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Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 26(3): 863-877, jul.-set. 2019.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1039960


Resumo Estudos para identificar eventuais relações entre a criação artística e a psicopatologia - desde o século XIX, na Europa - influenciaram o pensamento brasileiro acerca desse tema. O objetivo deste artigo, sob a óptica da história das ciências da saúde, consistiu em analisar as perspectivas, ao longo do século XX, segundo as quais as doenças neurológicas e psiquiátricas de Machado de Assis foram determinantes na criação e no conteúdo de suas produções literárias. A partir de um referencial teórico e metodológico baseado em Bakhtin, verificou-se que muitos autores consideraram a epilepsia de Machado de Assis o principal elemento responsável por seu ato criador, o que permitiu revisar a apropriação de diferentes teorias psiquiátricas no Brasil, assim como diversos conceitos teóricos.

Abstract Studies to identify possible relations between artistic creation and psychopathology (starting in nineteenth-century Europe) have influenced Brazilian thought on this topic. The objective of this article, from the perspective of the history of health sciences, is to analyze viewpoints throughout the twentieth century which considered the neurological and psychiatric diseases of Machado de Assis as fundamental to the development and content of his literary work. A theoretical and methodological reading based on Bakhtin found that many authors considered Machado de Assis's epilepsy to be the main reason behind his creativity, which allowed a review of the appropriation of different psychiatric theories in Brazil, as well as various theoretical concepts.

Humains , Mâle , Histoire du 19ème siècle , Histoire du 20ème siècle , Psychiatrie/histoire , Épilepsie/histoire , Personnes célèbres , Littérature moderne/histoire , Théorie psychologique , Brésil
Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.) ; 39(1): 69-71, Jan.-Mar. 2017.
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-844176


Family history and traumatic experiences are factors linked to bipolar disorder. It is known that the lifetime risk of bipolar disorder in relatives of a bipolar proband are 5-10% for first degree relatives and 40-70% for monozygotic co-twins. It is also known that patients with early childhood trauma present earlier onset of bipolar disorder, increased number of manic episodes, and more suicide attempts. We have recently reported that childhood trauma partly mediates the effect of family history on bipolar disorder diagnosis. In light of these findings from the scientific literature, we reviewed the work of British writer Virginia Woolf, who allegedly suffered from bipolar disorder. Her disorder was strongly related to her family background. Moreover, Virginia Woolf was sexually molested by her half siblings for nine years. Her bipolar disorder symptoms presented a pernicious course, associated with hospitalizations, suicidal behavioral, and functional impairment. The concept of neuroprogression has been used to explain the clinical deterioration that takes places in a subgroup of bipolar disorder patients. The examination of Virgina Woolf’s biography and art can provide clinicians with important insights about the course of bipolar disorder.

Humains , Femelle , Histoire du 19ème siècle , Histoire du 20ème siècle , Tentative de suicide/histoire , Trouble bipolaire/histoire , Personnes célèbres , Littérature moderne/histoire , Tentative de suicide/psychologie , Trouble bipolaire/psychologie , Adultes victimes de maltraitance dans l'enfance/histoire , Adultes victimes de maltraitance dans l'enfance/psychologie
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 75(3): 189-191, Mar. 2017. graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-838883


ABSTRACT Georges Simenon’s work, including his famous ‘romans durs’ novels and the forensic investigations carried out by his artistic creation, Inspector Maigret, bear many similarities to some of the diagnostic methods of the founders of Neurology, particularly Jean-Martin Charcot.

RESUMO A obra de Georges Simenon, incluíndo os seus famosos “romances duros”, e as investigações criminais realizadas pela sua criação artística, o comissário Maigret, tem muitas similaridades com alguns métodos diagnósticos utilizados pelos fundadores da Neurologia, particularmente Jean-Martin Charcot.

Histoire du 20ème siècle , Littérature moderne/histoire , La médecine dans la littérature , Neurologie/histoire , France
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 23(4): 1095-1112, oct.-dic. 2016.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-828882


Resumo O artigo analisa a obra “O alienista”, de Machado de Assis, a partir de um diálogo com a historiografia (nem sempre escrita por historiadores) que, desde o final dos anos 1970 até períodos mais recentes, investiga tanto as práticas de intervenção psiquiátricas vigentes no Brasil da segunda metade do século XIX até o começo do XX quanto os aportes teóricos e as lógicas de poder e sociabilidades que davam sustentação a tais práticas. A perspectiva aqui assumida interpreta “O alienista” como um vigoroso “testemunho histórico”, num registro eminentemente crítico, dos momentos iniciais de implantação da medicina mental no Brasil e de seu correlato institucional, que é o hospício.

Abstract From the early 1970s until more recently, historiography (which is not always written by historians) has investigated the psychiatric intervention practices that prevailed in Brazil from the latter half of the nineteenth century through the early twentieth, along with their theoretical foundations and the underlying logics of power and sociability. The article analyzes the novella “The Alienist,” by Machado de Assis, by engaging in dialogue with this field. The book is interpreted as a robust and eminently critical “historical witness” of the early emergence of mental health medicine in Brazil and its institutional correlate, the asylum.

Humains , Histoire du 19ème siècle , Histoire du 20ème siècle , Littérature moderne/histoire , La médecine dans la littérature , Psychologie/histoire , Brésil , Personnes célèbres , Historiographie , Hôpitaux psychiatriques/histoire
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 23(3): 653-668, jul.-set. 2016.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-792565


Resumo Ao longo da segunda metade do século XX, o debate historiográfico brasileiro foi profundamente marcado por Sérgio Buarque de Holanda. Na primeira década do século XXI, os problemas da identidade nacional, da ocupação do território, da organização social do Brasil e suas matrizes civilizacionais, dos limites e trocas culturais em terras interiores, das percepções e formas de apropriação da natureza, entre outros temas do autor, ainda ecoam nos estudos históricos contemporâneos. O artigo discute as contribuições das suas principais obras para a história ambiental, sobretudo as interpretações das interferências cruzadas entre sociedades humanas e o meio natural. O papel da natureza, suas metáforas, ideias ou imagens são os vestígios de uma história da historiografia brasileira.

Abstract Throughout the second half of the twentieth century, Brazilian historigraphical debate was profoundly marked by Sérgio Buarque de Holanda. The problems of national identity, the occupation of the land, the social organization of Brazil and its civilizatory roots, the cultural exchanges and boundaries in inland parts, the perceptions and forms of appropriation of nature, and other topics covered by the author still echo in contemporary historical research. This article discusses how his main works contribute to environmental history, especially his interpretations of how human societies and the natural environment have affected one another. The role of nature, its metaphors, ideas, or images are the evidence of a history of Brazilian historiography.

Humains , Histoire du 20ème siècle , Environnement , Historiographie , Brésil , Littérature moderne/histoire
Rev. bras. neurol ; 52(1): 35-37, jan.-mar. 2016. ilus
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-779353


Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, pseudonym of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, is a psychedelic dream tale apparently made for amusement. But, many speculations may be raised about its characters and phenomena created by a devout, learned and imaginative mathematician/logistician. Some issues based on the Cheshire cat due to its vanishing apparitions and its clever arguments are considered. The interpretation of the visual perception may include the "binding problem" issue. Regarding the cat's thought about inquiry, fundamental for researchers, this represents similar reasoning to that of Claude Bernard. Secondarily, some neurological and psychopathological speculations are also focused.

As aventuras de Alice no País das Maravilhas por Lewis Carroll, pseudônimo de Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, é um conto de sonho psicodélico, aparentemente feito para diversão. Mas muitas especulações podem ser levantadas sobre seus personagens e fenômenos criados por um devoto, erudito e criativo matemático/especialista em logística. São feitas algumas considerações sobre o gato de Cheshire devido suas aparições evanescentes e seus argumentos inteligentes. A interpretação sobre a percepção visual pode incluir a questão do "binding problem". Em relação ao pensamento do gato sobre a investigação, fundamental para os pesquisadores, isso representa raciocínio similar ao de Claude Bernard. Secundariamente, algumas especulações neurológicas e psicopatológicas também são apresentadas.

Humains , Distorsion perceptive , Neuropsychiatrie , Syndrome d'Alice au pays des merveilles/diagnostic , Syndrome d'Alice au pays des merveilles/histoire , Littérature moderne/histoire , Psychopathologie , Migraines
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 22(4): 1373-1390, out.-dez. 2015.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-767036


Elaborada durante as discussões da Lei Seca e o Sufrágio Universal nos EUA, no início do século XX - duas emendas que seriam aprovadas no sistema constitucional americano -, Memórias alcoólicas, do escritor norteamericano Jack London, é considerada uma obra referencial sobre o tema do alcoolismo. Tendo esse tema como fio condutor, o artigo analisa como a sua prosa se constitui em prática de si enquanto construção de subjetividade e organização da existência. Investiga como essa obra estabelece relações com a temática do cuidado de si, problematizada por Michel Foucault nos volumes 2 e 3 da História da sexualidade, acerca da estética da existência e das artes de viver presentes no universo social greco-romano e helenístico.

Employing this theme as a guideline, this article examines how his prose amounts to self-practice in the construction of subjectivity and the organization of existence. It investigates how this work is related to the theme of self-care, analyzed by Michel Foucault in volumes 2 and 3 of the History of sexuality, as regards the aesthetics of existence and the art of living which existed in the Greco-Roman and Hellenistic worlds.

Humains , Histoire du 19ème siècle , Histoire du 20ème siècle , Alcoolisme/histoire , Personnes célèbres , Littérature moderne/histoire , La médecine dans la littérature , Autosoins/histoire , États-Unis , Sexualité/histoire
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 22(3): 813-828, jul.-set. 2015.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-756457


No Centro de Memória da Faculdade de Farmácia da UFMG encontram-se documentos relativos à passagem de Carlos Drummond de Andrade pela instituição, fato que levou à reflexão sobre a presença da farmácia e do farmacêutico na literatura. Por meio de diálogo interdisciplinar e de pesquisa sobre elementos que comprovassem essa presença, sua efetiva participação e presença na literatura, buscou-se historicizar essa vinculação não só do poeta de Itabira, mas de outros homens de letras, sendo profissionais farmacêuticos ou inspirados por eles. Objetivou-se, igualmente, apontar alguns elementos que fundamentem e demonstrem a importância desse profissional na sociedade brasileira do final do século XIX e primeira metade do XX.

In the Memory Center of the Pharmacy School of UFMG there are documents relating to the passage of Carlos Drummond de Andrade through the institution, a fact that has led to reflection on the presence of the pharmacy and the pharmaceutical expert in literature. By means of interdisciplinary dialogue and research into elements that prove this presence, active participation and presence in the literature, an attempt was made to historicize these ties, not only of the poet from Itabira, but other men of letters, be they pharmaceutical professionals or people inspired by them. The objective was also to highlight some evidence that supports and demonstrates the importance of this professional in Brazilian society of the late-nineteenth century and early-twentieth century.

Histoire du 19ème siècle , Histoire du 20ème siècle , Littérature moderne/histoire , Pharmacie/histoire , Brésil , Poésie comme sujet/histoire , Faculté de pharmacie
Rev. med. Rosario ; 81(2): 89-91, mayo-ago 2015.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-766775
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 22(2): 483-505, Apr-Jun/2015.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-747129


O artigo oferece uma leitura alternativa de Hampa afro-cubana: los negros brujos, do cubano Fernando Ortiz y Fernandes, e discute a necessidade de problematizar as diferentes ideias expostas pelo autor. Para isso, contesta leituras de alguns comentadores influenciados por sua obra. O artigo sugere algumas pistas acerca do que Ortiz y Fernandes entendia como forças capazes de agir e manifestar-se nos "corpos" de sujeitos afetados pela agência dos acusados de envolvimento com práticas e objetos mágicos. Debruça-se sobre a criação dos brujos - conforme descritos por Ortiz y Fernandes - como um objeto epistêmico e discute os argumentos e práticas de conhecimento necessários à sua fabricação.

This article offers an alternative reading of Hampa afro-cubana: los negros brujos, by the Cuban Fernando Ortiz y Fernandes, and discusses the need to make the different ideas expounded by the author more complex. For this reason, it disputes the interpretations of some commentators influenced by his work. The article suggests some clues with regard to what Ortiz y Fernandes understood as forces capable of acting and manifesting themselves in the "bodies" of persons affected by the activities of those accused of being involved with magical practices and objects. It examines the creation of witches - as described by Ortiz y Fernandes - as an epistemic phenomenon and discusses the arguments and the practices and knowledge required for this purpose.

Humains , Histoire du 20ème siècle , Littérature moderne/histoire , Magie/histoire , Sorcellerie/histoire , Anthropologie culturelle/histoire , Cuba , Personnes célèbres
Korean Journal of Medical History ; : 543-572, 2014.
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-70792


As the sciences advanced rapidly in the modern European world, outstanding achievements have been made in medicine, chemistry, biology, physiology, physics and others, which have been co-influencing each of the scientific disciplines. Accordingly, such medical and scientific phenomena began to be reflected in novels. In particular, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein includes the diverse aspects of the change and development in the medicine and science. Associated with medical and scientific information reflected in Frankenstein and Frankenstein's experiments in the text, accordingly, this research will investigate the aspects of medical and scientific development taking place in the nineteenth century in three ways. First, the medical and scientific development of the nineteenth century has been reviewed by summerizing both the information of alchemy in which Frankenstein shows his interest and the new science in general that M. Waldman introduces in the text. Second, the actual features of medical and scientific development have been examined through some examples of the experimental methods that M. Waldman implicitly uttered to Frankenstein. Third, it has been checked how the medical and scientific development is related to the main issues of mechanism and vitalism which can be explained as principles of life. Even though this research deals with the developmental process of medicine & science and origin & principles of life implied in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, its significance is that it is the interdisciplinary research focussing on how deeply medical and scientific discourse of Mary Shelley's period has been imbedded in the nineteenth century novel.

Recherche biomédicale/histoire , Histoire du 19ème siècle , Littérature moderne/histoire , La médecine dans la littérature
Rev. méd. Chile ; 139(10): 1365-1369, oct. 2011. ilus
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-612207


William Wilkie Collins (WWC) is a well-known prolific and innovator English writer of the Victorian age. After 150 years he is still being extensively read and all his main works are translated into Spanish. Furthermore, WWC has been acclaimed by famous writers such as JL Borges and TS Eliot as one of the best story-tellers of all times, and a master of the complexities of the plot of stories. WWC mentioned on his works many innovator aspects of medicine, demonstrating an uncanny power of observation and real interest in science. Notoriously, WWC described posttraumatic epilepsy, the clinical effects of opium, the introduction of people with sensorial deficits, such as blindness and deafness, as main figures in his novels. WWC also showed an interest in the management of mental disorders and the use of music as a potential therapy. In this review, we comment these interesting aspects of the creative work of this genius of the fiction literature.

Histoire du 19ème siècle , Humains , Personnes célèbres , Littérature moderne/histoire , La médecine dans la littérature , Troubles mentaux/histoire , Angleterre , Troubles mentaux/thérapie , Musicothérapie/histoire
Rev. méd. Chile ; 139(3): 395-399, mar. 2011. ilus
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-597632


Jonathan Swift is one of the most celebrated satirist writers in literature. His well-known "Gulliver's Travels", apartfrom being a serious human being criticism, contains many interesting ana unrecognized comments about medical and other scientific facts. Swift made what seems to be thefirst account of a dementing illness in the elderly; his description fits well with what we now know as Alzheimer's disease. He also described a condition now called synaesthesia, a very interestingphenomenon that may contribute to creativity. In thispaper, we review aspects ofhis Ufe and reveal these amazing descriptions as samples of Swift's extraordinary power of observation.

Histoire du 17ème siècle , Histoire du 18ème siècle , Maladie d'Alzheimer/histoire , Personnes célèbres , Littérature moderne/histoire , La médecine dans la littérature , Irlande
Rev. chil. infectol ; 27(5): 429-434, oct. 2010. ilus
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-572009


Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, además de ameno escritor de best sellers, era médico y escribió excelentes cuentos sobre el ejercicio de su profesión en Inglaterra. Sin embargo, a pesar de mencionar The British Medical Journal y The Lancet en sus historias de Sherlock Holmes, al introducir enfermedades infecciosas en sus tramas, ignora descubrimientos importantes ya realizados en su época en el campo del tétanos. En todo caso, las apariciones de las enfermedades infecciosas en las historias del detective son escasas: una mención del tétanos, otra de la lepra y -la más analizada en la literatura médica- un caso de asesinato realizado mediante la inoculación de una bacteria, probablemente del agente de la melioidosis. También hizo a su héroe descubrir las acciones tóxicas de una medusa y de un trasplante de órganos. Poco para un médico y poco para un autor que también escribía ciencia ficción: pareciera que la historia de los grandes descubrimientos médicos de fines del siglo XX y comienzos del XXI pasó por su lado... y no la vio.

Besides a pleasant author of best sellers, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a medical doctor, writing excellent short stories about the exercise of his profession in England. However, even he mentions The British Medical Journal and The Lancet in the Sherlock Holmes’s stories, when in the plot introduces infectious diseases, Conan Doyle ignores important discoveries in the field of tetanus. Anyway, the appearing of infectious diseases in the adventures of the detective are rare: one mention of tetanus, another of leprosy and- the most analyzed in medical literature -a case of murder by inoculation of bacteria, probably the agent of melioidosis. Also he makes his hero discovers the toxic actions of a medusa and a transplant of solid organ. Little for a physician and less for an author who also wrote science fiction: it seems that the history of the great medical discoveries at the end of nineteenth century and beginning of the twentieth has passed by his side… and he just couldn’t see it.

Histoire du 19ème siècle , Histoire du 20ème siècle , Humains , Infections bactériennes/histoire , Littérature moderne/histoire , La médecine dans la littérature , Angleterre , Écosse
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 68(1): 140-142, Feb. 2010.
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-541205


This article, the result of a research project presented as a Master's degree dissertation in the graduate program of "Teaching of Health Education" at UNIFESP, seeks to highlight the pertinence of analyzing epilepsy and especially, the paradoxical experience of the epileptic individual through literary narrative. Using as its object the novel, The Idiot, by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, it seeks to discuss the relationship between epilepsy and the mystic experience, bearing in mind the context of the scientific and humanistic perspectives of the 19th century and today.

Este artigo, fruto de uma pesquisa apresentada como dissertação de mestrado junto ao programa de pós-graduação "Ensino em Ciências da Saúde" da UNIFESP, procura apontar a pertinência de se analisar a epilepsia e, principalmente, a paradoxal experiência do epiléptico através da narrativa literária. Tomando como objeto o romance O Idiota, de Fiódor Dostoiévski, procura-se discutir a relação entre epilepsia e experiência mística, considerando o contexto das perspectivas científicas e humanísticas do século XIX e de hoje.

Histoire du 19ème siècle , Épilepsie/histoire , Personnes célèbres , Littérature moderne/histoire , La médecine dans la littérature , Mysticisme/histoire , Russie
Korean Journal of Medical History ; : 1-14, 2009.
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-115844


"Sikmulboncho" that is quoted several times to "Donguibogam(Medical Thesaurus of Korea)" published several times in 3 countries(Korea, China & Japan) as important data of botany study. Gapjinjache "Sikmulboncho", one of the bronze metal type, that exist our country was publicated in early Seonjo(1552-1608) era. Actually there are 3 items(Korea university collection, Asami library collection, Oksan seowon collection) of Gapjinjache Naeuiwonjabon one of the wooden type seen become publication after 1607 year. Bronze metal type composes the major part for Gapjinjabon, but wood type was also mixed much. Wooden type composes the major part for Naeuiwonjabon, while bronze type was little mixed. Bronze metal type disappears by wear class gradually to during 40 years and instead of this, used wood type was used. Foundation and base of this publication have formed in itself Eulhaejache Naeeuiwonjabon that start "Donguibogam" in process that do this way. Therefore, Naeeuiwon do not publish various medical books like a Naeeuiwonjabon suddenly in early 17th century. I can speak that is caused in experience and potential power that already publish this Gapjinjabon medical book ago by medical history.

Livres/histoire , Botanique/histoire , Chine , Histoire du 16ème siècle , Histoire du 17ème siècle , Japon , Corée , Littérature moderne/histoire , Métaux , Impression (processus)/histoire , Bois
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