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Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 50(6): 769-776, Nov.-Dec. 2017. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-897037


Abstract INTRODUCTION: In Brazil, the plague is established in several foci located mainly in the northeastern part of the country, where it alternates between active and quiescent periods. These foci in the State of Ceará have high epidemiological importance. In addition to other plague detection activities, plague areas can be monitored through serological surveys of dogs and cats (domestic carnivores), which, following feeding on plague-infected rodents, can develop mild to severe forms of the disease and produce long-lasting antibodies. This study aimed to characterize the circulation dynamics and spatial distribution of Yersinia pestis antibodies in dogs and cats in plague foci areas of Ceará. METHODS: An ecological study was conducted to analyze the temporal series and spatial distribution of secondary data obtained from domestic carnivore serum surveillance in Ceará's plague areas from 1990 to 2014. RESULTS: Joinpoint analysis revealed that the overall trend was a reduction in antibody-positive animals. The mean proportion of antibody-positivity during the whole study period was 1.5% (3,023/203,311) for dogs, and 0.7% (426/61,135) for cats, with more than 4% antibody-positivity in dogs in 1997 and 2002. Antibody titers ranging from 1/16 to 1/64 were frequent. Despite fluctuations and a significant reduction, in recent years, there were antibody-positive animals annually throughout the study period, and the localities containing antibody-positive animals increased in number. CONCLUSION: Yersinia pestis is actively circulating in the study areas, posing a danger to the human population.

Animaux , Chats , Chiens , Peste/médecine vétérinaire , Yersinia pestis/immunologie , Maladies des chats/épidémiologie , Maladies des chiens/épidémiologie , Anticorps antibactériens/sang , Peste/diagnostic , Peste/immunologie , Peste/épidémiologie , Brésil/épidémiologie , Maladies des chats/diagnostic , Maladies des chats/immunologie , Études séroépidémiologiques , Surveillance de la population , Prévalence , Maladies des chiens/diagnostic , Maladies des chiens/immunologie , Analyse spatio-temporelle
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 42(6): 711-715, Dec. 2009. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-539523


Analisou-se a prevalência de anticorpos contra Yersinia pestis em carnívoros domésticos (cães e gatos) nas áreas pestígenas do Estado do Ceará, visando estabelecer a importância do monitoramento desses animais na rotina do Programa de Controle da Peste. No decênio 1997-2006, analisaram-se 146.732 amostras de soros (95.883 cães e 50.849 gatos), das quais 2.629 (2.234 cães e 395 gatos) revelaram-se positivas. A prevalência entre os cães (85 por cento) foi superior a dos gatos (15 por cento) em todo o decênio e locais, exceto em Ibiapina, em 1998. O significado desses achados ainda não foi determinado. Os estudos sobre a zoonose no Brasil pautaram-se por paradigmas que não contemplavam todos os elementos envolvidos na zoonose, impossibilitando a devida elucidação do papel desses carnívoros. O monitoramento da atividade pestosa, realizado exclusivamente por inquéritos caninos, pode redundar no desconhecimento progressivo da situação epidemiológica da peste, caso não sejam desenvolvidas pesquisas interinstitucionais suplementares.

The prevalence of antibodies against Yersinia pestis in domestic carnivores (dogs and cats), in plague areas in the State of Ceará, was analyzed to establish the importance of monitoring these animals within the routine practice of the plague control program. Over the decade 1997-2006, 146,732 serum samples were examined (95,883 from dogs and 50,849 from cats), of which 2,629 (2,234 from dogs and 395 from cats) proved to be positive. The prevalence among dogs (85 percent) was higher than among cats (15 percent) throughout the decade and in all places, except in Ibiapina in 1998. The significance of these findings has not yet been determined. Studies on this zoonosis in Brazil have been based on paradigms that did not cover all the elements involved in the zoonosis, thus making it impossible to properly understand the role of these carnivores. Monitoring of plague foci conducted exclusively by means of dog surveys may result in progressive lack of knowledge of the epidemiological situation of plague, if supplementary inter-institutional research is not developed.

Animaux , Chats , Chiens , Anticorps antibactériens/sang , Maladies des chats/épidémiologie , Maladies des chiens/épidémiologie , Peste/médecine vétérinaire , Yersinia pestis/immunologie , Brésil/épidémiologie , Maladies des chats/immunologie , Maladies des chiens/immunologie , Prévalence , Peste/épidémiologie , Peste/immunologie
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 35(2): 143-148, Mar.-Apr. 2002. mapas, tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-327477


As atividades de vigilância sorológica da peste nos focos do Estado do Ceará detectaram elevaçäo do número de animais indicadores/sentinela com anticorpos antipestosos a partir de 1995, com pico em 1997 evidenciando aumento da circulaçäo do bacilo pestoso em todos os focos investigados. De um total de 110.725 amostras de soro obtidas de roedores (7.873) e carnívoros domésticos (102.852) analisadas pela técnica de hemaglutinaçäo (HA) para detecçäo de anticorpos contra o antígeno F1 da Yersinia pestis, 905 revelaram-se positivas, sendo 15 de roedores (4 Rattus rattus e 11 Galea spp), 720 de cäes e 170 de gatos. Dos 652 casos humanos suspeitos e contatos investigados apenas dois foram positivos pela HA e um terceiro paciente foi positivo por hemocultura. A cepa isolada revelou-se altamente patogênica para animais de laboratório e mostrou sensibilidade aos antimicrobianos usados no tratamento dos doentes

Animaux , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Rats , Surveillance de la population , Peste/épidémiologie , Peste/médecine vétérinaire , Animaux domestiques , Brésil/épidémiologie
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