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Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-766553


It is known that there are wide disparities in the medical terms and language that medical professionals currently use in South and North Korea. How much chaos can be expected when people will be able to come and go freely unless there is an effort to lessen these gaps? To minimize medical mess in advance and to provide a better environment to strengthen collaborative exchanges between South and North Korea, which should be independent of political beliefs and dynamics, as part of the efforts for inter-Korea medical consolidation, I would like to underscore the need to compile an integrative medical dictionary. For the compilation of such a dictionary, the following process and preparations are suggested. First, there should be a database of medical terminology from North Korea through a search of various types of literature in North Korea, including dictionaries, journals, and textbooks. Second, entry words for an integrative dictionary based on English terms should be included. Third, specialists in medical terminology from the northern side should participate in the editing process and hold discussions with their southern counterparts. Fourth, after the full discussion and consensus has taken place, print and web versions of the dictionary can be published. Furthermore, a dissemination plan should be established to be used widely with both sides. The above strategy should also be supported by not only the medical society in South Korea but also the Korean government.

Consensus , République démocratique populaire de Corée , Dictionnaires médicaux comme sujet , Corée , Sociétés médicales , Spécialisation
Brasilia; Ministério da Saúde;Secretaria-Executiva;Secretaria de Atenção à Saúde; 2018. 177 p. ilus.
Monographie Dans Portugais | LILACS, ColecionaSUS, SES-SP, HomeoIndex, MTYCI | ID: biblio-910958


Glossário Temático é uma série elaborada para difundir os termos, as definições e as siglas utilizados por órgãos subordinados e entidades vinculadas ao Ministério da Saúde a fim de padronizar a linguagem institucional pela identificação e descrição de variantes terminológicas. Este novo livro da série reúne os principais significados, vocábulos e expressões utilizados no âmbito das Práticas Integrativas e Complementares em Saúde. Esta obra de referência pretende, ainda, divulgar essa linguagem de especialidade não só para os trabalhadores da área da Saúde, mas também para qualquer pessoa interessada.

Thérapies complémentaires , Dictionnaires médicaux comme sujet , Brésil , Terminologie comme sujet
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-236052


Drug safety has always been a global focus. Discovery and accurate information acquisition of adverse drug reaction have been the most crucial concern. Terminology of adverse drug reaction makes adverse reaction medical report meaningful, standardized and accurate. This paper discussed the domestic use of the terminology WHOART and MedDRA in terms of content, structure, and application situation. It also analysed the differences between the two terminologies and discusses the future trend of application in our country

Dictionnaires médicaux comme sujet , Effets secondaires indésirables des médicaments , Terminologie comme sujet , Organisation mondiale de la santé
Bogotá; s.n; 2015. 242 p.
Thèse Dans Espagnol | LILACS, MTYCI | ID: biblio-879336


Teniendo en cuenta que no existe ningún trabajo igual en Colombia, se decidió elaborar este Diccionario de los síntomas mentales del repertorio original de Kent, donde se transcribió de forma textual, la información extraída de los diccionarios American Dictionary of the English Language" publicado por Webster by G. & C. Merriam en el año 1.872 y el "Nuevo Diccionario Inglés-Español y Español-Inglés" de Lopes, J., & Bensley, del año 1.882. Se realizó en procura de conocer y aclarar el significado contextual de los síntomas mentales del repertorio de Kent, en la época en la cual fue escrito (finales del s. XIX). Se encontró que la mayoría de los rubros de los repertorios existentes en castellano, han sido traducidos correctamente y que unos pocos síntomas se prestan para una discusión y análisis más profundos.

Humains , Homéopathie , Symptômes Psychiques , Répertoire de Kent , Dictionnaires médicaux comme sujet
São Paulo; Senac São Paulo; 3 ed; 2011. 353 p. tab.
Monographie Dans Portugais | LILACS, AHM-Acervo, TATUAPE-Acervo | ID: lil-652938
São Paulo; Rideel Editora; 4 ed; 2010. 517 p.
Monographie Dans Portugais | LILACS, AHM-Acervo, TATUAPE-Acervo | ID: lil-646184
Diagn. tratamento ; 13(1): 28-29, jan.-mar. 2008. ilus
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-507568
Brasília; Brasil. Ministério da Saúde; 2008. 55 p. (Série A. Normas e manuais técnicos).
Monographie Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-496820
Rio de Janeiro; Guanabara Koogan; 2 ed; 2008. 950 p.
Monographie Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-601630
Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research. 2007; 62 (4): 131-140
Dans Anglais | IMEMR | ID: emr-146198


Sayyed Esmail Josjani [Gorgani] was one of the greatest scientists and physicians of Iran died in 1136 in merve. He promted writing medical book in Persian by authoring the valuable book of zakhireh kharazmshahi and Al Aghraz al tibia. Of course writing medical books in Persian was common before Avicennas time [980 - 1037]. Zakhireh and Aghraz are like big and medium medical encyclopedia and even since the creation of the present Persian script. These books are the last and most important medical books in Persian. Like any other ancient book, some parts of these books are abolished but some other parts are valuable. However these books are remained to be unique as Persian medical books in the course of time. I have edited and corrected al - Aghraz al tibia [Medical goals] from several old manuscripts. There are seveval manuscripts of al - Aghraz [which is about 250000 words]. To edit and correct this book, I have used five old important manuscripts of Aghraz and one manuscripts of zakhireh kharazmihahi. I have published this book in 2 volumes in 2005 - 2006. At the end of the second volume, I compiled a medical dictionary named Dictionary of Aghraz. The references of this work are various documents including manuscripts of published, old and new medical sources in persain or Arabic languages and some English or French documents

Médecine arabe , Islam , Arabes , Dictionnaires médicaux comme sujet
Tarapoto; Perú. Ministerio de Salud. Dirección Regional de Salud San Martín. Oficina de Inteligencia Sanitaria. Proyecto Vigía; 1 ed; 2007. 225 p. ilus, graf, tab.
Monographie Dans Espagnol | LILACS, MINSAPERU | ID: biblio-1182054


El presente módulo consta de una selección de temas de estadística, epidemiología, salud pública y administración en salud que se convertirán en el material didáctico y de consulta para los responsables de estadística; quienes de manera autodidacta y progresiva irá desarrollando los capítulos de estudio, contando con el soporte de la Dirección Regional de Salud y de los responsables de estadística de las redes de servicios de salud. Asimismo, describe la estructura y cambios de Décima Revisión de la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades (CIE 10) para el registro y codificación de morbilidad y mortalidad., las definiciones de los términos utilizados con mayor frecuencia en estadística de salud relacionados a las actividades de consulta externa, emergencia y hospitalización, población y administración hospitalaria., y el concepto, importancia, usos y campos que abarca las estadísticas de salud

Classification internationale des maladies , Current procedural terminology (USA) , Démographie , Dictionnaires médicaux comme sujet , Registre civil , Statistiques de Santé , Indicateurs d'état de santé , Mentorat , Pérou
Goiânia; AB; 3. ed., rev. e ampl; 2004. 472 p.
Monographie Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-406929
Mendoza; Jurídicas Cuyo; 2004. 708 p.
Monographie Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-983137


Esta obra incluye terminología referente a ciencias medicolegales y afines

Humains , Dictionnaires médicaux comme sujet , Médecine légale
Rio de Janeiro; MEDSI/Guanabara Koogan; 9. ed; 2003. 480 p.
Monographie Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-766666
Rio de Janeiro; MEDSI; 9 ed; 2003. 480 p.
Monographie Dans Portugais | LILACS, EMS-Acervo | ID: lil-663474
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