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Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(1): 270-279, Jan-Abr. 2023.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1414861


Introdução: A gestação, apesar de ser um processo fisiológico na saúde da mulher, é uma etapa complexa que exige atenção diferenciada na assistência à saúde. Outrossim, existem algumas condições que provocam danos durante essa fase, como a placenta prévia. Objetivo: Este estudo tem como escopo evidenciar o processo de enfermagem frente à assistência à gestante com tal diagnóstico. Metodologia: A pesquisa tem caráter qualitativo, teórico com subsídio na bibliografia científica, envolvendo a compreensão holística e integral da paciente para a implementação de estratégia para o processo de enfermagem. A partir do estudo das teorias e da fisiopatologia e impactos clínicos, empregou-se as taxonomias do NANDA-I para traçar os diagnósticos de enfermagens mais condizentes. Resultados: Foram identificados 15 diagnósticos que contemplaram os dez domínios encontrados no NANDA. Considerações Finais: Os dados eleitos e o confronto com a literatura enfatizam a relevância positiva na prescrição de diagnósticos de enfermagem na escolha dos cuidados prestados e as teorias subsidiam a assistência materno-fetal.

Introduction: Pregnancy, despite being a physiological process in women's health, is a complex stage that requires special attention in health care. Also, there are some conditions that cause damage during this phase, such as placenta previa. Objective: The purpose of this study is to highlight the nursing process regarding care for pregnant women with such a diagnosis. Methodology: The research is qualitative, theoretical with support in the scientific bibliography, involving the patients holistic and integral understanding for the implementation of a strategy for the nursing process. Based on the study of theories and pathophysiology and clinical impacts, the NANDA-I taxonomies were used to outline the most consistent nursing diagnoses. Results: 15 diagnoses were identified that included the ten domains found in NANDA. Final Considerations: The chosen data and the confrontation with the literature emphasize the positive relevance in the prescription of nursing diagnoses in the choice of care provided and the theories subsidize maternal-fetal assistance.

Introducción: El embarazo, a pesar de ser un proceso fisiológico en la salud de la mujer, es una etapa compleja que requiere especial atención en el cuidado de la salud. Además, existen algunas condiciones que causan daños durante esta fase, como la placenta previa. Objetivo: El propósito de este estudio es resaltar el proceso de enfermería en relación con la atención a las gestantes con dicho diagnóstico. Metodología: La investigación es cualitativa, teórica con apoyo en la bibliografía científica, involucrando la comprensión holística e integral de las pacientes para la implementación de una estrategia para el proceso de enfermería. Con base en el estudio de teorías y fisiopatología e impactos clínicos, se utilizaron las taxonomías NANDA-I para delinear los diagnósticos de enfermería más consistentes. Resultados: Se identificaron 15 diagnósticos que incluían los diez dominios encontrados en la NANDA. Consideraciones finales: Los datos escogidos y la confrontación con la literatura enfatizan la relevancia positiva en la prescripción de los diagnósticos de enfermería en la elección de los cuidados prestados y las teorías subsidian la asistencia materno-fetal.

Placenta previa/diagnostic , Placenta previa/physiopathologie , Théorie des soins infirmiers , Essais cliniques comme sujet/méthodes , Soins , Prestations des soins de santé , Femmes enceintes , Promotion de la santé , Infirmières et infirmiers
Femina ; 38(3)mar. 2010. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-545653


A placenta prévia consiste na implantação placentária no segmento inferior, distando no máximo 7 cm do colo do útero. Ao aderir-se diretamente ao miométrio, denomina-se placenta acreta; ao estender-se mais profundamente, placenta increta, e ao invadir a serosa uterina ou órgãos adjacentes, percreta. A incidência de placenta prévia varia de 0,3 a 1,7%, e a incidência do acretismo varia de 1:540 a 1:93.000 partos. Essa com acretismo é relacionada à alta morbimortalidade materna e, maior necessidade de terapêutica transfusional; a complicações durante a cesárea e à infecção. O acretismo é diagnosticado por ultrassom, ressonância magnética e, ultrassom com Doppler. A adequada detecção do acretismo permitirá o planejamento da via de parto e das medidas de segurança, com consequente redução da mortalidade materna. Feito o diagnóstico antenatal de acretismo placentário e invasão da bexiga, a conduta será a cesárea eletiva às 35 semanas com posterior histerectomia total abdominal, sempre com necessidade de uma equipe multidisciplinar (anestesistas, obstetras, cirurgião vascular intervencionista e urologista)

The placenta previa consists of a placental implantation in the inferior segment, distant at the most 7 cm of the cervix uteri. When adhering directly to the myometrium, it is called placenta accreta; when extending more deeply, increta and when invading the uterine's serous or even adjacent organs, the percreta. The placenta previa incidence varies from 0,3 to 1,7%, and the accretism from 1:540 to 1:93.000 childbirths. The placenta previa accreta is associated with high maternal morbidity and mortality, need of blood transfusion, complications during cesarean section and infection. The accretism is diagnosed by ultrasound, magnetic resonance and, ultrasound with Doppler. The appropriate detection of the accretism will allow the childbirth planning and safety's measures, with consequent reduction of maternal mortality. When the antenatal diagnosis of placenta accreta and invasion of the bladder are made, the conduct will be the elective cesarean section to the 35 weeks with subsequent abdominal total hysterectomy, with the aid of a team (anesthetists, obstetricians, surgeon vascular and urologist)

Humains , Femelle , Grossesse , Vessie urinaire/vascularisation , Hystérectomie , Hémorragie de la délivrance/étiologie , Complications peropératoires , Placenta accreta/chirurgie , Placenta accreta/diagnostic , Placenta accreta/thérapie , Placenta accreta , Placenta previa/diagnostic , Placenta previa/thérapie , Césarienne/effets indésirables , Mortalité maternelle , Échographie prénatale/méthodes
Annals Abbassi Shaheed Hospital and Karachi Medical and Dental College. 2009; 14 (1): 73-77
Dans Anglais | IMEMR | ID: emr-111163


Placenta percreta occurs in 5-7% of all abnormal placentations. Around 50% of women diagnosed with placenta previa having two or more cesarean sections develop placenta accreta or percreta. Here we present a case of 22 years old female who presented with 36 weeks of pregnancy having anemia and placenta previa type IV. She was planned for elective cesarean section due to placenta previa and previous two cesarean sections. She was operated by a senior gynaecologist. Placenta was found to be densely adherent with the uterine wall and was invading the bladder. Fifty percent of the placenta expelled out spontaneously and remaining 50% was removed in piece meal carefully. Haemostatic sutures were taken on the bladder wall. Massive haemorrhage was observed and the patient went into shock. Urologist was called as the bladder was densely adherent with the lower segment. Cesarean hysterectomy was done but oozing from stitch line continued so bilateral Internal Iliac Artery ligation was performed

Humains , Femelle , Placenta previa/diagnostic , Césarienne , Hystérectomie , Hémorragie de la délivrance/étiologie , Vessie urinaire/anatomopathologie , Grossesse
Arch. méd. Camaguey ; 12(5)2008. ilus
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-532421


El cáncer cervical invasor es una de las causas más frecuentes de muerte en las mujeres de los países en desarrollo. Ocupa el tercer lugar entre las mujeres de todo el mundo. Es raro en mujeres con menos de 30 años y más común en mujeres de 40 años. Se reporta el caso de una pacientede 30 años, atendida en el servicio de Patología de Cuello del Hospital Materno Provincial Ana Josefa Betancourt de Mora, con el diagnóstico de carcinoma epidermoide infiltrante bien diferenciado de cuello uterino en etapa Ib2 y embarazo de la primera mitad con inserción baja placentaria oclusiva total. Se interrumpió este embarazo con el objetivo de mejorar el estado de inmunodepresión de esta paciente y comenzar un tratamiento precoz y oportuno para lograr la supervivencia de esta paciente.

The invasive cervical cancer is one of the most frequent causes of death in women of the developing countries. It occupies the third place among the women of the entire world. Is rare in women with less than 30 years and more common in women of 40 years. The case of a 30 years patient is reported, attended in the Cervix Pathology service at Ana Josefa Betancourt de Mora Provincial Maternal Hospital, with the diagnosis of infiltrating epidermoid carcinoma well differentiated of cervix uteri in phase Ib2 and pregnancy of the first half with total occlusive placental low insertion.This pregnancy was interrupted with the objective to improve the immunodepression state of this patient and to begin an opportune and precocious treatment to achieve the survival of this patient.

Humains , Adulte , Femelle , Grossesse , Carcinome épidermoïde/diagnostic , Dysplasie du col utérin/complications , Dysplasie du col utérin/diagnostic , Placenta previa/diagnostic , Présentations de cas
Niger. j. med. (Online) ; 16(1): 61-64, 2007.
Article Dans Anglais | AIM | ID: biblio-1267202


Background: The study aims at reviewing the clinical presentation and management of placenta praevia in a tertiary health facility. Method: This is a retrospective study of 59 cases of placenta praevia managed at the Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital; Nnewi from January 1997 to December 2001. The case records of 44 of the patients were obtained from the hospital medical records department and analysed. Results: During the five year period; there were 3565 deliveries and 59 cases of placenta praevia giving an incidence of 1.65. Thirty four (77.3) occurred in women aged 35 years and below. The commonest was type III (12 cases; 27.3) followed by type IV (10 cases; 22.7). Previous uterine scar was associated with 22 (50.0) cases. Age had no statistically significant effect on the prevalence. The commonest GA range at presentation (13; 29.6) and at delivery (18; 40.9) was 37-40 weeks. The commonest mode of presentation was antepartum haemorrhage (34;77.3) followed by abnormal lie and malpresentation (4 each; 9.1). The average admission delivery interval was one week in 33 (75.0) cases and only two (4.5) received blood transfusion. Forty (90.9) women had caesarean delivery while 12 (27.3) babies were of low birth weight. There were only 2 (4.5) fetal deaths and one (2.3) caesarean hysterectomy. Conclusion: The commonest predisposing factor to placenta praevia in this study is previous uterine scar. Judicious use of caesarean section especially in the primigravida will help reduce the incidence of placenta praevia. Also a screening ultrasonography at 34-36 weeks gestation (especially in women with previously scarred uterus) is recommended

Hôpitaux , Placenta previa/diagnostic , Placenta previa/épidémiologie , Placenta previa/thérapie , Revue de la littérature , Enseignement
P. R. health sci. j ; 25(2): 163-165, Jun. 2006.
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-472184


Placenta previa percreta with bladder invasion occurs rarely. However this disorder has become more common since the increased rate of cesarean deliveries. We present a 26 year old gravida 3, para 2-0-1-2 female with placenta previa, percreta and bladder invasion to stress out the importance of early recognition of this life threatening condition and to point out that the good outcome of this case was mainly due to the multidisciplinary approach chosen during the preoperative and post operative management. The Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Radiology, Anesthesiology, Urology, Neonatology and Pathology were fully involved. A surgical management was chosen since it is the most common and more accepted treatment of placenta previa percreta with bladder invasion.

Humains , Femelle , Adulte , Maladies de la vessie/chirurgie , Placenta accreta/chirurgie , Placenta previa/chirurgie , Score d'Apgar , Vessie urinaire/chirurgie , Césarienne , Maladies de la vessie/diagnostic , Maladies de la vessie , Hystérectomie , Nouveau-né , Grossesse , Issue de la grossesse , Prise en charge prénatale , Placenta accreta/diagnostic , Placenta accreta , Placenta previa/diagnostic , Placenta previa , Échographie-doppler couleur
Annals of King Edward Medical College. 2005; 11 (3): 299-300
Dans Anglais | IMEMR | ID: emr-69658


Two hundred Cases of Previous Caesarean Sections were Studied. 130 were associated with Placenta previa. The aim of Study was to evaluate the frequency of Placenta previa with Previous Caesarean Section. Out of 130 Patients 73% were Symptomatic and 27% were asymptomatic. The most Common ante-natal Complications were anemia 40% and repeated Warning haemorrhages 64%. Out of 130 Patients 35 Patients had Previous one Caesarean Section 27%, 80 Patient had Previous two Caesarean Section 61.5% and 15 Patients had Previous three Caesarean Section 11.5%

Humains , Femelle , Césarienne/effets indésirables , Placenta previa/complications , Anémie/étiologie , Hémorragie utérine , Parité , Mortalité maternelle , Placenta previa/diagnostic , Échographie/statistiques et données numériques , Imagerie par résonance magnétique
JPMA-Journal of Pakistan Medical Association. 2004; 54 (2): 81-83
Dans Anglais | IMEMR | ID: emr-66934


To assess the role of ultrasound in detecting the migration of placenta previa during the third trimester at Lady Willingdon Hospital and Jinnah Hospital, Lahore during the period July 2000 to September 2002. Eighty pregnant women with the diagnosis of placenta previa at 28 to 32 weeks of gestation were included in the study. After base line ultrasound, scan was repeated every two weeks until delivery or placental migration for more than 3 cm from internal cervical os. Detailed information for placental position, distance from cervical os and relation to presenting part was recorded. Women with major degree placenta previa were admitted in the hospital at 32 -34 weeks of gestation. Delivery plan was made according to degree of placenta previa by completed 37 weeks of gestation. Cesarean section was done for the women with major degree placenta previa and minor degree placenta previa with antepartum hemorrhage and obstetric indication.Out of 80 women placental migration to a distance of more than 3-5 cm from the internal cervical os occurred in 20 cases [12 anterior/anterolateral, 8 posterior/posterolateral] by 36 weeks of gestation and 20 had complete placenta previa. Out of remaining 40 cases, 12 patients had vaginal delivery and 28 had cesarean section. Placental migration was not observed in women with total placenta previa or posterior placenta previa when the distance of lower edge of placenta was less than 1 cm from the internal os. Ultrasound is important for the diagnosis of placental localization and placental migration during third trimester. Placental migration takes place more often in anterior than in complete or posterior placenta previa

Humains , Femelle , Placenta previa/complications , Échographie prénatale , Troisième trimestre de grossesse , Hémorragie utérine/étiologie , Hémorragie utérine/imagerie diagnostique , Placenta previa/diagnostic
Metro cienc ; 8(1): 9-12, jul. 1999. graf, tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-278946


La etiología de la placenta previa es desconocida, se presume que la vascularización endometrial disminuida a nivel del fondo y cuerpo uterino, constituyen el factor causal. Hemos analizado 149 historias clínicas, concluyendo que en nuestro medio los factores de riesgo son la edad materna entre 23 a 32 años con una media de 30, multiparidad, teniendo mayor riesgo a una edad gestacional de 37 a 40 semanas con un pico a las 38 semanas, el diagnóstico ecográfico es una gran ayuda pero vemos que en nuestro medio la sospecha clínica puede ser el único examen con el que podemos contar preoperatoriamente en no pocas ocasiones; la presencia o ausencia de dolor no es una sintomatología que nos pueda ayudar a precisar el diagnóstico...

Endomètre , Parité , Placenta previa/diagnostic , Placenta previa/étiologie , Choc , Équateur , Maternités (hôpital)
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol ; 64(1): 34-40, 1999. ilus, tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-245472


Los trastornos adherenciales de la placenta tales como el acretismo y percretismo placentario, constituyen una de las principales causas de morbinortalidad materna por hemorragia postparto. La placenta previa y la cesárea reiterada son los principales factores de riesgo; en ellos es posible realizar el diagnóstico de acuerdo a signos ecográficos directos e indirectos. Sin embargo, en ciertas ocasiones la información obtenida por el ultrasonido no es concluyente, particularmente en la diferenciación entre el acretismo y el percretismo placentario. En esos casos o en los que se quiera tener información anatómica adicional acerca de la invasión placentaria, de la vascularización o sobre el estado real de la pared uterina y vesical, la resonancia magnética nuclear (RMN) brinda imágenes anatómicas precisas. Las mismas pueden contrastarse con gadolinio y distinguir límites exactos entre el miometro y la placenta. De esa manera se puede planificar correctamente la cirugía y el control vascular proximal más adecuado. En este trabajo se describe la experiencia con RMN contrastada en 15 pacientes de riesgo, la característica distintiva de las imágenes diferenciales y su correlación quirúrgica

Humains , Femelle , Grossesse , Placenta accreta/diagnostic , Placenta previa/diagnostic , Produits de contraste/administration et posologie , Analyse coût-bénéfice , Diagnostic différentiel , Gadolinium , Complications de la grossesse/diagnostic , Troisième trimestre de grossesse , Spectroscopie par résonance magnétique/méthodes
In. Ramos Toledo, Gustavo. Alto riesgo obstétrico. Quito, AFEME, 1997. p.45-8, ilus.
Monographie Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-206569
Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 63(5): 175-80, mayo 1995. tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-151904


Ciento setenta casos con placenta previa en el Instituto Nacional de Perinatología, fueron revisados de 1989 a 1993. La incidencia en nuestra población fue de 0.62 por cientio, la edad materna media fue de 31 años, el mayor número de casos se presentó nulíparas, en 72 por ciento de ellos existió el antecedente de cicatriz uterina. El diagnóstico por ultrasonido se realizó en 81 por ciento de las pacientes, siendo el tipo de inserción placentaria más frecuente la inserción baja en 49 por ciento y en 31 por ciento la placenta central total. El primer episodio hemorrágico se presentó a una edad gestacional media de 34 semanas. La complicación más frecuente fue la amenaza de parto pretérmino, utilizándose como uteroinhibidor el etiniladrianol. Todos los embarazos se interrumpieron por vía abdominal. El acretismo placentario fue una complicación frecuente. Sin lugar a dudas la hemorragia durante la segunda mitad de la festación es una de las principales causas de morbimortalidad perinatal. La frecuencia de esta complicación oscila en términos generales entre el 3 y 5 por ciento. La placenta de inserción baja es una complicación poco frecuente. En la mayoría de los reportes se estima su frecuencia entre 0.3 y 0.5 por ciento de todos los embarazos en población abierta, y cuando se presenta, constituye una de las urgencias más serias, por lo que su diagnóstico precoz y el tratamiento oportuno repercutirán en la disminución de la morbimortalidad materna y perinatal. Su etiología es desconocida, pero se presume que la vascularización endometrial disminuida a nivel de fondo y cuerpo uterino, constituye el factor causal. Existen otras causas predisponentes como son: edad materna avanzada, multiparidad, tumoraciones, cicatrices y tabaquismo. El objetivo del presente estudio, es analizar las repercusiones maternas y perinatales de la placenta previa, con base a la experiencia adquirida en el Instituto Nacional de Perinatología

Grossesse , Humains , Femelle , Âge maternel , Placenta previa , Placenta previa/complications , Placenta previa/diagnostic , Complications de la grossesse/diagnostic , Complications de la grossesse/physiopathologie , Hémorragie utérine/étiologie
In. Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Ginecología y Obstetricia. Hospital Carlos Andrade Marín. El Manejo Obtétrico: Sangrados. Quito, Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Ginecología y Obstetricia, mar. 1992. p.89-102.
Monographie Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-134689
In. Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Ginecología y Obstetricia. Hospital Carlos Andrade Marín. El Manejo Obtétrico: Sangrados. Quito, Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Ginecología y Obstetricia, mar. 1992. p.103-16.
Monographie Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-134690
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