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Liberabit ; 29(2): 714, 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538333


Antecedentes: la escala de sentido de capacidad, originalmente validada en universitarios franceses (Drouin & Costalat-Founeau, 2020), mide la representación subjetiva de las personas sobre sus capacidades y percepciones respecto a lo que otros piensan de ellas. El objetivo de este estudio es adaptar la escala para universitarios de Lima, Perú y analizar sus propiedades psicométricas. Método: 516 estudiantes de una universidad privada completaron el cuestionario. Se empleó análisis factorial y correlaciones para precisar evidencias de validez. Se utilizó el alfa de Cronbach y omega de McDonald para evaluar la fiabilidad. Resultados: contrariamente a la estructura original de 2 factores, nuestros resultados sugirieron una solución de factor único que explicó el 52% de la varianza; los ítems tenían cargas elevadas. Se confirmó el modelo mediante un ajuste óptimo (χ2 = 362.84; df = 35; p < .001; CFI = .99; TLI = .98; SRMR = .06; RMSEA = .10). Se encontró una correlación positiva moderada con afecto positivo y florecimiento, así como una correlación negativa moderada con afecto negativo. No hubo diferencias significativas por sexo, nivel o tipo de carrera. Conclusiones: la nueva versión de la escala muestra evidencias de validez y confiabilidad adecuada (α = .88) en estudiantes de una universidad privada de Lima, Perú. Palabras clave: sentido de capacidad, propiedades psicométricas, evidencia de validez, confiabilidad, adaptación.

Background: The sense of capability scale, originally validated in French university students (Drouin & Costalat-Founeau, 2020), measures people's subjective representation of their own capacities and their perceptions of what others think about them. The aim of this study is to adapt the scale for university students in Lima, Peru and to analyze its psychometric properties. Method: 516 students from a private university completed the questionnaire. Factor analysis and correlations were used to determine evidence of validity. Cronbach's alpha and McDonald's omega were used to evaluate reliability. Results: Contrary to the original 2-factor structure, our results suggested a single-factor solution that explained 52% of the variance; the items had high loadings. The model was confirmed by a best fit (χ2 = 362.84; df = 35; p < .001; CFI = .99; TLI = .98; SRMR = .06; RMSEA = .10). A moderate positive correlation was found with positive affect and flourishing, as well as a moderate negative correlation with negative affect. There were no significant differences by sex, level, and career type. Conclusion: The new version of the scale shows evidence of adequate validity and reliability (α = .88) in students of a private university in Lima, Peru. Keywords: sense of capability, psychometric properties, validity evidence, reliability, adaptation.

Liberabit ; 23(1): 82-102, ene.- jun. 2017. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-990146


El propósito de la presente investigación es analizar la asociación entre la salud física y mental percibida y las variables sociodemográficas, académicas y psicológicas en un grupo de 520 estudiantes de una universidad privada de Lima. Para este propósito, se utilizó el cuestionario SF-36, la escala de Autoeficacia General, la escala de Estrés Percibido (PSS) y el Cuestionario de Estimación de Afrontamiento (COPE 60). Los resultados indican que los hombres obtuvieron puntuaciones mayores en las dimensiones de salud física en comparación con las mujeres. Los alumnos que presentaron menores dificultades académicas obtuvieron mayores puntajes en las dimensiones de salud mental. Finalmente, el estrés percibido obtuvo correlaciones más fuertes con las dimensiones de salud física y mental percibida. Se espera que los resultados contribuyan con el desarrollo de los programas enfocados en la prevención y promoción de la salud de los estudiantes universitarios.

This investigation aims to analyze the association between the perceived physical and mental health and the sociodemographic, academic and psychological variables in a group of 520 students from a private university of Lima. For this purpose, the Short Form-36 Health Survey (SF-36), the General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE), the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and the Coping Estimation Inventory (COPE 60) were used. The results show that men obtained higher scores in the dimensions of physical health compared to women. Students who had less academic difficulties obtained higher scores in the dimensions of mental health. Finally, the perceived stress exhibited stronger correlations with the dimensions of perceived physical and mental health. It is expected that these results contribute to the development of programs focused on health prevention and promotion of university students.

Liberabit ; 22(2): 137-152, jul.-dic. 2016. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-990130


El propósito principal del presente estudio fue verificar la estructura factorial de las dos escalas que componen el Inventario Multicultural de la Expresión de la Ira y Hostilidad desde una perspectiva confirmatoria. Se utilizó el Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio en una muestra de 264 participantes provenientes de una universidad privada de Lima, Perú. El muestreo fue no probabilístico e incluyó estudiantes (25%), personal docente (17.8%) y personal administrativo (57.2%). La confiabilidad del instrumento fue evaluada mediante los modelos congenérico, tau-equivalente y paralelo para cada una de las seis subescalas del instrumento, así como también calculada en base al coeficiente alfa de Cronbach con intervalos de confianza.

The main purpose of this study was to verify the factorial structure of the two scales that make up the Multicultural Inventory of Expression of Anger and Hostility from a confirmatory perspective. We performed the Confirmatory Factor Analysis with a non-probability sample of 264 participants from a private university in Lima, Peru. The sampling included university students (25%), faculty members (17.8%) and administrative staff (57.2%). The reliability of the instrument was evaluated using the congeneric, tau-equivalent and parallel models for each of the six subscales of the instrument, as well as calculated based on Cronbach's alpha coefficient with confidence intervals. Results: Factor analysis performed in the present Peruvian sample identified four dimensions for the Anger Expression Scale (Anger-In, Anger-Out, Anger/Control In, and Anger/Control-Out) and two factors for the Hostility Scale (impulsive reaction to anger; and temperament), which substantially verified the factor structure of previous studies conducted in Latin American samples. The congeneric modelindicates an appropriate fit for each of the subscales of anger and hostility. Based on the results of the Confirmatory Factor Analysis performed in the present study, the factorial structure of both scales of the Multicultural Anger Expression and Hostility Inventory is robust and shows substantial empirical evidence of construction validity and internal consistency of the instrument.

Rev. colomb. psicol ; 23(2): 269-284, jul.-dic. 2014. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-742659


El propósito de este estudio fue analizar la relación entre la salud percibida y la adaptación a la vida universitaria de un grupo de jóvenes estudiantes de Lima, Perú. Para ello, se aplicó el Cuestionario de Adaptación Universitaria (QVA -R) y una medida de salud percibida, a una muestra de 281 estudiantes universitarios. Los resultados mostraron una relación positiva entre la salud percibida y las cinco áreas que miden la adaptación universitaria. El área Personal presentó la mayor relación con la salud percibida. Esto evidenció la importancia de la relación que existe entre la habilidad para adaptarse a la vida universitaria y la percepción de salud de los alumnos.

The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between perceived health and adaptation to college in a group of students from Lima, Peru. To that effect, the College Adaptation Questionnaire (QVA -R) and a measurement of perceived health were applied to a sample of 281 college students. Results showed a positive relation between apperceived health and the five areas used to measure college adaptation. The Personal area displayed the greatest connection to perceived health, thus highlighting the relation between the students' ability to adapt to college life and their perception of health.

O propósito deste estudo foi analisar a relação entre a saúde percebida e a adaptação à vida universitária de um grupo de jovens estudantes de Lima, Peru. Para isso, aplicou-se o Questionário de Adaptação Universitária (QVA -R) e uma medida de saúde percebida a uma amostra de 281 estudantes universitários. Os resultados mostraram uma relação positiva entre a saúde percebida e as cinco áreas que medem a adaptação universitária. A área Pessoal apresentou a maior relação com a saúde percebida. Isso evidenciou a importância da relação que existe entre a habilidade para se adaptar à vida universitária e a percepção da saúde dos alunos.