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Rev. medica electron ; 44(1)feb. 2022.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1409702


RESUMEN La panoftalmitis es una forma rara y grave ocular de presentación del melanoma coroideo, por lo que, ante la presencia de una masa intraocular e inflamación de todas las estructuras intraoculares, con extensión extraescleral y los tejidos vecinos de la órbita, debe considerarse el diagnóstico diferencial de esta neoplasia maligna. Se presenta el caso de un paciente masculino de 83 años de edad, con diagnóstico de panoftalmitis como presentación atípica de un melanoma coroideo. Acudió a consulta de Cuerpo de Guardia de Oftalmología con dolor ocular intenso en ojo derecho, acompañado de náuseas y vómitos. Se constató, al examen, hipertensión ocular, que evolucionó tórpidamente durante su ingreso, con inflamación intraocular con extensión extraescleral. Se le realizaron ultrasonido ocular y tomografía axial computarizada de órbitas y se diagnosticó una panoftalmitis secundaria a un melanoma coroideo. Los hallazgos clínicos de esta forma atípica de presentación se mostraron, cuyo tratamiento definitivo es la enucleación. El diagnóstico histológico de melanoma maligno coroideo necrótico fue confirmado.

ABSTRACT Panophthalmitis is a rare and severe ocular form of presentation of choroid melanoma, therefore, in the presence of intraocular mass and inflammation of all intraocular structures, with extra-scleral extension and to the tissues neighboring the orbit, the differential diagnosis of this malignant neoplasia should be considered. The case presented deals with a male patient, aged 83 years, with diagnosis of panophthalmitis as atypical presentation of choroid melanoma. He assisted to the consultation of Ophthalmology Emergency with intense ocular pain in the right eye, accompanied by nausea and vomits. On examination, ocular hypertension was observed, that torpidly evolved during admission, with intraocular inflammation with extra-scleral extension. He had ocular ultrasound and computed axial tomography of orbits and was diagnosed with panophthalmitis secondary to choroid melanoma. The clinical findings of this atypical presentation form showed, whose definite treatment is enucleation. Histological diagnosis of necrotic choroid malignant melanoma was confirmed.

Humains , Mâle , Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Tumeurs de l'uvée/diagnostic , Panophtalmie/chirurgie , Panophtalmie/anatomopathologie , Panophtalmie/imagerie diagnostique , Mélanome/chirurgie , Mélanome/anatomopathologie , Mélanome/imagerie diagnostique , Hypertension oculaire/diagnostic , Cécité/diagnostic , Douleur oculaire/diagnostic
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 76(1): 42-44, jan.-fev. 2013. ilus
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-678161


Bilateral acute depigmentation of the iris (BADI) is a recently described entity characterized by acute onset of pigment dispersion in the anterior chamber, depigmentation of the iris, and heavy pigment deposition in the anterior chamber angle. Involvement is always bilateral, simultaneous, and symmetrical. We report the case of a 61-year-old man who presented with bilateral ocular pain, red eyes, and severe photophobia. Examination revealed a dense Krukenberg spindle, heavy pigment dispersion in the anterior chamber, extensive transillumination iris defects, and a heavy pigment deposition in the trabecular meshwork bilaterally. Intraocular pressure increased to 48 mmHg in both eyes. The patient received topical steroids, maximum hypotensive treatment and oral valacyclovir. Intraocular pressure gradually decreased throughout the second and third months, and medications were gradually tapered. The time to complete resolution of pigment dispersion was 18 weeks. Visual acuity and visual fields remained normal, but the photophobia was permanent.

Despigmentação aguda bilateral da íris (BADI) é uma nova doença caracterizada pela despigmentação aguda da íris, dispersão de pigmentos na câmara anterior e intensa deposição de pigmentos no seio camerular. O acometimento é sempre bilateral, simultâneo e simétrico. Relatamos o caso de um paciente de 61 anos, com dor ocular bilateral aguda, hiperemia e intensa fotofobia. Ao exame, apresentava denso fuso de Krukenberg, importante dispersão de pigmentos na câmara anterior, extensos defeitos à transiluminação iriana e densa deposição de pigmentos no seio camerular em ambos os olhos. O paciente recebeu corticoide tópico, terapia hipotensora máxima e valacyclovir oral. A pressão intraocular chegou a 48 mmHg em ambos os olhos mas foi reduzindo gradativamente ao longo do segundo e terceiro meses, permitindo a suspensão gradativa da medicação. A resolução completa da dispersão pigmentar demorou 18 semanas. A acuidade e os campos visuais permaneceram normais, mas o paciente manteve a fotofobia.

Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Douleur oculaire/diagnostic , Maladies de l'iris/diagnostic , Troubles de la pigmentation/diagnostic , Maladie aigüe , Iris , Photophobie/étiologie , Acuité visuelle
Gac. méd. Caracas ; 119(3): 243-248, jul.-sept. 2011. ilus
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-701644


La paquimeningitis hipertrófica idiopática crónica y la estenosis traqueal subglótica idiopática son raras condiciones de origen desconocido. En ambas existen un proceso inflamatorio fibrótico que afecta respectivamente, la duramadre y la traquea. La paquimeningitis hipertrófica idiopática crónica en forma típica, causa parálisis progresiva de nervios craneales, cefaleas, hipertensión intracraneal o disfunción cerebelosa. En la estenosis traqueal subglótica idiopática, usualmente limitada a la región subglótica y los dos primeros anillos traqueales, los sintomas son variables incluyendo disnea progresiva, sibilancias y estribor notables sobre el cuello. La paquimeningitis hipertrófica idiopática crónica ocurre en pacientes de todas las edades y el examen de elección para detectarla es la resonancia magnética cerebral, en tanto que la estenosis traqueal subglótica idiopática suele afectar mujeres jóvenes o maduras y es mejor evidenciada mediante tomografía computarizada. El diagnóstico es uno de exclusión. Deben descartarse enfermedades infecciosas como tuberculosis y lúes, y otras como sarcoidosis, carcinomatosis meníngea o vasculitis. Suelen responder inicialmente a los corticosteroides pero puede haber recurrencia al suspenderlos. La evolución a largo plazo es incierta. Este trabajo informa acerca de una paciente en quien ambas condiciones se dieron cita, discutiéndose sus manifestaciones clínicas, radiológicas y patológicas. Aunque considerada esencial para el diagnóstico, en nuestro caso no se realizó una biopsia meníngea. Planteamos la posibilidad de una asociación entre ambas condiciones, por su inicio simultáneo con recaídas, por su condición de inflamación crónica y recurrente y su respuesta a los corticosteroides.

Chronic idiopathic hypertrophic paquimeningitis and chronic subglottic tracheal stenosis are rare conditions of unknown origin. In both there is a fibrotic inflammatory process affecting, respectively the dura mater and the trachea. The chronic idiopathic hypertrophic paquimeningitis in its typical presentation causes progressive paralysis of cranial nerves, headaches, intracranial hypertensión or cerebellar dysfunction. In the chronic subglottic tracheal stenosis, usually limited to the subglottic region and the two first traqueal rings, its symptoms are variable including progressive shortness of breath, wheezing and stridor notable on the neck. The chronic idiopathic hypertrophic paquimeningitis occurs in patients of all ages and the test of choice for diagnosis it is the brain magnetic resonance image, while the chronic subglottic tracheal stenosis usually affect young or mature women and is best evidenced by computerizide tomography scan. The diagnósis is one of exclusion. Infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and lues, and others as sarcoidosis, meningeal carcinomatosis or vasculitides should be discarded. Often initially respond to corticosteroids but may have recurrences when stopped. The evolution in the long term is uncertain. This paper reports on a patient with both conditions, discussing their clinical, radiological and pathological manifestation. Although considered essential for the diagnosis, in our case was not performed a meningeal biopsy. We postulate the possibility of association between these two conditions, based in their simultaneous onset, the occurence of relapses in both diseases, its condition of recurrent and chronic inflammation, and its response to corticosteroids.

Humains , Adulte , Femelle , Asthme/diagnostic , Diplopie/étiologie , Douleur oculaire/diagnostic , Dure-mère/traumatismes , Sténose trachéale/anatomopathologie , Inflammation/étiologie , Méningite/anatomopathologie , Acuité visuelle/physiologie , Dyspnée/étiologie , Spectroscopie par résonance magnétique/méthodes , Ophtalmologie
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