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Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 71(5): 1686-1694, set.-out. 2019. tab
Article Dans Portugais | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1038671


O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a pastagem, o desempenho, o conforto térmico e os parâmetros hematológicos de bovinos Nelore na fase de terminação em sistemas integrados de produção agropecuária com duas densidades de árvores (ILPF-1L= 196 árvores ha-1 e ILPF-3L=448 árvores ha-1) e em pleno sol (ILP). Foram avaliados a massa e a composição morfológica da forragem, o ganho médio diário, o ganho de peso por área e a taxa de lotação no verão e no outono, bem como as variáveis climáticas dos sistemas em três horários e parâmetros hematológicos dos animais (n=60). A massa de forragem foi superior no tratamento ILP e no verão (P<0,05). Porém, a redução da massa de forragem nos sistemas ILPFs não interferiu no desempenho dos animais (P>0,05). A temperatura ambiente, a temperatura do globo e o índice de temperatura e umidade foram melhores nos tratamentos com sombreamento e no período da manhã, proporcionando maior conforto aos animais, sendo ainda confirmado pelo menor volume globular dos bovinos em ILP (P<0,05). Conclui-se que os sistemas com componente arbóreo diminuem a massa de forragem, mas essa redução não altera o desempenho dos animais na fase de terminação. Além disso, os sistemas ILPFs melhoram o conforto térmico, entretanto essa melhora não foi suficiente para favorecer o desempenho.(AU)

The objective of this work was to evaluate pasture, performace, thermal comfort, and haematological parameters of Nellore cattle in the finishing phase in integrated crop-livestock systems with two tree densities (ICLF-1L= 196 ha -1 trees and ICLF-3L= 448 ha -1 trees) and in full sun (ICL). The forage mass morphological composition of the pasture average daily gain, weight gain per area, stocking rate of the animals were evaluated in summer and autumn, and the climatic variables of systems we evaluated at three different times, and haematological parameters of the animals (n= 60). The forage mass was higher in the ICL treatment and summer (P<0.05). However, the reduction of the forage mass in the ILPFs systems did not interfere with the performance of the animals (P>0.05). Ambient temperature, globe temperature and temperature and humidity index were better in shade treatments and in the morning, providing greater comfort to the animals, and was also confirmed by the lower globular volume of the bovines in ICL (P<0.05). It is concluded that the systems with trees reduce the forage mass but this reduction does not alter the animals' performance in the finishing phase. In addition, ICLFs improve the thermal comfort of the animals, however, this improvement was not enough to favor their performance.(AU)

Animaux , Bovins , Bien-être animal , Prise de poids , Pâturage/méthodes , Réaction de choc thermique , Pinus taeda , Poaceae/anatomie et histologie , Élevage/méthodes
An. acad. bras. ciênc ; 90(1): 295-309, Mar. 2018. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-886909


ABSTRACT Accurate forest inventory is of great economic importance to optimize the entire supply chain management in pulp and paper companies. The aim of this study was to estimate stand dominate and mean heights (HD and HM) and tree density (TD) of Pinus taeda plantations located in South Brazil using in-situ measurements, airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data and the non- k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) imputation. Forest inventory attributes and LiDAR derived metrics were calculated at 53 regular sample plots and we used imputation models to retrieve the forest attributes at plot and landscape-levels. The best LiDAR-derived metrics to predict HD, HM and TD were H99TH, HSD, SKE and HMIN. The Imputation model using the selected metrics was more effective for retrieving height than tree density. The model coefficients of determination (adj.R2) and a root mean squared difference (RMSD) for HD, HM and TD were 0.90, 0.94, 0.38m and 6.99, 5.70, 12.92%, respectively. Our results show that LiDAR and k-NN imputation can be used to predict stand heights with high accuracy in Pinus taeda. However, furthers studies need to be realized to improve the accuracy prediction of TD and to evaluate and compare the cost of acquisition and processing of LiDAR data against the conventional inventory procedures.

Arbres/croissance et développement , Modèles statistiques , Pinus taeda/croissance et développement , Technologie de télédétection/méthodes , Algorithmes , Brésil , Surveillance de l'environnement/méthodes , Surveillance de l'environnement/statistiques et données numériques , Science forêt/méthodes , Exactitude des données
An. acad. bras. ciênc ; 89(3): 1895-1905, July-Sept. 2017. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-886731


ABSTRACT Basal area (BA) is a good predictor of timber stand volume and forest growth. This study developed predictive models using field and airborne LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data for estimation of basal area in Pinus taeda plantation in south Brazil. In the field, BA was collected from conventional forest inventory plots. Multiple linear regression models for predicting BA from LiDAR-derived metrics were developed and evaluated for predictive power and parsimony. The best model to predict BA from a family of six models was selected based on corrected Akaike Information Criterion (AICc) and assessed by the adjusted coefficient of determination (adj. R²) and root mean square error (RMSE). The best model revealed an adj. R²=0.93 and RMSE=7.74%. Leave one out cross-validation of the best regression model was also computed, and revealed an adj. R² and RMSE of 0.92 and 8.31%, respectively. This study showed that LiDAR-derived metrics can be used to predict BA in Pinus taeda plantations in south Brazil with high precision. We conclude that there is good potential to monitor growth in this type of plantations using airborne LiDAR. We hope that the promising results for BA modeling presented herein will stimulate to operate this technology in Brazil.

Forêts , Pinus taeda/croissance et développement , Climat tropical , Brésil , Biomasse , Technologie de télédétection , Modèles théoriques
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 31(2): 470-480, mar./abr. 2015.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-964090


Os sistemas agrosilvipastoris estão ampliando os espaços ocupados e ganhando novos adeptos, tendo em vista ampliações produtivas nas mesmas áreas. Porém algumas questões, como efeitos alelopáticos de algumas culturas, nesse caso o pinus, ainda são pouco conhecidas. Objetivou-se com esse trabalho avaliar o efeito alelopático do extrato aquoso de acículas de Pinus taeda na germinação e no desenvolvimento de plântulas de alface, picão-preto e milho. O experimento foi conduzido no delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com os tratamentos distribuídos em um bifatorial (2x5), onde: condições das acículas (verdes e secas) x concentrações dos extratos (0, 25, 50, 75 e 100%), em quatro repetições sob condições de temperatura, umidade e luminosidade controladas. As avaliações foram realizadas no tempo em intervalos regulares de 24 horas, de 0 a 144 horas. Avaliou-se a germinação, velocidade média da germinação, comprimento das radículas e epicótilos da alface, picão-preto e milho. Extratos a base de acícula verde afetou significativamente as variáveis, onde o efeito aumentava conforme aumentava a concentração, sendo o efeito mais perceptível no picão-preto. Já no extrato a base de acículas seca de pínus, houve resultados mínimos quando comparados a testemunha.

Agrosilvipastoris systems are expanding the spaces occupied and gaining new adherents in order expansions productive in the same areas. But some issues, such as allelopathic effects of some cultures, in which case the pine, are still poorly known. This research aimed to evaluate the allelopathic effect of aqueous extract from the pine needles on the germination and development of lettuce, corn and beggarticks seedlings. The experiment was carried in a completely randomized design with treatments arranged in a factorial (2x5), where: conditions of the needles (green and dry) x extracts concentrations (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%) in four replications, under temperature, humidity and light controlled. Evaluations were carried out time intervals of 24 hours, from 0 to 144 hours. It was evaluated the germination, average speed of germination, the length of the primary roots of lettuce and the length from the seedlings roots of lettuce, beggarticks and corn. Extracts the base of green needles affected the variables, where the effect increased with increase in concentration, the effect being more marked in beggarticks. In the statement the basis of dry pine needles, there were minimal results when compared to control.

Lactuca , Germination , Zea mays , Bidens , Pinus taeda , Allélopathie , Plant
Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 14(1): 216-223, ene.-jun. 2012. ilus, graf, tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-656954


Provincia de Misiones posee actualmente una actividad forestal en pujante crecimiento ubicóndose entre las primeras del pais. Este marco de desarrollo productivo permite predecir un ámbito de crecimiento favorecido por las nuevas condiciones del mercado internacional. Por otro lado a pesar del avance de la tecnologi­a industrial, no se ha alcanzado el nivel de desarrollo biotecnológico óptimo que conjugue la calidad genética con caracterí­sticas fenotópicas de excelencia en las especies maderables de mayor demanda en la Provincia basó¡ndose la selección en criterios netamente fenotópicos y en la experiencia del productor, sin contarse con métodos moleculares desarrollados en la región. Este trabajo presenta los resultados del Proyecto Federal de Innovacíon Productiva (PFIP Mi09) cuyo objetivo principal fue estandarizar y transferir al sector productivo un conjunto de marcadores moleculares microsalites para ser aplicado al análisis de poblaciones y forestaciones de Araucaria angustifolia y Pinus taeda provenientes de la Provincia de Misiones (Argentina). Esto permitirá conocer el perfil genético de plantaciones y poblaciones de estas especies forestales, pudiendo aplicarse a la certificación de calidad en la producción forestal o a la selección de ejemplares de especies nativas.

Misiones Province currently has the first intensive forestry activity of Argentine. This framework of productive development allows predict an area of growth favored by the new conditions of the international market. On the other side despite the progress of industrial technology, has not been reached the optimal level of biotechnological development that combining quality with genomic and phenotypic characteristics of forest species. This work presents the results of Federal Project of Productive Innovation (PFIP Mi09) whose main objective was standardize and transfer to the productive sector a set of microsatellites molecular markers to be applied to the populations analysis of Araucaria angustifolia and Pinus taeda forestation from the Misiones (Argentine). This will reveal the plantations and forest genetic profile and may be applied to genetic certification of forest production quality.

Argentine , Science forêt , Modèles moléculaires , Pinus taeda , Industrie , Industrie de L'élevage , Industrie du Bois , Modèles moléculaires , Structure moléculaire
Semina cienc. biol. saude ; 32(1): 29-40, jan.-jun. 2011. ilus
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-673004


Uma questão que tem sido discutida é o papel das monoculturas florestais exóticas na manutenção da fauna nativa e vários estudos têm mostrado que a remoção de propágulos é menor nesses ambientes. O presente trabalho comparou a taxa de remoção de propágulos (pinhão, amendoim, milho) entre áreas de Floresta Nativa (FN), Reflorestamentos de Pinus taeda L. (RP), de Eucalyptus saligna Sm. (RE) e Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol) Kuntze (RA). Na FN, todos os propágulos foram removidos e não houve diferença significativa na remoção de pinhão entre a FN e o RA. A remoção de propágulos nessas áreas diferiu da remoção no RP e RE. No RP, houve alta remoção de amendoim, enquanto que o RE apresentou os menores valores de remoção dos três propágulos. As baixas taxas de remoção nos reflorestamentos de pinus e eucalipto refletem a menor exploração desses habitas pela fauna, o que pode estar relacionado com um subosque pouco estruturado.

A question that has been discussed is the role that reforestations with exotic species in native fauna and several studies have shown that removal of propagules is lower in these environments. This study compared the removal rate of propagules (araucaria seeds, peanuts, corn) from areas of native forest (FN), reforestations of Pinus taeda L. (RP), Eucalyptus saligna Sm. (RE) and Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol) Kuntze (RA). In FN all propagules were removed. There was no difference in the removal of araucaria seeds between FN and RA, and removal rate in both areas differ from the removal rate in the RP and RE. In RP there was high removal of peanuts, while the RE showed the lowest value of removal of the three propagules. The low removal rates in reforestation of pine and eucalyptus reflect the decreased exploitation of these habitats for wildlife, which may be related to a poorly structured understory.

Forêts , Eucalyptus , Pinus taeda/croissance et développement
Neotrop. entomol ; 39(6): 862-872, nov.-dic. 2010. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-572463


The spatial distribution of insects is essential to perform control strategies, to improve sample techniques and to estimate economic losses. We aimed to determine the spatial distribution of nests of Acromyrmex crassispinus (Forel) in Pinus taeda plantations. The experiments were carried out in P. taeda plantations with different ages (treatments: recently-planted, three and six-year old plants). The study took place in Rio Negrinho and in Três Barras, SC. Three plots of one hectare were delimited in each treatment, and plots were divided in 64 sample units. The analysis of the dispersion index [variance/mean relationship (I), index of Morisita (Iδ) and k exponent of negative binomial distribution] showed that the majority of the samplings presented random distribution. Among the three distributions of probabilities studied: Poisson, positive binomial and negative binomial, the Poisson distribution was the best model to fit the spatial distribution of A. crassispinus nests in all samplings. The result was a random distribution in the plantings of different ages.

Animaux , Fourmis , Comportement de nidification , Pinus taeda , Démographie
Semina cienc. biol. saude ; 31(2): 179-188, jul.-dez. 2010. ilus
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-672277


A substituição das florestas naturais por plantios florestais comerciais, pode ser tão prejudicial quanto a agricultura ou a ocupação urbana. Porém, estudos sobre regeneração natural nessas áreas, apresentam resultados no desenvolvimento de espécies nativas no sub-bosque, sugerindo um processo sucessional favorável à recuperação da biodiversidade e também uma alternativa para a restauração. Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar parâmetros bióticos e abióticos entre fragmento de floresta secundária nativa e reflorestamento com Pinus taeda. O trabalho foi realizado no Parque Ecológico da Klabin, Fazenda Monte Alegre, Telêmaco Borba, Paraná. Foram avaliados dados bióticos (altura total, diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP - 1,30 m do solo) e área basal (AB), das espécies arbóreas com DAP ≥ 2,5 cm) e dados abióticos ( pH e compactação do solo, cobertura de herbáceas, cobertura de dossel, espessura da serapilheira, temperatura e umidade relativa do ar). A maioria dos parâmetros diferiu entre o reflorestamento de pinus e a floresta secundária, como pH e compactação do solo, cobertura do dossel, presença de herbáceas e também a estrutura de tamanho da vegetação (diâmetro e altura). Observou-se também, uma baixa regeneração no reflorestamento, evidenciada pela diferença na área basal. No entanto, houve regeneração no reflorestamento de pinus, e isso sugere que, com o tempo, poderá haver um incremento na regeneração da vegetação nativa, aumentando a riqueza de espécies e a complexidade estrutural da vegetação.

The substitution of natural forests for commercial forest plantations can be as damaging as farming or urban occupation. However, studies on natural regeneration in these areas show results in the development of native species in the understory, suggesting a successional process in favor of restoring biodiversity as well as an alternative forrestoration. This work aimed at comparing biotic and abiotic parameters between native secondary forest fragments and Pinus taeda reforestation. The study sites are located at Klabin Ecological Park, Monte Alegre Farm, Telêmaco Borba, Paraná. The following biotic data were evaluated: total height, diameter at breast height (DBH - 1.30 m above the ground) and basal area (BA), in tree species with DBH ≥ 2.5 cm. The following abiotic data were also evaluated: pH, soil compaction, herb cover, canopy cover, litter thickness, air temperature, and relative humidity. Most parameters differed between pine reforestation and secondary forest, such as pH and soil compaction, canopy cover, herb presence and the size structure of vegetation (diameter and height). It was also observed a low regeneration in reforestation, evidenced by the difference in the basal area. However, there was regeneration in pine reforestation, suggesting that, over time, there will be an increase in the regeneration of the native vegetation, increasing the wealth of species and the structural complexity of the vegetation.

Pinus taeda/croissance et développement , Conservation des ressources naturelles , Arbres/croissance et développement
Electron. j. biotechnol ; 11(2): 56-68, Apr. 2008. ilus, graf, tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-522211


Eucalyptus globulus is the most important commercial temperate hardwood in the world because of its wood properties and due to its characteristics for biofuel production. However, only a very low number of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) are publicly available for this tree species. We constructed a cDNA from E. globulus seedlings subjected to low temperature and sequenced 9,913 randomly selected clones, generating 8,737 curated ESTs. The assembly produced 1,062 contigs and 3,879 singletons forming a Eucalyptus unigene set. Based on BLASTX analysis, 89.3 percent of the contigs and 88.5 percent of the singletons had significant similarity to known genes in the non-redundant database of GenBank. The Eucalyptus unigene set generated is a valuable public resource that provides an initial model for genes and regulatory pathways involved in cell wall biosynthesis at low temperature.

Climat froid , Eucalyptus , Banque de gènes , Arabidopsis , Pinus taeda , Populus Tremuloides , Industrie du Papier et de la Pâte à Papier , Bois
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