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Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-215598


Background: Lead is a heavy metal known to exertpathological effects on the male reproductive organs.Aim and Objectives: To study the degeneration ofspermatogenesis and histomorphometric alterations ofthe testicular microanatomy of male Wistar rats afteroral lead intoxication. Material and Methods: Eightymale Wistar rats were divided into four groups (1- 4)and further subdivided into 4 subgroups (A, B, C, andD) each containing five (n=5) rats depending on dosageand duration (3, 6, 9 and 12 weeks) of treatment. Group1 received 1 ml of distilled water daily. Group 2received 0.5% lead daily, Group 3 received 1.0% oflead daily and Group 4 received 1.5% of lead dailyrespectively. Testicular weights, histomorphometryand histological analysis using Toluidine Blue wereobserved. Results: It showed that significant reductions(P<0.05) in testicular weights in the treatment groupsadministered with lead for periods of 3-9 weeks ascompared to the control while a significant increase(P<0.05) was observed in the group administered for12 weeks. Histomorphometric analysis showedsignificant reductions (P<0.05) in Seminiferous tubulediameter, length of germinal epithelium and crosssectional in the treatment groups administered forperiods of 3-12 weeks while significant increase(P<0.05) in lumen diameter was observed in thetreatment groups compared to the control.Histopathological analysis revealed that Leadinfluenced the testicular cytoarchitecture by disruptingthe processes of spermatogenesis in the treatmentgroups as compared to control. Conclusion: The studyshowed that different dosages of lead over a period oftime had gonadotoxic effects and tendencies to altertesticular profiles by disrupting spermatogenesis.