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Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-204538


Background: Chronic cough is a common complaint in children which causes distress and affects the quality of life of parents and children. While cough may be seen as a common condition of childhood without serious consequences, ignoring a cough that may be the sole presenting symptom of an underlying illness can lead to delayed diagnosis and progression to a chronic respiratory morbidity. Aims and objectives of the study was to evaluate the specific diagnosis and prognosis of chronic cough in children aged 2 to 12 years.Methods: A prospective study was done in 100 children with chronic cough (history of cough >4 weeks) at Narayana Hospital, Nellore. Routine investigations like complete blood count with differential count, Mantoux test, sputum examination, and X ray chest and other investigations like bronchoscopy, HIV, CT scan chest and paranasal sinuses, barium swallow, endoscopy and biopsy whenever needed. Pearson Chi square test carried out to quantify significance difference, p value <0.05, considered significant.Results: The mean duration of chronic cough was 56.27 days (1-5 months). Most of the children belonged to <6 years age with higher boys' prevalence. Breathlessness and fever noticed in 79% cases; it was found mostly in pneumonia cases as compared to other diagnosis (p=0.001). Sputum production noticed in 4, which found to be bronchiectasis. 1 case noticed with regurgitation, which is gastro oesphageal reflux disease. History of triggers for the symptoms of cough, wheeze and breathlessness is found to have a significant correlation with asthma (p=0.000). Asthma in 14% of cases, of which 12 were mild persistent and 2 were moderate persistent. Tuberculosis was diagnosed in 14% cases, Pneumonia in 12% cases, and Bronchiectasis in 12 cases. Undernourished children noticed in 56%, maximum number in tuberculosis group. Asthma was associated with pneumonia, mucous plug obstruction and collapse lung. Recurrent pneumonia was associated with airway anomaly, gastro esophageal reflux disease.Conclusions: It should be remembered that a prolonged cough can be indicative of a more serious underlying condition, and always warrants thorough investigation.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-204507


Background: It is well recognized that many fetomaternal and neonatal conditions are associated with thrombocytopenia. Study aimed to establish the possible etiology of children presenting with thrombocytopenia.Methods: The study was carried out in 100 children 1 month-12 years, admitted at department of paediatrics, Narayana Medical College and Hospital, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India with fever and thrombocytopenia. A thorough history was obtained and a general and systemic examination done. Routine investigations were done in all cases and specific investigations as and when required.Results: Total 100 cases were studied. Among them, 65% developed only fever, 10% developed fever with bleeding and 25% developed fever with shock. In total admissions 55% of children admitted with warning symptoms including abdominal pain, vomiting, reduced urine output and black colored stools. There is a significant influence of warning symptoms in predicting the outcome of fever with thrombocytopenia. 30% of children admitted with respiratory distress. 30% of children admitted with abdominal distension. 60% children admitted with hepatomegaly. In these children, 20% of them developed fever with shock and 13% of them developed fever with bleeding, 52% children admitted with platelet count less than 1 lakh. In these patients, 19% of them developed fever with shock and 9% of them developed fever with bleeding. 60% had dengue serology positive, 12% had positive Widal test, 8% children had positive urine culture and sensitivity. There was a significant influence of etiology in predicting the morbidity as 15% of children having positive serology for dengue developed fever with shock. 10% of children having positive serology for dengue developed fever with bleeding. Bleeding manifestations were seen most commonly in children with a platelet count less than 50000/?l.Conclusions: The commonest cause of febrile thrombocytopenia in this study was dengue fever in Children. Platelet count was the predictive of bleeding manifestations.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-204504


Background: This study was undertaken to find out the prevalence and clinical features of intractable epilepsy (IE) in a tertiary referral center.Methods: Study was conducted in a tertiary care hospital on 60 children with intractable epilepsy. Cases includes' intractable epilepsy is when seizures continue to occur despite maximally tolerated doses of more than two antiepileptics, occurrence of an average of one seizure per month for 18 months with no more than a 3 month seizure free period during these 18 months. Controls: epileptic children who had good control of seizures for the previous 18 months.Results: The prevalence of intractable seizures was 10% with maximum number of children 25 (41.6%) belonged to the 5-12 years. 15 (50%) children had daily seizures. Myoclonic seizures proved to be an important predictor of intractability. 4 children among the cases had history of family seizures, 6 children in cases had history febrile seizure, whereas, 6 children among the controls had history of family seizures, 8 children in controls had history febrile seizure.' 23.3% of children presented with Status epilepticus in the cases and 16.6% of the children in the controls. Remote symptomatic etiology 12(40%) is the commonest cause of seizure. 13 (43.3%) children in cases and 3 (10%) children among the controls had a history suggestive of birth asphyxia. EEG was abnormal in 17 (56.6%) cases when compared to 11 (36.6%) children in the controls. CT scan was abnormal in 14 (46.6%) cases and 10 (33.3%) controls. MRI was abnormal in 16 (53.3%) children of the cases and 8 (26.6%) children of the controls.Conclusions: The commonest cause of intractable epilepsy was perinatal asphyxia. Perinatal asphyxia can be prevented by good nutrition during pregnancy, regular antenatal check ups with detection of high risk pregnancy, promoting hospital deliveries and prompt resuscitation of newborn when required.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-204458


Background: Enteric fever continues to be endemic in poor countries globally, although it has been eradicated from the developed nations due to their well-organized sanitation and protected water supply. The five Fs most concerned with spread of typhoid disease are fingers, food, fomites, flies, and feces. Enteric fever is predominantly caused by Salmonella typhi and next in frequency is Salmonella paratyphi. Very less literature is available on radiological manifestations of typhoid fever in children on the basis of age difference in India. Hence, a study was conducted to observe the radiological findings and to correlate with laboratory manifestations in typhoid fever. Objectives of the study was to observe the ultrasound abdomen changes in Typhoid fever at rural area.Methods: The current study was conducted at Department of pediatrics of Narayana Medical College Hospital, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh state in a period of one year. All patients presenting with fever having positive for Widal test were included. In total 50 patients were included and divided into 2 age groups, <5 years and >5years. The laboratory results and abdominal ultrasound were conducted in the two groups and compared.Results: Total 20 patients in <5 years age and 30 patients in >5 years were enrolled. Male to female ratio was 2:1 in both groups. Common laboratory findings showed 32 patients (64%) with Anemia, elevated liver enzymes in 40 patients (80%), and elevated ESR in 42 patients (84%). 45 patients have Splenomegaly and hepatomegaly with normal parenchymal echotexture. Gallbladder sludge and biliary sludge was seen in 6 patients. Thickened gall bladder in 34 patients (68%) was observed. Bowel wall thickening seen in 32 patients (64%). mesenteric lymphadenopathy in 36 patients (68%) observed. All were recovered by treatment.Conclusions: On ultrasound, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, and thick-walled gallbladder were observed in most of the childrens with typhoid fever. Therefore, ultrasound can also be used as supportive diagnose along with laboratory parameters due to it is a non-invasive and economical tool of diagnosing typhoid.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-204438


Background: Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) was developed for caring of low birth weight (LBW) babies in developing countries. Study was done with the objective to evaluate the factors affecting initiation of breast feeding and effect of Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) on morbidity problems and developmental outcome in Low Birth Weight (LBW) and Very Low Birth Weight (VLBW) babies.Methods: Prospective follow-up cohort study was carried out at Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Narayana medical college hospital Nellore from January 2018 to December 2019 and details of neonates were recorded on prestuctured proforma. Kangaroo mother care was given to one group. ASQ 3 questionnaire was used to assess the developmental outcome of the infants.Results: In this study, 100 babies were divided into two groups, case group consists of 50 babies where KMC is given and another control group consists 50 babies where KMC is not given. Mean gestational age for case and control group babies were 34.5 and 33.7 weeks respectively. Mean Birth weight in cases (1700 gr) and control (1580) grams respectively. Number of Male babies were more in cases (51%) and Group B (53%). Main factors affecting the initiation of breastfeeding in babies are LSCS (62% and 48%), RDS (50% and 40%), Apnea (24% and 25%) and seizures (20% and 14%) respectively in case and controls. Rates of exclusive breastfeeding is significantly increased in cases (90%) when compared to control (72%). Morbidity in cases is comparatively lesser than controls. At 6 months of corrected gestational age, mean weight in cases (5.2 kg) is significantly more than mean weight in control (4.7 kg). Significant development is noticed in communication (p=0.036), gross motor (0.04), and fine motor (0.05) compare to controls. Percentage of babies who acquired better personal social skills are more in cases (80%).Conclusions: The main factors affecting the initiation of breastfeeding in LBW and VLBW babies are LSCS, RDS, not secreted milk and seizures. KMC helps to achieve smooth and early transition to direct breastfeeding, increases the exclusively breastfeeding rate, better growth and developmental outcome and reduces the morbidities in LBW neonates.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-204218


Background: The aim was to explore etiology, clinical course of neonatal seizure sand their and outcome in Narayana Medical College Hospital, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India.Methods: Retrospective study of 65 neonates from 1?month to 1?year diagnosed with epilepsy between November 2016 to August 2018.Results: Most common type of seizures seen are subtle (40%), followed by multifocalclonic (20%), tonic (21%), focal clonic (9.2%), clonic (7.7%) and myoclonic (1.6%). Most common cause of neonatal seizures was HIE (41.5%), followed by hypoglycemia (13.8%), intracranial bleed (10.8%), septicemia (10.8%), hypocalcemia (7.7%). The morality percentage is high (18.2%) when seizures occurred before 12 hours, when seizures occurred between 24-48 hrs it is 14.3%, and mortality was least when seizures occurred between 2-6 days (12.5%). Seizures are common in stage IIHIE (81.5%) compared to Stage I &Stage III. Seizures with adverse outcome are generalized myoclonic and focal clonic seizures. Focal clonic and focal tonic seizures are most often associated with focal injury. Generalized tonic seizures, motor automatism and some myoclonic seizures are associated with diffuse brain injury. Prolonged seizure activity, seizures lasting for many days, repetitive seizures, and the need for multiple anticonvulsants to control seizure activity are associated with an increased mortality.Conclusions: Authors conclude that prompt recognition, evaluation and treatment of these neonatal events are important in improving the survival of neonates with seizures.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-204157


Background: the study was aimed to determine the predictive value of cord bilirubin and 24th hour serum bilirubin levels in identifying newborn babies at risk of developing significant hyperbilirubinemia.Methods: A total 300 term neonates with a mean birth weight of 2.58'0.23 kg ranging from 1.92 kg-4.1kg were included in this study. Under strict aseptic precautions cord blood sample were collected from all newborns for analysis of serum bilirubin levels, and haemoglobin levels.Results: The incidence of significant hyperbilirubinemia in this study was 14%. Among jaundiced newborns sex ratio M/F:1.6:1(male female ratio 1.1:1). Mean Cord bilirubin levels in babies who subsequently developed hyperbilirubinemia was 2.798'0.5559 mg/dl and in others were 1.511'0.3260 mg/dl and the difference was statistically significant. There was a statistically significant correlation between cord bilirubin and neonatal jaundice. Cord bilirubin ?2 mg/dl had good predictive value in identifying newborns who are likely to develop significant hyperbilirubinemia later.Conclusions: Babies with cord blood bilirubin ?2 mg/dl can be followed up in the hospital for 5 days, the time of peak neonatal hyperbilirubinemia to prevent the babies discharged early and later readmission for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-204133


Background: The transition from a fetus to a newborn is the most complex adaptation that occurs in human experience. This study assessed three physiological parameters viz. temperature (core and peripheral), oxygen saturation and heart rate so as to avoid the delay in normal transitional adaptation.Methods: This cross-sectional observational study was done at Narayana Medical College Hospital, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India. A total of 150 neonates born from June 2017 to February 2018 were monitored for heart rate, oxygen saturation, core and peripheral temperature from birth to 60 minutes.Results: Most of the mother's (45.33%) were aged between 22 to 25 years and the mean age was 23.75'3.64 years. History of consanguineous marriage was noted in 33.33%. The mode of delivery was vaginal in 70.67% of the babies. The mean gestational age was 38.74'1.36 weeks. The birth weight among 62% of the babies was between 2.5 to 3.49 Kgs and mean birth weight was 2.81'0.49 kgs. The meconium stained liquor and requirement of resuscitation was noted in 9.33% and 10.67% respectively.Conclusions: Significant difference was noted with regard to heart rate in babies with active resuscitation, low birth weight (<2.5 kg), meconium stained liquor and warmer care compared to normal babies. There was variation in oxygen saturation in babies who required resuscitation and warmer care, and those who had low birth weight. The mean peripheral and core temperature were different in babies with abdominal care compared to warmer care.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-204131


Background: Non-traumatic coma is the problem of pediatric group, accounts 10-15% in hospital admissions. Assessment of the severity of coma is useful to speculate the survival. The aim was to assess outcome in pediatric non-traumatic coma with role of Glasgow coma scale and modified Glasgow coma scale.Methods: Total of 80 cases of non-traumatic coma between 1 month to 12 years, coma severity was assessed by using Glasgow coma scale. A score of less than 8 and more than 8 were used for analysis of outcome.Results: The maximum number of patents with non-traumatic coma were in the age group of 1 month-5 years, 40 children (50%). On neurological examination 42 (52.5%) children has GCS score of >8, 38 cases (47.5%) has GCS <8, 20 children had meningeal signs, 7 children had cranial nerve deficit (7th nerve), 9 children had decebrate posture. Out of 80 cases, 8 cases expired (10%), 4 cases were discharged against medical advice (4%), 68 cases were improved and discharged (85%), among these, 8 cases were discharged with complication (11.7%). Overall mortality was (10%) (8/80), males outnumbered females in frequency with ratio of 1.28:1. CNS infection accounted for almost about 66%.Conclusions: Children with GCS and MGCS scores of less than 8 have poor prognosis and a very high probability of death. Those with GCS score of more than 8 have good prognosis. Identification of these cases at the outset can help prepare the treating physician to plan critical care referral and to give a preliminary assessment of outcome to the family.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-203920


Neimann-Pick disease (NPD) is an autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disorder caused by inherited deficiency of acid sphingomyelinase enzyme or its transport which leads to deposition of sphingomylin and cholesterol in the lysosomes of reticuloendothelial system. It is characterized by failure to thrive, hepatospleenomeagaly and neurodegenerative changes. There are four subgroups of neimann pick disease, type A, B, C and D. Here authors are reporting a case of 5 months old female child presenting with persistent jaundice since neonatal period, progressive abdominal distention and failure to thrive. On examination patient had significant abdominal distension with moderate hepatosplenomegaly. On laboratory evaluation child diagnosed to have NPD type C. This case emphasizes the need to keep NPD in differential diagnosis of children presenting with persistent neonatal jaundice, hepatosplenomegaly, failure to thrive.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-157306


VACTERL association is a non-random association of birth (congenital) defects that affects multiple median and para-median structures. VACTERL association is a useful acronym to denote vertebral abnormalities (V), anal atresia (A), cardiac defects (C), tracheo-esophageal fistula (TE), renal or radial abnormalities (R), and limb abnormalities (L). Atleast 3 or more defects must be present to make a diagnosis of this condition. Most of these cases occur sporadically, although few cases with chromosomal abnormalities have been reported. Herein, we report a newborn who had most of the defects seen in VACTERL association.