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Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-811225


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify and assess from nursing students and nurses in the clinical field what constitute good instruction, through the review of nursing students' opinions and clinical field demands.METHODS: The study design was used Creswell's exploratory sequential design by collecting and analyzing qualitative data obtained from interviews and then analysis of quantitative data. The participations were 79 seniors in nursing schools and 85 nurses with less than three years of clinical experience. The data were collected through individual interviews and analyzed based on Elo and Kyngäs's content analysis method. The quantitative data were collected using the questionnaire developed based on qualitative results and analyzed by SPSS 23.0 program and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA).RESULTS: The results showed that IPA extracted seven items with high importance but low satisfaction: “nursing fads and trends,” “teacher-learner communication and reflection,” “materials used in clinical settings such as monitoring results and test results,” “special presentations by experienced practitioners,” “instruction assures learners' comprehension,” “accurate and detailed evaluation standards” and “feedback on homework and exam.”CONCLUSION: The factors comprising good instruction were verified, and the necessity for additional efforts to improve high importance and low performance factors was noted. Therefore, this study can serve as a guide for nursing education facilities and educators in developing of a thorough education system with excellent instruction designed to achieve an ideal nursing education.

Humains , Éducation , Enseignement infirmier , Flavine adénine dinucléotide , Méthodes , Soins , Écoles d'infirmières , Élève infirmier
Biomedical Engineering Letters ; (4): 293-310, 2019.
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-785522


Two photon fluorescence microscopy and the numerous technical advances to it have served as valuable tools in biomedical research. The fluorophores (exogenous or endogenous) absorb light and emit lower energy photons than the absorption energy and the emission (fluorescence) signal is measured using a fluorescence decay graph. Additionally, high spatial resolution images can be acquired in two photon fluorescence lifetime imaging (2P-FLIM) with improved penetration depth which helps in detection of fluorescence signal in vivo. 2P-FLIM is a non-invasive imaging technique in order to visualize cellular metabolic, by tracking intrinsic fluorophores present in it, such as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, flavin adenine dinucleotide and tryptophan etc. 2P-FLIM of these molecules enable the visualization of metabolic alterations, non-invasively. This comprehensive review discusses the numerous applications of 2P-FLIM towards cancer, neuro-degenerative, infectious diseases, and wound healing.

Absorption , Maladies transmissibles , Flavine adénine dinucléotide , Fluorescence , Microscopie de fluorescence , NAD , Photons , Tryptophane , Cicatrisation de plaie
Infectio ; 22(3): 123-123, jul.-sept. 2018.
Article de Anglais | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-953978


This number of Infectio includes the first report of Anisakis in edible fish in the Colombian pacific coast. Anisakidiasis has become an increasing threat given the extensive consumption of Sushi and raw fish worldwide as consequence of a global fad food. This report of Anisakis in 42% of the most popular fish specimens consumed in the country, call the attention also about the new health risks present in food, particularly parasites. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) established a ranking of the top foodborne parasites for control priority in 2014. This was the first expert meeting that established which were the most important parasites to be included in risk analysis of food. The consequences are important, not only for the health sector, but also for the agriculture export market of developing countries. As free trade agreements have become a rule for the commercial exchange between countries, the only way to limit the entry of food products in the developed world are the sanitary controls. CODEX Alimentarius Commission (CAC) is the international organism that define the sanitary code and rules for quality and risk analysis in food. The economic importance of the rules defined by this commission is evident and discussions about inclusion of new controls for new risks are intense and a particularly though task inside this commission.

Este número de Infectio incluye el primer reporte de Anisakis en pescado comestible en la costa pacífica colombiana. La anisakidiasis se ha convertido en una amenaza creciente dado el amplio consumo de sushi y pescado crudo en el mundo como consecuencia de una moda alimentaria mundial. Este reporte de Anisakis en el 42% de los ejemplares de pescado más consumidos en el país, llama la atención también sobre los nuevos riesgos para la salud presentes en los alimentos, particularmente los parásitos. La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO) y la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) establecieron en 2014 una clasificación de los principales parásitos transmitidos por los alimentos para su control prioritario. Esta fue la primera reunión de expertos que estableció cuáles eran los parásitos más importantes a incluir en el análisis de riesgo de los alimentos. Las consecuencias son importantes, no solo para el sector sanitario, sino también para el mercado de exportación agrícola de los países en desarrollo. Como los acuerdos de libre comercio se han convertido en una norma para el intercambio comercial entre países, la única forma de limitar la entrada de productos alimentarios en el mundo desarrollado son los controles sanitarios. La Comisión del CODEX Alimentarius (CAC) es el organismo internacional que define el código sanitario y las normas de calidad y análisis de riesgo en los alimentos. La importancia económica de las normas definidas por esta comisión es evidente y las discusiones sobre la inclusión de nuevos controles para nuevos riesgos son intensas y una tarea especialmente ardua dentro de esta comisión.

Humains , Parasites , Risque de Santé , Agriculture , Aliments , Anisakis , Colombie , Impacts sur la Santé , Secteur des soins de santé , Dangers , Régime alimentaire , Flavine adénine dinucléotide
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-26235


PURPOSE: Foot and ankle disease (FAD) is a frequent cause of morbidity among the homeless population. Various conditions, exacerbated by malnutrition, poor lifestyle habits, psychiatric disorders, physical injuries, poor hygiene, and limited access to healthcare, have been described in this population. The purpose of this study was to investigate the cognition and management status of FAD in shelter-based homeless people. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifty-two male and twenty-five female volunteer homeless individuals were recruited from two homeless shelters. Each person completed a questionnaire assessing any presence of pain, pain management, as well as foot and ankle care status. A foot and ankle surgeon examined the physical status of the individual's foot and ankle, including tenderness and instability. A radiologic evaluation was done for 18 male and 11 female homeless people who agreed to participate in this test for the existence osteophyte or joint space narrowing representing osteoarthritis and some reference angles for hallux valgus, flatfoot and cavus foot. RESULTS: Homeless people had higher prevalence of body mass index, diabetes, and smoking than the general population. The most prevalent infectious disease was fungal infection (male 78%, female 68%), with a low compliance of management for FAD. CONCLUSION: Although most of shelter-based homeless people showed an acceptable foot and ankle management status, the potential risk for FAD development and exacerbation of mild FAD was high.

Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Cheville , Indice de masse corporelle , Cognition , Maladies transmissibles , Compliance , Prestations des soins de santé , Pied plat , Flavine adénine dinucléotide , Maladies du pied , Pied , Hallux valgus , 19640 , Hygiène , Articulations , Mode de vie , Malnutrition , Arthrose , Ostéophyte , Gestion de la douleur , Prévalence , Fumée , Fumer , Bénévoles
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-75712


PURPOSE: The study was conducted to explore experience of using humor among psychiatric-mental health nurses. METHODS: Semi-structured in-depth interviews were used to collect data from 30 nurses working in community mental health centers or psychiatric wards. Data were categorized and coded using content analysis. RESULTS: The findings confirm that 11 categories, 43 sub-categories, and 104 statements were drawn from 4 domains. The four domains included effectiveness of humor, effective use of humor, ineffective use of humor, and barriers and promotive strategies to the use of humor. Nurses experienced positive and negative effects of humor. Popular fad words, jokes, imitation, and compliments were identified as effective types of humor. Discounting humor and belittling humor were identified as ineffective types of humor. Effective humor was humor that was used after establishing a trust relationship and when the patient's mental status was stable. Barriers to using humor were heavy workload, nurses' careful character, and nurses' concern about patients' responses. CONCLUSION: Nurses should assess the nurse-patient relationship and patients' mental status when they plan to use humor. In addition, hiring more nurses and providing education about humor are suggested to improve sense of humor and recognize the effectiveness of humor.

Centres de santé mentale communautaires , Éducation , Flavine adénine dinucléotide , Santé mentale , Soins infirmiers en psychiatrie
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-645287


Elevated maternal plasma homocysteine concentrations have been associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes. Serum homocysteine levels may be affected by the MTHFR genotypes and the nutritional status of B vitamins including vitamin B2, B6, folate and vitamin B12. We investigated whether postnatal growth measurements were influenced by maternal MTHFR genotypes and their mid-pregnancy serum vitamin B and homocysteine levels. In 130 pregnant women of 24 -28 wks of gestation, the MTHFR genotypes, serum B vitamins and homocysteine concentrations were analyzed. Physical growth status was assessed in their offsprings by measuring height, weight, and head and chest circumferences from birth up to 24 months. Serum homocysteine levels were higher in the subjects with T/T genotype than those with the C/T or C/C. Heights and head and chest circumferences of offsprings from the T/T mothers were significantly lower than those from the C/C or C/T mothers only when the serum homocysteine levels were above the median. The mean height of offsprings from the T/T mothers was significantly lower than those from the C/C and C/T mothers. The mean weight and head circumferences of offsprings born from the mothers whose mid-term pregnancy PLP levels were in the lowest quartile was significantly lower than those from mothers in the highest quartile. Heights and head circumferences of offsprings from the T/T mothers were significantly lower than those from the C/C or C/T mothers only when the serum FAD levels were in the lowest quartile. These results suggest that postnatal growth up to 24 months may be influenced by the maternal C677T MTHFR genotypes, and mid-pregnancy serum homocysteine and vitamin B status.

Femelle , Humains , Grossesse , Flavine adénine dinucléotide , Acide folique , Génotype , Tête , Homocystéine , Mères , État nutritionnel , Oxidoreductases , Parturition , Plasma sanguin , Issue de la grossesse , Femmes enceintes , Riboflavine , Thorax , Vitamine B12 , Vitamine B6 , Complexe vitaminique B , Vitamines
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-215844


Bulging of the lower eyelid & tear trough groove is regarded as a sign of aging. In the past, the surgical excision of the fat pad has been the mainstray of the management of lower palpebral bag in cosmetic blepharoplasty, Recently, fat pad sliding method has been introduced to make more attractive lower eyelids. We used the fat pad for covering the hollowness of the lower eye lid. And we use redundant fat pad for filling & augmentation of the lower eye lid by reflexion. Redraping of the orbicularis arc, with its accompanying midfacial fat repositioning, anatomically restores the cheek and lower lid to make more youthful contour. By redraping and fixing the orbicularis arc on the medial surface of the orbital rim, it becomes a more attractive midface and may prevent of ectropion. From August, 2002 to July, 2004 in correction of lower palpebral bulge & tear trough groove, these two technique were performed in 42 consecutive individuals (84 lower eyelid) for two-year period. Follow up ranged from 3 to 15 months. (an average of 9 months) Palpebral bulge & tear trough groove were corrected and obtained a youthful midface. Complication was rare. The advantages of these techniques are that: prevent in of secondary palpebral bulge and irregularity of lower eyelid by using of reflexed fat fad; prevent in of ectropion. Thus an attractive midface is obtained by redraping of orbicularis arc.

Adolescent , Humains , Tissu adipeux , Vieillissement , Blépharoplastie , Joue , Ectropion , Paupières , Flavine adénine dinucléotide , Études de suivi , Orbite , Réflexe
Acta cir. bras ; Acta cir. bras;20(supl.1): 72-77, 2005.
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-414639


OBJETIVO: Testar a hipótese do catecol inibir a respiração basal associada ao FADH2 em frações mitocondriais hepáticas de rato. Além disso, estudou-se também a capacidade do catecol de induzir peroxidação de biomoléculas nas frações nucleares. MÉTODOS: Os homogeneizados de fígado de ratos foram incubados com catecol a 1 mM em pH fisiológico. Depois disso, as frações mitocondriais foram isoladas por centrifugação diferencial. O consumo basal de oxigênio foi medido com um eletrodo do tipo Clark após injeção de succinato a 10 mM. Frações nucleares foram incubadas com catecol por 17 horas à temperatura ambiente e a peroxidação de biomoléculas foi investigada pela reação com o ácido tiobarbitúrico e mensurada espectrofotometricamente. RESULTADOS: O catecol induziu uma inibição parcial da respiração basal mitocondrial associada ao FADH2 de forma dependente do tempo, contudo essa substância não induziu peroxidação direta das biomoléculas presentes nas frações nucleares hepáticas. CONCLUSÃO: O catecol produz inibição da respiração basal associada ao FADH2 em mitocôndrias isoladas de fígado, o que pode levar à toxicidade, produção de espécies reativas e morte celular.

Animaux , Rats , Catéchols/toxicité , Flavine adénine dinucléotide/analogues et dérivés , Peroxydation lipidique/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Mitochondries du foie/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Stress oxydatif/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Consommation d'oxygène/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Noyau de la cellule/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Respiration cellulaire/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Antienzymes/pharmacologie , Flavine adénine dinucléotide/antagonistes et inhibiteurs , Mitochondries du foie/métabolisme , Rat Wistar , Espèces réactives de l'oxygène/métabolisme , Facteurs temps
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-50276


Focal acantholytic dyskeratosis (FAD) was introduced by Ackerman to describe a group of clinically various dermatologic conditions having a similar histologic appearance. The characteristic histologic findings included (1) suprabasilar clefts around preserved papillae, (2) acantholytic and dyskeratotic cells at all levels of the epidermis, and (3) hyperkeratosis and parakeratosis. Almost solitary lesions of FAD are histologically incidental or clinically nodular(warty dyskeratoma). The papular form of solitary FAD is an extremely rare condition identified by the reviewing of specimens or reported as a solitary lesion developing in the mouth. We report a case of focal acantholytic dyskeratosis presenting as a solitary papule on the perianal area.

Épiderme , Flavine adénine dinucléotide , Bouche , Parakératose
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-16354


PURPOSE: To determine the clinical and the pathologic significance of the focal attenuation differences (FAD) and bile duct wall enhancement occurring in recurrent pyogenic cholangitis (RPC) and seen at multiphasic spiral CT. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Among the multiphasic (non-contrast, arterial and portal or delayed phase) spiral CT findings of 60 consecutive patients, two types of FAD were noted during the non-contrast phase. These were Type A (iso) and Type B (low attenuation), and their distribution pattern (lobar versus patchy, multifocal) and the and the presence or absence of bile duct wall enhancement were recorded. The radiologic findings were correlated with the clinical and pathologic findings. RESULTS: Two types of FAD were noted in 40 of the 60 patients. Active in flammation was present in 19 of the 27 with Type-A and in ten of the 15 in whom the presence of RPC was pathologically proven. Ten of the 13 with Type-B FAD were in a subclinical state, and nine of the ten in whom RPC was pathologically proven had chronic inflammation. Among 20 patients who did not have FAD, RPC was subclinical in 18 and dormant in nine of the eleven in whom its presence was pathologically proven (p<0.001). Clinico-pathologic correlation with bile duct wall enhancement and the distribution pattern of FAD showed no statistical significance. CONCLUSION: The inflammatory activity of RPC can be predicted by analysis of the FAD seen at multiphasic spiral CT.

Humains , Conduits biliaires , Angiocholite , Flavine adénine dinucléotide , Inflammation , Tomodensitométrie hélicoïdale
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-172180


The purpose of this study was to fad the specific character of menu patterns by sex, age and health risk of subjects for the basic data of a nutrition education program. The dietary intake of the subjects was investigated by the 24-hour recall method. Subjects consisted of male 94, female 394, total 488. To analyze patterns, dishes were classified into major staple foods ; kimchi, soup and side dishes and also classified into 24 categories by the cooking method. For the men, a frequently served pattern was cooked rice + soup + kimchi. For the women, the pattern was also cooked rice + soup + kimchi. For the 20-49 year olds and the 50-64 year olds, frequently served patterns were cooked rice + soup + kimchi > noodle + kimchi. For the 65-74 year olds, those patterns were cooked rice + stew > cooked rice + kimchi. For the normal group and the risk group, the frequently served pattern was cooked rice + soup + kimchi. The most used menu pattern by the number of dishes was cooked rice + soup + kimchi in the male, female, normal group and risk group. For the 20-49 year olds, the pattern was cooked rice + soup + kimchi and noodle + kimchi. For the 50-64 year olds, it was cooked rice + soup + kimchi. For the 65-74 years old, it was cooked rice + stew. The result of analyzing patterns for the most used main staple food was cooked rice in all groups. The results of analyzing patterns, with those considered basic food, cooked rice, soup and stew, showed that frequently served patterns were cooked rice + soup > cooked rice > cooked rice + stew in all groups. With these results, we can summarize that the menu patterns of people in Kangbukgu was the younger, the more non-traditional. Also, the normal group had more various patterns than those of the risk group. Thus, we need further research about menu patterns to provide adequate nutrition education.

Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Cuisine (activité) , Éducation , Flavine adénine dinucléotide
J. vet. sci ; J. vet. sci;: 27-31, 2000.
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-103274


An activation domain in p67(phox) (residues 199-210) is critical for regulating NADPH oxidase activity in cell-free system [10] To determine the steady state reduction of FAD, thioacetamide-FAD was reconstituted in gp91(phox), and the fluorescence of its oxidised form was monitored. Omission of p67(phox) decreased the steady state reduction of the FAD from 28% to 4%, but omission of p47(phox) had little effect. A series of the truncated forms of p67(phox) were expressed in E.coli to determine the domain in p67(phox) which is essential for regulating the steady state of FAD reduction. The minimal length of p67(phox) for for regulating the steady state of FAD reduction is shown to be 1-210 using a series of truncation mutants which indicates that the region 199-210 is also important for regulating electron flow within flavocytochrome b(558). The deletion of this domain not only decreased the superoxide generation but also decreased the steady state of FAD reduction. Therefore, the activation domain on p67(phox) regulates the reductive half-reaction for FAD, consistent with a dominant effect on hydride/electron transfer from NADPH to FAD.

Humains , Séquence d'acides aminés , Séquence nucléotidique , Membrane cellulaire/métabolisme , Système acellulaire , Amorces ADN , Flavine adénine dinucléotide/métabolisme , Cinétique , Glycoprotéines membranaires/métabolisme , Données de séquences moléculaires , NADH dehydrogenase/métabolisme , NADPH oxidase , Granulocytes neutrophiles/enzymologie , Oxydoréduction , Fragments peptidiques/composition chimique , Phosphoprotéines/composition chimique , Réaction de polymérisation en chaîne , Délétion de séquence
Indian J Biochem Biophys ; 1999 Apr; 36(2): 118-24
Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-26647


The synthetic 10-alkyl isoalloxazines have been found to form vesicles in aqueous and binary solvent systems and confirmed by UV-visible, fluorescence,transmission electron microscopy and quasi elastic light scattering experiments. The mean external diameters of vesicles have been calculated for isoalloxazine with different carbon atom chain at position 10 by transmission electron microscopy and quasi elastic laser light scattering. The gel to liquid phase transition of liposomes measured by differential scanning calorimetry shows reproducible endothermic peak which lies well in the range of typical aqueous vesicles.

Flavine mononucléotide/composition chimique , Flavine adénine dinucléotide/composition chimique , Liposomes , Solubilité , Eau/composition chimique
EMHJ-Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal. 1999; 5 (6): 1208-1212
de Anglais | IMEMR | ID: emr-156719


Glutathione reductase [GR] is a ubiquitous enzyme required for the conversion of oxidized glutathione [GSSG] to reduced glutathione [GSH] concomitantly oxidizing reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate [NADPH] in a reaction essential for the stability and integrity of red cells. Mutations in the GR gene and nutritional deficiency of riboflavin, a co-factor required for the normal functioning of GR, can cause GR deficiency. We conducted a study on 1691 Saudi individuals to determine the overall frequency of GR deficiency and to identify whether the deficiency results from genetic or acquired causes or both. The activity of GR was measured in freshly prepared red cell haemolysate in the presence and absence of flavin adenine dinucleotide [FAD] and the activity coefficient [AC] was determined. Samples with low GR activity [> 2.0 IU/g haemoglobin] both in the presence and absence of FAD and an AC between 0.9 and 1.2 were considered GR-deficient. Samples with AC >/= 1.3 were considered riboflavin-deficient. The overall frequency of partial GR deficiency was 24.5% and 20.3% in males and females respectively. In addition, 17.8% of males and 22.4% of females suffered from GR deficiency due to riboflavin deficiency. This could be easily corrected by dietary supplementation with riboflavin. No cases of severe GR deficiency were identified

Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Flavine adénine dinucléotide , Fréquence d'allèle , Hémoglobines/analyse , Erreurs innées du métabolisme/épidémiologie , Mutation/génétique , Enquêtes nutritionnelles , Surveillance de la population , Carence en riboflavine/complications , Répartition par sexe , /génétique
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-93005


BACKGROUND: A pathogenesis of skin-homing lymphoid cells in primary cutaneous T-eell lymphoma(CTCL) has not been elucidated, CLA(cutaneous lymphocyte-associated antigen) defined by HECA-452 monoclonal anfibody has been proposed as the novel skin-homing receptors of infiltrative lymphocytes in atopic dermatitis and graft-versus-host disease. Accordingly, CLA may be a determinant explaining about the skin-homing properties of lymphoid tumor cells in CTCL. OBJECTIVE: This study was conducted to investigate the immunohistochemical expression of CLA in the lesional tissue specimens of cutaneous lymphomas. METHODS: Immunohistochemicslly, we examined the expression of CLA, E-selectin, ICAM-1 and LFA-1 antigens in the tissue specimens taken from the skin lesions and lymph nodes of the 22 patients with cutaneous lymphomas and the 20 control subjects with non-cutaneous lymphomas. Results : 1. The expression rate of CLA was 40.9% in the skin specimens of cutaneous lymphomas. We could not fad any expression of CLA in non-cutaneous lymphomas. 2. CTCL showed a more frequent expression of CLA(80%) than cutaneous B-cell lymphomas (CBCL)(8.3%). We found more frequently CLA+ high endothelial venules in non-cutaneous lymphomas(40%) than in cutaneous lymphomas(9.1%). 3. CLA and E-selectin were more frequently expressed in primary CTCL(100%, 83.3%) than in secondary CTCL(50%, 0%). 4. The positivity to ICAM-1 and LFA-1 antigens was higher in primary cutaneous lymphomas (72.7%, 81.8%) than in secondary forms(9.1%, 9.1%). Conclusion : CLA and E-selectin may represent the pivotal skin-homing receptor of infiltrative tumor cells and vascular counter-receptor in primary CTCL, respectively. Also, ICAM-1 and LFA-1 may have a role in the primary cutaneous infiltration of lymphoma cells as the additional cofactors.

Humains , Eczéma atopique , Sélectine E , Flavine adénine dinucléotide , Maladie du greffon contre l'hôte , Molécule-1 d'adhérence intercellulaire , Noeuds lymphatiques , Antigène-1 associé à la fonction du lymphocyte , Lymphocytes , Lymphomes , Lymphome B , Peau , Veinules
Korean Journal of Medicine ; : 118-121, 1999.
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-46561


The inhalation of volatile substances has becoming a popular fad among adolescents in the world. Glue sniffing is associated with injury of nervous system, liver and kidney. And rarely abnormality of blood and bone marrow suppression can develop. The main components of volatile substances that cause hematologic abnormality is thought to be benzene, toluene, and xylene. A 24 year-old male was admitted to our hospital due to gum bleeding. He was a chronic glue and organic solvents sniffer for 6 years, and quit sniffing 1 year before admission. He had no specific drug history. On admission, CBC was as follows: WBC 2,500/mm3; hemoglobin 8.9g/dl; hematocrit 25.1%; platelet 2,000/mm3. Bone marrow biopsy showed severe hypocellular marrow compatible with aplastic anemia. We report a case of aplastic anemia after habitual sniffing of glue and volatile substances with brief review of the literature.

Adolescent , Humains , Mâle , Jeune adulte , Adhésifs , Anémie aplasique , Benzène , Biopsie , Plaquettes , Moelle osseuse , Flavine adénine dinucléotide , Gencive , Hématocrite , Hémorragie , Abus d'inhalants , Inspiration , Rein , Foie , Système nerveux , Solvants , Toluène , Xylènes
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-40814


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of a nutrition education program on 42 obese young adolescent girls. Nutrition education was performed for six months including both group and individual programs, and was focused on improving their eating habits and food composition. The topics discussed once a week included : eating habits, lifestyle management, 5 basic food groups, snack and fast-food, how to eliminate empty calories, fat and hyperlipidemia, food diary, benefits and methods of exercise, vitamin and minerals, evaluation of fad diets, yo-yo effects and so on. The effects of the nutrition education program were evaluated for nutrition education and exercise regimen group (NE+E), nutrition education only group(NE), and control group(C). NE+E group had additional exercise programs 3times each week, while NE group was educated about exercise only by a nutrition education program. In both NE+E and NE groups, there was a significant decrease in bodyfat compared to C group, but NE+E group had a greater change than NE group(5.5% vs 3.1%). In addition, serum triglycerides decreased about 40mg/dl and total cholesterol 20mg/dl in both NE+E and NE groups. But HDL-C level was increased only in NE+E group. The greater changes in body fat and blood lipid levels occurred between the pre- and mid terms fo the education regimen. They kept their changed measurement throughout the 6 months follow-up studies. The results of this study show that this nutrition education program is helpful for obese adolescent girls in decreasing body fat and serum lipid levels. Also, the combination of an exercise regimen with the nutrition education proved to be more effective.

Adolescent , Femelle , Humains , Tissu adipeux , Cholestérol , Régime alimentaire , Journaux alimentaires , Consommation alimentaire , Éducation , Flavine adénine dinucléotide , Études de suivi , Hyperlipidémies , Mode de vie , Minéraux , Obésité , Casse-croute , Triglycéride , Vitamines
Indian J Ophthalmol ; 1998 Dec; 46(4): 233-7
Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-70630


The biochemical mechanism(s) underlying brunescent cataracts remain unclear. Oxidative stress due to reactive oxygen species may have a role in the pigmentation process in eye lens. We have analysed human cataractous lenses for flavins by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), since flavins are light sensitive and act as endogenous sensitizers generating reactive oxygen species in the eye. The most significant observation in this study is that higher levels of flavin nucleotides occur in brown lens compared to yellow lens. The concentration of flavin nucleotides (flavin monouncleotide, FMN + flavin adenine dinucleotide, FAD) was highest in the nuclear region of the lens followed by the cortical and capsule-epithelial regions. However, the ratio of FAD/FMN was lowest in the nuclear region of the lens followed by other regions. On the other hand, riboflavin was not detected in any of the lens (cataractous) regions. These results suggest that the observed increase in flavin nucleotides in the ocular tissue could contribute towards deepening of lens pigmentation.

Marqueurs biologiques/analyse , Cataracte/métabolisme , Chromatographie en phase liquide à haute performance , Flavine mononucléotide/analyse , Flavine adénine dinucléotide/analyse , Humains , Cristallin/composition chimique , Adulte d'âge moyen , Pigmentation , Espèces réactives de l'oxygène/métabolisme
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-119377


The role of doctors in ancient China was that of Prevention as opposed to curios, and illness was a just cause for execution. Much later, at the time of the French Revolution. Saint-Just evolved a new concept around the idea of happiness. As we can see in modem times, this idea is no longer a fad but a precious right that we humans can cherish and also means the quality and longevity of life. Of course this meaning cannot be the same for all people, and more so as humans are the most complex of all living nature. Even all this stage I feel it is so difficult to discuss the quality of life per so, as we all have different physical, emotional and material needs and modem science still cannot uncover the mystery of life. 4 concept of quality of life already been included in the WHO definition of has health where well-feeling is as necessary as well-being, both being of concern to medical doctors. I personally feel that the role of doctors is not simply to cure diseases but how we can help patients extend their span of life to live more actively and fulfillingly, the quality of life should not only deal with the prevention and cure of illnesses, but touch all aspects of aging. Aging in itself is quite mutual with any kind of disease and disability; the expansion and reduction of our lifespan depends so much on the exposure to disease and how aging affects both sexes diversely is one important factor when considering the quality of life. It could be said that our bodies are always in a state of homeostasis where biological destruction and development arise. This process is naturally called aging. However, passing through every seven year cycle we are dressing up our quality of life against various physical and mental experiences, while maintaining a steady state of homeostasis, and therefor face aging and different environmental changes. As a physician and being in a profession where we can influence ones quality of life. I feel it is imperative to study how aging is related to endocrinology and its disease, and the different outcomes of diseases and symptoms shown by males and females. In my study, I have generally classified our life span into seven crucial stages of aging and dealt with "Aging and gender how its physiology affects the quality of life".

Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Vieillissement , Bandages , Chine , Endocrinologie , Flavine adénine dinucléotide , Révolution française , Bonheur , Homéostasie , Longévité , Ménopause , Modems , Physiologie , Qualité de vie
Indian J Biochem Biophys ; 1996 Dec; 33(6): 523-6
Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-26522


Characterization of partially purified aryl monooxygenase (1:14:14:1) from Candida pulcherrima MCMY2 was achieved using standard purification protocol. The molecular weight of the enzyme was 110 kDa and contained 3 subunits with pI 5.7, 7.4 and 7.6. The activity seemed to be related with pulcherrimin. The optimum pH and temperature for enzyme activity were 6.8 and 30 degrees C respectively. Activity was not substrate specific and Fe3+ FAD and NADH+ enhanced the activity substantially.

Aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylases/isolement et purification , Candida/enzymologie , Cytochrome P-450 enzyme system/métabolisme , Activation enzymatique/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Composés du fer III/pharmacologie , Flavine adénine dinucléotide/pharmacologie , Concentration en ions d'hydrogène , Point isoélectrique , Masse moléculaire , Conformation des protéines , Spécificité du substrat , Température