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J. bras. econ. saúde (Impr.) ; 15(2): 109-115, Agosto/2023.
Article Dans Anglais, Portugais | ECOS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1518869


Objetivo: Analisar o impacto orçamentário da adoção de dispositivos contraceptivos reversíveis de longa duração em uma operadora de plano de saúde localizada no Sul do Brasil. Especificamente, analisamos a incorporação do implante subdérmico de etonogestrel (Implanon®) como alternativa ao sistema intrauterino de levonorgestrel (DIU Mirena® ou DIU Kyleena®), ao longo de um período de 15 anos. Métodos: Realizamos uma análise do impacto orçamentário incremental, considerando a inclusão gradual do implante subdérmico de etonogestrel. Foram considerados dados de uma operadora de planos de saúde com mais de 600.000 beneficiários. O horizonte temporal de 15 anos permitiu uma avaliação abrangente dos efeitos financeiros. Resultados: Identificamos 5.345 pacientes elegíveis para a utilização de contraceptivos reversíveis de longa duração. No cenário em que somente o sistema intrauterino de levonorgestrel era adotado, projetou-se um impacto orçamentário total de R$ 746.379.857,80 ao longo de 15 anos. No cenário alternativo, com a incorporação gradual do implante subdérmico, o impacto orçamentário total foi calculado em R$ 689.800.196,83. Isso resultou em um impacto orçamentário incremental negativo de -R$ 56.579.660,97 ao longo do período. Conclusão: A análise de impacto orçamentário realizada indica um potencial benefício financeiro ao adotar o implante subdérmico de etonogestrel como alternativa ao sistema intrauterino de levonorgestrel para contracepção. Esse achado sugere possíveis reduções de custos na área de saúde suplementar no Brasil, reforçando a importância de avaliar opções economicamente viáveis.

Objective: To analyze the budgetary impact of the adoption of long-acting reversible contraceptive devices in a health plan operator located in southern Brazil. Specifically, we analyzed the incorporation of the etonogestrel subdermal implant (Implanon®) as an alternative to the levonorgestrel intrauterine system (Mirena® IUD or Kyleena® IUD), over a period of 15 years. Methods: We performed an analysis of the incremental budgetary impact, considering the gradual inclusion of the etonogestrel subdermal implant. Data from a health plan operator with more than 600,000 beneficiaries were considered. The 15-year time horizon allowed for a comprehensive assessment of the financial effects. Results: We identified 5,345 patients eligible for the use of long-acting reversible contraceptives. In the scenario where only the levonorgestrel intrauterine system was adopted, a total budget impact of BRL 746,379,857.80 was projected over 15 years. In the alternative scenario, with the gradual incorporation of the subdermal implant, the total budgetary impact was calculated at BRL 689,800,196.83. This resulted in a negative incremental budgetary impact of -R$56,579,660.97 over the period. Conclusion: The budget impact analysis carried out indicates a potential financial benefit in adopting the etonogestrel subdermal implant as an alternative to the levonorgestrel intrauterine system for contraception. This finding suggests possible cost reductions in the supplementary healthcare area in Brazil, reinforcing the importance of evaluating economically viable options.

Analyse coût-bénéfice , Contraception , Implant pharmaceutique , Évaluation du Coût-Efficacité
Femina ; 50(1): 51-60, 2022. ilus
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1358221


Estima-se que 40% das gestações no mundo sejam não planejadas. Em países de baixa renda, complicações no parto são a maior causa de morte entre mulheres de 15 a 19 anos. A disponibilidade de métodos contraceptivos reversíveis é necessária para o adequado planejamento reprodutivo. Entre os métodos reversíveis, os de longa ação (LARCs) são os mais efetivos. Métodos de curta ação (SARCs) são preferenciais para pacientes que desejam gestar a curto prazo e para as quais a gestação não será indesejada. O presente estudo é uma revisão narrativa da literatura, de artigos em inglês e português publicados entre 2009 e 2020, utilizando as bases de dados SciELO, Medline e Embase. O objetivo desta revisão é apresentar os LARCs e SARCs em uma tabela com dados comparativos que auxiliem na tomada de decisão do médico e da paciente e permita estabelecer estratégias para um planejamento familiar adequado.(AU)

It is estimated that 40% of pregnancies in the world are unplanned. In low-income countries, complications in childbirth are the major cause of death among women aged 15 to 19 years. The availability of reversible contraceptive methods is necessary for proper reproductive planning. Among the reversible methods, long-acting reversible contraception (LARCs) is the most effective. Short-acting reversible contraception (SARCs) methods are preferred for patients who wish to become pregnant in the short term and for whom pregnancy will not be undesirable. The present study is a narrative review of the literature, of articles in English and Portuguese published between 2009 and 2020, using the databases SciELO, Medline and Embase. The purpose of this review is to present the LARCs and SARCs in a table with comparative data that assist in the decision making of the doctor and the patient and allow to establish strategies for adequate family planning.(AU)

Humains , Femelle , Grossesse , Méthodes naturelles de planification familiale , Contraception/méthodes , Contraceptifs féminins , Contraception réversible à action prolongée/méthodes , Bases de données bibliographiques , Lévonorgestrel/usage thérapeutique , Association éthinyl oestradiol-norgestrel , Implant pharmaceutique , Détermination de l'admissibilité , Dispositifs intra-utérins , Dispositifs intra-uterins libérant un agent contraceptif
Evid. actual. práct. ambul ; 25(2): e006994, 2022. tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1380545


El spottingo sangrado irregular no menstrual es uno de los principales efectos secundarios de los implantes anticonceptivos, situación que se recomienda discutir con la usuaria previo a la colocación, para evitar falsas expectativas o temores que lleven a la extracción temprana del dispositivo. A propósito de una paciente sin antecedentes relevantes que consultó al centro de salud por spotting desde la colocación del implante cuatro meses antes, decidimos revisar la evidencia sobre la efectividad de los distintos esquemas farmacológicos disponibles para el manejo de este evento adverso. Luego de realizar una búsqueda bibliográfica concluimos que, si bien existe sustento para indicar algunos de los esquemas farmacológicos, este es aún débil y son necesarios estudios clínicos adicionales que brinden evidencia sólida sobre qué esquema en particular utilizar, evaluando sus riesgos y beneficios. (AU)

Spotting or irregular non-menstrual bleeding is one of the main side effects of contraceptive implants, a situation that health professionals must discuss with the user prior to its placement in order to avoid false expectations or fears that lead to early removal of the implant. Regarding a patient with no relevant history who consulted the health center due to spotting four months after implant placement, we decided to review the evidence onthe effectiveness on different pharmacological schemes available for the management of this adverse event. After performing a literature search, we concluded that, although there is support for indicating some of the pharmacological schemes, this is still weak, and further clinical studies are needed to provide solid evidence on which particular scheme touse, assessing its risks and benefits. (AU)

Humains , Femelle , Adulte , Jeune adulte , Ibuprofène/administration et posologie , Contraceptifs féminins/effets indésirables , Contraceptifs oraux/administration et posologie , Contraceptifs oraux/usage thérapeutique , Implant pharmaceutique , Métrorragie/traitement médicamenteux , Essais contrôlés randomisés comme sujet , Désogestrel/effets indésirables , Doxycycline/administration et posologie , Contraceptifs féminins/administration et posologie , Revues systématiques comme sujet
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 86(6): 516-520, dic. 2021. tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388692


INTRODUCCIÓN Y OBJETIVO: El rol de la testosterona exógena en la función sexual femenina ha sido estudiado durante muchos años, con resultados contradictorios. En el último tiempo se ha promovido el uso de pellets de testosterona como una solución para mejorar la libido femenina, la cognición, la fuerza muscular y los sistemas cardiovascular y óseo, e incluso evitar el envejecimiento. Por ello, revisamos las publicaciones para tratar de responder si esto es una moda o el tratamiento más innovador del último tiempo. MÉTODO: Se analizaron las bases de datos PubMed/Medline, Trip Database, Cochrane, SciELO, Scopus, UpToDate, Ovid, ProQuest, Science Direct y ResearchGate. RESULTADOS: De acuerdo con la evidencia, la mejor testosterona disponible es la transdérmica y debe ser usada solo en el trastorno del deseo sexual hipoactivo (TDSH). Los trabajos que evalúan los pellets de testosterona tienen sesgos metodológicos importantes. Si bien son útiles para mejorar la función sexual femenina, producen concentraciones plasmáticas suprafisiológicas de testosterona, por lo que no se puede establecer su seguridad a largo plazo. Tampoco hay datos suficientes que avalen su uso para mejorar el rendimiento cognitivo y el bienestar general, en el tratamiento de enfermedades cardiovasculares o en la prevención de enfermedad ósea. CONCLUSIONES: La testosterona solo se recomienda en el tratamiento del TDSH por vía transdérmica. No recomendamos el uso de pellets de testosterona para el tratamiento de la disfunción sexual ni como hormona antienvejecimiento, ya que no hay estudios consistentes sobre su seguridad, eficacia y efectos adversos a largo plazo.

INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE: The role of exogenous testosterone in female sexual function has been studied for many years with contradictory results. In recent times, the use of testosterone pellets has been promoted as a solution to improve female libido, cognition, muscle strength, cardiovascular system, bone and even prevent aging. Therefore, we will review the publications in order to answer whether this is a fad or the most innovative treatment of recent times. METHOD: The databases PubMed/Medline, Trip Database, Cochrane, SciELO, Scopus, UpToDate, Ovid, ProQuest, Science Direct and ResearchGate were analyzed. RESULTS: So far, the evidence best testosterone available is transdermal testosterone and that it should be used only in hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD). Papers evaluating testosterone pellets have significant methodological biases. While they are useful in improving female sexual function, they produce supra-physiological plasma levels of testosterone, so their long-term safety cannot be established. There is also insufficient data to support their use in improving cognitive performance and general well-being, treatment of cardiovascular disease or prevention of bone disease. CONCLUSIONS: Testosterone is only recommended for the tratment of HSDD via the transdermal route. We do not recommended the use of testosterone pellets for the treatment of sexual dysfunction or as an anti aging hormone, as there are no consistent studies on its safety, efficacy, and long-term adverse effects.

Humains , Femelle , Testostérone/administration et posologie , Dysfonctionnements sexuels psychogènes/traitement médicamenteux , Implant pharmaceutique , Androgènes/biosynthèse
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 80(2): 140-142, Mar.-Apr. 2021. graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1280115


ABSTRACT This report aims to describe the effectiveness of a unilateral intravitreal dexamethasone implant (Ozurdex®) used for the treatment of cystoid macular edema in a patient with recurrent intermediate uveitis. Bearing in mind the adverse effects of the prolonged use of systemic corticosteroids, the objective here was to provide a less damaging form of intervention, and also to demonstrate the safety of the dexamethasone implant for patients who fail to respond to conventional treatment. In the present case, there was bilateral improvement in retinal anatomy and function with use of the unilateral intravitreal dexamethasone implant (Ozurdex®).

RESUMO Neste estudo, o objetivo foi descrever, a partir de um relato de caso, a eficácia do uso de implante de dexametasona intravítrea (Ozurdex®) unilateral, para o tratamento de edema macular cistoide, em um paciente com quadro de uveíte intermediária recorrente, visando uma terapêutica menos lesiva, diante dos efeitos colaterais do uso prolongado de corticoesteroides sistêmicos, demonstrando também a segurança desse tratamento alternativo para aqueles pacientes que se apresentam refratários a terapêutica tradicional. No caso relatado, vale ressaltar a melhora bilateral da anatomia e função retiniana com o implante unilateral de dexametasona intravítrea (Ozurdex®).

Humains , Femelle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Dexaméthasone/administration et posologie , Uvéite intermédiaire/complications , Oedème maculaire/étiologie , Oedème maculaire/traitement médicamenteux , Acuité visuelle , Uvéite intermédiaire/diagnostic , Oedème maculaire/diagnostic , Tomographie par cohérence optique , Implant pharmaceutique/administration et posologie , Injections intravitréennes
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 86(1): 68-75, feb. 2021. graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388632


INTRODUCCIÓN: La anticoncepción hormonal, a través de implantes subdérmicos, es uno de los métodos anticonceptivos reversibles de larga duración más eficaces en la actualidad que está disponible en nuestro país en forma gratuita en el sistema público. OBJETIVO: Reconocer los efectos adversos y los motivos de retiro del Implante Jadelle® en usuarias del Hospital de Clínicas, así como evaluar la información recibida por las usuarias al momento de la colocación. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Un total de 160 pacientes participaron en el estudio a través de una encuesta previo consentimiento informado. Se utilizó la estadística descriptiva en números absolutos y porcentuales. Resultados: Previo al uso, recibieron información sobre los probables efectos adversos del método el 83% de ellas, y acerca de la efectividad del método el 89 %. En cuanto a efectos adversos los presentaron el 80,6% de las usuarias, siendo la irregularidad de la menstruación la causa más frecuente constituyendo un 61%. CONCLUSIONES: Es alta la frecuencia de pacientes que presentan efectos adversos y que solicitan retiro del implante antes del tiempo a causa de ello, 35% de las usuarias, siendo el principal motivo la irregularidad menstrual en un 43% de los casos. Es recomendable realizar un correcto asesoramiento previo a la colocación e incentivar a las pacientes a concurrir a los controles médicos, luego de la colocación, para brindar asesoramiento y tratamiento si se presentara algún efecto adverso, con el fin de obtener una mejor continuidad de uso del método.

INTRODUCTION: Hormonal contraception, through subdermal implants, is one of the most effective long active reversal contraceptive methods currently available in our country for free in the public system. OBJETIVE: Recognize the adverse effects and the reasons for its withdrawal in users of the Hospital de Clínicas as well as to evaluate the information received by the users at the time of placement. METHODOLOGY: A total of 160 patients participated in the work with prior informed consent through a survey. Descriptive statistics were used in absolute and percentage numbers. They received information on the probable adverse effects of the 83% pre-use method, about the effectiveness of the 89% method. RESULTS: Regarding adverse effects, they were present in 80.6% of the users; the being irregularity of menstruation is the most frequent, constituting 61%. Concluding that the frequency of patients presenting with adverse effects and requesting removal of the implant before the time is high because of it, 35% of the users who requested removal menstrual irregularities were the main reason for 43% of patients. CONCLUSIONS: It is advisable to make a correct advice prior to placement and encourage patients to attend medical controls, after placement, to provide advice and treatment if any adverse effect occurs, in order to give better use in terms of method time.

Humains , Femelle , Adolescent , Adulte , Jeune adulte , Contraceptifs féminins/effets indésirables , Ablation de dispositif , Implant pharmaceutique/effets indésirables , Progestérone/administration et posologie , Progestérone/effets indésirables , Études transversales , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Lévonorgestrel/administration et posologie , Lévonorgestrel/effets indésirables , Contraception/méthodes , Contraceptifs féminins/administration et posologie , Motivation
Archiv. med. fam. gen. (En línea) ; 17(2): 30-34, no. 2020.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, InstitutionalDB, UNISALUD | ID: biblio-1293060


INTRODUCCIÓN: Se describe la población usuaria del implante subdérmico (ISD) colocado por el equipo de salud, entre junio de 2016 a junio del 2019 en el marco del Programa de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva y Procreación Responsable. OBJETIVOS: Describir la población incluida en el programa, usuarias del ISD, que se lo colocaron en la US de Loma Paraguaya entre 1/6/2016 al 1/6/2019. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio Observacional-Transversal-Descriptivo. Mujeres en edad fértil que se hayan colocado un ISD en la US de Loma Paraguaya entre 1/6/2016 al 1/6/2019. RESULTADOS: El total de usuarias fue 52 mujeres registradas. La media de edad: 24 años, con un rango entre 14-41 años. El 55.7% (29) de las usuarias tenía al momento de la colocación entre 15 y 24 años (rango propuesto por el PSSyPR), 1 usuaria (1.9%) tenía menos de 15 años y 42,3% (22 pacientes) tenía una edad superior a los 24 años. DISCUSIÓN: La incorporación del ISD como MAC permitió aportar una opción más como método de larga duración, con el objetivo de disminuir el número de embarazos no intencionales en adolescentes y su repitencia. Más de la mitad de la población usuaria del ISD se encontraba dentro del rango etario; sin embargo, un 42% de las usuarias son mayores de 24 años. CONCLUSIONES: En nuestra población el ISD es solicitado por un grupo etario amplio de 14 a 41 años, la media es de 24 años. Ampliar el criterio de recomendación para su uso lo pone al alcance de las mujeres y sus preferencias (AU)

INTRODUCTION: The population using the subdermal implant (ISD) placed by the health team is described between June 2016 to June 2019 within the framework of the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Responsible Procreation Program. OBJECTIVES: To describe the population included in the program, users of the ISD, who were placed in the US of Loma Paraguaya between 1/6/2016 to 1/6/2019. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Observational-Cross-Sectional-Descriptive Study. Women of childbearing age who have had an ISD in the US of Loma Paraguaya between 1/6/2016 to 1/6/2019. RESULTS: The total of users was 52 registered women. The average age: 24 years, with a range between 14-41 years. 55.7% (29) of the users had at the time of placement between 15 and 24 years (range proposed by the PSSyPR), 1 user (1.9%) was under 15 years old and 42.3% (22 patients) had a age over 24 years. DISCUSSION: the incorporation of ISD as MAC allowed us to provide one more option as a long-term method, with the aim of reducing the number of unintended pregnancies in adolescents and their repetition. More than half of the ISD user population was within the age range; however, 42% of users are over 24 years old. CONCLUSIONS: In our population, ISD is requested by a broad age group of 14 to 41 years, the average is 24 years. Expanding the recommendation criteria for its use makes it available to women and their preferences (AU)

Humains , Femelle , Grossesse , Centres de Santé , Contraception/méthodes , Implant pharmaceutique , Argentine , Services de santé génésique
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 83(3): 246-249, May-June 2020. graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1131591


ABSTRACT The intravitreal dexamethasone implant is a sustained-release anti-inflammatory drug system that releases 0.7 mg of dexamethasone into the vitreous cavity. The following case report describes a rare complication: accidental injection of the dexamethasone implant into the crystalline lens. A 73-year-old woman was diagnosed with central retina vein occlusion and cystoid macular edema. Initial tSreatment included three monthly intravitreal doses of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor treatment, which was not successful. Treatment was then modified to an intravitreal dexamethasone implant. Ten weeks later, the implant was observed in the posterior cortex of the crystalline lens. Because no improvement had occurred, the patient underwent phacoemulsification surgery, during which part of the lens migrated into the vitreous cavity. Therefore, 23-gauge pars plana complete vitrectomy was performed with trans-surgical administration of intravitreal aflibercept. Crystalline lens injury due to an intravitreal dexamethasone implant is a rare complication and typically results from the injection procedure. Immediate surgical or conservative approaches should be considered on an individual basis.

RESUMO O implante intravítreo de dexametasona é um sistema anti-inflamatório de liberação sustentada que libera 0,7 mg de dexametasona na cavidade vítrea. O relato de caso a seguir descreve uma complicação rara: injeção acidental do implante de Dexametasona no cristalino. Uma mulher de 73 anos foi diagnosticada com oclusão da veia central da retina e edema macular cistóide. O tratamento inicial incluiu três doses intravítreas mensais de tratamento com fator de crescimento endothelial anti-vascular, que não tiveram sucesso. O tratamento foi então mudado para um implante intravítreo de dexametasona. Dez semanas depois, o implante foi observado no córtex posterior do cristalino. Como não houve melhora, a paciente foi submetida à cirurgia de facoemulsificação, durante a qual parte do cristalino migrou para a cavidade vítrea. Portanto, foi realizada vitrectomia completa via pars plana 23-gauge com administração de aflibercepte intravítreo durante a cirurgia. Lesões no cristalino devido a implantes intravítreos de dexametasona são uma complicação rara e geralmente resulta do procedimento de injeção. Abordagens cirúrgicas ou conservadoras imediatas devem ser consideradas caso a caso.

Humains , Femelle , Dexaméthasone , Implant pharmaceutique , Glucocorticoïdes , Cristallin , Acuité visuelle , Injections intravitréennes
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 83(3): 242-245, May-June 2020. graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1131596


ABSTRACT This report describes the therapeutic effects and outcomes of an accidental injection of an intralenticular sustained-release dexamethasone implant (Ozurdex®) in three patients with diabetic macular edema. All three patients underwent accidental injections of sustained-release intravitreal dexamethasone implants into the crystalline lens by the same surgeon. After the accidental injection of Ozurdex® into the crystalline lens, a remarkable reduction in the macular edema and an improvement in visual acuity were observed, suggesting that a positive outcome can be achieved without immediate surgery.

RESUMO Este estudo descreve os efeitos terapêuticos e os resultados de uma injeção acidental de implante intralenticular de dexametasona de liberação sustentada (Ozurdex®) em três pacientes com edema macular diabético. Todos os três pacientes foram submetidos a injeções acidentais de implantes intravítreos de dexametasona de liberação sustentada na lente do cristalino pelo mesmo cirurgião. Após a injeção acidental de Ozurdex® na lente do cristalino, observou-se uma redução notável no edema macular e uma melhora na acuidade visual, sugerindo que um resultado positivo pode ser alcançado sem cirurgia imediata.

Humains , Dexaméthasone , Oedème maculaire , Rétinopathie diabétique , Cristallin , Implant pharmaceutique , Injections intravitréennes , Glucocorticoïdes
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 83(1): 73-75, Jan.-Feb. 2020. graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1088954


ABSTRACT We describe three patients who had previous heart diseases and nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with clinically significant diabetic macular edema. They underwent unilateral dexamethasone intravitreal implantation. Without ophthalmological treatment in the fellow eye, patients showed marked bilateral improvement in best-corrected visual acuity, optical coherence images, and macular thickness values. These findings provide evidence of the bilateral effect of dexamethasone intravitreal implantation, which may be clinically useful in patients for whom the systemic effects of the drug may affect their general health.

RESUMO Descrevemos três pacientes que tiveram doenças cardíacas prévias e retinopatia diabética não proliferativa com edema macular diabético clinicamente significativo. Eles foram submetidos a implante intravítreo de dexametasona unilateral. Sem tratamento oftalmológico no olho contralateral, os pacien tes apresentaram uma melhora bilateral significativa na melhor acuidade visual corrigida, nas imagens de coerência óptica e nos valores da espessura macular. Esses achados fornecem evidências sobre o efeito bilateral do implante intravítreo de dexametasona, que pode ser clinicamente útil em pacientes para os quais os efeitos sistêmicos da droga possam afetar a saúde geral do paciente.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Dexaméthasone/administration et posologie , Oedème maculaire/traitement médicamenteux , Rétinopathie diabétique/traitement médicamenteux , Glucocorticoïdes/administration et posologie , Acuité visuelle , Oedème maculaire/physiopathologie , Tomographie par cohérence optique/méthodes , Diabète , Rétinopathie diabétique/physiopathologie , Implant pharmaceutique , Injections intravitréennes
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 19(4): 344-356, 2020. tab, ilus
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1283652


Many chronic diseases require repetitive injections as maintenance treatment. It is therefore important to investigate a possible alternative. A simulated subcutaneous implant prototype was fabricated as a polymer matrix covered by cylinder-shape tubing having a porous membrane. Sucrose, bovine serum albumin, and gelatin were selected as matrix excipients. Eight APIs with different physiochemical properties were used to investigate the releasing mechanism. Drug release was tested through an in vitrodissolution apparatus. Drug release of eight APIs followed zero-order kinetics with a minimum 12-hour duration. Release rates also showed linear correlations with the APIs' solubilities under physiological pH. For releasing mechanism studies, different combinations of matrix and membrane were investigated in detail. A 144-hour continuous zero-order release of caffeine was achieved as the best controlled simulated prototype. The results showed that drug release of our simulated prototype was primarily achieved by drug diffusion rather than dissolution.

Muchas enfermedades crónicas requieren inyecciones repetitivas como tratamiento de mantenimiento. Por lo tanto, es importante investigar una posible alternativa. Se fabricó un prototipo de implante subcutáneo simulado a partir de una matriz de polímero cubierta por un tubo en forma de cilindro que tiene una membrana porosa. La sacarosa, la albúmina de suero bovino y la gelatina se seleccionaron como excipientes matriciales. Se utilizaron ocho APIs con diferentes propiedades fisicoquímicas para investigar el mecanismo de liberación. La liberación del fármaco se probó a través de un aparato de disolución in vitro. La liberación del fármaco de las ocho APIs siguió una cinética de orden cero con una duración mínima de 12 horas. Las tasas de liberación también mostraron correlaciones lineales con las solubilidades de las APIs a pH fisiológico. Para los estudios de mecanismos de liberación, se investigaron en detalle diferentes combinaciones de matriz y membrana. El prototipo simulado con mejor control logró una liberación continua de cafeína de orden cero durante 144 horas. Los resultados mostraron que la liberación del fármaco del prototipo simulado ocurrió principalmente mediante la difusión del fármaco en lugar de la disolución.

Préparations pharmaceutiques/administration et posologie , Implant pharmaceutique/métabolisme , Techniques in vitro , Projets pilotes , Chromatographie en phase liquide à haute performance , Tissu sous-cutané , Préparations à action retardée , Évaluation préclinique de médicament , Libération de médicament , Lyophilisation
J. vasc. bras ; 19: e20200040, 2020. graf
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1135114


Resumo Os procedimentos terapêuticos invasivos têm aumentado frequentemente com a evolução da medicina, consequentemente aumentando o número de complicações decorrentes deles. O dispositivo contraceptivo subdérmico (DCS) tem um benefício para a contracepção feminina, mas o implante e a retirada apresentam uma taxa de complicações em torno de 3%. Neste artigo, relatamos e discutimos um caso de pseudoaneurisma traumático da artéria braquial após tentativa de retirada do implante, complicada com a compressão do nervo mediano.

Abstract The frequency of invasive therapeutic procedures has increased as medicine evolves, and the number of complications related to them has increased as a consequence. Subdermal contraceptive implants (SCI) offer benefits for female contraception, but implant and removal are associated with a complication rate of around 3%. In this article, we report and discuss a case of traumatic brachial artery pseudoaneurysm after an attempt to remove an SCI, complicated by compression of the median nerve.

Humains , Femelle , Adolescent , Faux anévrisme , Contraceptifs féminins , Implant pharmaceutique/effets indésirables , Artère brachiale , Nerf médian , Syndromes de compression nerveuse
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 39(10): 837-842, Oct. 2019. ilus
Article Dans Anglais | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1056907


Chitosan has been successfully used as a biomaterial with several purposes in many species. In this study, chitosan membranes were produced with six different types of materials, and their behavior were evaluated upon implantation in the subcutaneous tissue of the flank of twelve healthy horses. We assessed chitosan membranes obtained from commercial chitosan, impregnated or not with silver nanoparticles, sterilized with ethylene oxide (CCEO, n=3; CCSNEO, n=3) or by ultraviolet radiation (CCUR, n=3; CCSNUR, n=3), and chitosan membranes obtained from squid gladius, sterilized with ethylene oxide (SCEO, n=6) or by ultraviolet radiation (SCUR, n=6). The same animals were randomly used in two experimental groups, with a minimum interval of 60 days between procedures, respecting the fact of only one flank side, left or right, be under evaluation by experimental period. After preparation of the membranes and implantation in the flank subcutaneous tissue of the horses, macroscopic and ultrasonographic evaluations of the implant regions were performed, as well as physical examination, blood count and fibrinogen measurement. No clinical or laboratory abnormalities were observed. All animals that received commercial chitosan membranes, regardless of the preparation technique, showed rejection to the biomaterials, considering that 100% of the surgical wounds presented dehiscence of suture and expulsion of the implants. The animals that received squid gladius chitosan membranes showed success in the treatment, with healing by primary intention of the surgical wound. We conclude that squid gladius chitosan membranes are biocompatible and biodegradable when implanted in the subcutaneous tissue of the flank of healthy horses.(AU)

A quitosana tem sido utilizada, com sucesso, como biomaterial para diversas espécies e finalidades. Neste estudo foi avaliada a confecção de membranas de quitosana, produzidas a partir de seis tipos de materiais diferentes e foi estudado seu comportamento quando implantadas no tecido subcutâneo do flanco de doze equinos sadios. Foram avaliadas membranas de quitosana obtidas de quitosana comercial, impregnadas ou não com nanopartículas de prata, esterilizadas com óxido de etileno (QCOE, n=3; QCNPOE, n=3) ou por radiação ultravioleta (QCRU, n=3; QCNPRU, n=3) e membranas de quitosana obtidas do gládio de lula, esterilizadas com óxido de etileno (GLOE, n=6) ou por radiação ultravioleta (GLRU, n=6). Os mesmos animais foram utilizados em dois grupos experimentais, de forma aleatória, com um intervalo mínimo de sessenta dias entre os procedimentos, respeitando-se o fato de apenas um lado do flanco, esquerdo ou direito, estar em avaliação por período experimental. Após preparo das membranas e implantação no tecido subcutâneo do flanco dos equinos, foram realizadas avaliações macroscópicas e ultrassonográficas das regiões de implante, além de exames físicos, hemogramas e fibrinogênio. Não foram observadas alterações clínicas e laboratoriais. Todos os animais que receberam membranas de quitosana comercial, independente da técnica de preparo, demonstraram rejeição dos biomateriais, uma vez que 100% das feridas cirúrgicas apresentaram deiscência da sutura e expulsão dos implantes. Os animais que receberam as membranas de quitosana de gladio de lula demonstraram sucesso no tratamento, com cicatrização das feridas cirúrgicas por primeira intenção. Conclui-se que membranas de quitosana de gládio de lula são biocompatíveis e biodegradáveis, quando implantadas no tecido subcutâneo do flanco de equinos sadios.(AU)

Animaux , Cicatrisation de plaie , Chitosane/effets indésirables , Chitosane/usage thérapeutique , Equus caballus , Implant pharmaceutique
Asian Journal of Andrology ; (6): 195-199, 2018.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009558


A variety of methods for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) exist, and the major potential risks of TRT have been well established. The risk of developing polycythemia secondary to exogenous testosterone (T) has been reported to range from 0.4% to 40%. Implantable T pellets have been used since 1972, and secondary polycythemia has been reported to be as low as 0.4% with this administration modality. However, our experience has suggested a higher rate. We conducted an institutional review board-approved, single-institution, retrospective chart review (2009-2013) to determine the rate of secondary polycythemia in 228 men treated with subcutaneously implanted testosterone pellets. Kaplan-Meyer failure curves were used to estimate time until the development of polycythemia (hematocrit >50%). The mean number of pellets administered was 12 (range: 6-16). The mean follow-up was 566 days. The median time to development of polycythemia whereby 50% of patients developed polycythemia was 50 months. The estimated rate of polycythemia at 6 months was 10.4%, 12 months was 17.3%, and 24 months was 30.2%. We concluded that the incidence of secondary polycythemia while on T pellet therapy may be higher than previously established.

Adulte , Sujet âgé , Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Androgènes/effets indésirables , Implant pharmaceutique , Hématocrite , Hormonothérapie substitutive/méthodes , Hypogonadisme/traitement médicamenteux , Estimation de Kaplan-Meier , Polyglobulie/épidémiologie , Études rétrospectives , Testostérone/effets indésirables
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 54(4): e00228, 2018. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001573


Dextromethorphan hydrobromide (DM) sustained release matrix pellets containing 10% w/w drug were prepared by an extrusion/spheronization technique. The effect of mixing different concentrations of ethyl cellulose (EC), hydroxypropyl methylcellulpse (HPMC K10), and Carbopol 934 with Avicel PH101 on the rheological properties of pellet wet mass was evaluated using mixer torque rheometry (MTR). The prepared pellets were characterized for size, drug content, and in-vitro DM release rate. The results showed that increasing the concentration of the hydrophobic polymer (EC) with Avicel PH101 decreased wet mass consistency, represented by mass mean line torque. Lower binder ratio was required for optimum wet massing, while mixing with swellable polymers (HPMC and Carbopol) caused a noticeable increase in both mean line torque and binder ratio. Combinations of HPMC and Carbopol at higher concentrations resulted in controlled in vitro release of DM from the prepared pellets. Furthermore, mathematical treatment of the in vitro release data of DM from the prepared pellets showed that all formulations except those containing 5% Carbopol plus 5% HPMC (F10) follow first order release. n values of these formulation were in the range of 0.09-0.40, which support an anomalous non-Fickian release.

Dextrométhorphane/analyse , Implant pharmaceutique/pharmacologie , Techniques in vitro , Formes posologiques
Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2018. 355 p. ilus.
Thèse Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562522


Esta tese apresenta a vida social de implantes hormonais subdérmicos produzidos e comercializados unicamente no Brasil desde a década de 1990 por uma empresa de manipulação de medicamentos denominada Elmeco. Esses objetos farmacológicos são compostos por dois elementos fundamentais: um tubo de silicone e uma substância química derivada dos chamados hormônios sexuais. Desde essa composição tecnológica podem ser manejados em distintas combinações através da realização de procedimento de inserção sob a pele. A ascendência destes objetos biomédicos está relacionada às políticas demográficas internacionais nas décadas de 1960 e 1970, quando um consórcio político-científico, coordenado pelo Population Council, buscava sistemas de administração de contraceptivos hormonais eficazes para controlar a fertilidade de mulheres de países periféricos na geopolítica global. Desde os primórdios da preparação deste sistema de administração de hormônios, pesquisadores brasileiros estiveram envolvidos nas pesquisas clínicas, com destacada contribuição do médico e pesquisador Elsimar Coutinho na cidade de Salvador, Bahia. Mesmo diante de vigorosas reações de pesquisadores brasileiros, durante a década de 1980, os ensaios clínicos com a primeira marca registrada de implante hormonal subdérmico no mundo, o Norplant®, foram proibidas no país e a vida desta forma farmacêutica foi provisoriamente encerrada localmente. Este episódio, entretanto, não significou o fim da vida dos implantes subdérmicos no Brasil. Desde a década de 1990, com o engajamento de Elsimar Coutinho, foi edificada uma empresa-laboratório de manipulação de medicamentos com o nome Elmeco. Assumindo a chave metodológica proposta por Geest e Whyte (1996) esta tese delineia três fases na vida social dos implantes hormonais subdérmicos produzidos pela Elmeco: a) fase de fabricação, produção e comercialização: destaca-se o processamento da cadeia produtiva operada na Elmeco, b) a fase intermediária: apresenta-se o processo de distribuição dos produtos aos seus consumidores que, no caso dos implantes, processa-se centralmente na clínica, que é, ao mesmo tempo, o espaço físico e um tipo de prática sobre o corpo hormonal; c)a fase final: analisa-se as eficácias farmacológicas destes pequenos fármacos, tomando os diferentes atores envolvidos em seu transcurso existencial: as mulheres, as farmacêuticas e os médicos. Cada estágio do ciclo de vida dos implantes possui atores, espacialidades, temporalidades e um regime de valores e normas, que são apresentadas na tese. Ainda que se procure delinear as singularidades de cada fase, um interesse comum permaneceu ao longo de toda a tese: as modificações nas relações entre corpo e objeto que se estabelecem a partir das práticas através das quais os implantes nucleiam associações e relações farmacopolíticas e, ao fazê-lo, customiza corpos sexualizados e formas de vida com distinções de classe nos cenários da biomedicina contemporânea que se enseja dentro da racionalidade neoliberal do século XXI. A eficácia farmacêutica é o último e decisivo estágio de vida, pois ela enseja o próprio sentido da existência de objetos farmacológicos. Nos contextos estudados, as relações corpo-objeto se orientam em direção à finalidade de existência deste objeto farmacológico, que são as modificações corporais possibilitadas pelos imaginários farmacêuticos dos hormônios sexuais androgênicos. Hibridizados, corpo-objeto, fazem-se um tipo de ciborgue farmacoquimico empresa cujos atributos valorizados são as atitudes enérgicas.

This thesis presents the social life of subdermal hormonal implants produced and marketed only in Brazil since the 1990s by a drug-handling company called Elmeco.They are composed of two fundamental elements: a silicone tube and a chemical substance derived from the so-called sex hormones. The ascendancy of these biomedical objects is related to international demographic policies in the 1960s and 1970s when a political-scientific consortium, coordinated by the Population Council, sought effective hormonal contraceptive delivery systems to control the fertility of women from peripheral countries in global geopolitics . Since the beginning of the preparation of this system of hormone administration, Brazilian researchers have been involved in clinical research, with a distinguished contribution by the physician and researcher Elsimar Coutinho in the city of Salvador, Bahia. Even in the face of vigorous reactions from Brazilian researchers during the 1980s, clinical trials with the world's first brand of subdermal hormone implant Norplant® were banned in the country and life in this pharmaceutical form was provisionally closed locally. This episode, however, did not mean the end of life of the subdermal implants in Brazil. Since the 1990s, Elsimar Coutinho has been involved in the development of a drug-handling laboratory with the name Elmeco. Assuming the methodological key proposed by Geest and Whyte (1996), this thesis delineates three phases in the social life of the subdermal hormonal implants produced by Elmeco: a) manufacturing phase, production and commercialization: we highlight the processing of the production chain operated at Elmeco, b) the intermediate phase: the process of distribution of the products to its consumers is presented, which in the case of implants, is processed centrally in the clinic, which is both physical space and a type of practice on the body hormonal; c) the final phase: the pharmacological efficacies of these small drugs are analyzed, taking the different actors involved in their existential course: women, pharmacists and doctors. Each stage of the implant life cycle has actors, spatiality, temporalities, and a regime of values and norms, which are presented in the thesis. Although one tries to delineate the singularities of each phase, a common interest remained throughout the thesis: the modifications in the relations between body and object that are established from the practices through which the implants nucleate associations and pharmacopolitical relations and, at the same time, to do so, customizes sexualized bodies and life forms with class distinctions in the scenarios of contemporary biomedicine that comes within the neoliberal rationality of the 21st century. Pharmaceutical efficacy is the ultimate and decisive stage of life, since it gives rise to the very meaning of pharmacological objects. In the contexts studied, body-object relations are oriented toward the purpose of existence of this pharmacological object, which are the bodily modifications made possible by the pharmaceutical imaginaries of the androgenic sex hormones. Hybridized, body-object, they become a type of cyborg pharmacoquimico company whose valued attributes are energetic, productive, vibrant, sexualized, strong and beautiful attitudes that are possible through a unique ordering of practicality, effectiveness, continuous functioning and excitement and continuous stimuli.

Humains , Femelle , Sexualité , Implant pharmaceutique/ressources et distribution , Médicalisation , Contraceptifs hormonaux , Politique de santé , Brésil , Avancée biomédicale
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 22(1): 43-52, jan. 2017.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-839903


Resumo Norplant® é a marca do primeiro implante hormonal subdérmico contraceptivo registrado no mundo, desenvolvido nos laboratórios do Population Council, organização internacional direcionada ao tema da fertilidade e crescimento populacional. O artigo revisita a trajetória deste contraceptivo no Brasil desde sua chegada, através de pesquisas clínicas, até sua proibição em 1986 pelo órgão brasileiro responsável por medicamentos na ocasião. Sua circulação gerou controvérsias relacionadas a práticas de pesquisa, efeitos colaterais e usos políticos do método. Este artigo concentra sua análise nas divergências relacionadas com as práticas de pesquisa. Utilizou-se a técnica de análise de controvérsia, revisitando as versões dos envolvidos, investigando suas compreensões e os efeitos que este objeto produziu em suas redes. O Norplant® provocou deslocamentos e associações entre grupos da sociedade, autoridades do Estado, cientistas e médicos, indústria, produtos farmacêuticos, procedimentos de pesquisas, instrumentos burocráticos, usuárias de contraceptivos. Estilos de pensamento médico científicos foram sacudidos e novas formas de pensar autonomia científica começaram a ser discutidas no país.

Abstract Norplant® is the brand name of the world's first registered subdermal hormonal contraceptive implant, developed by the laboratories of the Population Council, an international organisation working in the area of fertility and population growth. The article revisits the trajectory of this contraceptive in Brazil from its arrival through clinical trials to its eventual ban in 1986 by the Brazilian regulatory agency responsible for approving medications at the time. Its circulation generated controversies related to research practices, side effects and political uses of the drug as a birth control method. This article focuses its analysis on the divergences related to research practices. It uses a controversy analysis technique, reviewing the versions of those involved, investigating their understandings and the effects that this object generated in their networks. Norplant® provoked displacements and associations between civil society groups, State authorities, scientists and physicians, industry, pharmaceutical products, research procedures, bureaucratic instruments, and the female users of the contraceptives. Scientific styles of medical thought were shaken up and new forms of thinking about scientific autonomy began to be discussed in the country.

Humains , Femelle , Lévonorgestrel/administration et posologie , Agrément de médicaments , Contraceptifs féminins/administration et posologie , Recherche biomédicale/normes , Politique , Brésil , Lévonorgestrel/effets indésirables , Contraceptifs féminins/effets indésirables , Recherche biomédicale/éthique , Éthique de la recherche , Implant pharmaceutique
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol ; 81(6): 489-495, dic. 2016. tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-844521


Objetivo: Describir las características del patrón sangrado uterino de las adolescentes que usan el implante anticonceptivo sudérmico de etonogestrel (IASE) que concurren a un centro especializado en salud sexual y reproductiva de adolescentes en Santiago, Chile, y su asociación con variables biopsicosocial. Método: Estudio de cohorte retrospectiva de las usuarias de IASE. Los datos fueron analizados utilizando la ecuación de estimación generalizada, análisis de sobrevida de Kaplan Meier y test de log-rank. Resultados: La cohorte incluyó a 62 adolescentes. La media de edad fue de 16,2 años. Las participantes recibieron asesoramiento anticonceptivo antes de la inserción del IASE, y fueron seguidas durante tres años. Los patrones de sangrado más frecuentes durante el primer año fue el de amenorrea (40,5%) y el sangrado aceptable (27,1%), mientras que el menos frecuente fue prolongado y/o sangrado frecuente (15,8%). De acuerdo con el análisis de sobrevida, la única variable biopsicosocial asociado con patrón prolongado y/o sangrado frecuente fue condición médica previa. Cinco adolescentes (8%) se retiraron el IASE. Conclusiones: El IASE es una opción anticonceptiva segura y altamente eficaz para las adolescentes, independientemente de la paridad. La consejería es de gran importancia para fomentar la tolerancia y la adhesión al implante.

Objectives: To describe uterine bleeding patterns of adolescents using the long term etonogestrel contraceptive implant (ENG implant) attending a specialized adolescent sexual and reproductive health centre in Santiago, Chile, and test their association with bio-psychosocial variables. Methods: A retrospective cohort study of ENG implant users was conducted and data were analysed using the Generalized Estimating Equation, Kaplan Meier Survival Analysis and Log-Rank Test. Results: The cohort included 62 adolescents with and average age at inclusion of 16.2 years. Participants received contraceptive counselling prior to insertion of an ENG implant, and were followed up for three years. The most frequent bleeding patterns during the first year were amenorrhea (40.5%) and acceptable bleeding (27.1%), whilst the least frequent was prolonged and/or frequent bleeding (15.8%). According to the survival analysis, the only bio-psychosocial variable associated with prolonged and/or frequent bleeding was prior medical condition. Five adolescents (8%) withdrew from the treatment. Conclusions: The ENG implant is a safe and highly effective contraceptive option for adolescents, regardless of parity. Counselling is of great importance to foster tolerance and adherence to the ENG implant.

Humains , Femelle , Adolescent , Jeune adulte , Contraceptifs oraux combinés/administration et posologie , Désogestrel/administration et posologie , Dispositifs intra-uterins libérant un agent contraceptif , Menstruation/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Aménorrhée , Contraceptifs oraux combinés/pharmacologie , Désogestrel/pharmacologie , Implant pharmaceutique , Études de suivi , Menstruation/psychologie , Analyse de survie
Détails de la recherche