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Rev. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Quito) ; 48(1): 32-37, Ene 01, 2023.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526678


Introducción: Los condilomas o verrugas anogenitales son secundarios a una infección causada por el virus del papiloma humano en sitios específicos, como la piel de la región anogenital, en las mucosas vaginal y anal. Es una infección de transmisión sexual rara en la edad pediátrica, muy frecuente entre los adultos y adolescentes sexualmente activos; la causa en los infantes, sin descartar el abuso sexual podría ser: 1. En el momento del parto, en la etapa neonatal y durante los primeros años; 2. Autoinoculación o hetero-inoculación de los genitales de otros niños, de adultos, familiares como la madre o cuidadores. Podría manifestarse como pequeños papilomas o crecimientos verrugosos en la piel anogenital, en la mucosa de la vagina o el ano. Este caso tiene importancia clínica ya que los tratamientos convencionales presentan recidivas a corto plazo y muchos de ellos no son bien tolerados por los pequeños pacientes. Hay tratamientos agresivos como la criocirugía; el uso de medicamentos costosos como el Imiquimod; sin embargo, las reci-divas son muy frecuentes con estos tratamientos convencionales.Objetivo: Describir el uso de un esquema de terapia de tratamiento con podofilina en combina-ción con ácido glicirricínico y ácido tricloroacético, en una paciente pediátrica con diagnóstico de condiloma ano-perineal, para ayudar a disminuir las recidivas, los costos y sobre todo los efectos psicológicos que provocan los métodos dolorosos en los pequeños pacientes. Presentación del caso: Paciente que presentó lesiones verrucosas, puntiagudos en la región ano-perineal; y, luego de haber sido intervenida en un centro de salud por varios días mediante la topicación sobre las lesiones una solución de ácido tricloro acético a 5% combinada con podofi-lina al 50%; sin embargo, el cuadro se exacerbó extendiéndose las lesiones hasta cerca del área genital. Luego de lo cual acudió a nuestra consulta, donde además de la combinación anterior, más la adición de ácido glicirricinico tópico y logrando a los 30 días la remisión de las lesiones.Conclusiones y recomendaciones: La combinación de una sustancia corrosiva, el ácido tricloro acético, con una sustancia que detiene la multiplicación celular como la podofilina; y el ácido glicirricinico el cual disminuye la replicación de los virus en un estadio temprano, impide la salida del virión de su cápside y con esto su penetración a las células. La aplicación de esta triple terapia mejoró los resultados para condilomatosis en pacientes pediátricos.

Introduction: Anogenital condylomas or warts are secondary to an infection caused by the human papillomavirus in specific sites, such as the skin of the anogenital region, in the vaginal and anal mucosa. It is a rare sexually transmitted infection in pediatric age, very common among sexually active adults and adolescents; The cause in infants, without ruling out sexual abuse, could be: 1. At the time of birth, in the neonatal stage and during the first years; 2. Autoinoculation or he-tero-inoculation of the genitals of other children, adults, family members such as the mother or caregivers. It could manifest as small papillomas or warty growths on the anogenital skin, on the mucosa of the vagina or anus. This case has clinical importance since conventional treatments present short-term recurrences and many of them are not well tolerated by young patients. There are aggressive treatments such as cryosurgery; the use of expensive medications such as Imiqui-mod; However, recurrences are very common with these conventional treatments.Objective: To describe the use of a treatment regimen with podophyllin in combination with glycyrr-hizinic acid and trichloroacetic acid, in a pediatric patient diagnosed with anoperineal condyloma, to help reduce recurrences, costs and, above all, psychological effects. that painful methods cause in young patients.Case presentation: The patient presents sharp, verrucous lesions in the ano-perineal region; and, after having been operated on in a health center for several days by topicalizing a 5% trichloroace-tic acid solution combined with 50% podophyllin on the lesions; However, the condition worsened, with the lesions extending close to the genital area. After which he came to our consultation, where in addition to the previous combination, plus the addition of topical glycyrrhizinic acid and achie-ving remission of the lesions after 30 days.Conclusions and recomendations: The combination of a corrosive substance, trichloroacetic acid, with a substance that stops cell multiplication such as podophyllin; and glycyrrhizinic acid, which decreases virus replication at an early stage, prevents the release of the virion from its cap-sid and thus its penetration into the cells. The application of this triple therapy improved the results for condylomatosis in pediatric patients.

Humains , Femelle , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Canal anal/malformations , Podophylline , Condylomes acuminés , Papillomaviridae
J. coloproctol. (Rio J., Impr.) ; 41(3): 289-294, July-Sept. 2021. tab, ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346420


Purpose: Giant perianal condyloma (GPC) is a rare condition. The effective treatment is a multidisciplinary challenge; topical treatments are usually ineffective, and surgical resection has significant morbidity. Podophyllin at 25% in solid petrolatum (25%PSP) can be an effective treatment option for GPC. The aim of the present study was to assess its response and tolerability. Methods: This retrospective, single-center case series evaluated the clinical response of 14 patients with GPC treated with 25%PSP in a public hospital in Buenos Aires between December 2015 and December 2019. After obtaining a full history and performing a physical exam, the lesions were measured and photographed. Biopsies were performed to exclude malignancy, as well as exams to rule out pregnancy. Podophyllin at 25% in solid petrolatum was administered topically in cases of GPC and washed off by the patients at home after 4 hours. The patients underwent at least 4 weekly visits, which included interval history, photodocumentation of the lesions, and provider-applied 25%PSP. The response rate was assessed by comparingmeasurements and the overall decrease in volume of the GPC based on photos from the first and last sessions. Adverse outcomes were noted. Results: In total, 10 men, 3 women, and 1 transgender woman with GPC unresponsive to prior treatments and a mean age of 34.5 years were included. A total of 12 patients were immunosuppressed. All the perianal lesions were circumferential and measured between 8 cm and 20 cm. Overall, 7 patients had genital condyloma outside of the anus and perianus; the histology showed low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions in all cases. While on treatment, 7 patients reported dermatitis, and 71% of the patients had 75% reduction in lesion size. Conclusions: Podophyllin at 25% in solid petrolatum is an effective, well-tolerated topical treatment option for GPC. (AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Podophylline/usage thérapeutique , Dermatite/complications , Condylomes acuminés/thérapie
J. coloproctol. (Rio J., Impr.) ; 39(2): 169-173, Apr.-June 2019. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012588


ABSTRACT Sexually transmitted infections are mainly caused by viruses and bacteria. They are transmitted trough sexual intercourse, without a condom, with an infected individual. The anus, vagina, and mouth may become involved. This study aimed to present six clinical cases with the diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections, but in which different treatment approaches were required. This demonstrates the dynamic and unique character of the disease in each individual. That is, the behavior of sexually transmitted infections will vary not only according to its causative microorganism (virus or bacteria), but also according to the characteristics of the combination of etiologic agent and host.

RESUMO As infecções sexualmente transmissíveis são causadas, principalmente, por vírus e bactérias. Por meio do contato sexual, sem preservativo, com um indivíduo que esteja infectado. O ânus, a vagina e a boca podem se tornar órgãos acometidos. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar 06 casos clínicos com o diagnóstico de infecções sexualmente transmissíveis, mas que para serem tratados foram necessárias diferentes abordagens. Isso demonstra o caráter dinâmico e singular da doença em cada indivíduo. Ou seja, o comportamento das infecções sexualmente transmissíveis vai variar não somente conforme o seu microrganismo causador (vírus × bactéria), mas também de acordo com o conjunto (agente etiológico + hospedeiro).

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Podophylline , Maladies sexuellement transmissibles , Imiquimod , VIH (Virus de l'Immunodéficience Humaine)
Rev. Hosp. Ital. B. Aires (2004) ; 36(4): 143-149, dic. 2016. graf, ilus, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1145235


El virus del papiloma humano (VPH) es una de las enfermedades de transmisión sexual más comunes. Puede afectar tanto el aparato genital masculino y femenino, como también el área perianal, ano, y diversas áreas de cabeza y cuello y otorrinolaringológicas, ya sea como lesiones benignas o como promotor de lesiones malignas. Las lesiones benignas por VPH en genitales masculinos se caracterizan fundamentalmente por la aparición de lesiones verrugosas, aunque también puede manifestarse mediante lesiones planas atípicas. En algunos casos hay ausencia de lesiones macroscópicamente visibles que pueden hacerse evidentes con la prueba de ácido acético. La biopsia de la lesión, su evaluación anatomopatológica y, sobre todo, la determinación de la existencia y el tipo de virus involucrado mediante PCR (reacción en cadena de la polimerasa) permiten confirmar el diagnóstico. En algunas ocasiones es necesario realizar una cistoscopia para diagnosticar lesiones intrauretrales y vesicales. Los tratamientos propuestos son muy variados y de eficacia dispar, desde las topicaciones y la electrocirugía o la criocirugía, hasta el empleo de la tecnología láser. La prevención con el uso de protección durante el acto sexual así como la educación sexual son fundamentales. En los últimos 10 años se ha implementado el uso de la vacuna para el VPH en niñas con el fin de disminuir la incidencia de lesiones de alto grado y de cáncer de cuello uterino, pero su indicación en varones es menos clara y aún no ha sido consensuada. (AU)

Human papiloma virus (HPV) is one of the most common sexual transmitted diseases. It can affect the male genitalia, as well as the perianal and anal regions and multiple areas of the head and neck and otorhinolaryngological structures, as benign lesiones or as a promoter of malignant lesions. Benign male genitalia lesions are characterized mainly by verrucous lesions, although flat atypical lesions can be found, as well as the abscence of macroscopic visible lesions that in some cases can become evident using the acetic acid test. Lesion biopsy, its histological evaluation, and the determination of the existence and type of virus using PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) can confirm the diagnosis. In some cases is necessary to do a cistoscopy to diagnose intraurethral and vesical lesions. Proposed treatments are varied and with a wide range of efficacy, from topications to electro or cryosurgery, and the use of laser technology. Sexual education and the use of sexual protection are essential in prevention. In the last 10 years the use of VPH vaccine in girls was widely spread, in order to decrease the incidence of high grade lesions and cervix cancer. Its indication in male patients is less clear and not yet consented among specialists. (AU)

Humains , Mâle , Infections à papillomavirus/thérapie , Infections de l'appareil reproducteur/thérapie , Podophylline/usage thérapeutique , Podophyllotoxine/usage thérapeutique , Éducation sexuelle , Acide trichloro-acétique/usage thérapeutique , Condylomes acuminés/étiologie , Réaction de polymérisation en chaîne , Préservatifs masculins , Infections à papillomavirus/diagnostic , Infections à papillomavirus/anatomopathologie , Infections à papillomavirus/prévention et contrôle , Infections à papillomavirus/traitement médicamenteux , Alphapapillomavirus/pathogénicité , Vaccins contre les papillomavirus/usage thérapeutique , Thérapie laser , Infections de l'appareil reproducteur/diagnostic , Infections de l'appareil reproducteur/étiologie , Infections de l'appareil reproducteur/anatomopathologie , Infections de l'appareil reproducteur/traitement médicamenteux , Fluorouracil/administration et posologie , Fluorouracil/usage thérapeutique , Lidocaïne/administration et posologie , Lidocaïne/usage thérapeutique
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-80628


Giant condyloma acuminatum (also known as Buschke-Lowenstein tumor) is a rare disease, for which the treatment of choice is still controversial. In the case described in this report, we used a combination of electrocautery and a surgical scalpel to resect a huge genital wart, followed by long-term local treatment with podophyllin. This procedure was relatively fast, easy to perform, involved minimal bleeding, and did not result in any complications. Moreover, combination therapy enabled us to avoid deep resection of the lesion and consequently, sexual function was preserved completely.

Tumeur de Buschke-Löwenstein , Condylomes acuminés , Électrocoagulation , Hémorragie , Podophylline , Maladies rares , Verrues
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol ; 80(1): 76-83, 2015. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-743839


La infección por el Virus del Papiloma Humano es una afección altamente prevalente a nivel mundial y una de sus consecuencias es la verruga genital externa o condiloma genital. El tratamiento de estas lesiones ha sido tradicionalmente difícil, debido a la alta recurrencia de las lesiones. Se revisan los aspectos más novedosos del tratamiento de las verrugas genitales. Las sinecatequinas y una nueva formulación de Imiquimod al 3,75% resaltan como las terapéuticas más novedosas, mientras que la terapia fotodinámica carece de evidencia científica adecuada como para recomendar su uso rutinario. Las vacunas profilácticas y terapéuticas parecen poseer un gran potencial pero aún se encuentran en fases iniciales de investigación. Es deseable estudios con un mayor número de pacientes y un seguimiento más prolongado, que permita una comparación directa de la efectividad entre las diferentes técnicas terapéuticas a corto y largo plazo.

Human Papillomavirus infection is a highly prevalent condition worldwide whose frequent consequence is the external genital wart or genital condyloma. The treatment for this condition has been traditionally difficult due to the recurrence of the lesions. The most innovative aspects of the treatment of genital wart, are reviewed. The sinecatechins and a new formulation of Imiquimod 3.75% stand out as the most innovative therapeutic, while photodynamic therapy lacks adequate scientific evidence to recommend its routine use. The prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines seem to have great potential but are still in early stages of research. Studies should be conducted with larger patient samples and longer follow-ups to allow comparison of the effectiveness among the different therapeutic techniques in the short and long term.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Condylomes acuminés/thérapie , Alphapapillomavirus , Maladies de l'appareil génital féminin/thérapie , Photothérapie dynamique , Podophylline , Acide trichloro-acétique , Condylomes acuminés/diagnostic , Catéchine/usage thérapeutique , Vaccination , Cryothérapie , Infections à papillomavirus/thérapie , Électrocoagulation , Imiquimod/usage thérapeutique , Maladies de l'appareil génital mâle/thérapie
JABHS-Journal of the Arab Board of Health Specializations. 2014; 15 (1): 35-39
de Arabe | IMEMR | ID: emr-157621


Clinical assessment of effectiveness of liquid nitrogen and podophyllin in treatment of genital warts, and comparison of the two treatments in clearance and recurrence rates. Forty male patients [19 to 53 years old] were allocated to receive treatment for genital warts; they were randomly divided into two groups; liquid nitrogen group and podophyllin group. Therapy was continued for 6 weeks. After that the patients were assessed for clearance of lesions, and then monitored for recurrence for three months after clearance of lesions. In the first group [liquid nitrogen] lesions cleared in 75% of patients, and there was a recurrence in 33% of the cured patients during first 3 months. While in the second group [podophyllotoxin], lesions cleared in 30% of patients, and recurrence occurred in 43% of those patients. There was a statistical significant difference [p=0.05] between clearance rates in the two groups, whereas the difference wasn't statistically significant between recurrence rates. Cryotherapy [liquid nitrogen] showed more efficacy than podophyllin 20% in treatment of genital warts in males, with no difference in clearance rates

Humains , Mâle , Podophylline , Cryothérapie , Azote , Résultat thérapeutique , Maladies de l'appareil génital mâle/traitement médicamenteux
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 9(supl.5): 650-657, dic. 2010.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-585189


Se realizó un estudio abierto, controlado, para comparar la eficacia de podofilina 25 por ciento y Allium sativum en el tratamiento del Condiloma Acuminado. Se incluyeron al azar 30 pacientes: 15, en el grupo A y 15, en el grupo B, en la consulta dermatológica del Hospital Universitario Celia Sánchez Manduley (2006-2007); aplicando al grupo A podofilina 25 por ciento, 2 veces a la semana, y el grupo B Allium sativum, 2 veces por semana. Ambos productos tópicamente por 6 semanas. La eficacia terapéutica fue evaluada una semana después de culminar el tratamiento comparando el estado inicial y final de las lesiones. A los pacientes curados, se les realizó seguimiento trimestral durante un año para detectar posibles recidivas. La eficacia terapéutica fue mejor en el grupo B (73,3 por ciento) con menos recidivas (9,1 por ciento), aunque estadísticamente la diferencia fue poco significativa. El resultado empezó a verse generalmente entre la 3-4 semana del tratamiento. Se demostró la eficacia del Allium sativum en esta dermatosisAU)

An opened and controlled study was carried-out, to compare the efficiency of Podophylline 25 percent and Allium sativum in the treatement of verruca acuminata. 30 patients were taken at random: 15 in group A and 15 in group B in the Dermatology consultation of Celia Sánchez M. Universitary Hospital in the year 2006-2007; applaying to group A, Podophylline 25 percent twice per week and Allium savitum to group B twice per week. Both products per six weeks. The therapeutic efficiency was evaluated a week after finishing the treatment comparing the initial state and final lesion. To the cured patients a tracking every three months was carried out during the whole year to detect possible relapses. The therapeutic efficiency was better in group B (73,3 percent) with less relapses (9,1 percent), although statistically the difference was less significant. The results started to be seen between the three-four weeks of treatment. The eficiency of Allium sativum was proved in this dermatoid lesions(AU)

Podophylline/usage thérapeutique , Condylomes acuminés/thérapie , Ail , Condylomes acuminés/épidémiologie , Études prospectives , Études contrôlées avant-après
Rev. bras. colo-proctol ; 29(4): 505-507, out.-dez. 2009.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-542678


Papulose bowenóide é uma doença que acomete a pele da região anogenital e que se caracteriza pelas múltiplas pequenas pápulas planas ou aveludadas e de coloração que varia do róseo ao castanho-escuro. É provocada pelo HPV e a transmissão sexual é a forma mais freqüente de contaminação. As queixas mais comuns são prurido e dor. O aspecto é característico e o exame histopatológico confirma o diagnóstico. Junto com a doença de Bowen e a eritroplasia de Queyrat, é considerada como carcinoma in situ, ou neoplasia intra-epitelial de alto grau (NIAA), a lesão precursora do carcinoma espinocelular (CEC) anal. Sem tratamento, a maioria das lesões permanece benigna e estável. Várias modalidades terapêuticas estão disponíveis, incluindo as medicações tópicas para citodestruição e as técnicas ablativas. Os esquemas tópicos são efetivos. Cabe ao profissional médico escolher a terapia adequada, tendo em mente que a doença é benigna e raramente evolui para carcinoma. Como as recidivas são freqüentes e ainda persistem dúvidas quanto ao potencial de malignização, os doentes devem ser examinados periodicamente para diagnosticar as lesões iniciais.

Bowenoid papulosis is an anogenital skin disease characterized by multiple little papules, flat or velvet, which color varies from pink to dark brown. It is provoked by HPV and its transmission is sexual. Most common symptoms are anal pain and itching. Its appearance is characteristic and hystopathological examination confirms diagnosis. Together with Bowenïs disease and Queyrat erythroplasia, is considered as an in situ carcinoma, or high grade intra-epithelial neoplasia (HAIN), a precursor of the squamous-cell carcinoma. Most of lesions remain benign and stable without treatment. There are several kinds of treatment including topical drugs for cytodestruction and ablative techniques. Topic schemes are effectives. The consultant doctor may choose the most adequate therapy, keeping in mind this disease is benign and rarely evolutes to invasive carcinoma. As recurrences are frequent and remain doubts about malign potential, patients must be examined periodically to diagnose initial lesions.

Humains , Épithélioma in situ , Interférons , Infections à papillomavirus/épidémiologie , Infections à papillomavirus/thérapie , Podophylline
Rev. argent. coloproctología ; 19(1): 45-46, mar. 2008. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-574125


Las verrugas perianales son producidas por el papiloma virus. Los tipos asociados son 6, 11 y 18. Comunicamos nuestra experiencia en el tratamiento de una paciente de 42 años con un condiloma perianal gigante.

Condylomas of genital warts are caused by the papiloma virus. Is produced by type 6, 11 and 18. We communicate our experience in the treatment of giant condylomatosis in a woman of 42 years old.

Humains , Adulte , Femelle , Condylomes acuminés/chirurgie , Condylomes acuminés/étiologie , Condylomes acuminés/mortalité , Condylomes acuminés/thérapie , Administration par voie topique , Colostomie , Interféron alpha , Infections à papillomavirus/complications , Podophylline/usage thérapeutique
Dermatol. peru ; 18(1): 27-34, ene.-mar. 2008. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-540573


Se realizó un estudio abierto, controlado, para comparar la eficacia terapéutica entre la resina de podofilina al 25 por ciento y la criocirugía en el tratamiento tópico del condiloma acuminado. Se incluyeron al azar 20 pacientes adultos con este diagnóstico: los primeros 10 pacientes que acudieron a la consulta del consultorio médico de familia # 9 del policlínico ôManaguaõ y los primeros 10 pacientes que acudieron al policlínico docente ôJoaquín Albarránõ, en el período comprendido entre abril y junio de 2005. Se formaron dos grupos de 10 pacientes cada uno, aplicándose un esquema terapéutico diferente en cada caso, recibiendo los pacientes del policlínico ôManaguaõ (grupo I) una aplicación semanal de resina de podofilina al 25 por ciento y los pacientes del policlínico ôJoaquín Albarránõ (grupo II) una aplicación quincenal de criocirugía. La duración de ambos tratamientos fue la misma (6 semanas en cada grupo). La eficacia terapéutica fue evaluada dos semanas después de culminar el tratamiento, comparando el estado inicial y final de las lesiones. A los pacientes respondedores al medicamento se les realizó seguimiento trimestral durante un año para detectar posibles recidivas. La eficacia terapéutica y recidivas fue similar en ambos grupos, sin diferencias estadísticamente significativas; aunque se observó mayor número de efectos adversos (eritema, ardor, dolor, tumefacción y vesiculación; de intensidad leve y desaparición espontánea) en el grupo de pacientes tratados con criocirugía.

An open controlled clinical trial was carried out to compare the therapeutical effectiveness between the 25 per cent podophyllin resin and the cryosurgery in the topical treatment of the condyloma acuminata. Twenty adult patients randomly with this diagnosis were included. These were the first 10 patients who attended the appointment of the family doctorÆs office # 9 of the Managua polyclinic and the first 10 patients who attended the Joaquín Albarrán teaching polyclinic, between April and June 2005. Two groups of 10 patients each were created, applying a different therapeutical scheme in each case, so the patients from the Managua polyclinic (group I) received a weekly application of 25 per cent podophyllin resin, and the patients from Joaquín Albarrán polyclinic (group II) a two times a month application of cryosurgery. The length of both treatments was the same (six weeks in each group). The therapeutical effectiveness was assessed a couple of weeks after completing the treatment, comparing the initial and final state of lesions. The patients who responded to the medicine were followed up quarterly during a year in order to spot possible relapses. The start-end comparative analysis showed an outstanding response to the treatment in each group; however, there was no statistically remarkable difference between the studied groups. The relapse rates were high in both groups. The major adverse events were observed in group II: burning and pain at the time of treatment, of mild intensity and of spontaneous disappearance in a few minutes. The therapeutical effectiveness of the 25 per cent podophyllin resin and of cryosurgery in the topical treatment of the condyloma acuminate was demonstrated.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Condylomes acuminés/thérapie , Cryochirurgie , Podophylline/usage thérapeutique
West Indian med. j ; 57(1): 63-65, Jan. 2008. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-672342


Longitudinal data from a case series indicated that clearance rates (95% CIs) of anogenital warts (AGW) by silver nitrate (n = 14) and podophyllin (n = 34) were 93% (79.35, 100) and 14.7% (3, 27) respectively; and RR, 6.31 (95% CI 2.77, 14.37, p = 0.0(5)2), relative benefit increase, 532% (410, 654), and NNT, 1 (1, 2). The total effort needed US$28(BB$56) vs US$598 in 1-3 vs 1-37 visits to achieve one successfully treated patient respectively. While subject to the errors of an open, non-randomized case series, silver nitrate was highly efficacious and cost-effective and should replace podophyllin at the Winston Scot Polyclinic.

Datos longitudinales de una serie de casos indicaron que las tasas de eliminación (95% CI) de verrugas anogenitales (VAG) mediante nitrato de plata (n = 14) y podofilina (n = 34) fueron 93% (79.35, 100); y 14.7% (3, 27) respectivamente; y RR, 6.31 (95% CI 2.77, 14.37, p = 0.0(5)2), aumento relativo de beneficios, 532% (410, 654), y NNT, 1 (1, 2). El esfuerzo total necesitó $28 USD (BB$56) vs $598 USD en 1-3 vs 1-37 visitas para lograr un paciente tratado con éxito respectivamente. Aunque sujeto a los errores de una serie de casos abierta no aleatorizada, el nitrato de plato fue altamente eficaz y costo-efectivo y debe reemplazar la podofilina en Winston Scot Polyclinic.

Adolescent , Adulte , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Jeune adulte , Antiviraux/usage thérapeutique , Condylomes acuminés/traitement médicamenteux , Podophylline/usage thérapeutique , Nitrate d'argent/usage thérapeutique , Antiviraux/économie , Analyse coût-bénéfice , Podophylline/économie , Études rétrospectives , Nitrate d'argent/économie , Résultat thérapeutique
Acta odontol. venez ; 38(3): 36-38, 2000. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-304789


El molusco contagioso es una enfermedad viral que afecta solo piel y superficies mucosas produciendo lesiones de aspecto papular, que pueden ser olorosas, y en particular en los últimos estadíos de la enfermedad; esta patología afecta principalmente a los niños y cuando se observa en adultos es considerada una enfermedad de transmisión sexual. Se presenta el caso de un molusco contagioso con ubicación inusual en mucosa de labio inferior de una paciente de 19 años. La aparición de la lesión está relacionada al contacto con niños en un preescolar

Humains , Femelle , Adolescent , Lèvre , Molluscum contagiosum , Acide trichloro-acétique/usage thérapeutique , Cryothérapie , Podophylline , Infections à Poxviridae , Venezuela
Rev. bras. colo-proctol ; 19(2): 79-82, abr.-jun. 1999. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-280948


Atendemos 67 doentes HIV+, portadores de condilomas acuminados perianais, entre agosto de 1996 e junho de 1998. Eram 61 homens e seis mulheres com média etária de 32 anos. Em 61 porcento dos pacientes, os condilomas acometiam tanto a margem como o canal acima da linha pectínea em 10 porcento das vezes. Encontramos lesöes condilomatosas macroscópicas associadas na cavidade oral em 6 porcento dos casos, no pênis de 19 porcento dos homens e na vulva e vagina de 67 porcento das mulheres. O tratamento consistiu de aplicaçöes semanais de podofilina a 25 porcento, em vaselina sólida, nas lesöes da margem anal e de ácido tricloroacético a 95 porcento (ATA) nos condilomas localizados acima da linha pectínea. Avaliamos os doentes após a quarta aplicaçäo. As verrugas regrediram totalmente em 46 porcento e diminuíram em 33 porcento dos doentes. Em 7,5 porcento das vezes as lesöes da margem anal desapareceram, persistindo as do canal anal e, em 4,5 porcento dos casos, ocorreu o contrário. O tratemento foi inútil em outros 9 porcento. Operamos os condilomas remanescentes (54 porcento). As aplicaçöes de podofilina foram eficazes em 51 porcento dos casos e de ATA em 47 porcento...

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Acide trichloro-acétique/usage thérapeutique , Condylomes acuminés/thérapie , Maladies de l'anus/thérapie , Infections opportunistes liées au SIDA/thérapie , Podophylline/usage thérapeutique , Administration par voie topique , Caustiques/usage thérapeutique
Korean Journal of Dermatology ; : 1798-1802, 1999.
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-27240


A 20 year old woman with noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) developed an extensive warty and focally cauliflower like mass located at anogenital area. Its histopathologic study and in situ DNA hybridization revealed this lesion an ordinary condyloma acuminatum without large bulbous downward proliferation of which HPV type was 6 and/or 11. The mass lesion was successfully treated by excision and electrodesiccation under spinal anesthesia. Intermittent recurrence of several papular condylomata acuminata was observed during a follow up period of 6 months, which were easily cured by podophylline application on each occasion.

Femelle , Humains , Jeune adulte , Rachianesthésie , Brassica , Condylomes acuminés , Diabète de type 2 , ADN , Études de suivi , Podophylline , Récidive
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-158646


Since penile prosthesis were introduced clinically, higf operation success rates and good patient satisfaction ratings have been reported. Nevertheless, the complication rates have been reported to range from 4% to 7% penile prosthesis (AMS-CXM) and widespread condylomata on the genitaile. Physical examination revealed that the right prosthesis cylinder had perforated the distal medial side of the corpus cavernosum and almost perforated the distal urethra, and the left cylinder had perforated the distal midline septum and was overhanging the right cylinder. Additionally, condylomata acuminata infected the whole penile skin and lower pubic area. The patient underwent multiple treatments for condyloma, including podophyllin, electrocoagulation, and coagulation using a laser, for 6 months and a "windsock" operation using Gore-Tex in both corpora cavernosa with a penoscrotal skin incision for his prosthetic probiem. There have been no complications at 9 months'follow-up.

Humains , Mâle , Condylomes acuminés , Électrocoagulation , Dysfonctionnement érectile , Système génital , Satisfaction des patients , Prothèse pénienne , Examen physique , Podophylline , Polytétrafluoroéthylène , Prothèses et implants , Peau , Urètre
DST j. bras. doenças sex. transm ; 10(6): 27-36, 1998. ilus
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-248888


O tratamento da forma subclínica de infecçäo pelo papilomavirus humano (HPV) tem sido alvo de controversia. Trata-se de infecçäo muito prevalente e com forte associaçäo ao câncer cérvico-uterino. Existem vários tratamentos propostos para esta infecçäo mas a maioria dos autores concorda em que o tratamento de sua forma subclínica é uma tarefa difícil e que nenhuma terapia atualmente disponível e capaz de erradicar o virus. Apesar disto, alguns autores recomendam terapias que variam desde a destruiçäo ou exerese da zona de transformaçäo do colo uterino até excisäo de todas as lesöes identificáveis causadas pelo HPV. Outros, considerando as limitaçöes dos meios terapêuticos disponíveis, recomendam apenas que estas pacientes devem ser mantidas em observaçäo com o objetivo de detectar e tratar lesöes pré invasoras ( neoplasias intraepiteliais-NIC, displasias), caso apareçam. Outras medidas comumente adotadas säo discutidas considerando sua efetividade e conseqüências psicológicas e conjugais. Discutimos esta controvérsia com base na metodologia utilizada por vários autores de revisöes e citamos a ausência de evidências de eficácia de tratamentos para a forma subclínica da infecçäo pelo HPV no colo uterino sem NIC. Concluímos que, até que surja alguma evidência de eficácia terapêutica para esta forma de infecçäo, estas pacientes devem ser mantidas em controle citológico e colposcópico com o objetivo de prevenir o câncer cérvico-uterino

Cautérisation , Cryothérapie , Électrocoagulation , Papillomaviridae , Infections à papillomavirus , Podophylline/administration et posologie , Podophyllotoxine/administration et posologie , Cervicite/traitement médicamenteux , Cervicite/thérapie , Vaccin BCG/administration et posologie , Dysplasie du col utérin , Interférons , Mycobacterium bovis , Tumeurs du col de l'utérus