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Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-210984


Rh system in today’s world is probably the most complex red cell antigen system in humans. The presence ofD antigen confers Rh positivity and vice versa. Two allelic antigen pairs, E/e and C/c are also found on the Rhprotein. The D antigen is the most immunogenic red cell antigen after A and B. As there is paucity of datadistribution of Rh antigen subgroup from the Indian literature, the study was conducted to know the prevalenceof Rh antigen subgroups in this part of the region and to determine the phenotype and most common genotypeof Rh antigen among the blood donors. The observational 1 year prospective study was conducted on blooddonors attending the blood bank in the Department of Pathology, MMIMSR, MMDU, Mullana.The studycomprised of blood donors of various age groups which included 90%(450) males and 10%(50) females. Anoverall Rh D positivity was seen in 88.4% of blood donors while 11.6% lacked the D antigen. The mostcommon Rh phenotype was ccDEE 26.6%. In conclusion, sensitization to clinically important blood groupantigens can be prevented through complete blood typing. All patients should be genotyped before the firstblood transfusion

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-177338


Background & Objective: Anemia is a common nutritional health problem in women’s child bearing age. Pregnant women are at higher risk particularly during 3rd trimester of pregnancy. By definition, it is decrease in number of RBCs below 4.5 million or Hb level below 11.0 gm % and hematocrit < 0.33 in pregnant women. Anemia contributes significantly to maternal mortality and morbidity and also carries a risk factor for infant iron deficiency anemia. Main causes of maternal anemia are blood loss, increased menstrual bleeding and nutritional iron & folate deficiency. Anemia can be estimated by Hb estimation and Reticulocyte count (RC), which is a quantitative measure of Bone marrow production of new RBCs, with a range of 0.5-2.5%(adults) and 2.6% in infants. Reticulocyte Index (RI) is a calculation of ratio b/w level of anemia in response to which, RC has risen. Objective is to study pattern of reticulocyte count in pregnant and non-pregnant women, 2) To compare Hb level in pregnant women in 3 trimesters and non-pregnant women.3) To analyze pattern of reticulocyte count and compare levels of Hb concentration in pregnant women in 3 trimesters and non- pregnant women. Methodology: A total of 100 women with age range of 18-40 yrs were examined (50 pregnant and 50 healthy non pregnant women) presenting to Obstetrical O.P.D. Blood samples from subjects were collected, tested and hematologically analyzed. Both Inclusion and Exclusion criteria strictly followed. Results & Conclusion: Hb level in pregnant women was significantly low as compared to non pregnant women, whereas Reticulocyte count was higher in pregnant women than non pregnant women. Variation of Hb concentration was seen as, high in 3rd Trimester. R C was raised in 2nd Trimester and reached peak in 3rd trimester, while it remained normal or decreased in 1st trimester. Non-pregnant women showed normal range of R C. So values of all red cell parameters in pregnant women was significantly low, as compared to age matched controls except Reticulocyte count, which was raised during pregnancy.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-166697


Abstracts: Background & Aim: Hematopoietic system is another organ seriously affected by tuberculosis. The hematological changes sometimes act as useful factors providing a clue to diagnosis, assessing the prognosis, indicating the complication of underlying infection as well as therapy and response to therapy. Aim is to study the various hematological parameters in Z-N positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients. Methodology & Results: Present study was conducted on hematological parameters in pulmonary tuberculosis patients in the department of Pathology in MM institute of Medical Science and Research, Mullana, Ambala. The study was conducted for a period of one year from March 2013 to march 2014. Total numbers of 80 subjects were selected of Z-N positive and changes were compared with normal hematological parameters. The testing protocol was followed in the hospital laboratory. Result: showed decreased values of hemoglobin (Hb), red blood cell (RBC), packed cell volume (PCV), mean cell volume (MCV) and mean cell hemoglobin (MCH) while increased value observed in total leukocyte count (TLC), mean cell hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), and platelet count. Anemia noticed in 59% patients, including mild, moderate and severe. In peripheral blood film examination, microcytic hypochromic blood picture was most common. Conclusion: Various hematological abnormalities have been demonstrated in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. These all parameters can be used as indicator in assessment of response to therapy.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-166685


Abstracts: Direct-to-consumer advertising (DTCA) is a tool used by pharmaceutical companies to market and promote medicines directly to potential consumers by means of different media but the debate for and against this is ongoing and fairly balanced. Direct to consumer promotion of pharmaceutical product is considered illegal in many parts of the world. United States and New Zealand are the only two countries which have legalized DTCA, but the advent of internet has broken all barriers. Advertisement of prescription medicines through internet and social media has made it difficult for government and regulatory authorities to effectively implement the laws which govern DTCA. In India Despite the existing legislations banning the advertisement of drugs in certain diseased conditions, lucrative advertisements of drugs and medical remedies are freely flowing in the Indian mass media nowadays. These advertisements allure the vulnerable consumers thus increasing the threat of self-medication in the society. A multi prong strategy involving government, pharmaceutical industry, doctors, medical associations and consumers is urgently required to curb the inappropriate use of DTCA. Through this article it is tried to critically appraise the advantages, disadvantages and remedies regarding direct to consumer drugs advertisement in India.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-166651


Abstracts: Background: Fine needle aspiration technique generally applied, involves firm attachment of the aspiration needle to a syringe usually held in a specially designed syringe holder ie franzen’s handle, that enables single handed application of suction. The main aim of suction is to hold the cells against sharp cutting edge of the needle. It is the initial screening test for patients with thyroid lesions. Objective is 1) to find out diagnostic accuracy and role of fine needle aspiration cytology in the diagnosis of thyroid lesions, and to establish cyto-histopathological correlation. 2) to find out sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value, pitfalls and complications of fnac in the diagnosis of thyroid lesions. Methodology & Results: The present study was carried out on 110 patients presenting with thyroid lesions. FNA was conducted in cytology department of mmimsr mullana from July 2011 to Nov. 2013. In all cases, a thorough clinical examination including detailed history, general examination and local examination of thyroid gland was performed and findings recorded. FNA was performed in all cases without anesthesia keeping in view the clinical diagnosis. Equipments: included disposable syringe(10 ml), 2.5 cm long and 23-25 gauge disposable needles, Coplin jars , Cotton, and Clean glass slides. Chemicals and reagents included Spirit, Fixatives (alcohols) and Reagents for hematoxylin and eosin stain (H&E), Giemsa stain,and papanicolaou stain etc. Conclusion: FNAC is a well developed, cost effective and frequently used method carring low morbidity. It is also widely accepted as most accurate procedure to differentiate benign and malignant thyroid nodules and helps preoperatively in selecting patients for surgery. FNAC used together with other diagnostic modalities such as thyroid scanning, ultrasonography, thyroid hormone profile and antibody level measurements enhances diagnostic accuracy of the technique.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-152264


Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare proliferative histiocytic disorder of unknown etiopathogenesis. The clinical presentations range from unifocal or multifocal bony lesions to disseminated form of the disease with multiorgan involvement. The unifocal bony lesion (Solitary eosinophilic granuloma) carries a good prognosis. We report such a case of unifocal bony lesion of LCH involving tibia in a 8 years old female child. The clinical and radiological manifestations were non specific, enlightening the suspicion of osteomyelitis. A curettage excision biopsy was performed which on microscopy revealed sheets of eosinophils in milieu of Langerhans cells, giant cells, lymphocytes and plasma cells. Langerhans cells showed strong immunoreactivity for S-100 and CD1a antigen thus establishing the diagnosis of LCH. LCH of long bones may be a rare entity but it must be kept in mind as a differential diagnosis whenever a child presents with features of osteomyelitis.