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Interdisciplinaria ; 28(2): 221-230, dic. 2011.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-639636


El presente trabajo constituye una reflexión teórica sobre la vinculación transdisciplinaria entre la Lógica y la Psicología. Como punto de partida se explicitan los tipos de conexión entre disciplinas que caracterizan a las relaciones inter, multi y transdisciplinarias. A continuación,se revisa el psicologismo como un planteamiento en favor de una relación Lógica - Psicología y se presenta al anti-psicologismo como la respuesta a dicho planteamiento. El anti-psicologismo es descrito como un problema para el establecimiento de la relación Psicología - Lógica y por ende se discute la necesidad de eliminar dicho problema antes de esbozar cualquier tipo de relación entre ambas. Se retoman las ideas planteadas por Putnam, Beuchot y Dussel como argumentos para refutar la distinción ser / deber ser entendida como el sustento del anti-psicologismo. Habiendo eliminado el fundamento del anti-psicologismo se posibilita la alteración de la forma en que se discute sobre la relación entre la Lógica y la Psicología a partir de lo cual se presentan, por un lado, con algunos apuntes y ejemplos sobre la forma en que la Lógica puede resolver problemas internos de la Psicología al emplearse herramientas tales como la axiomatización de modelos, el uso de propiedades formales como análogos de funciones psicológicas y el análisis meta-teórico, y por el otro, con la forma en que la Psicología puede proporcionar conocimientos para la construcción de sistemas no-monotónicos de la Lógica y apoyar la didáctica de la Lógica mediante técnicas basadas en la investigación psicológica. El trabajo concluye con algunas ideas que pueden inducir futuros desarrollos de vinculación entre la Lógica y la Psicología.

This paper constitutes a theoretical discussion on the transdisciplinary relationships between Logic and Psychology as a way to give an argument for its legitimacy. This is important because such an enterprise may set the trend to develop better and more explicit ways of dealing with fundamental problems that must be attended in setting up a research project or an applied tool that builds upon a connection between related disciplines. As a starting point three types of connection between disciplines that characterize multi, inter and transdiscipline relations are presented. These relations have specific generate knowledge and develop research methods which distinguish them. The specific relation to whom this paper is directed is the relation between Logic and Psychology. Following this point, psychologism is defined as a point of view in which Logic has its origins or can be reduced to a field of Psychology, as such it is considered as a proposal in favor of a relation between Logic and Psychology and is therefore revisited. Then, anti-psychologism, which stands for a position in which Logic doesn't have its origins or cannot be reduced to Psychology, is presented as the response to psychologism. Anti-psychology and Logic and hence the necessity to eliminate such a problem before the shaping of any kind of a relationship between them is discussed. From there on, the paper builds upon the ideas presented by Putman, Beuchot and Dussel to construct an argument that may refute the is / must be distinction understood as the foundation of anti-psychologism. Such ideas are specifically: (a) The fact that no distinction between is / must be can be drawn because they are both conventionally constructed, (b) the idea that must be values aren't artificial or arbitrary, they have their bases of existence on the nature of the way things are, and (c) that in the description of the nature of things there is a certain value load imbedded in to it. Taken as a whole these ideas show that there is a way to build a balance between values and facts, the is / must be distinction, specifically it is build from the notion that in the empirical description of normality, the general or common way that natural processes occur, a cultural set of values may be inferred, but not in a lineal and asymmetric fashion but more likely as a type of pragmatic-dialectic inference that assigns a balance between the two, giving rise to their conventional and mutually constricted nature. Finally, having eliminated the foundation of anti-psychologism the paper continues to describe what may be seen as a shift in the way the relationship between Logic and Psychology is presented. This is done by transforming the vertical discussion from which a reductionist questions are built to a horizontal one in which such questions are replaced by co-elaboration and communication questions. Near the end, the paper presents some notes and examples on the ways in which Logic can solve some internal problems of Psychology, that is: a Logic of Psychology, such as the building of axiomatic models, the use of formal properties as an analog of psychological functions and in the form of a meta-theoretic analysis. The counterpart of this horizontal relationship is the Psychology of Logic which is exemplified by the way in which Psychology may provide knowledge for the constructions of non-monotonic systems and the development of research based teaching tools for Logic. Finally, the paper ends with some themes which may induce future inquiries on the relation between Logic and Psychology, these are: (a) the legitimacy of other type of relations between Logic and Psychology, mainly on the development of no monotonic models, (b) the avoidance of the danger that Logic may become a mathematical recreation, and (c) to continue with a line of work that Kantor stated in 1945.

Suma psicol ; 17(1): 35-45, jun. 2010. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-586447


En este estudio se evalúan los efectos de variar el tipo de criterio y el tipo de morfología del hacer estudiantil sobre el porcentaje de respuestas correctas en tareas de ajuste lector. Participaron 20 estudiantes universitarios asignados a uno de cuatro grupos que se distinguían por la constancia - variabilidad del criterio y la constancia - variabilidad de la morfología de la respuesta para satisfacer el criterio. Se aplicó una evaluación inicial a todos los participantes, un entrenamiento y una evaluación final, semejante a la primera. Se encontró que, en general, el entrenamiento variable de criterios y morfología tuvo mayores efectos positivos sobre el desempeño en la segunda evaluación, en contraste con los grupos expuestos a un solo criterio o a una sola morfología. Los resultados permiten discutir el papel de la morfología como estrategia de aprendizaje efectiva al margen del criterio funcional, del dominio y del texto leído.

The present study evaluated the effects of varying the criterion and the morphology of the percentage of correct response upon reading adjustment tasks. Participants were 20 voluntary students, distributed in four groups, which were differentiated by the certainty - variability of the criterion and the certainty - variability of themorphology of response to satisfy the criterion. All participants were exposed to a first evaluation, training and finally a second evaluation similar to the first one was applied. Results question the role of morphology as a comprehension strategy independent of a functional criterion, domain and of the text itself.

Humanos , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Aprendizagem , Compreensão
Acta colomb. psicol ; 11(2): 55-64, dic. 2008. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-635112


Se evaluaron los efectos de distintos tipos funcionales de contactos previos con los referentes de un texto (historia de referencialidad e historia situacional efectiva) sobre la ejecución de estudiantes universitarios en una prueba de ajuste lector. Participaron cinco grupos experimentales diferenciados por el tipo de historia de contacto construida mediante un entrenamiento. Cada tipo de historia era progresivamente más complejo: Contextual, Suplementario, Selector, Sustitutivo Referencial y Sustitutivo No Referencial Un sexto grupo (control) no tuvo ningún entrenamiento. Los seis grupos fueron posteriormente expuestos a la prueba de ajuste lector, consistente en preguntas de diferente complejidad funcional. Los resultados revelan una función positiva entre la complejidad de la historia de contacto y el porcentaje total de aciertos en la prueba de ajuste lector (excepto en el grupo con la historia más compleja). Se discuten los resultados enfatizando las funciones disposicionales de los diferentes tipos de historia en el ajuste lector, contrastándolas con la noción tradicional de conocimiento previo.

This study evaluated the effects of different types of previous contacts with the referents of a text (referential history and effective situational history) on the performance of University students on a reading adjustment test. Five experimental groups differentiated from each other by the type of history elaborated on a training session participated in the study. The types of histories were progressively more complex: Contextual, Supplementary, Selective, Referential Substitutive and Non-Referential Substitutive. For subjects in the control group no history was constructed and they were directly administered the reading adjustment test. Results suggest that there is a direct function between the complexity of the contact history and the percentage of total correct responses in the reading adjustment test (except in the group with the most complex history). Results are analysed emphasizing the dispositional functions of different types of history in reading adjustment, as compared with the traditional notion of prior knowledge.

Foram avaliados os efeitos de vários tipos funcionais de contatos prévios mediante os referentes de um texto (historia de referência e historia situacional efetiva) sobre o desempenho de estudantes universitários em uma prova de ajuste leitor. Participaram cinco grupos experimentais diferençados pela classe de história de contato construída depois de um treinamento. Cada classe de história era progressivamente mais complexa: contextual, suplementaria, seletora, substitutiva referencial e substitutiva não referencial. Um sexto grupo não teve treinamento. Posteriormente, aos seis grupos lhes foi aplicada uma prova de ajuste leitor, consistente em perguntas de diferente complexidade funcional. Os resultados indicam uma função positiva entre a complexidade da história de contato e a porcentagem total de acertos na prova de ajuste leitor (salvo no grupo que tenha a história mais complexa). São analisados os resultados enfatizando nas funções disposicionais das diversas classes de história no ajuste leitor, contrastando-as com a noção tradicional de conhecimento prévio.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Estudantes , Conhecimento , Compreensão
Acta colomb. psicol ; 11(2): 115-126, dic. 2008. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-635117


Utilizando una tarea de elección "ayudar/no ayudar" se determinó en qué medida la elección que hacen estudiantes universitarios entre colaborar o no colaborar con un compañero en una tarea académica es influida por: a) interacciones lingüísticas previas relacionadas, positiva o negativamente, con la conducta colaborativa o solidaria, y b) por las consecuencias situacionales, positivas o negativas, que los estudiantes reciben por su elección. Para esto se formaron seis grupos experimentales, definidos por la combinación del tipo de interacciones lingüísticas previas y el tipo de consecuencias. El grupo control no participó en interacciones lingüísticas previas ni recibió consecuencias por la elección de colaborar o no colaborar. Los resultados muestran que la mayoría de los participantes prefirió trabajar individualmente sin colaborar con su compañero, aunque aquéllos que participaron en interacciones lingüísticas positivas, y además recibieron consecuencias positivas por colaborar, eligieron colaborar en mayor proporción que el resto de los participantes.

A "helping/not helping" election task was used to evaluate to what extent the choice made by university students between collaborating or not collaborating with a colleague in an academic task was influenced by: a) prior linguistic interactions, positively or negatively related to the collaborative or supportive behavior, and b) the consequences, positive or negative, that students receive for their choice .In order to achieve this aim, six experimental groups were formed, defined by the combination of the type of previous linguistic interactions and the type of consequences received. The control group was not involved in prior linguistic interactions and did not receive consequences for choosing to collaborate or not collaborate. Results showed that most participants preferred to work individually without collaborating with his partner, although those involved in positive linguistic interactions who also received positive consequences for choosing to collaborate, chose to collaborate in greater proportion than the rest of participants.

Mediante uma tarefa de escolha (ajudar ou não ajudar), foi determinado em que medida a escolha de estudantes universitários entre colaborar ou não colaborar com um parceiro em uma tarefa é influenciada por: a. Interações lingüísticas prévias relacionadas, positiva o negativamente, com a conduta de colaboração ou solidaria. b. As conseqüências situacionais, positivas ou negativas, que a escolha acarreta aos estudantes. Foram conformados seis grupos experimentais, determinados pela combinação da classe de interações lingüísticas prévias e à classe de conseqüências. O grupo controle não interveio nas interações lingüísticas prévias nem atraiu conseqüências pela escolha de colaborar ou não colaborar. Os resultados mostram que a maioria dos participantes preferiu trabalhar individualmente sem ajudar ao seu parceiro. Os que participaram nas interações lingüísticas positivas e decidiram colaborar um pouco mais que o resto de participantes atraiu conseqüências positivas.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Estudantes , Análise e Desempenho de Tarefas , Comportamento Cooperativo , Avaliação de Consequências de Desastres , Relações Interpessoais , Linguística
Univ. psychol ; 7(1): 97-107, ene.-abr. 2008. ilus, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-572073


Para evaluar los efectos de distintos tipos de consecuencias (positivas y negativas) por ayudar y por no ayudar, se utilizó una preparación “ayudar/no ayudar” en la que estudiantes universitarios debían resolver operaciones aritméticas de distinta complejidad para acumular puntos intercambiables por un disco compacto, con la posibilidad de aceptar o rehusar ayudar a un compañero virtual que no podía acumular sus respectivos puntos. Los resultados muestran que los participantes prefirieron ayudar a su compañero sólo cuando recibieron consecuencias negativas por no ayudar, aunque la calidad de la ayuda fue inferior a la calidad de la ejecución en su propia tarea. Se discute la relevancia diferencial de las consecuencias positivas y negativas en relación con interpretaciones recientes que juzgan irrelevantes las consecuencias en el control de la conducta social.

To evaluate the effects of different types of consequences (positive and negative) for helping and not helping, was used a preparation in which each participant had to solve arithmetical operations of different complexity to accumulate interchangeable points by a compact disc. During the task the participants could accept or refuse themselves to help a virtual peer who could not accumulate his points. The results show that participants did prefer to help their virtual peer only when negative consequences for not helping were presented. Even though the quality of the help for peer was inferior compared to the execution shown in the participant own task.

Humanos , Altruísmo , Comportamento Social
Acta colomb. psicol ; 10(2): 31-39, dic. 2007.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-635173


En el presente trabajo se analiza de manera general el modo en que desde perspectivas cognitivas se aborda la comprensión lectora y se presenta una forma alternativa para su estudio. Desde la perspectiva interconductual se caracteriza a la comprensión lectora como ajuste lector, el cual puede estructurarse en cinco niveles diferenciales de complejidad. Dicha caracterización permite nuevas formas de evaluación, lo cual posibilita identificar diferencias funcionales en el ajuste lector. Se incluye una breve reseña del programa de investigación para el estudio del ajuste lector, así como sus prospectivas.

The present paper analyzes the general way in which cognitive perspectives approach reading comprehension and offers an alternative for the study of this concept. From the Interbehavioral perspective reading comprehension is characterized as reading adjustment, which can be structured in five different levels of complexity. Such a characterization allows new forms of evaluation which makes it possible to identify functional differences in reading adjustment. A brief review of the research program for the study of reading adjustment as well as its prospective are included.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Compreensão , Ajustamento Emocional
Acta colomb. psicol ; 10(2): 41-50, dic. 2007. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-635174


Se analizan de manera general las ambigüedades en el uso del término creatividad, y se presenta el Modelo Interconductual de Comportamiento Creativo (MICC) en el que se propone una continuidad entre el comportamiento inteligente y el creativo, y en el que se reconocen como dimensiones relevantes de la inteligencia la variabilidad y la efectividad, en tanto que la correspondiente dimensión de la creatividad es la originalidad de criterios ante situaciones contingencialmente ambiguas. Se describen los resultados generales de los estudios derivados del MICC y se delinea la forma en que éstos pueden contribuir al replanteamiento de la labor del psicólogo en escenarios educativos.

This article carries out a general analysis of the ambiguities found in the psychological literature about the concept of creativity and presents the Interbehavioral Model of Creative Behavior (IMCB) which states that there is a continuum between intelligent and creative behavior, and that variability and effectiveness are recognized as relevant dimensions of intelligence, whereas the corresponding dimension for creativity is the originality of criteria before ambiguous situations (in terms of contingency relations). The results of the studies derived from the IMCB are described. A general outline of the way in which these studies may contribute to redefining the psychologist’s role in educational settings is also presented.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Educação Baseada em Competências , Criatividade , Educação , Desenvolvimento Humano , Inteligência
Univ. psychol ; 5(1): 127-138, ene. 2006. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-441780


Concibiendo conducta creativa como generación de criterios novedosos que dan lugar a contingencias distintas (Carpio, 1999; 2005), se compararon los efectos de dos niveles de variabilidad en las condiciones de entrenamiento sobre el desempeño efectivo en pruebas de transferencia y sobre la generación de criterios de igualación. Participaron 20 estudiantes universitarios asignados aleatoriamente a cuatro grupos experimentales que se distinguieron por el nivel de variabilidad en los problemas a resolver.

Humanos , Criatividade , Atitude