occurred after 2 months. Patients performed well on the GBI questionnaire with an average score of 86%. By using hyponasty without splints or packing, there is less risk of headache, rhinitis, sinusitis and otitis. Unpleasant dour doesn't occur; general edema and ecchymosis of the eyelids are decreased significantly

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Attelles/effets indésirables , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Complications postopératoires , Études de suivi