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Cienc. tecnol. salud ; 9(2): 189-198, 2022. il 27
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, DIGIUSAC, LIGCSA | ID: biblio-1415975


La contaminación por plásticos petroquímicos es una grave amenaza para el medio ambiente que requiere im-plementar alternativas como los bioplásticos para lograr un desarrollo sostenible. Los polihidroxialcanoatos (PHA) son polímeros utilizados para la producción de plásticos biodegradables y que han llamado la atención como sustitutos de los plásticos de base fósil. Sin embargo, el costo de producción de los PHA constituye una barrera para su producción industrial a gran escala. Las de bacterias de hábitats salinos son microorganismos prometedores para la síntesis de PHA debido a sus características tales como altos requisitos de salinidad que previenen la contaminación microbiana, la alta presión osmótica intracelular que permite una fácil lisis celular para purificar los PHA y la capacidad para usar un amplio espectro de sustratos. La presente investigación planteó determinar las cepas nativas de bacterias halófilas y halotolerantes de la Laguna de Ayarza capaces de producir PHA, establecer la capacidad que tienen de utilizar residuos agrícolas para la producción de PHA y determinar su eficiencia. Esto se logró a través de la inoculación de las cepas productoras de PHA en medios de fermentación con pulpa de café, cáscaras de plátanos y salvado de trigo lo que permitió determinar las cepas más eficientes. Se encontró que las bacterias productoras de PHA pertenecen a las especies: Alcaligenes faecalis, Bacillus idriensis, Bacillus megaterium, Exiguobacterium acetylicum, E. aurantiacum, Pseudomonas cuatrocienegasensis y Sta-phylococcus capitis y que las cepas AP21-14, AP21-10 y AP21-03 mostraron los mejores resultados que podrían ser prometedores para la producción a nivel industrial.

Pollution by petrochemical plastics is a serious threat to the environment that requires the implementation of al-ternatives such as bioplastics to achieve sustainable development. Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are polymers used for the production of biodegradable plastics and have drawn attention as substitutes for fossil-based plastics. However, the cost of producing PHAs constitutes a barrier to their large-scale industrial production. Bacteria from saline environments bacteria are promising microorganisms for PHA synthesis due to their characteristics such as high salinity requirements that prevent microbial contamination, high intracellular osmotic pressure that allows easy cell lysis to purify PHAs, and the ability to use a broad spectrum of substrates. This research project aimed to determine the native strains of halophilic and halotolerant bacteria from Laguna de Ayarza capable of producing PHA, establish their ability to use agricultural residues for the production of PHA, and determine their efficiency. This was achieved through the inoculation of the PHA-producing strains in fermentation media with coffee pulp, banana peels and wheat bran, which allowed determining the most efficient strains. It was found that the PHA-producing bacteria belong to the species: Alcaligenes faecalis, Bacillus idriensis, Bacillus mega-terium, Exiguobacterium acetylicum, E. aurantiacum, Pseudomonas cuatrocienegasensis and Staphylococcus capitis and that the strains AP21-14, AP21-10 and AP21-03 showed the best results that could be promising for production at an industrial level.

Humains , Halomonas , Polyhydroxyalcanoates/analyse , Matières plastiques biodégradables/composition chimique , Pseudomonas/composition chimique , Bacillus megaterium/composition chimique , Lagon Côtier , Alcaligenes faecalis/composition chimique , Fermentation , Staphylococcus capitis , Exiguobacterium (genre)/composition chimique , Guatemala , Déchets industriels/effets indésirables
Rev. biol. trop ; 68(2)jun. 2020.
Article de Anglais | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507689


Introduction: False killer whale (Pseudorca crassidens) is a tropical and subtropical social species that live in groups with individuals of mixed ages and sex classes. False killer whales have been documented since the late 1990s in Southwestern Costa Rica. Objective: To estimate the abundance of false killer whales in Osa Peninsula waters. Methods: Cetacean surveys off the Osa Peninsula Waters (OPW), Costa Rica, yielded opportunistic encounters with false killer whales in Drake Bay and Caño Island (2001-2019) and observations during formal surveys in Golfo Dulce (2005-2015). Photo-identification data was analyzed using capture-mark-recapture models in the study area, through an open population (POPAN) framework, considering the effect of time on the parameters apparent survival and capture probability, producing an abundance estimate for a superpopulation in the entire study area. Results: False killer whale abundance in OPW is characterized by a small population size of no more than 100 individuals, complemented by a very low probability of encounter and a contrasting high apparent survival. Conclusions: This population estimate should be taken as conservative, however, the small population size of less than 100 individuals should be considered vulnerable, in contrast to the increasing anthropogenic impacts in the coastal seascape. We argue the potential occurrence of population units along the coastal seascape of the Pacific littoral and oceanic island-associated units at Isla del Coco.

Introducción: La falsa orca es una especie gregaria tropical y subtropical, que vive en grupos con individuos de diferentes clases de edad y sexo. La falsa orca ha sido documentada en el sur-oeste de Costa Rica desde finales de los 90s. Objetivo: Evaluar el uso de hábitat de la especie en términos de abundancia. Métodos: Observaciones en campo para cetáceos en aguas de la Península de Osa (APO), incluyen encuentros oportunísimos en Bahía de Drake y la Isla del Caño (2001-2019), así como observaciones directas de Pseudorca crassidens, durante muestreos formales en Golfo Dulce (2005-2015). Se analizaron datos sobre foto-identificación utilizando modelos de marcaje captura y recaptura, considerando un enfoque para población abierta (POPAN), el cual considera el efecto del tiempo en los parámetros demográficos: supervivencia aparente (ф) y probabilidad de captura (P), produciendo un estimado de abundancia que comprende toda la superpoblación en el área de estudio. Resultados: La abundancia de la falsa orca en APO se caracteriza por un tamaño poblacional pequeño, de menos de 100 individuos, que se complementa por una muy baja probabilidad de captura, en contraste con una supervivencia aparente alta. Conclusión: Este estimado debe tratarse como conservativo, no obstante, el pequeño número poblacional, de menos de 100 individuos debe considerarse como vulnerable, en contraste con el incremento del impacto antropogénico del paisaje marino costero. Se discute la posible presencia de unidades poblacionales en el paisaje costero del litoral Pacífico y de unidades oceánicas asociadas a la Isla del Coco.

Animaux , Cetacea/classification , Dauphins/classification , Études par échantillonnage , Baies (géographie) , Costa Rica , Lagon Côtier
Rev. MVZ Córdoba ; 19(3): 4199-4213, Sept.-Dec. 2014. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-730956


Objective. The present contribution aims at the description of a new species of the genus Schizopera. Materials and methods. Water samples were collected in littoral areas with mangrove and macrophytes, and in the limnetic zone. Twenty five liters of water were taken. Water samples were filtered with a zooplankton net (45µm) and preserved in 70% ethanol. The filtered samples were concentrated to 100 ml and examined in a Bogorov camera. Copepods were separated. Observations and drawings of S. evelynae sp. nov. were made at a magnification of 1000X. Results. Schizopera evelynae sp. nov. seems to be closely related to S. giselae Jiménez -Álvarez 1988 and to S. pratensis Noodt 1958 based on the armature formula of P1-P4, but can be separated from these two species based on the relative length of P1ENP, length/width ratio of P1ENP2, relative length of the outer proximal and distal spines on P4EXP3, shape of the exopod and relative length of the exopodal setae of the female P5, shape and length/width ratio of the male P2ENP2, and male P5 baseoendopodal lobe:exopod length ratio. A key to the species of Schizopera from America is given. Conclusion. A new species of the genus Schizopera is described. The Colombian material shares most characters with S. giselae and S. pratensis.

Objetivo. Describir una nueva especie del genero Schizopera. Materiales y métodos. Muestras de agua fueron colectadas en áreas del litoral con mangle y macrófitas, y en la zona limnética. Se tomaron 25 L de agua. Las muestras de agua fueron filtradas con una red de zooplancton (45 µm) y preservadas en etanol al 70%. Las muestras filtradas se concentraron a 100 ml y fueron analizadas en una cámara de Bogorov. Los copépodos fueron separados. Se realizaron observaciones y dibujos de S. evelynae sp. nov. a un aumento de 1000X. Resultados. Schizopera evelynae sp. nov. parece estar estrechamente relacionada con S. giselae Jiménez-Álvarez 1988 y con S. pratensis Noodt 1958 basado en la fórmula de la armadura de P1-P4, pero puede ser separado de estas dos especies basado en la longitud relativa de P1ENP, relación longitud / anchura de P1ENP2, la longitud relativa de las espinas proximal y distal externas en P4EXP3, forma del exópodo y la longitud relativa de las setas del exópodo de la P5 de la hembra, la forma y la relación longitud / anchura del P2ENP2 del macho, y la relación entre la longitud del lóbulo baseoendopodal de la P5 y la longitud del exópodo en el macho. Se presenta una clave para las especies del género Schizopera en América. Conclusiones. Se describe una nueva especie para la ciencia del género Schizopera. Los especímenes colombianos comparten la mayoría de los caracteres con S. giselae y S. pratensis.

Copepoda , Classification , Copepoda , Lagon Côtier
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 36(2): 197-207, abr.- jun. 2014. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-849079


The aim of this work was to perform a comparative analysis of four lateral lagoons and of the main channel of the Rosana Reservoir (Paranapanema river), southeast Brazil. The fieldwork was conducted during dry and rainy periods of 2004 and 2005. The analyzed variables were chlorophyll a, turbidity, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, dissolved nutrients (ammonium, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate and silicate), Secchi disk transparency, suspended solids, temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen and electrical conductivity. Intense summer rainfall provided a high input of allochthonous material into the system, resulting in conspicuous changes - high turbidity and nutrient concentrations and low transparency, especially in the reservoir channel. The cluster analysis showed a clear segregation between the reservoir sampling site and the lagoons. The results evidenced the strong influence of regional factors on the limnological structure and functioning of these environments. The alternation between dry and rainy periods changes significantly the characteristics of the main channel and lagoons, mainly due to the contribution of tributaries. Spatially, the system exhibited a remarkable limnological variability. This shows the need to consider these distinct habitats in regional conservation strategy, presently focused on terrestrial habitats.

O objetivo desse estudo foi realizar uma análise comparativa de quatro lagoas laterais e do canal principal do reservatório de Rosana (rio Paranapanema, Brasil). O trabalho de campo foi realizado no período de setembro e novembro de 2004 e janeiro, março, maio e agosto de 2005. As variáveis analisadas foram clorofila a, turbidez, fósforo e nitrogênio total, nutrientes dissolvidos (amônio, nitrato, nitrito, fosfato e silicato), transparência do disco de Secchi, sólidos em suspensão, temperatura, pH, oxigênio dissolvido e condutividade elétrica. As chuvas de verão forneceram grande quantidade de material alóctone ao sistema, o que resultou em mudanças conspícuas - elevada turbidez e altas concentrações de nutrientes, e diminuição da transparência, especialmente no canal do reservatório. A análise de agrupamento mostrou clara a distinção entre o ponto do reservatório e as lagoas laterais. Os resultados evidenciaram a forte influência dos fatores regionais para a estrutura e funcionamento limnológico desses ambientes. A alternância entre períodos de seca e chuva muda significativamente as características do canal do reservatório e das lagoas, principalmente pela contribuição dos rios tributários. Espacialmente, o sistema apresentou uma notável variabilidade limnológica. Isso demonstra a necessidade de se considerar estes habitats em estratégia de conservação regional, focada atualmente nos ecossistemas terrestres.

Eutrophisation , Aliments , Lagon Côtier , Ressources en eau
Braz. j. microbiol ; 43(1): 348-355, Jan.-Mar. 2012. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-622823


Alkaliphilic cyanobacterial cultures were isolated from Lonar lake (MS, India). Among the set of cultures, Synechocystis sp, was studied for phycocyanin production. A maximum yield was obtained in BG-11 medium at optimized conditions (pH 10 and 16 h light). In order to increase the phycocyanin yield media optimization based on the eight media components a Plackett-Burman design of the 12 experimental trials was used. As per the analysis CaCl2.2H2O and Na2CO3 have been found to be the most influencing media components at 95% significance. Further the optimum concentrations of these components were estimated following a Box Wilson Central Composite Design (CCD) with four star points and five replicates at the center points for each of two factors was adopted for optimization of these two media components. The results indicated that there was an interlinked influence of CaCl2.2H2O and Na2CO3 on 98% significance. The maximum yield of phycocyanin (12% of dry wt) could be obtained at 0.058 g/l and 0.115 g/l of CaCl2.2H2O and Na2CO3, respectively.

Alcalanité de l'Eau/méthodes , Cyanobactéries/isolement et purification , Phycocyanine , Phycomyces/isolement et purification , Carbonate de Sodium , Interprétation statistique de données , Synechocystis/isolement et purification , Phénomènes physiologiques bactériens , Fluorescence , Lagon Côtier , Méthodes , Méthodes , Échantillons d'Eau
Braz. j. microbiol ; 42(3): 909-918, July-Sept. 2011. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-607519


Due to the connection between enzymatic activity and degradation of different fractions of organic matter, enzyme assays can be used to estimate degradation rates of particulate and dissolved organic carbon in freshwater systems. The aim of this study was to quantify and model the enzymatic degradation involving the decomposition of macrophytes, describing temporal activity of cellulases (EC and EC and xylanase (EC during in situ decomposition of three aquatic macrophytes (Salvinia sp., Eichhornia azurea and Cyperus giganteus) on the surface and water-sediment interface (w-s interface) of an oxbow lagoon (Óleo lagoon) within a natural Brazilian Savanna Reserve. Overall, the enzymatic degradation of aquatic macrophytes in Óleo lagoon occurred during the whole year and was initiated together with leaching. Xylanase production was ca. 5 times higher than cellulase values due to easy access to this compound by cellulolytic microorganisms. Enzymatic production and detritus mass decay were similar on the surface and w-s interface. Salvinia sp. was the most recalcitrant detritus, with low mass decay and enzymatic activity. E. azurea and C. giganteus decomposition rates and enzymatic production were high and similar. Due to the physicochemical homogeneity observed in the Óleo lagoon, the differences between the decay rates of each species are mostly related with detritus chemical quality.

Eau douce/analyse , Environnement aquatique/analyse , Carbone , Tests enzymatiques en clinique , Cellulase/analyse , Activation enzymatique , Macrophytes , Lagon Côtier , Méthodes , Méthodes , Échantillons d'Eau
Braz. j. microbiol ; 42(1): 75-83, Jan.-Mar. 2011. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-571377


Enzymatic activity during decomposition is extremely important to hydrolyze molecules that are assimilated by microorganisms. During aquatic macrophytes decomposition, enzymes act mainly in the breakdown of lignocellulolytic matrix fibers (i.e. cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin) that encompass the refractory fraction from organic matter. Considering the importance of enzymatic activities role in decomposition processes, this study aimed to describe the temporal changes of xylanase and cellulose activities during anaerobic decomposition of Ricciocarpus natans (freely-floating), Oxycaryum cubense (emergent) and Cabomba furcata (submersed). The aquatic macrophytes were collected in Óleo Lagoon, Luiz Antonio, São Paulo, Brazil and bioassays were accomplished. Decomposition chambers from each species (n = 10) were set up with dried macrophyte fragments and filtered Óleo Lagoon water. The chambers were incubated at 22.5ºC, in the dark and under anaerobic conditions. Enzymatic activities and remaining organic matter were measured periodically during 90 days. The temporal variation of enzymes showed that C. furcata presented the highest decay and the highest maximum enzyme production. Xylanase production was higher than cellulase production for the decomposition of the three aquatic macrophytes species.

Microorganismes Aquatiques , Dosage biologique , Cellulase/analyse , Microbiologie de l'environnement , Réactivateurs d'enzymes , Macrophytes , Peptide hydrolases , Xylanes/analyse , Activation enzymatique , Lagon Côtier , Méthodes , Méthodes
Rev. medica electron ; 32(3)mayo-jun. 2010. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-577978


El Delfinario de Varadero es una de las instalaciones turísticas de nuestra provincia donde acuden grandes y chicos en busca de un sano esparcimiento; además, es muy frecuentado por los turistas extranjeros, por lo que reviste una gran importancia económica y social. En el presente trabajo se realizó una evaluación sanitaria de sus aguas, contemplado los análisis físico-químicos y bacteriológicos, en el período comprendido del año 2007 a junio de 2009, en las cinco áreas de uso recreativo, así como de los factores que pueden incidir negativamente sobre el buen desempeño de la instalación. La media geométrica de los valores hallados de NMP coli total y NMP coli fecal se encuentra en norma. Se reportan afectaciones puntuales en el parámetro físico-químico oxígeno, disuelto en las cinco áreas muestreadas en el 25,53 por ciento del total analizado, los valores medios de este parámetro al igual que el resto de los otros parámetros se encuentran en norma.

Varadero's dolphinarium is one of our province tourist centers where people go looking for recreation; besides that, it is frequently visited by foreign tourists, having a great economic and social importance. In the present work we made a sanitary evaluation of its waters, including physic-chemical and bacteriologic analyses, in the period from 2007 to June 2009, in all the five areas of recreational usage, and also the facts that may influence negatively on the good work of the center. The geometrical media of the found NMP coli total y NMP coli faecal values are normal. There were reported punctual troubles in the physical-chemical parameter Oxygen, dissolved in the five sampled areas in 25,53 per cent of the total analyzed; media values of this parameter is normal, as the rest of the parameters.

Eau/analyse , Contrôle de la Qualité de l'Eau , Inspection Sanitaire , Lagon Côtier , Microbiologie de l'eau , Surveillance de Santé Environnementale , Zones Récréatives , Épidémiologie Descriptive , Études prospectives
Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; 43(2): 233-240, abr.-jun. 2009. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-633078


En la laguna El Carpincho (Junín, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina) se determinaron agroquímicos organoclorados, por lo que podrían existir efectos negativos para la salud en sus usuarios. El objetivo del trabajo fue estimar el riesgo sanitario (ARS) por los pesticidas hallados durante el baño recreativo. El ARS se basó en el modelo USEPA probabilístico para riesgo agregado y acumulativo a los pesticidas alfa y δ Hexaclorociclohexano (HCH), Endosulfán y Endosulfán sulfato. El ARS se estimó tanto para efectos no carcinogenéticos como carcinogenéticos, considerando la ingesta accidental de agua y el contacto dérmico. El individuo expuesto asumido fue un pescador deportivo que toma un baño en la laguna de una hora por día. Su tipología (frecuencia de excursiones, duración y experiencia) se justificó en resultados previos referidos a aspectos sociales de la pesquería allí instalada. El riesgo agregado y acumulativo para los efectos no carcinogenéticos y carcinogenéticos fue de 3,19E-05 y 1,76E-08 (5 y 3 órdenes de magnitud menores al nivel de peligrosidad para cada tipo de efecto), siendo los isómeros de HCH los principales contribuyentes en ambos casos. El uso de la laguna para baño no representaría un riesgo atendible para las condiciones de exposición consideradas.

Organochlorine pesticides were detected in El Carpincho shallow lake (Junín, Buenos Aires province, Argentina), and they could have negative effects on its users' health. The object of this study was to assess the human health risk (HR) associated with these pesticides during recreational bathing. The probabilistic HR assessment was based on aggregate and cumulative USEPA models and applied to alpha and δ HCH, Endosulfan and Endosulfan sulphate pesticides. The cancer and noncancer risks were estimated for accidental drinking and dermal contact. The exposure considered was one hour a day-1 by a sport fisherman. The fisherman characteristics (annual fish trip frequency, event length, experience) were based on previous studies on social aspects of local anglers. The aggregate and cumulative noncancer and cancer risks were 3.19E-05 and 1.76E-08 (5 and 3 orders of magnitude lower than the level of hazard for each type of effect). Isomers of HCH were the major contributors in both cases. The recreational use of this shallow lake would not represent an adverse health risk considering the assumed conditions of exposure.

Agrochimie/toxicité , Risque de Santé , Insecticides Organochlorés/statistiques et données numériques , Argentine , Polluants chimiques de l'eau , Pollution chimique de l'eau/statistiques et données numériques , Lagon Côtier
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 7(2): 231-240, Apr.-June 2009. graf, mapas, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-520420


This study investigated the variation in abundance, distribution and composition of ichthyoplankton in a lagoon in southern Brazil through the year and at different stations within the lagoon. Ibiraquera Lagoon is a shallow coastal lagoon connected to the sea by a semi-permanent sandbar. Ichthyoplankton samples were collected monthly from December 2003 to December 2004, with a 200 µm mesh net using horizontal surface hauls. A colder, drier period was detected, contrasting with warm months during which salinity varied depending on rainfall and whether the sandbar was open or closed. The mean abundance of ichthyoplankton over the study period was 459.6 ± 76.2 (SE) eggs · 100 m-3 and 63.6 ± 7.9 (SE) larvae · 100 m-3, and they were present during all months. Significantly higher abundances of eggs and larvae were observed during warm months. The community was dominated by the family Engraulidae followed by Clupeidae, Gobiidae and Mugilidae. Engraulidae and Clupeidae were present throughout the year, with greater abundances in months with higher temperatures. Some coastal fish species spawn in Ibiraquera Lagoon, mainly near to the sandbar, demonstrating that the lagoon is a spawning area for coastal stock. We recommend the establishment of environmental procedures to promote the conservation of Ibiraquera Lagoon and its ichthyoplankton community.

A abundância, distribuição e composição do ictioplâncton foram investigadas em uma lagoa no sul do Brasil durante um ano e em diferentes estações dentro da lagoa. A lagoa de Ibiraquera é uma lagoa costeira rasa, conectada ao mar através de uma barra semi-permanente. As amostras de ictioplâncton foram coletadas mensalmente entre dezembro de 2003 e dezembro de 2004, com uma rede cônico-cilíndrica de 200 µm de malha em arrastos horizontais e de superfície. Foi detectado um período frio e seco em contraste aos meses quentes e com variação na salinidade em função das chuvas e da barra estar aberta ou fechada. A abundância média do ictioplâncton, durante o período de estudo, foi de 459,6 ± 76,2 (SE) ovos · 100 m-3 e 63,6 ± 7,9 (SE) larvas · 100 m-3, e ocorreram em todos os meses. As abundâncias de ovos e larvas foram significativamente maiores nos meses quentes. A comunidade foi dominada pela família Engraulidae seguida pelas famílias Clupeidae, Gobiidae e Mugilidae. As famílias Engraulidae e Clupeidae ocorreram principalmente nos meses com maiores temperaturas. Alguns peixes costeiros desovam dentro da lagoa, principalmente próximo a barra, evidenciando que a lagoa é uma área de desova para o estoque costeiro. Recomenda-se o estabelecimento de ações ambientais que promovam a conservação da lagoa de Ibiraquera e da comunidade ictioplanctônica.

Animaux , Lagon Côtier , Oeufs/ressources et distribution , Plancton/classification , Plancton/isolement et purification
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 6(4): 693-696, Oct.-Dec. 2008. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-507798


The biology of the introduced species Clarias gariepinus in lagoa Encantada (Ilhéus, Bahia State) was studied. Samples were obtained with gillnets between May 2002 and February 2004. All individuals caught exceeded the average length at first maturity cited in literature. Males and females in maturation stages indicate that the species is already established in the lake.

A biologia de Clarias gariepinus, uma espécie introduzida, foi estudada na lagoa Encantada (Ilhéus, Bahia). As amostras foram obtidas com rede de espera, entre maio de 2002 e fevereiro de 2004. Todos os indivíduos capturados estavam acima do tamanho médio de primeira maturação citado na literatura. A ocorrência de machos e fêmeas em estágio de maturação indica que a espécie já está estabelecida na lagoa.

Animaux , Poissons , Lagon Côtier , Comportement prédateur
Rev. cient. (Maracaibo) ; 18(2): 121-133, mar.-abr. 2008. mapas, tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-548692


Con el propósito de detectar alteraciones en el productivo ecosistemade la Laguna de Castillero (Caicara del Orinoco, municipio Cedeño del estado Bolívar, Venezuela), se presentan resultados de mediciones granulométricas y de las concentraciones de los metales pesados: Fe, Mn, Zn, Pb y Co realizadas en junio 2001 sobre los sedimentos superficiales y del tejido muscular de varias especies autóctonas de peces (Plasgiosium squamossimos, Pigocentrus cariba, Pheudoplastyloma fascia-tum, e Hypostomus spp realizadas en junio 2001. Utilizando técnica de espectrofotometría de absorción atómica con llama de aire acetileno, se determinó que, las concentraciones de metales más altas están representadas por manganeso, zinc y plomo. En la parte más interna de la laguna, el tipo de sedimento predominante es el lodo, constituyendo entre 30 por ciento y un 65 por ciento del material colectado por estación. Se encuentra, que esos niveles decrecen hacia la boca de la laguna, producto de la interacción de las corrientes de flujo/reflujo que lavan el sedimento y que se refleja en la mayor presencia de arena fina. El análisis estadístico de ANOVA muestra diferencias significativas entre las concentraciones de los metales en las estaciones, tipificadas por la presencia de promedios discrepantes. Los niveles promedios para los sedimentos superficiales de la zona son los siguientes: Fe (3365,44 ± 261,61), Mn (132,17 ± 25,46), Zn (253,04 ±86,48), Pb (17,02 ± 2,21) y Co (4,65 ± 0,76) µg/g. Similarmente, en el tejido muscular de los peces se cuantificaron las siguientes concentraciones: Fe entre (31,26 ± 0,06) y (68,36 ± 0,05);Mn entre (2,02 ± 0,05) y (4,16 ±0,03); Zn entre (19,09 ± 0,01) y (28,89 ± 0,01); Pb entre (0,38 ± 0,01) y (0,47 ± 0,03) µg/g. El análisis refleja una notable asociación entre los altos valores de concentraciones de metales y el tipo de sedimento, con un gradiente creciente hacia el sedimento tipo lodo. Se encuentran valores elevados en la concentración de Pb y Zn...

To detected alterations in the productive ecosystem of the Castillero Lagoon (Caicara of the Orinoco, Cedeño Municipality, Bolivar State, Venezuela), results are presented for granulometric measurements and heavy metals concentrations: Fe, Mn, Zn, Pb and Co made in June 2001 on superface sediments and of the muscular tissue of several native species of fish (Plasgiosium squamossimos, Pigocentrus cariba, Pheudoplastyloma fasciatum, and Hypostomus spp. By using atomic absorption spectrophotometry with an air-acetylene flame, it was determined that the highest concentrations of metals are represented by manganese, zinc and lead. It was determined that the highest concentrations of metals are represented by manganese, zinc and lead. In the most internal part in the lagoon the type of predominant sediments is the mud, constituting among 30% and 65% of the material collected by station. Is that those levels fall toward the mouth of the lagoon, product of the interaction of the flow / reflux currents that washes the sediment and that is reflected in the biggest presence of fine sand. The statistical analysis of ANOVA shows significant differences among the concentrations of the metals in the stations, tipificated for the presence of different averages. The averages levels for the superficial sediments of the area are the following ones: Fe (3365.44 ± 261.61), Mn (132.17 ± 25.46), Zn (253.04 ± 86.48), Pb (17.02 ± 2.21) y Co (4.65 ± 0.76) µg/g. In similarly way, in the muscular tissue of the fish the following concentrations were quantified: Fe between (31.26 ± 0.06) and (68.36 ± 0.05); Mn between (2.02 ± 0.05) and (4.16 ± 0.03); Zn between (19.09 ± 0.01) and (28.89 ± 0.01); Pb between (0.38 ± 0.01) and (0.47 ± 0.03) µg/g. The analysis reflects a remarkable association between the high securities of concentrations of metals and the sediments type, with a growing gradient toward the sediments type mud. These are alarming values in concentration of Pb and Zn...

Animaux , Pollution de l'environnement , Poissons , Lagon Côtier/analyse , Métaux lourds , Sédiments , Océanographie
Rev. cient. (Maracaibo) ; 18(1): 73-86, ene.-feb. 2008. mapas, graf, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-548656


Se analizó por Espectrofotometría de Absorcion Atomica de llama el contenido de Fe, Mn, Cu, Cr, Ni, Zn, Cd y Pb en tejidos musculares de peces y crustáceos de la laguna de Unare, estado Anzoátegui, Venezuela. Adicionalmente, se determinaron los niveles en el material en suspension del agua y en el sedimento para detectar posibles impactos en el ecosistema. En el agua, las concentraciones medias de metales fueron bajos (0,104-0,53 µmol/L Fe; 0,004-0,06 µmol/L Mn; 0,002-0,028 µmol/L Zn; 0,004-0,012 µmol/L Cr; no detectado-0,011 µmol/LNi y no detectado- 0,001 µmol/L Cd). En el sedimento se evidencia intervención antropogénica con valores medios que decrecen Mn (516,37)>Zn (127,49)>Ni (52,41)>Cr (51,69)>Cu (41,13)>Pb (29)>Cd (1,51 µg/g) y que superan los niveles establecidos para sedimentos no contaminados. En los tejidos de los organismos se detectó la presencia de metales tóxicos como el plomo y cadmio que superan los 0,16 y 0,04 µg/g, res-pectivamente, al igual que el zinc que alcanza niveles elevados que sobrepasan 17 µg/g en la mayoría de las especies. Las pruebas estadísticas de ANOVA (P<0,05) indican discrepancias en las concentraciones metales en los tejidos por los diferentes géneros y especies, al igual que en los valores de los individuos de la misma especie (Cathorops spixii) que habitan dentro y fuera de la laguna. Los niveles son mayores en los habitantes del interior de la laguna evidenciando fenómenos de bioacumulación. La investigación confirman un progresivo deterioro ambiental de la laguna y de las especies ícticas de este ecosistema que son comercializadas por las poblaciones aledañas a la laguna, las cuales sustentan su economía de su explotación pesquera.

The content of Fe, Mn, Cu, Cr, Ni, Zn, Cd and Pb in muscle tissues of fish and crustaceans from the Unare lagoon (Laguna de Unare) in the state of Anzoátegui, Venezuela, was analyzed by flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. The levels of these metals present in suspended material of the water and in sediments were also determined in order to detect possible impact on the ecosystem. The mean concentrations in the water were low (0.104-0.53 µmol/L Fe; 0.004-0.06 µmol/L Mn; 0.002-0.028 µmol/L Zn; 0.004-0.012 µmol/L Cr; undetectable-0.011 µmol/L Ni and undectable-0.001 µmol/L Cd). In the sediments, evidence was found of anthropogenic intervention with mean values in decreasing order of Mn (516.37) > Zn (127.49) > Ni (52.41) > Cr (51.69) > Cu (41.13) > Pb (29) > Cd (1.51 µg/g), all of which are greater than established levels for uncontaminated sediments. Toxic metals were detected in the examined organisms, such as lead and cadmium with levels above 0.16 and 0.04 µg/g, respectively, and zinc with levels greater than 17 µg/g in the majority of the species. ANOVA statistical tests (P < 0.05) show discrepancies in the concentrations or the metals in the tissues of the different genera and species, as well as in the values for individuals of the same species (Cathorops spixii) which live inside and outside of the lagoon. The levels are higher in those which live within the lagoon, which indicates bioaccumulation processes. This study confirms that the lagoon and its biota have suffered a progressive and important deterioration inasmuch as the neighboring population relies on the commercialization of the fish and crustaceans for their economic stability.

Animaux , Crustacea , Lagon Côtier/analyse , Métaux lourds/effets indésirables , Poissons/anatomie et histologie , Médecine vétérinaire
Rev. bras. entomol ; 51(2): 224-227, 2007. mapas, graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-458100


Os objetivos deste trabalho foram registrar a abundância e a riqueza de Odonata associada a Eichhornia azurea, durante o período de março de 2004 a março de 2005, na Lagoa do Camargo, lateral ao Rio Paranapanema - São Paulo, após um pulso de inundação extraordinário e também investigar os fatores ambientais determinantes na distribuição da abundância de Odonata. As maiores abundâncias e riquezas ocorreram na estação seca, sendo que Coenagrionidae foi a família mais abundante e com a maior riqueza de gêneros de todo o período estudado. Esta alta abundância possivelmente ocorreu devido a seu comportamento, como postura dos ovos dentro do tecido das macrófitas e hábito escalador. Aeshnidae e Libellulidae apresentaram baixa abundância principalmente na estação seca. Os principais fatores ambientais que afetaram a distribuição da abundância de Odonata foram a temperatura de superfície da água, a pluviosidade e a biomassa de E. azurea.

This study aimed to record the abundance and richness of Odonata on Eichhornia azurea stands, from March 2004 to March 2005, in the Camargo Lake, lateral to the Paranapanema River, São Paulo, after an extreme flood pulse, and also to investigate the controlling environmental factors on the distribution of Odonata abundance. The greatest abundance and richness occurred in the dry period, and Coenagrionidae was the most abundant and with greater genus richness during the whole study period. This high abundance possibly occurred due to its behavior, as endophytic posture and climbing behavior. Aeshnidae and Libellulidae presented low abundance especially in the dry period. The main environmental factors that affected the distribution of Odonata abundance were water surface temperature, pluviosity, and Eichhornia azurea biomass.

Animaux , Mâle , Femelle , Flore Aquatique , Brésil , Écosystème , Eichhornia , Insectes , Macrophytes , Lagon Côtier
Eng. sanit. ambient ; 11(4): 318-324, out.-dez. 2006. tab, graf, mapas
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-445783


O trabalho buscou identificar a possibilidade do uso de sensoriamento remoto orbital no monitoramento da qualidade da água na Lagoa da Conceição, Florianópolis (SC), em especial do parâmetro Clorofila_a e suas implicações à cor da água, propriedade que pode ser avaliada a partir de imagens de satélite. No estudo, procurou-se obter uma correlação entre os níveis de Clorofila_a medidos em amostras de água da lagoa e o padrão de resposta espectral detectado por sensores embarcados no satélite comercial Landsat TM5. Os resultados do estudo revelaram que sistemas orbitais como o Landsat TM5 podem ser utilizados na investigação de parâmetros de qualidade da água que alteram a cor superficial de corpos hídricos e a partir de imagens de satélite é possível obter distribuição espacial da concentração substâncias tais como a Clorofila_a.

This work searches to identify the possibility to use orbital remote sensing in the monitoring of water quality in Lagoa da Conceição, Florianópolis, SC, specifically regarding levels of Chlorophyll_a and its implications in water color, a property which can be evaluated through satelite imagery. The aim of his study was to obtain a correlation between the levels of Chlorophylla_a found in water samples from Lagoa da Conceição and the spectral response pattern detected by sensors built into the commercial satellite TM5. The results show that orbital systems like Landsat TM5 can be utilized in the investigation of water quality parameters that effect surface color in bodies of water. Through satellite imagery it is possible to obtain the spatial distribution of concentrated substances such as Chlorophyll_a.

Chlorophylle , Lagon Côtier , Capteurs à Distance , Monitorage de l'Eau , Qualité de l'eau
Braz. j. microbiol ; 37(4): 428-433, Oct.-Dec. 2006. mapas, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-442189


The Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon (RJ, Brazil) is an important coastal ecosystem that has been submitted to an accelerated degradation process. The aim of this work was to determine the abundance and the spatial distribution of total heterotrophic (by flow cytometry) and cultivated bacteria ("pour plate" method on R2A agar). Another objective was to evaluate the lagoon's influence on water quality of Ipanema and Leblon beaches. Physical and chemical data were acquired too. Sub-superficial water samples were taken monthly, from December 1999 to October 2000. On lagoon, the cultivated bacteria abundance varied from 6.9x10(5) to 5.0x10(7) CFU.100 mL-1. On Ipanema and Leblon beaches, this parameter yielded 1.4x10(5) and 2.8x10(6) CFU.100 mL-1, respectively. Total bacterial abundance varied from 2.9x10(7) to 3.2x10(7) cells.mL-1 on lagoon. On Ipanema and Leblon, this parameter yielded 8.7x10(6) and 1.1x10(7) cells.mL-1, respectively. Two sub-groups were determined with dominance of HNA cells. Samples were added latter to better understand the bacteria present on these environments. Bacterial abundance were analyzed only by flow cytometry and the results varied from 8.3x10(6) to 2.5x10(7) cells.mL-1 on lagoon. On the beach, this parameter yielded 6.9x10(6) cells. mL-1. Two bacterial sub-groups were also observed, with dominance of HNA on lagoon and LNA on the beach. The results showed that the Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon is an eutrophic ecosystem where the bacterial populations and the physical and chemical parameters do not differ spatially. The data also confirmed that the outflow of the lagoon's polluted waters affect the sanitary conditions of Ipanema and Leblon beaches.

A Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas (RJ, Brasil) é um importante ecossistema que vêm sendo submetido a um acelerado processo de degradação. O objetivo desse estudo foi determinar a abundância e a distribuição espacial das bactérias heterotróficas totais (citometria em fluxo) e cultivadas ("pour plate" em ágar R2A). Outro objetivo foi avaliar a influência da lagoa na qualidade das águas de Ipanema e do Leblon. Dados físico-químicos também foram adquiridos. Amostras de água sub-superficiais foram coletadas mensalmente, de dezembro de 1999 a outubro de 2000. Na lagoa, a abundância de bactérias cultivadas variou de 6,9x10(5) a 5,0x10(7) UFC.100 mL-1. Em Ipanema e no Leblon, esse parâmetro atingiu 1,4x10(5) e 2,8x10(6) UFC.100 mL-1, respectivamente. A abundância bacteriana total variou de 2,9x10(7) a 3,2x10(7) células.mL-1 na lagoa. Em Ipanema e no Leblon, este parâmetro alcançou, respectivamente, 8,7x10(6) a 1,1x10(7) células.mL-1. Dois sub-grupos bacterianos foram observados nas estações, com predomínio de células HNA. Amostras foram posteriormente coletadas visando um maior entendimento sobre as bactérias presentes nesses ambientes. A abundância bacteriana foi analisada apenas por citometria em fluxo e os resultados oscilaram entre 8,3x10(6) e 2,5x10(7) células.mL-1 na lagoa. Na praia, esse parâmetro atingiu 6,9x10(6) células.mL-1. Dois sub-grupos bacterianos também foram observados, com predomínio de células HNA na lagoa e LNA na praia adjacente. Os resultados indicaram que a lagoa é um ecossistema eutrofizado, onde as bactérias e os parâmetros físico-químicos distribuem-se de modo uniforme. Os dados ainda indicaram que as águas poluídas da lagoa afetam a qualidade das praias de Ipanema e do Leblon.

Eutrophisation , Cytométrie en flux , Bactéries à Gram négatif , Techniques in vitro , Phénomènes chimiques , Plancton , Pollution de l'eau , Lagon Côtier , Méthodes , Échantillons d'Eau
Braz. j. microbiol ; 37(3): 262-266, July-Sept. 2006. mapas, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-442129


Seventeen months after a 1,3 million L oil spill into Guanabara Bay, analyses of mangrove sediments showed that the three sites closest to the spill remain highly polluted (>10 µg-g-1 polyaromatic hydrocarbons). A fourth site was less polluted, from which most hydrocarbon degrading bacteria were isolated.

Dezessete meses após um derramamento de 1,3 milhões de litros de óleo na Baía de Guanabara, análises de sedimento do manguezal mostraram que os três pontos de amostragem mais próximos do local do acidente permanecem altamente poluídos (>10 µg-g-1 hidrocarbonetos poliaromáticos). Do quarto ponto de amostragem, o menos poluído, foi isolada a maioria das bactérias degradadoras de hidrocarbonetos.

Bactéries/isolement et purification , Lagon Côtier , Déversement de Matières Dangereuses , Techniques in vitro , Zones humides , Huiles , Dépollution biologique de l'environnement , Méthodes , Échantillons d'Eau
Interciencia ; 31(3): 211-219, mar. 2006. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-449246


Los manglares que rodean la laguna de La Mancha en Veracruz, México, en condiciones de adecuada conservación, se caracterizan por la complejidad físico-geográfica de sus paisajes. Este trabajo profundiza en la estructura y composición de los geocomplejos en ese territorio. El empleo de los principios estructuro-genético e histórico-evolutivo permitió el levantamiento, clasificación y cartografía de los paisajes de manglares a escala detallada (1: 25000). Se lograron diferenciar 28 unidades inferiores, 6 intermedias y 5 de orden superior. Los resultados sugieren que el enfoque físico-geográfico complejo puede ser de gran utilidad para el inventario, caracterización y cartografía de manglares a escala detallada, brindando información sobre el tipo genético del relieve, composición litológica, periodicidad de inundación de las superficies, cobertura vegetal y suelos, lo cual es de inestimable valor para el ordenamiento ecológico y la preservación de estos ecosistemas

Flore Aquatique , Humidité , Lagon Côtier , Zones humides , Écosystème Tropical , Mexique
Acta cient. venez ; 57(3): 93-98, 2006. ilus, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-537141


La morfometría de la cubeta de los cuerpos de agua continentales afecta sus características físicas, químicas y biológicas. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo determinar la morfometría de una laguna de alta montaña tropical, con el fin de relacionarla con los flujos de entrada y salida de agua de la laguna, así como con los tiempos de retención de agua y su estado trófico. El contorno de las isobatas describe una topografía simple. La profundidad relativa de 2,77 por ciento sugiere una tendencia a la estabilidad de la columna de agua. La relación profundidad media: profundidad máxima, refleja que la forma de la cubeta se aproxima a una parábola elíptica. La tasa media de renovación del agua en época de sequía fue de 9,3 horas, mientras que en periodo de lluvias fue de 3,9 horas. El índice S/AV revela que los aportes de fósforo por escorrentía hacia la laguna son importantes. Las curvas hipsográficas área-profundidad de la laguna Victoria sugieren una tendencia a la eutrofía, lo cual es corroborado por las concentraciones de nitrógeno, fósforo y clorofila obtenidos.

The physical, chemical and biological characteristics of lakes and ponds are influence by its morphometry. The objective of the present work was to determine the morphometric parameters of a tropical high mountain lake in order to relate them with the input and the output of water from the lake, the water time retention and the lake trophic state. The depth contours indicates a simple topography. The relative depth 2,77 percent suggests a trend to stability of the water column. The ratio mean depth to maximum depth shows that the basin form is like an elliptic sinusoid. The water mean rate of turnover in the dry season was 9,3 hours, while in the rainy season was 3,9 hours. S/AV index suggests a higher relative importance of runoff inputs of soluble phosphorous. The hypsographic curves of the Victoria Lake suggest a trend to eutrophy which is supported by obtained values of nitrogen, phosphorus and chlorophyll.

Chlorophylle/analyse , Phosphore/analyse , Lagon Côtier/analyse , Azote/analyse , Niveaux Trophiques/analyse , Géologie
Entomol. vectores ; 12(2): 173-179, abr.-jun. 2005. graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-423157


Parachironomus supparilis é uma espécie neotropical de larga ocorrência em toda a América do Sul. Embora o gênero tenha recebido detalhada revisão taxonômica, escassos têm sido os trabalhos de cunho ecológico, principalmente aqueles referentes à dinâmica numérica e aos padrões de emergência. Com o objetivo de analisar a dinâmica fenológica dessa espécie, característica da fauna fitófila de diferentes macrófitas aquáticas de ambientes lênticos, foi estabelecido um programa mensal de coletas de Cabomba piauhyensis (Sonoda, 1999)(Nymphaeaceae) em uma lagoa marginal (Lagoa do Infernão) do Rio Mogi-Guaçu, localizada na Estação Ecológica de Jataí (Luiz Antônio, SP). Volumes pré-fixados da macrófita foram coletados mensalmente e mantidos em laboratório, onde diariamente durante o período de um mês, foram retirados os adultos de Chironomidae, com auxílio de aspirador entomológico. P. supparilis contribuiu com 22,6por cento do total de Chironomidae coletados no período de abril/96 a junho/97. Com densidade numérica média de 39 adultos machos/ 10g peso seco de C. piauhyensis, e com maior intensidade de emergência nos períodos de baixas temperaturas e menor pluviosidade, a espécie apresentou valores máximos de emergência nos meses de ago/96 (84 ind./10g p.s.) e de jun/97 (75 ind./10g p.s.). A presença de adultos durante todo o período de estudo parece indicar que a espécie é multivoltina, apresentando reprodução contínua.

Adulte , Animaux , Mâle , Environnement aquatique , Chironomidae , Hydrologie , Lagon Côtier , Macrophytes , Nymphaeaceae , Brésil