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Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-184025


Maternal hypothyroidism is known to be associated with adverse perinatal outcomes. This study was done to evaluate the normal reference range of TSH in pregnant women. 483 pregnant women on their first visit to Obstetrics OPD in Era's Lucknow Medical College and hospital were tested for TSH and TPO antibody using ELISA method. 25 out of 483 were positive for TPO Antibody. Of the remaining 458 patients, 142 were in first trimester, 222 were in second trimester and 94 were in third trimester. The TSH values ranged from 0.043 mIU/L to 10.1 mIU/L (mean = 2.34 mIU/L). The reference range of TSH values in all the trimesters are, 0.35 to 5.82(1st trimester), 0.28 to 5.82(2nd trimester) and 0.11 to 6.8(3rd trimester). The reference range of TSH values among the normal pregnant women of Lucknow and its surrounding areas were found to be higher than those recommended by the test kit

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-183996


It's a small wonder. Yes, nanotechnology is already touching our lives for better. The recent progress in the field of medicine has been phenomenal. None could have ever imagined that the Nanotechnology would have such a promising and extensive application in medical sciences. Right from developing newer therapeutics and imaging techniques to targeted drug delivery you can name it all. Nanotechnology science is still in its nascent stage with a long way to go. A nanometer is a billionth of a meter. Manipulation of matter on a very small scale is Nanotechnology and its utilization in medicine is Nanomedicine. In fact in recent times no other branch has seen the amalgation of such varied disciplines including physicists, chemists, engineers and biologists. Nanotechnology is still a very nascent science. It needs to grow and as its grows its true virtues and vices would come to fore. At the most now we can say that it has a very promising future. The genesis of nanotechnology can be traced to the promise of revolutionary advances across medicine, communications, genomics and robotics.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-183974


To measure maternal serum beta human chorionic gonadotropin during 13-24 weeks of pregnancy and compare the same between those who develop pregnancy induced hypertension with those who do not. In a prospective study βhCG levels were estimated in 75 antenatal women in the second trimester (12-24 weeks) by ELISA technique. Results were noted in terms of development of preeclampsia, mean serum levels of the marker, mode of delivery and complications. During the course of study, a total of 8 (10.7%) patients developed hypertension. Thus incidence of pregnancy induced hypertension was 10.7%. A significant rise of mean serum βhCG level (32022MIU/ml, mean)was present in those who developed preeclampsia.The marker can prove an important role in early recognition of a pregnancy related complication and provides the obstetrician ample opportunity to guide the management during pregnancy.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-183970


Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death worldwide.Atheroscelerotic cardiovascular disease(ASCVD) is also a leading cause of death and disability. Statins can reduce the risk and prevent heart diseases. One of the best studied medication and in randomized controlled trials have been proven to reduce the no of Heart attacks and stroke even in individuals with normal cholesterol levels. A small no of individuals may develop Diabetes on statins.The benefit from lowering the risk of death, heart attack and stroke are likely to outweigh the development of diabetes in those individuals. The beneficial effects of statins may not only be due to the cholesterol lowering effects but also due to cholesterol independent or pleiotropic effects. These benefits include endothelial protective functions, enhancing stability of atherosclerotic plaques and inhibiting vascular smooth muscle proliferation and platelet aggregation. It remains to be seen to what extent these pleiotropic benefits of statin therapy can be attributed beyond cholesterol lowering.