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Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos;27(3): 837-857, set. 2020. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134080


Resumo Discutimos a tentativa de organização do Hospital Proletário na capital da Paraíba nos anos 1930. Para tanto, problematizamos a cobertura do jornal A União sobre esse episódio. O envolvimento de diferentes atores - trabalhadores, associações e médicos - revela a emergência de uma nova forma de pensar e praticar as políticas de saúde. Conforme o projeto varguista de construção nacional, tais ações visavam à formação de trabalhadores saudáveis, aptos para o mercado e úteis para a nação. Apesar de seu fracasso, o projeto do hospital evidencia as diferentes concepções sobre a saúde dos trabalhadores na Era Vargas. Apropriamo-nos dos conceitos de "interdependência sanitária", "medicina social", "cidadania regulada" e "trabalhismo".

Abstract We discuss the attempt to establish the Hospital Proletário in the capital of the state of Paraíba in the 1930s. To this end, we problematized the coverage in the newspaper A União on this episode. The involvement of different actors - workers, associations and physicians - reveals the emergence of a new way of thinking and implementing healthcare policies. According to the Vargas government's national construction plan, actions like this were intended to ensure healthy workers - ready for the market and useful for the country. Despite its failure, the hospital project provided evidence of the different concepts of worker health during the Vargas Era. We identified the concepts of "health interdependence," "social medicine," "regulated citizenship" and the "labor movement."

Humains , Histoire du 20ème siècle , Hôpitaux/histoire , Classe sociale , Brésil , Oeuvres de bienfaisance/histoire
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos;26(supl.1): 79-108, out.-dez. 2019. tab, graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056285


Resumo O artigo analisa como as santas casas de misericórdia do estado de São Paulo foram subvencionadas pelos governos municipais, provincial e estadual na passagem do século XIX para o XX. Para tanto, são discutidas as dotações orçamentárias realizadas de 1838 a 1915, com o fim de avaliar o repasse e a ampliação de verbas nesse ínterim. É possível notar que foi criada uma rede de assistência fortemente apoiada pelo Estado, mas efetivada pela assistência filantrópica. Essa rede de atendimento hospitalar permanece com o mesmo formato até pelo menos o primeiro terço do século XX, contexto em que se incluíam as misericórdias criadas pelo interior do estado paulista.

Abstract This article investigates how the santas casas de misericórdia charitable associations in the state of São Paulo were subsidized by the municipal, provincial, and state governments at the turn of the twentieth century. Budget appropriations from 1838 to 1915 were examined to evaluate these charitable grants as well as the growth in funding during this period. While a care network created with strong state backing, it was put into action by philanthropic assistance. This network of hospital care retained the same format until at least the first third of the twentieth century, and included misericórdia establishments created within the interior of the state of São Paulo.

Humains , Histoire du 18ème siècle , Histoire du 19ème siècle , Histoire du 20ème siècle , Oeuvres de bienfaisance/histoire , Politique de santé/histoire , Hôpitaux/histoire , Brésil , Budgets/histoire , Oeuvres de bienfaisance/économie , Oeuvres de bienfaisance/législation et jurisprudence , Économie hospitalière/histoire , Financement du gouvernement/histoire , Gouvernement/histoire
Salud pública Méx ; 59(4): 429-436, Jul.-Aug. 2017. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-903773


Abstract: Some interpretations frequently argue that three Disability Models (DM) (Charity, Medical/Rehabilitation, and Social) correspond to historical periods in terms of chronological succession. These views permeate a priori within major official documents on the subject in Mexico. This paper intends to test whether this association is plausible by applying a timeline method. A document search was made with inclusion and exclusion criteria in databases to select representative studies with which to depict milestones in the timelines for each period. The following is demonstrated: 1) models should be considered as categories of analysis and not as historical periods, in that the prevalence of elements of the three models is present to date, and 2) the association between disability models and historical periods results in teleological interpretations of the history of disability in Mexico.

Resumen: Se argumenta que tres modelos de discapacidad (de prescindencia, médico/rehabilitador y social) se corresponden con periodos históricos en sucesión cronológica. Esta visión a priori ha permeado dentro de los principales documentos oficiales sobre el tema en México. El presente trabajo se propone probar si esta asociación es plausible, mediante la aplicación de una metodología de línea temporal. Se diseñó una estrategia de búsqueda con criterios de inclusión y exclusión en bases de datos para seleccionar estudios representativos, con los cuales se retomaron hitos a representar en la línea temporal por cada periodo. Se muestra que los modelos deben plantearse como categorías de análisis y no como periodos históricos, dado que: 1) existe prevalencia de elementos de los tres modelos en la coyuntura actual y 2) la asociación entre modelos y periodos da lugar a interpretaciones teleológicas de la historia de la discapacidad en México.

Histoire du 16ème siècle , Histoire du 17ème siècle , Histoire du 18ème siècle , Histoire du 19ème siècle , Histoire du 20ème siècle , Histoire du 21ème siècle , Personnes handicapées/rééducation et réadaptation , Modèles théoriques , Sécurité sociale/histoire , Organismes d'aide sociale/histoire , Attitude envers la santé , Oeuvres de bienfaisance/histoire , Personnes handicapées/histoire , Personnes handicapées/statistiques et données numériques , Évaluation de l'invalidité , Mexique/épidémiologie
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos;23(4): 1153-1167, oct.-dic. 2016. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-828874


Resumo Este artigo é parte do esforço de compilação das análises elaboradas em dissertação de mestrado, defendida em 2012. Apresentamos novas perspectivas sobre o Hospício de Pedro II entre 1883 e 1889, a partir de pesquisa empreendida com as fichas de entrada e os anexos de pacientes internados na instituição, fundada em 1852, no Rio de Janeiro. Buscamos destacar a participação de atores diversos e as imbricações de diferentes interesses e demandas em relação ao hospício. Assim, além do olhar médico-científico, apontamos a importância de ampliar o debate sobre a instituição, considerando sua importância, tanto pelo viés caritativo quanto pelo papel central nas relações políticas e sociais do Império.

Abstract This article is part of an effort to compile the analyses made for my master’s dissertation from 2012. It contains new perspectives on Hospício de Pedro II (Pedro II Hospice) between 1883 and 1889, drawing on research of admissions records and files of patients staying at the institution, founded in 1852 in Rio de Janeiro. The involvement of different players and the interplay of different interests and demands with regard to the hospice are highlighted. It is important to expand the debate concerning the institution beyond medical and scientific aspects, considering its importance both as a charity and for its key role in the political and social relations of the empire.

Humains , Histoire du 19ème siècle , Oeuvres de bienfaisance/histoire , Établissements de soins palliatifs/histoire , Hôpitaux psychiatriques/histoire , Brésil
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-180838


This study is about the Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph in New Orleans' Charity Hospital during the years between 1834 and 1860. The Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph was founded in 1809 by Saint Elizabeth Ann Bailey Seton (first native-born North American canonized in 1975) in Emmitsburg, Maryland. Seton's Sisters of Charity was the first community for religious women to be established in the United States and was later incorporated with the French Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul in 1850. A call to work in New Orleans' Charity Hospital in the 1830s meant a significant achievement for the Sisters of Charity, since it was the second oldest continuously operating public hospitals in the United States until 2005, bearing the same name over the decades. In 1834, Sister Regina Smith and other sisters were officially called to Charity Hospital, in order to supersede the existing "nurses, attendants, and servants," and take a complete charge of the internal management of the Charity Hospital. The existing scholarship on the history of hospitals and Catholic nursing has not integrated the concrete stories of the Sisters of Charity into the broader histories of institutionalized medicine, gender, and religion. Along with a variety of primary sources, this study primarily relies on the Charity Hospital History Folder stored at the Daughters of Charity West Center Province Archives. Located in the "Queen city of the South," Charity Hospital was the center of the southern medical profession and the world's fair of people and diseases. Charity Hospital provided the sisters with a unique situation that religion and medicine became intertwined. The Sisters, as nurses, constructed a new atmosphere of caring for patients and even their families inside and outside the hospital, and built their own separate space within the hospital walls. As hospital managers, the Sisters of Charity were put in complete charge of the hospital, which was never seen in other hospitals. By wearing a distinctive religious garment, they eschewed female dependence and sexuality. As medical and religious attendants at the sick wards, the sisters played a vital role in preparing the patients for a "good death" as well as spiritual wellness. By waging their own war on the Protestant influences, the sisters did their best to build their own sacred place in caring for sick bodies and saving souls. Through the research on the Sisters of Charity at Charity Hospital, this study ultimately sheds light on the ways in which a nineteenth-century southern hospital functioned as a unique environment for the recovery of wellness of the body and soul, shaped and envisioned by the Catholic sister-nurses' gender and religious identities.

Catholicisme , Oeuvres de bienfaisance/histoire , Histoire du 19ème siècle , Hôpitaux religieux/histoire , Hôpitaux urbains/histoire , Nouvelle-Orléans
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-180839


This study aims to examine the beginning and the development of Christian Charities during the 4th-6th centuries which would eventually result in the birth of the hospital in modern sense in the first half of the 7th century. For this purpose, I looked carefully into various primary sources concerning the early Christian institutions for the poor and the sick. Above all, it's proper to note that the first xenodocheion where hospitality was combined with a systematic caring, is concerned with the Trinitarian debate of the 4th century. In 356, Eustathios, one of the leaders of homoiousios group, established xenodocheion to care for the sick and the lepers in Sebaste of Armenia, whereas his opponent Aetios, doctor and leader of the heteroousios party, was reckoned to have combined the medical treatment with his clerical activities. Then, Basil of Caesarea, disciple of Eustathios of Sebaste, also founded in 372 a magnificent benevolent complex named 'Basileias' after its founder. I scrupulously analysed several contemporary materials mentioning the charitable institution of Caesarea which was called alternatively katagogia, ptochotropheion, xenodocheion. John Chrysostome also founded several nosokomeia in Constantinople at the end of the 4th century and the beginning of the 5th century. Apparently, the contemporary sources mention that doctors existed for these Charities, but there is no sufficient proof that these 'Christian Hospitals,' Basileias or nosokomeia of Constantinople were hospitals in modern sense. Imperial constitutions began to mention ptochotropheion, xenodocheion and orphanotropheion since the second half of the 5th century and then some Justinian laws evoked nosokomium, brephotrophia, gerontocomia. These laws reveal that 'Christian Hospitals' were well clarified and deeply rooted in Byzantine society already in these periods. And then, new benevolent institutions emerged in the 6th century: nosokomeia for a specific class and lochokomeia for maternity. In addition, one of the important functions of Sampson Xenon was, according to Novel 59, to hold a funeral service for the people of Constantinople. Nevertheless, there is no sufficient literary material that could demonstrate the existence of a hospital in modern sense. The first hospital where outpatient service, hospitalization and surgery were confirmed was Sampson Xenon in the first half of the 7th century, figured in the tale of Stephanos of the The Miracles of St. Artemios. Why was the early Byzantine literary so reticent as to write the medical activities in the Christian Charities? It's because Christian innovation didn't rest on the medical treatment but caring for the poor and the sick, depending on the word of Mt. 25.35-36. In this meaning, I'd like to say that the Early Byzantine history of Christian Charities or 'Christian Hospitals' consists of only a footnote of the verse.

Byzance , Oeuvres de bienfaisance/histoire , Christianisme , Histoire ancienne , Histoire médiévale , Hôpitaux religieux/histoire
Interaçao psicol ; 8(1): 103-111, jan.-jun. 2004. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-435382


Ao se falar em significado de infância, faz-se imprescindível salientar a natureza do caráter histórico e cultural. O século XIX estabeleceu o surgimento do significado de infância como uma etapa da vida distinta dos adultos e que necessita de cuidados especiais. Fundamentada nas premissas do filantropismo, a Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Salvador oferecia proteção a crianças órfãos ou de famílias miseráveis. Pressupondo-se que, através da análise das práticas de proteção oferecidas pela instituição, pode-se revelar o significado de infância subjacente a determinado momento histórico-cultural, foram coletadas e analisadas informações contidas nos Livros de Atas do século XIX da Mesa da Santa Casa (números 16 a 23). Estas informações foram agrupadas nas categorias: medidas de proteção à infância, disciplina institucional e destino pós-institucional. Foi constatado que a instituição funcionava como um local de abandono institucionalizado, já que apenas proporcionava o atendimento às necessidades básicas e a promoção da educação. Proteger e cuidar representava assegurar-lhes ofício e futuro produtivo. A proteção da Santa Casa, e provavelmente de toda sociedade, consistia em proteger a criança de sua própria natureza má e assegurar-lhe sua sobrevivência e um futuro conformado às normas sociais vigentes. A proteção, portanto, estava associada a uma preocupação com o "vir a ser" da criança

Enfant , Enfant abandonné/histoire , Oeuvres de bienfaisance/histoire
São Paulo; Narrativa Um; 2004. 136 p. ilus.
Monographie de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-442106


Narra a história da Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Itu no período entre 1940 e 1990, dando seguimento à obra do historiador ituano Francisco Nardy Filho, que escreveu uma história da Irmandade até o ano de 1940, abrangendo seus cem primeiros anos de existência.

Académies et instituts/histoire , Hôpitaux privés à but non lucratif/histoire , Organismes bénévoles de santé/histoire , Histoire de la médecine , Oeuvres de bienfaisance/histoire
Rio de Janeiro; Fundação Abrigo do Cristo Redentor; 1999. 308 p. ilus.
Monographie de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-261887


Apresenta biografia de Levy Miranda e inclui a criação da Fundação Abrigo do Cristo Redentor

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Oeuvres de bienfaisance/histoire , Services sociaux et travail social (activité) , Brésil