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Saúde Soc ; 32(1): e211011pt, 2023. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424476


Resumo Com alta transmissibilidade e demanda por atendimento hospitalar, a covid-19 teve impactos (como ansiedade, medo e insegurança) sobre o equilíbrio psicológico de pacientes, seus familiares e profissionais da saúde. Diante disso, o objetivo deste artigo é mapear intervenções psicológicas no contexto hospitalar frente à covid-19, a fim de subsidiar a constituição de protocolos. Observou-se que visitas virtuais, trabalho de luto antecipatório e técnicas de psicoeducação, através de psicoterapia breve, mostram-se necessários dentro do contexto de unidades fechadas, Unidades de Terapia Intensiva (UTIs) e emergências, como forma de enfrentamento que permite a elaboração de sentimentos, como medo, angústia e ansiedade. Para ambulatórios, destacam-se os plantões psicológicos, através de videochamadas, de demanda espontânea, além de encaminhamento para psicoterapia externa, voltados a profissionais com sintomas de pânico, ansiedade, depressão e exaustão. Mesmo com intervenções psicológicas originadas a partir desse contexto, evidencia-se a falta de protocolos com abrangência nacional e eficazes para o ambiente hospitalar, tanto para pacientes e familiares como para profissionais que atuam diretamente com o vírus. Portanto, cabe ao Brasil aperfeiçoar o modelo apresentado pela Comissão Nacional de Saúde da China, ou construir protocolos próprios de acordo com o contexto sociocultural, compreendendo suas diferentes formas de comunicação e enfrentamento. É essencial considerar sentimentos de cansaço dos profissionais da saúde, de forma que se sugerem ações como grupo de acolhimento de demandas emocionais geradas nesta pandemia.

Abstract With high transmission and demand for hospital care, COVID-19 caused impacts (such as anxiety fear, and insecurity) on the psychological balance of patients, family members, and health professionals. Therefore, the objective of this article is to map psychological interventions in the hospital context against COVID-19, to support the constitution of protocols in this environment. We observed that virtual visits, anticipatory mourning work, and psychoeducational techniques, via brief psychotherapy are necessary within the context of closed units, Intensive Care Units (ICU's), and emergencies, as a way of coping that allow the elaboration of feelings such as fear, anguish , and anxiety. For outpatient clinics, psychological shifts in hospitals, via video calls, of spontaneous demand, in addition to referral to external psychotherapy, for professionals with symptoms of panic, anxiety, depression, and exhaustion stand out. Even with psychological interventions originating from this context, the lack of protocols with national coverage and effectiveness for the hospital environment is evident, both for patients and families and for professionals who work directly with the virus. Therefore, it is up to Brazil to improve the model presented by the National Health Commission for the People's Republic of China, or build our own protocols according to the sociocultural context, comprising their different forms of communication and confrontation. In addition, it to Considering the feelings of tiredness of health professionals is essential, so that actions such as a group to acknowledge emotional demands generated in this pandemic are suggested.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Psychologie médicale , Psychothérapie , Recommandations comme sujet , COVID-19 , Anxiété , Panique , Adaptation psychologique , Dépression , Adoption par l'Utilisateur
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e243909, 2023. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1422399


O ingresso na universidade é marcado por intensas transformações pessoais e pela necessidade de adaptação para um modelo de ensino mais autônomo. Esse cenário pode contribuir para o surgimento de sentimentos de solidão e impactar a qualidade de vida dos universitários. O presente estudo visou investigar as relações entre a solidão e a qualidade de vida em universitários de uma universidade pública do interior de Minas Gerais. Participaram da pesquisa 268 estudantes de graduação selecionados aleatoriamente. Como instrumentos, foram utilizados um questionário sociodemográfico e de hábitos de vida, o Medical Outcomes Study 36 - item Short Form (SF-36), e a Escala Brasileira de Solidão (UCLA-BR). Foram conduzidas análises descritivas e inferenciais (correlação, Kruskal-Wallis e regressão logística). O domínio da qualidade de vida com maior escore foi Capacidade Funcional e Vitalidade foi o menor. Referente à solidão, 60,82% da amostra apresentou nível mínimo. Houve associação significativa entre a solidão e seis domínios da qualidade de vida. A solidão dobrou a chance de pior qualidade de vida nos domínios: aspectos sociais (β = 2,66), limitação emocional (β = 2,18) e saúde mental (β = 2,61). Conclui-se que a solidão impacta negativamente a qualidade de vida dos universitários e que, por isso, são necessárias intervenções para essa população.(AU)

Enrollment in the university is marked by intense personal transformations and the need to adapt to a more autonomous teaching model. This scenario can contribute to the emergence of feelings of loneliness and impact the quality of life of college students. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between loneliness and quality of life in college students at a public university in the interior of the state of Minas Gerais. A total of 268 undergraduate students randomly select took part in the study. The instruments used were a sociodemographic and lifestyle questionnaire, the Medical Outcomes Study 36 - item Short Form (SF-36), and the Brazilian Loneliness Scale (UCLA-BR). Descriptive and inferential analyzes were conducted (correlation, Kruskal-Wallis, and logistic regression). The highest score in the quality of life's domain was Functional Capacity and the lowest was Vitality. Regarding loneliness, 60.82% of the sample had a minimum level. There was a significant association between loneliness and six quality of life domains. Loneliness doubled the chance of worse quality of life for the domains: social aspects (β = 2.66), emotional limitation (β = 2.18), and mental health (β = 2.61). In conclusion, loneliness negatively impacts the quality of life of university students and, therefore, interventions are required for this population.(AU)

El ingreso a la universidad está marcado por intensas transformaciones personales y la necesidad de adaptarse a un modelo de enseñanza más autónomo. Este escenario puede contribuir a la aparición de sentimientos de soledad e impactar la calidad de vida de los estudiantes universitarios. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar las relaciones entre la soledad y la calidad de vida en los estudiantes universitarios de una universidad pública del interior de Minas Gerais (Brasil). En la investigación participaron 268 estudiantes universitarios seleccionados al azar. Los instrumentos que se utilizaron fueron cuestionario de hábitos sociodemográficos y de estilo de vida, el Medical Outcomes Study 36 -item Short Form (SF-36) y la Escala de soledad brasileña (UCLA-BR). Se realizaron análisis descriptivos e inferenciales (correlación, Kruskal-Wallis y regresión logística). El dominio de la calidad de vida con la puntuación más alta fue la capacidad funcional, y el de la vitalidad fue la más baja. En cuanto a la soledad, el 60,82% de la muestra presentó nivel mínimo. Hubo una asociación significativa entre la soledad y seis dominios de calidad de vida. La soledad duplicó la posibilidad de una peor calidad de vida para los dominios: aspectos sociales (β = 2,66), limitación emocional (β = 2,18) y salud mental (β = 2,61). Se concluye que la soledad afecta negativamente la calidad de vida de los estudiantes universitarios y, por lo tanto, está prohibida para esta población.(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Qualité de vie , Étudiants , Solitude , Panique , Développement de la personnalité , Psychologie , Psychopathologie , Honte , Soutien social , Services de santé pour étudiants , Universités , Adaptation psychologique , Comportement auto-agressif , Troubles affectifs psychotiques , Dépression , Éducation , Prévention des Maladies , Peur , Tristesse , Détresse psychologique , Interaction sociale , Culpabilité
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e250370, 2023.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1440796


A atuação em situações de emergências e desastres apresentam-se como um dos grandes desafios na atuação dos profissionais da Psicologia, demandando intervenções singulares, desde o primeiro contato com as vítimas e o com entorno afetado pelo ocorrido, passando pelo trabalho interdisciplinar e interinstitucional junto aos órgãos públicos de segurança, justiça, assistência e saúde. O presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar, por meio da experiência na assistência às vítimas na Escola Estadual Raul Brasil, as particularidades e adversidades enfrentadas durante o primeiro semestre de intervenções emergenciais que antecederam a contratação de psicólogos por parte do poder público municipal para continuidade das ações. Por meio de relatos de experiência em intervenções psicológicas, obtidos em diferentes instituições para a assistência às vítimas, este trabalho também visa apresentar alternativas que possam servir de referências para a intervenção do psicólogo e da psicóloga em situações de emergências e desastres, especialmente ocorridas na comunidade escolar. Observou-se que a realização do trabalho interdisciplinar e interinstitucional somado à participação da direção da escola no planejamento das ações e a realização de plantões psicológicos e rodas de conversa junto à comunidade escolar foram fundamentais para a assistência às vítimas do ocorrido.(AU)

Timely response to emergency and disaster situations is a major challenge for Psychology professionals and require particular interventions, from initial contact with the victims and the affected environment to interdisciplinary and interinstitutional collaboration with public security, justice, assistance and health agencies. Based on the experience of providing assistance to the victims of the State School Raul Brasil, this paper presents the adversities and specificities faced during the first semester of emergency interventions implemented before psychologists were hired by municipal officials for the continuity of care. By analyzing experience reports on psychological interventions obtained from different institutions for victim assistance, this paper proposes alternatives to be used as reference for psychological intervention in emergency and disaster situations, especially those experienced by the school community. Interdisciplinary and interinstitutional collaboration with the school board for planning actions and offering psychological services and conversation circles for the school community was fundamental to assist the victims.(AU)

La actuación en situaciones de emergencias es uno de los grandes desafíos a los profesionales de la psicología, pues demanda intervenciones singulares desde el primer contacto con las víctimas y con el contexto afectado por lo ocurrido, pasando por la interdisciplinaridad e interinstitucionalidad junto a los organismos públicos de seguridad, justicia, asistencia y salud. Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar, por medio de la experiencia de la asistencia a las víctimas del colegio estadual Raul Brasil (en São Paulo, Brasil), las particularidades y adversidades enfrentadas durante el primer semestre de las intervenciones de emergencia que antecedieron la contratación de psicólogos por parte del municipio para continuidad de las acciones. Por medio de reportes de experiencia en intervenciones psicológicas, obtenidos en diferentes instituciones para la asistencia a las víctimas, este estudio también pretende presentar alternativas que puedan servir de referencia en la intervención de psicólogos y psicólogas en situaciones de emergencia y desastres, especialmente ocurridas en la comunidad escolar. Se verificó que la realización del trabajo interdisciplinar e interinstitucional, la participación de la dirección del colegio en la implementación de acciones y la realización de guardias psicológicas y círculos de conversación con la comunidad escolar fueron fundamentales para una asistencia a las víctimas.(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Psychologie , Établissements scolaires , Urgences , Anxiété , Panique , Relations parent-enfant , Politique , Prisons , Psychiatrie , Psychologie de l'éducation , Psychologie sociale , Psychopathologie , Punition , Thérapie de la réalité , Religion , Services de santé scolaire , Automutilation , Changement social , Problèmes sociaux , Socialisation , Stéréotypes , Violence , Politiques de régulation sociale , Trouble bipolaire , Consommation d'alcool , Deuil (perte) , Adaptation psychologique , Préparations pharmaceutiques , Attitude , Enfant , Maltraitance des enfants , Éducation de l'enfant , Caractéristiques de l'habitat , Adolescent , Police , Trouble panique , Violence domestique , Intervention de sauvetage , Vie , Victimes de crimes , Éloge funèbre , Troubles liés à une substance , Internet , Crime , Droit pénal , Intervention de crise , Asssaut Terroriste , Terrorisme , Mort , Mécanismes de défense , Prestations des soins de santé , Diffusion de l'information , Application de la loi , Amis , Mineurs , Agressivité , Dépression , Planification des mesures d'urgence en cas de catastrophe , Techniciens médicaux des services d'urgence , Humanisation de l'Assistance , Adoption par l'Utilisateur , Événements avec afflux massif de victimes , Peur , Brimades , Apathie , Abri d'urgence , Incendies , Ajustement émotionnel , Influence du groupe , Harcèlement non sexuel , Thérapie centrée sur les émotions , Survie (démographie) , Échec universitaire , Ethnocentrisme , Extrémisme , Cyberintimidation , Frustration , Violence par armes à feu , Respect , Détresse psychologique , Services de santé mentale à l'école , Dépendance à Internet , Désinformation , Soutien familial , Prévention du suicide , Processus de groupe , Culpabilité , Homicide , Hostilité , Droits de l'homme , Jurisprudence , Colère , Événements de vie , Mass-médias , Troubles mentaux , Motivation , Troubles névrotiques , Trouble de la personnalité de type antisocial
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 26(3)set-dez. 2022.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1399128


A pandemia de COVID-19 e as medidas de controle para conter a disseminação do vírus, como o distanciamento social, trouxeram mudanças à rotina das pessoas, mundialmente. Esse contexto pode gerar impactos adversos para a saúde mental dos indivíduos, especialmente, àqueles em maior vulnerabilidade, os idosos. O objetivo desse estudo foi analisar na literatura os impactos reais e/ou potenciais da pandemia de COVID-19 na saúde mental de idosos. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa de literatura com buscas realizadas na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, que utilizou a seguinte estratégia de busca: (Coronavírus OR "Infecções por Coronavirus" OR "Coronavirus Infections" OR COVID-19) AND (idoso OR elderly OR aged) AND ("Saúde Mental" OR "Mental Health"). Foram critérios de inclusão: artigos acessados na íntegra, sem distinção de ano e idioma, indexados até o dia 11 de novembro de 2020; e os critérios de exclusão: artigos com fuga do escopo da pesquisa, revisões de literatura, arquivos multimídia e duplicados. Foram encontrados 241 registros, e após a aplicação dos critérios de elegibilidade estabelecidos restaram 27 artigos para discussão. Dentre os impactos reais/potenciais da pandemia de COVID-19 na saúde mental dos idosos, abordados nos estudos, destaca-se a ansiedade, depressão, solidão, estresse, sensação de medo ou pânico, tristeza, suicídio/ideação suicida e insônia. Apesar disso, considera-se que há uma quantidade ainda escassa de estudos voltados especificamente para a população idosa que permitam aprofundar as discussões sobre esse tema.

The COVID-19 pandemic and control measures to contain the spread of the virus, such as social detachment, have brought changes to people's routine, worldwide. This context can generate adverse impacts on the mental health of individuals, especially those most vulnerable, the older adults. The aim of this study was to analyze in the literature the real and / or potential impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of the older adults. It is an integrative literature review with searches performed in the Virtual Health Library, which used the following search strategy: (Coronavírus OR "Infecções por Coronavirus" OR "Coronavirus Infections" OR COVID- 19) AND (idoso OR elderly OR aged) AND ("Saúde Mental" OR "Mental Health"). Inclusion criteria were: articles accessed in full, without distinction of year and language, indexed until November 11, 2020; and exclusion criteria: articles with escape the scope of the research, literature reviews, multimedia and duplicate files, 241 records were found, and after applying the established eligibility criteria, 27 articles remained for discussion, among the actual / potential impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on older people, addressed in the studies, anxiety, depression, loneliness, stress, feeling of fear or panic, sadness, suicide / suicidal ideation and insomnia stand out. Despite this, there is still a small amount studies specifically aimed at the older population that allow further discussions on this topic.

La pandemia de covid-19 y las medidas de control para contener la propagación del virus, como el distanciamiento social, han supuesto cambios en la rutina de las personas en todo el mundo. Este contexto puede generar impactos adversos a la salud mental de los individuos, especialmente a los más vulnerables, los ancianos. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar en la literatura los impactos reales y/o potenciales de la pandemia de COVID-19 en la salud mental de los ancianos. Se trata de una revisión bibliográfica integradora con búsquedas realizadas en la Biblioteca Virtual de Salud, que utilizó la siguiente estrategia de búsqueda: (Coronavirus OR "Coronavirus Infections" OR "Coronavirus Infections" OR COVID-19) AND (elderly OR aged) AND ("Mental Health" OR "Mental Health"). Los criterios de inclusión fueron: artículos accedidos en su totalidad, independientemente del año y el idioma, indexados hasta el 11 de noviembre de 2020; y los criterios de exclusión: artículos que estuvieran fuera del ámbito de la investigación, revisiones bibliográficas, archivos multimedia y duplicados. Se encontraron un total de 241 registros, y tras aplicar los criterios de elegibilidad establecidos, quedaron 27 artículos para su discusión. Entre los impactos reales/potenciales de la pandemia de COVID-19 en la salud mental de los ancianos, abordados en los estudios, destacan la ansiedad, la depresión, la soledad, el estrés, la sensación de miedo o pánico, la tristeza, la ideación suicida/suicida y el insomnio. A pesar de ello, se considera que todavía hay una escasa cantidad de estudios dirigidos específicamente a la población de edad avanzada que permitan profundizar en las discusiones sobre este tema.

Sujet âgé/psychologie , Santé mentale , Infections à coronavirus/étiologie , Pandémies/statistiques et données numériques , Anxiété/psychologie , Panique , Suicide/psychologie , Vieillissement/physiologie , Dépression/psychologie , Peur/psychologie , Tristesse/psychologie , Détresse psychologique , Troubles de l'endormissement et du maintien du sommeil/étiologie , Solitude/psychologie
Rev. cienc. salud (Bogotá) ; 20(3): 1-14, sep.-dic. 2022.
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1427732


The pandemic has brought about social changes, which may have affected mental health.The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of and associations between anxiety, depression, and stress among Peruvian university students during the covid-19 pandemic. Materials and Methods: This was an analytical, multi-centered, cross-sectional study conducted with 2,572 university students from 16 Peruvian cities. Depression, anxiety, and stress diagnoses were obtained with the dass-21 scale (stress alpha: 0.85; anx-iety alpha: 0.84; and depression alpha: 0.87). The values were crossed with significant social and educational variables. Results: Anxiety was the most common condition (extremely severe in 4 %, severe in 3 %, and mod-erate in 10 %). Whereas stress and depression were not associated with the course of studies (p > 0.330 and p > 0.440, respectively), anxiety was lower among students pursuing health-related degrees (p = 0.011). Women showed higher levels of stress (p = 0.040) and anxiety (p = 0.017). Older participants had relatively lower stress (p = 0.002), depression (p = 0.006), and anxiety (p = 0.044) levels. Third-year students had higher depression levels than first-year students (p = 0.011). Conclusions: Significant prevalence levels and associations were identified for the three conditions, which should be monitored to determine their current status, given the possible future occurrence of panic attacks or post-traumatic stress, among other complications.

la pandemia vivida obligó a cambios sociales que pudieron influir en la salud mental. El objetivo fue determinar la prevalencia y asociaciones de ansiedad, depresión y estrés en estudiantes universitarios peruanos durante la pandemia por covid-19. Materiales y métodos: estudio transversal analítico y multicéntrico, en 2572 estudiantes universitarios de 16 ciudades de Perú. Los diagnósticos de depresión, ansiedad y estrés se obtuvieron con la escala dass-21 (alfa estrés: 0.85; alfa ansiedad: 0.84 y alfa depresión: 0.87). A estos se los cruzó con importantes variables socioeducativas. Resultados: la ansiedad fue la patología más frecuente (4 % de forma extrema severa, 3 % de forma severa y 10 % de forma mode-rada); el estrés y la depresión no tienen asociación con la carrera profesional (p > 0.330 y p > 0.440, res-pectivamente); en cambio, la ansiedad fue menor en los estudiantes de carreras de salud (p = 0.011). Las mujeres tuvieron más estrés (p = 0.040) y ansiedad (p = 0.017). A mayor edad, hubo menos estrés (p = 0.002), depresión (p = 0.006) y ansiedad (p = 0.044). Los de tercer año tuvieron más depresión en comparación con los de primer año (p = 0.011). Conclusiones: existen importantes prevalencias y asociaciones de las tres patologías evaluadas, lo que debe ser monitorizado según como están actualmente. Esto por las posibles futuras manifestaciones de crisis de pánico, estrés postraumático, entre otras.

a pandemia que estamos vivenciando forçou mudanças sociais, que podem influenciar na saúde mental. O objetivo do estudo é determinar a prevalência e associações de ansiedade, depressão e estresse em estudantes universitários peruanos durante a pandemia de covid-19. Materiais e métodos:estudo transversal analítico e multicêntrico, com 2572 estudantes universitários provenientes de 16 cidades do Peru. Os diagnósticos de depressão, ansiedade e estresse foram obtidos com a escala dass-21 (Alpha para estresse: 0,85; Alpha para ansiedade: 0,84 e Alpha para depressão: 0,87), estes foram cruza-dos com importantes variáveis socioeducativas. Resultados: a ansiedade foi a patologia mais frequente (4 % em sua forma extremamente grave, 3 % forma grave e 10 % forma moderada); estresse e depressão não foram associados à carreira profissional (p > 0,330 e p > 0,440, respectivamente); por outro lado, a ansiedade foi menor nos estudantes da carreira da saúde (p = 0,011). As mulheres apresentaram mais estresse (p = 0,040) e ansiedade (p = 0,017); quanto maior a idade houve menos estresse (p = 0,002), depressão (p = 0,006) e ansiedade (p = 0,044). Estudantes do 3º ano apresentaram mais depressão em comparação aos do 1º ano (p = 0,011). Conclusões: existem prevalências e associações importantes entre as três patologias avaliadas, que devem ser monitoradas de acordo com a forma como se encontram atualmente. Isso se deve às possíveis manifestações futuras de ataques de pânico, estresse pós-traumá-tico, entre outras complicações.

Humains , Anxiété , Panique , Changement social , Étudiants , Universités , Santé mentale , Dépression , Pandémies , COVID-19
Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 19(4): 560-564, dez 30, 2020. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1355121


Introdução: crianças e adolescentes, não raro, apresentam sintomas de fobia social, transtorno do pânico e ansiedade de separação, que podem causar comprometimento nas habilidades sociais e dificultar as relações de forma incapacitante. Objetivo: Este estudo tem como objetivo verificar a presença de sintomas fóbicos sociais, transtorno de pânico e ansiedade de separação em adolescentes, com idade entre 11 e 17 anos, de uma escola pública da cidade de Salvador. Metodologia: este é um estudo observacional, transversal, que integra outro mais amplo, realizado em escola pública de Salvador, entre março e dezembro de 2015. A escala Revised Children's Anxiety and Depression foi aplicada em uma amostra de 674 alunos. Resultados: os alunos apresentaram sintomas de fobia social, transtorno do pânico e ansiedade de separação, em escala crescente, de acordo com a idade.

Introduction:children and adolescents often present symptoms of social phobia, panic disorder and separation anxiety disorder, which can cause social impairments and hinder relationships in a disabling way. Objective: this study aims to investigate the presence of social phobia, panic disorder and separation anxiety symptoms in adolescents aged between 11 and 17 years from a public school in the city of Salvador. Methodology: the present study is an observational cross-sectional research, which is part of a broader study conducted in a public school in Salvador, between March and December 2015. The Revised Children's Anxiety and Depression Scale (RCADS) was used in a sample of 674 students. Results: the students presented symptoms of social phobia, panic disorder and separation anxiety on an increasing scale proportional to age.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Enfant , Adolescent , Anxiété , Panique , Adolescent , Phobie sociale , Études transversales , Étude d'observation
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010555


The world is now plagued by a pandemic of unprecedented nature caused by a novel, emerging, and still poorly understood infectious disease, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) (Wu and McGoogan, 2020). In addition to the rapidly growing body of scientific and medical literature that is being published, extensive public reports and stories in both the traditional media and social media have served to generate fear, panic, stigmatization, and instances of xenophobia (Zarocostas, 2020).

Humains , Betacoronavirus , COVID-19 , Infections à coronavirus/psychologie , Peur , Éducation pour la santé , Pandémies , Panique , Pneumopathie virale/psychologie , SARS-CoV-2 , Médias sociaux , Confiance
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 3(4): 401-405, out.dez.2019. ilus
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1381349


A anafilaxia idiopática não apresenta etiologia conhecida. A sua prevalência é estimada entre 10-35% de todas as modalidades de anafilaxia. A sintomatologia apresentada é a mesma de qualquer outra anafilaxia: urticária, angioedema, ruborização, prurido, hipotensão arterial, taquicardia, manifestações gastrointestinais (disfagia, náusea, vômitos, cólicas abdominais, diarreia), asma, edema laríngeo, tontura e síncope. A mortalidade é rara. Não há transmissão genética, mas 40% dos pacientes são atópicos. É mais frequente nos adultos do que nas crianças, e principalmente em mulheres. É um diagnóstico de exclusão. Ocorre ativação mastocitária com desgranulação citoplasmática dos mediadores de anafilaxia (triptase, histamina, entre outros). É uma anafilaxia com boa resposta aos corticoides, e, portanto, caso não haja resposta adequada a doses eficazes de prednisona/prednisolona, o seu diagnóstico deve ser revisto. O diagnóstico diferencial da anafilaxia idiopática inclui: a mastocitose sistêmica indolente, síndromes de ativação mastocitária monoclonais, alergia à galactose-alfa-1,3 galactose, anafilaxia induzida por exercícios (com e sem dependência alimentar e medicamentosa), angioedema hereditário (congênito e adquirido), feocromocitoma, síndrome carcinoide, anafilaxia oral acarina, alergia ao Anisakis simplex, disfunção das cordas vocais, síndrome escombroide, alergia ao sêmen, alergia ao látex, manifestações psicossomáticas (síndrome do pânico, globus hystericus e a síndrome de Münchausen), bem como as tradicionais e mais frequentes modalidades de anafilaxia (alergia a alimentos, medicamentos e insetos). O tratamento na crise aguda da anafilaxia idiopática é o mesmo do que nas demais anafilaxias, incluindo a administração intramuscular imediata de epinefrina. Deve haver uma generosa e prolongada prescrição de corticoterapia oral, e também a instituição de medicação preventiva (anti-histamínicos anti- H1 e anti-H2, cetotifeno, albuterol oral, montelucaste, cromoglicato de sódio, e por último o omalizumabe). Os pacientes devem portar epinefrina autoinjetora e ser instruídos sobre como agir em caso de um episódio anafilático. Eles respondem bem à administração de epinefrina. A corticoterapia oral, por 4-6 semanas, pode induzir uma remissão completa.

Idiopathic anaphylaxis is a condition of unknown etiology. Its prevalence ranges from 10 to 35% of all cases of anaphylaxis. Clinical symptoms and signs are those of classic anaphylaxis, including urticaria, angioedema, flushing, itching, hypotension, tachycardia, gastrointestinal manifestations (dysphagia, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea), asthma, laryngeal edema, dizziness, and syncope. Mortality is rare. There is no genetic transmission, but about 40% of patients are atopic. It is more common in adults than in children, affecting mainly women. It is considered a diagnosis of exclusion of other known forms of anaphylaxis. Mast cell activation occurs with cytoplasmatic degranulation of mediators of anaphylaxis (tryptase and histamine, among others). Because idiopathic anaphylaxis is a steroid-responsive condition, if it is not controlled with adequate doses of prednisone/prednisolone, the diagnosis should be challenged. The differential diagnosis of idiopathic anaphylaxis includes indolent systemic mastocytosis, clonal mast cell activation syndromes, galactose-alpha-1,3- galactose allergy, exercise-induced anaphylaxis (both food- and drug-dependent and -independent), hereditary angioedema (congenital and acquired), pheochromocytoma, carcinoid syndrome, oral mite anaphylaxis, Anisakis simplex allergy, vocal cord dysfunction, scombroid poisoning, semen allergy, latex allergy, psychosomatic conditions (panic attacks, globus hystericus, and Münchausen syndrome), and the classic forms of anaphylaxis (food, drug, and insect allergies). Treatment of acute idiopathic anaphylaxis is the same as in the other forms of anaphylaxis, including intramuscular epinephrine, but with prolonged oral corticosteroid therapy. It might also include other oral preventive medications (H1 and H2 antihistamines, ketotifen, oral albuterol, montelukast, sodium cromoglycate, and recently omalizumab). Patients should have an epinephrine auto-injector and be instructed on self-management of anaphylaxis. Good response to epinephrine is observed, and oral corticosteroid therapy for 4-6 weeks can induce complete remission.

Humains , Prednisolone , Prednisone , Troubles de la déglutition , Épinéphrine , Trouble panique , Anisakis , Hormones corticosurrénaliennes/usage thérapeutique , Hypersensibilité au latex , Mastocytose généralisée , Salbutamol , Angio-oedèmes héréditaires , Omalizumab , Hypersensibilité alimentaire , Sensation de boule dans la gorge , Syndrome d'activation mastocytaire , Antihistaminiques , Anaphylaxie , Syndrome de Münchhausen , Panique , Patients , Asthme , Signes et symptômes , Syndrome , Thérapeutique , Hormones corticosurrénaliennes , Diagnostic , Diagnostic différentiel
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-741919


OBJECTIVE: Treatment for panic disorder (PD) have evolved, although there is still a strong unmet need for more effective and tolerable options. The present study summarizes and discusses recent evidence regarding the pharmacological and neuromodulatory treatment of PD. METHODS: MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, PsycINFO and Thomson Reuters’s Web of Science were searched for clinical trials published between 2010 and 2018. We included all prospective experimental studies including randomized controlled trials (RCT) and other clinical trials with more than 10 patients. RESULTS: Only 11 articles met the inclusion criteria, including 4 RCT, 3 open clinical trials and 5 comparative clinical trials. RCT demonstrated efficacy of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in only one of two trials. Neither pindolol nor d-fenfluramine were effective in blocking flumazenil-induced panic attacks. Augmentation with quetiapine was not superior to placebo. Open trials indicated that escitalopram, vortioxetine and TMS may be effective. Comparative trials did not demonstrate superiority from any drug, but confirmed tranylcypromine, paroxetine, clonazepam and alprazolam as effective options. CONCLUSION: The current study confirmed the efficacy of tranylcypromine, paroxetine, clonazepam, alprazolam and escitalopram. Vortioxetine and TMS, with duration of 4 or more weeks, also seems to be effective. Quetiapine, pindolol and d-fenfluramine were not considered effective compounds.

Humains , Alprazolam , Citalopram , Clonazépam , Trouble panique , Panique , Paroxétine , Pindolol , Études prospectives , Fumarate de quétiapine , Stimulation magnétique transcrânienne , Tranylcypromine
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-741920


BACKGROUND: Internet-delivered psychological treatments have been suggested as a chance to expand the access to professional help. However, little is known about the usefulness of different support formats and approaches of digital treatments for panic disorder among clinicians. OBJECTIVE: This narrative review aimed to explore the recent evidence base on the efficacy and acceptability of different internet-delivered treatments for adults with panic disorder. METHODS: A systematic search in electronic databases (Pubmed/Medline, PSYNDEX) and a hand search were performed to identify articles on randomized controlled trials published within the past five years (2012/12/10–2017/12/12) in English peer-reviewed journals. RESULTS: Eight studies (1,013 participants) involving 10 interventions met the inclusion criteria. Nine interventions were primarly based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy principles. Most interventions were effective, when compared to a control condition (6 of 8 comparisons). Minimal guidance was associated with improved outcomes in one study and adherence in two studies (3 comparisons). Furthermore, no differences were found based on treatment approach (2 comparisons). Regarding acceptability, the attrition rates were moderate to high, ranging from 9.8% to 42.1% of randomized participants. Adherence rates also varied largely (7.8–75%), whereas participant satisfaction of program completers was assessed overall high (5 studies). CONCLUSION: Diverse effective internet-delivered treatments are available for the self-management of panic symptoms. Especially selfguided and transdiagnostic Cognitive Behavioral Therapy approaches appear being efficient options for the dissemination in routine care. However, due to the limited evidence base, further efforts are required to improve the actual uptake of internet-delivered treatments and identify moderators of outcomes.

Adulte , Humains , Troubles anxieux , Thérapie cognitive , Main , Internet , Trouble panique , Panique , Autosoins , Télémédecine
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-741921


OBJECTIVE: Classifying mental disorders on the basis of objective makers might clarify their aetiology, help in making the diagnosis, identify “at risk” individuals, determine the severity of mental illness, and predict the course of the disorder. This study aims to review biological and clinical markers of panic disorder (PD). METHODS: A computerized search was carried out in PubMed and Science Direct using the key words: “marker/biomarker/clinical marker/neurobiology/staging” combined using Boolean AND operator with “panic.” In addition, the reference lists from existing reviews and from the articles retrieved were inspected. Only English language papers published in peer-reviewed journals were included. RESULTS: Structural changes in the amygdala, hippocampus, cerebral blood level in the left occipital cortex, serotonin 5-TH and noradrenergic systems activation, aberrant respiratory regulation, hearth rate variability, blood cells and peripheral blood stem cells, hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis dysregulation were identified as potential candidate biomarkers of PD. Staging was identified as clinical marker of PD. According to the staging model, PD is described as follows: prodromal phase (stage 1); acute phase (stage 2); panic attacks (stage 3); chronic phase (stage 4). CONCLUSION: The clinical utility, sensitivity, specificity, and the predictive value of biomarkers for PD is still questionable. The staging model of PD might be a valid susceptibility, diagnostic, prognostic, and predictive marker of PD. A possible longitudinal model of biological and clinical markers of PD is proposed.

Amygdale (système limbique) , Marqueurs biologiques , Cellules sanguines , Diagnostic , Hippocampe , Troubles mentaux , Lobe occipital , Trouble panique , Panique , Symptômes prodromiques , Sensibilité et spécificité , Sérotonine , Cellules souches
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-741922


The core concept for pathophysiology in panic disorder (PD) is the fear network model (FNM). The alterations in FNM might be linked with disturbances in the autonomic nervous system (ANS), which is a common phenomenon in PD. The traditional FNM included the frontal and limbic regions, which were dysregulated in the feedback mechanism for cognitive control of frontal lobe over the primitive response of limbic system. The exaggerated responses of limbic system are also associated with dysregulation in the neurotransmitter system. The neuroimaging studies also corresponded to FNM concept. However, more extended areas of FNM have been discovered in recent imaging studies, such as sensory regions of occipital, parietal cortex and temporal cortex and insula. The insula might integrate the filtered sensory information via thalamus from the visuospatial and other sensory modalities related to occipital, parietal and temporal lobes. In this review article, the traditional and advanced FNM would be discussed. I would also focus on the current evidences of insula, temporal, parietal and occipital lobes in the pathophysiology. In addition, the white matter and functional connectome studies would be reviewed to support the concept of advanced FNM. An emerging dysregulation model of fronto-limbic-insula and temporooccipito-parietal areas might be revealed according to the combined results of recent neuroimaging studies. The future delineation of advanced FNM model can be beneficial from more extensive and advanced studies focusing on the additional sensory regions of occipital, parietal and temporal cortex to confirm the role of advanced FNM in the pathophysiology of PD.

Système nerveux autonome , Connectome , Lobe frontal , Système limbique , Neuroimagerie , Agents neuromédiateurs , Lobe occipital , Trouble panique , Panique , Lobe pariétal , Rabéprazole , Lobe temporal , Thalamus , Substance blanche
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-741923


To conceptualize a novel bio-psychosocial-behavioral treatment model of panic disorder (PD), it is necessary to completely integrate behavioral, psychophysiological, neurobiological, and genetic data. Molecular genetic research on PD is specifically focused on neurotransmitters, including serotonin, neuropeptides, glucocorticoids, and neurotrophins. Although pharmacological interventions for PD are currently available, the need for more effective, faster-acting, and more tolerable pharmacological interventions is unmet. Thus, glutamatergic receptor modulators, orexin receptor antagonists, corticotrophin-releasing factor 1 receptor antagonists, and other novel mechanism-based anti-panic therapeutics have been proposed. Research on the neural correlates of PD is focused on the dysfunctional “cross-talk” between emotional drive (limbic structure) and cognitive inhibition (prefrontal cortex) and the fear circuit, which includes the amygdala-hippocampus-prefrontal axis. The neural perspective regarding PD supports the idea that cognitive-behavioral therapy normalizes alterations in top-down cognitive processing, including increased threat expectancy and attention to threat. Consistent with the concept of “personalized medicine,” it is speculated that Research Domain Criteria can enlighten further treatments targeting dysfunctions underlying PD more precisely and provide us with better definitions of moderators used to identify subgroups according to different responses to treatment. Structuring of the “negative valence systems” domain, which includes fear/anxiety, is required to define PD. Therefore, targeting glutamate- and orexin-related molecular mechanisms associated with the fear circuit, which includes the amygdala-hippocampus-prefrontal cortex axis, is required to define a novel bio-psychosocial-behavioral treatment model of PD.

Glucocorticoïdes , Biologie moléculaire , Facteurs de croissance nerveuse , Neuropeptides , Agents neuromédiateurs , Antagonistes des récepteurs des orexines , Trouble panique , Panique , Sérotonine
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-741924


No abstract available.

Trouble panique , Panique
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-786251


OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study is to investigate differences in clinical characteristics between female panic disorder (PD) patients with abortion history (PD+A) and without abortion history (PD−A).METHODS: We examined data from 341 female patients diagnosed with PD. We divided the patients with PD into PD+A (82 patients) and PD−A (259 patients) to compare demographic and clinical characteristics. The following instruments were applied : stress coping strategies, NEO-neuroticism, the Anxiety Sensitivity Index-Revised (ASI-R), the Albany Panic and Phobia Questionnaire (APPQ), the Beck Depression Inventory, the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and the Sheehan Disability Scale.RESULTS: Compared to the PD−A, the PD+A group showed no significant difference in coping strategies. However, significantly higher scores in neuroticism, the ASI-R, the APPQ and the BAI were observed. In terms of health-related disability, the PD+A group did not show significant difference.CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that the PD+A group may differ from the PD−A group in trait markers such as neuroticism and anxiety sensitivity, and abortion history may be associated with panic-related symptom severity. Our study suggests that further consideration is needed on such clinical characteristics in PD patients with abortion history.

Femelle , Humains , Avortement provoqué , Anxiété , Dépression , Trouble panique , Panique , Troubles phobiques
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-763542


Panic disorder (PD) being one of the most intensively investigated anxiety disorders is considered a heterogeneous psychiatric disease which has difficulties with early diagnosis. The disorder is recurrent and usually associated with low remission rates and high rates of relapse which may exacerbated social and quality of life, causes unnecessary cost and increased risk for complication and suicide. Current pharmacotherapy for PD are available but these drugs have slow therapeutic onset, several side effects and most patients do not fully respond to these standard pharmacological treatments. Ongoing investigations indicate the need for new and promising agents for the treatment of PD. This article will cover the importance of immediate and proper treatment, the gap in the current management of PD with special emphasis on pharmacotherapy, and evidence regarding the novel anti-panic drugs including the drugs in developments such as metabotropic glutamate (mGlu 2/3) agonist and levetiracetam. Preliminary results suggest the anti-panic properties and the efficacy of duloxetine, reboxetine, mirtazapine, nefazodone, risperidone and inositol as a monotherapy drug. Apart for their effectiveness, the aforementioned compounds were generally well tolerated compared to the standard available pharmacotherapy drugs, indicating their potential therapeutic usefulness for ambivalent and hypervigilance patient. Further strong clinical trials will provide an ample support to these novel compounds as an alternative monotherapy for PD treatment-resistant patient.

Humains , Antidépresseurs , Neuroleptiques , Anxiété , Troubles anxieux , Traitement médicamenteux , Chlorhydrate de duloxétine , Diagnostic précoce , Acide glutamique , Inositol , Trouble panique , Panique , Qualité de vie , Récidive , Rispéridone , Suicide
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-765014


BACKGROUND: Panic disorder (PD) and major depressive disorder (MDD) can occur concurrently, despite different clinical manifestations. Because MDD and PD patients tend to have more complicated conditions, understanding the co-occurrence and pattern of these conditions is important. Here, we investigated the influence of PD and MDD on each other, with respect to time interval. METHODS: Data from three national representative surveys were pooled (total 18,807 respondents), and the age of onset (AOO) of PD and MDD was analyzed. We performed Kaplan-Meier analysis to estimate separate survival functions, using the AOO of MDD and PD as the outcome. To understand the temporal effect of other disorders, we used a Cox proportional hazard model to estimate the hazard ratios for the onset of MDD/PD with other comorbidities as time-dependent covariates. RESULTS: PD elevated the risk of subsequent MDD by 1.5-fold, whereas MDD elevated the risk of subsequent PD by 3.8-fold. The effect of such an elevation risk was significant for up to 2 years. CONCLUSION: The results revealed a bidirectional relationship between MDD and PD. Each disease represents a risk of a subsequent occurrence of the other, which lasts for a considerable duration.

Humains , Âge de début , Comorbidité , Trouble dépressif majeur , Estimation de Kaplan-Meier , Corée , Trouble panique , Panique , Modèles des risques proportionnels
Dement. neuropsychol ; 12(3): 264-271, July-Sept. 2018. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-952971


ABSTRACT: Stress is a response in which an individual wants to have more control over a situation. A constant state of stress is called anxiety. Some patients deny symptoms. An instrument can help arrive at a diagnosis. Objective: Using TQ-7 QEEG, this study aimed to evaluate the association of symptoms of anxiety, insecurity, fear, panic and phobia with hot temporals defined as Beta (15-23 Hz) >17% and High-Beta waves (23-38 Hz) >10% at T3 and T4. Methods: Five hundred and forty-three patients of both genders with ages ranging from 16-59 years were evaluated, divided into two groups: Control (without hot temporals: n=274) and Case Group (with hot temporals: n=269). The Chi-square test was used (p-values ≤0.05). Results: There was a significant association (p-value <0.001) between the symptoms related to amygdala activation, expressed in the temporals (Beta >17% and High-Beta >10%). (Anxiety, T3=89.6% - T4=88.8%; T3=92.6% - T4=93.3%), (Fear, T3=80.7% - T4=84.4%; T3=82.9% - T4=95.9%), (Insecurity, T3=82.2% - T4=81.4%; T3=69.5% - T4=97.8%), (Panic, T3=52.4 - T4=72.5%; T3=90.3% - T4=74.0%), (Phobia, T3=17.5% - T4=22.7%; T3=19.7% - T4=27.1%), when compared to the respective controls (Beta control, T3=8.4%, 10.2%, 21.2%, 1.1%, 0.4% and T4=11.3%, 4.4%, 23.0%, 2.6%, 1.1%) (High-Beta control, T3=4.0%, 6.9%, 6.2%, 0.4%, 0.0% and T4=17.5%, 6.2%, 3.3%, 4.0%, 0.7%). Conclusion: Anxiety, insecurity, fear, panic and phobia are observed by QEEG when the levels of total Beta >17% and High-Beta waves >10% at T3 and T4.

RESUMO: O estresse é uma resposta a uma situação na qual, um indivíduo quer ter mais controle. Um estado de estresse constante é chamado de ansiedade. Alguns pacientes negam sintomas. Um instrumento pode auxiliar um diagnóstico. Objetivo: Utilizando o QEEG TQ-7, este estudo objetivou avaliar a associação dos sintomas de ansiedade, insegurança, medo, pânico e/ou fobia com a categoria de temporais quentes definidos como Beta (15-23 Hz) >17% e Beta-Alta (23-38 Hz) >10% em T3 e T4. Métodos: Foram avaliados 543 pacientes de ambos os gêneros na faixa etária de 16-59 anos, divididos: Controle (sem temporais quentes: n=274) Grupo estudado (com temporais quentes: n=269). Foi utilizado o teste qui-quadrado (p-valor ≤0.05). Resultados: Houve associação significativa (p-valor <0.001) entre os sintomas relacionados à ativação da amigdala, expressos nos temporais (Beta >17% e Beta-Alta >10%). (Ansiedade, T3=89,6% - T4=88,8%; T3=92,6% - T4=93,3%), (Medo, T3=80,7% - T4=84,4%; T3=82,9% - T4=95,9%), (Insegurança, T3=82,2% - T4=81,4%; T3=69,5% - T4=97,8%), (Pânico, T3=52.4% - T4=72.5%; T3=90.3% - T4=74.0%), (Fobia, T3=17,5% - T4=22,7%; T3=19,7% - T4=27,1%), quando comparados aos respectivos controles (Beta controle, T3=8,4%, 10,2%, 21,2%, 1,1%, 0,4% e T4=11,3%, 4,4%, 23,0%, 2,6%, 1,1%) e (Beta-Alta Controle, T3=4,0%, 6,9%, 6,2%, 0,4%, 0,0%; T4=17,5%, 6,2%, 3,3%, 4,0%, 0,7%). Conclusão: Ansiedade, insegurança, medo, pânico e fobia são observados no QEEG, quando Beta >17% e Beta-Alta >10% em T3 e T4.

Humains , Stress psychologique/imagerie diagnostique , Anxiété , Panique , Électroencéphalographie/méthodes
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