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Rev. iberoam. psicol. (En línea) ; 11(3): 139-152, 2018. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1281340


Virtual environment interaction has been studied from different theoretical-methodological approaches. The purpose of this paper is to describe the characteristics of written texts in a blended learning course, and to analyze six theoretical systems that contrast them with data. The collected data come from all the texts written in Moodle by the teacher in a year-long course. The variables were set up from six approaches (coding systems): (a)- Communities of inquiry; (b)- Teaching assistance dimensions; (c)- Macro and micro-scripting; (d)- Twelve ways of teaching; (e)- Rethinking the class; and (f)- Observation record. Reliability and multivariable analyses were carried out. Results showed different consistency of approaches. The analyzed texts revealed how interaction took place and showed pedagogical issues underlying the didactic proposals. Associations among categories produced three typical groups of texts related with the different variables from theoretical-methodological coding systems used: Cluster 1 gathered general instructions; Cluster 2 illustrated the virtual environment usage as repository; and Cluster 3 represented tutorial interactivity. Future studies should continue to explore these approaches, contrasting them with new data -and vice versa- to get a better understanding of socio-cognitive interaction among students and teachers in blended learning

La interacción del entorno virtual ha sido estudiada desde diferentes enfoques teórico-metodológicos. El propósito de este artículo es describir las características de los textos escritos en un curso de aprendizaje combinado y analizar seis sistemas teóricos que los contrastan con los datos. Los datos recopilados son de todos los textos escritos en Moodle por el profesor en un curso de un año. Las variables se configuraron a partir de seis enfoques (sistemas de codificación): (a) - Comunidades de investigación; (b) - Dimensiones de la asistencia docente; (c) - Macro y micro-scripting; (d) - Doce formas de enseñar; (e) - Repensando la clase; y (f) - Registro de observación. Se realizaron análisis de fiabilidad y multivariables. Los resultados mostraron diferente consistencia de los enfoques. Los textos analizados revelaron cómo tuvo lugar la interacción y mostraron problemas pedagógicos subyacentes a las propuestas didácticas. Las asociaciones entre categorías produjeron tres grupos típicos de textos relacionados con las diferentes variables de los sistemas de codificación teórico-metodológicos utilizados: el grupo 1 reunió instrucciones generales; El cluster 2 ilustra el uso del entorno virtual como repositorio; y Cluster 3 representó la interactividad tutorial. Los estudios futuros deben continuar explorando estos enfoques, contrastándolos con datos nuevos, y viceversa, para obtener una mejor comprensión de la interacción sociocognitiva entre estudiantes y maestros en el aprendizaje combinado

Humanos , Ensino , Compreensão , Aprendizagem , Pesquisa , Estudantes , Cursos , Docentes , Codificação Clínica , Professores Escolares
Estud. psicol. (Campinas) ; 30(2): 169-176, Apr.-June 2013. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-684537


This experimental study approaches characteristics of three university teachers' classes with different levels of experience. According to the literature, experienced teachers more often than not are adaptable to different contexts. However, novice teachers are usually focused on specific class contents to be evaluated. Three teachers were selected, a Professor, and two Assistants (a university level one and an undergraduate). We gave them a source text to teach 10 students each one. After that, students' knowledge was evaluated with a post-test and a self-evaluation. The characteristics of the three classes were evaluated by external judges and the students themselves. Moreover, theme and sequential submission analyses following the source text were made. Results show differences in each of the analyzed aspects according to the literature...

O objetivo deste estudo foi relacionar a experiência dos docentes com a apresentação dos conteúdos e a aprendizagem de estudantes no nível universitário. É de se esperar que professores com mais experiência educacional sejam adaptáveis a novos contextos e que não apenas ensinem conteúdos a serem avaliados posteriormente. Metodologicamente, o projeto teve esquema quase-experimental tipo pré-teste/pós-teste. Foram escolhidos três professores de Ciências Exatas: professor experiente, auxiliar com nível superior e auxiliar estudante. Um texto-fonte lhes foi entregue com os conteúdos que deveriam ser ensinados a dez estudantes. As características do ensino foram analisadas quanto ao ajuste das aulas ao texto-fonte e avaliadas por juízes externos à pesquisa e pelos próprios estudantes. A aprendizagem dos conceitos foi avaliada por um pós-teste e uma autoavaliação dos estudantes, ambos de múltipla escolha. Apresentaram-se diferenças nos aspectos analisados nas aulas estudadas. A análise realizada permite evidenciar diferenças nos papéis, possibilitando fortalecer, assim, aspetos diferentes das aprendizagens dos estudantes em futuras aulas que venham a ministrar...

Humanos , Conhecimento , Aprendizagem , Ensino
Interdisciplinaria ; 29(2): 271-286, dic. 2012.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-694744


El conflicto sociocognitivo (CSC) ha sido tradicionalmente estudiado por medio de diseños experimentales de investigación como promotor del desarrollo en niños pequeños. En la actualidad, existe una línea de investigación que continúa esta orientación llevando el concepto al contexto del aprendizaje formal, dando lugar a diseños más variados. Sin embargo, muy pocas investigaciones hacen del CSC el eje de sus trabajos. El estudio que se informa buscó incentivar en díadas de estudiantes universitarios el CSC en el aprendizaje colaborativo de conceptos. Con el objetivo de evaluar las producciones escritas que los alumnos realizaban durante el aprendizaje y el efecto de aprendizaje logrado, se constituyeron tres grupos: uno experimental, formado por díadas colaborativas que fueron intervenidas por el investigador y dos grupos control (uno constituido por díadas que también trabajaron colaborativamente pero sin intervención y otro, por sujetos que trabajaron solos y que tampoco fueron intervenidos). La muestra estuvo constituida por 120 sujetos, 60 alumnos de ciencias exactas (Física) y 60 alumnos de ciencias sociales (Psicología). Todos ellos eran estudiantes de primer año. Se elaboraron cuestionarios y textos y se trabajó con un diseño de tipo experimental ‘pre-test individual / intervención sobre la colaboración sociocognitiva / pos-test individual’, estando el incentivo del CSC a cargo de un investigador que garantizaba la simetría de la participación, la evaluación mutua y la explicitación de las diferencias cognitivas. Los resultados muestran que el incentivo del CSC es altamente eficaz en relación a las dos variables dependientes estudiadas: el aprendizaje logrado y la producción escrita; un efecto no esperado fue la mayor homogeneidad de los aprendizajes en las díadas intervenidas.

Socio-cognitive conflict (SCC) has been defined as the exchange of different points of view when two or more people are working in a task together. It is cognitive because the points of view are intellectually supported and social because it takes place during an interaction. The concept of SCC was developed in the Geneva School of Educational Social Psychology and has been traditionally studied as an important factor in children development. These original studies were made using an experimental methodology, with samples of children between 6 and 7 years old. The basic learning tasks evaluated were piagetian tasks of conservation, for example, with liquids, length, quantity, etc. Nowadays, there is a new research field which takes this approach to study the SCC concept in formal learning contexts. This gave place to more varied designs. However, not many designs take SCC as their central aspect. The present study focuses on developing the SCC in pairs of university students using a pretest / post test experimental design. The collaborative learning environment is particularly critical for SCC to take place. This scenario is appropriate for the development of SCC because when pairs are working together sharing the same goal, the interaction increases. In this study the intervention focused on three signs of SCC: symmetry, peer evaluation and the cognitive differences between students. Researchers regulated a ‘symmetrical’ participation encouraging both students to participate in a similar amount of times and tasks. ‘Peer evaluation’ takes place when both students express their agreement or disagreement with the other one’s speech. Researchers also asked students to express their disagreements even if they were shown as non-verbal expressions to increase the cognitive differences between them. In other words, the intervention was not focused on teaching concepts (as professors usually do in their classes); the goal was to guarantee the interaction between the students themselves. In order to evaluate the effect of the intervention on learning and on the interaction processes, three groups of students were constituted. One of them was the experimental group which was constituted by pairs who received the intervention of a researcher. The other two groups were control groups: one of them was integrated by pairs of students who worked independently, and the other one, by participants who worked alone. The sample had 120 participants, 60 students of an exact science career and 60 of a social science career. All students were in the first year of university. Post test evaluations show that encouraging SCC is effective in academic learning. In the experimental group there was more symmetry in participation and homogeneity in the learning process. In addition the written productions in this group were more complete, coherent, and logically structured than the control groups’ productions. Educational implications for university level are discussed. These kinds of results are important because they could be used as an instrument for the classroom organization. It is also important as an example to consider ways to develop (especially with the university students), skills like dialogue, mutual understanding, team work, cognitive explanation, peer evaluation, self-evaluation, and respect for peers’ points of view. All these skills can be developed with teachers who are interested in increasing SCC in collaborative learning environments.