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Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 10 (1) 2024;10(1): 34770, 2024 abr. 30.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553610


Introdução: A hipertensão arterial sistêmica é uma das doenças crônicas de maior prevalência no Brasil, sendo esta, juntamente com outras doenças crônicas, o foco de atenção das unidades primárias de saúde. Desta forma, atividades de educação em saúde relacionadas à prevenção e combate a hipertensão arterial sistêmica são de grande importância para reduzir a incidência dessa doença na população. Objetivo: Nesse sentido, o presente relato possui uma abordagem qualitativa descritiva exploratória, de uma experiência dos membros de uma liga acadêmica de medicina de uma universidade no Sul de Santa Catarina. Metodologia: A abordagem do público se deu através de um projeto social no ambulatório de especialidades médicas da universidade, realizado no dia nacional de combate à hipertensão arterial de 2023, com duração de 11 horas. Neste projeto, contou com 12 membros da liga e 79 pacientes com idade média de 42 anos, foram distribuídos panfletos com informações importantes sobre hipertensão, além de outras ações, como: esclarecimento de dúvidas, distribuição demudas frutíferas e frutas, aferições de pressão arterial, encaminhamentos para consultas com clínico geral e nutricionista. Resultados: A maioria das Pressões Arteriais aferidas estava dentro da normalidade; no entanto, foram identificados alguns casos de pré-hipertensão e hipertensão ainda não diagnosticadas, além de casos em que a pressão arterial estava descompensada mesmo com tratamento farmacológico(50% dos pacientes hipertensos), incluindo um caso de crise hipertensiva, também foi possível perceber o desconhecimento do público sobre a PA e seus riscos a saúde. Conclusões: Conclui-se que é necessária a conscientização e educação em saúde das pessoas a respeito do que é a hipertensão arterial sistêmica, uma vez que, cerca de, 49%dos pacientes estavam com Índice de Massa Corporal acima de25e 37% com pressão arterial acima de 120x80mmHg (AU).

Introduction: Systemic arterial hypertension is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases in Brazil. Together with other chronic diseases, this condition is the focus of attention in the primary health units. Therefore, health education with view at preventing and controlling systemic arterial hypertension is of great importance to reduce the incidence of this disease in the population.Objective:, the present report is an exploratory descriptive qualitative approach of an Academic Medical League's members' experience at a university in the south of Santa Catarina.Methodology: The target audience was approached through a social project held at the university's medical specialty outpatient clinic on the national day of high blood pressure control in 2023 with an 11 hours duration. This project involved 12 members of the League and 79 patients. Patients' average age was 42 years. Leaflets containing important information about hypertension were distributed. Further initiatives included answering questions, fruit seedlings and fruits distribution, assessment of blood pressure, referring people to a general practitioner and to a nutritionist. Results: Blood pressure of most of the individuals who had their blood pressure measured at the event was within normal range; however, some cases of undiagnosed pre-hypertension and hypertension were identified, in addition to cases in which blood pressure was decompensated despite pharmacological treatment (50% of hypertensive patients); this included one case of hypertensive crisis. It was also evident the audience's lack of knowledge about blood pressure and its health risks.Conclusions: it is necessary to raise awareness and improve health education among people regarding what systemic arterial hypertension is, since approximately 49% of patients had a body mass index above 25 and 37% had a blood pressure above 120x80 mmHg (AU).

Introducción: La hipertensión arterial sistémica es una de las enfermedades crónicas más prevalentes en Brasil. Junto con otras enfermedades crónicas, es foco de atención en las unidades primarias de salud. Por lo tanto, las actividades de educación sanitaria relacionadas con la prevención y el combate de la hipertensión arterial sistémica son de gran importancia para reducir la incidencia de esta enfermedad en la población.Objetivo: El presente relato tiene un enfoque cualitativo descriptivo exploratorio basado en una experiencia de miembros de una liga médica académica de la universidad del sur de Santa Catarina.Metodología: Se acercó al público a través de un proyecto social realizado en el ambulatorio de especialidades médicas de la universidad, en el día nacional de combate a la hipertensión arterial del año 2023, que tuve una duración de 11 horas. En este proyecto participaron 12 integrantes de la liga y 79 pacientes con promedio de 42 años; se distribuyeron folletos con información importante sobre la hipertensión, además de otras iniciativas como: aclarar dudas, repartir plantones y frutas, medir la presión arterial, derivaciones para consultas con médico general y nutricionista. Resultados: La mayoría de las presiones medidas estuvieron dentro de los límites normales; sin embargo, se identificaron algunos casos de prehipertensión e hipertensión no diagnosticadas, además de casos en los que la presión arterial se descompensaba incluso con tratamiento farmacológico (50% de los hipertensos); hubo un caso de crisis hipertensiva. También se pudo notar la falta de conocimiento delpúblico sobre la PA y sus riesgos para la salud. Conclusiones: Se concluye que es necesario generar conciencia y educación en salud en las personas respecto de la hipertensión arterial sistémica, ya que aproximadamente el 49% de los pacientes tenían un Índice de Masa Corporal superior a 25 y el 37% tenían una presión superior a 120x80 mmHg (AU).

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Soins de santé primaires , Éducation pour la santé , Maladie chronique/prévention et contrôle , Hypertension artérielle/prévention et contrôle , Étudiant médecine , Épidémiologie Descriptive
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 10 (1) 2024;10(1): 31605, 2024 abr. 30.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553612


Introdução: As Doenças Crônicas não Transmissíveis constituem-se em um grande desafio de saúde pública. Dentro deste grupo, a Hipertensão Arterial e o Diabetes Mellitus merecem destaque, pois seu enfrentamento requer bastante dos serviços de saúde. Na realidade da Atenção Básica, tem-se destaque para as atividades educativas, em especial para a Educação Popular em Saúde, como a "Calçada Amiga". Objetivo: Abordar a experiência da atividade de educação popular em saúde intitulada "Calçada Amiga" como instrumento de proteção, prevenção e promoção da saúde na Hipertensão Arterial e no Diabetes Mellitus em um serviço de Atenção Primária à Saúde. Metodologia: Trata-se de um relato de Experiência de uma atividade de educação popular em saúde desenvolvida no território de uma Unidade Básica de Saúde do Município de Mossoró/Rio Grande do Norte, durante o ano de 2022.Resultados e Discussões: Foram realizadas 13 ações. Sobre a Hipertensão Arterial e o Diabetes Mellitus, notou-se uma certa dificuldade na adesão ao tratamento, com relatos tanto na prática do exercício físico quanto na alimentação adequada, além do uso das medicações. Ainda sobre as dificuldades na adesão, muitos deles afirmavam uma subutilização dos serviços de saúde, em especial a UBS. Foi possível observar a validade da Educação Popular em Saúde por meio de afirmações de avaliação positiva sobre o método adotado para as atividades, com boa aceitação, frequência e retorno da comunidade. Conclusões: A atividade permitiu o fortalecimento do vínculo entre a Unidade Básica de Saúde e a comunidade por meio da imersão no território com momentos de diálogos horizontais e escuta ativa, facilitando a compreensão por parte dos profissionais sobre a realidade dos sujeitos assistidos no serviço. Para a comunidade, permitiu um momento de fala e escuta, expressando seus anseios, medos e dificuldades sobre as condições, tornando-se ativa no processo de saúde/doença (AU).

Introduction: Chronic non-communicable diseases are a major public health challenge. Within this group, Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus deserve to be highlighted, because coping with it requires a lot of health services. In the reality of Primary Care, there is emphasis on educational activities, especially for Popular Health Education, such as "Calçada Amiga".Objective:To address the experience of popular health education activity entitled "Calçada Amiga" as an instrument of protection, prevention and health promotion in Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus in a Primary Health Care service.Methodology:This is an experience report of a popular health education activity developed in the territory of a Basic Health Unit of the Municipalityof Mossoró/ Rio Grande do Norte during the year 2022.Results and Discussion:13 actions were performed. Regarding Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus, there was some difficulty in adherence to treatment, with reports both in the practice of physical exercise and in proper nutrition, in addition to the use of medications. Still on the difficulties in adherence, many of them stated an underutilization of health services, especially the UBS. It was possible to observe the validity of Popular Health Education through affirmations of positive evaluation of the method adopted for the activities, with good acceptance, frequency and community return.Conclusions:The activity allowed the strengthening of the bond between the Basic Health Unit and the community through immersion in the territory with moments of horizontal dialogues and active listening, professionals about the reality of the subjects assisted in the service. For the community, it allowed a moment of speech and listening, expressing their desires,fears and difficulties about the conditions, becoming active in the health/disease process (AU).

Introducción: Las Enfermedades Crónicas no Transmisibles se constituyen en un gran desafío de salud pública. Dentro de este grupo, la Hipertensión Arterial y el Diabetes Mellitus merecen destaque, pues su enfrentamiento requiere bastante de los servicios de salud. En realidad de la Atención Básica, se ha destacado para las actividades educativas, en especial para la Educación Popular en Salud, como la "Calçada Amiga". Objetivo: Abordar la experiencia de la actividad de educación popular en salud titulada "Calçada Amiga" como instrumento de protección, prevención y promoción de la salud en la Hipertensión Arterial y en la Diabetes Mellitus en un servicio de Atención Primaria de Salud.Metodología: Se trata de un relato de experiencia de una actividad de educación popular en salud desarrollada en el territorio de una Unidad Básica de Salud del Municipio de Mossoró/ Rio Grande do Norte durante el año 2022.Resultados y Discusión: Fueron realizadas 13 acciones. Sobre la Hipertensión Arterial y la Diabetes Mellitus, se notó una cierta dificultad en la adhesión del tratamiento, con relatos tanto en la práctica del ejercicio físico como en la alimentación adecuada, además del uso de las medicaciones. También sobre las dificultades en la adhesión, muchos de ellos afirmaban una infrautilización de los servicios de salud, en especial la UBS. Fue posible observar la validez de la Educación Popular en Salud por medio de afirmaciones de evaluación positiva sobre el método adoptado para las actividades, con buena aceptación, frecuencia y retorno de la comunidad.Conclusiones: La actividad permitió el fortalecimiento del vínculo entre la Unidad Básica de Salud y la comunidad por medio de la inmersión en el territorio con momentos de diálogos horizontales y escucha activa, facilitando la comprensión por parte de los profesionales de la realidad de los sujetos asistidos en el servicio. Para la comunidad, permitió un momento de habla y escucha, expresando sus anhelos, miedos y dificultades sobre las condiciones, haciéndose activa en el proceso de salud/enfermedad (AU).

Soins de santé primaires , Éducation pour la santé , Diabète/anatomopathologie , Hypertension artérielle/prévention et contrôle , Épidémiologie Descriptive , Recherche qualitative , Études d'évaluation comme sujet , Maladies non transmissibles
Rev. bras. hipertens ; 30(1): 11-15, jan. 2023.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1517532


A hipertensão arterial (HA) é uma condição clínica caracterizada por elevação sustentada dos níveis pressóricos maior ou igual a 140 e/ou 90 mmHg. As diretrizes atuais têm apontado cada vez mais estudos que verificam a influência dos diferentes padrões alimentares e seus efeitos benéficos no controle da HA, como: Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH) que preconiza o consumo de frutas, hortaliças, fibras, minerais e laticínios com baixos teores de gordura; DASH-Sodium a qual combina três níveis diferentes de ingestão de sódio; Dieta Mediterrânea (MedDiet) caracterizada pela ingestão reduzida de carne vermelha e processada, ovos, doces e bebidas açucaradas, somada ao consumo moderado de peixes, vinho tinto e laticínios com baixo teor de gordura e alta ingestão de azeite de oliva; Plant based cujo escopo é consumir principalmente proteínas de origem vegetal, com um padrão alimentar rico em fibras, que inclua cereais integrais, frutas, legumes, leguminosas e nozes, com uma ingestão regular de peixes e frutos do mar, laticínios com baixo teor de gordura. Todas essas intervenções mostraram benefícios nos níveis pressóricos, porém a DASH é o padrão alimentar mais frequentemente recomendado e com maior nível de evidência para a prevenção primária e o controle da HA (AU).

Arterial hypertension (AH) is a clinical condition characterized by a sustained increase in blood pressure levels higher than or equal to 140 and or 90 mmHg. Present guidelines have increasingly pointed to studies that show the influence of different dietary patterns and their beneficial effects on the control of AH, just as: Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH), which advocates the consumption of fruits, vegetables, fiber, minerals and dairy products low in fat; DASH-Sodium which associate three different levels of sodium intake; Mediterranean Diet (MedDiet) characterized by reduced intake of red and processed meat, eggs, sweets, and sugary drinks, besides, moderate consumption of fish, red wine and low-fat dairy products and high intake of olive oil; Plant-based whose scope is to consume mainly plant-based proteins, with a dietary pattern rich in fiber, which includes whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and nuts, with a regular intake of fish and seafood, low-fat dairy products. All these interventions showed benefits in blood pressure levels, however DASH is the most frequently recommended dietary pattern with the highest level of evidence for primary prevention and AH control (AU).

Humains , Alimentation et nutrition , Régime DASH , Hypertension artérielle/prévention et contrôle , Hypertension artérielle/thérapie
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 47: e26, 2023. tab, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424252


RESUMEN Objetivo. Agrupar las barreras para el conocimiento, tratamiento y control de la hipertensión en pacientes de América Latina mediante una revisión de alcance. Métodos. Se realizó una revisión de alcance de acuerdo con el marco metodológico de Arksey y O'Malley y las directrices para revisiones sistemáticas y metaanálisis (PRISMA). Se efectuó una búsqueda en las bases de datos PubMed, Biblioteca Virtual de Salud y Scopus. La selección se realizó de manera independiente y en ciego en el aplicativo RAYYAN QCRI®. Por último, se abordaron los resultados de los estudios seleccionados de manera narrativa. Resultados. Se incluyeron ocho estudios cualitativos y cuantitativos que se adecuaban a nuestra pregunta de investigación. Las barreras descritas con más frecuencia son las propias del sistema que dificultan el acceso integral y equitativo a la atención médica y los medicamentos, la ausencia de programas educativos e intervenciones personalizadas que mejoren la adherencia a tratamientos y los cambios en el estilo de vida. El factor económico es crítico en América Latina e impide el acceso al sistema de salud y modificar el estilo de vida debido a los costos del transporte, las citas médicas y los medicamentos. Conclusiones. Las barreras detectadas afectan todas las dimensiones para la adherencia al tratamiento; entre ellas se destacan la falta de educación y posicionamiento de los tomadores de decisiones en la atención de la hipertensión.

ABSTRACT Objective. Group the barriers to knowledge, treatment, and control of hypertension in patients in Latin America through a scoping review. Methods. A scoping review was conducted in accordance with the Arksey and O'Malley methodological framework and the PRISMA guidelines for systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Searches were carried out in the PubMed, Virtual Health Library, and Scopus databases. Blind and independent selection was conducted in the RAYYAN QCRI application. Finally, the results of the selected studies were addressed narratively. Results. Eight qualitative and quantitative studies that fit the research question were included. The most frequently described barriers are systemic barriers that hinder comprehensive and equitable access to health care and medication, as well as a lack of educational programs, personalized interventions to improve adherence to treatments, and lifestyle changes. Economic factors are critical in Latin America, hindering access to the health system and changes to lifestyles due to the costs of transportation, medical appointments, and medicines. Conclusions. The detected barriers affect all dimensions of adherence to treatment; among the most important barriers are decision makers who lack education and positioning with respect to care of hypertension.

RESUMO Objetivo. Compilar as barreiras ao conhecimento, tratamento e controle da hipertensão arterial em pacientes da América Latina por meio de uma revisão de escopo. Métodos. Foi realizada uma revisão de escopo de acordo com a estrutura metodológica de Arksey e O'Malley e as diretrizes PRISMA para revisões sistemáticas e metanálises. Foi realizada uma busca nas bases de dados PubMed, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde e Scopus. A seleção foi realizada de forma independente e cega no aplicativo RAYYAN QCRIâ. Por último, os resultados dos estudos selecionados foram abordados de forma narrativa. Resultados. Foram incluídos oito estudos qualitativos e quantitativos que se enquadravam na nossa questão de pesquisa. As barreiras mais frequentemente descritas são aquelas próprias do sistema que dificultam o acesso integral e equitativo a atendimento médico e medicamentos, a ausência de programas educativos e intervenções personalizadas que melhorem a adesão ao tratamento e as mudanças no estilo de vida. O fator econômico é crítico na América Latina e impede o acesso ao sistema de saúde para modificar o estilo de vida devido aos custos de transporte, consultas médicas e medicamentos. Conclusões. As barreiras detectadas afetam todas as dimensões da adesão ao tratamento, entre as quais se destaca a falta de capacitação e posicionamento dos tomadores de decisão sobre o cuidado da hipertensão.

Humains , Connaissances, attitudes et pratiques en santé , Adhésion et observance thérapeutiques , Hypertension artérielle/prévention et contrôle , Hypertension artérielle/traitement médicamenteux , Facteurs sociodémographiques , Amérique latine
Rev. baiana saúde pública ; 46(Supl. Especial 1): 9-28, 20221214.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1415151


A hipertensão arterial sistêmica constitui um grande problema de saúde pública, devido ao impacto na saúde das pessoas portadoras. Sendo assim, valores pressóricos elevados podem acarretar complicações importantes para o indivíduo. Faz-se necessário, portanto, o controle adequado dos níveis pressóricos e a intervenção multiprofissional tem sido bastante promissora nesse sentido. Este é um estudo observacional, coorte retrospectiva, cujo objetivo é avaliar a prevalência da hipertensão arterial e o efeito do tratamento com equipe multiprofissional nas medidas de pressão arterial em mulheres obesas. Foi realizada análise de um banco de dados preexistente, por meio do programa Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, versão 25. Peso, idade, índice de massa corporal, circunferência abdominal, níveis e controle pressóricos, bem como perfil glicêmico e lipídico, foram as principais variáveis analisadas no primeiro e no último atendimento, com intervalo mínimo de um ano. A prevalência de hipertensão arterial, no primeiro atendimento, foi de 65,2%. No entanto, 15,1% das hipertensas estavam controladas. O tempo de acompanhamento foi, em geral, de seis (4,0 ­ 9,0) anos. No fim do acompanhamento, a prevalência de hipertensão aumentou para 70,9%. A taxa de controle subiu para 41,5%, um incremento, portanto, de 30,4% de hipertensas controladas. As hipertensas apresentaram maior prevalência de diabetes mellitus e síndrome metabólica. O grupo obteve melhora nos níveis pressóricos. Inclusive, a quantidade de hipertensas controladas se elevou. No entanto, a prevalência de diabetes mellitus e síndrome metabólica foi maior nas hipertensas. Sendo assim, novas estratégias precisam ser adotadas de modo a melhorar a adesão terapêutica das pacientes.

Systemic arterial hypertension is a major public health issue due to its impact on the health of affected patients; thus, high blood pressure values can lead to major complications for individuals An adequate control of blood pressure levels is therefore necessary, and multidisciplinary intervention has been very promising in this regard. This observational, retrospective, cohort study evaluates the prevalence of arterial hypertension and the effect of a multidisciplinary team treatment on blood pressure in obese women. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, version 25, analyzed a pre-existing database. Weight, age, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, blood pressure levels and control, as well as glycemic and lipid profile, were the main variables analyzed in the first and last visit, with a minimum interval of one year. Prevalence of arterial hypertension in the first visit was 65.2%, but 15.1% of hypertensive women showed controlled blood pressure. Overall follow-up time was 6 years [4.0 - 9.0]. At the end of follow-up, prevalence of hypertension increased to 70.9%. Control rate increased to 41.5%, that is, 30.4% of hypertensive women with controlled blood pressure levels. Hypertensive women showed a higher prevalence of diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome. Although the group presented improved blood pressure levels, and an increased number of controlled blood pressure, hypertensive women showed a significantly higher prevalence of diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome. Thus, new strategies are need to improve patient therapeutic adherence.

La hipertensión arterial sistémica es un importante problema de salud pública, debido al impacto en la salud de los portadores. Por lo tanto, los valores elevados de presión arterial pueden causar complicaciones importantes para el individuo. Para evitarlo, es necesario un control adecuado de los niveles de presión arterial, y la intervención multidisciplinar ha sido muy prometedora en ese sentido. Este es un estudio observacional, de cohorte retrospectiva, que se propone evaluar la prevalencia de hipertensión arterial y el efecto del tratamiento con equipo multidisciplinario para la medición de la presión arterial de mujeres obesas. Se aplicó un análisis a una base de datos preexistente, utilizando el Paquete Estadístico para las Ciencias Sociales, versión 25. Las variables peso, edad, índice de masa corporal, circunferencia de cintura, niveles y control de presión arterial, así como perfiles glucémicos y lipídicos fueron las principales analizadas en la primera y última asistencias, con intervalo mínimo de un año. La prevalencia de hipertensión arterial en la primera asistencia fue del 65,2%. Sin embargo, el 15,1% de las hipertensas estaban bajo control. El tiempo de seguimiento fue generalmente de seis (4,0 ­ 9,0) años. Al final del seguimiento, la prevalencia de hipertensión aumentó al 70,9%. La tasa de control llegó al 41,5%, un aumento del 30,4% de hipertensas controladas. Las mujeres hipertensas presentaron mayor prevalencia de diabetes mellitus y de síndrome metabólico. El grupo tuvo mejora en los niveles de presión arterial. Incluso tuvo un aumento el número de hipertensas controladas. Sin embargo, la prevalencia de diabetes mellitus y de síndrome metabólico fue mayor en mujeres hipertensas. Por tanto, es necesario adoptar nuevas estrategias para mejorar la adherencia terapéutica de las pacientes.

Humains , Syndrome métabolique X , Diabète , Adhésion et observance thérapeutiques , Hypertension artérielle/prévention et contrôle
Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 26(2)jun. 2022.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405640


RESUMEN Introducción: La hipertensión arterial es la más común de las enfermedades que afectan la salud de los individuos en las poblaciones mundiales. Objetivo: Evaluar el cumplimiento del Programa de Prevención, Diagnóstico y Control de la Hipertensión Arterial en el municipio Santa Clara, en el año 2016. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación observacional, descriptiva, de corte transversal en sistemas y servicios de salud. Se definieron criterios y variables, escala de clasificación, descripción operacional con indicadores y estándar, en tres dimensiones. Resultados: La dimensión estructura fue evaluada de no satisfactorio solo en el 30,76 %. En las dimensiones proceso y resultado todos los indicadores examinados resultaron no satisfactorios. Conclusiones: El Programa de Prevención, Diagnóstico y Control de la Hipertensión Arterial en el municipio de Santa Clara fue evaluado de no satisfactorio.

ABSTRACT Introduction: arterial hypertension is the most common of the diseases affecting individuals' health in world populations. Objective: to evaluate compliance with the Prevention, Diagnosis and Control Program of Arterial Hypertension in Santa Clara municipality, in 2016. Methods: an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in health systems and services. Criteria and variables, rating scale, operational description with indicators and standards were defined in three dimensions. Results: the structure dimension was evaluated as unsatisfactory only in 30.76%. All indicators examined in the result and process dimensions were unsatisfactory. Conclusions: the Prevention, Diagnosis and Control Program of Arterial Hypertension in Santa Clara municipality was evaluated as unsatisfactory.

Qualité des soins de santé , Hypertension artérielle/prévention et contrôle
Int. j. cardiovasc. sci. (Impr.) ; 35(3): 318-326, May-June 2022. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375642


Abstract Background: Uncontrolled blood pressure has been associated with poor adherence to drug treatment. Objectives: To assess blood pressure control in hypertensive patients attending primary health centers after implementation of a pharmaceutical follow-up program in a city of the north of Brazil. Methods: Observational, cross sectional, descriptive study with 163 hypertensive patients attending public primary health care centers - one located on the riverside and one in the urban area of the city of Santarem, western Pará, Brazil. Adherence to the anti-hypertensive treatment was assessed using the eight-item Morisky test. Pharmacotherapy follow-up (Dader method) of patients with uncontrolled hypertension and non-adherent to anti-hypertensive treatment was performed. Results of the normality test showed that the data did not follow a normal distribution. Continuous variables were then compared using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test, and categorical variables by the likelihood ratio and the McNemar tests. Statistical significance was set at 5%. Results: Of the total sample, 94.5% were not adherent to anti-hypertensive drug therapy and 77.2% had uncontrolled hypertension. Adherence rate was higher in men than women (p=0.006). Pharmacotherapy follow-up improved blood pressure levels, particularly systolic blood pressure (p<0.001). Conclusion: An individualized pharmacotherapeutic follow-up, considering regional and cultural specificities, can contribute to the treatment of hypertensin in the primary care.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Jeune adulte , Pharmaciens , Services pharmaceutiques , Soins de santé primaires/méthodes , Adhésion au traitement médicamenteux , Hypertension artérielle/traitement médicamenteux , Services de santé individuels/méthodes , Brésil , Centres de Santé , Santé en zone urbaine , Traitement médicamenteux/méthodes , Hypertension artérielle/prévention et contrôle
Clin. biomed. res ; 42(4): 389-396, 2022.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1516184


Este estudo teve por objetivo reunir evidências científicas sobre o papel dos fatores sociodemográficos na adesão aos anti-hipertensivos na Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) no Brasil. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa com estudos publicados entre 2015 e 2019 em periódicos nacionais. Foram incluídos artigos originais desenvolvidos com hipertensos usuários da APS no Brasil e foram excluídos artigos publicados fora do intervalo temporal citado, bem como revisões de literatura, e os que não tinham como foco os elementos de interesse nesta revisão. Foram selecionados 5 estudos que investigaram variáveis sociodemográficas no contexto da adesão a esta classe de medicamentos na APS. Embora alguns estudos tenham encontrado uma possível interferência de algumas variáveis sociodemográficas na adesão aos anti-hipertensivos na Atenção Básica, há, para cada uma dessas variáveis, resultados divergentes, mostrando que a dimensão sociodemográfica pode ou não interferir na adesão à medicação em um determinado grupo populacional. Nesse sentido, há também resultados sugestivos de que, com oferta efetiva de assistência aos usuários, tais variáveis parecem perderem capacidade de interferirem nesta adesão, em consonância com a hipótese de que características organizacionais dos serviços de saúde têm impacto muito maior na adesão do que diferenças sociodemográficas.

This study aimed to gather scientific evidence on the role of sociodemographic factors in adherence to antihypertensive drugs in Primary Health Care (PHC)_in Brazil. This is an integrative review with studies published between 2015 and 2019 in national journals. Original studies developed with hypertensive PHC users in Brazil were included and articles published outside the time range were excluded, as well as literature reviews, and those that did not focus on the elements of interest of this review. A total of 5 studies that investigated sociodemographic variables in the context of adherence to this class of drugs in PHC were selected. Although some studies have found a possible interference of some sociodemographic variables in adherence to antihypertensive drugs in Primary Care, there are, for each of these variables, divergent results, showing that the sociodemographic dimension may or may not interfere with medication adherence in a given population group. In this sense, there are also results suggesting that, with effective provision of assistance to users, such variables seem to lose their interference capacity in user adherence, in line with the hypothesis that organizational characteristics of health services have a much greater impact on adherence than sociodemographic differences.

Humains , Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Adhésion au traitement médicamenteux/statistiques et données numériques , Antihypertenseurs/usage thérapeutique , Hypertension artérielle/prévention et contrôle , Hypertension artérielle/traitement médicamenteux
J. Phys. Educ. (Maringá) ; 33: e3322, 2022. tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385995


ABSTRACT Physical inactivity is associated with low heart rate variability (HRV) in adolescents. However, whether the number of physical education (PE) classes impact HRV remains unclear. This cross-sectional study verified the association between the frequency of PE classes and HRV parameters in male adolescents. This study included 1152 boys (16.6 ± 1.2 years). The quantity of PE classes was assessed though questionnaire and the adolescents were stratified accordingly (no PE class; one PE class/wk; ≥2 PE classes/wk). Time- (SDNN, RMSSD, PNN50) and frequency-domains (LF, HF, sympathovagal balance) of HRV were obtained. Generalized Linear Models were used for comparing the HRV parameters according to the quantity of PE classes, adjusting for confounders. There was no difference in HRV measures of time: (SDNN, p = 0.77; RMSSD, p=0.72; PNN50, p=0.83) and frequency (LF, p=0.61; HF, p=0.61; sympathovagal balance, p=0.60) between the different frequencies of PE classes. The frequency of PE classes in not associated with HRV parameters of male adolescents.

RESUMO A inatividade física está associada à baixa variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (VFC) em adolescentes. Entretanto, não está claro se o número de aulas de Educação Física (EF) causa impacto na VFC. Este estudo transversal verificou a associação entre a frequência das aulas de EF com parâmetros de VFC em adolescentes do sexo masculino. Foram incluídos 1.152 meninos (16,6 ± 1,2 anos). A quantidade de aulas de EF foi avaliada através de questionário e os adolescentes foram estratificados de acordo (nenhuma aula de EF; uma aula de EF / sem; ≥2 aulas de EF / sem). Os domínios do tempo (SDNN, RMSSD, PNN50) e da frequência (LF, HF, balanço simpático-vagal) da VFC foram obtidos. Modelos Lineares Generalizados foram usados ​​para comparar os parâmetros da VFC de acordo com a quantidade de aulas de EF, ajustando para fatores de confusão. Não houve diferença nas medidas de VFC de tempo: (SDNN, p = 0,77; RMSSD, p = 0,72; PNN50, p = 0,83) e frequência (LF, p = 0,61; HF, p = 0,61; balanço simpatovagal, p = 0,60) entre as diferentes frequências das aulas de EF. A frequência das aulas de EF não está associada aos parâmetros de VFC de adolescentes do sexo masculino.

Humains , Mâle , Adolescent , Éducation physique et entraînement physique/méthodes , Rythme cardiaque/physiologie , Exercice physique , Études transversales/méthodes , Comportement de l'adolescent , Obésité abdominale/prévention et contrôle , Hypertension artérielle/prévention et contrôle , Hommes
Physis (Rio J.) ; 32(2): e320205, 2022. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1386849


Resumo Objetivo: Avaliar a eficiência das ações de controle da hipertensão na Atenção Básica dos municípios da Região Norte do Brasil. Métodos: Estudo avaliativo, descritivo, transversal e quantitativo utilizando Análise Envoltória de Dados. Os insumos foram: recurso financeiro, jornada de trabalho da equipe e utilização de consultórios, e os produtos: ações de controle da HAS (hipertensos cadastrados, consulta individual e visita domiciliar). A coleta de dados foi realizada através dos bancos de dados secundários, com dados referentes ao ano de 2013. Resultados: Foram avaliados 142 municípios estratificados em dois portes populacionais: até 10 mil habitantes (porte 1) e 10.001-20.000 habitantes (porte 2). Os resultados indicaram baixo percentual de municípios eficientes (22,5% no porte 1 e 34,7% no porte 2), com a menor média de eficiência (0,7634) em municípios do porte 1. Os maiores déficits encontrados foram na consulta individual aos hipertensos em ambos os portes (48,6% e 46,6%, respectivamente). Conclusão: Esses municípios apresentaram escores de eficiência abaixo de suas capacidades instaladas e poderiam aumentar suas ações em mais de 40% em média. Tais achados indicam que os gestores poderiam planejar melhor suas ações, otimizando os recursos disponíveis para aumentar a oferta de serviços.

ABSTRACT Objective To evaluate the efficiency of control actions of Hypertension in Primary Health Care in the municipalities in Northern Brazil. Methods: Evaluative, descriptive, cross-sectional and quantitative study using Data Envelopment Analysis. The inputs were: financial resources, team work hours and use of consulting rooms; and the outputs: hypertension control actions (registered hypertensive patients, individual appointment and home visits to hypertensive patients). Data collection was performed through secondary databases, with data for the year 2013. Results: 142 municipalities were stratified into two population sizes were used for the study: up to 10,000 inhabitants (size 1) and 10,001 to 20,000 inhabitants (size 2). The results indicated a low percentage of efficient municipalities (22.5% in size 1 and 34.7% in size 2), with the lowest average efficiency (0.7634) in cities of size 1. The biggest deficits found were in the individual appointment with hypertensive patients in both sizes (48.6% and 46.6% respectively). Conclusions: These municipalities had efficiency scores below their installed capacities and could increase their health actions by more than 40% on average. The results indicate that managers could better plan hypertension actions, optimizing the available resources to increase the offer of services provided to hypertensive patients.

Humains , Évaluation des résultats et des processus en soins de santé , Soins de santé primaires , Efficacité fonctionnement , Hypertension artérielle/prévention et contrôle , Services de médecine préventive , Brésil , Systèmes de Santé
Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 340-345, 2022.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-935290


Objective: To explore the knowledge, attitude and behavior of salt reduction in adults of Beijing in 2017. Methods: Based on the monitoring data of chronic diseases and corresponding risk factors in adults of Beijing in 2017, the indicators of salt reduction knowledge, attitude and behavior of 13 240 participants aged 18-79 years old were analyzed. The awareness rate, attitude support rate and behavior rate were calculated by complex weighting method, and compared among different age groups, genders, residential areas, and history of hypertension. The proportion of people taking various salt reduction measures to the total number of people was compared. Results: The awareness rate of recommended daily salt intake, the awareness of hypertension caused or aggravated by more salt intake, the attitude support rate and behavior rate of adults were 31.77%, 88.56%, 90.27% and 53.86%, respectively. After weighted adjustment, the awareness rate of recommended daily salt intake was 31.08%, which increased with age (χ2trend=431.56, P<0.001) and education level (χ2trend=95.44, P<0.001). The awareness rate of women was higher than that of men (χ²=118.89, P<0.001), and the awareness rate of population in urban areas was higher than that of population in suburban areas (χ²=34.09, P=0.001). The awareness rate of hypertension caused or aggravated by eating more salt was 86.73%. The support rate of salt reduction attitude was 90.45%. The rate of salt-reducing behavior was 54.05%. Among different salt reduction measures, reducing salt when cooking was the most common measure (52.41%), while the least common one (35.22%) was using low sodium salt. Logistic regression model analysis showed that the gender, age, education level, self-reported history of hypertension, awareness of salt recommendation, awareness of hypertension caused or aggravated by eating more salt, and salt reduction attitude were significantly associated with salt reduction behavior. Conclusion: In 2017, adults in Beijing have a basic understanding of the impact of high-salt diet on health and support salt reduction, but the rate of salt reduction behavior is still relatively low. There are obvious gender and age differences, and the salt reduction measure is simple. Targeted measures should be taken to promote the formation of salt reduction behavior.

Adolescent , Adulte , Sujet âgé , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Jeune adulte , Pékin , Régime pauvre en sel , Connaissances, attitudes et pratiques en santé , Hypertension artérielle/prévention et contrôle , Apports nutritionnels recommandés , Chlorure de sodium alimentaire
Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine ; : 23-23, 2022.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928841


BACKGROUND@#Although the age-adjusted incidence and mortality of cancer and cardiovascular disease (CVD) have been decreasing steadily in Japan, both diseases remain major contributors to morbidity and mortality along with the aging society. Herein, we aim to provide a prescription of 10 health tips for long and healthy life named the "Lifelong Health Support 10 (LHS10)."@*METHOD@#The LHS10 was developed by the preventive medicine specialists at the National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center in Suita, where it has been used for health guidance to prevent CVD, cancer, and cognitive decline in addition to their major risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, and obesity. It consisted of the lifestyle modification recommendations of the 2014 Japanese Society of Hypertension guidelines and the 2017 Japan Atherosclerosis Society Guidelines for preventing atherosclerotic CVD. Further, it came in line with other international lifestyle modification guidelines. In this narrative review, we summarized the results of several Japanese epidemiological studies investigating the association between the LHS10 items and the risk of cancer, CVD, and other chronic diseases including dementia, diabetes, and chronic kidney disease.@*RESULTS@#The LHS10 included avoiding smoking and secondhand smoke exposure, engaging in physical activity, refraining from excessive alcohol drinking, reducing fried foods and sugary soft drinks, cutting salt in food, consuming more vegetables, fruits, fish, soy foods, and fibers, and maintaining proper body weight. All items of the LHS10 were shown to reduce the risk of cancer, CVD, and other chronic diseases.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The LHS10 can be a helpful tool for health guidance.

Humains , Maladies cardiovasculaires/prévention et contrôle , Hypertension artérielle/prévention et contrôle , Japon/épidémiologie , Mode de vie , Tumeurs , Ordonnances , Facteurs de risque
Rev. bras. hipertens ; 28(4): 269-271, 10 dez. 2021.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1367455


A hipertensão arterial (HA) é o principal fator contributivo para as doenças cardiovasculares, as quais constituem a mais importante causa de morte prevenível no mundo. A falta de conhecimento da população acerca da doença, e consequentemente de um diagnóstico adequado, torna baixo o número de pessoas que se tratam. O aspecto silencioso da HA, e a má adesão ao tratamento proposto, dentre outros fatores, contribuem para o elevado risco de complicações. A medida da pressão arterial (PA) neste contexto apresenta grande importância não apenas no diagnóstico, mas também no acompanhamento de portadores de HA, podendo ser realizada de forma casual, em consultório, ou fora do mesmo com a utilização de outros métodos para tal. Dentre as medidas de PA, a monitorização residencial da PA (MRPA) se destaca. É um método destinado a fazer registro da PA fora do ambiente de consultório, obedecendo a um protocolo previamente estabelecido e normatizado. Além disto, a MRPA apresenta custos menores do que a monitorização ambulatorial da PA (MAPA). De acordo com a atual Diretriz Brasileira de HA, são considerados anormais valores de PA consultório ≥ 140/90 mmHg e de MRPA ≥ 130/80 mmHg. Sob esta perspectiva, a MRPA é um exame que permite que se faça o diagnóstico de HA verdadeira (PA elevada no consultório e na MRPA), normotensão verdadeira (PA normal no consultório e na MRPA), HA do avental branco (HAB) (PA elevada no consultório e normal na MRPA) e HA mascarada (HM) (PA normal no consultório e elevada na MRPA). O diagnóstico de HM é bastante relevante na prática clínica, pois em termos prognósticos, a HM apresenta um risco cardiovascular maior que a HAB e a normotensão verdadeira. Além disto, a incidência de eventos cardiovasculares na HM é similar ou até superior à da HA verdadeira.

Hypertension is the main contributing factor to cardiovascular diseases, which are the most important cause of death in the world. The lack of proper diagnosis, mainly due to the silent aspect of hypertension, makes the rate of people undergoing treatment low, contributing to the high risk of complications. The measurement of blood pressure (BP) in this context is important not only in the diagnosis, but also in the follow-up of patients with hypertension, and it can be performed casually, in the office, or outside the office, using other methods for this purpose. Home blood pressure monitoring (HBPM) is a method designed to record BP outside the office environment, following a previously established and standardized protocol and has a lower cost than ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) According to the current Brazilian hypertension guideline, office BP values ≥ 140/90 mmHg and HBPM values ≥ 130/80 mmHg are considered abnormal. From this perspective, HBPM is a test that allows the diagnosis of true hypertension (high BP in the office and in HMBP), true normotension (normal BP in the office and in the HBPM), white coat hypertension (high BP in the office and normal BP in HBPM) and masked hypertension (normal BP in the office and high in HBPM). The diagnosis of masked hypertension is quite relevant in clinical practice, because this phenotype has greater cardiovascular risk than true normotension and white coat hypertension. On the other hand, the incidence of cardiovascular events is similar or even greater in masked hypertension in comparison with true hypertension.

Humains , Surveillance ambulatoire de la pression artérielle , Facteurs de risque de maladie cardiaque , Hypertension artérielle/diagnostic , Hypertension artérielle/prévention et contrôle
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408651


Introducción: La hipertensión arterial pudiera ser un elemento clave para la prevención de las enfermedades cardiovasculares, pues constituye su principal denominador común. Es el principal factor de riesgo, para la carga mundial de morbilidad y mortalidad. Objetivo: Caracterizar la prevalencia de hipertensión arterial en Cuba en el año 2019. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio ecológico. Se compararon las prevalencias de hipertensión arterial en las encuestas nacionales de factores de riesgo en los años 1995, 2001 y 2010 respecto a las de la dispensarización de esos años. Se tuvieron en cuenta las prevalencias totales de hipertensión arterial por grupos de edad y sexo, las de cada provincia y del municipio especial Isla de la Juventud. Los datos se procesaron de forma automatizada. Los resultados se expresaron en una tabla y gráficos. Resultados: Las prevalencias de hipertensión arterial encontradas en las encuestas nacionales de factores de riesgo superaron a las de la dispensarización en esos años. La prevalencia de hipertensión arterial se incrementó en la medida que lo hizo la edad. En el grupo de edad de 60 a 64 años, más del 75 por ciento de las personas resultaron hipertensas. En los de 25 a 59, de 65 y más y en el total predominaron las mujeres hipertensas. Conclusiones: Es preciso reducir la brecha entre los pacientes conocidos como hipertensos, dentro del sistema de salud y los que realmente son portadores de la enfermedad, conseguir el manejo adecuado de esta y con eso influir favorablemente en la morbilidad y mortalidad por enfermedades vasculares(AU)

Introduction: Hypertension could be a key element for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, since it constitutes its main common denominator. It is the main risk factor for the global burden of morbidity and mortality. Objective: To characterize the prevalence of arterial hypertension in Cuba in 2019. Methods: An ecological study was carried out. The prevalence rates of arterial hypertension in the national surveys of risk factors in the years 1995, 2001 and 2010 were compared to those of the dispensarization carried out in those years. The total prevalence rates of arterial hypertension were taken into account by age groups and sex, considering also those of each province and of the special municipality of Isla de la Juventud. The data was processed automatically. The results were expressed in a table and in graphs. Results: The prevalence rates of arterial hypertension found in the national surveys of risk factors exceeded those of dispensarization in those years. The prevalence of hypertension increased with age. In the age group 60-64 years, more than 75 percent of people were hypertensive. In those aged 25-59, 65 and over, as well as in the total, hypertensive women predominated. Conclusions: It is necessary to reduce, within the health system, the gap between patients known as hypertensive and those who really are carriers of the disease, to achieve proper management of this and, thus, to have a favorable influence on morbidity and mortality from vascular diseases(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Maladies cardiovasculaires/prévention et contrôle , Hypertension artérielle/prévention et contrôle , Hypertension artérielle/épidémiologie , Facteurs de risque , Cuba , Études Écologiques
Int. j. cardiovasc. sci. (Impr.) ; 34(5,supl.1): 95-104, Nov. 2021. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346334


Abstract Background Religiosity is a system of worship and doctrine that is shared by a group, and spirituality is the individual search for the meaning of life. The relationship between spirituality/religiosity (S/R) and health has a long history, and a positive correlation between spirituality and chronic diseases has been described in scientific literature, showing a decrease in morbidity and mortality in general. Objective To evaluate the association between S/R and the quality of life of patients with diabetes and/or systemic arterial hypertension. Method An observational, analytical, cross-sectional, quantitative study was conducted with a sample consisting of 40 patients treated at the hypertension and diabetes outpatient clinic of a medical center in Recife. The collection used three assessment instruments (SSRS, Duke-DUREL scale, and WHOQOL-BREF). Data from the questionnaires were analyzed using descriptive (frequency and percentage) and inferential statistics (chi-square test and F test) using the R software, version 3.4.3. The level of significance in all analyses was 5%. The study was approved by CEP/IMIP, according to report no. 2.890.126. Result All four domains of the quality-of-life scale (WHOQOL-BREF) showed a positive relationship when correlated with the religiosity scale (DUREL), with statistical significance in the relationship between organizational religiosity and the environmental domain. When correlated with the spirituality scale (SSRS), WHOQOL-BREF also showed a positive relationship, except in the physical domain. Conclusion A positive relationship between quality of life and S/R was shown, thus confirming its importance for patients with diabetes and SAH.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Qualité de vie , Religion et médecine , Spiritualité , Diabète/prévention et contrôle , Hypertension artérielle/prévention et contrôle
Int. j. cardiovasc. sci. (Impr.) ; 34(5): 542-549, Sept.-Oct. 2021. tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1340061


Abstract Background: Increased level of physical activity (PA) and health education are known as non-pharmacological treatments of hypertension (HP). There is a lack of studies investigating the influence of HP knowledge on the level of PA among hypertensive patients. Objective: To examine the influence of patient's knowledge about HP on PA level and the relationship between these variables. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in in a primary care center located in a city in the southern Brazil. A total of 199 hypertensive patients (median 61.2 [13] years; body mass index (BMI) 21.9 (7.5) kg/m2; 72.4% women) were included. The level of PA was assessed by measuring the number of steps taken daily. The knowledge about HP was assessed by a standardized questionnaire (HIPER-Q). The Kruskall-Wallis test was used to compare age, BMI and PA level between HP knowledge categories, and the Spearman test was used to assess correlations (p <0.05). Results: The median score of knowledge about HP for patients categorized as insufficient (n=6, 3%), poor (n=24; 12.1%), acceptable (n=101; 50.8%) and good (n=68; 34.2%) was 11.0 (8.0), 20.0 (4.0), 26.0 (5.0) and 38.0 (2.0), respectively. No patient has achieved an "excellent" level of knowledge. There was no significant difference in PA level (p = 0.341), BMI (p = 0.510) or age (p = 0.073) between these categories. Age was negatively correlated with knowledge about HP (p <0.05 and rho = 0.02). Conclusions: Patient's knowledge about HP did not influence the level of PA in hypertensive patients. Age, number of steps per day and BMI were not significantly different between the categories of knowledge. Public policies and organizational strategy should be addressed to improve health education and avoid sedentary behavior in this population. (Int J Cardiovasc Sci. 2020; [online].ahead print, PP.0-0)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Jeune adulte , Soins de santé primaires , Exercice physique , Connaissances, attitudes et pratiques en santé , Éducation du patient comme sujet , Hypertension artérielle/prévention et contrôle , Qualité de vie , Brésil , Études transversales , Mode de vie sédentaire , Pression artérielle , Politique de santé , Hypertension artérielle/thérapie , Hypertension artérielle/épidémiologie
Détails de la recherche