Clinical studies were performed on 20 patients from both sexes and different ages [55 - 65 years] to compare between the effects of laryngeal mask airway and tracheal intubation on the intraocular ophthalmic surgery under general anesthesia. All patients were assessed as regards the changes on B.P., H.R. and intraocular pressure before induction of anesthesia, after induction of anesthesia and after insertion of the laryngeal mask or tracheal intubation. The development of coughing, straining or breath holding at the termination of anesthesia was recorded. Any postoperative sorethroat in both groups was recorded. Patients with raised intraocular pressure, history of reflux or hiatus hernia and patients with decreased lung compliance or increased airway resistance were excluded from the study. The changes in intraocular pressure, heart rate and mean arterial pressure after the insertion of the laryngeal mask airway or the tracheal tube were not significantly different. However, at the end of surgery, a significantly higher percentage of patients with a tracheal tube coughed [80%] react to head movement [70%] and suffered breath-holding [40%], in addition, significantly more patients in tracheal tube group complain of sorethroat [30%] [P < 0.05]