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Psicol. Caribe ; 39(1): e206, ene.-abr. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1386971


Abstract. This review provides a qualitative comparative analysis of theoretical and methodological aspects of 27 studies in which the results of the implementation of programs involved in child maltreatment are presented with an attachment perspective. The studies were examined following the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network. It was found that the programs promote the development of maternal sensitivity, mentalization or reflective functioning and empathy, however, the underlying mechanisms are not differentiated according to the type of abuse to intervene. Likewise, it was found that despite the recognition of the mother's violent childhood experiences as one of the main predisposing factors for child abuse, it is a variable that is scarcely considered in the programs examined. These findings indicate the importance of developing intervention programs that consider a cumulative ecological risk perspective.

Hacia promoc. salud ; 25(2): 54-69, julio 01, 2020. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1121879


Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación que tuvo como objetivo analizar el componente de salud mental presente en las mallas curriculares de los programas universitarios de psicología, trabajo social, medicina, enfermería y terapia ocupacional en Colombia, 2015. Se trata de un estudio cualitativo descriptivo, para el cual se hizo uso de fuentes documentales, como las mallas curriculares de los programas y la información descriptiva de los mismos ofrecidas en sus páginas web, y de un grupo de discusión con representantes de las disciplinas en cuestión; participaron 321 programas universitarios que para 2015 se encontraban activos en el Sistema Nacional de Información de la Educación Superior. Se encuentra que la formación en salud mental no es tema de interés explícito en los planes de formación curricular, constituyéndose por lo tanto en un contenido abordado dentro de otros temas más generales, lo que permite concluir que los retos para la formación en salud mental que se infieren de la ley colombiana de salud mental, no son acogidos suficientemente.

This article presents the results of a research that aimed at analyzing the mental health component present in the curriculum of the Psychology, Social Work, Medicine, Nursing and Occupational Therapy university programs in Colombia, in 2015. It is a descriptive qualitative study, for which documentary sources were used such as the curriculum of the programs and the descriptive information offered on their web pages, and a discussion group with representatives of the disciplines in question. A total of 321 university programs that by 2015 were active in the National Information System of Higher Education participated in the study. It was found that training in mental health is not a topic of explicit interest in curricular training plans, thus constituting a content addressed within other more general topics, which allows concluding that the challenges for training in mental health inferred from the Colombian Mental Health Law, are not sufficiently spread.

Este artigo apresenta os resultados duma pesquisa que teve como objetivo analisar o componente de saúde mental presente nas matrizes curriculares dos programas universitários de psicologia, trabalho social, medicina, enfermagem e terapia ocupacional na Colômbia, 2015. Trata-se dum estudo qualitativo descritivo, para o qual se fez uso de fontes documentais, como as matrizes curriculares dos programas e a informação descritiva das mesmas oferecidas em suas páginas web, e dum grupo de discussão com representantes das disciplinas em questão; participaram 321 programas universitários que para 2015 se encontravam ativos no Sistema Nacional de Informação da Educação Superior. Encontra-se que a formação em saúde mental não é tema de interesse explícito nos planos de formação curricular, constituindo-se portanto em um conteúdo abordado dentro de outros temas mais gerais, o que permite concluir que os retos para a formação em saúde mental que se inferem da lei colombiana de saúde mental, não são aceitados suficientemente.

Humanos , Capacitação Profissional , Saúde Mental , Currículo
Hacia promoc. salud ; 25(2): 54-69, julio 01, 2020. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134003


Resumen Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación que tuvo como objetivo analizar el componente de salud mental presente en las mallas curriculares de los programas universitarios de psicología, trabajo social, medicina, enfermería y terapia ocupacional en Colombia, 2015. Se trata de un estudio cualitativo descriptivo, para el cual se hizo uso de fuentes documentales, como las mallas curriculares de los programas y la información descriptiva de los mismos ofrecidas en sus páginas web, y de un grupo de discusión con representantes de las disciplinas en cuestión; participaron 321 programas universitarios que para 2015 se encontraban activos en el Sistema Nacional de Información de la Educación Superior. Se encuentra que la formación en salud mental no es tema de interés explícito en los planes de formación curricular, constituyéndose por lo tanto en un contenido abordado dentro de otros temas más generales, lo que permite concluir que los retos para la formación en salud mental que se infieren de la ley colombiana de salud mental, no son acogidos suficientemente.

Abstract This article presents the results of a research that aimed at analyzing the mental health component present in the curriculum of the Psychology, Social Work, Medicine, Nursing and Occupational Therapy university programs in Colombia, in 2015. It is a descriptive qualitative study, for which documentary sources were used such as the curriculum of the programs and the descriptive information offered on their web pages, and a discussion group with representatives of the disciplines in question. A total of 321 university programs that by 2015 were active in the National Information System of Higher Education participated in the study. It was found that training in mental health is not a topic of explicit interest in curricular training plans, thus constituting a content addressed within other more general topics, which allows concluding that the challenges for training in mental health inferred from the Colombian Mental Health Law, are not sufficiently spread.

Resumo Este artigo apresenta os resultados duma pesquisa que teve como objetivo analisar o componente de saúde mental presente nas matrizes curriculares dos programas universitários de psicologia, trabalho social, medicina, enfermagem e terapia ocupacional na Colômbia, 2015. Trata-se dum estudo qualitativo descritivo, para o qual se fez uso de fontes documentais, como as matrizes curriculares dos programas e a informação descritiva das mesmas oferecidas em suas páginas web, e dum grupo de discussão com representantes das disciplinas em questão; participaram 321 programas universitários que para 2015 se encontravam ativos no Sistema Nacional de Informação da Educação Superior. Encontra-se que a formação em saúde mental não é tema de interesse explícito nos planos de formação curricular, constituindo-se portanto em um conteúdo abordado dentro de outros temas mais gerais, o que permite concluir que os retos para a formação em saúde mental que se inferem da lei colombiana de saúde mental, não são aceitados suficientemente.

Humanos , Currículo , Universidades , Saúde Mental , Capacitação Profissional
Interdisciplinaria ; 36(1): 119-132, jun. 2019. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056523


Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación que tuvo como objetivo diseñar una propuesta de Modelo de Formación Transdisciplinar en Salud Mental para cuatro programas universitarios en la región de Antioquia (Colombia), con el propósito de contribuir al mejoramiento de esta formación en los profesionales de Psicología, Enfermería, Trabajo Social y Medicina. El estudio tuvo un enfoque cualitativo de tipo documental, aplicado y hermenéutico, que propició la participación de formadores, empleadores y profesionales de las nueve subregiones de Antioquia. Como estrategias de recolección de información, se realizó revisión documental y entrevistas semiestructuradas; se hizo análisis categorial a través de Nvivo, y finalmente se realizó un ejercicio de validación por medio de mesas de trabajo con informantes de la investigación. El desarrollo de la investigación permitió que los informantes pudieran dar cuenta de los principales eventos en salud mental de sus contextos, las necesidades de formación del recurso humano que los acompaña y de algunas estrategias para la formación profesional de este talento humano. Igualmente, se identificaron y describieron los principales eventos en salud mental que son reportados en medios oficiales del Departamento de Antioquia. En conclusión, se da lugar a la construcción del documento que presenta la Propuesta de Modelo de Formación Transdisciplinar en Salud Mental para cuatro programas de pregrado en Antioquia, que incluye modalidades de aplicación que bien pueden acogerse por los diferentes programas en su formación curricular y/o complementaria.

This article presents the results of a research that aimed to design a proposal of a Transdisciplinary Training Model for Mental Health (MH) for 4 Undergraduate Programs in the department (state) of Antioquia (Colombia), with the purpose of contributing to the improvement of the training for the professionals of Psychology, Nursing, Social Work and Medicine. The study had a qualitative approach of an applied, hermeneutic and documenting type, whose data collection strategies consisted of documentary review and semi-structured interviews. Under the first strategy the disciplinary objects of Psychology, Nursing, Social Work and Medicine were reviewed, which allowed the description of the objects of each discipline, the identification of points of convergence and therefore of the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary possibilities. Likewise, we proceeded with the reading of some reports provided by government entities, responsible for ensuring the health and mental health of the inhabitants of Antioquia, to recognize the main events in MH reported in the state. After the documentary review, semi-structured interviews were conducted with different actors involved with the MH: trainers, employers and professionals from the nine subregions of Antioquia; therefore, there were three different interview scripts. Once the interviews were conducted, they were subjected to a categorical analysis through Nvivo. Finally, in a public event with the participants of the research a validation exercise of The Training Model Proposal was carried out, there the results obtained at that point were socialized, so that it was debated in small groups and feedbacks were given. These feedbacks were considered for the final formulation of the Transdisciplinary Training Model Proposal. The development of the research allowed the Interviewed people to account for the more significant mental health events in their areas, as well as the training needs of the human resource that go along with these events and, some strategies for the professional training of this human talent. Likewise, the more significant events in mental health that are reported in official media of the Department of Antioquia were identified and described. Based on these results, the conceptualization of MH was considered for the Thematic Component of the Proposal, training in the clinical area, which in turn implies training in psychopathology, psychiatric patient care and intervention strategies; courses oriented to the understanding and intervention of violence, consumption of Psychoactive Substances, family MH and community MH; knowledge in mental health care procedures, primary care in MH and different approaches to care in MH, such as psychosocial, social determinants of MH and differential approaches, especially the life cycle in relation to childhood and adolescence; Emphasis is also placed on the importance of training in public policies, public health and the functioning of the General Social Security and Health System. It takes place the creation of the document that presents the Proposal for a Model of Transdisciplinary Training in Mental Health for 4 Undergraduate Programs in Antioquia; this proposal includes modalities of application that can be accepted by the different programs in their curricular and/or complementary training. The curricular training, whose topics are stated in the results, must be accompanied by the strengthening of competencies associated with the ability to read contextualized MH issues, which contribute to interventions closer to the reality of the population; as well as, to attend to aspects related to the student's being, oriented to an ethical reflection, to the MH of the student and to the strengthening of their vocation.

Interdisciplinaria ; 36(1): 171-185, jun. 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056526


Se presentan los resultados de una investigación que tuvo como objetivo comprender los efectos psicológicos generados tras la ruptura de los lazos con el grupo primario de apoyo debido al fenómeno de prisionalización, con el propósito de contribuir en la formulación de investigaciones que se interesen por la salud mental del interno en prisión desde una perspectiva de familia. La investigación fue cualitativa de tipo estudio de caso; contó con la participación de 5 internos del Complejo Carcelario y Penitenciario de Medellín - Pedregal (COPED), a quienes se les realizaron entrevistas en profundidad, que posteriormente fueron codificadas y categorizadas. El desarrollo de la investigación permitió diferenciar los efectos psicológicos generados por el estado de prisionalización, de los efectos psicológicos producto de la ruptura con el grupo primario de apoyo. Asimismo, permitió identificar las condiciones internas y externas que favorecen o impiden el sostenimiento de un contacto estable con el grupo familiar, mientras se está en estado de prisionalización. De esta manera, se concluye que la adaptación a la cultura carcelaria propicia un restablecimiento de los efectos psicológicos generados por el estado de prisionalización. Sin embargo, no acontece igual respecto a los efectos generados por la ruptura con el grupo primario de apoyo, máxime cuando las condiciones de internamiento dan lugar a que el penado tome la decisión de exacerbar la distancia con su grupo familiar. En ese sentido, los efectos psicológicos derivados de la ruptura con el grupo primario de apoyo tienden a complejizarse en relación con el tiempo de estancia en prisión.

The results of a research whose objective was to understand the psychological effects of breaking bonds with the primary support group because of prisonization are presented with the purpose of contributing in the formulation of researches related to the mental health of inmates in prison from a family perspective. For this purpose, the research aimed to deepen the most significant issues of a group of inmates (male and female) from the Complejo Penitenciario y Carcelario Medellín - Pedregal (COPED) related to family breakdown, being abandoned by the partner, insufficient or inexistent support networks outside the prison and the consequences or psychological reactions caused by them. It is important to mention that the participants in the research were identified by using chain sampling or network sampling. It is also important to note that being a qualitative research, indepth interviews were conducted and later coded and categorized, based on the categories of analysis, namely family background, prisonization and psychological effects. This process favors the transferability of results, based on the in-depth description of the phenomenon in its context (Martínez-Salgado, 2012). In consequence the research process enabled the identification of signs and symptoms that remained in the subjects of research beyond all adaptation processes, and it is because of this characteristic that such symptomatology may not be explained by the theories regarding the psychological effects as a consequence of internment, that is to say, prisonization itself, as they derive from a process of adaptation and assimilation of the culture in prison. In this regard, this research arguments the relevance of the involvement of the family group in the penitentiary processes, seeking to have a positive impact on the functioning of inmates in prison and also on their resocialization and later on their life in freedom. Therefore, it is necessary to acknowledge that the contact with the closest support group becomes an essential resource that, properly included in the support process for the inmate, leverages the development of prosocial competences, whilst reestablishing the self-image and preserving the family image create in persons deprived of liberty a commitment with resocialization, besides being the bridge that keeps them anchored to the outside world. This approach promotes the reformulation of the current understanding of the effects associated to the prisonization as immanent status of imprisonment; this idea is based on the fact that the particular conditions of inmates (Echeverri,2010) and the conditions of the institutional context of prison (Crespo, 2017), may not be assessed or intervened in isolation, while, as evidenced on the research herein, a person that is deprived of liberty experiences a series of physical and psychical impacts that are beyond the normalizing processes of adaptation, becoming problems that when transcending the prison premises, need to be understood as a public policy matter.