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Agora (Rio J.) ; 26: e280792, 2023.
Article de Portugais | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1527673


RESUMO: O artigo em tela tem como finalidade articular a dialética inerente à constituição do eu a partir do encontro com o outro com as noções de ferida narcísica e sentimento oceânico. Em seguida, apresenta-se um caso-problema que interroga os limites da construção identitária dos sujeitos subalternizados, marcados pelo discurso colonial, o qual opera a partir de uma distribuição ontológica hierárquica promotora da divisão entre nós e eles, e cujo pressuposto é a noção de falta como atributo fundamental dos colonizados. Tal distribuição ontológica repousa, portanto, na pressuposição de uma hierarquia dos saberes e discursos que tanto reprime a produção de conhecimentos e dos sistemas de signo dos dominados quanto mitifica àquela dos dominadores. O caso em tela coloca em evidência o colonialismo interno em sua dupla determinação: do ser e do saber, e nos leva a problematizar os processos de identificação entre a autofagia e a antropofagia, bem como ao questionamento dos modos pelos quais é possível articular uma fala de resistência que não esteja comprometida pelo discurso e pelos poderes dominantes.

ABSTRACT: Stuttering in One's Own Language: Anti-identitarian Anthropophagy as a Disruption of Epistemic Domination. This article aimed to articulate the inherent dialectics of self-constitution through encounters with the other, employing the concepts of narcissistic wounds and oceanic feeling. Subsequently, a case problem is presented, which questions the limits of identity construction for subalternized subjects marked by the colonial discourse. The colonial discourse operates through a hierarchical ontological distribution, promoting a division between 'us' and 'them,' presupposing the fundamental attribute of lack for the colonized. This ontological distribution relies on the presupposition of a hierarchy of knowledge and discourses that both repress the production of knowledge and sign systems of the dominated and mythify those of the dominators. The case at hand highlights internal colonialism in its dual determination: being and knowledge, prompting scrutiny of identification processes between autophagy and anthropophagy. It also raises questions about how it is possible to articulate a resistant discourse that is not compromised by dominant powers.

Identification sociale , Cannibalisme , Colonialisme , Domination-subordination
Aesthethika (Ciudad Autón. B. Aires) ; 18(1): 15-27, abr, 2022.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451772


El artículo propone una interlocución entre el ensayo satírico de Jonathan Swift "Una modesta proposición" (1729) y la novela de Agustina Bazterrica "Cadáver exquisito" (2017). Retomando textos anteriores del autor a propósito del film "Matrix", se aborda la relación entre el lenguaje y la información, la metáfora del capitalismo salvaje, el tratamiento de los restos mortales, el sentido de la descendencia, y fundamentalmente la pregunta sobre la condición humana en los escenarios distópicos que plantean las obras trabajadas

The article proposes a dialogue between the Jonathan Swift's satirical essay "A Modest Proposition" (1729) and the novel by Agustina Bazterrica "Tender Is the Flesh" (2017/2020). Retaking previous texts of the author about the film "Matrix", the article addresses the relationship between language and information, the metaphor of savage capitalism, the treatment of mortal remains,the sense of offspring, and fundamentally the question on the human condition in the scenarios dystopian posed by the texts worked on

Humains , Animaux , Cannibalisme , Espèce en voie de disparition , Capitalisme , Films
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010560


Ecdysis is a common phenomenon that happens throughout the life phase of the giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii. It is vital to better understand the correlation between cannibalism and biochemical compound that exists during the moulting process. The objective of the present study was to determine the amino acid profile released by M. rosenbergii during the ecdysis process that promotes cannibalism. To accomplish this, changes in amino acid levels (total amino acid (TAA) and free amino acid (FAA)) of tissue muscle, exoskeleton, and sample water of culture medium from the moulting (E-stage) and non-moulting (C-stage) prawns were analysed using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Comparison study revealed that among the TAA compounds, proline and sarcosine of tissues from moulting prawn were found at the highest levels. The level of FAA from water that contains moulting prawns (E-stage) was dominated by tryptophan and proline. Significant values obtained in the present study suggested that these amino acid compounds act as a chemical cue to promote cannibalism in M. rosenbergii during ecdysis. The knowledge of compositions and compounds that were released during the moulting process should be helpful for better understanding of the mechanism and chemical cues that play roles on triggering cannibalism, and also for future dietary manipulation to improve feeding efficiencies and feeding management, which indirectly impacts productivity and profitability.

Animaux , Acides aminés/composition chimique , Aquaculture , Cannibalisme , Chromatographie en phase liquide à haute performance , Comportement alimentaire , Eau douce , Malaisie , Mue , Palaemonidae/physiologie , Proline/composition chimique , Tryptophane/composition chimique
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-759915


The purpose of this research is to describe how Hansen's disease patients experienced the modern system of control of Hansen's disease introduced by Japan, and the inimical attitude of society against them in colonial Korea. The study also seeks to reveal the development of the system to eliminate Hansen's disease patients from their home and community to larger society and leprosarium in this era. Sorokdo Charity hospital (SCH), a hospital for Hansen's disease patients, was built in 1916, and vagrant Hansen's disease patients began to be isolated in this hospital beginning in 1917 by the Japanese Government-General of Korea (JGGK). Once the police detained and sent vagrant Hansen's disease patients to SCH, stigma and discrimination against them strengthened in Korean society. Because of strong stigma and discrimination in Korean society, Hansen's disease patients suffered from daily threats of death. First, their family members were not only afraid of the contagiousness of Hansen's disease but also the stigma and discrimination against themselves by community members. If a family had a Hansen's disease patient, the rest of community members would discriminate against the entire family. Furthermore, because Hansen's disease patients were excluded from any economic livelihood such as getting a job, the existence of the patients was a big burden for their families. Therefore, many patients left their homes and began their vagrancy. The patients who could not leave their homes committed suicide or were killed by their family members. The victims of such deaths were usually women, who were at the lower position in the family hierarchy. In the strong Confucian society in Korea, more female patients were killed by themselves than male patients. Moreover, all of patients victims in the murder were women. This shows that the stigma and discrimination against Hansen's disease patients within their families were stronger against women than men. Strong stigma and discrimination made the patients rely on superstition such as cannibalism. Patients believed that there were not any effective medicine. There were a few reports of patients who were cured, and many were treated with chaulmoogra oil in the modern Hansen's disease hospitals. Eating human flesh was known as a folk remedy for Hansen's disease. As such, patients began to kill healthy people, usually children, to eat their flesh. Increased stigma led to increased victims. Hansen's disease patients who left their homes faced many threats during their vagrancy. For survival, they established their own organizations in the late 1920's. The patients who were rejected to be hospitalized in the Western Hansen's disease hospital at Busan, Daegu, and Yeosu organized self-help organizations. The purpose of these organizations was first to secure the medicine supply of chaulmoogra oil. However, as stigma and discrimination strengthened, these organizations formed by Hansen's disease patients demanded the Japanese Government-General of Korea to send and segregate them on Sorok island. They did not know the situation of the inside of this island because news media described it as a haven for patients, and very few patients were discharged from this island to tell the truth. On this island, several hundreds of patients were killed by compulsory heavy labor, starvation, and violence. They were not treated as patients, but as something to be eliminated. Under strong suppression on this island, the patients resisted first by escaping this island. However, in 1937, some patients tried to kill a Korean staff but failed. Attempted murderers were all put in the jail, also located on this island. In 1941, a patient murdered another patient who had harassed other patients, and in 1942, Chunsang Lee, a patient, killed the director of Sorok island. These instances show that there was a system to eliminate Hansen's disease patients in colonial Korea.

Enfant , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Asiatiques , Cannibalisme , Oeuvres de bienfaisance , , Consommation alimentaire , Homicide , Japon , Corée , Lèpre , Médecine traditionnelle , Police , Inanition , Suicide , Superstitions , Nations Unies , Violence
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 38(4): 447-450, oct.-dec. 2016. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-831643


Cannibalism is influenced by various intrinsic and extrinsic factors of the population, such as density, population structure, prey availability, habitat structure and famine. These factors acting either independently or in synergy determine the frequency of cannibalism. The aims of the present study were to evaluate the effect of density and food availability on the occurrence of cannibalism among Myrmeleon brasiliensis larvae (Neuroptera, Myrmeleontidae). In the present study, the occurrence of cannibalism among M. brasiliensis larvae was greater in the treatments that simulated an absence of food in situations of both high and low density. The search for food makes a larva move about to forage, thereby increasing the risk of falling into the trap of a neighboring larva. Thus, the cannibalistic behavior of M. brasiliensis larvae may be associated with opportunity rather than a direct attempt to pray on the same species.

O canibalismo pode ser influenciado por vários fatores intrínsecos e extrínsecos à população, tais como a densidade, a estrutura da população, a disponibilidade de presas, a estrutura do habitat e o nível de fome. Todos esses fatores podem atuar independentemente ou de forma sinérgica para determinar a frequência de canibalismo. Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar o efeito dos fatores densidade e da oferta de alimento na ocorrência de canibalismo entre as larvas Myrmeleon brasiliensis (Neuroptera, Myrmeleontidae). Foi observado que tanto em situações de baixa densidade quanto de alta densidade o canibalismo é maior nos tratamentos que simularam a falta de alimento. A busca pelo alimento faz com que as larvas se desloquem; esse deslocamento contribui para que uma larva M. brasiliensis caia na armadilha da larva vizinha. Dessa maneira, o comportamento canibal entre M. brasiliensis pode estar associado à oportunidade, e não a uma busca direta pela presa da mesma espécie.

Fourmis , Cannibalisme , Aliments
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 37(2): 225-229, abr.- jun. 2015. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-847746


The factors related to cannibalistic behavior of dams in a Wistar rat colony are identified and analyzed. The maternal genetic effects were tested as a random effect by the method of generalized linear models. The season at parturition, the dam´s age at parturition and the density of the room at parturition were tested as fixed effects, whereas the litter size at birth was tested as a co-variable. The genetic effect of the dam was significant for the number of cannibalized pups. Although the season at parturition, the dam´s age and room density on the day of parturition were not individually significant (p > 0.05), most of the interactions between the variation sources were significant (p < 0.05). Cannibalism occurred mostly in dams aged over 241 days, with parturition during spring. So that occurrences of cannibalism could be avoided, dams with the smallest number of cannibalized pups should be selected, coupled to dams younger than 241 days, breeding during spring. The above strategies may reduce the number of couples in the vivarium and increase their production efficiency.

O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar os fatores relacionados ao comportamento de canibalismo das fêmeas em uma colônia de ratos Wistar. Os efeitos genéticos maternos foram testados como efeito aleatório usando o método dos modelos lineares generalizados. A estação do parto, a idade da fêmea ao parto e a densidade da sala ao parto foram testados como efeitos fixos e o tamanho da ninhada ao nascimento foi testado como covariável. O efeito genético da matriz foi significativo para o número de filhotes canibalizados. A estação do ano ao parto, a idade da matriz e a densidade da sala no dia do parto quando testados separadamente não foram significativos (p > 0,05), porém, a maioria das interações entre estas fontes de variação foram significativas (p < 0,05). O canibalismo ocorreu em maior frequência em fêmeas com idade superior a 241 dias durante a primavera. Para evitar o canibalismo na população estudada, recomenda-se a seleção de fêmeas com menor número de filhotes canibalizados e a maior utilização de matrizes com idade inferior a 241 dias durante a primavera. Estas estratégias podem promover a redução do número de casais necessários no biotério e aumentar sua eficiência reprodutiva.

Rats , Animaux de laboratoire , Cannibalisme , Infanticide , Comportement maternel , Rodentia
Rev. psicanal ; 21(1): 177-195, abr. 2014.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-716774


O artigo discute de um ponto de vista teórico e clínico as falhas na constituição das funções intersubjetivas e a presença do superego primitivo sádico, tendo como pano de fundo a dimensão traumática da experiência com o objeto primário e o sofrimento narcísico-identitário (Roussillon, 2011). Enfoca a angústia de perda e destruição do objeto por meio de fantasias canibalistas (Fédida, 1999) e a submissão masoquista ao superego primitivo; aponta como o despertar de emoções em relação ao objeto primário gera um ódio intenso e não representado, direcionado à ligação com esse objeto (Bion, 1959); discute a rivalidade em relação ao método analítico (Bion, 1965), bem como a instauração de concordâncias destinadas a evitarem o surgimento de incompreensões malignas e a experiência de caos (Britton, 2003, 2004). Por fim, o artigo ilustra como se dão as tentativas, ainda que limitadas, de o sujeito se emancipar da tirania do superego e destituir o poder de seus aspectos destrutivos.

Through the background of the traumatic experience with the primary object and of the narcissistic disturbances of the sense of identity (Roussillon, 2011), this paper discusses theoretical and clinical aspects of the flaws in the constitution of intersubjective functions and the presence of a primitive and sadistic superego. It focuses on anxiety of loss and destruction of the object through cannibalistic fantasies (Fédida, 1999) and on the masochistic submission to the primitive superego. This paper shows how the awakening of emotions related to the primary object generates intense and non represented hatred of the link with it (Bion,1959). It also discusses the presence of rivalry over the analytical method (Bion, 1965) and the imposition of agreements designed to prevent the emergence of malignant misunderstandings and experiences of chaos (Britton, 2003, 2004). Finally, it illustrates some attempts, albeit limited, at emancipation from the superego’s tyranny and on the deposition of its destructive aspects.

El artículo discute, desde una perspectiva teórica y clínica, las fallas en la constitución de las funciones intersubjetivas y la presencia del superyó primitivo sádico, teniendo como base la dimensión traumática de la experiencia con el objeto primario y los trastornos narcisistas de la identidad (Roussillon, 2011). Enfoca la angustia de la pérdida y destrucción del objeto por intermedio de fantasías caníbales (Fédida,1999) y la sumisión masoquista al superyó primitivo; muestra como el despertar de las emociones en relación al objeto primario genera un odio intenso y no representado, dirigido a la conexión con este objeto (Bion, 1959); discute la rivalidad en relación al método analítico (Bion, 1965), así como la instauración de concordancias destinadas a evitar el surgimiento de incomprensiones malignas y la experiencia del caos (Britton, 2003; 2004). Finalmente, el artículo muestra cómo ocurren los intentos, aunque limitados, del sujeto emanciparse de la tiranía del superyó y destituir el poder de sus aspectos destructivos.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Moi , Masochisme/psychologie , Trouble dépressif/psychologie , Cannibalisme/psychologie , Fantasme , Narcissisme
Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 16(4): 541-554, dez. 2013.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-700078


El presente trabajo propone revisitar los fundamentos histórico- conceptuales del componente canibalístico asociado a la concepción freudiana de la oralidad, con el fin de interrogar sus hipótesis rectoras y analizar su posible aporte a la comprensión de los trastornos alimentarios. En primer lugar, se interrogará el origen histórico del término caníbal. Luego, se analizarán las vías de introducción del canibalismo en el campo psicoanalítico, para, finalmente, proponer que las paradójicas relaciones al deseo y la necesidad, que evidencian los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria, podrían ser redefinidas como pulsaciones canibalísticas de la oralidad.

O presente trabalho propõe revisitar os fundamentos histórico-conceituais do componente canibalesco associado à concepção freudiana da oralidade, com o fim de interrogar suas hipóteses regentes e analisar sua possível contribuição para a compreensão dos transtornos alimentares. Em primeiro lugar, se interrogará a origem histórica do termo canibal. Logo, analisar-se-ão as vias de introdução do canibalismo no campo psicanalítico, para, finalmente, propor que as relações paradoxais ao desejo e à necessidade, que põem em jogo os transtornos de conduta alimentar, poderiam ser redefinidas como pulsações canibalescas da oralidade.

This paper takes up the conceptual and historical foundations of the cannibalistic component associated with the Freudian conception of orality. The purpose is to examine the basic hypotheses of orality and to analyze its possible contributions to the understanding of eating disorders. First, the historical origin of the term cannibal will be discussed, followed by the ways that cannibalism can be introduced into the field of psychoanalysis. Finally, we discuss the paradoxical relations between desire and need, an approach which shows that eating disorders can be redefined as cannibalistic drives in orality.

Le travail suivant propose de revisiter les fondements historico-conceptuels de la composante cannibalique associés à la conception freudienne de l'oralité afin d'interroger leurs hypothèses directrices et d'analyser leur éventuelle contribution à la compréhension des troubles alimentaires. Tout d'abord, on s'interroge sur l'origine historique du terme cannibale. Ensuite, on analysera les voies d'introduction du cannibalisme dans le domaine psychanalytique pour proposer finalement que les relations paradoxales avec le désir et la nécessité impliquant les troubles de la conduite alimentaire peuvent être redéfinies en tant que pulsations cannibaliques de l'oralité.

Humains , Cannibalisme , Troubles de l'alimentation
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 32(10): 967-974, out. 2012. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-654383


The present study assessed the association of tail-biting lesions in finishing pigs with weight gain, occurrence of locomotion or respiratory disorders and abscesses during finishing period, and carcass condemnation at slaughter. The study was carried out on 4 different farms. For each animal with a tail biting lesion, two control pigs were selected. The total number of animals in the study was 312, with 104 of them being tail-bitten. Tail lesions were classified according to the degree of severity into four scores: score 0 -normal tail withou lesion; score 1-3 - increasing lesion severity, and score 4 - healed lesions. Overall, the occurrence of severe tail lesions (score 3) varied from 55 to 73% of tail-bitten pigs among farms. On all farms, healing of tail lesions was observed in 95% to 100% of the animals at the evaluation performed within 41-43 days after the commencement of the study. In two out of the four evaluated farms, pigs with score of 3 showed lower weight gain (P<0.05) compared with score 0 pigs. Before slaughter, the occurrence of locomotion problems and nodules/abscesses was associated (P<0.05) with the presence of tail-biting lesions. At slaughter, tail-biting lesions were associated (P<0.05) with the presence of abscesses, lung lesions (pleuritis and embolic pneumonia) or arthritis in carcasses. Carcass condemnation was associated with the presence of tail-biting lesions (P<0.05). Overall, carcass condemnation rate was 21.4%, of which animals with tail-biting lesions accounted for 66.7% of condemnations. Among the animals diagnosed with cannibalism at farm level, only two had not healed their lesions at slaughter. The fact that there were a lot of carcass condemnations, despite the fact that tail-bitten animals had no more active lesions, suggests that different situations may be observed between the field and slaughter, reinforcing the need to analyze pigs both at farm and slaughter to allow proper assessment of losses related to tail biting. Collectively, the observations of the present study show that complications associated with tail-biting found in slaughterhouses are probably underestimating field prevalence.

O presente estudo avaliou a associação das lesões de canibalismo de cauda em suínos de terminação com o ganho de peso, ocorrência de problemas locomotores ou respiratórios e abscessos durante a fase de terminação, e condenação de carcaças ao abate. O estudo foi realizado em quatro granjas comerciais de suínos. Para cada animal com lesão de canibalismo de cauda, outros dois suínos na mesma baia foram selecionados como controle, totalizando 312 animais avaliados. As lesões de cauda foram classificadas de acordo com o grau de severidade em quatro escores: score 0 - cauda normal, sem lesão; escores de 1 a 3 - de acordo com o aumento da severidade da lesão, e escore 4 - lesões cicatrizadas. No total, suínos com lesões severas (escore 3) corresponderam a 55-73% dos animais com lesão de caudofagia. Em todas as granjas, a cicatrização das lesões de cauda foi observada em 95% a 100% dos animais na avaliação realizada entre 41-43 dias após o início do estudo. Animais com escore 3 apresentaram menor ganho de peso (P<0,05) quando comparados com animais de escore 0, em duas das quatro granjas avaliadas. Antes do abate, a ocorrência de problemas locomotores e de nódulos/abscessos foi associada (P<0,05) com a presença de lesões de caudofagia. Ao abate, as lesões de canibalismo de cauda foram associadas (P<0,05) com a presença de abscessos, lesões pulmonares (pleurite e pneumonia embólica) ou artrite na carcaça. A condenação de carcaça foi associada com a presença de lesões de canibalismo de cauda (P<0,05). A taxa de condenação de carcaças foi de 21,4%, sendo que os animais com lesões de canibalismo de cauda corresponderam a 66,7% dessas condenações. Dos animais diagnosticados com canibalismo de cauda, somente dois apresentavam lesões ativas ao abate. O aumento do número de condenações no abate nos lotes estudados sugere que diferentes situações sanitárias podem ser observadas a campo e ao abate, reforçando a necessidade de analisar os animais na granja e ao abate, a fim de permitir uma avaliação precisa das perdas associadas ao canibalismo de cauda. Coletivamente, as observações do presente estudo sugerem que as complicações associadas com o canibalismo da cauda verificadas no abate provavelmente representam uma subestimativa da prevalência encontrada nas granjas.

Animaux , Composition corporelle , Cannibalisme , Plaies et blessures/médecine vétérinaire , Suidae/croissance et développement , Mortalité/statistiques et données numériques , Locomotion , Régénération
Rev. biol. trop ; 60(3): 1259-1270, Sept. 2012. ilus, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-659586


Studies in transgenic soybean crops in Buenos Aires province, Argentina, revealed that Alpaida veniliae is one of the most abundant species in the guild of orb web spiders. This species is an effective natural enemy of insect pests affecting this crop. In the present study we carried out a descriptive and quantitative analysis of sexual behavior (courtship, mating and post-mating) of A. veniliae. The spiders were collected in transgenic soybean crops located in Chivilcoy (35º01’ S - 60º06’ W), Buenos Aires, Argentina, and reared under laboratory conditions. Based on observations of 20 couples (with virgin females), behavioral units of male and female in terms of postures and movements, including details on duration and frequency, were described at all stages of sexual activity (courtship, mating and post-mating). Courtship exhibited the greatest number and duration of behavioral units in both sexes. Male and female had a sequence of 16 and nine units, respectively, being the frequency of repetitions of the units significantly higher in the male. Mating was brief and males used a single palp to fill only one of the female spermathecae, after which the female became unreceptive. Mating had two behavioral units in the male and only one in the female. During post-mating males had three and females two behavioral units. The average duration of the whole sexual behavior was 541.90±123.1 seconds for the male and 338.20±74.1 seconds for the female. Alpaida veniliae females rarely accept a second mating with the same or another male (remating), indicating a strict monogamy. In 46% of observed mating, the female cannibalized the male after it. Females became unattractive after mating, since stop producing sex pheromones, causing a reduction of the male vibratory courtship. The high cost of courtship, including the risk of cannibalism, would reinforce the selectivity of males towards receptive virgin females.

Estudios realizados en cultivos de soja transgénica en la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, revelaron que Alpaida veniliae es una de las especies más abundantes dentro del gremio de arañas orbiculares. Esta especie es un eficaz enemigo natural de las plagas de insectos de este cultivo. En el presente estudio se llevó a cabo un análisis descriptivo y cuantitativo de la conducta sexual (cortejo, cópula y post-cópula) de A. veniliae. Las arañas fueron recolectadas en cultivos de soja transgénica ubicados en Chivilcoy (35º01’ S - 60º06’ W), (Buenos Aires, Argentina) y criadas en condiciones de laboratorio. A partir de la formación de 20 parejas (con hembras vírgenes), se observaron las unidades de comportamiento de machos y hembras, en términos de posturas y movimientos, incluyendo los detalles de su duración y frecuencia en todas las etapas del apareamiento. El cortejo exhibió el mayor número y la mayor duración de las unidades de comportamiento en ambos sexos. La secuencia de unidades fue 16 en el macho y nueve en la hembra, siendo la frecuencia de repeticiones de las unidades significativamente mayor en el macho. La cópula fue breve y el macho usó un solo palpo transfiriendo esperma a una sola espermateca de la hembra. Hubo dos unidades de comportamiento en el macho y una en la hembra. Durante la post-cópula el macho tuvo tres y la hembra dos unidades de comportamiento. La duración media de todo el comportamiento sexual fue 541.90±123.1 segundos para el macho y 338.20±74.1 segundos para la hembra. La hembra de A. veniliae sólo excepcionalmente aceptó una segunda cópula con el mismo u otro macho, lo que indica una monogamia estricta. En el 46% de las cópulas observadas la hembra canibalizó al macho al terminar la misma. Debido a que a partir de este momento dejan de producir feromonas sexuales, se vuelven no receptivas y provocan una reducción del cortejo del macho. El alto costo del cortejo del macho, incluyendo el riesgo de canibalismo, reforzaría la selectividad de éstos hacia las hembras receptivas vírgenes.

Animaux , Femelle , Mâle , Parade nuptiale , Comportement sexuel chez les animaux/physiologie , Araignées/physiologie , Cannibalisme , Préférence d'accouplement chez les animaux , Facteurs sexuels , Araignées/classification , Facteurs temps
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 63(4): 973-979, ago. 2011. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-599618


The effects of different water flow rates and feed training on the production of "pacamã" Lophiosilurus alexandri juveniles were evaluated. In the first experiment, nine day post-hatch larvae (n= 2,400) were stocked at a density of 5 larvae/L. Different water flow (F) rates were tested: F1 = 180; F2 = 600; F3 = 1,300; and F4 = 2,600mL/min. Artemia nauplii were offered as food during the first 15 days of active feeding. In the second experiment for feed training, 720 juveniles (total length of 22.2mm) were stocked at a density of 1.5 juveniles/L. A water flow rate similar to F1 was used. The use of extruded dry diet was tested, and feed training was done with and without other enhanced flavors (Artemia nauplii or Scott emulsion). The water flow rates did not influence the survival or growth of L. alexandri. Cannibalism occurred during feed training. The worst survival, specific growth rate and high mortality were found with the use of extruded dry diet, while similar values were registered with the different feed training diets used. Reduced water flow rate can be used to lower water consumption during larviculture and feed training of L. alexandri.

Avaliaram-se os efeitos de diferentes fluxos de água e do condicionamento alimentar sobre a produção de juvenis de pacamã Lophiosilurus alexandri. Larvas com nove dias pós-eclosão (n=2.400) foram estocadas na densidade de 5 larvas/L. Diferentes fluxos (F) de água foram testados: F1 = 180; F2 = 600; F3 = 1.300; e F4 = 2.600mL/min. Náuplios de Artemia foram usados como alimento nos primeiros 15 dias de alimentação ativa. No segundo experimento, para o condicionamento alimentar, 720 juvenis (comprimento total de 22,2mm) foram estocados na densidade de 1,5 juvenis/L. Fluxo de água similar a F1 foi utilizado. Foram testados o uso de dieta extrusada e o condicionamento alimentar adicionado ou não de náuplios de Artemia ou emulsão Scott. Os diferentes fluxos de água não afetaram a sobrevivência e o crescimento de L. alexandri. Durante o condicionamento alimentar foi registrada a ocorrência de canibalismo. Pior sobrevivência, taxa de crescimento específica e maior mortalidade foram registradas para o uso da dieta comercial, enquanto valores similares foram verificados para as diferentes dietas usadas no condicionamento alimentar. Fluxo de água reduzido pode ser empregado durante a larvicultura e condicionamento alimentar de L. alexandri.

Animaux , Artemia , Batrachoïdiformes , Régime alimentaire , Larve , Poissons/croissance et développement , Pêcheries/méthodes , Évacuation des Eaux , Aliment pour animaux , Cannibalisme , Huile de foie de morue
Diagn. tratamento ; 16(1)jan. 2011. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-586182


Contexto e objetivo: Revelações surpreendentes resultam do interrogatório, consecutivo à anamnese, promovendo considerações que enriquecem o conhecimento de professor e aluno.Estudo e local: Ensino curricular de Doenças Infecciosas e Parasitárias na Enfermaria do Departamento de Medicina da Escola Paulista de Medicina - Universidade Federal de São Paulo.Método: Programa para ensino de doutorandos e residentes sobre possíveis diagnósticos de pacientes recém-admitidos, com participação dos docentes ativos e dos aposentados, em atuação voluntária.Resultado: Exemplificação de como um por menor na história do doente pode ampliar o ensino.Conclusão: É conveniente proceder interrogatório detalhista que direcione a diagnose.

Humains , Mâle , Adulte , Cannibalisme , Universités , Encéphalopathie spongiforme bovine/diagnostic , Kuru/diagnostic , Maladie de Creutzfeldt-Jakob/diagnostic
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 8(4): 813-818, 2010. mapas, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-571585


Feeding habits of the killifish Rivulus luelingi collected in a black water stream of the Coastal Atlantic Rainforest in southern Brazil were investigated. Eight samplings were made between April 2003 and January 2004. The diet, assessed through a similarity matrix with the estimated contribution values of food items, included microcrustaceans, aquatic immature insects (larvae and pupae), aquatic adult insects, terrestrial insects, insect fragments, spiders, and plant fragments. Differences in the diet according to temporal variations (months) were registered, but changes related with size classes evaluated and high/low precipitation period were not observed. The species presented an insectivorous feeding habit, and its diet in the studied stream was composed of autochthonous (mainly aquatic immature insects) and allochthonous (mainly insect fragments) material.

Neste estudo foram investigados os hábitos alimentares do peixe anual Rivulus luelingi em um riacho de água escura da Floresta Atlântica Costeira do Sul do Brasil. Oito amostragens foram realizadas entre abril de 2003 e janeiro de 2004. A dieta, avaliada através de uma matriz de similaridade com os valores de contribuição estimados para os itens alimentares, inclui microcrustáceos, insetos imaturos aquáticos, insetos aquáticos e terrestres, fragmentos de insetos, aranhas e fragmentos de plantas. Diferenças relacionadas ao período amostral (meses) foram registradas, mas mudanças na dieta em função das classes de tamanho avaliadas e o período de alta/baixa precipitação não foram observadas. A espécie apresentou hábito alimentar insetívoro, e sua dieta no riacho estudado foi composta por itens autóctones (principalmente insetos imaturos aquáticos) e alóctones (principalmente fragmentos de insetos).

Animaux , Cannibalisme , Comportement compétitif , Régime alimentaire/médecine vétérinaire , Comportement prédateur , Tilapia , Retenues , Lacs
Neotrop. entomol ; 35(4): 452-457, July-Aug. 2006. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-451243


Adult males of Eidmanacris corumbatai Garcia have reduced tegmina without stridulatory apparatus. For this reason, they developed other means of intra-specific communication. During courtship, the males use a combination of foreleg drumming and waving of the antennae, in addition to chemical signaling through pheromones. The females become receptive to copulation when the males expose their metanotal gland. This gland, located on the male metanotum, is also a source of substances on which females feed before receiving the spermatophore. During copulation, the female destroys the apex of the metanotal gland to gain access to the secretion released by this structure.

Em Eidmanacris corumbatai Garcia, os machos adultos apresentam tegminas reduzidas e sem aparelho estridulatório e, portanto, tiveram que desenvolver outros modos de comunicação intra-especifica. Durante a corte, os machos usam uma combinação de batimentos com as pernas dianteiras e ondulações das antenas, além da sinalização química através de feromônios, uma vez que as fêmeas se tornam receptivas à cópula quando os machos expõem a glândula metanotal. Essa glândula, localizada no metanoto do macho, é também uma fonte de substâncias das quais a fêmea se alimenta antes de receber o espermatóforo. Durante a cópula, a fêmea destrói o ápice da glândula metanotal para ter acesso à secreção liberada por essa estrutura.

Animaux , Femelle , Mâle , Copulation , Sauterelles , Cannibalisme , Glandes exocrines/ultrastructure , Sauterelles/ultrastructure , Reproduction
J Vector Borne Dis ; 2005 Jun; 42(2): 45-53
Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-118070


BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVES: Vector control will for sometime remain a primary weapon in the war against vector borne diseases. Malaria is of paramount importance in this with its associated high morbidity and mortality especially in sub-Saharan Africa. This study on generational mortality associated factors in Anopheles mosquitoes life-table analysis was designed to investigate the fecundity, levels of mortality and mortality associated factors at the aquatic stages of anopheline malaria vectors. METHODS: Mortality associated factors were investigated at the eggs, I and II instar larval, III and IV instar larval and pupal stages of two anopheline species--Anopheles pseudopunctipennis (Theobald) and An. gambiae life-cycles in screen cages. Adult male and female mosquitoes were membrane filter-fed and algae in culture medium formed the bulk of food substances for the larval stage. Environmental temperature of culture media, pH and some associated physio-chemical factors were also determined. RESULTS: Results showed significant mortality rates at various aquatic stages. Infertility, cannibalism and environmental factors were the major factors responsible for mortality at the egg, larval and pupal stages respectively. INTERPRETATION & CONCLUSION: The aquatic stages of Anopheles mosquito mortality factor K and the mortality factors at the various stages investigated k1, k2, k3 and k4 are discussed. Our recommendations include further studies on the possible genetic modification of predacious An. pseudopunctipennis larvae and/or its modification for the production of sterile/infertile eggs as possible alternatives in the reduction and control of anopheline malaria burden.

Animaux , Anopheles/croissance et développement , Sélection , Cannibalisme , Vecteurs insectes , Tables de survie , Paludisme/transmission , Lutte contre les moustiques/méthodes , Nigeria , Saisons
Rev. bras. entomol ; 48(3): 415-420, jul.-set. 2004. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-384847


Estudos do canibalismo de ovos e lagartas recém-eclodidas em uma população selvagem de Ascia monuste (Godart) (Lepidoptera, Pieridae). Ascia monuste, conhecida como lagarta da couve, é especialista em Brassicaceae e considerada herbívora; no entanto, pratica canibalismo. Os experimentos realizados neste trabalho visaram quantificar a ocorrência de canibalismo em A. monuste, verificar se o canibalismo interfere na performance da espécie e se o canibalismo é influenciado pelo tamanho da população. Os parâmetros utilizados para avaliar a performance foram tempo de desenvolvimento, tamanho e peso do adulto, fecundidade, oviposição e sobrevivência. O canibalismo ocorreu em todos os ínstares larvais. Houve uma tendência de aumento da prática de canibalismo com o aumento do número de coespecíficos (presas potenciais). O canibalismo ocorreu com maior intensidade em larvas no final do desenvolvimento larval. De um modo geral, o canibalismo não interferiu na performance da população. A hipótese mais provável para a ocorrência de canibalismo nas circustâncias estudadas neste trabalho seria a de o canibalismo ter função de controle populacional.

Animaux , Cannibalisme , Lepidoptera/croissance et développement , Lepidoptera/physiologie
Braz. j. biol ; 64(3b): 625-632, ago. 2004. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-393527


O principal item alimentar de duas espécies de tucunarés (Cichla cf. ocellaris e Cichla monoculus) introduzidas no reservatório de Volta Grande foram indivíduos do mesmo gênero. A abundância de tucunarés adultos pode causar competição intra-específica e possivelmente justificar as altas taxas de canibalismo encontradas.

Animaux , Cannibalisme , Cichlides , Contenus gastro-intestinaux , Rivières , Brésil , Modèles linéaires
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 32(10): 1223-8, Oct. 1999. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-252272


Technical problems have hampered the study of sleep in teleosts. The electrical discharges of Gymnotus carapo L. (Gymnotidae: Gymnotiformes) were monitored to evaluate their ease and reliability as parameters to study sleep. The discharges were detected by electrodes immersed in a glass aquarium and were recorded on a conventional polygraph. G. carapo showed conspicuous signs of behavioral sleep. During these periods, opercular beat rates were counted, electric discharges recorded, and the "sharp discharge increase" (SDI) of the orienting reflex was investigated. All 20 animals monitored maintained electrical discharges during behavioral sleep. The discharge frequencies during sleep (50.3 Ý 10.4 Hz) were not significantly different from those observed when the fish was awake and inactive (57.2 Ý 12.1 Hz) (Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks test, P>0.05). However, the SDI, which was prevalent in the awake fish, was not observed during periods of behavioral sleep. Additional observations showed that the species had cannibalistic habits. When presented with electrical discharges from a conspecific, the sleeping fish showed an initial decrease or pause in discharge frequency, while the awake fish did not have this response. We conclude that the electrical discharges of G. carapo were not conspicuous indicators of behavioral sleep. Discharges may have been maintained during sleep for sensory purposes, i.e., conspecific detection and avoidance of cannibalistic attacks

Animaux , Femelle , Comportement animal/physiologie , Cannibalisme , Poisson électrique/physiologie , Sommeil/physiologie , Comportement prédateur/physiologie
Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology. 1995; 25 (3): 729-743
de Anglais | IMEMR | ID: emr-37704