Changes in lipids, fatty acids composition, phospholipid fractions, amino acids composition and enzymes activity of sardine [Sardinella aurita] during salting by different techniques were investigated. Oxidation and hydrolysis of lipids caused a marked reduction in the content of the polyunsaturated fatty acids, triglycerides, phosphatidyl choline, phosphatidyl ethanol amine, phosphatidyl inositol and phosphatidyl serine and an observed increase in the total saturated fatty acids, free fatty acids, mono and diglycerides, lysoforms and phosphatidic acid. Among the amino acids, lysine and leucine were decreased, while aspartic, glutamic and alanine were increased, especially in the product treated with pancreatin enzyme. Activity of lipases and alkaline cathepsins enzymes increased only during the first four weeks of salting. They were higher in pickling than in Kench salting. Addition of the commercial enzymes preparation [pancreatin] led to increase the activity of such enzymes during the salting process