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Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 61(3): 383-390, ago. 2021. ilus., tab.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1400085


La pandemia covid-19 se ha configurado como el mayor evento de salud pública conocido por las actuales generaciones, y cuyos efectos han trascendido a los sectores social y económico, llevando a 100 (88-115) millones de personas a condiciones de pobreza, y profundizando el impacto en la población ya considerada vulnerable, revirtiendo los avances previos en materia de progreso económico del actual siglo. Gran parte de esas repercusiones se relacionan a la importante transformación en las costumbres e interacciones de la sociedad a consecuencia de esta crisis sanitaria, que a su vez modificaron la dinámica económica en pequeña y gran escala. El impacto de esta enfermedad ha alcanzado el empleo, ingreso y estabilidad de los trabajadores, forjando un deterioro del capital humano y de las capacidades productivas, desfavoreciendo en especial a las mujeres, que serán más pobres que los hombres para 2030. En estas condiciones, el objetivo de reducir la tasa absoluta mundial de pobreza por debajo del 3 % para el año 2030, adoptado por las Naciones en la firma de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (PNUD, 2021), se hará inalcanzable si no se adoptan medidas políticas rápidas, significativas y sustanciales(AU)

The covid-19 pandemic has become the largest public health event known to current generations, and whose effects have transcended the social and economic sectors, leading 100 (88-115) million people to conditions of poverty, and deepening the impact on the population already considered vulnerable, reversing previous advances in economic progress of the current century. A large part of these repercussions are related to the important transformation in the customs and interactions of society as a result of this health crisis, which in turn modified the economic dynamics on a small and large scale. The impact of this disease has reached the employment, income and stability of workers, forging a deterioration of human capital and productive capacities, especially disadvantaging women, who will be poorer than men by 2030. Under these conditions, the goal of reducing the global absolute poverty rate below 3% by 2030, adopted by the Nations at the signing of the Sustainable Development Goals (UNDP, 2021), will become unattainable without swift political action, significant and substantial(AU)

Humains , Pauvreté/économie , Emploi/économie , COVID-19/économie , Femmes , Santé publique
Prensa méd. argent ; 105(11): 800-809, dic2019. graf, tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1049807


Introduction: Discharging with personal satisfaction is one of the main problems in hospitalization, when the patient leaves the hospital sooner than the doctor's advice. This will exacerbate the disease and increase the risk of hospital re-admittance. In this regard, more attention should be given to children because they are not able to understand the above meaning or participate in decision making. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, all children who were discharged due to personal satisfaction from the hospital were included. The 4-page checklist for the various causes of "leaving the hospital despite medical advice" was divided into three sections: Causes related to the patient's own issues, causes related to the hospital medical staff and the causes of the hospital situation, and a page of demographical variables included gender, age and history of hospitalization and ward of hospitalization. Results: A total of 310 cases (7.4%) were discharged with personal satisfaction of their parents. The most important factor linked to discharge with personal satisfaction was the poor economic condition of parents. In terms of factors related to the medical staff, the lack of proper handling of the nurse and then the doctor were the most important factors for discharge. Conclusion: It seems that economic issues are the most important factor in the discharge of children with parental consent of parents. On the other hand, factors such as unacceptable and unpopular behavior of nurses and doctors play crucial role in this phenomenon. Parents who are under intense psychological stress due to economic problems and child illness can be at risk of developing this phenomenon if they are not mentally supported by health staffs

Humains , Enfant , Sortie du patient , Pauvreté/économie , Épidémiologie Descriptive , Études transversales/statistiques et données numériques , Satisfaction des patients , Impacts sur la Santé/effets indésirables , Consentement parental , Adhésion et observance thérapeutiques , Hospitalisation
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 24(12): 4437-4448, dez. 2019. tab, graf
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1055752


Resumo O objetivo desse estudo foi analisar, por meio de uma revisão integrativa da literatura, os possíveis impactos das crises financeiras sobre os indicadores de saúde bucal em diferentes países, bem como verificar as medidas adotadas de forma a traçar um paralelo com a realidade brasileira. Uma busca de artigos que atendessem a estes critérios foi realizada nas bases PUBMED, EMBASE, Lilacs, SCOPUS e também na literatura cinzenta. Ao final, nove estudos foram incluídos. Os resultados indicam que a população em maior vulnerabilidade, menor renda e menor escolaridade são as mais afetadas, independentemente do indicador avaliado (cárie dentária não tratada, acesso aos serviços de Atenção Odontológica e hábitos de higiene). Quando medidas protetivas com alocação de recursos financeiras foram tomadas, as disparidades diminuíram. Concluiu-se que, frente às crises econômicas, a saúde bucal passa a não ser prioridade enquanto centro nucleador de políticas, o que impacta o acesso ao cuidado dos estratos sociais menos favorecidos.

Abstract The aim of this study was to analyze, by an integrative review of the literature, the possible impacts of financial crises on oral health indicators in different countries, as well as to verify the measures adopted in order to compare with the Brazilian reality. A search for articles that met these criteria was carried out in PUBMED, EMBASE, Lilacs, SCOPUS and also in the gray literature. At the end, nine studies were included. The results indicate that the population with higher vulnerability, lower income and lower educational level are the most affected, independently of the evaluated indicator (untreated dental caries, access to dental care services and hygiene habits). When protective measures with allocation of financial resources were taken, disparities decreased. It was concluded that, faced with economic crises, oral health is no longer a priority, which impacts access to care for the less favored social strata.

Humains , Pauvreté/économie , Santé buccodentaire/économie , Indicateurs d'état de santé , Niveau d'instruction , Récession économique , Revenu , Hygiène buccodentaire , États-Unis , Brésil , Soins dentaires , Caries dentaires/épidémiologie , Allocation des ressources/économie , Europe , Accessibilité des services de santé
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 24(12): 4395-4404, dez. 2019. tab, graf
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1055753


Resumo O objetivo do estudo foi analisar como as crises econômicas afetam a saúde infantil a nível global e entre subgrupos de países com diferentes níveis de renda. Foram utilizados dados do Banco Mundial e da OMS para 127 países entre os anos de 1995 e 2014. Foi utilizado um modelo de efeitos fixos, avaliando o efeito da mudança em indicadores macroeconômicos (PIB per capita, taxa de desemprego e de inflação, e taxa de desconforto) na taxa de mortalidade neonatal, infantil, e de menores de cinco anos. Adicionalmente, avaliou-se a modificação do efeito da associação de acordo com a renda dos países e também a influência do gasto público em saúde nessa relação. As evidências mostraram que piores indicadores econômicos (menor PIB per capita e maiores inflação, taxa de desemprego e taxa de desconforto) estão associados com maiores taxas de mortalidade infantil. Nas subamostras por estrato de renda, observa-se a mesma relação, porém com efeitos de maior magnitude entre os países de renda baixa e média. Verificou-se ainda que um maior percentual nos gastos públicos em saúde ameniza os efeitos dos indicadores econômicos nas taxas de mortalidade infantil. Desta forma, é necessário aumentar a atenção aos efeitos nocivos das crises macroeconômicas para garantir melhorias na saúde infantil.

Abstract The aim of the study was to analyze how economic crises affect child health globally and between subgroups of countries with different levels of income. Data from the World Bank and the World Health Organization were used for 127 countries between 1995 and 2014. A fixed effects model was used, evaluating the effect of the change on macroeconomic indicators (GDP per capita, unemployment and inflation rates and misery index) in neonatal, infant and under-five mortality rates. Moreover, we evaluated whether there was a change in the association effect according to the income of the countries and also analyzed the role of public health expenditure in this association. Evidence has shown that worse economic indicators (lower GDP per capita, higher inflation, unemployment rates and misery index) are associated with higher child mortality rates. In the subsamples by income strata, the same association is observed, but with effects of greater magnitude for low- and middle-income countries. We also verified that a higher percentage in public health expenditures alleviates the effects of economic indicators on child mortality rates. Thus, more attention needs to be paid to the harmful effects of the macroeconomic crises to ensure improvements in child health.

Humains , Grossesse , Nouveau-né , Nourrisson , Mortalité infantile , Santé publique/économie , Santé mondiale/économie , Récession économique , Pauvreté/économie , Chômage/statistiques et données numériques , Pays développés/économie , Santé mondiale/statistiques et données numériques , Analyse de régression , Dépenses de santé , Pays en voie de développement/économie , Produit intérieur brut , Inflation économique
Rev. costarric. salud pública ; 28(1): 4-14, ene.-jun. 2019. tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1013971


Resumen Introducción: La mortalidad infantil está asociada con la pobreza y el menor nivel de desarrollo de las comunidades geográficas. Se realizo un estudio de la mortalidad infantil durante nueve años en el cantón central de Cartago, Costa Rica. Objetivo: Determinar los factores asociados con la muerte infantil y compararlos con los encontrados en la literatura internacional. Metodología Se determino cuáles son los factores asociados a la muerte infantil comparando entre cada variable la categoría más deprivada socialmente con la menos deprivada para esto se comparó la tasa de expuestos contra la tasa de no expuestos, se estableció la diferencia de tasas, la razón de prevalencia y el valor p. Resultados: Las variables con mayor riesgo para la muerte infantil fueron; año de muerte, escolaridad de la madre, edad al morir, peso al nacer, condición socioeconómica de la madre, complicaciones en el embarazo, tipo de riesgo en el embarazo, actividad remunerada de la madre, calidad de la vivienda y escolaridad del padre. Discusión: Como resultado se validó la teoría de que la pobreza y las condiciones de desarrollo son los mayores predictores de muerte infantil.

Abstract Introduction: Child Mortality is correlated with poverty and a lower development of geographic communities. A study of child mortality was made over nine years in the central area of Cartago, Costa Rica. Objetive: To determine the factors associated with the infant death and compare them with those found in the international literature. Methodology: The factors related to child mortality were determined by comparing the more socially deprived category with the least in each variable. For this purpose the ¨exposed¨ rate was compared against the ¨not exposed¨, a difference between the rates was established, along with the prevalence ratio and the p value. Results: The variables with a bigger risk for child death were; Year of death, mother's level of study, age at time of death, weight at birth, mother's socioeconomic condition, complications during pregnancy, type of risk in the pregnancy, mother's paid activities, quality of housing and father's level of study. Discussion: As a result a theory was validated, which states that poverty and development conditions are the biggest predictors of child death.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Nouveau-né , Nourrisson , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Enfant , Pauvreté/économie , Facteurs socioéconomiques , Mortalité infantile/tendances , Qualité des soins de santé , Costa Rica , Mortalité de l'enfant
Cienc. tecnol. salud ; 5(1): 73-82, 2018. 27 cm
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-965198


El surgimiento de epidemias no responde a factores azarosos, sino a condiciones de desigualdad, pobreza y subdesarrollo. El cúmulo de variables que contribuyen para el aparecimiento de un elevado número de individuos enfermos, así como la limitada posibilidad de acceder a tratamientos, responden a factores económicos y tecnológicos, los cuales determinan el estado de salud de las comunidades y su capacidad para desarrollarse. La humanidad, como especie ha sido capaz de modificar su entorno para satisfacer sus requerimientos, así mismo ha formulado herramientas para hacer frente a las distintas epidemias a lo largo de la historia, empero aún existen poblaciones en riesgo debido a su condición socioeconómica y pobre acceso a condiciones higiénico-sanitarias adecuadas, por lo tanto, el análisis de vulnerabilidad de las sociedades ante distintas epidemias debe realizarse desde el punto socioeconómico.

The emergence of epidemics does not respond to random factors, but due to conditions of inequality, poverty and underdevelopment. The accumulation of variables that contribute the appearance of a large number of sick individuals, as well as the limited possibility of accessing treatments, respond to economic and technological factors, which determine the health status of the communities and their capacity to develop. Humanity as a species has been able to modify its environment to meet its requirements, and has formulated tools to deal epidemics throughout history, but there are still populations at risk by their socioeconomic status and poor access to appropriate hygienic-sanitary conditions, therefore, vulnerability analysis of societies to different epidemics must be carried out from the socioeconomic point of view.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , /économie , Épidémies/histoire , Pauvreté/économie , Caractéristiques de l'habitat , État de santé , Facteurs de risque , Profils Sanitaires
Prensa méd. argent ; 103(10): 561-566, 20170000. graf, fig, tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1371772


ience in the management of differentiated thyroid carcinomas in a low- income country. Materials and Methods: We performed a retrospective study in our department where 21 cases of differentiated thyroid carcinomas were recorded from February 2001 to December 2010. Results: We performed 334 thyroidectomies for 326 patients. Of this group, 21 differentiated thyroid carcinomas were diagnosed. Differentiated thyroid carcinomas represented 6.4% of all thyroid neoplasm managed during the same period (n=326). Median age was 44 years (range 13 - 75 years). Male to female ratio was 1:20. Six (6) patients underwent primary hemithyroidectomy in other institutions while the fifteen left were entirely managed in our clinic. Of them, one patient was referred with positive fine needle aspiration cytology for papillary thyroid carcinoma (incidental detection by fine needle aspiration biopsy) and another had history of sinus pyriform fistula. Pathology of surgical specimens showed 13 cases of papillary thyroid carcinomas and 8 cases of follicular thyroid carcinomas with association to Hashimoto thyroiditis and Grave's disease in respectively in 1 case. Twenty cases were incidentally discovered by thyroid surgery and undergone completion thyroidectomy with prophylactic central neck dissection, completion thyroidectomy alone, modified lateral neck dissection alone and surveillance respectively in 13, 1, 1 and 6 cases. Complications of thyroid surgery were bilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis and hematoma respectively in 1 case. Median hospital stay was 5 days ranged from 3 to 15 days. During the follow-up period, most of our patients were lost of follow-up. Conclusion: Management guidelines of differentiated thyroid carcinomas are well established but not applicable to low- income country for several reasons. National guidelines, based on further researches, must then be implemented to improve our practice

Humains , Pauvreté/économie , Thyroïdectomie , Tumeurs de la thyroïde/complications , Études rétrospectives , Cancer papillaire de la thyroïde/complications
In. Menicucci, Telma; Gontijo, José Geraldo Leandro. Gestão e políticas públicas no cenário contemporâneo: tendências nacionais e internacionais. Rio de Janeiro, Editora Fiocruz, 2016. p.241-267.
Monographie Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-983459
In. Menicucci, Telma; Gontijo, José Geraldo Leandro. Gestão e políticas públicas no cenário contemporâneo: tendências nacionais e internacionais. Rio de Janeiro, Editora Fiocruz, 2016. p.269-282, tab.
Monographie Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-983460
Rev. saúde pública ; 48(5): 797-807, 10/2014. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-727256


OBJECTIVE To analyze the variation in the proportion of households living below the poverty line in Brazil and the factors associated with their impoverishment. METHODS Income and expenditure data from the Household Budget Survey, which was conducted in Brazil between 2002-2003 (n = 48,470 households) and 2008-2009 (n = 55,970 households) with a national sample, were analyzed. Two cutoff points were used to define poverty. The first cutoff is a per capita monthly income below R$100.00 in 2002-2003 and R$140.00 in 2008-2009, as recommended by the Bolsa Família Program. The second, which is proposed by the World Bank and is adjusted for purchasing power parity, defines poverty as per capita income below US$2.34 and US$3.54 per day in 2002-2003 and 2008-2009, respectively. Logistic regression was used to identify the sociodemographic factors associated with the impoverishment of households. RESULTS After subtracting health expenditures, there was an increase in households living below the poverty line in Brazil. Using the World Bank poverty line, the increase in 2002-2003 and 2008-2009 was 2.6 percentage points (6.8%) and 2.3 percentage points (11.6%), respectively. Using the Bolsa Família Program poverty line, the increase was 1.6 (11.9%) and 1.3 (17.3%) percentage points, respectively. Expenditure on prescription drugs primarily contributed to the increase in poor households. According to the World Bank poverty line, the factors associated with impoverishment include a worse-off financial situation, a household headed by an individual with low education, the presence of children, and the absence of older adults. Using the Bolsa Família Program poverty line, the factors associated with impoverishment include a worse-off financial situation and the presence of children. CONCLUSIONS Health expenditures play an important role in the impoverishment of segments of the Brazilian population, especially among the most disadvantaged. .

OBJETIVO Analisar a variação na proporção de domicílios vivendo abaixo da linha de pobreza no Brasil e os fatores associados ao empobrecimento. MÉTODOS Foram analisados os dados de despesa e renda das Pesquisas de Orçamentos Familiares conduzidas no Brasil em 2002-2003 (n = 48.470 domicílios) e 2008-2009 (n = 55.970 domicílios) com amostra representativa nacional. Foram utilizados dois pontos de corte para definir pobreza. O primeiro, recomendado pelo Programa Bolsa-Família, considerou pobreza rendimento per capita mensal inferior a R$100,00 em 2002-2003 e a R$140,00 em 2008-2009. O segundo, proposto pelo Banco Mundial, incorpora a correção pela paridade do poder de compra, resultando em US$2,34 por dia, em 2002-2003, e US$3,54, em 2008-2009. Para identificar os fatores sociodemográficos associados ao empobrecimento dos domicílios foi utilizada regressão logística. RESULTADOS Houve acréscimo de domicílios vivendo abaixo da linha de pobreza no Brasil após subtração dos gastos em saúde. Considerando-se a linha de pobreza recomendada pelo Banco Mundial, em 2002-2003 o acréscimo foi 2,6 pontos percentuais (ou 6,8%) e, em 2008-2009, 2,3 pontos percentuais (ou 11,6%). Considerando-se a linha de pobreza utilizada pelo Programa Bolsa-Família, a variação foi 1,6 (11,9%) e 1,3 (17,3%), respectivamente. Gastos com medicamentos foram os que mais contribuíram para o aumento de domicílios pobres. Os fatores associados ao empobrecimento, segundo a linha de pobreza do Banco Mundial, foram apresentar pior situação econômica, ser chefiado por indivíduo com baixa escolaridade, presença de crianças e ausência de idosos. Utilizando-se a linha de pobreza do Bolsa-Família, os fatores associados foram apresentar pior situação econômica e presença de crianças. ...

Adulte , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Financement individuel/économie , Revenu , Assurance prestations pharmaceutiques/économie , Pauvreté/économie , Médicaments sur ordonnance/économie , Brésil , Études transversales , Caractéristiques familiales , Besoins et demandes de services de santé , Facteurs socioéconomiques
Afr. j. disabil. (Online) ; 2(1): 1-7, 2013.
Article Dans Anglais | AIM | ID: biblio-1256820


Background: Whilst broadly agreed in the literature that disability and poverty are closely interlinked, the empirical basis for this knowledge is relatively weak. Objectives: To describe and discuss the current state of knowledge and to suggest the need for further generation of knowledge on disability and poverty. Method: Two recent attempts at statistically analysing the situation for disabled people and a series of qualitative studies on disability and poverty are applied in a discussion on the state of current knowledge. Results: Firstly, the surveys confirm substantial gaps in access to services, and a systematic pattern of lower levels of living amongst individuals with disability as compared to non-disabled. Existing surveys are however not originally set up to study the disability - poverty relationship and thus have some important limitations. Secondly, the qualitative studies have shown the relevance of cultural, political and structural phenomena in relation to poverty and disability, but also the complexity and the contextual character of these forces that may sometimes provide or create opportunities either at the individual or the collective level. Whilst not establishing evidence as such; the qualitative studies contribute to illustrating some of the mechanisms that bring individuals with disability into poverty and keep them there. Conclusions: A longitudinal design including both quantitative and qualitative methods and based on the current conceptual understanding of both disability and poverty is suggested to pursue further knowledge generation on the relationship between disability and poverty

Afrique , Personnes handicapées , Santé mondiale , Pauvreté/économie , Marginalisation sociale
Article Dans Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-137372


Background & objectives: In 2008, India’s Labour Ministry launched a hospital insurance scheme called Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY) covering ‘Below Poverty Line’ (BPL) households. RSBY is implemented through insurance companies; premiums are subsidized by Union and States governments (75 : 25%). We examined RSBY’s enrolment of BPL, costs vs. budgets and policy ramifications. Methods: Numbers of BPL are obtained by following criteria of two committees appointed for this task. District-specific premiums are weighted to obtain national average premiums. Using the BPL estimates and national premiums, we calculated overall expected costs of full roll-out of the RSBY per annum, and compared it to Union government budget allocations. Results: By March 31, 2011, RSBY enrolled about 27.8 per cent of the number of BPL households following the Tendulkar Committee estimates (37.6% following the Lakdawala Committee criteria). The average national weighted premium was ` 530 per household per year in 2011. The expected cost of premium to the union government of enrolling the entire BPL population in financial year (FY) 2010-11 would be ` 33.5 billion using Tendulkar count of BPL (or ` 24.6 billion following Lakdawala count), representing about 0.3 per cent (or 0.2%, respectively) of the total union budget. The RSBY budget allocation for FY 2010-11 was only about 0.037 per cent of the total union budget, sufficient to pay premiums of only 34 per cent of the BPL households enrolled by March 31, 2011. Interpretation & conclusions: RSBY could be the platform for universal health insurance when (i) the budget allocation will match the required funds for maintenance and expansion of the scheme; (ii) the scheme would ensure that beneficiaries’ rights are legally anchored; and (iii) RSBY would attract large numbers of premiumpaying (non-BPL) households.

Gestion financière/économie , Politique de santé/économie , Inde , Assurance maladie/économie , Pauvreté/économie , Santé publique
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 31(1): 9-16, ene. 2012. tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-618462


OBJECTIVE: To examine the relationship between migration and migrant remittances and health care utilization in Ecuador, and to identify any potential equalizing effects. METHODS: Using data from the 2004 National Demographic and Maternal & Child Health Survey (ENDEMAIN), a multilevel multivariate analysis was conducted to assess the relationship of two migrant predictors (households with an international migrant; use of migrant remittances) with use of preventive care, number of curative visits, hospitalization, and use of antiparasitic medicines. Relevant predisposing, enabling, and need factors were included following Andersen's Model of Health Care Utilization Behavior. Interaction terms were included to assess the potential equalizing effects of migration and remittances by ethnicity, area of residence, and economic status. RESULTS: Migrant predictors were strongly associated with use of antiparasitic medicines, and to a lesser extent, with curative visits, even after adjusting for various predisposing, enabling, and need factors. Interaction models showed that having an international migrant increased use of these services among low-income Ecuadorians (quintiles 1 and 2). No significant relationship was found between migrant predictors and use of preventive services. CONCLUSIONS: Migration and remittances seem to have an equalizing effect on access to antiparasitic medicines, and to a lesser extent, curative health care services. Health care reform efforts should take into account the scope of this effect when developing public policy.

OBJETIVO: Examinar la relación entre la migración, las remesas de dinero y la utilización de los servicios de atención de la salud en el Ecuador y determinar los posibles efectos equilibradores. MÉTODOS: A partir de los datos de la Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud Materna e Infantil (ENDEMAIN) correspondientes al 2004, se efectuó un análisis multifactorial de varios niveles para evaluar la relación de dos factores predictivos de la migración (hogares con un migrante internacional; uso de remesas de dinero de migrantes) con el uso de los servicios de atención preventiva, el número de consultas para el tratamiento de enfermedades, la hospitalización y el uso de medicamentos antiparasitarios. Se incluyeron los factores predisponentes, mediadores y de necesidad percibida pertinentes según el Modelo de Andersen de Comportamientos de Utilización de los Servicios de Atención de la Salud. También se incluyeron términos de interacción para evaluar los posibles efectos equilibradores de la migración y las remesas por grupo étnico, área de residencia y nivel económico. RESULTADOS: Los factores predictivos de la migración se asociaron firmemente con el uso de medicamentos antiparasitarios y, en menor grado, con las consultas para el tratamiento de enfermedades, incluso después de ajustar los datos según diversos factores predisponentes, mediadores y de necesidad percibida. Los modelos de interacción demostraron que la presencia de un migrante internacional en el grupo familiar aumentaba el uso de estos servicios en los ecuatorianos de bajos ingresos (quintiles 1 y 2). No se encontró una relación significativa entre los factores predictivos de la migración y el uso de servicios preventivos. CONCLUSIONES: La migración y las remesas parecen tener un efecto equilibrador sobre el acceso a los medicamentos antiparasitarios y, en menor medida, sobre los servicios de atención de la salud relacionados con el tratamiento. Las actividades de reforma sanitaria deben tener en cuenta el alcance de este efecto en la elaboración de políticas públicas.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Jeune adulte , Émigration et immigration/statistiques et données numériques , Services de santé , Antiparasitaires/usage thérapeutique , Collecte de données , Utilisation médicament/statistiques et données numériques , Économie/statistiques et données numériques , Équateur , Ethnies , Caractéristiques familiales , Dépenses de santé/statistiques et données numériques , Besoins et demandes de services de santé , Indicateurs d'état de santé , Hospitalisation/statistiques et données numériques , Pauvreté/économie , Population rurale , Facteurs socioéconomiques
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 31(1): 74-80, ene. 2012. tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-618471


While U.S. health care reform will most likely reduce the overall number of uninsured Mexican-Americans, it does not address challenges related to health care coverage for undocumented Mexican immigrants, who will remain uninsured under the measures of the reform; documented low-income Mexican immigrants who have not met the five-year waiting period required for Medicaid benefits; or the growing number of retired U.S. citizens living in Mexico, who lack easy access to Medicare-supported services. This article reviews two promising binational initiatives that could help address these challenges-Salud Migrante and Medicare in Mexico; discusses their prospective applications within the context of U.S. health care reform; and identifies potential challenges to their implementation (legal, political, and regulatory), as well as the possible benefits, including coverage of uninsured Mexican immigrants, and their integration into the U.S. health care system (through Salud Migrante), and access to lower-cost Medicare-supported health care for U.S. retirees in Mexico (Medicare in Mexico).

Aunque la reforma del sector sanitario de los Estados Unidos muy probablemente reducirá el número global de ciudadanos estadounidenses de origen mexicano sin cobertura de atención de la salud, esta reforma no afronta los problemas relacionados con esta cobertura para los inmigrantes mexicanos indocumentados, quienes seguirán sin tener seguro aun tras la aplicación de las medidas de la reforma; para los inmigrantes mexicanos documentados de bajos ingresos que no han cumplido el período de espera de cinco años requerido para recibir las prestaciones de Medicaid; o para el número cada vez mayor de ciudadanos estadounidenses jubilados que viven en México y no pueden acceder con facilidad a los servicios de Medicare. En este artículo se analizan dos iniciativas binacionales prometedoras que podrían ayudar a afrontar estos retos: Salud Migrante y Medicare en México. Se tratan además sus futuras aplicaciones dentro del contexto de la reforma del sector sanitario de los Estados Unidos y se señalan los posibles retos para su ejecución (legales, políticos y reglamentarios), al igual que las posibles prestaciones, como la cobertura de los inmigrantes mexicanos no asegurados y su integración en el sistema de atención de la salud de los Estados Unidos (mediante Salud Migrante), y el acceso a atención de la salud de bajo costo, con el apoyo de Medicare, para los jubilados estadounidenses residentes en México (Medicare en México).

Humains , Émigrants et immigrants , Émigration et immigration , Couverture d'assurance , Assurance maladie/organisation et administration , Coopération internationale , Medicare (USA)/organisation et administration , Population de passage et migrants , Émigrants et immigrants/législation et jurisprudence , Émigration et immigration/législation et jurisprudence , Réforme des soins de santé/économie , Réforme des soins de santé/législation et jurisprudence , Accessibilité des services de santé/économie , Couverture d'assurance/économie , Couverture d'assurance/législation et jurisprudence , Assurance maladie/économie , Assurance maladie/législation et jurisprudence , Assurance maladie complémentaire/législation et jurisprudence , Coopération internationale/législation et jurisprudence , Personnes sans assurance médicale/législation et jurisprudence , Medicare (USA)/législation et jurisprudence , Américain origine mexicaine , Mexique , Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (USA) , Projets pilotes , Pauvreté/économie , Retraite/économie , Population de passage et migrants/législation et jurisprudence , États-Unis , Santé mondiale/économie , Santé mondiale/législation et jurisprudence
Rev. méd. hondur ; 79(4): 183-186, oct.-dic. 2011. tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-642288


Introducción: La relación entre el tabaco y diversas enfermedades está documentada, no así, la vinculación entre tabaco y pobreza especialmente en nuestro país donde no existe estudios al respecto. La tendencia es que sean los más pobres los que consuman más tabaco esto hace que sean aún más pobres al perder ingresos, reducir su productividad, enfermar y finalmente morir. Por lo que este estudio tiene como objetivo determinar las condiciones socioeconómica de las familias donde existe un padre varón fumador. Pacientes y Métodos: tipo de estudio transversal, analítico. Se evaluaron 2010 expedientes de los niños que asistieron en el año 2009 a la consulta odontológica en el Centro Odontopediátrico (CODOPA) de la Región Metropolitana de Salud de Tegucigalpa de la Secretaría de Salud. Sólo 672 (33.6%) expedientes contaban con padre varón como jefe de familia y de estos el 14.58% (98) habían reportado ser fumadores. Se investigaron variables socioeconómicas. El procesamiento de los datos se realizó en EPIINFO versión 3.5.1 para Windows. Resultados: las familias de padres fumadores vivían en viviendas cuyos materiales eran de mala calidad, tenían para disposición de excretas una letrina, uno de cada seis fumadores tenía menos de siete años de escolaridad y la mayoría tenía trabajo, pero, sólo la mitad poseía un trabajo fijo. Las condiciones socioeconomicas de las familias donde el padre no era fumador eran significativamente mejores. Conclusiones: los más pobres están fumando más en detrimento de sus necesidades básicas, se hace necesaria la implementación de medidas para la prevención del tabaquismo en especialmente en personas pobres que permita incidir el círculo vicioso de la pobreza...

Humains , Enfant , Population urbaine , Pauvreté/économie , Nicotiana , Pollution par la fumée de tabac , Facteurs socioéconomiques
Article Dans Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-139239


Background. Families living below the poverty line in countries which do not have universal healthcare coverage are drawn into indebtedness and bankruptcy. The state of Andhra Pradesh in India established the Rajiv Aarogyasri Community Health Insurance Scheme (RACHIS) in 2007 with the aim of breaking this cycle by improving the access of below the poverty line (BPL) families to secondary and tertiary healthcare. It covered a wide range of surgical and medical treatments for serious illnesses requiring specialist healthcare resources not always available at district-level government hospitals. The impact of this scheme was evaluated by a rapid assessment, commissioned by the government of Andhra Pradesh. The aim of the assessment was to explore the contribution of the scheme to the reduction of catastrophic health expenditure among the poor and to recommend ways by which delivery of the scheme could be improved. We report the findings of this assessment. Methods. Two types of data were used for the assessment. Patient data pertaining to 89 699 treatment requests approved by the scheme during its first 18 months were examined. Second, surveys of scheme beneficiaries and providers were undertaken in 6 randomly selected districts of Andhra Pradesh. Results. This novel scheme was beginning to reach the BPL households in the state and providing access to free secondary and tertiary healthcare to seriously ill poor people. Conclusion. An integrated model encompassing primary, secondary and tertiary care would be of greater benefit to families below the poverty line and more cost-effective for the government. There is considerable potential for the government to build on this successful start and to strengthen equity of access and the quality of care provided by the scheme.

Adulte , Femelle , Accessibilité des services de santé , Besoins et demandes de services de santé/économie , Humains , Inde , Assurance maladie/économie , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Pauvreté/économie , Évaluation de programme , Santé publique/économie , Enquêtes et questionnaires
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