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Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 30(3): e002821, 2021. graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1251394


Abstract Trichinellosis is a zoonosis caused by nematodes of the Trichinella genus, of which 10 species have been described. Species identification when larvae is found is only possible using molecular tools. Meat from pigs and game animals not subjected to veterinary inspection are the main sources of human infections. The hunting of native carnivores is prohibited in Chile due to conservation issues and the fact that those animals favor pest control. The illegal hunting of a cougar (Puma concolor) occurred in September 2020. Herein, the molecular identification of Trichinella larvae, by analyzing nuclear (expansion segment V) and mitochondrial (cytochrome C oxidase subunit I) sequences are described. Both the amplification of the expansion segment V region and the phylogenetic analysis of a segment of a fragment of the cytochrome c-oxidase subunit I sequence confirmed that the larvae belonged to T. spiralis. The case described herein represents the first evidence of illegal hunting of a protected mammal infected with Trichinella in Chile, highlighting the 'One Health' perspective to face this disease in the rural-sylvatic interphase.

Resumo A triquinelose é uma doença causada por nematoides do gênero Trichinella. Dez espécies foram descritas. A identificação das espécies a partir das larvas só foi possível com ferramentas moleculares. O abate doméstico de suínos e o consumo de animais de caça, sem inspeção veterinária, são as principais fontes de infecção humana. A caça de carnívoros nativos é proibida no Chile por questões de conservação e pelo fato de que esses animais favorecem o controle de pragas. A caça ilegal de um puma (Puma concolor) aconteceu em setembro de 2020. No Chile, a identificação molecular de larvas de Trichinella, obtida pelo exame de sequências nucleares (segmento de expansão V) e mitocondriais (citocromo C oxidase subunidade I) são descritas. Tanto a amplificação da região do segmento de expansão V quanto a análise filogenética de um segmento de um fragmento da sequência da subunidade I da Citocromo c-oxidase, confirmaram que as larvas pertenciam a T. spiralis. O caso aqui descrito representa a primeira evidência de caça ilegal de um mamífero protegido infectado com Trichinella no Chile, destacando a perspectiva de "Saúde Única" para enfrentar esta doença na interfase rural-silvestre.

Animaux , Maladies des porcs , Trichinella , Trichinellose/médecine vétérinaire , Trichinella spiralis , Puma , Phylogenèse , Suidae , Chili
Rev. argent. microbiol ; 52(4): 101-110, dic. 2020. graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1340925


Abstract This work aimed to investigate the prevalence of Trichinella infection in horses (Equus ferus caballus) handled by rural slaughterhouses across five distinctive socioeconomic regions in Mexico. Serum samples were obtained by non-probabilistic convenience sampling in the Eastern, Southern Central and Western regions (100 samples of each). Additionally, muscle tissue samples were collected from the East (n = 45), Southeastern (n = 88), Southern Central (n = 39) and Southwestern (n = 11) regions. Antibodies were determined by Western blot and the muscle tissue was examined by artificial digestion. A global antibody prevalence of 2% was obtained. Regionally, a prevalence of 5% was observed in the East and 1% in the Southern Central region. No antibodies were detected in the West region and no larvae were found in the muscle tissue samples. These findings support the low presence of Trichinella in Mexican horses, which can positively impact the Mexican horse meat trade.

Resumen Se investigó la prevalencia de Trichinella en caballos (Equus ferus caballus) demataderos rurales en cinco regiones socioeconómicas de México. Los sueros se obtuvieron por Trichinella muestreo de conveniencia no probabilístico en las regiones Este, Centrosur y Oeste (100 muestras de cada una). Además se colectaron muestras de tejido muscular de animales de las regionesEste (n = 45), Centro Sur (n = 39), Sudeste (n = 88) y Sudoeste (n = 11). Los anticuerpos se determinaron por Western blot y el tejido muscular se examinó por digestión artificial. Se obtuvo una prevalencia global de anticuerpos del 2%. A nivel regional se observó una prevalencia del 5% enel Este y del 1% en el Centrosur. No se detectaron anticuerpos en el Oeste y no se encontraron larvas en el tejido muscular. Los datos respaldan la baja presencia de Trichinella en caballos mexicanos, lo que puede impactar positivamente en su comercio.

Animaux , Trichinella , Trichinellose , Maladies des chevaux , Facteurs socioéconomiques , Trichinellose/médecine vétérinaire , Trichinellose/épidémiologie , Abattoirs , Maladies des chevaux/épidémiologie , Equus caballus , Viande , Mexique/épidémiologie
Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; 54(4): 461-466, jul. 2020. tab, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149035


Resumen Los residuos de ácido siálico de las glicoproteínas de superficie son los principales responsables de la carga negativa eritrocitaria. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar alteraciones de carga globular producidas por Trichinella spiralis y Trichinella patagoniensis. Se trabajó con concentrados de larvas musculares de ambas especies y con eritrocitos frescos. Se incubó el sedimento globular con igual volumen de concentrado larval (1 y 2 horas). Los controles fueron incubados con solución salina. Se aplicó el método de Azul Alcian y se determinó el coeficiente experimental de carga aniónica eritrocitaria (CexpCAE). Los resultados mostraron que la carga disminuyó con el aumento del tiempo de tratamiento para ambas especies. Los valores de CexpCAE de las suspensiones incubadas con T. spiralis fueron menores que con T. patagoniensis, indicando que T. spiralis produjo mayor disminución de carga que T. patagoniensis. Se concluye que la desialización producida por ambas especies no es la misma, lo que sugiere que la relación hospedador-parásito que se establecería in vivo sería distinta.

Abstract The sialic acid residues of the surface glycoproteins are mainly responsible for the erythrocyte negative charge. The objective of this work was to study alterations of globular charge produced by Trichinella spiralis and Trichinella patagoniensis. Work was carried out on muscle larvae concentrates of both species and fresh erythrocytes. The treatment was performed by incubating the globular pellet with equal volume of larval concentrate (1 and 2 hours). Controls were incubated with saline solution. The Alcian Blue method was applied and the experimental coefficient of erythrocyte anion charge (expCEAC) was determined. The results showed that the globular charge decreased with increasing treatment time for both species. The expCEAC values of the suspensions incubated with T. spiralis were lower than with T. patagoniensis, indicating that T. spiralis produced a greater decrease in charge than T. patagoniensis. It is concluded that the desialization produced by both species is not the same, suggesting that the host-parasite relationship that would be established in vivo would be different.

Resumo Os resíduos de ácido siálico das glicoproteínas de superfície são os principais responsáveis pela carga negativa dos eritrócitos. O objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar as alterações da carga globular produzidas por Trichinella spiralis e Trichinella patagoniensis. Trabalhamos com concentrados de larvas musculares de ambas as espécies e com eritrócitos frescos. O tratamento foi realizado incubando o sedimento globular com igual volume de concentrado larval (1 e 2 horas), Os controles foram incubados com solução salina. Foi aplicado o método de Azul de Alcian e se determinou o coeficiente experimental de carga aniônica de eritrócitos (CexpCAE). Os resultados mostraram que a carga diminuiu com o aumento do tempo de tratamento para ambas as espécies. Os valores de CexpCAE das suspensões incubadas com T. spiralis foram menores que com T. patagoniensis, indicando que T. spiralis produziu uma diminuição maior na carga que T. patagoniensis. Conclui-se que a dessalinização produzida por ambas as espécies não é a mesma, sugerindo que a relação hospedeiro parasita que seria estabelecida in vivo é diferente.

Animaux , Trichinella/physiologie , Bleu Alcian , Agents colorants , Érythrocytes/parasitologie , Larve/physiologie , Spectrophotométrie , Trichinella spiralis/physiologie , Érythrocytes/composition chimique , Interactions hôte-parasite
Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; 54(2): 183-188, jun. 2020. graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1130593


El objetivo del trabajo fue estudiar la cinética de desialización eritrocitaria producida por larvas infectantes de Trichinella spiralis y Trichinella patagoniensis. Se trabajó con 7 suspensiones eritrocitarias incubadas con 1.000±200 larvas musculares/mL, durante 2 horas, tomando muestra al tiempo inicial y cada 15 minutos. Los respectivos eritrocitos controles se incubaron de la misma manera con solución salina. Se aplicaron el método de titulación por Polibrene calculando el CexpST y un análisis de varianza (ANOVA) con las comparaciones múltiples según Tukey. Los resultados mostraron que el valor promedio de CexpST disminuyó con el aumento del tiempo de incubación, para ambas especies. En el tratamiento con T. spiralis no hubo diferencias significativas entre el valor medio del coeficiente a tiempo 60 y 75 minutos, mientras que con T. patagoniensis, a 45 y 60 minutos. Todas las restantes diferencias fueron significativas. La comparación entre los tratamientos, para cada uno de los tiempos, mostró que al tiempo inicial el coeficiente promedio no difirió entre las especies, pero que a todos los otros tiempos fue significativamente menor en la incubación de los eritrocitos con T. spiralis. Se concluye que la relación hospedador-parásito que se establece en ambos casos es distinta y probablemente también la capacidad de adaptación y de daño al hombre.

The objective of this work was to study the kinetics of erythrocyte desialization produced by infective larvae of Trichinella spiralis and Trichinella patagoniensis. It was performed on 7 erythrocyte suspensions incubated with 1,000±200 muscle larvae/ mL for 120 minutes, taking samples at the initial time and every 15 minutes. The respective control erythrocytes were incubated in the same way with saline solution. The Polybrene Titration method calculating the CexpST and variance analysis (ANOVA) with the multiple comparisons according to Tukey were applied. The results showed that the average value of CexpST decreased with the increase in incubation time, for both species. There were no significant differences between the mean value of the coefficient at 60 and 75 minutes in the treatment with T. spiralis, while neither were there any differences between 45 and 60 minutes in the incubation with T. patagoniensis. All other differences were significant. The comparison between the two treatments, for each of the times, showed that at the initial time the average coefficient did not differ between the species, but at all other times it was significantly lower in the incubation of the erythrocytes with T. spiralis. It is concluded that the parasite host relationship that is established in both cases is different and probably also is the ability to adapt and cause harm to man.

O objetivo do trabalho foi estudar a cinética de dessialização eritrocitária. produzida por larvas infectantes de Trichinella spiralis e Trichinella patagoniensis. O trabalho foi feito com 7 suspensões eritrocitárias incubadas com 1.000±200 larvas musculares/mL por 2 horas, colhendo amostras no tempo inicial e a cada 15 minutos. Os respectivos eritrócitos-controle foram incubados da mesma forma com solução salina. Foi aplicado o método de titulação por Polibreno calculando o CexpST e também uma análise da variância (ANOVA) com as comparações múltiplas de acordo com Tukey. Os resultados mostraram que o valor médio de CexpST diminuiu com o aumento do tempo de incubação para ambas as espécies. No tratamento com T. spiralis não houve diferenças significativas entre o valor médio do coeficiente no tempo 60 e 75 minutos, ao passo que com T. patagoniensis, aos 45 e 60 minutos. Todas as diferenças restantes foram significativas. A comparação entre os tratamentos, para cada um dos tempos, mostrou que no tempo inicial o coeficiente médio não diferiu entre as espécies, mas que em todos os outros tempos foi significativamente menor na incubação dos eritrócitos com T. spiralis. A conclusão é que a relação hospedeiro-parasita, estabelecida em ambos os casos, é diferente e provavelmente também a capacidade de adaptação e dano ao homem.

Trichinella/pathogénicité , Cinétique , Trichinella spiralis/enzymologie , Trichinella spiralis/parasitologie , Parasites , Trichinella , Trichinella/enzymologie , Trichinella/parasitologie , Trichinella spiralis , Larve , Méthodes
Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; 53(1): 37-42, mar. 2019. graf, tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001076


El ácido siálico tiene importantes funciones biológicas, muchas de las cuales determinan su participación en la respuesta inmune. El objetivo del trabajo fue comparar el efecto de Trichinella spiralis y Trichinella patagoniensis n.sp. sobre la desialización eritrocitaria. Se trabajó con 10 concentrados de larvas musculares de T. spiralis y 10 de T. patagoniensis de la misma concentración larval. Se realizó el tratamiento incubando el sedimento de eritrocitos frescos con igual volumen de concentrado larval (37 ºC), tomando muestra a los 30, 60 y 90 minutos. Los controles fueron incubados de la misma forma con solución salina. Se aplicó el método de Titulación de la Agregación por Polibrene y se determinó el CexpST. Los resultados mostraron que el valor medio del CexpST en los eritrocitos tratados con T. spiralis fue significativamente menor que en los glóbulos tratados con T. patagoniensis, para todos los tiempos estudiados. El aumento del tiempo de tratamiento también disminuyó significativamente el valor medio del CexpST para las dos especies. Éste fue significativamente menor a los 90 minutos de incubación que a los 60 minutos y éstos a su vez menores que a los 30 minutos. Se concluye que T. spiralis provocó mayor desialización eritrocitaria que T. patagoniensis en las condiciones experimentales estudiadas.

Sialic acid has important biological functions, many of which determine its participation in the immune response. The objective of this paper was to compare the effect of Trichinella spiralis and Trichinella patagoniensis n.sp. on erythrocyte desialization. Work was performed on 10 larval concentrates of muscle larvae of T. spiralis and 10 of T. patagoniensis of the same larval concentration. The treatment was carried out incubating the sediment of fresh erythrocytes with an equal volume of larval concentrate (37 °C), taking samples at 30, 60 and 90 minutes. The controls were incubated in the same way treated with saline solution. Titration of aggregation by Polybrene Method was applied and the CexpST was determined. The results showed that the mean value of CexpST in erythrocytes with T. spiralis was significantly lower than in the globules treated with T. patagoniensis, for all the studied times. The increase in treatment time also significantly decreased the mean value of CexpST for the two species, being significantly lower at 90 minutes of incubation than at 60 minutes and these in turn lower than at 30 minutes. It is concluded that T. spiralis caused greater erythrocyte desialization than T. patagoniensis in the experimental conditions studied.

O ácido siálico tem importantes funções biológicas, muitas das quais determinam sua participação na resposta imune. O objetivo foi comparar o efeito de Trichinella spiralis e Trichinella patagoniensis n.sp. sobre a dessialização eritrocitária. Trabalhou-se com 10 concentrados de larvas musculares de T. spiralis e 10 de T. patagoniensis da mesma concentração larval. Realizou-se o tratamento incubando o sedimento de eritrócitos frescos com igual volume de concentrado larval (37 ºC), tomando amostra aos 30, 60 e 90 minutos. Os controles foram incubados da mesma forma com solução salina. Foi aplicado o método de Titulação da Agregação por Polibrene e se determinouo CexpST. Os resultados mostraram que o valor médio do CexpST nos eritrócitos Tratados com T. spiralis foi significativamente menor que nos glóbulos tratados com T. patagoniensis, para todos os tempos estudados. O aumento do tempo de tratamento também diminuiu significativamente o valor médio do CexpST para as duas espécies, sendo significativamente menor aos 90 minutos de incubação que aos 60 minutos e eles por sua vez menores que aos 30 minutos. Conclui-se que T. spiralis provocou maior dessialização eritrocitária que T. patagoniensis nas condições experimentais estudadas.

Trichinella , Trichinella spiralis , Acides sialiques , Globules , Acide N-acétyl-neuraminique , Allergie et immunologie , Érythrocytes , Solution physiologique salée , Bromure d'hexadiméthrine , Système immunitaire , Larve , Méthodes
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 113(11): e180305, 2018. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-976227


BACKGROUND Human trichinellosis is a foodborne parasitic zoonotic disease caused by ingestion of raw or undercooked meat infected with nematode larvae of the genus Trichinella. In the USA, sporadic cases and outbreaks caused by the consumption of wild game meat infected with Trichinella have been reported. The current methods for diagnosis such as serology and microscopy are not specific, may result in false negative results, and cannot differentiate encapsulated Trichinella larvae to species level. The molecular protocols currently available for the differentiation of all encapsulate Trichinella species prevalent in North America have some limitations such as the inability to identify and resolve the presence of several Trichinella species in a single test. OBJECTIVES/METHODS In this study we developed and evaluated a multiplex TaqMan quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assay, which can simultaneously detect, identify and differentiate all species of encapsulated Trichinella occurring in North America i.e., T. nativa, T. spiralis, T. murrelli and Trichinella T6, even in cases of multiple infection in a single sample. We investigated two human biopsies and 35 wild animal meat samples considered as having a high likelihood of harboring Trichinella larvae obtained from the United States during 2009-2017. FINDINGS Using the multiplex assay describe here, 22 (59%) samples that tested positive contained Trichinella spp., were identified as: T. nativa (n = 7, including a human biopsy), T. spiralis (n = 9, including a human biopsy), T. murrelli (n = 3), Trichinella T6 (n = 1). Results also included two rare mixed infection cases in bears, a T. nativa/T. spiralis from Alaska and a T. spiralis/Trichinella T6 from California. The species identifications were confirmed using a conventional PCR targeting the rRNA ITS1-ITS2 region, followed by DNA sequencing analysis. The estimated limit of detection (LOD) was approximately seven larvae per gram of meat. MAIN CONCLUSIONS Differentiation of Trichinella spp. is needed to improve efforts on identification of case, optimize food safety control and better understand the geographic distribution of Trichinella species. The Trichinella qPCR multiplex proved to be a robust, easy to perform assay and is presented as an improved technique for identification of all known encapsulated species occurring in North America continent.

Humains , Trichinella , Microscopie/méthodes , Réaction de polymérisation en chaîne , Réaction de polymérisation en chaine en temps réel
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-57435


As most infections by the helminth parasite elicit the recruitment of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ T (T(reg)) cells, many scientists have suggested that these cells could be used for the treatment of immune-mediated inflammation and associated diseases. In order to investigate the distribution and alteration of activated T(reg) cells, we compared the expression levels of T(reg) cell activation markers in the ileum and gastrocnemius tissues 1, 2, and 4 weeks after infection. The number of T(reg) cells was monitored using GFP-coded Foxp3 transgenic mice. In mice at 1 week after Trichinella spiralis infection, the number of activated T(reg) cells was higher than in the control group. In mice at 2 weeks after infection, there was a significant increase in the number of cells expressing Foxp3 and CTLA-4 when compared to the control group and mice at 1 week after infection. At 4 weeks after infection, T. spiralis was easily identifiable in nurse cells in mouse muscles. In the intestine, the expression of Gzmb and Klrg1 decreased over time and that of Capg remained unchanged for the first and second week, then decreased in the 4th week. However, in the muscles, the expression of most chemokine genes was increased due to T. spiralis infection, in particular the expression levels of Gzmb, OX40, and CTLA-4 increased until week 4. In addition, increased gene expression of all chemokine receptors in muscle, CXCR3, CCR4, CCR5, CCR9, and CCR10, was observed up until the 4th week. In conclusion, various chemokine receptors showed increased expressions combined with recruitment of T(reg) cells in the muscle tissue.

Animaux , Souris , Expression des gènes , Helminthes , Iléum , Inflammation , Intestins , Souris transgéniques , Muscles , Parasites , Récepteurs aux chimiokines , Lymphocytes T régulateurs , Trichinella spiralis , Trichinella
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-195570


Eosinophils are multifunctional leukocytes implicated in protection against helminth infections. Although eosinophils comprise between 1~5% of peripheral blood leukocytes, they primarily reside in the gastrointestinal tract under homeostatic conditions, and rapidly proliferate upon parasitic infection. Intestinal infection with Trichinella spiralis (T. spiralis) induces eosinophilia when the parasite enters the larval stages and larvae finally migrate to the skeletal muscle. Eosinophils are known to mediate parasite death through antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity. In this study, we aimed to address the functional significance of eosinophils in the intestinal phase of T. spiralis infection by analysis of immune responses in the Peyer's patch (PP) of infected BALB/c and eosinophil-ablated ΔdblGATA mice. Trafficking of eosinophils to the PP was significantly increased, with upregulation of interleukin-5 at 14 days post infection. Eosinophil deficiency led to a significant augmentation of serum immunoglobulin (Ig) M and IgG1 antibody levels. In accordance with this, IgG1+ B cells in the PP were substantially increased in ΔdblGATA mice compared to that in BALB/c mice. Transforming growth factor-β expression in the PP of infected ΔdblGATA mice was significantly decreased compared to that in BALB/c mice, whereas the number of T. spiralis larvae in the diaphragm was increased. Taken together, these findings indicate that eosinophils contribute to the regulation of Th2 immune responses, and protect the host from T. spiralis attempting to establish larvae in the skeletal muscle.

Animaux , Souris , Lymphocytes B , Muscle diaphragme , Éosinophilie , Granulocytes éosinophiles , Tube digestif , Helminthes , Immunoglobuline G , Immunoglobulines , Interleukine-5 , Larve , Leucocytes , Muscles squelettiques , Parasites , Trichinella spiralis , Trichinella , Régulation positive
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-207489


The immune correlate of host resistance induced by reinfection of Trichinella spiralis remains unclear. In this study, we investigated immune correlates between the resistance and serum IgG antibody level, CD23⁺ IgM⁺ B cells, and eosinophil responses induced by T. spiralis reinfection. Mice were primarily infected with 10 or 100 T. spiralis larvae (10 TS, 100 TS), respectively, and after 4 weeks, they were challenge infected with 100 T. spiralis larvae (10–100 TS, 100-100 TS). Upon challenge infections, 10–100 TS mice induced significantly higher levels of T. spiralis-specific total IgG antibody responses in sera and antibody secreting cell responses in spleens compared to 100-100 TS mice, resulting in significantly reduced worm burdens in 10–100 TS mice (60% and 70% reductions for adult and larvae, respectively). Higher levels of eosinophils were found in mice primarily infected with 10 TS compared to those of 100 TS at week 8 upon challenge. CD23+ IgM+ B cells were found to be increased significantly in mice primarily infected with 10 TS. These results indicate that primary infection of 10 larvae of T. spiralis, rather than 100 larvae, induces significant resistance against reinfection which closely correlated with T. spiralis-specific IgG, eosinophil, and CD23+ IgM+ B cell responses.

Adulte , Animaux , Humains , Souris , Production d'anticorps , Lymphocytes B , Granulocytes éosinophiles , Immunoglobuline G , Larve , Rate , Trichinella spiralis , Trichinella
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-51151


A total 7 outbreaks of trichinellosis have occurred in Korea, mostly as a result of consumption of raw wild boar (Sus scrofa) meat. Since only 1 serological survey on wild boars had yet been performed in Korea, the present study aimed to estimate the prevalence of trichinellosis in wild boars and some species of rodents by artificial digestion and serological examinations in Yanggu-gun, Gangwon-do, the endemic area of trichinellosis. Both the wild boar and rodent muscle samples revealed no Trichinella larvae by direct examination and artificial digestion method. However, serological examinations revealed that 4 wild boar sera samples out of 118 (3.4%) were positive to Trichinella antigen. Although the recovery of Trichinella larvae ended in a failure, it is proved for the first time that the sylvatic cycle of Trichinella has been maintained in wild boars of Gangwon-do, Korea.

Animaux , Femelle , Mâle , Anticorps antihelminthe/sang , Antigènes d'helminthe/sang , République de Corée/épidémiologie , Études séroépidémiologiques , Sus scrofa , Suidae , Maladies des porcs/sang , Trichinella/classification
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-51154


Trichinellosis transmission to humans via the consumption of reptile meat is rare worldwide. In Korea, however, 2 such outbreaks, possibly via consumption of soft-shelled turtle meat, have occurred in 2 successive years. In 17 August 2014, 6 patients were admitted to Wonju Severance Christian Hospital complaining of myalgia, fever, and headache. Eosinophilia was the indication of the initial laboratory results, and they were eventually diagnosed as trichinellosis by ELISA. All of the patients worked at the same company and had eaten raw soft-shelled turtle meat at a company dinner 10 days prior to their admission. They were treated with albendazole for 2 weeks, upon which all of their symptoms disappeared. This is the 8th report on human trichinellosis in Korea, and the second implicating raw soft-shelled turtle meat.

Adulte , Animaux , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Anticorps antihelminthe/sang , Épidémies de maladies , Viande/parasitologie , République de Corée , Trichinella/immunologie , Trichinellose/sang , Tortues/parasitologie
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-103950


Reptiles, unlike mammals, have been considered to be unsuitable hosts of Trichinella spp., though larvae have been detected in their muscles and human outbreaks related to their consumption have, in fact, occurred. Herein we report 2 Korean cases of trichinosis, possibly transmitted via consumption of reptile meat. Both patients suffered from myalgia, headache, and facial edema. Laboratory examinations revealed leukocytosis with eosinophilia (54% and 39%, respectively) and elevated creatinine phosphokinase. ELISA was performed under the suspicion of trichinosis, showing positivity at the 29th and 60th day post-infection. Since they had consumed raw soft-shelled turtle meat, turtle was strongly suggested to be an infection source of trichinosis in Korea next to the wild boar and badger.

Adulte , Animaux , Humains , Mâle , Test ELISA , Maladies d'origine alimentaire/diagnostic , Corée , Viande , Tests sérologiques , Trichinella/isolement et purification , Trichinellose/diagnostic , Tortues
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-118764


Members of the genus Trichinella are small nematodes that can infect a wide range of animal hosts. However, their infectivity varies depending on the parasite and host species combination. In this study, we examined the susceptibility of 4 species of laboratory rodents, i.e., mice, rats, hamsters, and gerbils to Trichinella papuae, an emerging non-encapsulated Trichinella species. Trichinella spiralis and Trichinella pseudospiralis were also included in this study for comparison. Fifteen animals of each rodent species were infected orally with 100 muscle larvae of each Trichinella species. Intestinal worm burden was determined at day 6 and 10 post-inoculation (PI). The numbers of muscle larvae were examined at day 45 PI. The reproductive capacity index (RCI) of the 3 Trichinella species in different rodent hosts was determined. By day 6 PI, 33.2-69.6% of the inoculated larvae of the 3 Trichinella species became adult worms in the small intestines of the host animals. However, in rats, more than 96% of adult worms of all 3 Trichinella species were expelled from the gut by day 10 PI. In gerbils, only 4.8-18.1% of adult worms were expelled by day 10 PI. In accordance with the intestinal worm burden and the persistence of adults, the RCI was the highest in gerbils with values of 241.5+/-41.0 for T. papuae, 432.6+/-48 for T. pseudospiralis, and 528.6+/-20.6 for T. spiralis. Hamsters ranked second and mice ranked third in susceptibility in terms of the RCI, Rats yielded the lowest parasite RCI for all 3 Trichinella species. Gerbils may be an alternative laboratory animal for isolation and maintenance of Trichinella spp.

Animaux , Cricetinae , Mâle , Souris , Rats , Animaux de laboratoire , Prédisposition aux maladies , Gerbillinae , Intestins/parasitologie , Muscles/parasitologie , Charge parasitaire , Maladies des rongeurs/parasitologie , Trichinella/croissance et développement , Trichinellose/parasitologie
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-78165


Trichinosis is a food-borne zoonotic disease caused by the nematode, Trichinella spp., and had been reported several times in Korea. Recently, there was an additional outbreak, involving 5 patients, the findings from which are reported herein. On 30 November 2010, 8 persons ate sashimi of the meat of a wild boar. Then, 2-3 weeks later, they complained of myalgia and fever. Unfortunately, muscle biopsy was not performed, but ELISA was performed using their sera. Two people among 8 were positive for Trichinella on the 34th day post-infection (PI), and 3 patients who initially revealed negative ELISA were additionally proved to be positive for trichinosis on the 42nd day PI. Hence, the confirmed patients of trichinosis were 5 in total in the present outbreak. They were treated with albendazole and discharged uneventfully. This was the fifth outbreak of trichinosis in Korea.

Adulte , Animaux , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Albendazole/usage thérapeutique , Anthelminthiques/usage thérapeutique , Anticorps antihelminthe/sang , Épidémies de maladies/médecine vétérinaire , Test ELISA , Maladies d'origine alimentaire/traitement médicamenteux , Viande/parasitologie , République de Corée/épidémiologie , Sus scrofa/parasitologie , Suidae , Maladies des porcs/parasitologie , Résultat thérapeutique , Trichinella/immunologie , Trichinellose/diagnostic , Zoonoses
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 69(3): 297-301, jun. 2009. tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-633639


El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la presencia de triquinosis humana en un área considerada históricamente libre de esta parasitosis en la Argentina. Se evaluó la parasitosis mediante técnicas inmunoserológicas y su relación con los hábitos alimenticios de riesgo mediante un cuestionario realizado a 150 donantes de sangre. Las encuestas revelaron que el 98.0% (n=147) de los individuos consumía carne de cerdo y/o derivados con elevada frecuencia. Los principales productos porcinos incorporados a la alimentación habitual fueron los chacinados. El 80.3% (n=118) de los individuos adquirían los productos en carnicerías, el 38.1% (n=56) en faenas domiciliarias y el 34.0% (n=50) en supermercados. Las técnicas inmunoserológicas utilizadas para el diagnóstico de triquinosis fueron: enzimoinmunoanálisis, inmunofluorescencia indirecta y/o inmunoelectrotransferencia. En el 8.0% (n=12) de los sueros de los individuos se detectaron anticuerpos anti-Trichinella por más de una de las técnicas realizadas, considerándose este resultado diagnóstico confirmatorio de triquinosis. Los estudios realizados demuestran la existencia de triquinosis humana en un área considerada libre de esta parasitosis y sugieren su relación con la ingesta de carne porcina y/o sus subproductos, hábito alimenticio de riesgo. Estos resultados indican que la falta de denuncia de casos de la enfermedad no debe ser el único criterio a tener en cuenta para considerar a una región área libre de triquinosis. El conocimiento de la presencia del parásito en un área determinada favorece la instauración de medidas de control y prevención evitando la diseminación de la parasitosis.

The aim of the present study was to determine the presence of human trichinellosis in an area of Argentina historically regarded as free of this parasitic disease. This parasitosis was assessed on 150 blood donors by means of immunoserological tests, and their relation with risk alimentary habits by a questionnaire. The questionnaires showed that 98.0% (n=147) of the individuals consumed pork and pork products at a high frequency. The main pork products incorporated to the habitual diet were the stuffed ones. A 80.3% (n=118) of the individuals had acquired such products at butchers, a 38.1% (n=56) at home slaughters and a 34.0% (n=50) at supermarkets. The immunoserological techniques employed were: enzyme immunoanalysis, indirect immunofluorescence and/or immunoelectrotransfer blot assay. Anti-Trichinella antibodies were detected in 8.0% (n=12) of the serum samples by more than one of the methodologies employed, considering these results as confirmatory of trichinellosis. The studies carried out herein demonstrate the existence of human trichinellosis in an area historically regarded as free of this parasitic disease and suggest its relationship with the ingestion of pork or pork products as a risk factor. These results indicate that the lack of reports should not be the only criterion for an area to be considered as Trichinella-free. The awareness of the existence of the parasite in a region will favor the establishment of control and prevention strategies which is of fundamental importance to avoid the spread of the disease.

Adolescent , Adulte , Sujet âgé , Animaux , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Jeune adulte , Anticorps antihelminthe/sang , Donneurs de sang/statistiques et données numériques , Comportement alimentaire , Trichinella/immunologie , Trichinellose/diagnostic , Argentine/épidémiologie , Marqueurs biologiques/sang , Tests immunologiques , Facteurs de risque , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Trichinellose/épidémiologie
Article Dans Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-31669


The aim of the present study was to determine the Trichinella seroprevalence in slaughter pigs in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Serum samples were obtained from 400 pigs at 4 major slaughterhouses and tested for Trichinella antibodies by ELISA using larval excretory-secretory (E/S) antigen. Four were positive and one was equivocal, giving a Trichinella seroprevalence of 1% (95% CI: 0.27 - 2.54). On titration, all positive and equivocal samples had titers greater than 1:80. Upon re-examination the equivocal sample failed to give a positive ELISA result. The pigs were from four major areas of Nepal, Kathmandu Valley, eastern Nepal, Terai and adjoining areas of the valley. Positive results were found from only Kathmandu Valley and adjoining areas. There was no significant difference in the prevalence between areas (p = 0.43). All four positive samples were from indoor managed pigs. The Trichinella seroprevalence determined in this study deserves a direct demonstration of the parasites for proof of the presence of Trichinella in Nepal and to discover the species and infection sources.

Élevage , Animaux , Anticorps antihelminthe/sang , Études transversales , Test ELISA , Népal/épidémiologie , Études séroépidémiologiques , Suidae/sang , Trichinella/isolement et purification , Trichinellose/diagnostic
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 65(4): 302-306, 2005. ilus, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-423120


Se describen las características clínicas y serológicas de individuos cursando las fases aguda (n: 54) y crónica (n: 32) de triquinelosis, de un brote epidémico ocurrido en una zona endémica de Argentina, originado por el consumo de productos de cerdo de origen comercial. Se evaluaron los datos epidemiológicos, signos y síntomas de la parasitosis y estudios de laboratorio. Se realizaron estudios parasitológicos en pacientes y en chacinados. Los resultados mostraron que: a) la carga parasitaria de los productos de cerdo fue de 200.0±18.3 larvas/g; b) se demostró la presencia de larvas musculares en 10 de 11 pacientes estudiados; c) durante la fase aguda se observó fiebre (94%), eosinofilia (90%), mialgias (85%), cefalea (81%), edema facial (54%), diarrea (52%) y anticuerpos anti-Trichinella (64%); d) el 15% de los pacientes debió ser hospitalizado presentando el 7% de ellos complicaciones; e) durante la fase crónica se observó mialgia (72%), alteraciones visuales (22%), desórdenes gastrointestinales (31%) y la persistencia de anticuerpos (77%). Este estudio evidencia el impacto socioeconómico de la triquinelosis debido a las características clínicas de la fase aguda y a la presencia de síntomas en la fase crónica. .

Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Enfant , Adolescent , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Animaux , Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Épidémies de maladies/statistiques et données numériques , Parasitologie alimentaire , Produits carnés/parasitologie , Trichinellose/épidémiologie , Maladie aigüe , Argentine/épidémiologie , Maladie chronique , Test ELISA , Technique d'immunofluorescence indirecte , Tests sérologiques , Suidae/parasitologie , Trichinella/isolement et purification , Trichinellose/diagnostic , Trichinellose/parasitologie
Article Dans Vietnamien | WPRIM | ID: wpr-4519


Twenty persons in the Quai To commune, Tuan Giao district of the Northwest province of Dien Bien were infected with Trichinella on September 2004. All these 20 patients were determined to have eaten raw lean pork ("lap" dish) from a local pick. Typical clinical symptoms were found in all the patients. Most patients were male (85%) and aged from 22 to 65 with most of 31-40 years old. The clinical symptoms appeared within 1-2 weeks in all patients and most of them had fever (100%), muscular pain (100%), difficult moving (100%), oedema (95%), dysphagia (90%), weight loss (90%), itching (85%), dyspnea (80%), diarrhea (50%), lisp (40%), abdominal pain (35%)

Trichinella , Épidémiologie , Diagnostic
Infection and Chemotherapy ; : 180-184, 2003.
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-721829


Trichinosis is a worldwide parasitic infection caused by ingesting an uncooked raw meat containing viable larvae of nematode Trichinella. Although most cases have been reported in Western countries, the incidence has decreased due to strict control of meat handlings and improved hygiene in these countries. In Korea, the first case of Trichinella spiralis was reported in a patient who ingested an uncooked badger. We have also experienced four cases of Trichinella spiralis infestation among family members who showed typical clinical manifestations and laboratory findings after ingesting raw wild swine meat, and herein report the finding.

Animaux , Humains , Consommation alimentaire , Hygiène , Incidence , Corée , Larve , Viande , Mustelidae , Suidae , Trichinella , Trichinella spiralis , Trichinellose
Infection and Chemotherapy ; : 180-184, 2003.
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-722334


Trichinosis is a worldwide parasitic infection caused by ingesting an uncooked raw meat containing viable larvae of nematode Trichinella. Although most cases have been reported in Western countries, the incidence has decreased due to strict control of meat handlings and improved hygiene in these countries. In Korea, the first case of Trichinella spiralis was reported in a patient who ingested an uncooked badger. We have also experienced four cases of Trichinella spiralis infestation among family members who showed typical clinical manifestations and laboratory findings after ingesting raw wild swine meat, and herein report the finding.

Animaux , Humains , Consommation alimentaire , Hygiène , Incidence , Corée , Larve , Viande , Mustelidae , Suidae , Trichinella , Trichinella spiralis , Trichinellose
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